I3 " Tlll'.HIAV, MAY J, JRI4 THE EVENING HERALD. KLAMATH PALLS. OREGON PAOH Tl M m ffl ;ilJu n3 flparjgy m -7 1 " , WEDNESDAY, MAY 20 GrandOpening.'PremiumParlor Balcony The Golden Rule Store This Is the Greatest Profit-Sharing System on Earth INVESTIGATE! &&C Green Trading Stamps A HE GIVEN TO MERCHANTS WHO WISH TO SHOW THEIR APPRECIATION IN A SUBSTANTIAL MANNER OF YOUR PATRONAGE AND PROMPT PAYMENT IT IS A MERCHANDISE DISCOUNT Hy the means of which wc arc enabled to fjivc you a greater discount than we could were wc to jjivc you a cash discount The reason for this is that The Spcrry & Hutchinson Company's enormous purchas ing power enables us through their Green Stamps to give you a discount no merchant could afford to jjivc in cash. The Spcrry & Hutchinson Company are the ORIGINATORS of trading stamps and it is the only company that is NATIONAL in character. It hau a paid-up capital of $1,000,000 and is operating in nearly one thousand cities in the United States. The Great Advantage in Saving &K Green Stamps is that stamps can be secured in almost any city from merchants in every line of business, not only that but your HAMILTON COUPONS, SOAP WRAPPERS, TOBACCO TAGS, etc., arc convertible into Green Trading Stamps, which means, in these cases, that you are actually receiving double stamps in the purchase of these goods which carry a premium token. If you do not get H&C Green Trading Stamps you are losing an amount equal to the cost of your clothing. Nine million in the United States arc now saving "S&H" Sumps. CUT OUT THE COUPONS AND PRESENT THEM TO THE MERCHANTS WHEN MAKING A PURCHASE OF FIFTY CENTS OR MORE; IT ENTITLES YOU TO TEN 2tf GREEN STAMPS IN ADDITION TO THOSE YOU ARE ENTITLED TO BY VIRTUE OF YOUR PURCHASE. 3?M: Stamps Are Here to Stay tt otrr tiiih nwro.v TliU Coupon JimI for 10 &K. Green Stamps FREE 10 ilf in-rii(s iimim MinkliiK a iiiMlmo of iMh or mtn 1'lirw !iitni lll Ik ttUrn iu tititltloii I" irmilnr lnm hru lth tlio inrrlin.i THE GOLDEN RULE ry Soo.t, Clothing nml HIhic, Klnltmlh Fall Orrtfuti TliU ('iimmii OinmI for 10 &? Green Stamps FREE If iirou'ttltMl iikiii making it (iiirthiox' of Wc or 11101. I1ho ktniiiN will ho tilvi-n In Q93 tilillllou lo regular cUimi'i (hrn wild lliti iunluio PEOPLES MARKET MraU Kliimnlli Falls, Ongou ffl BflH EMI SA6E TEA DARKENS HAIUO ANY SHADE IHI.VT HTAV UKAYI HKIW'H AN OI.U.TIMK KKCIPK THAT ANY BODY CAN APPLY er's tliuo. Hlio usod It lo keep hor Imlr bonutlfully dark, glossy and abundant. Whenover hor hair fell out or took on that dull, faded or atreak od npponranco, this simple mliture was applied with wonderful effect. Hut browing at homo Is mussy and out of dntu. Nowadays, tuiy drug Htoro for a SO cent bottle of "Wycth's Sago and Sulphur Hair linuittdv." you will est thla famous The use at Bag and Sulphur (or restoring faded, gray hair to IU nat ural color datea back to grandmoth oid recipe, which can upon to rostoro natural color ana CIT OUT TIIIH COUPON Tlilt 'iuMtu Mood for &K Green Stamps FREE 10 ( iirvoruCtnl iiMn making a (iiitrlmMo of ."Wk" or more I'Ihwo n(n iiipu be given In tilclltlim Co rvKUlar Mampa (Urn wllli I lie iurdiMH VAN RIPER BROS. Orowrlm KUmntli Falls, Oregon i 3g' NOTE 2 art 2 Green Stamps for each whole coupon or tin tag from American Tobacco Co. Brands I beauty to tho hair, and la splendid for dandruff, dry, feverish, Itchy scalp and falling hair. A well known downtown druggist says It darkens the hair 10 naturally nntl uvenly that nobody can tell It ha boon applied. You ainiply dampen a sponge or toft brush with It. and draw this through your hair, taking ono strand at a tine. By morning the gray hair disappears, and attar an other application or two, It become by asking at be depended II vn Kzfll 'swest SlvI 1 sYrer'af M SnsT 121 wlLej OUT OCT THIS COl'I'OX Till Coiihiii !mmI for 2Mf Green Stamp FREE If itvcntcl ujkih making a Oiirrhitm of IM)o or more riiifu MnuiK wllj lu K'Tcn In .vlrilllon lo rcKulnr Ktump uUt-ii uilli I In- iurrtui Em MM ROBERTS & HANKS llnrtlwiii-o KUmntli Foil, Oregon Till CouiMiii flood fur 1 0 i)?K. Green Stamps FREE If ih'i-m'hWnI iion making purvliaw of noc or more. TIicm HlniiiM will be givt-u In addition lo regular Miami illwii with tho purchase McMILLAN Fiirnlturo Klnnmlli jFalta, Oregon bonutlfully durk, glossy, soft abundant. (Paid Advertisement) 81 juij jl ui -1ssLnr1. Swwk Vwrwvwwt There ut-o two kinds of Insurance, Clillroto writes Iho kind that pays. im Main. Housekeeping rooms, near Moro than ono-tulr'd of Australia's residents lire in four cKles Sydney, Adelaide, Melbourne a4 Brisbane, Lots of Bad Horses Are Being Tried Out TJk illr.-.toni of tlio Ilodoo Mtry ciutlun liao located twonty-ono good bucking homed. Thoao aro scattered In nil u-ctloDB of tlio county, and If tli (j aMoclatlon In ahlc to icurc all of thorn, ihl far bucklnj; cxfalbltlon will ho a winner. Art Acord. Karl Blmtxion and Krmu Untlpy Kit thU mornlnu for tho Bal lon ranch, where they conimonccd ncparatlnj; tho had boriM today. Mr. Daltoti jay ho has ono mean homo which none of tho boy hava been Teachers' to Be I County School Superintendent Fred jlVw-rjon todny announced thv. the elimination of Klsrnnth county pedv-jpm'ic-rf for Mate cittflcates -aIiI be hub! at the Central oihool here, be- MninnK wednesdar, Juno 17th. contlnuu until Saturday afternoon. (Certificate. I The program, of subjects arranged Friday follews: WcdncMlay Morning Writing, United j History, Physiology. ! Afternoon Physical Geography, I Algebra. Civil Government. (Heading. Composition, Methods' in! Satarday Heading. Jlethods In Arithmetic. Morning Geometry, Botany. Thursday Morning Arithmetic, History Hotel Arrivals .. ... ,. Leo L, i-arisu, jus iiowcy, .nernu; , n n a..r v n n.M.ir, i. .. n -.. ... .. .. ... .Mrs. i-. u. v.nncnuer, tv. it. aiuz, ,cuco S. Uilss, Portland; Mrs. W. O. Ilunon. SIcanj'S. A. Brown, Crystal; 8tx?lM, ' ' (UUOB motorut. Everything here to de create your running ex penM,andinciTMo your comforts and plesjure. Fo peciilixe in "NobbyTread" Tires ThtM tirt arc m beat wU4UUiuJSUUTir CsasASy'i rtrsUr wanulj aarbct wtSMsiMa i tekl BUT say Mlputacst ii aaktusol 5,000 Miles WHITE PELICAN GARAGE THOMPSON & IllUBGES AUTO SERVICE Trips to nil points In Southern OrvRon nud Northern California. Kxpcrt drivers. Kcltnble cars. Day and Night Service I'HUNK 170 and KLAMATH COUNTY KMPLOVMKXT OFFICE Wo furuUh all kinds of help at short notice. It you want work register at MHS. A. P1KTER8TKINER IS! Sixth SI. Phone U bridge. Hjn Economy supply sutloa i Hfl for the thrifty motorUt. II I m able to ride, and It I potalblo several other may bo secured. From Balton'a Acord and Slmpsoa villi Join the riders nt tho Duncan homo camp for several days, and from tlioro go to Hoffman's. "Whlto I'eJIcan," tho Elks' outlaw. (Is still on tho range. Ho la with a bunch of wild horses, and there is some doubt whether he wilt be caught for tho Rodeo. After they are through In Califor nia, Acord and Simpson will so to I.angoll Valley and the Bly country to round up some more horses In those sections. Exams Are Held June 17 Education, Psycholory, Methods In Geography. Afternoon Grammar, Geography, American Literature, Physics, Meth ods In Language. anulods In Language, Thesis for Primary I Morning Theory and Practice, I Orthography, English Literature, States. Chemistry. j Afternoon School Law, Geology. ! Afternoon General History, Book- of I keeping. F Owey, H. A. Henderson, Red Bluff; O. H. Boclter, Miss M, C. Evans, Mc- doel; James Bodenhamer, L. E. Walk er, Mrs. C. S. Moore, city. ' White PeUca. uiar - . I "' " w " " - ---. - B. Blair, E. S. Luther and wife, L. Lachman, H. Lachman, H. E. Halleii- beck, San Francisco; H. F. Turner, r? I Portland. Herald want ada bring rtawlta. Notice laTltteg Bids Pursuant to an ordinance duly 1 passed by the common council on the 27th day of April. 1914, approved by the mayor on the 28th of April. 1914, notice Is hebeby given that bids will be received by the Police Judge of the city of Klamath Falls, Oregon, at his office at the corner ot Main and Sec ond streets. In said city, up to and In cluding the 25th day ot May, 1914. at S o'clock p. m., tor the Improvement of Third street In said city, from Its (Intersection with Main street to Cal ifornia avenue. Including Intersec tions, by grading to the established grade to a width ot 24 feet; and by hard surfacing said roadway 24 feet i wide from Main street to Grant street with six Inches of crushed rock, with tan asphalt binder and surface valley gutters, all without curbing, but pro viding necessary drainage. All ot Isald Improvement to be made and the 'materials to be used in accordance I with the plans and specifications 'adopted by the common council, and mow on file In the office of the Police (Judge ot said city, reference thereto Is hereby made for further details re garding construction, materials and quantities. Said Improvement to be done un der contract, and bids will be opened and considered on the 26th day ot Stay, 1914. Bidders will be required to submit their proposals upon blanks prepared by the city engineer, and no proposal will be considered unless so submit ted. Blanks may bo obtained either at the office ot the Police Judge or city engineer. Said improvement to be completed within twelve months. The successful bidder will be re quired to glvo bond In a sum to be fixed by the common council, for the faithful completion of such Improve ment, Each proposal to be accom panied by a certified check, certified by a responsible bank, for 5 per cent of the amount bid, aa a guarantee that the successful bidder will enter Into bond and contract with the city ot Klamath Falls, within ten days from tho date ot the award. The city reserves the right to reject any and all bids, and to make such Improvement Itself. By order ot the common council. A. L. LsUYITT, Police Judge ot the City ot Klamath Falls, Oregon. 4-30-5I4 k Equity No. ST? In the circuit court ot the ttatatt Oregon, for the county Klamath, rtlchard Mclhase, Plata tiff, vs. R. C. Spink (also known aa Robert O. Spink), A. L. Spink (also known as Alice L. Spink and M. .L. Mayers, Trustee; and P. Lowm- gart, M. Setter and Saafort Lowongart, Defendants. To M. L. Mayers, Trustee, Defendant abovo named: In the name of the state of Oregon, you are heroby required to answer the complaint filed against you In the above entitled action, on or before the Cth day ot June, 1914, that be ing the day ot the last publication ef this summons, and the last day within which you are required to answer. as fixed by the order ot publication of this summons. If you fall to appear and answer, plaintiff will take Judgment and de cree against you aa prayed la his complaint. This suit Is brought to foreclotV the mortgage given by the defend ants, B. C. Spink (also known an Robert C. Splak) and A. L. Spink (also known aa Alice L. Spink), lo Richard Melaase, plaintiff, on Antll 28, 1911, to secure the payment ef the two promissory notes ot said de fendants, dated on said April 21, 1911, for sixteen hundred and sixty- six and sixty-seven one-hundredtne dollars, each, da one and two yeaM after said date, respectively, with In terest at 8 per cent per annuaa from date, and providing for reasonable attorney's feet, and upon th follow ing described real estate la Klamasn L county, Oregon, tewlt: Beginning at the soath-weeterif corner of lot two (2) In Moan eighteen (18) in the city ot Klam ath Falls, Oregon, formerly Link vllle, thence northerly along the line or lots two (2) and seven (7), two hundred forty (240) feet to Pine street; thence easterly along tbe southerly line of Pine street twenty-five (26) feet; thenee oon therly and parallel to the westerly lie of lots two (2) and seven (7) two hundred forty (249) fast to the northerly line of Main street; thence westerly aleng: taw northerly line ot Mala street twenty-five (SS) feet to the place nf ksglaalag. an the city ot Klamath Falls, fornMrty Linkville. Oregon, above deserlboa premises fronting and abutting on Mala street 2S feet and Pine serosa 25 feet. Aud to have declared junior) In ferior and subsequent to plalnttTs said mortgage tho aortgooanftao, executed and delivered to yon by said defendants, Robert C. and Alice L. Spink, on April 29, 1912, upon the same premises ss thee covered hy plaintiff's mortgage as above -'sat forth, and to have your mortgage Hen and all right, title and Interest which you, or any of said defendants, may have In the mortgaged premises barred and foreclosed, except tho .s right to redeem as provided by law. No personal Judgment la demanded against you In said complaint. This summons la published once a week, for six consecutive weeks. In the Evening Herald, a dJly news paper or general circulation, printed and published In tho city of Klamath Falls, Klamath county, Oregon, fey order of Honorable Henry L. Judge ot tho circuit court of tho of Oregon, for tho county of Xlam ath, and dated April 24, 1914, the Drat publication of thla summons be ing made on the 25th day of Anttt. 1914. STONE OALB. Attorneys for Plaintiff, 25-2-9-16-22-S0-6h Notice for Publication (Not Coal Lands) Department or tho Interior, United States Land Office at Lakevlew, Oregon, March 6th, 1914. Notice is hereby given that James D. Grimes, whose postoffleo address Is Klamath Falls, Oregon, did, on the 21st day ot March, 1918, fits in this office Sworn Statement and Applica tion. No. 08489, to purchase tho IW K NWK. WH SWK, See. 11, and NEK SEK. Sec. 10, township 19 8., range 10 U.. Willamette Meridian. and the timber thereon, under tho provisions or the act or Juno 1, 1878, and acts amendatory, known as tho "Timber and Stone Law," at such value as might be fixed by appraise ment, and that, pursuant to such ap plication, the land and timber thereon have been appraised at a i total of 8400, the timber estimated at 110,000 board feet at f 1 per If., 400 Juniper posts at 6 cents each, and tho load, at $170; that aald applioant will offer final proof in support of his appUea tlon and sworn statement osv.tho 2M , day ot May, 1914, botsro O, R. DaLna, county clerk of Klamath eeanty. Ore- goa. at Klamath Valla, Oratom. .. . v Any person la at liberty to KOtaot Y- thls purchase before entry, or tnMsato h a contest at any tlmo bofore tho nat-x ent Iuum. bv flllu a aavvakaaaaaJ - T . affidavit la this osto,-aJJigtoi whkh would doloat Me outry, v,'mjl -i JAB. F. HMI ' 8-11 h J, ,1 & 4v4 w. c .' -VH (f. - 1 v' '!. fin" 4) 1 1.