. Ml X ', .'J ff uniting IteraUi PKINTS THE NEWS WHILE IT IS NEWS KLAMATH FALLS' OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER Ellihlll Yinii- Sit. M.II7M KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, SATURDAY, MAY 23, 1914 Price, Five Osaka STATE RAILROAD COMMISSION ACCUSES CALHOUN Eh n PEACE DOVE 18 PI DP I I IIP Oil CD lilnlillllllllVrK UlllULIIlU UILH TUt pnilCCDCMPC Int bUnrtntnUt I'lltHiltlXHlMI lWOItIII.V I. A MA UK IIKPultt In A Imrmriit ( Tni linllrnlr. Tim! Inlrint .Hut lelw- I'mir Will ( ln.li rr Vn I'ttu. t'lv.lilrnt Wlluill I'lll. Mall t'Mitl tln tililiijf llnl ill Informal h'H tn III!' S'ru.- i.itx-Miiru f itniiUL t oi(d I'ltm Horvlro MAUAIIA PALI., Out . Mnr 23 ,S(IW I) till! pHACH itiV l tltlllllK (.i i ullelititi 'I'lm i't" )r . ..(; Itilia l.ir. uli' raid it In (in it i lutmaltllr " t i ir lltinr ) that lioitiill H,i. Ill" litutlrMllig Uirbl)r" tiut i n i iluru. mailer furlhi-r i iiiiiirrntiHiit llml real mi'illa tic rtl h Hill ho tmld Ihlt "tmltlK Tl atn to llntkatr preterm ho tr. wait, lt thu ruliti'lfiirM (i j I ti Hervlr i II V t 111 M4 33 - Clinlic. if ft -I. nl (.ulHf"!! Fi'dcfal suit Itrhrl ftf tirr tint" llrrri today kin. i.iiii.rol At;ttlUr from Tamplro, lamli-d troop nt Puna ilnl timlu Utiilnt l't ronton UAHIIINUTON. MJT 23.- Ktimom ( liln tit nit Iuihmii1I!I6 tollitpnn of; tho lliiiftft mliitltiUtratli'ii. hut tho' i.nir.,,1. will lllll llat-llKJt lllU I frf-nlilmit Wll.ou Uan ontrr.'il "'" onirml. hrti-toforn il."'HliK iif l niuatit ullfttt Hnri'tari llryait U a InlLalli n ttu Mi tit CRATER LAKE TO SOON BE OPENED " ims iirdi'tiil that mi Indian limber hoiU('slltm which In of so much 1m-, llMini III'IIKON mthlXI"JvHTIIlP!old This sliiiatliin has obtained portanco In Klamath county, will he 'sAVH Tilt: KNOW IS IWPIIH.V, ",r" "n ft vnr wltltom relief. sutlM Hoot.er. IIIHAI'PF-MtlNO TllAVF.li HTAItTIMl FAItl.Y " '- loral tnttlemeti, lime returned from .. ., ..,...,r'a trlii to Sllwr Lake. They report Mi.iriHiiin f --. - v - I .if Crnlr l.nkii N'lilloiuil I'll fit. I 111' Kfetit Klamtith woniler will ( i i i"i- Iblo to nutomobllo Irnnlo In Juno Ilu states that tlm snow Is rapidly innllliiK. and that thu Jel'th at Camp Arnnl Is two feet. Mr. Moinyer slates tlttit thero has liin fotisldernblii travel Into the park this season, II)' tho llrst of June, ho I'M't'tls Hint (horn will h at least 100 mime reKlslnred nt lieutlijtinrters Baccalaureate Sermon Service Will Be Held Tomorrow at High School I'urtakliiK of tho nature of a church service us woll ns it most solemn func tion In tho high school year, tho buc tuluitriiato services of tho Klitmath County high school will ho holt! at 1 1 o'clock tomorrow foiviiooii Jh (tho high school auditorium. Hoverul ihurchos will tiUoml UiIh, Instead of holding services. "Canto Dlom," or "seise tho oppor tunity," the class motto, Is tho ser mon thomo selected by Elder Harlan, pastor of the Christian church, who " - - - mmm w i iil""B"M'hrJVV-W'-V'V'"W"W'V"M'V'V'M"U"VW Wilson Asked to President Is Appealed to ... fiiiisnn:.vr I .It u ltirlfir I nun lit lint .(.(IK ... ....W . ..., -. ...- ll....-, ..I ..f I... InLirliir nil it 111. (mlll10,(u,r t'ato SflU for ut- , i.ihii.iu to dcti-r- tin, i in mi limiMH-tlon to deti'r- vwreHBamneu Van ( -YravaVaVaK -? , awawaW Cf , i aaaaaahw . JFalBfafafrcr'V'WiMU'ikal 'mllm the itnitliiu of ri'iipclllHK tho till mrtlon. 'Klamath HUcru brlllK I" allt. tho The CouiitilMloner of Indian Af ilitiitter ha been taken up with I'reitl- fair prontlited it ho would Innpecl. Mriil WiUou. Uti Klamath niK'nntluii In May and , Toilny, tho Klamath Chamber of definitely determine the mutter, but totitttirrri! unit tho following lelf Krnm to tho nation's rxccutlw To tho I'rtiiltlriit. Washlngtont iiiir.i.in nf liutiiiii AiTnlrM has cloiird tho rlu-rs on tho Klantuth Indian reit-j ..r,, .iiMi, ii, Inrirliii! iiiiirntlonit it tut (Kill I'niir Iteiir. , t'hfsler Autv nml Alex Davis, ithul tut the rtiHt sldo of tho Klamath .'Mnrsh. Ill Ailaltm uinl Alidrow Kos- ---. ter hiio ilnj . kllleil four boars In four doing to Ouiyou city. Mr uinl Mrs. (lorry 11. Coxad and daughter leave tomorrow In their inneiiliii) for Canyon City, their for mer home. They will spend several- (ln)H WhUIiiK friends. will deliver tho sermon to tho settlor elii Thero Will also ho musical rendu Urns by n choir composed of tho combined girls' and hoys' gloo cuius. Tho proKtam urrangod, follews: Doxology Congtegatlon Invocation ov. A. 0. Simmons Hnn Choir iwintiir., Hiudltii!. Itov. Htubblullehl Prayer Rev. K. O. Rlchnrds gong u0'r "Carpo Diem.." KlUer 8. 1. Hurlan Hong ch0,r Baaedlotlon Hasten Opening in Move to Help Logging . wiuso.v III Dm KlirlOllH lIptfllnLMll tlf tho WL'l- f:illi mill llllKlllI'MH IllturOtM Of Solltll-I nmttorn OrvKoti. tho lumbfr buitliiut' IikIiik ono of Uio chlf InUurtrlra In' heltiK ono of Uio chief Indttftrliit In hu han deferrnl hi lslt until tlio rail .months. Tho situation Is In need ' of a spwdy remedy. Will you please tinier tlial action im titl.en. Kliiiimlh Chambor or Comiuvrcc' It Is hoped III tills manner, Uio I E IS OPEN 31 YEARS lltmiXd THAT 'iiMU IT HAS TAK KN IN XEAUIiY TWEXTY-FOUH MILLIONS IN TOLLS I)K THE MUNICIPALITY United Press Service NEW YORK. May 23. Thirty-one yonrs ago today UrooMyn bridge, for u long time tho greatest structure that spanned any river, was opened to t rattle. Tho only celebration was the Hying of llags from tho Manhat tan and llrooklyu ends. in Its thltty-ono years tho great suspension bridge has oaruod closo to 12-1.000.000 In tolls for tho city, ac cording to estimates on tho earnings of 2a,224,li72,31 up to ono year ago. Tho greatest souvso of rovonuo is rrnm utrimt i'ii r ii. All uveraRO of about 4.000. nt a revenue of ten cents u car, pass over tho bridge every day. Alexander Is Ret tor. Archie Alexander is nblo to be on thu stroots again, titter being laid up with tonsllltlfl, A rancher litis applied for rental of 320 acres of tho Pike national forest, Colorado, to bo used lu con- uoctlon with prlvato land for rais ing elk as a commercial venture. BROOKLYN BRIDG - :H,iH:trr'':iBecker Is Not Yet in Despair Was glnd to get your paper M,"wl" tho ncllMUt of the local Chamber of Commerce and e the reorganization of that body. IfOl U 1 1 : r Xlrirrs I ConvictedaSecondTime.HeSeekstoMakeAppeal ,: :r rrLrirs :, tin it (trv inrlntltii: financially. ThU tunteii nt n niimt ojiportiino i time lift ilurltit; tlio year IHK. ' 4 111 on- will ) niiny Ui'mntnU ii pun )mr (omiiiunlty wlilrh j tnimt b lintvllcil thrciiKh the C'hftinhr of Commerce. , Wo liiivi- iittKlc a hullttln of inur imiwr to that our bim!iien ! men mav know wliut the nubile (iplrlti-d rltltftia of Klamath Full art iIoIiik to lfplop tlnIr t rommutilty. Youtu eordlally. ; C C CHAl'MAN ' J. IS- ' HEIO 10 JURY: ..I MAN .llltrjTi:i lV IIAYIH.V Ml'ST AITKAU lli:FOKK IV QflSITOItlAI. IIOIIY O.V rilAIUSI Ol ItOlllllNti MXtltK ' Jay fJroom, arrenteJ on a charge 'of burglarUlntj Jamw DUon'g utoro ul Fort Klamath, rout appear before tho sranJ Jury, ilu vaa bound over this morning hy Justice of Uie Feaco K, V. (Sou en. (room watt arretted ou the Klam ath reeratloit numeral hours after tho robbery was discovered. The tes timony tended to stronsly connect him with th. theft of SO from the Dixon till. WEED MAY COME STRONG ON 4TH . A,UTi0v T iu.l AXIUtASlV. ci.i-isi. viniii . ....., .- nillMi IN SKYKIUli miNDItCIt CITI.KXS I Prcseut luillcatlons point to Weed bringing their baseball team and 22 1 piece band to Klamath Falls during .the Rodeo. A letter from Manager R. A. Caven slates they nro willing to arrauge a nanio for the Elks' celebration here. and bring oer their band and the en- tiro population of the town. It is probable that u delegatlou of Elks and baseball Manager Warren Duhl will go to Weed Uio first of next w euk to make arrangements for such an excursion. YREKA WRITER SAYS IT'S FOUL CONTENTION OF LOCAL PLAYERS ADOPT THE UMPIRE'S DECIS mv nv ltlFF IIIH.VGINO TWO RUNS IS SUPPORTED In bearing out thu statement mode by local players about tno l resa gume, tho SlsKijou iows una uiu ioi lowittg: "Tho boys from Klamath are a gentlemanly lot of follows and good sports, Tito ball that went down tno first baso lino and called rtxir was Just ground for argument. To tho writer ihu ball seemed foul by soveral Inched." Whon their homo paper puts It like that )Ou'vo got to baud It right hack that they are a pretty good bunch of scribes, GROOM CIIAUI.l-S United Press Service NEW YORK. May 23. Although last night a jury speedily found him guilty of murder In the first degree, .,.iin,. i,u srrond trial, former Police , !t,.i.r does not despair, Uli.'UVMv .,,..--- - . . . f of scaping death In the electric cnatr. j Today he ummoneu n ,. -""'"I". . ' ' hou ' " slnK examine lite iranii. "' - ' i.i.i. .. imliit whpreon to liang BIS' eekliK a point thereon B ii'i"'i Hecker believes that his of being acuuiued of the murder of(ulle SPANISH WAR VETS ORGANIZE WILLIAM .McKI.VI.KY CAMP is FORMED, AND OFFICERS ARE ELECTED. ANOTHER MEETING .MONDAY MliHT Formal orgaiiUatloii. of. William McKintey Camp. United Spanish War Veterans, was formed last night, at n meeting of eteruns of '3S, hold at the court house. The following of ficers were chesen: Con uinuder, Charles J. Ferguson; ci.in.- vti-.-. Commander. Arthur K. Wilson; Junior VUe Commander, F. E. Ankeny: (Hiker of tho Day, J. U. Camp, Officer of the Guard, i.. u. Sllvey; Trustees, Thomas Lyon. C. 11. Ritter and t!. T. McDonald. Ai.ilinr iiKHitinir will bo held Monday night for tho ueneflt of vet-j erans who wcro unable to attcnu last night's meeting. At Mondays meeting tho charter will bo closed. ENGINEERS WILL PLAY LOCAL TEAM MEN FlUMl CH1LOQUI.V WILL TRY TO DAM UP KLAMATH'S LUCK AND D1VKIIT THE KUXS TO THE OTHER SIDE Tomorrow afternoon the first real ball game of the season on the home ...... i ""vvvvv" '. p B&1-VJmh8Iib (borrow money with which to Bay liKCKRK. new e,npment. The coHUBlssloa Gambler Rosenthal would have been'saW the company ought to hT the better If he had testified. This view Is also taken by Attorney Marshall,, Although Cockran and the other at- tornejs for the defense disagree. , i ...in u iv n.r.n.c hifn. tho il WO Km U.VU.M9 W.W. V w court of appeals makes in lu . - , . .. prison aner uciag imwuroi i" .-. enterta8 the death house at' None entering tite ueatu nouse ai chance'sing Sing so far hao ever emerged o'clock 'grounds will be called at Itiv ninnlr.t Tom Watters. I The local lads are going to meet a much bettor team than most people think, and It Is the opinion o base ball experts that the game will be nip and tuck from the start to the finish. This will be tho first opportunity k.A Innnl fnna tt ahnil ttlCkll fin- for the local fans to show their ap preclation of a good ball team, and it is believed that ttey win turn out In goodly numbers, not only to swell the gate receipts, but to yell for their own team. MUs Opal Donart left this morning for Portland where she goes to take treatment from an eye specialist. Miss Donart has been troubled for some time with weak eyes, and has decided to stay In Portland until a nermancnt cure Is affected. She will stay with her aunt, Mrs. James Purk- aplie, wimo in roritana. G. A. R. Memorial Service Sermon Tomorrow, Procession and Exercise Later Plans for the proper observance of Memorial Day are progressing nicely. The prospects are for tho most fitting observance in the history or tne cny. The first of the Memorial observ ance will bo held tomorrow, when the memorial sermon will bo delivered by Rev. Larktu Stucker, chaplain of Sprague Post, Q. A. R. This service will be held in tho courthouse pars. at 3 o'clock. All of the pastors or th city have been extended a special Invitation, to participate, and the clU-j sens of the town are Invited to be present. SAY EX-HEAD OF UNITED RAILWAYS -1 i TOOK A MILLION CAl.HOUX IS SCOKKD IN cia i rtEPonr orw- lis CliarKed With Appropriating Co- pany's Funds to Finance FrfTate j Kuterprlse. Had Power to Vms I Concern' Mouejra Jw aa Me 8w i Fit. Calhoun Make a Sweepiac I Denial of it I United Press Serrlco t SAN FRANCISCO. May 2S The 1 State Railway Commlsajoa today ren 'dered a decision charging Patrick CaK. ihoun. former president of the United jStreet Railroads, with appropriating 'in excess of 1, 000, 000 of the coal Jpany's money to finance prirate - terp rises. i The report termed the transaction kas "a loot and fraud upon the public and upon the bond aad note holders." It denounced Calhoun and the direct-? !ora acquiescing. r The revelation was made la cob- ncction with the lnveetigatloa fol- , lowing tho company's application to money wunoui oorrowm . The directors of the company. I 1912 passed a resolution empowerlsg Calhoun to divert the funds to any end he deemed desirable. The com- a decision mission alleges mat lasi year ne -!erted J1.09C.000 to the Solano irrl- Uo pr0motlnK. , ,nd,at!ve of tho lmnosslblUty of A. . , recovering the money, the commission .....,, - .reported that Jesse LIUenthal, Cal-, i nouns successor. lorcca uainoua u 'give a note for the amount diverted, land then listed the note among the 'company's assets at a value of one dollar. Dredger U oa the Job. mammoth aredger. Klamath' , hef Rt peMctn acrM- Wocus Bay for U8e ln digging the I . . .. n . a. J MCCornacK canal, rne tagie. www the "Queen" over, making the wind ing tour over the' shallow waters of Wocus Bay without mishap. Yncation Over. After two weeks vacation. MUs, Hazel Dames is again at the long distance switchboard ln tho exchange rooms of the local telephone company. Mrs. Dr. I. C. Bush, of Santa Crus, Is visiting at tho home of Mrs. B. S. Phillips. Mrs. Bush expects to be In -Klamath Falls about a month before returning to her home in California. Tho plans for the observance of Memorial Day being worked out by Capt. O. C, Applegate and W. A. Dei zell include a procession and patriotic exercises. The procession will form in front of toe court bouse nt ! Members ot roe u. a. k. ana w men's Relief Corps will nutreb.ita ffi tho Link River bridge where tner will j1: -., . .. . vr. will scatter flowers on the water r , ' otherwise honor, those whe tei V k Ing on the seaa for the Stripes. Upon the reUrn 't ", . WWMlMWMMWWQWWW0ieSe iniuJ ill V . ... m " .-.mi il . ti flfe. .y -MP I S-11. I u.i'ii- 4T 4;J J.J'felli" ". .t