The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, May 21, 1914, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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TIlUHallAY, MAY til, 11)14
Latest Baseball Chatter Is 3 w h & Massing m Troops
lined Out for the Dopesters
Eastern and Western Invasions in the Big Leagues May
Upset Some Standings-Federal Players More
Than Lambaste the Ball
(Wrltlrli for llm I nlltHl I'rinnl
M V VOHK, May 2I--II I ho Mum lit. U'llhurt IIoIiIiimhi' llrnoMyu Jltoitoy, uml ll down ilu fact In
... r ftliUI". kill (r fcltWl tlcpp 111 "'"iBl'ln titltl IIimMmi In urKII" Willi liln)i'd III Hi. I.Dilln,
Jul,,, Hi. Ic Mid) ln 't'lnl llillu.
,i h lmu K'll uiiiih.i.iI Mi ,M)
Now ilio libit lmf tit n kMlltlii'il
If I tin) lii' llm lilt III Hull tfitli
mill niiillliiio Ihrlr iluull hut tlitii
With Detroit Mt II I M'ltliu: llm imtf
ftr lliii A fin.rlf ii tt I imtf n u I lif
.. - ... . 1 . " "" """ Ift , M"
,1,,. nr ht, i-uKiiiiiiiiB ui "" iit)irwlrnlii forum or Uu- I'-jult-ni iriiulHHitli In Hie linn or batllo orcurr..l
i,( .ol.iiir.ii Tho Nallnmtl lstKiii'tltirlm; llil pmIoii tli..y ill.) uwr jj(.,K h, fitu-tl a. sllnVr IlKiu ti
lnm n murt- r If iii to tlit-lr'"' Wt-tNl half f th ilrmll. II !,,.,, ( n. ,r i,-ml of Hid Ht.
h-m in lliflr nit Vn.iu "'" '"'w U,UK' ,",r,, ,,'n"' '"''"'' ')' i UiiU llnittiu. Whllo Ho ami
, t. .1. ,. frr- ,.,". .lauil N'uim. thiTUHr liiuft hail itiitli.
wlillf th" All'tltH MttlSUn Jnrrr ill I, . . . .. ., ,
,:Wwi r trallltiK t,rr it,.- .inUlm! UUr" ,,n M"'". '" "' "' orrr wbMUl -.l t he wild
',. . ., ,. jntiil Dftmnittt. ll... "Ill" luiiiiiP1"1 " d a"k of rrnnk Chantr,
l tt. .d IntlndihK ie Mm r.r lhUWV.Ji.rn tour. nu .uu i;J)'",,',r J,''"'V n,,;,,,,f;I!Ml'0V"M
. ...,.,.......',, ., .... Ilruvtit uml n tfjim In Philadelphia,
Wi La- m-i W mid u.i l-M. .iHhrr II.. ngurrs on thn Plrt.-!Umoi , MUMln
UM -l.u llm lnlrrrinal rl-Ht-f , , , rreilh,c , ,, of ,.!
Son Utrim. to .Imt- H-ir int.. rM Uiui wW ;,a"""4 Mnr" "' !'"rl..K llu-Ir ttl Ite.lurn irl. In th,
m.,1 r It.rm Hun iH-rmllt thn to.. '" nch with llm i:tnn hiiiul. ,tuw. to kt-. In tlm l.-il ir WnL
. - . ....... I. I. ... ... . ..u ... -I.I.. ....ttT Jtllltlmlll lllU-flll'l kill Klllll.l tit tint
(pr to 0" MP Jru III litHir HI UK- tl t". "' . "J "" I" ami- hi - - - ,
urlni: Mi'l lh" fliul In CKlrtUrr that rictirn uni. Inru.-ly n inntUT or (,'lnrKtti
their neurit ri orlli Jiut about tiriini contlnulnc to romn throiiuh.
4 lourli ti llm paHT ihcr errllihlftl .MrQtilllcn. thr. rombsc! ha lmrn
tin Ithn lirtint or thr aitlmn or utamllni; an National U-heuc mnttHi;(ii, unfile tiaimiirii on Hit-lr hemlt no
tt" rtintrrnt-tl. lanr MrJra ' far. l.nrKIm: in llm background
.ru in filurn to Hi" I'olo (roiitiil(,arit' ha Hob llnrmon, ttH), who haa
In Jim" looVInc mucli brtliT. prnsntly .htn but llltlp ilurlnc tbo early
.(.otiiir than ht .ll it klirn hr itart ' H'il'"l WIhmi tin. nun hcln to boll
r4 In Vrinrn trip VVIu'ii Mrdrrt ilonn honnxr. ami Harmon loon
hit l'IUtiiirc the I'lratr hmt nn'up. U atioultt bo a blK hlp
Dlirrii saiiim ami tot 4. tthlrh Inill-j Harmon ha boon Kttllty or pitch
atr roti!uralln ball plnylne Inu mwp rattllne Kamr. and with
("UrK'n rrnw, Onrcr. had bron tho auppnri thn IMrntr niir a box
IMtlitiK "Ith thn lain UiiH'iiIrd ('til- man, to rny nolhlnc of nv nlTrctlvn
cto Cub, Mt. l.oul ami Clnnlntmtl jitlrklne on tho ldn. tho ox(nrillnnU
MHlrsM had had llm 'rnpplne I'hll may yrt rotnc alont; with Mowry and
ljgg5MWBP-"0J- WMoBHMHwwWBBBWBBy awBgilL.y WWT I
Physicians Recommend
Pure Ice Cream
Made by Expert Mixers
During the warm weather your
comfort and health demands
our Ice Cream
From One Quart to Many Gallons
Klamath Falls Creamery
hatlnritt Ilia) bo tho Mnridnn artlllnry
will aUo iiparc n nVIUt-r or two, mid i
JhiiiIiie will KM hack to SWrolt and .r. v , . .,,.. ... x,.... ,.,.. ... .., .., .. ... . .. .
tho Wwt In tho 4mn pot. with ih ..,., ,, lttmm tnr ,.,. .ir ki...i.i ..... .J. i- ... ,.,.- u..... ..,. .. ...."'
othrr lram holdlnR tho balanco In '....,.,; ,' , , ..,.,...,., fc ::.,.' : ..... . - ' ". 1
mo iwrrtuaic column. i,, if in,nn,,i,i,i is.m. ... n ..- i...... .-... i.i. r-i .
Whi'H Connlo Muck decldo to laud .
Innrliitvi. hnn kmt. orfiinv flmt titan.) .
and d.tlaro martial law, It will tnk.s,,,,:!I b" Mt'
milplnt: rrom thu vtitlrn Ir-wio lo dU-l Tho Notional League In 120 garow
lodRo him. H JcuuliiK I able to drous out 399 IiIIh. good for 317 ex-"
Jump In and cop tho cutom houcj'ra hae, and Including 21 homo run
dur n tho nrluc. then It may lo in.."".
i The Preabjterians or Astoria have
Mil a contract for a 5,000 church.
other tory, but that I on ahead, and
why kwlm a river when the troop
will on bo along with pontoon
Thrwe Fed are the ulugglneat itlug
err In raptltlty. Organlxed bae
ball magnate ay It look llk thoy
han Krcnt batting only becauac tlio
pitching In no poor, but whatewr tho
teuton may lie, thoy hao uro done
omn alugglng.
In 12& game tho Fed team have
ilrUrn out 4S houit rum, and enough
doublr and thrce-baggor for 458 ex
tra hate. They nailed uut a total of
Tint. American league trails lu this) Oakland
twattlng comparison, baring driven I'ortlaud
out only 1.0C4 hit In 110 games. For
th!u stretch Dan Johnson's outfit
slammed for 110 extra bases, includ
ing 12 homo runs In the collection of
Flvu counties from Kucene to
E.J Portland have united to derelop the
1 Pacific highway on tho east side of
3 1 tho Willamette Valley.
There are two kinds of insurance.
ClillroKi write the kind that pays.
(1.1.1 Main.
Klllllayand Atitte; Wet and FUberj
It. II. E.I
Sacramento 6 9 0'
Venice 10 10 1
Slagul, Kremer and Hannah; lieu
Icy and Elliott.
it. H. E.
1.0 Angeles 0 S 1
San Francisco 1 5 01
Hyan ind Hroofcs; I.elfleld and
North Uend will haev a wharf with
a quarter of a mile of straight deep
water harbor line.
The greatest of all pictures,
Perils o Pauline," coming soon.
Star theater. Watch for date.
Subscribe for the Herald. SO cents larko.
a month.
'To VMt Uncle.
Legal Notices
Housekeeping rooms, naar brldic ,uan- r lho Fitspatrfck
IDcan'tonsorial parlors, leaea tomor-
NoUco InrlUng Bids
i rursuani 10 an ordinance
Made from
Klamath County Wheat
Klamath County Men
fLUUK Klamath County People
Klamath FaUs Flour Mills
Klamath Falls Mills
(Valor Mke.
Anchor llrantl
AH330ND 13SNQS 3H1
'slwii .vk no.t .m auis xaoni
d.vncxi i)'iiix.'v .i.mi 'tiiTiii JiaoA o ti.vvxs x.txi
'AiiaOOHD ItlHXrifi HHX XV
.v(Mi'i. MUIK.M xvhx iiiai !viNiMyi no.v auv xvii.u
;..izvno no. :iv
umoq apisdQ si
MN J. ZUMWAI.T, Pres. K. M. UUttlt, Vice Prrm. and Treua.
Surveyors and Irrigation Engineers
Klamath County Abstract Co.
.low inornlnK for Bonanxa, to see nU, w tt.e common council on tho
uncle. L. J. Uauman. Mr. Bauman is(27tn dav of Aprn, ili. approved by
suffering with a cancer in his taouth. the mayor on th6 2Sth ot ADrl, 1914
nnd is reported to be in a very bad n0ce ls hoboDy glTea taat bIa3 wm
be received by tho Police Judge of the
'city of Klamath Falls, Oregon, at his
'otflce at the corner of Main and Sec
ond streets, in said city, up to and in
cluding the 25th day ot May, 1914, at
!S o'clock p. m., for the Improvement
of Third street in said city, from Its
'intersection with Malu street to Cal
ifornia nvenue. Including Intersec
tions, by grading to tho established
, grade to a width or 24 feet; and by
hard surfacing said roadway 24 feet
wide from Main street to Grant street
I with six inches ot crushed rock, with
an asphalt binder and surface valley
gutters, all without curbing, but pro
viding necessary drainage. All ot
said Improvement to be made and the
materlnls to be used In accordance
with tho plans and specifications
i adopted by tho common council, and
,now on file in the office of the Polico
lJudgo of said city, reference thereto
Is hereby made for turtbor details re
garding construction, materials and
Said Improvement to be done un
der contract, and bids will bo opened
Today's news in The Herald.
( -
- IF1""1 ' 1- .'BIL'M
sg-. . . it ITNSLg,
i ifB'Sy
i sum
i Wm Tc
l WB
Equity No. 077
In tho circuit court of te aial
Oregon, for the coaitf'1 of .-,
Itlchnnl Melhaao. Plaintiff,
lit. 0, Bplnk (also known as Ilobrt O,
Spink), A. U Spink (ntso knows
t as Allro I,. Spink), and M. L.
.Mayers, Trustee; nnd P. Lowen- !Lt
1 gari, M. Holler and Sanford
Lonengart, Defondants.
To II. I,, Mayers, Trustee, Defendant
1 abovo nnrned:
i in tho name ot tho state ot Oregon,
ott nro hereby ruqulrud to answor
the complaint filed against you In the
above entitled action, on or before
'he Cth day ot June, 1914, that bc
, rg the day or the last publication of
this summons, ami tho last day within
which you tiro required to answer,
m I xrd by the order of publication of
tliU summon?.
if you tall to appear nnd answer,
plaintiff will take Judgment and de
cree against you as prayed in bis
Tills suit is brought to foreclose .
the mortgage given by tho defend
ants, It, C. Spink (also known a
Robert C. Spluk) and A. U Spink
FCatso known as Alice V. Spink), to
Richard Mclhase, plaintiff, on April
2S. 1911, to secure the payment of
the two promissory notes ot said de
fendants, dated on said April 28,
1911, for sixteen hundred and sixty
six and sixty-seven one-hundredths
'dollars, each, duo ono and two years
'after said date, respectively, with In
'tcrcst at 8 per cent per annnm trots -i
date, and providing for reasonable
.attorney's tees, and upon the follow
ing described real estate In KlamaU
'county, Oregon, tewlt:
Beginning at the south-wesUrlj
corner of lot two (2) In block
eighteen (IS) In the city of Klam
ath Falls, Oregon, formerly Link
vllle, thence northerly along- the
line of lots two (2) and seven (7),
two hundred forty (240) feet t
Pine street; thence easterly along
the southerly line of Pin street
twenty-five (25) feet; thence ton
therly and parallel to the westerly
He of lots two (2) and sevea (7)
two hundred forty (240) feet to
the northerly line of Mala street;
thence westerly alone the northerly
line of Main street tweaty-Bve (SS)
feet to theplace ot Decl&ateg?
the city ot Klamath Falls, formerly
Llnkville, Oregon, above described
premises fronting and abntUagon
Main street 25 feet and Pise street
25 feet
And to have declared Junior, In
ferior and subsequent to plaintiff's
said mortgage the mortgage asaie,
executed and delivered to yon by eaM
defendants, Robert C. and ltee
Spink, on April 29, 1912, npoa the
same premises as those covered by
plaintiff's mortgage as above net
forth, and to have your mortgage
lien and all right, title and Interest
which you, or any ot said defendants,
may have In the mortgaged premises
barred and foreclosed, except the
right to redeem as provided by law.
N'o personal Judgment Is demanded;,
against you in said complaint.
This summons is published once
a week, for six consecutive weeks,,
in the Evening Herald, a dally news
paper of general circulation, printed
and published In the city of Klamath
Falls, Klamath county, Oregon, by
order ot Honorable Henry L Benson.
Judge ot tho circuit court ot the state
of Oregon, for the county "ot Klam
ath, and dated April 24, 1914, the
first publication ot this summons be
ing made on the 25th day of Ayr
Attorneys for Plalatlf .
' ,'B
, J
libn A.hTJrsKl
In Included lu tho warning that
)our earning power will not lust
foruvor. Tuko lieod to It, and
propuro tor tho days ot Idleness
by winIdk while you still havo
power to oaru. Open im ac
count lu tho First Trust and
Savings Bank now. It will bo
your best friend when our
earning da5 nro our.
Economy upply tation
ir the thriftv motorist.
Everything here to do
creM )our running ev
Ienrsand increase your
comforts and pleasures.
We tpccialize in
"Nobby Tread"
Tim tint v dow fctiaf
Ctaptiy'i rtfilu vurtatr
erftct vorkauiKip uJ ma
UrUl BUT aiy Jjitment ii
M ktu ol
5,000 Miles
Trlw to nil points in Southern
Oit'Ktm itiul Northern Cullfoniin.
Klit tlrhi'ix, Uollnblo caw.
Day and Night Service
.and considered on the. 25th day of
'May. 1914.
i Didders will be required to submit
their proposals upon blanks prepared
'by the city engineer, and no proposal
I will bo considered unless so submit
ted. Blanks may bo obtained either
at tho office ot tho Police Judge or
city engineer.
I Said improvement to be completed
jwtlhln twelvo months.
Tho successful bidder will bo re
Iqulred to give bond In n suni to bo
fixed by tho common council, for the
faithful completion of such Improve
ment. Each proposal to be accom
panied by a certified check, certified
by n responsible bank, for D per cent
of tho amount bid, as a guarantee
that tho successful bidder will enter
Into bond and contract with tho city
of Klamath Falls, within ten days
from tho date of the award.
Tho city reserves the right to reject
any and all bids, and to make such
llmprovemont Itself,
By order ot the common council,
Police Judge ot the City of Klamath
Falls, Oregon.
4-30-524 h
Notice for Publlcathm ,
(Not Coal Lands)
Department of the Interior, United
States Land Office at Lakeview,
Oregon, March Cth, 1914.
Notice ls hereby given that James
D. Grimes, whose postoffico address to
Klamath Falls, Oregon, did, on the
21st day ot March, 1913, file la this
olllca Sworn Statement and Applica
tion, No. 0C489, to purchase the SW
U NWU. W SWK, Sec, 11, sad
.-I-:,4 SHU. Sec. 10, township 39 ft?,
range 10 E.. Willamette Meridian,
and tho timber thereon, under the
provisions, of tho act ot June 3, 1878,
and acts amendatory, known as the
"Timber and Stone Law," at suck
valuo as might be fixed by appraise-'
went, and that, pursuant to, such ap'
plication, tho land and timber thereon
havo been appraised at a total ol. "
1400, tho timber esUmated at 2 10,0 0 '
board feot at f 1 per U., 400 JualBer,
posts at 5 cents each, and "the JaaeV
at $170; that said applicant will effeT
Anal proof in support of, his atrsllea.'
tion and sworn statement oa the Sid
day ot May, 1914, before C, H, Del
county clerk of Klamath county, Orti , '
son. at Klamath Falls, Oregea, ij$1t.
Any person is at iiBriy,i protest -- -,
this purchase before setry.'er llUeri ?!
a content at tf Hn . ii rW tk ttif I -K?
ent Issues, by filing' a,'serwiliiiUt' v'r'fcv"
n(n,1nvlt In fhl Ma VlUclu 'lutai'tftiW.
which would defeat tM easrjr . b
JAB. 9. RnRC. 4h
l-llli ,fe1jnt.affi -siAm
y li "
(.Xr Aft- vm
sp: f?