"3 PRINTS THE NEWS WHILE IT IS NEWS mh lEu roftut literal! KLAMATH PALLS' OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER -: ;rsww Klttlt Vrar.No. Js.877, j.ttt -t - raz irr- tsmcsamBumi musr jgjga KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, MONDAY, MAY 25, 1914 Price, Fir Huerta May Not Last Through Week Malin Man Convicted of Hunthone Forgeries I -- --- -- -.-.-,- - ---.--.---- ---,-u-yvy1j-u-J-j-u-u-j-u-u-u - -.--- ---. -.-.. ... - ...jaaoAJwiyxJ rwnjjxjjTjTjTjjnjTjnjnrxrrjTj-iriii rirrn!'! ..,- - - , mtx CACKA CONVICTED GEORGE IS OF F0RGIN6 NAME : HELD FORMURDER OFCAPT.SIEMEHS w ii.i. n: hentexckii tomorrow . MORNING KMMATII BED IS IMK'ri:i nv li:ili:il.l. GRAND JURV ON THK t'UARGK OF KILLING a.votiikk AT PI DTK (M HOME RULE BILL PASSES AGAIN John L. Billard, Mysterious Man Armed Forces Sent Into Ulster County Malta I'linrr.nl Mlili (tin murder of pete' llruuit, Jim George, a Klamath lu- llntlitrttl U Found Oiilllr of , tllmi, wnn httllclrtl by tlio federal Wglg I-c-l IUker'. Nume. ml!""'"1, '"' ' Inland Haiurday. II f IKtrrlt.it Ttirw I'rumiMiirr '" !iltrrr, wlltig trial. , ,WHlr. TliU I. iLvKtHirriMricr lliir hl. penetrated by lo Uullnd Press Service l.iill.l. ami t.iiiinl In u Ihliknt tliMA I (iMll)N'. Mur 2S. The llOlMO 1)1 lrr WMrti HIimi V hi JH ( ,ll(tcl Cbi)1i ft ,ul,pnl nearlcommons (lil iillernoon passed for(n' Many Mtmllia Vote in House of Commons Is 351 to 271 Bill Becomes a Law Even if House of Lords Rejects . Parliament will bo alltlng at Dublin, fair, subject to certain reservations ''flio bill Itself provide tlial It shall anil safeguards. become operative for eight Irish Parliament, to nit In Dublin,, III I line. .HI11, H PI'lltl'IIIVIIV m.-. ,l.()ll.lllllllft llll micllluw.l "..v.. " " , , . l Yarnus. .eural hour. after he. had , third time the bill giving homo'month from tho date of It passage consisting of a Senate and House of SCHOOL VOTES A BOND I ssu E I'OUTLAND. May S I rmtk r, n,K.,,i.r m tlm early (Vka, a rmldrnl of Matin. Klamath hoiim ceutily. convicted late Halurdny br Jrdpral district court Jury tm ni tturicr nf forgery and tmltie the malls' 111 dclfuml, Up will bn renlenrrd li.' iswruw Cat I accused of tuliig lite naiun of Mr. Munition?, undi r which U llrWird to wll to 8m.nlH' bllk prnmlory noim for elwr 10 1 1 7,000, lib lha lunm of Cit. J. W. Hlnmcn. fl'l'KIt prmiortii 111 uio r irv mm o-( Ihk of Klamath KalU forurd ilirrcoii., CacWa w ttrrntlrd u.oit tlm nd kw of I'orUI Imi'rctor Wblinoy and tiuly U, H, Marchal Kll-r. after he tud Iwpii mimmotiiHl bcro to BlUH'nr u a wlinm III Hip Muml maud A iiw .clmol homo l lo tm -rcliHl Jury Invn.lta-ntlou Inln llii clrcum-jln I'lH'T Uii'II Vallry. tncr. at nmt IhoiiBht to coiiliiyct W. , Till, wan dvrldrd at a mivcUl floe- M Chandler, drlrr of tlm Mrrrlll- ,11011 lu'ld SAturday. At llila, llir Ux Tulo lWn .ia routn with (hi. af.,m)rr of tlu dlntrlcl hoarllly on- flr brn rn lili flMiricit. Hoth bad ,e t Inland, and by tbo veto act. "r I wmrciy later man nuocn uommoua. br,.ti drlitkltiK at danco and they IM0 ,,-aur brcomc a law ovpii If'momiiH, uui uieru m a spociai pro- irmu , Senate of 40 member, at Ilrst Ulon which compeU tbo organlia- nominated by i-orrt uicutenant 01 irc tlon of tlip Dublin Parliament within land. They will hold office for term of five years. After expiration of firs' mornliiK u,u llouw of lrd rejectn It. I lilt tlllll Wis JUI IU.M. 1111'Ulll- " " " 1 -i.. ...- .fruiiv finiiiirMi im.i ihrii3ear. of five years. Mill It llllW (- . ..,- ,, . I .1 I ..K- .... ..i. w. nrncllcnllv tbu UIDO a the Tlir .IOKrr.s ol tile Home KU.c term u.ey w..i u e.evieu u..uC. .., 1 ,nr.,... of ib wtiun ex- Mil through the Commons this year ort!onal representation -. .1... it.,tL.. in...i a f,.w m marked by one of tho fiercest .parliamentary battles In the country's ( members, elected by existing constlt-) history, precipitated by the arming" uencc-s. on n S7.000 population unit. of 100.000 1'lnter Volunteers sworn to rower of Irish Parliament subject Irish House of Commons of 1C4 I Lsssssssssssssssf LPIllKisssssssssssssssssssssa Ml W& &!& iv -VKlssssssssssssssssssssB VisLLViBsssssssssSLkTnLLr isssssssssssssssssfi'iPWfflslissssssB BLANQUETOPENLY DEFIES HUERTA'S EXPRESSORDERS in iRT.A APPEARS TO BE 8CB-;" MISSIVE s UasIueiM Hoiuca la the Mexicma Ob Hal Are HarricMded, FeaHs the Outhrcnk of IIoAtlUtlea Tber At Any MJaute. Kllmiaate Haert or the MedfjUloM Km!" May Be Put Up to Kavoys. t'nlted Press rtervlco ...uiu. ,i.n ,wvr.PTiiin nf ih rirt nmlito "territorial limitation". No autn- lli:i.KA8T, May 2S. As a result ,,.aUlnK aim0Ht the desruptlon of orlty to deal with questions of pea The regular army and war, army, navy or treason. Irish 11 of tint adoption of the Home Kulc John L. Billard, aged seventy, a By Williaw V. Shepherd. (United Preaa Corrsapoademt.) VCRA CRUZ, Mar 25. Vice Pres ident Dlanquet Is opesly delist of tie 'wishes of Huerta. and Hmert Is very 'submissive, say reports from tke cap ital toaay. It is not expected that 1 Huerta will last a week. The break betweea the two Is con sidered serious. The buslaews houses ! there have barricaded their doors. 'in fear of hostilities. l.iKI.I- VAI.I.KV IHH- TIIHX AT HATl'IIDAV'rt KI.EO TIO.V. UKCIIIW A NKW II1TII.I. IM1 IS .VKKDKIt bill, outbrcaUs arc pnxrcted herc Heavy police reinforcements from the mitlth have been henl Into Ulster. A dispatch from Dublin states that n force of 300 constables, armed with h.k pnvurfimnnl. wa. on the teree of mutiny due to constabulary to b transferred tor mysterious millionaire, was called to The split between Huerta aad Blaa- r one 10 cu.i.uu.., .... '";; "-.'..., . ".fc. ,. a uet occurred Ssturdsr orer some al- Ihe blundering of tho War Office in -control of Irish Parliament after six,u.e . "-- -7"-" .' d ......j,, Dlot HnerU said he permitting ofilcm to question Its or- years. .Commerce Commission Invest.ga Qle t,Cal p,0t HuMt "" den. regarding service In Ulster; War l.ord Lieutenant, appointed by the of the New "kork. New Haven and discovered. nurilUlu lltuuuau w ,-.. . f miiauivu vj mmqv., . He told little about him- to the Betera penitentiary. There he .self. (issued orders for the execution of 1 .m .,. X .. tfnn kl.l 1AQ- An ...nil . Imiicrlnl! '" a"'' lue " ncu ,- iou poiuicai tirisuueni. Minister Sooly wa5 forced to realgu, Crown, will have power to veto laws rifles and revolvers, have started for ' , .,.,,. P,.,d Marshal Slr'whlch ko beyond constitutional pow-tH-'r da'' . . . 111 . ,., ...... ... . - HiIk city and other point 111 uisier. Uultcd Prvss Servlc John French. Chief of the Imperlalcrs of Irish Parliament, Staff, and Sir J S. Ewart. Adjutant. Taxes to be collected by tleneral, when they discovered they government for the present, with cer- StS shares of the Boston and Malne( Hearing of this, Blaaquet autoed Railroad. A Massachusetts court de-. t0 tho prison. He called Huerta. to LONDON. May 2&.Today wltness-'had been misled Into signing a com-, tain exceptions ;a exchequer .T - - i--" - - r", . i. ...!.. ...1 ,h ,s.t lr snil'o uti. nrAi1lii nif.itinnitiilnni u'lfli IIip rw U'lll Dill Into irlfill OXCIlLKIUCr CtUD . ' the culmluatlun of Ireland's un remltlliiK forty-) ear fight for self promisiiiK rnvmoraiiuuiu u iuc .v- ... ,...,.... ...... v-v...H -y, tQ ho,a th,g gWcfc calcitrant omcers, quit 1110 service in year n eu um uuaeu u "i " iini.r.i of ,.... ......, Ttm conviction of Cacka brings L Nf rBrtl, nu 10 an annir inai n" " 1 ilorurd the Issuing of bonds for the, government new Improvement. The. l.lbc eto act. which prevents the House of 'undermining of tho government's 2,500.000, to be reuueeu 'Lords from thwarting the will of the' authority over the army, to tako to $1,000,000. Thereupon the prisoners to their cells. Meriden, Conn., a- ..you must 8top muiag your sud- d seust. Prime Minister Asquint ten irisu goieriiiuvui. cuii ("". "- , ., ,,.., ,-i..i th . . . -.. 1 . . .. ... . ... ... mriuiwa vuu, uc., w.Dv.u.. nosea enemies so wanioniy ana enss- ri... 1 n.nr.i i.nriv ilmiik lo t lie ' rnii. iwtll...t In nriler In nrevent lurtner cciner Willi insu oosiai roirauc uuu ,, . . ., . - , ,11' ...VVI... ,.. .-." -- j..,...,.- .- . - In tlm public pyp since In when Kred Morley, s a llrnr .! In Mlnnral. IllatlO. Slid ..., ... ... ....-.. -..-. , Uailmi wmI"" brought to Klamath w and the forgery, mid wn hold In the. July 1913 I ThU morning, Miss I'ea'rl Wheeler pooplo after their representatives have charge or the war l'j . 0fwas tint leclpleiit of a now Studebaker inrre npproved the same measure, ami to go before I Idalo audi"11! " ""l ,rom '"'r brol,,,,r' I)r C''has redeemed Its pledge to the Irish' Ksst Fife for n-elf ho wroio 10 rresi- in,n.. ., vou want me o auooort vou " said Blanauet. would pay J 120 share for the Boston HuerUt after a heated arsnsaest, . ...' Billard Company k ' dent Mellea of the New Haven he portfolio himself., Irish Parliament to have limited ,- .V"! --" M.lles , .honed ' ""1 """ 1.1. ..i,..uni. in'nu-ur tn it hut nnt in linnns eua- """ " " ... ... . oruereu rnu prur """ ' ... vwvUvU.. ,i-- . r Jo ,l(m h0 woum sell ior iiju. mo savo on articles already their cells. He then west to a cafe Wlieelwr, Hh Is Immensely Nationalist. of Parliament. arrested K.lgene. Haxtoii. .'., ...... ., ,i,in. n.ul Is T .... ....".....-.. , .1... 1.111. ,,' kiis, chargwi "":" """..:.","",;,-, .i-1 . ""';?.'.. : : ":" :. 1 (jNiiarniK hit iivhhip " .."- tiie l.oriis, which is inKcii iui imuuui, .'lo her friends. Tho car was pur-.., ulii i,i.iinnllrftllv become a lawi 1 . ..... . 1... ti.n.. n..limi fltir. .. . . . u. 1.1..1... 1.... i.,ii.n.i id tfiv..n rtfinl mi. 1 1 luiit tnii.4 1mnn!ed hv Irliih Parlla!. ... iira.. .h... tk tinl.1. ue .,,,. .... ,,. i,.-r so wbenlr"""u ""'" '"" """' ' ""- Willi llio Kings signature, auu wuhiii i-ivnn.-, um .......... . ..-.. . ,- - -- ----- - - v.oiupuu) iui ("'. - lou county Jail until January au, wneni . . ... ... .. ,,.., ... ....i . ,.,i i,iu, f..mo, wm n in i iminiah th delict. . ,. . .iii n,. ,it slou cllon as a member, toms uuiy savo on arucies aireauj , , , d Mr B,ard a drlnkfns- heavllr i.ii.nni.in it. n... iiniiB.i Kinciintu. . ... .. . .-. an" "san unnniflg neavuy. ,uu.....v -.. . note, anu tnen. wun me siock as eoi-. . . VUV IU What Home Rule Means. jon Income tax. state and stamp duties. ),ia. the oajance. iter he sold the' Imperial Parliament remains su- lirowth lit receipts rrom revenue ""ierstock ,0 tlle Bostou Railroad Holding I-- - - - note, anu men, wun i.ne siui; There aro restrictions on legislation j,ateral raUc(j sorao jn.ooo ii .1 ,r . ih L ,Vr Vim Ipiiers arlng her pleasure by giving ride . Lor,u whlch ,, tnkew for granted. What Home Rule Means. Jon Income tax. state and stamp duties. jlia. the oalance. lAter he s ,..i.." .4 ... hitd in the 10 '-r frl',,,,,,, Tlw .r.WM ,mr'H automatically be "r u-lili ih.. lilnir'u signature j the next twelve mouths tho new Irish tonomy lu regard to purely Irish af-,meut will go to diminish the deficit. ,ng company afterward sold the ' as.ass', ? i,aci; t0 the New Haven. BACCALAUREATE age. lis was liberated by the grand Jury The fact that there had been se-, Ions of iho grand Jury while Hadon .letter lo tho Hpokauo bank were sent, was Incarenrated caused a great deal I The news of Chandler' arrest of caustic comment over tho methods rniisvil much surprise at Merrill, and of the prosecuting attorney' office, at once, the residents of tho alfalfa ( . . ii 1. ' a 1 1.. ..... ,in fMiiiitillnr'al naxton has a damage suit penuiug m. tow 11 rusueu u iho circuit court for 1 10,000 for 11ml Iclinis prosecution. Tho matter was also taken up by the fmleral authorities, and upon the sstnn day that Haxton was llboried. W. M. Chandler, a respected resident of Merrill, was arrested by Deputy W. H. Marshal Fuller nud Ptal In spector Durand, Chandler drovo tho stage lino between Merrill and Title Ukn postomce. also distributing the letters at tho boxes along the route. It was from one of these that tlm on Chuudlor' bonds, When ho returned from rori laud, the entlro population of Merrill I assembled to greet him, and give tes-j lliimny to their faith In his Innocence. Cucka wns summoned to Portland as a witness lu Chandler' investiga tion. While ho was there, federal authorities made further Investiga tions In Klamath county, and wired tho Portland official to arrest him. He Is snld to hnvo made some damag ing statements to tho VochnUor brothers, also residents of Mnlln. LADY RIDER ARRIVES Vera McGinnis, Trick Rider, Here to Train Steeds Mis. Vera McQInnta, considered one will also give broncho busting oxhl of the greatest horsewomen In the West, arrived last night from Houth ern California, and will ut unco begin training horses for use In exhibition work at tho Klks Itodeo, The Rodeo association has slgnod contract whereby Miss McQIunls will appear dally la trick riding. 8bs billons, Trlcli riding, which la always en- Joyed by tho crowd, will bo a big fea lui'u or II10 coming rodeo. Art Acord nud Kurl Hlmpson, already under con tract for exhibition work ore In a class by themselves, and with Miss Mrdlnnls. Horo will bo work by a trio that cannot bo excelled, nlngs. Brown whiffed threo men In 'three Innings, McEver fanned ono In one Inning and Malln tanned nlno lii ..ii.it 1,1 .ii ti . Maxwell grabbed off four hits In. six trips to tho plate, Dale batted aj 'thousand lu three times up, Hayden (smashed out two doubles and a single.) UaUIIl IUUIV UI1W, VUW Ml. ,. ws ..us .. .....b linen sVffAanni l?Aitnr 1 AiuitiviiArms KIUIM CHIIXHIUIN "". """' """ ""';' "" -"- - i.lV ftl.t jrtnMfliil aniAiv. ENGINEERS ARE EASY PICKING WASHINGTON, May 5. Tae--Huerta envoys' attempt to save ( Huerta are not causing any apRrehea- 6jipaIii,v T)rvnn ATnAlli npn. StOCk ' -"-- w- -r"- -- icrastination from them until they are .rnH ttin iHaasi ntinlflA r9 Aittn I n satin sV ,2S3.Sor He s'lveT: ttat S or ending the mediation coa- Jf A.. V . m IIaIIAH ASA f S 41 VRVV, Ol inu ie iiavwu mic u a vcuv. SERVICES HELD lof this. Asked for tho books of tho 'Billard Company, he said he didn't know whero they were. Asked for 1 his personal books, he said ho had 'burned them. lu the preseuco of over three huu- IcIom. Charter Tonight. dred, representing tho congregations The last chance to become a char- iHOUTCIAH8Kl IN EXHIBITION'. Ambrose caught an errorless game ( of several of the churches, the bac-.ter member of Wltllam McKlnley 1 . .... ....... i.l. , - .1... t ..1 wi..i. ITnlt.wt Qi.nnlali ITni VAtnrAnil DIAMOND VESTEIU tho two pusseu uans creuueu 10 mm cuiaureaio services 01 1110 seuiur tmsa vmr, ...i. -i'" " ...--. " I. m . m I S- -.- . h 1 , ...III I... nll.A,. Illlil AFAn I II CW llf nAtl O being the result or mixeu signuis.wero held tit n ociock yesterimy aim m- ki" "a o,u...6, u With Foster mid llrowu and Ambrose. 11,0 hlnh school auditorium. meeting of tho veterans will be held ihn tiieiii i.M.m niHd have no fear i Piii..r s n iinrinn. who ilnllverod at tho court house. At this meeting iihnnl 11 hntterv. tlm nrmnn. took ns his themo the the Chartor will bo closed li..a .r.i. ..p. ni.m - . Hn.l I Tho regular meei ON' DAM! DAY Despltu tho ruin and cold, more than two hundred peoplo wont out to Modoc Park to see tho Klamath Falls team beat tho Euglneers from Chllo- ....1.. .....I in wntrli Ihn niittcs of "Dick" Klepper. For four Innings really nu outing with a swoll lunch Make Swell Chape Here. l "The nicest pair of chaps I aver saw," said Art Acord, in speaking of the chaps made for htm by Bobby.. Ryan of the Oregon Harness Co. The chaps ure made Trout spotted Crater Lake goat hide, and are now dee played In tho window ot the Harasses company. Frank Gross has ordered a pair or the same kind made' for him. fW. C. T. V. Meeting. Not Even A Minnow. What pretenueu 10 00 a ..su.ua - uwt land tor an Indian rajan party on Spring Craak Sunday was"ut. the class to work tor tho utst ... li.t.Bnntd nf tlllin srlil tilnlr iaBasaaiaaeaaasaaaas llliuivato ui iiiu nwuu twuwji . .. 1.. 4 ntlinr nniilRinrtt iiiirtfrlmitPil in tlm Foser.n.nK.ngfortheK.mathFa.Uonerr,a J P,..";' wretel, Iu udd,Uon a choir, com- unpucUed. whllu tho supposed Usher l'sed of tho combined Boys' and enjoyed tho summer showers, tho Girls' Glee Clubs, rendered vocal tho welcome' nuiuuors. costing men's Christian llvi....l n mnvtnrlv nil.lr tnervlnc A SOIIU Bluer UOUSieUU. fl8hluK'tho spirit of procrastination and urg- 45'000' reccntly was mad8 ,n EnS 'Vh !Wfc 2 IlSUing .... 'ln,l tni. .... Tnrilnn mlnh tho BflDtlSt ChUN of the Wo-, Uatea at 1:19. Foster, ntiKiug tor tne iiuiiinvu runs." - - ..v.ireUiM teiun. held tho Engineers rimless and! tall. - " hitlcHH, In tho lltlh, on a hit aud un error, tho Euglneor mado ono com pleto circuit, while tho lochl boys, up to this frame, had acquired 11 tallies. With tho gamo sufoly tucked away, Uie mannger acceded to tho domands ot tho grandstand to bo allowed to "look 'em over", and Shlvo was sont In lo pitch lu tho sixth. A cold arm, nu Inability to locato tho plate, and failure to follow Ambrose' signals made tho chungo disastrous, resulting lu three runs, Brown went Inln the sevonth, also with a cold arm, and held tho vUltors to three runs In the three remnlulng Innings, Fnilor fanned flvo meu In live lu- beautiful scenery uud cuts and tho unto ride. In tho party were Miss Dorothy Weeks, Miss Pearl Wheeler, Miss nilllo Leonard, Mlsa Marjorlo Weeks, Dr. Johnson, Dr. Cathey and Dr. Leonard. Fred J. Wl from Yano his family!! business. city yet'; "V,. rrlved Saturday &$ on a visit to i? '- . jbs nus a goou iho Canadian try warm feel- Damo at IVIUtin City. Ing for, Another danee Is to be glveu at vy Pelican Hay City on June 6, aud will I J. Vfar be, as was tho last one, neta in tuoiisruniii nM..,!.. II.. I,. I illnlnar rnnm. Tho I the I'ltJ' music will be by tho DeChaln or-supplies cuostrn augmouted by two musicians chants from outside. visit to BANK CHANG! First Trust & Savings Files Sui rM "i mi PsAil fg BBJfBl sxtenslve fruit California, is In lya. Mr. Dwiueii lot the local mer and he makes a fulls each year. Instead ot being the First Trust & cous aavlnars Bank, the well known local! Isfi financial Institution Is soon to become the First State & Savings Bank. Sup plementary articles ot Incorporation have been filed with the Secretary Stato, and will be Hied later with V fWv ' CiB'ltfWS a aew aw,..r- v nge trota tfasa 4tr JJWml . gvBBassii 9 . .BBBjBft larsjeeaevgk'ta'Jwtr, :. ttttU waaa iS '. . a . .3 H t '-.el . K .P s & 'y-r