M o ! 9 PRINTS THE NEWS WHILE IT IS NEWS IHllliIti Yntr . No, '-VIM CHAMBER OF JUST ii little OVER $150 YET to be secured AIKI.T m:u.M. am :va. WITU HUt.VKK thrr al.aotl U IUI.1 for the. Main. rnrr of the f.Tiainlx-r of ('oinitirrtr ami (III l't)1tM-itl of U Indrlilrtt. nrmm rimmtwr of Comiimcmv Will Mole to .NVm Quarter. lUnk Now n llrnir. A lotAl of 11,113 10 ha. been sub scribed uf tho 13,000 m-frjtril for t hn ark o( the KUmaih Chamber of Commerce, acruMlne to I he report ol A A llcllnun ntiil Hid I'.mi, the soliciting committee Lie thl after-' ooou, The solicitors Urllpvn they may Kuro thf roqulrcd aiiiomii lirfum ottttliiK I Ttin CtiamlMT of l'nmuprr l to, tuiwIitrririiJ tlm location of It itnvr h.4.,urler, It I. Mlcl that It lM'tl ' "" SrtU III U- clthrr In tht MrOonaltl or th NKVV VOIIK. May S0--UUeulon Whit liullilliic. '"f IIIiIp lii" afTvctlnR Inilua- Marlon llanka ha ln rho.ni l'r'. ' Jmi A. Kmuiory lh llrrctor. In pkrn of lliimr HavlJep. rwUtipJ, Ttip fund, ubx-flljp.l follow I'rrrlou.ijr rflrtr., 14,313 SO i" M Oiiolll I) O William. . . . . " II i:. Anclln U'lillmnli DnifC Co W M. Dimtaii Ackley llro. , , . M Mtooclielilxt her Hollo C tlroe-beck 0 i: Wllley V M Kiddy I'arlflc Tel Tel Co (Contlnuvt) on ! 4) 1: SHIRTWAIST CLUB WILL GIVE DANCE: " tlon lm. bei'li an elaborate exhibit de- IIW'HIKHI.VSI'.MMi:ill.lKi:AT.MOrt. " "'" w,rl0,", i,,,nM of nrf prolertlou lu fmlorle. and nil Indu.- piimti: is to piti:iMMix,Ti: at',,.,,,, ll)lint THE HEIIIIH xew rum jivi:,n IIY THE ' The Hhlrtwol.t Club U the late.1 Korlal oritniittntlou for Klamath Palls, It membership being compo.i-! of well Vnown yoiiiie men The club will Klvn a series of dnurliiK parties at Mnonit hall, the first one being Hiilnr lny eVenlliK. Tlut Invltttt Ioiim heliiK Issued ex pressly atnto that iiMts tut tho men HII be taboo, A percental;' of tho receipts front tlirno ittTuIrs Is to he donaleil to the baseball dub. Tho lloor rnmmltteo I composed of l.nrl Vegtho, Perry Miner mid Hank Frol, Homesteader Kills Self George Lewis Severs Artery in Neck With Knife (Herald HuerUI Henrico) MACDOICI,, Cnllf,, May 20, Somo time Monday night (leorito UiwIh, a liouiusteudsr living olio mid it half miles from hero, fullllled an oft-re-pvatoil throat lo comiutt sulcldo, The body was found Tuesday morn lug by tho Houthoru Pad Ho agent, as It lay a few feat fiuin thu depot. lu his talks of suicide, Mr. I.uwls always Mid ho would shoot himself. iiTiiir if,, ,?mr i. scsram i' una un----ire- -t- -f-. . .. . . gm Spanish War Vets Are . rw. . f to !?" a OtcniiUatlim of u tamp of dm ' ""'", HjmMUh War Veterans I. to be eflei4 (it Klamath Pall. A meeting of All I tin wturans of iliu cniuimlKiw oj v to lyuu Ims 1,-eu called, to bo lulu at the court house Haturday "Ik'' Tim hnad ramp of the orgunl.allon tin rti( a rtmHer blanks, etc, licru, MANUFACTURERS DISCUSS ISSUES I.MilMTnV AI'KrXTIM) IN'lll'ti. THUS Wll.l. in: THE theme Itt'CEIYI.VO ATTENTION' AT lllfi HAXQPI.T TONIGHT Irlurtl pakor. aa lliu Imjwrtant !utiitn'- !?foru tho .ocond and cloe- Miik Mn.lon. of th nineteenth an- jutinl rmT'ntlon fth National -Aa- 130 j.octatlun of Mnnufartumr today. , 30 1 Iteport. on Ipfilnlatttti li)r were , 30 Hindu by coinniltlM'. on iinmlKrntlon. , 3n uniform .tain law., inlent. elr 30. C.J Mrddkhotnky, rommerrlal at 30lachto the Imperial Itiimlnti KniUxn- , -..y nt Wn.hltiKton, Maminl (loiualr. IS ron.iit KUieral for Contn Hlra In Xw 13 I York, ami othfr prominent men apoke 13 on etport trado opportunltle In Ittu- .la. South America and Wei Africa, An innntnilmi haa Uu-u planned for the hamjuet tonlKht, when the ultra and itaiiKhtera of tho nltomlliic. drleKntw and l.ltor will lx seated at the recular table., In.tead of In the Kll"rl nn heretofore. , Ainone the upeaker. at the banquet will !'.. t'urlU (iiilld. formerly Kover- nor of Mn.Marhii.etta and later iiinbas- , '.Ador to ltn..la. One of tho Intero.t- Iiik .lite feature. (1 11 r I UK thn conveti- jIMte I. t-linnuetl, Hie I.HOW'it Alii OI tlie .Meiuoui.i Uhurch will hold a Mine Tea at the Sionio of Mrs, C. M. Ilnmsby, ftCl Fifth islreet. Instivid of nt the home of Mrs. J II II Van Vnlkeiiuiirg, as was at llrst planned, Thursday nftitruoon ut 30. Astoria nud Portland merchants rt ro-oiH-rntlng to find a market for the product of tint new Astoria flour ing mills, Ctos Day lumber shipments to San I'rnnclsro for the last two weeks of April mtrpiisseil nil others on tho toast 8.240,000 feet. This Idea was ubandonod, however, thn net being committed with u pocket knlfo on tin artery of Iho nock. Tint unfortunate man hud tecently returned from u Hip to San Fruu ilsto, and hud boon drinking rather heavily. ICurl Whltlockc, tho Klnmath Falls uiidurtnkor, citilio ovor and ombalmod tho body for shlpmont to tho home of a brother of the deceased In Illinois. V Siiitlltg KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON, WEDNESDAY, COMMERCE IS for perfecting organisation. This I.UUITUIII In response to a request recentl) made ,y SpnuUli War veterans, ('lnrl J. Ferguson, who saw ser- dee lu , l.lntid with tho Second Oregon, ha. bfen designated at mu. tirlliK officer, lie urges nil those ell- jtlblc lo be present nt Saturdny night's tuietliiK, BLACKS AND REDS FIGHT RACE WAR OVI.'lt TWO HUXOItKI) KIIIXKI) IS TIIIIKK IIAV IMTTLK I1KTWKKX MXIIIOM AM INDIANS OX A WI'IT l'lXTATIOV Culled Pre. Service NKW OIU.KAN8. May 30 Accord. Ing to tnemuigos received here today ?S0 were killed and 100 were wound oil In i three days race war between the Indian and negroes employed on It ttnltettFrnlt eonuwny's plants lluii nrar I'urrto Unrr.tx. (.unLnnialn. An American negro attempted to it oo the Indian girl Queen Nazalca, which started the uprising, Tho tribe later deposed and tortured their queen To Finish Movie MenHavePermitforLowerLake ,horse and $400 for physical and men- O 1 1 J U A.A. 11711 O D D i. . KM 1 a.l ,tal shock and Injury. OallSbUry and HUtt Will OOOn JtSeglll PlCtUre Making 111 ttiei sperry. In his complaint, alleges - . 1 f 1 rt C 1 ! that Alexander was careless lu driv- . LOWer Klamath Lake " reserve-" baV the r ICtlireS I'ns on the left side of the road, and J 1.1... ... J-t... ... t Are After spending two weeks or more i taking motion pictures of bird life on Upper Klamath Lake, tho Educa-i tlonul Film company's enmera force Is making preparation to tqiend soma, limo In lllnilng thu nesting and hatch- Ing periods In the I-ower Klnmath for theuibch es. I.nko bird pnmervo, A special penult "To complete thu pictures of gnmo to thu concern was Issued by tho blo-lblrds, we will also take pictures dur loglcal survey of the department of Ing the hunting season. Wo hnvu also agriculture. 1 Mi.iii.irl.iL- Director I:. A. Siilltlnirv and L. (J, Hutt. camera man, nro In town after their work around Upper Lake, wheru they used up several thousand feel of film. Thuy have u little more work to,tlo on tho Upper Lake, ii ml both nro enthusiastic over tlm success of their efforts. "lu addition to tho pictured of un uiglu feuding her young, taken from a plno tree, we hnvo filmed nesting scenes of most all of tho Upper Klnm ath Lake bird life. These films will show thn shore birds, ducks, Wilson kiiIh), tunllaVds, cinnamon teal, bit tern, night heron, rail, coot, etc." said Mr. Bnllsbury today, "In addition wo havo located tho nests of a golden cnglo and osproy, and are going back for them. "Those bird life films, 0,000 feet In length, show llrst tho nest In tho swamp, then tho mothor bird return ing to tho nest, turning nud wotting tho eggs and leaving tho neat for food, then the wee birds emerging iREfiELSSTORM ' MLHUO TOOItV with uood force iimciM, iois ammfxitiox Al iionlliiK to Wlrei ioiii Villa, This KlIUHlH-IIHIll III l I lie l'lrl Ileal tS the Fight lo Tiik?S.il(illi IVilerol .Jol.l Cairlwtit. Are Molillliil to Attack m m HIP Kl-DCIh I"H( I'mk. Wn It. Hliol, hn) tJite UCmji (C1MJI t t'nlt-d l'ru Srvie- JAL'ftllZ Mavl50 (iMmrnl Villa $?.; cnt too loiiowmc'jwirc to constitu tional headquarter today "Won n mot Important triumph In the first real engwmvnt of the Sal.( Kilo campaign today W captured uo pnaonrn. ,uu.uo rounu. 01 nm- tniintffriM ttttff tritifrh luiiilnmMnl "" " " v ,-.,....... Th flchl o-uTre.l ner Pnr.sloo . . ., ., Ku.u (.i,vU w- euwwmcu icuerai sorco oryne aionciovia onttany doubt of It. It Is right to arbl Pared on garrisons.' ? t'nlted Press Sen Ice WASHINGTON, ! t If... mt 1M. liH.lllnh ...l.- i- f i-. ni... IMC lilrffclimUWilCl Id lAIVU Ul) : toduv renorted to tin ulnlt ilMnn- f mtnt that federal troops shot Private Pnrks. an American cavalryman, and then burned hla body. j. u. Merrill, who was In the coun-, Ho based his report upon the infor- ty seat on a brief business trip, re matlon of an alleged eye-witness. turned home Tuesday evening. j Upper Lake Filming in a Class by Themselves from the eKKs, until finally tho bird with hor brood lc:ncs thu neot. In about u mouth wo will tako tho moth or again, with the little 'flappers' Ing up Wllllambou, whllo the ouug-lat stors are helug tnught to fly and curo.nnd California, and we are Indeefl ' filmed tho wocuo. or wild rlee, thatiath county will bo of lnestlmablo ad-' ii... liinin subsist on." Tho pictures of tho nest scenes nrolas tho film ho is making Is shown In taken from behind blinds six or eight feet from the nests, and the proxim ity of the camera to tho nests will throw tho pictures exceptionally largo .... ,1... unrAn.i It unnietliniw renulres 'Ull 1,.1-nV.VV.. .. ........... -..-, ! hours to securo fractions of theso pic tures, on account of the timidity of the wild birds. I Tho movie, men uleo Bccured a good niotlou picture of tho habits of the porcupine, showing that bristly gen tlenian un n trett eating, how ho as cends and descends from a troo, and his unlquo defense, "Without n doubt, one of tho best known My caBtlug streams In tho world for rainbow trout Is your Wil liamson Rlvor," continued Mr, Salis bury. "Therd nro assembled there en Joying this sport, men of reputation from us fur east as New York. Wo usod considerable Ihn In taking fly casting scenes. "This will be ute4 as the finish pic- Herald MAY 20, 1914 NEAR "Unthinkable" Etc., - , . c D T kl Again From B. Tumbo Itl.TL'llXiril SI'KI'IMKX HUXTKU' ia)ki:s xo iimi: ix otrrnxo ' ltll OK SOMi: KXIM.OSIVK OI'IX- loss itKOAicmxo Tin: iaxaa f.tXAl, tiii:atv, axu apology TO COIA7.tllllA I'liittd Pro Kcrvlce OYTKU IJAY, May 20. Theodore HooKevelt last nlghl returned from I months of huntlne In South America. !.... ... . Iou7 cjiiuu unthinkable" and " blackmail " thu proposed treaty wlii-rcny Colombia Is to recehe J25.-v iOO.OOO for the lose of th canal rono.' Ho.Mclt .aid that America' apol-' OKy to (jolomhla In tbla case would be imt ba(j a, an npoIogy to Huerta. ..... . '. . ..Me navo a rignL to exempt our .'. .. ,' . . ,lualsu .Ulpplne ora payment or t05. sa)d nooscvolt. "If there Is trate, but hardly right to surrender in advance" Tho Colonel today forgot all about I """ l ... . - .., , " wu u( iiuki. r r. i t . L- ... .irom ii.h raucn near uonanza vita a jjoad of prime pork 5hi foot. lure to our great educational tlsh film,. showing the growth and development of the .Ish from thu egg to maturity, j go-jThls was made up from pictures taken, hnUherles In Oregon, Washington glad to get such an excellent tlnale as i tho lly cabling by experts at William- ton River." The visit of Mr. SalUbury to Klani- ath county will bo of lnestlmablo ad-' 'vertlslng alue to Klamath country, j ln l.n Ol.ii I... la i,nl-tniT lo almuit 111 ' 'ertlslnir nluo to Klamath country. 1 all parts of tho world. It Is usually l purchased by tho large concerns and I featured by them, as the motion pic-1 ture fan Is always Interested In edu-j catlonnl and nature films. Tho portrayal of tho bird life, espe cinlb' game birds, will attract tho at-' tcntlou of many hunters, while his statements regarding Williamson Riv et's reputation as n fly casting stream, and his picture showing experts en joying this sport, will cause many other disciples of I. Walton to hie themselves Klnmathwnrd, In addition to his success in tho notion picture field, Mr. Salisbury Is a writer of noto. In addition to being the author of soveral popular works of fiction, ho Is a regular contributor to soveral mngazlnes. Ho Is greatly lmrpessod with the Klamath country, niul has declared his Intention of de voting much space to telling about it In tho mngailnes. $5,000 AMWVWAWwV'WWWMMMWtMWVVWW)WVWWWW rri liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil , S " u,s ncw r,Tcr- "penning mo most of hIa tjmo gc,u acquainted with his' grandson. Richard Derby. Jr. ile has numtnonfd John MrHmtfi ofrwl of tho progressive headquarters from 'New York. Other progressive leaders j are duo tomorrow. OF DAMAGE SUIT WILL SPEMiy imi.VGS ACTIO V AOAIXST CL.IUUU ALKX-VNOCII. WHO WAS DHIYIXG CAIl THAT .HIT HIS HOIt.SK As jn aftermath of a collision be-1 ttteen a horse ridden by Will Sperry! and an auto driven by Claude Alex-. 'ander late Sunday night, Sperry. ' through his attorneys. Hay & Merry- ' man. has tiled a suit for damages r against Alexander. Ho demands $500, ,of which $100 Is for the loss of the, jui&i U9 was uriviag at. an excessive rate of speed. ' Alexander, who Is considered n I careful driver, states that as he was I drh Ing toward town he met Sperry riding toward tho Greenfield farm, and that although his car was on the right side of the road, Sperry made COUISIOH CAUS no attempt to movo over. Alexander's car "was badly damaged, and friends have advised him to bring suit against Sperry for this. Thu O. W. It. & N. Company Is planning terminals at t'enuieton. with shops lltindrf shops and yards to employ several hundred men, Memorial Plans Are Made Procession in the Forenoon; hercises Afterward Work of arranging tho order of events for tho observance of Memorial Day are progressing; nlcoly, according to Captain O. 0, Applegate and W. A. nejzell, the program committee, The music will bo arranged for by Mrs. Don J. Kumwalt, J. 11, Mason and O.'i A. Wlrtt. Tho business houses of the city are expected to suspend for a few hours KLAMATH FALLS; OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER Price, Fife Casta MARK eson leads FOB 4TH PUCE By 110 VOTES COfPLKTK IUrrUKXH FROM JM ' . COUNTIEM Prnclirslly Complete Itctant Olf Klaneith Fnll Man the Fowth Nomination Late Itctursn Do Xol Affect in Any Manner the. XomlM tlons of McIIrlUe. Ueaa nail Harrlc for thf Supreme Beach, "v L'nlted Press Serrlca POnTLAND. May 20. Accerding: to complete returns from twenty-four counties and practically complete re turns front the other ten counties la the state. Circuit Judge Henry L. Ben son of Klamath Falls Is leading Jus tice Charles McXary of Salat for the fourth supreme court nomination by. xiuow. The latest returns this &ftrnoou Svo the Uta.1 votes as follews: Unaon 33.682. McXary, 33.52. , The race Is entirely betwesa Bea son and McNary, as McBride, Bmui and Harris were early assured of their nominations. 1jit With twewty w cowsb. .lien complete, Mc.Varjr late tWs, after noon ossuineil the lead, belac 9 reCea uheotl of Beasoa. LOCAL WOMAN AS GRAND WARDEN t MUS. It. K. WATTEXUUHG IB CHC8- i:. TO PLACE OF HONOR AT AKSKMULY OF HKBKKAHS BE 1XG HELD AT McMIXXVILLE. Word was received this afternoon- from McMlnnvllle. where the Orand Lodge of 1. O. O. K.- Is being held, (that Mrs. R. E. Watteobarg haa been elected as grand warden or the R- bekuh assembly. Election to this office places Mrs. 1.., ..!... Ih ltn. ,A. I.B hltlA. Huauui5 m hhu iw itw uiKiwa. office in tho order. Her earnest work C behalf of th Rebekah LodgO has made her well known throughout the state, and her many friends, while greatly pleased1 at her selection, are not surprised at the result of the elec tion. Judge McGinn holds that a rail road company is uot liable for dam ages dono a passenger caused by a wreck In a storm. . t i Construction of a water system for loos uay cuiea costing xuu.uuu win ibe started at once and Is to be cora- jpleted this summer. nt lAngf ntiil 1ft I Ii In VtlA lllf HfWaHlsl Mfc ivut wm . ay W'vaaf aaaavi j j This will be started with a aromnog, vl going to the cemetery to decorate (a graves and allow the fltual cfwiion9- les of the Q rand Army an4 tha Wo men's Relief Corp, ,, The processlwi, wU farm tat of the cpurt Uoat"t ;! M VVVvWWyWMWSISISIISMIW (COBtltMrd )t:'Z 7Zu .r.7 ..-.r: ' ,-U i, ?.l if tb m W Tt