WSJ Mj 3u romg Mtmlh PRINTS THE NEWS WHILE IT IS NEWS KLAMATH FALL!' OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER KJictitt Year No. il.OTI) ""CrRSKBM-. . KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, MAY 27, 1914 Price. Ft? e Onto Klamath Falls May Get Woolen Mill HUERTA GETTING READY TO LEAVE MEXICO CAPITAL AHK II' UK WILL m.T THUOt'dll U. H, 14 StM i Party Chairmen Make Predictions for Campaign ii2iSMSSXSEXX!mmmxcszzsa I'litutttlruiril Humor Stale Ttiat llt Dictator U Alrril riylug From ll Country-ItUpaltli Frum Purr I Htalrw Ttial Herman Steamer It CiiliMullxg Munition f War Ttinv' fur lite Frttrral I iiiir.l Pm Hrn vi:iu em', wy :;. u u r. rorlrd that Mvilro l'U- authorities. ) kcd General Futltol If llllrf. U III be elroroed lthlu I he Amr Iran Hum. Pension would not comment upon , thti rbn kcil, There at unconfirmed rumor afloat that lluorta U on Mi way to' l'urt Mctlfo io take refuge ou m Oertnan It l. Clltiena from Ilia cap-J Hl eipcct htm io flee sooner or Ulr. I United Pre Berm I WASHINGTON. 1). C. My ST. American consuUr officer report from Puerto that th German lsr Yplranga baa landed ammunition lb re for lb Huarta force. United Pre Service NIAUAHA FALLS. My 17. Th nrt slepa were ao favorable that It1 U believed that another full confer-' ence, probably tomorrow, will pa' tliR way for an early settlement o( , the Meilran trouble, J It la practically certain, though, lhat unle Carrania approve the Hit from which lluert' aucceeeor N to be selected, the conference will U failure. Carrania will the Hit, a he own candidacy mmmmmmM& m r-r-Ta-.t " a tt z : zzzt? ? mKmw VZfc" f- xf v .Stir v-l &.$ bIHH bIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIbIIIIHbIbIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIISV Bfetf ' 'Twiv -!fe ii! '.' - if irtyffti'j tK -SeKesZV i , tIjljiiiV itS s '"VPBHH i Eal aW KJl Jav aaP93E JhuUbLbb bI b? MLf- (K . tIBi .."" f' 9Haw (' ' aK ?i g KH eflai ItAs. aVeVasBBT aVC aBaBf I ww iS, -; H V-49HBV V aav4aBw'ftf'tXC aV PaPaW ! Pi f" T HvsH B ''' Wk "H1-' Ba:'aJL ' ' MBj K i r f - fF wVIbB r j MaH ' ialWMBaBaWGeWWEqfek fF ' Ijrv I lf J"i "'''. -jtr HkL' t-' $ & W Alb HaiBBBBBBB Bfc i SeAt H it .aBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBLSiHfrB BWBBftT S f ' IL-BBbV'"' '''L Tfl eBBaBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBmBBjaBBL e ajV dBBeBHe H eaaBlBBBlBF af MAY HEAT RECORD HEAD OF BANDON B80KEH III EAST; piint 10 REACH SEVERAL DEATHS1 HRE Tl 1H0RR0W l-IVB PATALITIES REPOnTED I.V. OHIO Crovulrcl DKlHctn In the lilg CIUe rp Scene of Jtlcry Ice Coiapn nicw Are Snnittl With Ortlers. Weallirr Forerflntcis Are Unable to Prtiml the People Any linmctll ate llelfef Prom the Heat. CHAMBER OF COMMERCE Dl- RECTORS MEET . KUmath OncaniaaUo Ha Bee Ne- t KotUtina With the Cooe Bay Maaa factnrer for Some Time, ami It W Poaaible That the Plant May Ue. Stored to Klamnth Falla Ilefure tOBR. ii teil Pie Service t LI.VKLAXU, Ohio, May !7. Five There Is still la poaslbiUty that a FRANK P. WOOIW WILLIAM II. HlNKIIAt'CII. F1UNK E. DORiaiUS lteiY-rlitntlu Imui llllool". Chair iiiuii of the Proifretwlvo Congrt utomil .'aiiial:n Committee KeprescntatU'o frvrni Michigan, Chair imui of tho democratic Oongre slonnl CnmiialKn Committee. Itrprraenlathn from Iowa. Chalruiau uf tho Republican ConKmnloiial t,'aoiialKii t.'ommlttee. ilriictlvo uuU encouriiKluK. oth It Izatlona clearly indicate turn our uui-Uie parcel post, anu numerous omer forelKli anil domeallc pollcle Have edition m cougross win ue uiuru uuu isuiuucuiu uituauics iimu munwu i. ...... '..-in,i., ..,..i in.Ainnripnn! .itnnblud In tho next conKreBS. Hun-ltho coniltlcnce of the people In the If tho tepubllcnii ntui proKrelve il rhalrtneti of conKreulonal campulKU committee are to bo believed, the cnrca fo. tjj tcrwU ot ov. jclrvdit of progrelvee will bo elected democratic part'. and have formed a win ioio cuiiirui ui tuc ,,ryj,ody except tho American ciliren. to icgiaiauvu unu tuumj uui..-a niu u muauumio iubuuu uu- democrat house of election. not be Included In Jxhey do not believe the public will will uliow their dUproval thin fall by Bnnlratlon will I. willing to It hUlul,hoM ,,rc,ldent WlUon-not tho.tlng republlcana to conRre.. In bottom upward await the general' ' . ., i.m,,i-!many dlntrleta now reproaented by publican part) li await ln '""', l,ltlon patted by the democratic (l)imrnU of tho lower hei: Itetuma to Kugewe Hubert II. Kuyknudall. who haa deen reading law In the office of Kuy. Kendall Ferguaon for the paat year, left Ihl morning for hU home In Hugrne. After apendlng the aummer In the forestry aervlce. Kuykendall will attend the Columbia Unlveratty law echool. Kuykendall, who la a brother of 1). V. Kuykendall, made many friend while In Klamath Fall. Hevenly thound rlfiea were re cently landed at Uirne, Hangor and Donagahadee for the Ulater union Ixta, They were unloaded from the oteamihlp Fannie, having been ship ped from Hamburg. r.iirMuntatlvet tills fall, i f.. Ur Hint the American People throughout the uauou, anu our or- paraneieu in mo msiory oi me coun will men uuiiu trom uiu irj. vt uai win u jiiuul me iiuuiue io Since 1910 tho re-) return the republican party to power? has lost 125 members what constructive program has it to .. a a. ... I In I a m rtt i n a Ifnm InliAli 9 tliA twAttt .Unural, " . 01 1110 lower UOIlue Ol mul. uuwi iivi iuuu ui mt lire. majority In congrea ulnce March .' Wllllam 11. lllnebaugh. representn- conceded by all who know tho facta jwork of this administration will It m3 tVo from niliioU. chairman of tho lhat tho republicans nro bouud to lose undo? Tho American people have Thl Is what Frank P. Woods, rep-' progressive congressional campaign live senators In the coming election J confidence In Woodrow Wilson. They thi la wimi rr .committee, said this of the situatien: from tho states of Pennsylvania, Ohlo.iieJo.ce in hU patriotism and unselfish reent.llvo from Iowa, chairman ofmm'tt ''J"" u purMlnI ,.. Knn8 aa California. A devotion to duty. They will In the tho republican congressional cam- ,lrnKltforwnrd course, perfecting political revolution la on, and revolu- jcomlng election return a democratic to say about the' H ,0M, ua gtnto orRnnlxatlons In tlons nover go backward." congress to support him in his con- Ituatlen: ... nnrti.orn statu and In many of Frank 13. Doremus, representative structive policies of progress and re- .... . . . - ...... n1.ntiii.nn nf Ihr. llAin ......i.. ..r .1 tun. Hi., iiiitlinm stales. 11 lias ucciuue n uum .iv.ur...... v... .... w. - death were reported froin Canton as 'woolen mill, with it payroll, may be due directly to the hot wave sweeping one of the enterprise ' operatlng"""tn over the state, and from other polnu Klamath Fall. " tcme leports of numerous prostra-, a telesram has Just been eeeiveo tions. Light showers this morning from n E l, Bedlllion, manager of arought temporary relief, but at noon ,he jjandon woolen mUla, tatln the theimometer wa again climbing tnat nc j9 on nig wa- tna toward, tho top.wkii no relief vUlble. matter up. with the KUmath Cham-J Ke companies are swamped with or- ber of Commerce. He 1 expected to ' . morrow night, although It may be a day or so .more beforevhe reichca lilted Press Service here. t WASIUNHTOX. D. C, May 27. The directors and the manufacture TLo entire East Is suffering from th committes of the Klamath Chamber', effects of a hot wave, wlth4the ther-iof commerce are holding a meeting mometer endeavoring to break rec-ltj,i3 afternoon to consider the mat ords at Xew York. Philadelphia, Balti-I eTw M tnlg they wm decide wheth i more . Washington and Charleston. pr or n0 a ait la to be offered, etc. Earlier in the "year the Chamber of, Commerce began work' to secure a' woolen mill here, as one of the' boosts to the local payroll. There haa been extensive correspondence with the Coos Bay concern, culmi nating in this visit. According to Klamath Falls men who have seen the Bandon plant, ,l- has new, up-to-date machinery, and: it rurnisnes employment xor bctuij. 100. It Is possible that after It to moved here a shirt factory might be started, giving additional employ ment to the young women of the city; 'The center of humidity is at this point jwlth unusual heavy fogs at points ! along the Atlantic coast. . Qnlted Press Service NEW YORK. May 27. At 10 a.m. the thermometer waa at 85, and going up. The East Side is the scene ot much suffering. Yesterday was the hottest day in May since 1882, while It is predicted that today will be sUll hotter. form. They will not elect a reDub- t tiullnvn thu nuotilu are uisap- me soimierii iimea. i n . ..... I ueueve i iioui ", .. .. ... , ,, ..,..caini ,..,..,,. l.-n rnm. llenn roncresa that for two Tears pointed with the democratic admlnls- "J"' Vclimpnign Zi. tolh-T. ri IM onlr embarass, harass and an- tratlon, both leglslallvo aud execu- 'wn, n't aMf clclxT tUo Uock8 for ncl0n "Tho revision ot tho tariff, tho now tagonlio him In tho great work of re live. It ha afforded none of the ben- ,n tlH KreaU.r battle of 191C Re- banking and currency law. th Income'storlng this government to the nt promised, and has certainly ports from' our various state organ-1 tax. tho dovelopmout nud extension ot (people." wrought much of tho damage feureu. It has Injured agriculture everywhoro and stagnated all productive and ln-j dustrlal Activity. It has been destruc-i live and discouraging, and not con-, Stay in the Old Home w Chamber of Commerce Quarters Is Unchanged INJURED MAN HAS WILL TRY TO PASS FREIGHT SCHEDULE A mNR jeurney: by special rule: is suspended United Press Service PHILADELPHIA. May 27. At 11 o'clock tho thermometer registered 91. Forecaster Bliss predicts 45 for this afternoon. (Setting Better. The many friend ot Ml rammy Virgil will be pleased to leant that Official denial has been made by the (the young lady Is gradually improv- Gerraau emperor that Germany in-ilng. and her recovery Is now hopefully tends to expel all French from Alsace-' looKeo torwaro. to. Lorraine. Permits of certain unde sirable persons will not be renewed when they expire. It Is Intimated that It tho Paris press continues Its anti-German attitude there will he more expulsions from the conquered province. t After May1 30 person under 40 years ot age will be shot If found smoking opium at Cnengtu, province ot Sxe Chuen, China. Thoee are than 40 years old will be sentenced to i M g J penal servitude. I i TllltniVX AND HURT. a. II. HKCK.'lHIKXD.SOFIURlGATIO.MSTSARE 1.KY DRIVES CAR SIXTY MILKS TRYING XKW TACTICS TO GET, iiKARII MEDIOAL ASSIST-i THE HILL FOR EXTENSION OF ANCK HERE PAYMENTS THROUGH HOUSE RATES ON AGRICULTURAL IM PLEMENTS FROM COLIFORNIA POIN'1-S TO IH)1NTS IN NORTH WEST ARE HELD UP I The KUmath Chamber of Coin merce headquarter will not be moved from tho Looral building on Fourth street, between Main aud Pine. Thl wa deolded by the director at their meeting Tuesday. It wa argued that whllo a Main street location might be batter for displaying product, etc., the greater part of the organisation' work wa by correspondence, and that the Ivooml building location waa larger ana roomier, an at a lower rental Hulterlug from n fractured rib aud a badly bruised hip, J. II. Hockley, ac- , .comnanled by his wife, drove tho sixty than tho McUouald building, prupoaeu f hg Klamntu Mnn rnncu as tho now location. miles to Klamath Falls Tuesday, to socuro Ho Is resting easlor to- Washington, d. c, May 27.- The house Irrigation committee has WASHINGTON, D. C, May 27. The Interstate commerce commission Says Cut Grass Long 1 Expert Also States Tlul Raking Js Very uqavMtts taldU 10 W 1 Wll ,ul.!lU!M"lMM'a5UI,U18.P- containing nn Increase of rotes ap- At this raeoung mo v.iiiiinui ..n,ii.i ..ih. Commerce directors also nccopieu , iuii.Hn,i fmm thn Grand Army to, ........- ...... ...... ai...i i.A nnaii HIIllHtiuu ..- - . . ( llOCKIPy, WIIU ll'UHi inn mini . .... . . i .1... u.mnii Tnv nxor- . . .. . ' participate in " ,..m... ' - .f0W tinytt ago trom raruuuu, was u elie. The dlroctor will tako part ow,uacki chasing stoor, when the the procesilon. ,clnch on the saddlo broke, throwing During tho aurumor month tho dl- h(m tQ Um groun(li rector of tho Chambor of Commerce j ... . ..- .Ilsnaa TllllldaV OVOU-. 7". T..rt of .very Tuesday, a. A 52,000 armory Is being planned i -- heretofore. for Eugene. bo brought lu to pass a bill objected to on unanimous consent, extending tho tlmo for payment ot Irrigation projects from ton to twonty years. The bill has passed tho souate. A committee couslstlng ot Taylor ot Col orado,; Haker, Haydon, Stout and Johnson ot Utah, wa named to see tho president aud secretary of the lu torlor, tho speaker and chairman of the rules committee, Representative Henry, and try to get the rule. pllcablo to tho transportation ot agri cultural Implements trom San Fran cisco, Stockton, and other California points to points In Oregon, washing ton and Idaho, A movement has been started In Lincoln couuty to establish a mini mum wage ot $60 per month for teacher. (Herald Special Service) WASHINGTON, D. C, May 27. Grass should he cut "long," so that tho roots will bo protected after tho cutting. This means, says the de partment ot agriculture's landscape gardener, that tho lawn mower should be set just as high as It will go. Lawns should be cut frequently, aud In ordinary cases, where the cut tings are normal, they should be left where they fall, notwithstanding the contrary opinion of the energetic per son who follows up his cuttings with an Iron rake. Lawns should never be raked with an Iron rake, except to prepare them for the sowing of grass eed, for uch raklns- harrow up tho soil. Neither should they be swept. If the diligent caretaker ot a lawn must follow up the cutting by tome i other operation, only a wooden rake should be used. Even this should be employed carefully, to a not to dlay turb such ot the grass clipping s, a havo sifted down around the root:, These grass clippings 'that settle around the root afford them aTpry Important protection, and twill ,; much to keep the lawn In ia condi tion when there is lack' of rain later In the season, for tney, win not uf molsturo and act a a 'shield 'Jfwni; the sun. ', .- 1,' In fact, the gras, cutting , erally needed about the ro4v,niMJ should not detract front the leelM f tho lawn, for they soon hrtet; n up, and work their way!.,,', that they are nelanger.'Aettegl, A GrasM are naturally, ami tiwini nlanti. ni'in Mahle t .U by the het nn aheirt t) rMia." c J. '! v 1 1. - : . .