JVV i fl "W umtt0 iteratf PRINTS THE NEWS WHILK IT IS NKWS KLAMATH FALLS' OFFICIAL NEWSPAPBK jr - i -- - r - TB I'lgMIt Vmi N. U.H7U KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, SATURDAY, MAY 16, 1914 Eh WITHYCOMBE LEADS FOR THE REPUBLICAN NOMINATION. AND smith and bennett are close ni'lHlltl-S I'MOM Ot i:tt TMi: HlAII. tin: im:i.avi:i i.n mam. ll HIHTI.AM. ir rittttttt Carrie liein.x nt I t y I I'.HtUiiit l) HHt Voir. Hut llritui lluniillltf UimhI 1m Hip thiUlde C.rtltlllr. Mtltt llraitll l In IK.lll.l. hjHTikrr of tl lirgUUlutf U Nainr.1 Iiw INmgrv. I'Olltl.AND, Ma H l.'lrc Hon to tutu liutit abroad lu ibe tnlo Hull citn that Or Juror Wlihycombo of Curtail) lniU for tit" republican utrrtisturUI by a romfottablti plu rality, hlle Uu C, Mirr carried Multnomah county. flora l a cte race between Judge' A H llriiuoll or TI10 Dalle and Dr I J Huillli of 1'orllnud for tbfc demo, a Me nomination John Manning b I'' Hmlth rrlid Multuomah cuuiily t) (Her 140 vote. With the report frum Iho aUtn at Urge tlotayod, th .lt .111 l untrtlu until the lil,M)M). ,,ltrp(,11(.rj , ,,, ,rlM ,, much rounljr report am In Othr who are apparently chou lot repubtlran nomination tire National Committeeman - Itnlph WlllUrn. Canrpunn lUole) and Hlnu on, and (,'hnitrr lcArthur for run grnui lt the Third dlttrlrl, Juttlro of the- Hupreme Court Tbum Mcltrldp. Heury llealt, T. J. Clreton. C I. M.S'ry. (loiter re turn may change thU.) HUtn Kngliip'rJiilHi II t.eoU. Ulmr CumtiiU.liiiirr O I. Iloff. 1 Anmne the dptnoeratln nominee! to II M IUitrrl for national roin roltteoiuan; A, K Klagel for cougre In I tin Third dlntrlrl; llalloway and llarauy for Jutlre of the upreiue cimrt, and John Jeffety for nltorney (ennral United l're Bervlce rOHTLANI), May K -Complete ruluruk from S3S Multnomah county precinct how that ( N. MrArthur, eaker at the lal legUlature, will ha the republican nominee for emigre by largo plurality over Cougreman l-aHorty, It-turn ludlratp that Arthur I Xtuulton will he the progriltp rnn lldate for congr United I'riM Service rOUTI.ANI). May 10. II. M. Kal rly and llalph K, William, both of I'ortland, will t the next national committeemen for the democratic and republican pnille reitpertlvoly. n v K I v. o sr 'A p o 0 0 P & : .1 West Klamath Falls IH Herond Ward W Third Ward 75 Fourth Ward ICaat Klamath Falls H Von Klamath 7 Tulo Lake S Lost lllver 22 Dairy 12 Lnngell Valloy 1 1 Hwan Hpraguo lllver Malta , , , , , , , , Plevna ,.,.,..,. 9 Totals 8 lloth run nunc iilieiul of ttielr'rlrnl r Henry Waldo foe In retain-.! a I lilt lift 1 1 mini run null li..tiiiH tt nf lliUl iirKrn..hn ,.alt) .. t h.i ,. .m STATE RESTS CASE T MOMt.lt Ull.l, i:.i Till: PltOHK ITTIOVS hllli: OI I'AMOt'H c.m iikckkk uii.i. numi. iii.v TiTirv m:t ukkk United l'r Service NKW YOIIK. May 10 Tho tal lll rrt ! ram III III,, (rial (if ex. 1 11 ... ... 1 . .. room i.iuioini lienor Monuay ll l I'tpeetcd that lletfker will h called tit I lip "land Mini, tlnir next week In , ,, defense. ThU ui to be hit only bope. Cloo obcrtrm y that the tottl- stronger agalttit the "i-pollremau than lu the Qrt trial, (Jlpat latitude vm allotted In the tentlmony Introdurpd. rl'iwecuton Whitman and llecker are very hitter eneuite, and ll U ex pr ted that Mhen decker lake the kland to tektlfy that the pronecutnr . will grill htm to the utmn.t. DYNAMITERS ARE BUMPED IN COURT I'KHKItAI, XUltT Ol' AI'I'IIX Hi:VKH.slM IIAIIHAS (1IIHTH I'KTITIONH I'Olt IIK-TIIIAIJ AXO hTAHT tr SKXTKNCi: United 1'rrt Service CH ICAtIO, May IC The federal court of appeal today ordered the twenty-four dynamiter, whoie appeal for 11 retrial and haba enrpu It ha rejected, Into ctulod) within three week. The convicted men niiiHt report to the warden at the l.eaveiiworth pi'iil lentlury or the federal mnrahnl of llilt dltrlct, who will take them to the penitentiary Tho fate of lluruhart, Houlihan uud Tvellmoe will not bo know until next Arek, a their retrial motion I now under udvUemcnt. ft 2 p a o p 2. o o 3 o H a O o n 3 o a c M P St p 0 1 S3 & M n o B J o o 2 ? -. o vr o . - o i a. a o s 0 c n o o Ci o a s o a o -I I 3 o 1 C3 o n 3 o a o i 2T ,0 " ai ,l ,! 80 22 29 2N 10 2S 54 8 14 3 2 12 65 14 10 17 1 " l 3 3" n lfl 7 10 15 6 3 9 3 10 13 3 3 8 r 7 3 3 0 3 0 1 3 l s 8 ' ' 8 2 2 ,. 3 862 115 107 207 69 110 20 14 24 11 13 3 14 29 10 14 I I 2 2 17 11 2(1 10 20 18 13 12 4 3 4 166 BECKER RIAL America No Longer for Huerta in Mexican Affairs! 'Although the War of a Trooper, No I bullet I'i.m Service W.HII) l'lO.V. I (' , Mil)- 10, I real plan for peace, will he permitted to receive- munition Tin- far cHtliii nl lulu li-arm-d uu-! WlUon doc not bollcto thiil ut of wnr at Tamplcu, Hrjan and Dan thorlUtUely that Private Park, the-' this ilmu another American fatality ,lcU today hinted that they will not American iroo cr miming from the should forcei America' band, prevent American manufacturer Vera Cruz in 11..,, killed by (!en- Diupjatcheit from Mexico Olty em- fiom bIiIppIdb to tliem. orl fan' rderaU Although the plmnlrn the critical xlluatlon there,' The llrnzlllan minister at Mexico Ui'iat'iunl U uillnmed ul (hU IiiJIk- Molt nilo Ih expected city ha wired thai Vice Conxul John ulty, and !ortl(pi prhately admit An n reult, tt Ii expected thai Hit- snilman l afc, and Ik on bla way to that the iiitttxr in etnte, thi-re wilt h urtu will eliminate hlrugelf, or the the capital. He U due there tonight no ir trUal richt now (xoplo will. Km rntai nf fitate llrynn InnfnU Huerta Ik said to he Ignoring the that thU t ltupl) another outrage arTnlm of mate, Vice President Ulan for vitilch Hum t I rtpouiilhle. l.lke iiiett being the real head, othet i, thin will lie (-onulitered lu the It Ik rumored that If there I a fa final mediation ncttleinent orahlu opportunity, Ula&quett will I'r sldeiit WlUon 1 upiortluK telle Iho government himvelf . Ilryau'a InnUtnnce that nothing Inter- fere with mediation He expert the United I'reaa Service Nlagttra KnIU conference to complete-, TRIPLE MURDER EIEND ARRESTED KAIIM HANI ClXri34SKK Til OIIKWMIMi: CIUMK, KVKN K IXt; INTO TIIK MIXtTK lK TAIIJ t)K IT II nKtJKNKKATi:' Uultril I'reM Service CHICAGO, May 10. Harley Heard, the 31-year-old farm hand who mur dered the Maaalc family near Irouton, Ohio, 011 Wedneaday. wan arrented hero lat ulght. In hi confelou tu the police Heard declarcM thai on Wednesday night Hobcrl Maailo relumed from town, and hi lter, Mary, accused Heat d of going Into her room. Hu aald that Itoherl got a hand-axe and laid It Uldo Heard' face and ald: "If ou ever monkey with my U- ler again I'll cut your head off." Hoard denied the accusation, and a that Matule threatened to brain him He (tolled it long slake, he nald. "und busted Hob's head lu " Then he added' "Mary saw Hob on Iho ground mid Jumped ut me, and 1 hit her over tho head, and busted her head lu. Then ,1... .!.! I.. I.. ...... ..... .....I lilt IIIU (till IUM lilllllt ,11 Ull', tlllU 1 111 I her one over tno Head, too. 1 inougnt I s.tw the old lady move, so 1 got Hob's raior and cut her head off. ABSTRACT OF THE S S 3 -i .: n tr B r s o a a o tr o 3 S B c t . - t n a H o p tn c o -I It B a 2 c 3 c C9 i 5 cc c a B a o o e 3 if CO c o -I It B 2 a 3 XT u cs Ul c "O -I A B it o o a 3 at a a i n B a 2 c IT. c B A O o a 3 B a 2 c 3 8 a 3 37 Oil 41 95 87 168 53 108 47 97 22 20 37 21 21 10 18 11 7 0 4 11 9 20 17 10 8 30 5 12 3 3 51 42 79 60 33 12 28 6 5 7 0 37 41 71 40 34 9 23 23 21 7 7 24 34 48 25 35 5 19 17 9 9 2 11 20 63 22 20 7 43 0 13 3 7 19 39 34 21 9 36 GG 30 26 13 8 0 14 5 462 80S 191 146 417 848 260 839 Department Is Inflamed Over the Killing! Reprisal Will Be Made at This Time It ulimlnata Huerta ami to sugg al :i WASHINQTON, U. C, May 1C. Then I cut Mary" head off, too. Thcnf I lit out and came to my ulsters here.") It I the ImpreiMilon among the 'authorille thai the rhan ia a moral J degenerate. . WILL PLEAD WITH THE PRESIDENT 1 I VICTIMS OP THK I.VIHX1W TI'.XTj CITV MASHACHK STAItT l-VHt WASHIXOTOX TO TKI.I, WILSOX OV TIIK IIOltlUHLK APFAIlt I United Press Service TUlNlUAl). Colo.. May 10. Mrs. Pearl Jolly, tho leader of tho women of the Ludlow tent city; Mrs. Mary P. 1 Truce, whose three children wyre 'crem.tted in the horror, and Pedro Vuldex, whoso brother, wife aud td' ehlhtrpii uern rr..!nat...l In ih.. tlro.lw Sen 1'ot.lllon which dcslrojcd thu tent city, started by the Imported gunmen of the min ing companies, started for Washing ton last night, to plead with I'rml-, dent Wilson to personally Use his lu- compauy. II Hour o. to Hcttlu tho atrlko. They will describe to him the hnr- Oouna See tiiinie rors of the Ludlow m.imucre. and' Among tho local baseball bugs to toll him of tho conditions previous tojjourney to Vreka tomorrow to see the the tiro and the causes leading up to ! Kamt between Klamath Kails and It. It Is expected that Mother Jones Yrcka will be Dr. and Mrs. Hamilton. will meet tho party In Washington. !p, u, English, Luke Walker, John j Siemens Jr., Mr. and Mrs. Austin If ou want to go to Crescent on White, and Mr, and Mrs. Charles Heud Monday, seo Ford garage. JMashburn. REPUBLICAN VOTES SO Z r N P r V) V! t-l o c g o p s 3 t a n a a - g s ts a 13 . "a U3 o f t S o it o a ta K o 0 xs 39 S 2 r? a sj t 5 52 90 59 61 25 43 ,33 16 10 Jio 17 H 27 10 23 1 0 4 4 to 12 20 13 13 5 4 7 a o s 4 14 C 0 4 5 3 5 2 17 74 48 11 S4 55 21 149 100 9 89 00 30 31 52 33 33 14 26 1G 18 0 91 03 37 18 59 38 40 23 86 16 18 12 15 11 16 9 3 9 4C1 136 113 66 104 778 606 896 to Stand There nrc Indications thai the rebel or tomorrow morning. United Pre Service WASHINGTON', D C, May 1C. '.Spanish refugee reaching Vera Crux today Informed Consul Canada that General Aguila and Ulanco captured 'Tuxpam Thursday, defeating the fed- 'ernl garrUon. DRIVER IS FINED (20 BY LEAVITT jIlKHAV AITKAKH IX THK TOUCE COUItT AS A KKSULT OF HIS DltlVK OX MAI.V 8TIIKF7T VKS TKRDAV AKTERXOOX Bmw Qf rcck,eg9 drWfng of hu car on Main street, D. A. Do Hay, an UPoye of the White Pelican garage. 'drew a 20 tine or ten dajs in Jail Jfrom l'ollco Judge IavIlU ueiiay was arresteu rnaay oy was arresteu Sheriff Low for reckless speeding, and wheu be apiK-ared In police court jut I' o'clock this morning he admit- lej going at a 22-mlle-an-hour pace juilt before reaching the corner of (Fourth and Main, James UrHioll has resigned his po rtion as superintendenl or the Spen cer Creek hatchery, to accept a posi tion with the W. P. Johnson Realty FAR AS REPORTED tj o -i i & j- tj - - -. :r ts J- g i e 3 1 h .h l ' - r taa S 3" "i t O 3 i yi V .5 -. o S - o B o O B n o 3 B S3 t n o f 3 f ts i 7 S T o o c. o o B c O o B : t c o 19 30 19 42 43 77 27 53 25 44 14 11 13 34 S 10 8 12 10 9 8 2 7 7 5 12 57 10 03 15 00 32 74 40 100 00 138 10 00 37 74 20 54 40 78 50 53 91 50 47 16 30 28 18 10 7 25 44 15 33 19 65 17 34 8 21 12 22 0 31 10 0 4 15 13 0 0 3 10 0 14 11 220 367 83 167 618 290 665 464 c DELAP, LOW AND HENRY NAMED for bigcohtest HAYDOX l(i;.H HTRO.VO AOAIXHT WATTKIW Witli the Iteturn Incomplete, Btebop t Ha a Small ljemd Over Hawzhant fur tlie Democratic Xomlaatloa a HlieHff I'oe Valley Maa BeUered to llo Ctiooea a tttc Cotaml ioner Xomlaee Over Merrill. i The renomlnatlons of County Clerk Do I.ap. Sheriff Low and Engineer Henry, and the nomination of George Haydon a county treasurer are as sured by the returns coming la from over the county. There are yet a few precincts from which complete re turns are to be received, aad it Buy he several days before these cose in. One of the features of the election of local interest was the large number of votes received by Hank on the re publican ticket. One hundred and slxty-slx republicans wrote Hank's dido on the ballot. The total vote received by him on both tickets was 517, to G19 for Judge Worden, wboa he will oppose at the November elec tion. The closest contest among the can didates for county office was for tke nominations for sheriff and commis sioner on the democratic ticket. i uu iuij reiuiua ii ww vifcuf. v is) j smaller precincts Incomplete, Bishop, (for sheriff, has 259 votes toHawx- hurst 235. some of these precincts are claimed by Hawxhurst, and the ( nomination will probably be In' doubt until the omelal count of the ballots. ' Indications are that N. S. Merrill I has been defeated for commtaalomer jby Edward Freuer. Returns so far received give Freuer 259 votes to 214 i for Merrill. J The total incomplete vote for Judge on the democratic ticket gives Hanks .351 to Smith 134. The democratic results so far re ceived follew: I Dairy Judge, Hanks 11, Smith 0; sheriff. Bishop 4, Hawxhurst 4; com imlssloner, Freuer 9, Merrill 3. . Fourth Ward Judge, Hanks 477. Smith 13; .iherifY, Bishop 23, Hawx i hurst 37; commissioner, Freuer 29, JTerrlll 25. "-Cast Klamr.:h Calls Judge. Hanks 32, Smith 13; tberlff. Bishop 24. Hawxhurst ti; commissioner, Freuer 19, Merrill 34. Third Ward Judge. Hanks 66. Smith 36; sheriff. Bishop 61, Hawx hurst 41; commissioner, Freuer 47, Merrill 45. Tule Lake Judge. Hanks 31. Smith 11; sheriff. Bishop 15. Hawx hurst 22; commissioner, Freuer 17, Merrill 25. Lost River Judge, Hanks, 25, Smith 2; sheriff, Bishop 18, Hawx- . 5: 5 S X s 7 ts P CO XT pj n in S P o - 2 5 I a. o s a n o e p o 5" K m p (t o a CO XT a P ? C 59 27 SO 59 133 124 70 SI 82 94 8 17 18 38 626 619 166 268 fit 509 359 888 39 17 16 52 10 91 43 25 24 03 20 113 40 42 30 92 51 149 13 35 29 47 27 80 8 20 18 49 40 100 28 39 .. 10 1 28 3 41 50 46 .. 11 8 28 29 60 23 14 8 16 14 16 4 45 21 15 12 7 2 25 1 89 13 3 .. 2 15 4 .. 14 12 6 .. 6 1 17 1 19 ,. IS .. 5 1 6 .. 20 .. 12 3 13 10 10 ., 5 .. 3 9 18 BENSON WILL BE .. . tfc4 ON THE TICKET,! SAY LATE WIRES LOCAL MAN KAN STKOXO OUT OF PORTLAND Beswost Kan Secostd Omly t Memrttto la Malteoasafc CevtiT, AumiilasT to Telegram Receive Late Tide After aoont From PortteM Is Hsmamg Good m Easter aad Wester Ore sjosi m Welt a Here. The nomination of Judge Henry L. Bunion for Justice of the supreme court is nractlcally assured by the latest returns of the vote 1 MalU- mh countv. It Is conceded that judeo Benson ran stroax la Eastern and Western Oregoa, ontslde of Port land, and with the announcement that his vote U second highest la Mttltae mah Is assurance of his nomination. The following was received late this afternoon by Judge H. 8. Oale from Jndge Webster: "JndM msrasen second highest la Multnomah county, with ltJ.600 Totes. McBride first. Cleeton third. MCNary fourth and Harris ifth." hurst ; commissioner, Vreaer IS, Merrill 3. Sorasme River Jndge. Hamka 13. . SmKh 16; sherlsT. Bishop 11, Hawx- t hurst 14; commissi emsr, rreuer ft. MerrlU S. iBceti Vallar Jndae. Hanks 1. Smith 1; sherls?. Bishop 11. Hawa harst 7; commlmlotiTt Freeer is. Merrill S. wt Klaxaath Fslle Tadge, Hanks SS, Smith S; sheria,,Btehep II, Hawx hurst 14; commtssloner, rreesr i. MerrlU 14. Wood River Jndae. -Hanks 14. Smith 8; sherUf, Bishop It. Hawx hurst 7; commissioner. Freuer 7,' Merrill 24. Swan Jndae. Hanks 1. Smith 2; sheriff. Bishop 2, Hawxhurst 1; com missioner, Freuer 2, Merrill 0. scand Ward Jadce. Hanks si. smith 14: sheriff. Bishop 24. Hawx hurst 19; commissioner, Freuer 28, MerrlU 12. Plevna Judge. Hanks 7. Smith i- nh.rti. RlshoD 3. Hawxhurst 8; t -- - t commissioner, Freuer 4, MerrlU 4. Pine Grove Judge. Ha&KS 7, Smith 1; sheriff. Bishop 4, Hawx hurst 5; commissioner, rreaer Merrill 4. ' shtnnlBSton Judge. HaakB 6, Smith 0; sheriff. Bishop 3, Hawxawrat 2; commissioner, Freuer f , Merrm a. Malln Judge, Haaks 14. Smith 2; sheriff. Bishop 3, Hawxhurst 11; commissioner, Freuer 11, Merrill 4. AstgUalsBack Harrr Analln returned last night from a short business trip to Saa Francisco. ?5 D 7. o 3 XT O O a p r- o S" a o W 03 X 3 p a ts I n o a a p a o ! a n o- e 0 a o ta. o P 2 a a 7 2 O o c 0 2 B r CO 0 5 o 1 0 I O a o o m 3 a t 8 67 29 IS 80 49 06 112 105 55 81 54 29 88 40 6 34 11 18 53 23 4 33 26 49 25 34 10 6 52 41 65 74 69 140 67 59 32 60 18 10 19 16 83 24 58 18 45 80 14 10 7 S 88 8 67 88 89 18 17 9 18 14 6 87 5 13 .. 15 3 10 It - 28 18 4 . -h & J 248 704 408 (It Mlttr 3?. r;. 11 Xm. ,. I- f