w ,5 1 ! ' f itttimmg literal! PRINTS Tl IK N1CWS WHILE IT IS NEWS KLAMATH FALLS' OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER lllghtli Vmr N, -,il7A, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, FRIDAY, MAY 22, 1914 Price, Five mh .a ... , I . Ml mm. IU SAVE MAN; HIS SON FIRES HIM MI.I.I.LN HIM'LI'HKf. Ills TI.HII. MOW lOII.U Hixt.rlt-lli-1- mill Other I lll.llll In. hiiliiim.ortl hoi. I Vt(lllcnl-. in M.i.ti llMI Tlirlr II...IH. Will Nut ivrnill Tlieui Co ,'-nr. ( Ttit-' U llout.le.1 II) Adjourn Tlii). 'frt It) M. !..... I. WAnlllNNOTON. May ,-ll cauk' lie lld thai If Morgan, Ui Rial) (tolly Hi l.lnitle lor tlio M'W'1 . .. ' lUxii iMiulile. vm. in t. initUtml, it m!,l Lilt him. tMmrln M Mnllni. i foriiu-r In 4.1 f Ui Nru Yor.. NW,,,r,r "' ,"","', ftl"1 "," ,:i,;' '"'r" lUtvii IUttfur.1 tu.U) to. tl. In. ;" '"" liliiK tiiUll Hip nwiU ui.iatn ttniiin..rt- CimitttU.lim tlmtl,M,f" "''l" '" H' trl.. tic tnrAp.l Hi troll, nti.1 arrpi.tnl' ' u l''l ' r m"r' 1.1. ,,. i.,.iifi.ii,i imil. iimln. the irtp nml tln-r will In irton. for thlA MHncrltltti, MiUKSf ton practlnilly flrl" lilm. Willi ... a riMiturfcai.ia mau'iii'tu uu-; KHblllC till, .olilmiltoi.. MrlUmtoin. ,,IHn 1,1. imiiinutir U.I. afi.'nu...ii o t1 'Irlrtll. Uf III" ltl'41 h..lhl,c( dm Now llrli ami tli" (Irmi.l Tit.nU Tim cl.-n of ll.o livarliiK ratlntr tramatlr It l nut Mlrtl that WcIIpi. ran Up prowoH"! undxr tbi InJittmnt hretne MoUihoi of thn Hl.tfiimii art Mllli .xtilall.nl (tip (Irainl Tnink affair a Morgan' .loltiic. Mo mltll that l. Uvlrvl to tiooLli'r tl.o hlnuiu In It, knoMliiit llir to.iilltlo.t of Mor (ah' hraltli al tttu tlllln. j i ku Mlll.ily Hint Inillrtmpiil'AITKIt -oulil ha( klllrO lilm," at.l Mclli'll. )VT Tbrfw a nothing I nil Id not l.ai'j iloiio fqr Morgan " I Al tliU jMilnl lh Hltn-V i-yr-l flllr.1 with t.iira nml III tolcn hroUn, I tol.l Morean'a aon nhuut It," ho ,t.i. .,.! )... K.1.1 m.. i!.ai ll would! i i.i r..r in iravn lli Nw ii.... , I tol.l lilm that tliU dUnil.all-o ll.-nry KlolT. enrrtakr of n limn- Jntlortii.y. Htoiu. & (Snli-. all xvalvH a tun what I tliougltl irop.tr r- ufarturor'. rwld.-nc Into trmihlc prcllmlnnry wamlnntlon. and will ward lor what I had dam. In rw.l.wih Itio authorltl.-. " -,r "u"''1 " Jur' , Ing dl.Krnw to iaxo hU father llo! In the nflrrnoon Kloft ..H:ured a Tl.o romplnltinnl l Sherman A. frit Imdly. and m-ured me thai lfhlgh powered rllle and went out on Hrown. llo allege thai l he men bl. father had Wnlndlcted.lt would. the highway nnd h-gan to nrtub t.ullt a road fence nrriM the blgh havo lia.tened I.In death 'military ow.liillot... and flrenrtnii drill, 'way nnd that when hU brother went "NnVertheliwJl, he BfrxHl"l Ibe rit Ignatlon," JoMph V. Kolk, thief cuiinwl for U.e lutmtntK Commerce t.'ommlwlon. fliinounred that WIIIIaiii Uorkefeller. (ieorge Mi'Colloilgtl Morehouni) nn.l II M HoohHperger filed phynlrlali-' rertlllrateit, ntntllig Hint their liven would bo III danger If Ihoy were, forced to (etlfy nt the lienrllig. "Il.il lliM-ki.f.tller wn nhle lo III-1 t.iut .i..iitii ..f it... New neniup nnd down the dimty highway .Hr..inr. .,.i,,e.tRv." mild Mi Chord. xi..ii 1.1 ... ,.,,,... iimi Hurl..-1 fellors' romllllou wn such Hint l.ejuulrk single III.., douhlo tile nn.l four fniild mil uiiitwer n dtucn iiielloiiijnbret. tonsBfiiilvoly without n brenkdown. Mennwhlle tho Kl.erlff olllco wn An ndjournmeiit wn taken until notified, mid when the n.miteur w.l- Tiiesdny ,llorH W,r" r","l' ,0 ,,rop' n ,1,,,u,)' ' iHl.erlfT stole up behind Kloff nnd laid .W Ilii, n. HUty. ll'11" " 'rl,,, K,,n M examined It Hufii Monro I nttnietluK much nt- wn empty lentlou on the ulreel) todny with hlj " Into model llnyne. Tho cur I fiO'Mi. Mitchell 1tour. lmmepowor. nn.l hn tho electric gear I Mr. . A. Mitchell returned tail hllt nnd other ullrn-modern uppll-JnlKbt from n visit with relative In nnrM, I.Moiitnuii. Trains Relay String Dan Liskey Is Coming Strong to the Elks' Rodeo Hun KUIuy I In llni 'Hy '0,,u ovor tho program for lh Klk llodeo. I.Ukoy will linvo nt Intuit. Mnvmi horse lo ontor In tho dofforuitl ovuttl tl I now laying out iv truck nt tho rniif" on which to liiilu hi horwii. Mukoy will hnvo ti rolny trlnK nml ho hoiit that ho cuti clean up unyllilnK l H"t county am! say ho ulreudy hit ilmt money won In tho rolny rare, Ho will nUo outer (n tho potato rnoo nnd tho tug of wr for suddlo liorno. Ho offer to fui;nlh two good LUUAL tLKS WILL VISIT LAKEVIEW: roiirv nit i in -nit ls" will I joi'iinki to M:iuim:itiMi HHVIV MIAT TO VIMT TIN". avilciis n.ni t AUoui fori) or lift) uiemborii of ill... tit, ...... ...ii . t . . . i ... ,... ,.j.,Et. mi ,. m,i,,Ww. ni:V VOIIK. May 22. "ll' lucre tin Uur ta of hum mown T.u !, , u,utl (l )lrJ of u , IwvJwWlii wu4 l-ia.lkully drltll UMI) IIw'ahii dalrlne can w It for him-r-Kiilsr m.-Hlt.g ..f the lodge hut ,,, ,, ,. ,,, ,, ,)0W l0 ,.,., .t.,.,6 miu n rui.u.miM. rcMt.iine ... .... 1 ....... 1.,, iMim Hum nml (Mis. J. Mrtflln ww. appointed to nirB.ie,...r Lie ..... Tim Klk t.f t.ak.iew !iir a ery f1(tufMl)lite club and during ihe w'n- ter Iibxm flllrd u. vr I'.lio rluti rtvtx in at , . t 1. . .. i, ... j . ""' ' nmi i. it.i i- ""' r u... i.k.i..w iiitm'r to Kla"""1' ''" ' ( vlll tbiMi. III lirotmlily Icaui linr Haturila uiorn Inc. Majr 30 m return Monday for.- mtiitt Iti Aililltlmi In tl, inninliMr ' " - ,,f " w" ,,,, '""' or II. 1'"1'" ,r,"J,,, wl" "" '" 'plttfo tlirlr ntlviTlUlne for tl.o hie ' ...II. !..... Hl "fl WAR MAD CLERK RECRUITS ARMY ICtarvi.Cf Hunt, llii-lr hire.! man, a ml SOI.ITAItY llltll.l.. ATwhclr dauKl.trr. Illanrho nml lnn OK lMITV Itll'l.i:. HK'oodico and Mlldrrd Voko, wro nr- IXJII'I'IS SOl'U TO -j. irmtod at tl.lr bonii-t'nd near Cr)i linmmv. MASVAU ' '! ""- Co.Mc John HA.V ItAKAKU May 22. An nt- tpinut In oreanlio a viiunil of Kiildli-m nml mnrch on Mexiro ha brought i Kour artors of a moving pirturo com- t.any wntehed lilm nnd Iniighed. Then four laborer rntnn down the road and alio laughed. A ahiittt of mirth went up when Miller, HitiiHiel'Kloff nhiio.im.vd thin he wn getting1 ready for wnr with Mexlro. Suddenly Kloff brought the rifle to I.U shoulder levelled It nt the right men mid lommnuded I hem to fnll In, Tlify fell III. For half mi hour Kloff drilled them Ho ch. Hindu them iniinh nnd counter imirrh march slowly and on tho douhlo bucking horse and u numbor of wild lioraiw, henlde four horea Tor tho (ihurlot nice, ll will be Hwnn l.uko iignlnst Hio county nccordlng to l-l-kev anil from tho bIihwIiik he inmlo Inst your ll I a f t '"' tuo other Hectloiw of tho county will hnvo to go siiiuii If they bout him, l.lykoy hna Just recolvod ti letter from hi brother nt HornhrooK to tho effect thul ubout (our humlreu people from thul wctlim nre coining to tho Hoiloo In Jul)', !"RIVER IS THERE," SAYS ROOSEVELT ItllTlllSCIt IHWrLIt SAYS UK WILL Till, I, A.VVIIOin I.NTKIL i:ti:i ji'st how to m:,rn tmi: m:v .stiika.m Uuiuil l'rca Hervlco u,,.,,..- Mild t'oloiil HnMfVt.lt toduy.l 11,,.,, .jhwHdumI regarding the new fvi.r he discovered. t,M,.Vt,l ,j . work al ti,,. "Outlook nttlte. dictating to u Meml t.grnpht-r, for om lime. After thl. J he d. tole.l hi lime lo unpacking hi 1 ..... .., ai. ..... r . . .... ........ - m-.iiu'.i 111 1 iip tiiucrirnii jiiikc.i.i. of .Nntnrl iiumry ROWOETSINCOURT ;xTiti 1 1 IWMII.Y IS AltltlNTKlM I'lM.v ixiMi'ii.vr oi-' nitow.v. am. waivi: IU-ltl.flS I'ltCI.IMI.VAItY ChnrKi'il with ubktrurthii; n hlish- j .way, nn.l with .olntii.K a wrapon nt !lrr.l 1! Ilrowu nn.l thrcatfiitni; to' VIII him. Mr ni.u Mr. W. V Wylaml. KCltauocK, ami nroucni nrr; lor preliminary hearlnc. Thu mni nrt chiirKl with oh DtrurtliiK th.'hlKhwny, nml thi wonu-ii iwllh thronU to kill ThrouKh their io re.uuvo u, me u. p loaded gun ni him. nnu inrunieiieit . to kill l.lm Fred (3. Hrown wn n candidate for county Ktirveyor In the recent primaries. According to the defendant In the nctlon, thl wn only one of n er le of persecution Inlllcted upon them lnce they took the hoineten.l. (They hay their claim hn been con- teto.i, and they nave sunereu oinor nnnoynnce. Two of the girl nre crippled, nnd weigh les tti nil '.)0 pound. They Htato that in the nbence of thu men from tho plnce, Drown struck nt thorn nnd their mother when they sought to leHtrnln lilm from tearing down the fence. LAKE COUNTY MAY USE THE RECALL SCHOOL SirCKHIXTKXHKXT OI.IV Kit IS TIIK C.U'SK OF THK COM I'LAIXT. SAYS WOMF.X WHIT INO TO SALKM SAI.KM. Oro., Muy 22. A move meut I being utnrted In l.uko county to recall tho school mipertuteudent, 0. K. Oliver, nccordlng to u letter re ceived by Soctctsry of Stnto Olcott from Mr. F. A, Humlngton, of l.nko. Shu Hiild thul n teuchor nt Lake hud Ncut money to tho county superin tendent for uho In purchasing library books, u ml that they could gut no In formation from the superintendent nliottt tho book or money. Mis, llomliiKtou nskod the Secretniy of Htnto to ndvUo hor ob to what pro ceeduro uhould be followed In recall ing mi official. Kvorythlng I In readlnos for thu Shirtwaist Dancing Club dnnco flat- urduy. It NEIGHBORHOOD ISI'AT OF WAR Villa Troops Start Immediately for Campaign Vt'iLBr ilwi? tMHk v - '( ; w&&. H w- '31 WM HRRlii xjtfiM HP'VViPr?'2 KtFi HHBs Bii4w ?'&& VLMl(F? wftw HM""WIJ S, e-5''?S?l'C lMr!i'' fimm, H BHQ!9 . ; mi CV T3 l rj' - wj- . " A 3 --':W''V f-l-BtSt'"! t TK'&V M'rtv,Vinr,w7v.l y-r 4- avcT ' 'ifl-'::!-1 M8Ptv' rsSM Hik-Lrrari , y-vv M T?f' ? 'R. tBLW-afc-WB By?-"'i Mnnl B -W HHHKKBi' $Wih KII:':-II1Mh-i cl i V iHr' IVT& L' j'ii. B vP?L1' '4is t. & B Kl0t''litKV'r T"5 i?ki K9HBK l TfitrT fi J rt ot Hi B)lrMBrKK'?ir'i- m Hl SHHPHHHHHHHHKluHBt ivBHIHHHHHBcrdHLV'J 3L hH 1 h9MB RPPir "rlt,jl '& 9friJS'u'Kti' 'i H WP yxl P g 7HnMr!' " f l BHhkMH vSBHKh 3i5 9e9R Sbfc' ai H BMI Ti' . micotw. ' I This Is the latest photograph taken of Cenernt i'ancho Villa, !-bamllt, and now tho foremost man In Mexico, xcept llucrtn. The photograph was. taken shortly after hi victory at Tor- United 1'ress Service KL PASO. May 22.. -As a result i of the evueuntlou of Saltlllo by the;iro. This city, south of San Louis Federal forces, military activity In Mexico hn been transferred to thojto Mexico City. south central purt, leaving Northern ; Mexico entirely In the hand of thobiglu to move southward immediate- CoustltutluualUta forces. It I not expected that tho Federals ' wlll make nuy big defense of Snn Louis Potosl, This I already being Lesolged by rebels under Torres and Cutlrrcz. SPITTING ON WALK TO CAUSE ARRESTS POHTUIXH TAKES .DHASTIO STEPS TO SEE THAT SA.MTAHY MiaSIIKK IS PHOPEHLV OIL SEHVKH PORTLAND, May 22. Vlloator of tho nntl-splttltiK ordinance uro to bo nrrestod. City Health Officer Murcollus this morning detailed his entire force of sanitary inspector to patrol tho downtown street and to arrest every body found expectorating on tho side walks, llo also bus asked tho Chief ot Police to co-operate with lilm in thu enforcement uf tho ordinance. Recently MnrceJIus has received many complaints from various sou ro es in regard to tho rion-eiiforcement of thl ordluunco. MOVING SOUTH reon, which was the turning point i the Mexican rebellion. Since then Villa's power has becomo so great that he has overshadowed Carranza who. however, still signs himself "Supreme Chief." It Is believed that the scene of the next big battle will be at Quere- U'otosi auu east or tuxpam. is tno Key Ceneral Villa and his forces will ilv. Owing to the railroad between S'nltlllo uud San Louis Potosl being wrecked ,by tho Federals, Villa will transport his troops via Monterey and Tnmplco, thence to San Louis Potosl route. iHIGH SCHOOL IS ENJOYING PICNIC STCllKXTS AXII FHIEXDS TAKE STKAMKK TO ITPPEH UKE POINTS. STUDIES AHE COM PLKTKD FOH THK YKAU High bchool students and their Xrleuds are today enjoying a picnic on the Upper Klamath Lake. Leav ing this morning on the steamer Wl noma, tho Jolly party proceeded to the picnic grounds between Harrlman Lodge nml Ilocky Point, where three hours wero spent in plcnlcklug. Many picnic parties took basket lunches. For those who did not, the high school served a cafeteria lunch. Tho studies for the term wero com pleted yesterday. Tho first few dnys o.f noxt week will be devoted to ex ams, followed by commencement. "KLAMATH BEATS 'EM ALL" KELLER KOIOIKIt llt'HI.VKSH MA.V ASH IIJH KAMII-V KKTL'UN FIIOM VIHIT TllltOLOII MIDDI.K WK8T All three a corpulent and trailing as uver, ana tickled lo gel dock, ioi Klamath again. Mr. and Mr. J. J. Keller and ton 1'aul, returned lost night from a five months' trip. They iipi-nt the greater part of their time at their former home In tho middle west, but hav.; also visited Chicago, Bu ljula. New Orkuris, Kl Pao, U ' Angeles, San. FrancUco and other cltlen. "Klamath Falls Is as lively as any small city that we Visited, and a great deal livelier than ino most of them," said Keller today, pausing to give his right arm a chance to rest from the many vigorous shakings It Is getting j irom irienos. r rom wiiai i ne-ru and saw In other towns along the const, I believe there Is more business .and building hero than In any other coast town and It sure is good to (get back again." I Keller formerly conducted Kelier'a 'cafe, disposing of it to A. J. Win- jglns when he left last winter. He has considerable property Interests here, and the family will remain in Klamath Falls. TANGO CONTEST IS LATEST FAD SKVF.HAL CITIES ARK ItKPRE 8KXTKO IX UNIQUE COMPET1 TIO.V XOW HF.IXG HELD IX YOUXGSEOWX United Presa Seme YOUNCSTOWN, May 22. How to tango, hesitation, maxixe and the other various terpsichorean creations that bud, bloom and fade away from time to time, may be utilized for In-ter-clty contests of skill was demon strated for tho first time here today. Contestants from Cleveland, Pitts burg, Buffalo, Akron, Westfleld, N. Y., and other cities glided over the glassy floor here today before the Judges' stand for honors. With the contest today came talk of forming leagues lor tangoera Just like inter-city baseball, hockey, box ing and other forms of contest. Tango fetes in the various cities, It was rumored by promoters today will draw crowds far more In number than many of the forms of amuse- ,. BIk "Expo" Job For Easterner. United Press Service SAN FRANCISCO, May 22. Hol lis K. Cooley, a well kuown eastern theatrical manager, today assumed his duties as chief of the Panama- Pacific exposition bureau of special events. Among other thing Cooley will plan and supervise the great public functions which will be given from time to time in connectioa with the exposition. Everything Is In readiness for the Shirtwaist Dancing Club dance Sat urday. It library Fund Is Big 4 t Over $2,500 Is Available for School Districts The school districts of Klamath county have an opportunity this year to make a splendid start on a school library, as the money now on hand for school library purposes I tho largest bum ever available for this purpose In Klamath county. There Is on hand for school library books, a total of 12,541. Thin la divided among the districts according WATSON TELLS OF TROUBLE AT THE INDIAN SCHOOL SAYS WHII'IMNO t'SKI) AS I.A8T !,, ,. !- nMt.ii. ll. J w Been Sent to Washington, Tell of Home of the Evcatu That Hrn Cnlanlnated in a Reqsent, For Mas Rrslicutloa. Intermal P-ttt-ni Held lnctly to Blame. t Further Information regarding the j - Attorney Knox.. wno flKured ,B ,tho petition for the closing of William- son and Sprague rivers to logglae has Just been brought to light. He Is a N'nw York practloner, who spent about six months at the Sylvia fish ing resort on the Klamath Reserva tion last year. , In addition to bis efforts for the closing of the riven to lumbering Knox was Instrumental in stirring up other trouble at the reservation'. chiefly charges against Indian Agent Edson Watson, who baa tendered his resignation, following a request from Washington. "Knox made a number ot charges to the Indian Bureau, regarding me, charging inefficiency, etc.," said Mr. Watson today. "In these, he acted for Mrs. Sylvia, and he took every; thing up with Washington, none with me. "An Investigation was made, and the greater part ot these allegatloaa were swept away. One was looked Into further, regarding the owner ship of a colt. Mrs. Sylvia and an other Indian both claimed the colt was theirs. The descriptions wero practically the same, except that- the Sylvia colt was supposed to be a year older than the other man's colt. jl appointed a committee to examine the colt as to age, etc., and their ver dict was In favor of the other claim ant. 'The matter was taken up by an other committee later, and they held that It must be the Sylvia colt. There was also some trouble as to the own ership of a cow on Klamath Marsh, many Indians claiming It in addition to Mrs. Sylvia." According to residents of the upper. country, a former forest guard was largely responsible for the agitation against Watson. He -was disgruntled because he was not reappointed last year, say the reports. Regarding the whipping of Ah Indian boys, which resulted dn the removal of Principal Sims and fig ured In the Watson case, Mr, Watson gave out the follewing: "The four boys concerned during the holidays, committed criminal as sault upon n younK girl at a danco. Upon her complaint, I had the mat ter taken up with the Federal Dis trict Attorney at Portland, who Btat ed that It would be considered by tho grand Jury. "The boys upon their return to school, wero treated as prisoners, pending the action of tho grand Jury, During the play hours, (hey had work assigned to them, and after school (Continued on Page 4) to the attendance, the rate being ft lfj for each pupil enrolled. f r ?' .jj1 wuii mi sum, even me bwmmh districts will be able to jqnMtiiw, . Quantity of books. " "',;,j .i' nn.uitv School . BuHArlnteadMit'l Fred Peterson ltselB,W,Uw'yfri ( lous dlstrlcu? catalegwes 6fbelrf, i', suitable for schollsvlfilMr tM ?' ' schools ordering it'MiMi, Msm; '-iv. material reduction, is, th,' ' ai. : 1Y