.',; a PRINTS TUB KLAMATH FALL!' OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER NEWS WIIILK IT IS NEWS T f t r- n I,., KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, TUESDAY, MAY 19, 1914 Me Wtn Judge Benson May Yet Be Nominated ------ ...-- ..-- -,-- --. ,. ... . ..lll.l)(-wM-w-M-1)-w-iru-w-M)-MJ-unj-1 WWWWMWVWWMWMVWWWWWMWWV LOCAL JURIST IS LEADING JUDGE McNARY FOR THE FOURTH PLACE AS JUSTICE OE SUPREME COURT ini-ly rmllf)liiK In Klatnulli Pull t- utMi'Lirri: itirrniVN i-ominu is u vi: iii:nmv a lead iv MHi: HACK 'lrll TlilllIU I'l'illl t'liliull" llnrlu. (urr Onl Parti) ll.(iil.,l An. (lit Ink' llm KUiimili rnll. M.iM it lii.l. Mnrml KUhmiIi I'ktJmil, mi. .i.e r..r lu-n...... .hr s..i r..uiiir,i I.. Yrl, ftiiloil l'rr licrtlt rOUTUlNI). Mm 19 With Or-.li idurn rutttliie ti from ruutitlr mm t'lrtltte their return, and from mi er rtiuntlr mil) partUM) inputted rrpvluy, llctir) I. Ilru.on of KUni- Henry ' lon nth Fall lend out jukiico Charlc McNary of Haliuit for llm fourth rr iHihllraltoii niiiitliintloii thl niter, noon. tlPtlMltla lead III 70 voir III 2 If., Thorn In no qtiMtlon nboul tho oili er three numlnnllun going to Chief Jiutlru Mcllrlilo, Jimllro liwin mul Ijiwrcticp MnrrU of Kugeti.', In the nrilor naiurd. Tho returiui nt 2 l& tlil nllnrnoon nern ns follow ' Mellrldo tl.0'15, Dean 10 0h0, Har . t, ?? r , imMbbbbObM Jlr i " o -& ' By:;V BaBaBaBanBBaBaVt'i nw . ! I ris 30,093, lleuaaii 32,3 IB, McNiiryj The Southern Oregon nnd North-1 32,239. torn California Mining congress, will ., ilii. held nt Ashland early In July, to Thn nbovo from I'orlliiuil Is oxroe.l-.revhe Interest In mining. Garrett to Sinnott Secures Another Appointment for K.F. Boy "You imimtul a lino oxnmluiitlou for AiiimpiillH, aUo )our principal tlhl Ah thn principal under iiuothor up piilninumt did not tupori for tho ox uiiilhiitlon, 1 Inn ii Milmlltuti'd your niuiiu us piluclpiil. Von will Ii" noil I'fd by tho tiuvy doimrtmoiit to appear nt Annupoll for phynlcnl examination by tho mldtllo of Juno." Tho foregoing telegram, tocolvod today by W, Hlurllng (liirrclt from Cougressiuuii N, J. Hlnniitt, Iuhuioh the local youth of mi oppoiluulty to enter Undo Hum's nuval academy uml study to be an otllcer In tho uavy, ac quiring at tho mi mo tlmo a four and n halt year uulvomlty course that can ,'1"' . "'J ,h" r'"0,u '"r """ mini tlmt ' our Juilr" wm relented ' Id llm milk nf ili aim ran ThU Intent rpxri U being mmplliil from I ho omVlal mm mm being made , throiichoiit (In- ((.. bringing li r- IMUU t licit hnit heretofore been Un available , AM "if thl l bolne done without it, (,mlnl rmitniu from IClnumth "'. Uml l tltl being iim.lt. up The omrlnl tniivitiu show (lint In Klamath io.ihtylt.-n.on revived 9G3 Biol Mr.Vnry 29 which, will also ltot i In. rhnurex or Judge Itennnu of hemming "rrtutlilirnn nominee for Junilri. of tin. itiiiriiun rniirl ' HOMESTEADS ARE SETTLING FAST ius; swi nvi: on six ikimiv sTrii:itK .itt: ahhivim: haii.v i.v nti;:i:.NT. MMIKI.NC I'Olt CLAIMS vii n "Thn hnmetpil lamlii thrown oprni In thn northern part of tln county r nettling up rapidly," na Jteph I. ItlliKO, nil engineer and hotel on' er of Crenceut, whtt vn n rount) M-at Ullnr Mouilny "Thero In linr.lly a day hut what !le or ntx hnmivteaders reach Cres cent In irarch of homestead lauds The. geraler iortlon of tho choice iliotiirnlend lands U gone, hut thorn U tutlll soitio excellent timber land avall- (Utile. , "In addition to thou, who tiro seek ing homesteads, huynr for the Hun ter Ijind company's tractit are com- ilng In Tho Innd company has n mo- Mor serrlce between Kirk and Cres cent, and will do much experimental fnrm work to prove thn productivity of Us lands." Illngo Is now tho owner of tho Cr.viconl hotel, his partner, KddU Nnntrv. lmvliiir dlsimse.1 of his Inter- jests and niov.sl out on his homestead. Annapolis not bo duplicated In nil) other Insti tution, (larrutt nnd Loon Holler or this city wot ii named iih ultornaton In tho reiout competition held, and both took lh entrance examination. It is understood that Holler paused a very Mattering examination, and would also have boon named for AnuapolU hud thoro boon another vacancy. Young (larrott Is tho sou or Mr. and Mm. J. II. (larrott of this city, uii4 is n student ut the Klumnlh coun ty high (tc)io(il, ulici'o ho HlnndH high In sckoUrfhlp, and Inm uullo a ropu (iitlon to kthlollo circles. Au to his successfully passing tho physical ex- iiiuImUoi. for admission into Annap olis, therj l not tho lenst room for doubt. Mrs. Francesca Villa and Some of Her Friends at El Paso Hospital :w?$mm j-ft In rltttil ll Contf I'rlmri h.111 Cm CinM "l l,; Mnrhi n This I tho latest photograph of Mrs. IViinceoco Villa, whosu husband Vs i . a- .aBWsBK it VPHkJK i si. wtt , ..... J. ,., (outcome of tho trouble will mean his lust now swras to be the strongest' ,.., .. ' i choice as nresldent of the rcnulillc. man among tho constitutionalist r jln ,al Men,f Mr8i villa will Mexico. Villa has shown ho Is more. u,o first lady of .Mexico. She Important than Curraiua, and man) fill 111 III flTnrrT llll ill A I HI N I If fr I BRONCHO BUSTING HIDDEN IIY KIMFSOX. UREAKsl Mil II l V flMMI hUfl II THROUGH TWO KKXrES AXd!",UIU ttl LLUHIL RUXS OX I'AVEMEXT A white-faced oung horseman, slliklng light on the back of a 1,300- pound sorrel horso which was ruti- ntng up Main street Monday without control, caused no little comment and1 excitement, especially toward the Earl SlBipsou Link ltUer bridge, whoro tho steed was caught and tho rldor taken from tho saddle. Tho rider wits Karl Simpson, who Is helping In tho trying out or buck ing horsoa for tho Rodoo. Tho hotso was ''Rod lllrd," u big steed belong ing to Mutt Sharp, which bus herota luru thrown nil riders. Simpson Is iih good a rldor an tho liorco Is u bad bucker, uml from tho tlmo Earl swung Into tho saddle ut tho S. P. bnrna' near tho dopot, tho 11,-ht wns on. Tho horso, litter buck- lug nil uround tho lot, bucked through lw( bm hod wiro roucos, and bogau to run. As thoro wnw onl) u haltor on thu horso, Simpson was pou oilcan to loin In tho big bruto, so ho Btuck inanfully, though a trlllo norvously, n tho broncho nwKwardiy r" nu bucked along the pavement. When tho horso slowed down near MlaBBBBBYBBBBaHnaiRBBW I ' .J" ,EMSEr tin, Mi. Villa, ll Tirt-ai Sunche, lr. II. K. hlfwiiMin, liruil of the Red iirlu mill .Mm. V. del CninMi, hond of Hie Red Cross Cn for VlllaV Army. jobucrwr of tho course of events be- the Rio (Irando predict that tho becomo' I' hau come an Interesting figure, This pho- the bridge, It was from sheer exhaus tion. This was also tho state of the rider, and ho hud to be taken from the broncho's back. ' After a good rest, and being well d. this big 1,300-pouuder will cause no ond of worry to rldors In Uodeo contests. HAS LEFT MEXICO 'IELEGRAM 18 RECEIVED FROM FORMER LOCAL 1IOV. TELLIXfi OF HIS ARRIVAL IN SAN FRAN CISCO ! Ab Lu came In from church he was ! Inform d that un irrigation ditch A telegram has been received from (needed atUntlon, and went to see .Morey L. Applcgate. i.on of Captaimth0 trouble. When ho reached tho and Mrs. I. D. Apple'ate. announcing houso aguln he complained of feeling Ill's arrival In San Francisco from Sanjweaic , ad dlsxy, aud came near falnt Ulns. Mexico. (ingi m, daughter phoned for Dr. ( .pplegnto has been managing a bis Patter on, who was just getting ready bnunna plantation near San Dlas. Uo for DCta left Mexico when tho fedoral troojisj -rhe doctor did not wait to put on vero withdrawn from tho city last i US coat but rushed right over in his wcok. I car, retching tho stricken man within TWO ARE FINED FOR GAMBLING JOE HALL AND RALPH T1CE EX- ' I.I .&U ill.' ,11111'l.V IV" l.TC- TICE COURT TODAY SIM AND COSTS ASSESSED Joo Hull and Uulph Tlce, at rested near tihlhiquln Monday afternoon on a ehargo or gambling, otitared pleas of guilty before Justlco or tho 1'eaco (low en this artomoou Tho Jubtlco assessed a lluo or V-" and costs In each easo, which was paid, Perry O. Do Lap has been contluoil I to nis ueu ior severui unys oy uiuoss. It will bo some'llttle tlmo before ho U out. (& VJi Muruu AS '"-P ".". tograph was taken when she, with several women friends lslted the Sis- ters hospital at Kl t'aso, here many , , , , . , t wounded of Villas arrar havn ben cared for. Mrs. Villa and her friends be-.cheered tlicse constitutionalist sol dtera In their cots. FALLS DOWN DEAD TOM JOHXSOX HAD JUST RE ' TURNED FROM ATTENDING . CHURCH SERVICES HEART ' FAILURE THE CAUSE ' (Herald Spetlal Service) I MERRILL. March 19. Twenty) minutes after reaching home from c"ur.c! l,"nf y, "J"1' J"rwW the beat of health, Tom Johnson, an old rcjidcut of this neighborhood, dropped deed w)lh heart trouble. .I'ao mluutes attor the call. 1 At that ho was too lato, for death (had occurred a mlnuto or two before this arrival. I The deceased had been a resident of this community for several years, 'coming horo from Kansas about soven years ago. He leaves many relatives land frlouds to mount his untimely i departure. ! Tho tunoral services wore hold at the Methodist church at 11 o'clock this morning, Rov. Achlson preaching ,(ho funeral sermon. On tho Joli Again. K. IS. Rnmsby, who has been 111 tor over two months, has recovered sufllcleutly to reaumo his position at tho court house, much to tho grntlll- cation or his many friends Tho light ror tho uso ot Oregon sione us tiimmlugs tor tho now state university udmlnlstratlou building Is Iwhother tho state architect shall se- loct terra cotta or Oregon stouo. Hullbut manks oft the Tillamook const are being Investigated. MERRLL FARMER LINDSEY SHOCKED OVER ATROCITIES IN STRIKE CENTER XOTKI JfKIST-AL'THOIt WANTS KtXlULARM T. IU Hcpurtrni TJmt the Detail of tin- l.uillnt. Affair Arc Comparable With the SucklnK of Home, the Bl knu IiiliuinaiiltJm, and Other Like Ocrtim ncrn Sjr Withdrawal of lt.KnlniH Would fie Fatal. f'altcd I'rc-ss Srvic CHICAGO, Mar 19. Judge Ben Llndsoy paiised through here today eu rout 10 WashlnKton, accompanying Mrs. I'earl Jolly and two other wo mfii Kurvtvore of the l.udloft- fatal I . tics. I.tmlos-v am u fh, fllnll. nf IIia r. fair at Ludlow are unbelievable, and pre only equalled by the stories of the sacking of Rome, the pillage of Car thago and the Inhumanities of the Balkan war. "The Colorado militia men are now sltting on a volcano." said tho Jndge. I withdraw the federal trooua and there will be a war of reprisal so ter rible that one shudders to contem plate IU "Wo are. going to Washington to beg President Wilson not to with draw tho regular troops from the - strike district. That would mean a worse war than before. , "My own interest In this is neutral. I want to see law and order restored. The citizens of Denver asked me to help get order, but I want it because the true story of what took place at 1 Ludlow is too horrible to print." OVER FIVE DAYS J POSTPONEMENT AGREED TO BY STATE AND DEFENDANT TO PERMIT BOTH SIDES TO SUM MOV WITNESSES. The preliminary hearing of Jay Groom on charge ot burglarising the James Dixon store at Fort Klamath and taking therefrom $80, will be held Saturday. This was agreed up on today by both sides In Justice Clow en's court. Both the state and a room will sum mon a number ot witnesses, as Groom maintains ho Is innocent. GROOM HEARING Vote on Free Books Initiative Measure Is to Many property owners are signing a petition which Is being circulated throughout the city, with tho Intent ot placing on the ballot at the school election ot next month tho question ot free text books for tho pupils in the grammar schools. Tho school election will be held on the 15th of June, and from th expressions of opinion from the ma jority of tho signers the "free text books" question will be received with groat favor. Probably no ono necessity In the pursuit of education has been sub jected to as much graft as the text book supply. In a recent Issue ot the "Pictorial Review" was printed aabe NEW IRRIGATION DISTRICT TO BE' FORMEDLOCALLY WILL IRRIGATE CLOST TO R,i ACRES eltitloiw ItelBK l'repared for Forma tlon of Willow Valley Dhtrict, to Take Over FIIIbk, Etc., of the Wll. Ion- Valley Coiupuay, and Irrigate the Land at Fifteen Dollar Per Acre. Instead of the Tuttle project being conducted by the Willow Valley Irri gation company, It will In all proba bilities be handled by an irrigation district, to be known as the Willow Valley Irrigation District. Kuyken dall St Ferguson are preparing a peti tion for the creation of the district. !and W,U Prn " to the county court m a IeW aay- The Willow Valley project will irri gate 4,600 acres of land between Lor ella and Langell Valley poatofficmt, and east of the Horsefly project.' The water for Irrigation will be furnished by the storing of the snow and spring water In Willow Valley, which leave) there through a narrow canyon aa Willow Creek, and flow Into Lost Rlrer. The dam and other part of the works have been built by R. F. Tut- 'tie for the company In which he, the Duncans and others are interested. and it Is expected that by the time the district is formed, etc.. that the project wilt-be fully completed. The cost of the project wilt be 115 an acre. The company Intends to fin ish the project and tnro it over to the district at a figure not to exceed this amount. Including all water rights, filings, ditch rights of way, etc. In addition to making the price less than $15 an acre. It is under stood that the company Is also willing to take bonds ot the district nt par for the payment of the project's cost This settles in advance the price of the work, the disposal of the bonds and other matters. Bishop 35 Votes Sheet. The official count ot the ballots, which was completed late today, gives Hawxhurst 309 votes to 374 tor Bish op, for the democratic nomination for sheriff, giving Hawxhurst a majority of 35 votes. i Lumber Interests and creosote In terests are uniting to establish a num ber ot wood block paving plants In Oregon cities that have the raw ma terial, and go after some ot the street and permanent highway business. Be Submitted in District oxposo of the conditions surrounding the supply of text' books that opesed the eyes of the taxpayers ot New York state to such an extent that tae ajies tlon la now the subject of an investi gation. ' Ono ot the evils brought out in. the variation In price for nraetteally ' the same books. A slight alteratle In the printing on the covers was as excuse for charging frost 31 .lev 7f per cent more tor the sssaevoUiaje.J r Where the distribution snd'eiiyelr la linHAa. , ,. a Ml..n.lnn axt a. .aa..l. n nim.i iuq mivviivM ww nmiMij I Id. .hiuiIh.mI m aIam.jU fo ftk. M.L- -' I pose, the graft' can tte !4es4 .'',.' minimum, and It ia the IntenUea to "go . man ll tkaf ---'- -'-- obtained for a reassnahlfyH .rfr',- . -W .. "7 - - W W P. W f- -si