WWPAT, MAT l, U rAGBPOtm A New Profit-Sharing Plan for the People of Klamath County THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OIUCOOM im h gs 3-11 f.P(l :.: The RIGHT way to advertise a retail store is one of the greatest problems that confronts the merchant of today. Fake advertising is on the wane, this we all must admit, for the better newspapers today re fuse this kind of advertising, yet there isn't a day goes by that you can't find where some store is advertising THE IMPOSSIBLE. "$4.00 Shoes, Tonorrow Oily, $1.98" How often do you find a similar expression in the modern ads. How often, too, have you examined this $4.00 (?) article and found that $2.50 would have been a long price to ask in the first place, and that YOU would not have it at any price. No wonder so many people are becoming disgusted with reading ads. The merchants of Klamath County are NOT doing this kind of advertising, for they expect to transact business with the same people over and over again, but there is a lot of this kind of advertising being done, and it's doing legitimate advertising harm. Every store manager realizes that he should place his store before the people in some attractive manner that will get them, the people, interested. What way is the best? Why not make it a profit-sharing store with its clientele, and in this way divide the NET profits with those who are making it what it is? The patrons of a store of this kind would advertise the store themselves. The man agement of this store has always believed in a profit-sharing plan, but has found it quite difficult to handle, for lack of co-operation. , We Are Pleased to Amorce the organization of the Sperry-Hutchinson Company in Klamath Falls, and our mem bership with this National Advertising Agency, which operaleH strictly by the Profit-Sharing plan. A company with $1,000,000.00 capital, or ganized in nearly one thousand cities and towns in the United States, and who are lit position to offer double and more, what in dividual stores could possibly do. frfC Green Trading Stamps have a monetary value. They are good in any city or town where there it an organization of the Sperry-Hutchinson Company. Get the Trading Stamp habitit pays! . There arc more tlian a hundred reasons in the Premium Parlor on the first balcony of this store, why you should save ifrjf. Green Trading stamps. THE SAVINGS OF TODAY PRO- VIDE THE LUXRIF.S OF TOMORROW Ask for FREE book and begin Wctlncs. day, May 20th. or as soon after possible, You'll be surprised at the results. The Fifth Street Store of Los Angclct; Pragcr's of San FrancUce: Oldn-Wormian & King of Portland the May Comjutiy of Cleveland, and GrccnhutSieglc Company of New York City arc a few of the well known store who are In this organisation. We could tell you of hundreds and hundred of others, had we the time and space to men tion them. Bring your Tobacco Tg, Labels, Soap Wrappers, Trade Marku, etc., to the &, Premium Parlors, and you will he given Green Trading Stamp for them. This will aid you to greatly hasten the filling of your book. Save Hamilton Bend, which arc packed by leading manufacturer, and arc exchangeable for &J Stamp on equal basin. In conclusion, we ak you to read our ad vertixements. They contain no exaggerated statements, and they will show you the way to save more money than you have ever vcd before. YREKA COMING 10 RODEO STRONG ROOSTERS SAY THEY FOUND IX TEREST GALORE THROUGH NORTHERN CALIFORNIA IX THK COMING BIG SHOW 'one ot tbclr auto banners there, an' pouncing the date ot the Rodeo, andl .they took up a page In the registers ,of the hotels at Klamath Hot Spring. Montague, Yreka, Macdoel and Dor- Iris, writing the world an Invitation to come to Klamath Falls and share In the three days of fan. "Yreka people told us that at the time the Rodeo was In progress last 7ar the Chautauqua arsembly was In session there," said Ferguson. "This year tbo dates do not conflict, and there will be an enormous crowd from the Siskiyou county seat." Alter a two-days' tour to see the Klamath Falls-Yreka ball game and to create interest In the Elks' Rodeo, Ed Dunham, Luke Walker, Charles J. Ferguson, Fred B. English and John Siemens Jr. returned last night In Dunham's machine, enthusiastic over the interest outside towns are taking in the Rodeo. At Yreka the interest was especial ly keen, and the members ot the party parted with many of their gay-colored Rodeo handkerchiefs. Thoy also left The Simpson Lumber company on Coos Ray expects to employ twice as many men as heretofore. Mrs. Amelia Brown of Lane county has Invented a sanitary cap for milk bottles that a Denver firm offers her $G0,000 for. DUHL APPOINTED AS THE MANAGER T1NDALL AND KENT ARE MADE MEMBERS OF ADVISORY BOARD TO ARRANGE GAMES FOR THE SEASON DREDGER ONLY j WAITS FOR OIL1 BLY WILL FORM A BASEBALL ON THE ItillUoo woo a cl rat bit TU U U (lrt fUlertalitmrtii uf lh kls UU The Port of Coos Bay commission ha decided to raise $300,000 more on a bond Issue for deepening the channel. Physicians Recommend Pure Ice Cream Our ICE CREAM It ABSOLUTELY PURE , Made by Expert Mixers During the warm weather your comfort and health demands our Ice Cream WE FILL ORDERS FOR ANY QUANTITY From One Quart to Many Gallon Klamath Falls Creamery At a meeting of tbe board of direc tors of the baseball association at 2 o'clock this afternoon. Acting Man ager Warren Duhl was chosen as permanent manager, and an advisory board, consisting of A. Y. Tlndall and J. S. Kent, appointed to confer with the manager In arranging a schedule of games with outside towns. It Ik certain that tho good showing made by tho Klamath team at Yreka bat revived interest in baseball, and proved to tbo fans of tho city that their team will bo a winner. It Is also certain that the support ers of tbo team would like to see the boys In action, and that It is only fair that a garao be arranged at home be fore the team Is taken for an outsldo date. To this end. Manager Duhl will try to arrange to bring the Weed team to Klamath Falls for a double-header next Sunday. KLAMATH QUEEN" IS REPAIRED AND H S CREW IN READINESS TO COMMENCE RECLAMATION OK WOCUS MARSH LANDS by Kin M-hmil. slid It fDH i (all ODflDTCiim ni nn nrornuiTinii tinur iir n i.mrn . n nr.vffva. n n wi - ... BACCALAUREATE SERVICE SUNDAY ELDER S. D. HARLAN WILL DE LIVER THE SERMON ALL THE CHURCHES OF THK CITY ARE INVITED TO ATTEND Sunday at 11 o'clock, the Baccalau reate services for tbo Senior class will be held at tho Klamath county high school auditorium. The churches of tbo city have been invited to tuilto In this service. Elder 8. D. Harlan wUl dsllrsr tta sermon. Ills theme Is tbo class motto, "Carpo Diem," or "Sleze the Opportunity." There will also be in strumental and vocal numbers. Tbo Immense dredger, Klamaib Queen, recently purchased from tbo Southern Pacific company by E. I'. McComack, will leave her berth at I'd lean .City Junt as soon ax the Ar load of fuel oil arrives. Mr. McComack will use the dredger to dig a drainage canal through the Wocus marsh, along Upper Klamath Lake. Tho canal, when completed, will make possible the cultivation of thousands of acres of the richest soil In the stabs. All repairs on the mammoth mud lifter have been made, n full crew provided, and all that remains is to load tho oil barge with fuel and be gin work. ORGANIZATION WILL HE BRANCH OF THE KLAMATH SFOHTH MEN'S ASSOCIATION, SAYS DAN I'ARKKR D. W. I'arker, who I In the city from Illy, states that tbr Is a large number of the sportsmen of that sec tion who arc planning on forming an organisation. Ho secured some of the by-laws of tho Klamath Sportsmen's Association arid will establish a branch of the as. soclatlon at Illy. K1.AMATII AGENCY. May 19 Tho Klamath IndUtts aro orklng hard to round up a good bsoob&ll team, to play tho other Klamath (aun ty lsms. Tliprn aro many faol play ers bolng developed by tho practicing. Thtt govnrmnonl engineer and ln Indians had a nicer game last Sunday, which was won by lh engineer. Tlmre are many visitor from the ouUldn those days, Fishing Is finon Williamson lllver by Ihn Indian farmrrs tlun Utjt WANTED I'cptU In lxtla physical culture Mft. Bw Kronen, Menbi Vy, r8' ,,0 Spring. IMl WANTED tltrt la hrlp with br work at tho Argrsve. I Ml Accurate Information abet Klamath lUsln. rW (lillrat Mate. Till' Sired fair nlllnrlnhinint !.. ' I by ihn Indian pupils at the school Theater Guide ANOTHER CHARGE AGAINST BANTA WIFE ALSO ACCUSES HER H US HAND OF A CRIME AGAINST NA TUIIE PRELIMINARY HEAR ING MONDAY MORNING A second criminal complaint was nsado ngnlnst Harry Unnta today by his wife, Hanla Is In tho county jail, following bis arrest at Dorrls Thurs day, on chargo of beating his wife. In the complaint Mod today Mrs. Iianta accuser her husband of sod omy, committed upon her. Ho will bo given n preliminary hearing on this charge Monday morning. ' Tho Orogon-Idobo Power company Is developing a 8,000 horsepower plant on tho Snake River, opposite Copperfleld, ftss DON J. 7.UMWALT, IW E. M. 11UI1I1. vim I'rt-. .ad 1m. IIKRT E. WITHROW. Secretary Surveyors and Irrigation Engineers Klamath County Abstract Co. ABSTRACTING MAI'S, FLANS. III.UKI'IIINTM. Etc. HI, A MATH FALI, OHMOON AT OUR WINDOW FOR DEPOSITS DEPOSITS BM sVVssssssssssssssssssssssfl V iy - your presonce will be a sign of thrift that will raise you con siderably in the estimation of your neighbors. Thosa who have accounts at the Vint Trust and Havings Hank aro never classed as "undesirable cltlsens." Start Much an account today, avsa If It bo a small one, You'll stand higher In tho community and la your own self respsct. WRST TRUST and SAVINGS BAN. KLAMATH PALLS. OREGON K I 0W0W0lJW'i0i i ! HOUSTON'S OPERA HOUSE DARK STAR THIBATEI FORD AND 1.AIIIII Hlarkfare CumrdUas "Wheels of Kate," Sella Drama In T l'r "An Unjust Suspicion." Illograph Drama "low Casta Dunneae," Vllagraph "Sleuth Unawares," VlUgraph Comedy" Admission UAc TEMPLE THEATB "Shadows," , , Kssanay Two-lloel wps "Tho Vision In Hie Window," Edison Comedy "The HcetlNM Woman," Hlogroph Drama MATINBN DAILV ATM ALL fjKWfMID PICWsW" m