THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON WHDWKWOAY, MAT , u Here's What You've Been Looking For res, . &" VJA. r AM POCK pHNHHIII vhi . w .mp wv uin in. - t a ,,t ixm-xiw - s i i v. SKr w w &&sr 22 XvVtv " l-J WP PI 'i KW M Vl.,W('WW ,w-.v'i,rkiv i o-- xr u . m iu xui wl .-h sT-m n "" s t.,-i.. BiSMk lMti-1 'fts I I ! Amazing! The Loveliness and Extensiveness of Our Big New Line of Parasols Just Received All the daintiest and prettiest designs shown this season in plain and fancy Silks. All exclusive designs. Come in and make your selection. STILTS DRYGOODS COMPANY 'WHERE THE LADIES SHOP" LOCAL DOCTORS WILLIS 6IVEN A GIVEN CONTRACT! SECOND VEROIC i T General Villa's Cavalrymen in Action HAMILTON' AXD MORROW HAVE CONTRACT FOR CARE OP MEN' OX ALASKAN RAILROAD SELL OCT EQUIPMENT MXXIL FCKXITCHE CONCERN' IS AGAIN' C.IVKX kA JUDGMENT AGAINST KIRK I.VNLRAXCE COMPANY Drt. R. R. Hamilton and E. V. Mor- For the second time a 1-aVe county row hTe Just secured the contract Jury In the circuit court ha nwar.lnl from the government for the care of the WII1U Furniture company a Jud the 8,000 or more men to be employed ment against the Horticultural Fire on the federal railroad construction Holler Association. Thin time, the in Alaska. Upon receipt of word to Jury was out ttfteen minute, that effect from Dr. Morrow Tuesday. tu actlon u tbo rwuH of a Cn Dr. Hamilton disposed of the firms' Whlca destroyed the Lakevlew store fixtures, apparatus, etc, to DnuCathey and Johnson, who are here from Port land, seeking to locate, and who are hick la tnelr profession. Dr. Morrow, who has been In the north for several weeks, will return la a short Utae, to assist Dr. Hamilton la winding up the lira's business. They expect to go Into Seward In July, and wilt at once erect a hospital jwas Just held of tle company. Following It the In surance concern accused Willi Sr. of perjury, and he was tried and ac quitted. The furniture concern then brought suit tor the Insurance, and were awarded the verdict. An appeal was taken to the supreme court, which remanded the case (or retrial, which rlBBSBSBSBSBSBSBSBSBSW?ipltt. niBvSFl wi.HIi!a W .rBa jW Jm lBSr BBSBki (gIHE?.'Uwr1kX ' '-r& i?K'::tlJrl'5 mViiaPfliK&silBBasBiiKasiHw Kf-MKSUMF iS M tBte WWMsBBMSBaSm''BlKlS issssssssssssss sM BiBniiiiiMssssssisssiSBBBBsiiaassssssBwsisnwsssMat GETS MORE GOOD BULLMOOSE 1AIK GIRD LIFE FILM IS KEPT SECRET i mvvriox.u. nut company iMttjuiusir t,Mi;ii.v mi: wrr ui:itt.H nwniwn.i i hum vnt: iiMi. tiu:v m:oi iii;'.vKi!im;m.i.i. iMin.if. m mi lium tnwruu. tits ttiu. r iasi Mitun iutiuc ti. tt Diiiiic or ti4 Late m euulh'f llnii4li'l ( of bud lite film." ald Managing In ivtrtvr ti, A HalUbuiy of U.p i.'dur-f UttB4l Mint cmii-atr. ihl mutittttf, a(ur hl fBtutn IftiM t(k in il.r l,otrf MtroMh tLpUrti i'iMrp On Mf the I'lCtUftr tap oU(r4 l,ti.a li,p haichlne (tut (( thct iu lrin tltliH lb ttiitd Dip lllll fl ticCllto u .f lit hl flirll until tic fully rmrtf frtm II, Jlr Hum WAKIIIMJION, l Mir j; Vb4t 4lfHi 4 Ik. Iwii M tltul lUxw.tiMi ar4 Ur rfv ltrolo plrt tn altttt btl t t imly piri4 Miihu(!) int( ll, priictrMltp ajutlt thai tit ixn lluti of ttt 'riir rU6ul tnli)ao luj ,r wlttojll4)6 cf ll.f patty tl f lli old llco rrft.U4li fcai nui iiuu id) tpifi of ciift' ttllnn. there, ia order to-properly care for the Injured. !- Announcement Is made In London the engagement of Lady Scott. wld- At Florence, Italy, the Federation 0w of Captain Robert E. Scott. Arctic, of Tasean Women has organized anjOXplorer. to Sir Jamea R. Barrle' the aaSOCiaUon Of "PareaU Of Pupils Of.nUrvrirht rnlln Hentt norl.hxt ln This photograph shows General I'ancho V1IU. the conilllutlotulUt Held l-adrr. and his cavalry With nut. ply trains etc. the troops are now on their way to Queretaro. the northern key to ilxlco City. It b eiiied flint fhn fAilitfu! Irnniu -ltl m.b.. ... .... . . . .-i ... ' J .V.. .... ""' "",'w ""' """ ,00 "gainst me rebels there before retreating to Ihe defrme Mexico City luolf against the Invasion by the northerners. ruu.l Hi llil. !. of tho b iifttur.. j, ,n,j ,,,, u.,.,,1, mtti4 Pirturr thnl ha. vrr Wn .mii1 " u, t)fU ,Ho ,.lt,f,,, jtl Th mptnlMfti. Of tho party W4 lurlln$ III abrr. t4 ri(nHlatl( tiamp Wardrn J J. FurUr lll it to ih Nfil.titUtr pror.m Ibo Clear UK pi-.m tnittorr. jc,r.,rum rtr ut I'.sttjW l4k. picture, uf the Hl(n.. corma. 4A,a rtaM.Hr.l ibM nn.tof CU rattU i! otbpf bird ntlnc thefP. ,.,. ... .j.u,ilr. rrt,.n to ii after hlch hy will mum. their b m,Hrto ,Mdf aft4 u ,, ,w y of work on l.oer Klamath lk, that ho r.frtt lu t4 !Uu tat Public Schools." The association will demand useful reforms. Italian parents often Interfere with the schools and uphold their children against the teachers. This has always bees a drawback. a South Pole expedition. Darrle's first wife was Miss Marie Ansel!, the act-' ress, from whom he was divorced In' 1910. 1 Wood block pavements made from sawmill butte is a new Industry pro posed in Lane county. The Pacific Northwest sent out) $3,0C9,635 fruit shipments In 1913.' SAY WITNESS TOLD UNTRUTH ON STAND BARRISTERS VS. GUNMEN EIRE NEWSPAPER MEN ON RED CROSS lor t'oMFtlrr o bettiS lha eelr It jKroMlte III hn irnslc jtulW rr Id ft port to ItiKMetell. for Cuiad. MUs Ver.. Murtltxk aluo maila M. D. Hammlll of Albany Is plan- CARRINGTO.V, WHO TEMTIKIKD nlng a 100-room hotel at Bandon. Construction of the long trusties on the line between Siaslaw and Marsh aeld has becaa. Herald waat ads brtag resalU Co4)uIIIe River coal mines are mak-. log large shipments to San Francisco. I IN' IlrXIiK VS. IIOYT TRIAL NOW COMING HKItK IN' CHARGE OF THE SIIKItlW Springfield Is to have fountains on. the principal streets. Charged with perjury during hU Itwyurs t. Newsmonger HEM IHK IIKE.Y HURLED, AND HIKED TIU'GH OF MINE COMPA. GAME WILL IX ALL PHOIIAIIIL. MIX XHOW LIXH PRINCIPLE ITY HE PLAYED A WEEK FROM THAN' IS EXPECTED OF THE NUXDAY. j jt(WT DKGIUDED To t'nnjoii City. Mr. and Mr O II da Ci4d mul MUa U) Mtnr tht morulne In th Cotad auto Can run City, where the Colsd lll visit frlnd, IU Mer will o on t J: . , ... . t . ......... u. . . . .. r'X nnp I ehr nc ifan.t pla Ts to Portland. Hhn has bten fonnpclcd ,,',,,,, , ,. i.j.., .t , ,. ,, , , . . . . ly in MU Hull) vn llriisratr u lth the local scliwiU for tlto post ., , . . ,., ,. . .. ,.j. Monday afiernixin, InlaUd I,IM Im.lnr.. for Hip day Blippheril I'lano IVrpot dtll4 t three term, but this year declined Hip ponttltm lendrrrd tier by Iip board, itestlraony in the trial of the Bcebe is. Hoyt litigation, Al Carrlngton was RANCHES WE HAVE THEM PROM 2Q ACRES TO 3000 ACRES TERMS TO SUIT THE PRICES ARE RIGHT THE KLAMATH DEVELOPMENT CO. 1303 Main Street ; NEW YORK, May 27. Mr. Pearl Jolly, lied Cro4 nurse, and leader nf This will be the matinee program the fight for orotection of ih oui.i. arrested at Woodland, Calif., and la1" Ma?.OC ,,ark 8undy. Ju" ?. f children of Colorado's stricken being brought hero by Sheriff C. C. Low. Tbo complaining witness Is James Wcrlow, who operates a saw mill on Drjant mountain. Tbo alleged perjury Is said to have occurred In Carrlngton' testimony over some lands close to Bryant mountain and In I'oe Valley, the bear ing being heard boforo Charles F, Stone as referee. :tho talk made today by members of i mining district, and Mr. Mary Thorn uoih proicauons carries any real n. one of the survivors of the Lud weight. Tbo methods used by now. low massacre, appeared today bofore pepcr men In chronicling court oc- the Federal Industrial Halation Com currences have not always been ap-' mission. proved by the attorney, and on the! In her testimony Mr. Jolly cm other hand the scribes have at llmea'phallcully denied that the miner felt that thoy were getting a lltllolworo heavily nrinml. Hh aun i.-n. Xotlre Owing to tnt fact that Katurdsy, , May 30, la Decoration Day, the Hhlrt. , waist Dancing Club will not give the! second of llielr serlr of dance. ai was al first contemplated, on that, nlslit. Instead, the club will give llielr danm Hatunlay nlghl, June . 3C-31 Todar's nt la T&s lUraM. Theater Guide H. BANTA BOUND TO GRAND JURY WIFE TESTIFIES, ACCUSING HUH- BAND OF KEVOLTIN-G PRAC TICE II A. TA WA1VEH PRELIM. IN'ARY HEARING Harry Hantn, the l'lno Fiat ranch er held on a sodomy charge, preferred by bin wife, was today bound over to the grand Jury. His bond was placed at II, COO. Mrs. Ilantu, a llttlo woman with four children, all under 6 years, testi fied as to tho unnatural crime of her husband. She stated that tho oldest child awoke when he heard ber cries, and thinking Its mother was being killed, it cried until Banta struck It. Banta waived tho hearing. With her four little children, Mrs. Banta is practically destitute. m uri ui u irorn tno lawyers so with these old grudges to bo settled, thorn ought to be pep gnlore Injected into tho game. For tho past two years the attor neys or nomu of them, anyhow have given out the Impression that their mail Is flooded eternally with letters from Messrs. McGllllcuddy, McOraw, Callahan, Evors, Chance, ct at, urging them to accept five fig ure checks for a few months' play on tho big circuit. Whllo this may havo scared out the medical men, It ha failed utterly to put tho fear of the law Into tho hearts of tho Journal- irtlc contingent, and thoy havo asked J a game, . There are some men In both pro fessions who havo played fast ball In tho past, and tho general Impression Is that tho score will be much less than thoso run up Jn billiard tourna ment. In case there is a regular game Sunday, tho Inter-professlon combat may bn staged as a preliminary. fled that she wa frequently fired upon by tho hired gunmen of the mining companies whllo wearing the Red Crods uniform, and was once woundod. LADIES TO GIVE HAWAIIAN TEA KANAKA ATMOSPHERE WILL PREDOMINATE AT THE EVENT TO HE GIVEN TOMORROW AFTERNOON lalmy N'otlrr Htntp of Oregon, County of Klamath, m' W. l. Montgomery, v. Unknown Owner of Cmray: vl.: One Kf7 gelding n Iki in 14 year old, branded I on left Miouldor. That Ktild W, L. Montgomery did on .April 21, I3H, tnkp up anil at all tlnii' since then kept In hi posses. slnn the nhnvo described eatray, and tlint ho has used all reasonable nf. fort to nuc.tfiulii mul find the owner of the Name, iitnt luken nil legal tcp required by tin, laws of tho Into of Oregon In ruferenco lo oalri). Now, thtiroforo, lo said unknown owner, mul lo tiny and all person who may be Interested therein, you are notified Hint at tho Midway stables on Mnln street, III Klnnuttli Falls, In said county mid stntn, on the sotli day of Juno, PJH, nt tho hour of 10 o'clock ;n. in. ui saiu nay, wnen the said Mtray win bo (.xpnsod anil offered for sale, UK by law dlroctltd. And th nrn. "Aloha Oo," "Nlnlmpo," and oth . n.......i.- ,.. .. .. i w. .,.u Hieiouios, Hawaiian cos- reed of said sale will bo applied for the payment nf nil damage, costs and expense legally Incurred, and tho ex THEATER 3 I HOUSTON'S OPERA HOUSE DARK STAR DANCING VKHXXO.NS "Tim llallvlioo's Story." Vltagraph Drama Tim EtnlTMlrliirnt of lllilirs." Edison Coinoitr "Tim Scarf Pin," l.ubln Drama "Tim Drram of Dan MrtJuIrr," Hellg Conieily Admission U.V By a vote of 104 to 00, the British house of lord rojocted the woman's suffrage bill. The forestry department will con struct a bridge across the Breltenbush I between Detroit and NUgsrs. mines, Hawaiian refreshment and imperii on Hawaii by returned trav eler will bo a few of tho features of tho "Hawaiian Tea" to bo given to morrow night by tho Lndlcs Aid Ho- loloty of tho l'rt'byterlan church. This will be at tho homo of Mrs. Robert IJ. Wottonburg. Mrs. E. II, Iteumes and Mrs. Louis Oerbor have prepared Interesting pa pers regarding tho habits, history, etc., of tbo Hawaiian peopls. Miss Gall Ross will alio give a reading. ce, If any, will bo retained by B. W. Oowen, JiiHtlro of the Peace, or hi ncroor in ofllco for tho norlod of six month. And If said sum of money so held shall not bo called for In said (lino, tho satno will bo deposited as by statute In said cases made and pro vided. Dated May 20, 1914, W. h. MONTOOMBRY. 1I-I-10 b TEMPLE THEATE1 ".N'mrrr Agala." Vltegrnph Two-Heol ComwT "When m Woman Guides," lllograpb Drama "Uniler Decoration's Spur," KalemDrama MATINKH DAILY AT il j ALL UOMNMO WOTDl