4 . Worn-? fEuenfra IteraUi PRINTS THE NKWS WHILE IT IS NEWS KLAMATH FALLS' OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER Eighth Yar No. a,7M KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, TUESDAY, MAY 26, 1914 Number 19 MEDIATORS NOW MANY ELKS WILL ROOSEVELT TO DE COMMITTEES ARE 'WISCONSIN FIRM GUEST OF WILSON NOT ORGANIZING: SENDS MONEY TO Colonel and Mrs. Roosevelt on Deck of Steamship Aidan REALLY TALKING Ul I AulNunllUN io iioi'h ii.vitiw:mi: n iii:i.i toim Millie llir I'uluU Saw I'liilrt III.. ii. lot) At Being Wllllllrlil, I tin Mrill. her ( the 'in(rrrim- Jr (lui HI I nn-m TttAl .til Are IIIrIiI) I'lcunt Willi III" 1'n.Klr. Ttial Ma Alr'ly Bern Mil United t'l rtarvlc NIAGARA FAM.8, Out May lit!, th Aiiierhaii dletr tuufvrrml Itli ll mediation rutumUaluii for tn hour tliU aflerumiu following tbU, AtxUle Juallre l.amar made the following statement ' It U agreed lhai I ran y that e p begun to illncuM th actual dp- 111 of the itau for pacification On nutnlf r of them e noil ourselves In substantial accord, and on other lliffo U dlacuMttm "H U Improper hi dlriu the point Wndrr dlsCOMlou." This U tli" first direct word a. ' of tli" progrws of the rontciritc. It. mr ! Ihman re anilllni and obloulr iilvaMit a Hk") left ih ctmfror, WAR VETS SEND FOR A CHARTER Ht-T'r'N MMIIEBM Hlli.S Al'l'l.l-, CATKIN', AMI AT I.IIAhr THAT MANV MtlBi: WII.I. ' IV tiii:1 OBUANIKATIO.V I.ATi:it " With a list of flttrn applicant for Htubhleflrld omclatinje. membership, a rcuUel fur n charier! The Iioiiimj a prettily dorated fur William McKKInlcy Camp. Untied jltli IIIIps of thu altey. Only a few HtmnUh War Vrlvrans, was al at Intlmalu frlrtids of the couple were nlaht'a mtlnK drafted and pvim to tk haiiuuriiri of the oraatiUatlon. Whon tho charter returns It la ctd that at least nneen muri vr ran will be mustered Into the ur ftanliathm a charter member. The application of the fifteen was ent la order lo haten the work nl forming the ramp. The Omt public ptearaiice of Ihe camp will be In the Memorial Day ex ercise Uaturday. The membership at present I coin mm mi nf nha. J. Ki.rsunon. Arthur R. Wilson, Frank K. Ankeny, licy ll.lmt bus been associated with Under-, fillvoy, Clarence II. Ueclor, Thumuajwood'a pharmacy In this place fort lake, J. (I, Camp, tl, T Mciuiuaiu, I'rank Frankford, Albert K. Elder, J. II. Carnahan, K, (I, Argrave. John Simmons, Tlmma l.ve, II. W. Clmd - wick. . ity Frauch law no doctor may la horlt properly left lo hi in by de - ceased patient. Bend Company Delays Wires for Additional Data Regarding the Issues I the firm of It. M. Grant & Co. sparring for more time to effect u sale (or the 150,000 city hall bond be fore accepting the Issue from (lit city? ThU Is u question which ha been lalsod, following tho receipt of a let dram from the bonding house Mon day, requesting additional data. The wire advised tho city Hint the bond liouti attorney, after examining the forms, transcripts, etc., submitted (hat lie found a couple of nniUaloui, tnd requested that the corrected oplts. b forwarded, Upon the receipt of these, aud llio approval of the bond by the attorney, ' LEAVE SATURDAY MM u ""' WIW Mw " iiciviiw io imv a ihaii:!!. n.i. vwir to ,Mi.i:its' ri.i ii V;, TM,.(. 'I lie UlUllullIco III ilmrRtl (if thi (.akotiow iiuumldii for Elk on Hnl unlit) report that eight car, with tliltty.the pasm-mcnr. ate muril fur llii- i, with u iiti'tl fur linlf n iliiini morn car. Tli I'lk m t Klamath I'alU bir 0 and 7 ii'cliHk Hmunlii) UtunilliK. mi H n tu arrhr In l.jik.Wi,' In lliuv fur a meeting In I In- after noon. Moot tif tin. rnr ulll return Holiday Afternoon 1'nllowltte nif the owners of the mm who w nuV,.. (lit. trip. 1) II Campbell, m tilt four panic iura, l,ea ll llogu. with fHe. Austin White, mHi fuur, Harry Hlllta, with four Clia I Martin, lib fho, Krcit lloun- tun with (our. W W llalilwtn. with '". (lrori;p Chnalnln. with fuur III addition tlm following will prob- ably go, Harry Anr.lln, I" II Henry, Herl ; Wlthrow, W T. 8hUc, l)r V M While, (' I Huberts utid K T Hilintni-ra J A Gordon of thn While IVIlrari Curate will follow the prorc- ''' 'Hi a couple of mechanics no a lo Ih on hand In can of arcldpula - --- McGEE-JEEFERS WEDDING TODAY ...,.,. ii.. IMK'AI, (XIUI'I.K ABB -" Tlllrt AI-TKBNOO.V I.V I'BMK.VCK OK O.VI.Y A h'BIKNIlM TIIK i: i: Maare and Mrs. Noll Jeffera er married this afternoon al tho irnldviirv of thu bride, Rev. J. 8, prmnil, and follow InK llio ceremony a ilnlnly luncliiHiit was served, Thnso 8, Htubbletlold, es-lireMM ere Rev J Mrs. H W Dow ling. Mr. and Mr. Nate Otterbelu and Ronald JetTers. Mr. Magre Is a native daughter of Oregon, otm of her brothers, C. W. I.eeer, being n member of the county imiri .if tnrtiami ron nt v. Another brother. :, M Leever, U u real-lent of x resident of been a for over a Kurt Klamath She ha dent ol Klamath Kails innr mill has made many friend ,H u....... iiniiu fp,ni rfillrnrtilii I ..II. ,IHKI'I' f,,,,w ,..' ,...... , nearly years, u una m jide circle of friends hero. Tho newlywed expect lo make thelr hotim In Klamath Falls, and ihnn prepared an attract lo butiga- low on Washltiglon slreet for u real deitre Friend and relative of tho icnuplo presented them with a number nf l-'autlful and useful gift. ,1)10 concern said the money would bo sent 'This sort of a tequeHt, which means it delay, look llko threshing draw to get longer lime," wild Muyor Nicholas. "L'speclally after the com pany sent tho blank bond here for the signatures of tho city official." i "It la n matter of detail altogether, and could have no effect upon thu, legality of the Issuo," said Police. Judge Lenvltt. ' I Councilman Rogers moved tliut the ' luiiuir reuuested bo sent to thu con cern with tho understanding thnt up on their rocolpt tho company wouia mi mi tho monoy for the bonds or re turn tho city Its transcripts, etc., end- lug tho deal. This motion was passed, BCE5nC4!(&ijH FjH SMBa SHp:BBBn&R7wnBcMi StLKySXl RipHlrSiillisl&SlK prvjB gg, B;mBgskitB It. iy4SEj?t'i. v, ,i rV , Hk rsBkaJp HBL IHr L i HHkH9Ik 4 B flSMr PfKSJp$- " SBBJv VKw- HK U.tBBI RHJEk .B HkH Buil pppPJppppjppgjPJPM Mrs, HoonoNclt took clmrcu of the lorim-r utwldein of llio United Slalci. . . .... n ni M ' M lvu (i iillllltv v Vork harbor ou tht steamship Aldan, KKWhlrli had brought him from I'ura. The reports which had come by wire that he In bad health, having jbeen stricken by finer In llrazll. had, "' "rv. worried her. and she went ' l0 'luarantlne with a lug to meet ti I id There was something of a denionitratluii from other friends, but It win no mull honu-eomlug ns on his trip from Africa. Thu Colonel was hardly In a condition to stand the welcome he was glen (hen Itoi'newU weighed nbout sixty I1'"""1'' 'ess than he did formerly, but the same old spirit was there. Ho snapped hi jaws just us he had done when In the best of health, and he hml the samo otd m!lc. The lug which carried htm did uot tnku him to tho nhorei of New Vork " "" "- . resl-j(,H'r ,"l)'' MU0 ixi' mllw away, Ewry cptt In thu lower Nuw Yoi city. I"'l lae-taala-al out lo his home at McNaryLeadsinRevisedCountiDeny Crystal a license I Fourth Supreme I'nlted Tress Service SAI.KM, May 28. In the roled count of tho contest between Judge Justice McNary Ifenry L. Benson of Klamath Falls HIi LaBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBaK-A ,VBBBBBB1 P : ammMHHlH iJJJJJJJJk t Jh a" V.mafmBBi? mmmmmmmmmmHmmmmmlli harbor tnat . toaled a whlstlu blewj H'"e lourJtlMU of greeting a thefA MrtlioctUt DUarr. Aldan liaed. When the vesael en torMt quarantine the din the waltla',aill 0cnlng at the resdenco of Rev.1 tun omitted was atiswerea oy me. Aldan and b Colonel Roosevelt him- self, who stood at the ship's rail Bour - lulling a big Panama hat. standing by the starboard rail of K( A1Unn ,bo progressive leader g of ,Uneg8 nhkli nearly cot him his life. His face, beneath a dark coal of tan. JAcneson oi .Merriu. painted by a tropical sun. was tbln( and drawn, his neck was lean and i, Little Wrerk. sinewy, while his back tapered from A wooJcn sm u,a car, caught be lli shoulders to a waist remarkably thin for the Colonel. Before the lwl8 backlnK uu ncar tho slBtIon Mon. .,. reaeoeu u ". ". I ' cm ed two chills, proving that feer had not been eradicated hi system. ... i.i . i ' MU..K In Bly. Miss Resale Pickett left today for a 'few da)s visit In Illy and points. In, ork.Langoll Valley. Court Nomination Is Seesawing I nnd Justice Charles McNary of Salem I for the fourth republican nomination ns supienu- Judge, McNary is leading tills nfteinotm by thirty votes. I r.M'll JO' me iiKiirua uio hui. wr, tirely offlclnl. It will In all proba-j b 'Itioa take a complete cumasa of, i (if entile state vote, or mn)bo n te iiiiiiit to rstabllHh who Is nominee. I KlCine compiled from tho official county oto and Htate i-amiinbea show' thnt McNary tecelved 34,098 and, llenson 3-1, ."IC.S,. Tho official ennvabs j of Multnomah t etui us allowed a dls i i i tenancy from the unofficial returns' In fin or of McNttiy. i . i . The race between theso men Is ono of tie closest that has ever been held In the history of Oregon, i'olltlclaua 'firmly bollovo that a recount of tho entire vote will be necessary to dell- Al UlNNtR PARTyil.KBrilBDKMOCIIATOBBt; uri.i. .M(HHi:its ,ui: iiKcotio moici:autivi: Cluii mill I'lilmli-xli-r (in to I'lilla- ild.l.(a to Mift I'arty lailcr anil "i tlaK Coiifcrrnri WIlMin I'olitlKi Will .Not IU- Ulm-tiKni. UvrwnltAtU,n of llio O. O. I'. May Jto llrtuiiliiil Sxn, I'nlted i'rew Servtc WASHINGTON, D, C. May 2C Clipp, Toliidexter and other progres si vi- Iaderit went to Philadelphia to- .( t. m...l ll'llinl. ..nrf rf l,h 1. 1 in nfl.r ,n.il..if ll.na ........ ... ,.,..'...... the Smithsonian Institution, and be a) cui-si at n dlnnr-r nartr at th White Houhe. t,. u.hi... ii... ... .i.o.. , Hi Hliv liuimv VUll'iKUIMCU vuc fact that Roosevelt's -visit Is merely a friendly call. It la stated autboritlve- ly thnt Wilson exteclii Roosevelt to be the strongest critic of his adminis tration, and the president rather wel comes a fl6ht. It Is understood thnt Senator Lndcn ---- --- has confided to friends that he In- ixlu n toll Ilnn, .i.ll (. ! I M a '""l" lo un,le lu,? "!'" "' - - tions. A nlAnttnnf rilnnAP nnrtl vrna hld , K c Richards, when all of. th(, gl,Mtg wcre cther Methodist 'cprgymen or their wives. Attending) 'wore Rev and Mrs. H. J. VanFossen. Uuperintendent of the Klamath dis- .trlct; Rev. and Mrs. G. W. Hall of ,Uonanza. Rev. and Mrs. J. W.Worrell lf Klamath Agency, and Rev. Thomas - . telescoped, aud the trucks thrown off the track. The damage 'was cleared up without any delays In train schedules. . The Drat of the Aslorla-San Fran-1 tUco line of Hill steamers will be launched July 1st at the Cramp ship- .jaru in t-ntiaueipnia. nltoly decide whoso name is to be ' ....trl . frli mttiilillranvi trlolml Vlllli l lUtVU WU HMV a VIMWIIVH "V " Judge Benson Mc Bride, Bean and Harris. . . w ... ,., u w.c """"fJeorge Cbaitaln. Second ward; C. J. dull day. Emetose p)M lad draft Is ripe for patriotism to rise above McCoIluillt Worden. chai sermaB. for for ,30 for y our C aber of C partlsanshlp, and that he owes it to D B Cam pourth ward !mcrce fr0H tl6 ortka- Laaa a4 - VmM BBBTPWP!BBmk5? -; -l v isBBBBBBBBP? iBBBBBBBI?vCf'V i " SBKS AT mBBBvAvBmM'f- 'vK Jv xi& 4 --j- I HHLi I HISBk . i!Vl I g.BnH LI ...................BlsH KITIIKH TIIK UKMOCItAT OK RE I'L'HI.ICA.V Cl'.STKAh COMMIT- TKKMK.V IMVB IIKMJ THEIBf Mi:fm.va.s Although the five days provided by' taw are past, neither the republican '0bkoli lad ! Timber Cob , ... j .i ... . .. i nur ecaiucraui: ccnrn cummmwi, i.'iccieu ni iijc primary eicciion nsve organized. As the official count u' not completed until the fifth day. It lurnit tmrm"lt( tri r.nll fho rtA'jrlv Alf.t! . ,. ,,, .Mn ,. . spcclT'il by law, but It la probabtaj (that the committees of both parties twill organize at a later date. Tfie law provide that the newly )ele cd member are to bo cal'ed to- sc! cr for organization by the chair- mi n of the old committee. The chair- m. n nt lh. rinnMInn mml,,n ! i If i I'mmlll .nj ,h., f II.. .I.mn. nr:-n-'r'h.f.in nnth of .l. - . - " h n re-elected comraltee - nn 'rom their precincU. Only a small number of precincU In the county elected committeemen. Those elected are: Republican C. S. .Moore. West Klamath Falls; R. A. Emmltt, Fourth ward; E. M. Leever.,0' he worl1 that U being carried ., Fort Kliraath; B. F. Kerns, Keno; William P. Bray, one of tke company,! A S'nilnr Qhlnnlnrfnn Tu.. D.vl. Odell: W. P. Sedce Dalrv: E. S Ter- ,w linger. Merrill; F. H. Downing. ... . . ..... . woraen; J. a. miiis, Fine urove, and .,, K ,.. M,,ln, i. ID. W. Ryan. Fort Klamath; Fraak'Timber compejiT." fOcvls. Klamath Lake; F. Zumpfe. Ma-! 'tin; Y. n. Nichols, Bonansa. M0VIN6 WILL BE TALKED TONIGHT QUESTION OF A CHANGE OF LO- CATION FOB CHAMBER OF COMMERCE WILL BE THRESH-1 i ED OUT BY DIRECTORS , "To be. or not to be." '" win u&uiu ue iiie iiueaiiuu i lne ,jnnmDr OI "-ommerce. our. at i u is evenings meeting, me query win be to settle whether the headquarters will be In the ioomls building, or i somewhere else. Therc are men B fmt Q malnlnK and moVing. There will be otJuir matterg ,aken up at tnIs set. ,0 "Second Class" Proprietor Not Granted Renewal If the Central (or Second Class) bar continues In operation after June list, it will not be under the owner ship of Al Crystal. Tho city council Inst night refused to renew his II 'reuse for a ear. "This city Is not hungry for saloon keepers, and If It Is, there are plenty of good, decent men who will run them," said Councilman Doty, after Costal' application was read. "I ,move that this be refused." Tow send soconded tho motion. Mat thews suggeated laying tho matter over. "Thcto Is u full session of tho coun cil now, aud this Is the timo to act," retorted Doty. "When a man has to 'bo watched to he won't set his clock I back or resort to other tricks. It's timo to move him." I "I believe wo ought to give Mr. (Crystal a chance to soil out," said ! Matthews, ''1 suy, put him out." answered Doty. The Doty motion, put by Nicholas, carried. "Gentlemen, where you get this from about my place of business be ing undesirable It beyond me," said HlU THE bMOl TIIIBTV DOLLAK DOXATION 18 I KKCKIVED ThrouKli Wm. U. Bray, Scad Bk Draft to Bert E. WUhraw to GlTe to the Chamber of Ciiwuirr, aad. Uudfl the Spirit of Piort Yea,. He Get the HeraM. It U not only In Klamath coaa.tr, a' d ,a the Porttamd Commercial CIbW: "" - "" """ " " -- I'J'" 'f KIam'tn Fal,s ,a ra-Hsic Moaey' f l JVImaiU UlUWEier l H-' Kef O U attraCtlltg atteBUOS; FfB! tea! 'Oshl'oab, WU., coe mote of ,co," - e,nt' omp!i br n&iisn or 130. a da-. ' a" wauiauuau is suat oy vei C jkosh Land and Timber coaipaay,! , which baa considerable timber land; bere. Reading In the Evening HeraW' Sent the fOUOWln tO Bert E. WftkW'; of this city: , TJti "Klamath Fall folks certalaly alMvt ... ...... . puduc spirit to nuaa V,tf wot wmtt- rhnmw.r r r rta. tJ . .. .'.;., r m t.;-?. I " " FORT WHO SEE THE RODEO t ; I iABRANQEMENTS FOR THE CELE BRATION IV WOOD RIVER ME TROPOLIS WILL ALLOW TIME TO GET HERE AFTERWARD) The dlffereaVmmlttee arraaglasi for the Fort Klamath celebration with meet In their city this evening to con-' aider the best time to hold their affair. The exact date, according to Ed' Hoyt, will depend on the time allow ance or getting animal from Fort! Klamath to Klamath Fall, aa a great; many who enter the contest at Fort. Klamath will also want to eater tke Rodeo con teats. Crystal, addressing the .coancll. Jl have resided In your city for three years" "And you have been no credit to ut, tnterrupiea uoiy. "At least, I have done it no harm," was Crystal's answer. "This ha beea my home during that time, and I bare j my wife and family here, l're cob 'ducted my business honestly; I have never stolen anything, and there has i never been any trouble in my plae. Why do I get this?" ' " ' "You are under bonds right now ea account of trouble there," said Doty." "There has been no crooked deal (n my house," continued Crystal "Jrtl 'leave It to tho police force If thVa kaa .been any trouble there, compared tot jollier establishments of the kln4."rTlljt leave It to the members ol.tkto ell who have been In my 4a to move that my place of' busaissa to. fair." "3fV fi Crystal then asked If aa wmM tL, given permission to sell the estaMUk-.' ' "W ment, or If It would be closed, or asm-' nscateq. n wa giTaH; day night In whl to lad?a..Msl successor, to wheat. If tin JMtajll t' satlaned wHk him. a Hfmmf0 W ISSUea. . " a'"-..T "A ..'" rm 1. o p i v .i i'Mt v,t v,