',v" p -'.! Hl fcuimfttg Herald PRINTS THE NEWS WHILE IT IS NEWS KLAMATH FALLS' OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER -.rMF jT i3T 3aaa-jg3 IMjttittt Ymr No. U.WMI KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON. THURSDAY, MAY 28, 1914 I'rict. Flf Onto Eh Ady May Again Be WATER USERS OF THE COUNTRY FEAR THAT TWENTY YEAR RILL MAY SUFFER FROM POLITICIANS APATHY EVERYWHERE HUT MIDDLE WIMT, WHERE IT IK OPPOSITION Uilrr llwlswl by HcrrrUry Elder, Tu.Ur tram MUt.url 1 .rr-NMH Imtlcalr Ttinl ltriunlill.u of lb. llU.1-.II.M. itrnlir. Ii,.,-l l Wrlmit, MiM IUe ElTnrl l'ii.ti ilir AirUlit,n. (looming hUnilfil nl lli" iriirrl li I (if lwelil).)eir i.-rlaiiullim tilll bolne crowded bstk until niter ad pjuruiuenl, water ur all ner tin Writ re becoming artlvt, t icuro inprwntatlon In Washington m work Id arrure the pasage nf the hill nt IhU Motion of coiigre, II la iitoif than HVely that Absl Ady, president of the Klamath Water Users Asso ciation, who la familiar with the legls Ulluii. the tireds of the water Utnm nit tht stands of the various con rvMiueo. will ho artil Caat to work . for lb passage of lb- Mil. which tstttis o much to the farmer, ThR question of sending Mr. Ady to Washington acalu will be taken r by Hip Klamath Water Hurra Auocla lion at the meilni of the stock biitdrra nett month. In the hope nf gettlnc action on the bill at Oil. iMoutnn, the Irrigation rumwIttM. of the lioute la trying to l through a lal rule by which the bill, whlrh has pAed the aenAte. wilt be brought up at olire In thei iioue. A delegation wan named lu lake the matter up with the preal dtot. Although It ha bel; atated that the reclamatlrm bill will bo up for attention after the trunt bills aro dl-. poned of, them t a general feeling! that there I a tleejier Mltlcal mo-' live behind the daisy. This Is apl parent In the following l.tl.r rented .niKXCM HU.rltA(IETTi: MIKH t by Hecretary Albert B. Klder of the Klamath Water Users Association! from Congrssaman William I'. Hor land of Missouri, a member of the committee on appropriatiens: "Hearings whlrh are now lu prog ress before our emninllUe Indicate, that a reorganliatlon U nceary In tho raclaroatlon service to put It on IU feet and enable It to continue and tomplste Ita work. "I trust that the Weatern senator ami representatives will not resist proper amendments that will help tho setttera, and alto. In tho long run, help the service by showing the coun- Weed Coming En Masse Will Close Hills, andBring Thu Weed brass band, tho Weed baseball team, and a special train of many hundrod people will como to Klamath Falls for tho big Itodso and lelebratlou of July 3, i and C. K. 'll. Hall, acting for the ICIk's Itodeo, and Warren L. Duhl, manager of the batnball team, went to Wood Wednesday and arranged all tho de tails for tht three events, R. A, Cavln, Manager of the Wood baseball team, will havo charge of bringing the special train, nnd ho will confer today with J, R. Light, South ern Pacific officials, regarding tho schedule of the Witd special. Tho time of leaving Weed with tho ipoclal trala will ha tied to accommodate tba great numbar of psopla who will come from points north and. south of Weed on the regular train and con try that Hit. reclamation projects are Mint),) Of llltltlllllril OUplKitl." Polio IlliC Mti some nf I lie ep grants now bring Intrtrhaugrd liy ttatrr uaers uvir (ho big untlon now nt liie Hiiitnlde, Wash "Klamath WtiUr I'seta Assurlntluu Wlt mW, ,,, ,,, tiiioli)ii (o I hrt i'liiituii hill The Uimriiliy U pr.oliic A. a iuli f u,ft iriaiaiiiin. i,'iit mi mi' ir nlon. ovr imilldriiri niiil apathy .v fijwlirti- ntiil niHiJttloii In I Ih Mill He Writ, (he water lrr med it di le gation In Washliigiiui Will you muI n in .in? ( )iui rniiuol. how inurli wilt r Killltlllill" In Mli tun in lir t-tiltl Telerrnph at.- awer nary ijlllcl It l abtollltr') til-ten- lu Uii titiirtiilne nt once l( tin- hill mri -(I i: Itodiuiu. Hi'crn- tary" "CarUhaiJ. X l .MAhl Ady, l'relilnl Klamatli Watrr tjnera AmoclaHen: "Kuteualun bill In daiiRnr. I Icav fur WnnhliiKton lirilht, Aro you o- Ina- to be there? Iteply nl our i '"' Hwrtl KUtr. President." ..v- i Hltiuult "Can place representative In Wash MnRton by' June 10, In your Judfi nifnl would retrentatlTe bring sue cent at IhU time, Wire reply. Al-' brrt K. Elder, Heeretary." "A. B. Klder: "President has promUsd help after trunt bill are dlnpooed of. X, J. Hlnnot." "VIVA LA SUFF' IS BATTLE CRY ItAMPAOK IN MINIKIN. AND THHOWH HOCKS THItOCHH NA. TIONAL HAI.LEKV WINIHIWS United Press Sorvtca LONDON, May SS. Au unknown womnii, who refused to give hor uamo when arretted, threw rocks through three windows lu the .National Oal lery today. When arrnngued In tho police court nho shouted for tho suffragette cause In French, and continually rrled "viva Chrlttabel." BaseUlTeam and Band nect then with tho Elks' Itodeo spe cial. Reduced rates will obtain on the mti In line trains both north and south nnd It Is expected that tho special will leave Weed carrying people from every city and town between (1 rants Pass nnd Hoddlng, (J. E. Evans, manager of tho Weod I.umbor company, lias declared his Intention of shutting down the mills und factories Thursday night, In or der lo glvo all employes an opportun ity to como to Klamath Falls for tho colobratlon, Thu band will furnish music for tho three days' doings, and the ball team will come for a two tloy battle with Klamath Falls team. The ball games will be held In the forenoons of Saturday and Sunday. Clifton Hotel, in Niagara Falls, Where Mediators Are in Session aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa naiai i la in ! i aaiiiaiiaii i i i ' pi i i i ri -wa .1 :' i -.o t r -,J t cBBB.T.riA.rt'viM aun lbbbbbbbbbw BaBaaaaaa.r; iftHi lwS-l.- & ,1 J: '4 ft :'J ,'TB i WW;t:aBB HBBMaBafBlPI55''l aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaHBHlBiSB v flaj j i"Ht4a' ii iii5Laj wnTV.,iii . y wfj, , ""mbmbiIk . . HK0JieaaaB paaa QBS lpjmisj'a h ik!ia2 f KKGE J I A!Saaaaa HjaaBaaaSs2Bill CiWKaaWaaaaaaaaaaaaaaB fl V fSaBaaKBaal BaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaK2BaaaaR)'naaaMrflffavMHMBBaaBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB vSBH aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaVaaaaaaVTJar, HSaa SaHklaVaalaaaalBaaBaaaaaalaF9B4M2siaaaaaaa1 BBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBavBnaHaV'alBaaBalHBaHBaBaHBaBaBaB-MaV jkSaBaaaH aaaaaaaaaaaaaWnMM 'iJriilfiiaMTtaaaaaaaBMHaaaai The rillloM Hotel. MaKm Knll. fniMibi. K Hit. -ene of the ronferriiieH ulierf the inetllalora aie now U)lnK t bring jiImiiiI a ereful Mrliltturnl tif the Mexican altaatkw. iiiannwi i aatj "rJtJ IWTI u apaaawn . .. STORM AND HEAT EACH KILL THREE' .NEW YOIIK'S HOT WAVE 1IKOK EX IIV EI.KCTHICAI, STOlt-M OK HIIEAT VIOLENCE OTIIKK HINTS ItEPOHT HKI.IKK tlultad Press Sertlce Sb.-Tho toil .r. iUe.. , .. - --- wave which has held ibis own at u. mercy was broken thla morning by a severe electrical storm. Three deaths were caused ,rola ll..... ,.... .!. lA ihpn mnrit viim ore iiKiiiuiuK. m ii.v ... w- vlously teportoc as causeu irom me heat. Word received from other towns lu this vicinity report the storm's visit and a falling thermometer. which time the committee having jCora M. Wyland nnd her daughters, I'nlU'd Press Service the excursion In charge will muke Itsilrenu Dodge and Mildred Vose. Tho WASHINGTON' May ZS The report and the auto parties will be women, with Wyland and Wyland's weather forecaster, promise relief mndo up. Eight machines have al- farm hand, were last week arrested for thla section within twenty-four ready been .ecured and four moro are upon complaint of the Browns, and hours It w as cooler this morning needed. ; wore bound over to the grand Jury. than It was at tho sains tlmo yostcr-' The party will leavo Klamath Falls, Tho Browns today walvod prellml ,i.v i,..i ih inrmometer Is rising. Saturday morning at C o'clock, and'nnry examination, and wore bound Experts say that a stagnation of tho air currents la causing tho heat, permitting a northward movement of the hot air wnwa from the south. Strong northwest winds are now driving theso back. HARRY THAW GOESJ-FISHIN' TAKES OFFICERS OF THE LAW' WITH HIM, AND TIPS ATTEND- ANTS LlllERALLV FROM HOTEL Untied Press Service ., k. it ii,,v it ii..rvllOCK system, UIBUporvisoiue orvimwv- CONCORll, N. II.. M J. " , a COIlgtruct0n of the Nether- Thnw left this morning tor Gorham, N, 11., whom ho will spend tho sum mer nt the Mount Madison houso. Shorlff Holman Drew and Ofllcer Stevens accompanied Thaw on his vacatlou, as also did Private Secre tary H, J. Illca, Nino trunks and ten suit cases, as well as plenty of fishing tackle was alto taken along. On leavlug tho hotel hero in which ho bus been held for many months, Thaw tipped the attendanta generously, Sent to Washington, D. C ROADS ARE 600D FOR ELKS' TRIP LISTS OP PAKSENHEIU WILL BEiniED, MADE AT TONIGHTS MEETING , Or THE I-OHOE DIG CROWD IX1 SIQHT f With the roads getting better every ,,H-VarKe"""'L .T L" !i: . . . .. . . . a. - -. . w bh d i m a.i eA . . . , Lnkeview to Rki on gaturda , u,0 ar;,vnl8 rrom Lko couaty brInK , .,,-. i I ROod conmt0n again, nfter the heavy, - . .... .. .1 rnlu or mo, nrst or me weea, auuipon. nsaauit wuu iuieui m uvm, , wUi anotncr wnrm day nearly all of tho mud will have disappeared. All those Intending to go to Lake- view aro usked to bo present at mei regular lodgo meeting tonight, at) return Sunday afternoon MnmZf Mil rALAbt HON OF MAN WHO BU1ILT XETH- ERLAND LOCK SYSTEM, XOW LIVING IN SAN FRANCISCO, TO SUPERVISE WORK (Herald Special Service) AS HE GOES1 SAN FRANCISCO, May 28 Queeu Wllhelmlna has commissioned Leon ard Kok Jr., a Sim Francisco archl- toct, sou of Leonard Kok, engineer '" b"lJr of "olland'a oxtenslvo turo and construction lunds pavilion at tho exposition. Young Kok received his royal com mission this week. Tho Netherlands pavilion has been designed by Kromhout, one of the foremost architects of Holland, Kok camo to this country Ave years ago, and kept his Identity more or less of a secret E, M. Andrews and associates will expend 1100,000 boring test wells for oil In the Coos Bay coal tslds. I SECOND INNINS II I n fllll IP ll ll -.... ..a. m ft (- Al SHKltiLW IIHOWX .Aitr; uuuMJ ut iv THE GltAXD JimV ON ASSAULT I1.1IHIUI For the second time within a fort- .t..i. a .1... IIMA.AHi.Aa sit elm raiti4iiril infill i nr iiiiiizi triiLt-n us iud a cjiuiuui .;;r,:.7.i ei.hhorhood aro iBm.morlal program will be rendered lhe courU. This time Fred, Sher ,na and O. C. Urown aro the defend ants, charged with the follewing: Assault without a dangerous wea-t .. . ,.. , . .. k. strike, bruise and wound, robbery jfrom the person by force and Tlo- lence and destruction of a fence and " vit.Bo -... ""''"' Theke charges are made by Mrs. over to the grand ntshed bonds. Jury. They fur- mm "Lencement fun n a vim, i LI1U 111 n IILLI. CONFERENCE SUCCESS l SAID TO( AND HU-, REST WITH Wlbaua KHT.V CARUAXZ18TAS TO DE-j CIDE TOMORROW Uulted Press Service NIAGARA FALLS, Out., May 28. Tho succoss of tho mediation confer ences practically rests with President Wilson and Huorta. Persons close to tho niedlutors believe that the ne gotiations will be completed and a protocol signed within u weok, so, apparently, the main points at Issue havo been agrood upon. Negotiations havo been conducted on the broad lines of pacifying the country. Tho rebels are expected to accept the Issues denned. By tomorrow, say Washington dis patches, tho Carranta party will de cldo definitely whether to participate lu the mediation, or abide by the re sult, providing that cortalu stipula tion! already made are met. MAYOR ISSUES A PKOCLAMATIONON DECORATION DAY IICSIXKM4 HOUSES AHE ASKED TO CLOSE I 'i-ogram for the Afternoon Exercls in the i'ark la Fully Arrnnged In UK 1'i-oclniimllon Mayor Xlcholaa I'rKi-t the Citlicns to Participate' In the OberTance of the Day as' Jturli a I'twulblf. M t'MOItl A I. I'ltOCiaMATIO.V Sat unlay. May 80, Is Decoration iy. joiit ac:ilr. r ute reminded that one iiton- year ha been spent out of th i!n:i allottetl to encli llrlng being mi thl" em-th lnre last ue met around the grare of our departed friends to cense to Al Crystal's successor. It Is hoiiow tribute to the memory of those understood than Dan Corcoran baa tUio ren In the Silent City. I arranged to take oter the "Secomd Decoration Day reminds us of our c,Mg. lf he la grantad license by folemn duty to the memory of oar tjj0 counclL honored dead and U i. o thU day" . m(ntmmit . .every patriotic America, should feel or maB t0 guMw4 thankful for the nappu.e-,pe-celsaW Qne eouncUaaJl y, .. pna.per.tr u.e uep-rxcu Ur- ' nation nave enaoiea aa aa ABmcw .ucajtv. ,lThe law prorldea taat tie. aluiU I. therefore, as M-yor'of the cite of f mrtrr .-.- . Klamath Fls. call nptm thepeople m .. 1. I.m. !.. - - - iday, May 30. 1914, In aecorda.ee with I progrran amaged, I alao reqaeat ' l,iat M atorea, shops, and other basi nous houses close their daces of basi- i ne8(l uuria the exerdeaw - City officials, coaacilmes awl coaa tllmen-clect are requested, to .. . , . . . .w part In the parade. T. F. NICHOLAS, Mayor. At 2:30 Saturday afternoon the In the park. ll nas oecn arrangea aa follews: Selection v Band Invocation .... Rev. E. C. Rtcharda Quartet Messrs. Mason, "Walton, Wlrtz and Mason "Brave Hearts PnpM-R Qf tn ,Jneo, ., aettV8DUrg AaareM ... , Mp .Edwla Solo Mrs. Don J. Zumwalt 'Ten' der and True." Lessons In American Patriotism" I"' . . . ' ' . J . r. ;. "TTtUcre there in mtw saloon. Rev. J. S. StubbleHeld the Eiffel tower today. Quartet Messrs. Mason, Walton, Tho machine receives messages Wlrtr nnd Mason "Garland Their SBnt by tho Morse code, registering tiraves." them automatically on tape. Memorial Address Hon. Herbert D. The experiment has proved a sue- fiale 'cess so far as tested, which Is up to. ."America' All, led by J. B. Mason! CO 0 kilometers. Such an apparatus. 'losing Prayer and Benediction Rev S. D. Harlan ! Class of Thirty-Four Get Tho eleventh annual commence ment exercises for the Klamath coun ty high school will be bold tomorrow night In the high school auditorium, when a class of thirty-four will bo graduated. The exercises will begin promptly at 8:1G, and the public Is Invited. The program arranged follews: Vocal solo "Summer"... Chamlnade Miss Marjorle McClure Salutatory Selma McReynolds Piano colo (a) "To a Water Lily" . . . .' MacDowell (b) "Buttorfly" . . Orel Miss Neva Faught Address "The Challenge of the Twentieth Century to the Youth of America," Dr. C. J. Busb uell, President of Pacific Uni versity. Vocal Solo "Boat Song' ....... Harriett War Mrs. Bart O. Tiomat i lJLlAnJu-r-l-l-- " MAY NOT GRANT ANOTHER SALOON LICENSE TONIGHT LAW rBOVTDES FOR EACH l,N6 ONE TO Holdlnft That There Are More Saloon Here Than the PoubUUob JuatMra, . Members of the City Cornell State That at Tonight' Special Mcetiac. They Will Eliminate Oae Saloea Privilege Entirety. I'pon the ground that there are moro saloons In Klamath Falls than by Jaw provided for. it Is understood that there will be a movement at to night's council against granting a II ,,aort to fet wUhlm the tow Oft tk eftort to get within the tow t number of snloeaa la Klati Falls. The law prorldea that there ahall m one saloon for every taoaml popm. wUk abmt M9e p-i & " aWt a Uewt to ano nian the number will Do re duced by oae." WIRELESS SAFETY DEVICE IS TRIED MACHINE RECEIVES WIRKLK88 MESSAGES AND RaKsIWKsM THE MORSE CODE OX TAPE FOR RECORDS PARIS, May 38.- The automatic wireless apparatus laveated by the French engineers, Ducretet and Rog ers. Is being experimented upon front 'it Is said, would aid materially to the safety of ships at i Is Next 1 DiplomasToroonrow Night Valedictory ...... Neva McReynolds Violin solo (a) "Love Song .... Herseri (b) "Mcnuet" Bocchermi Anton Pollvka , , Awarding of Diplomas County Judgo W. 8. Worden. The members of the 'graduating class aro Forrest Plel, Bdwla Oax, uatnerine wtiuams, uoaaa ataea, , UnsoiiiAsllA Tsiintiout V mints Una? ,-' I u.eue..w Uw.., ..-.,, .-,, JryftJ Marguerite wuuaus, oy vraat, ? irs. - j Hasel Goeller, Leland Hainan, aWsaVY? . beth Houston, Kenneth nHewtuH,' ,, ;'j Wood, Rhtnehart Meahtatmr,-U'i Neva McReynolds, Nina Neal,;. Wsjstf,-' ' Hales, Blanch Morer, WBUam ItafU Y- :' stein, Eva Hanks, 'LsiUamaOtara, IIu,Iia UfllnilmM .a...v. nw-M'. wwf ". ; Barbara Qoeller, Leon Bstlaf. McReyaolat, Frit Markwafwt. 1 UrVwrd( ninin' ataailiaaf' Harpold, Mae Omna'epr.t Cornack. Rose Jtataka " a stankay. -!'. f ''' 'A o 6 & " T iTI