U fH ') (wje lEunmn Iterato PRINTS THE NEWS WHILE IT IS NEWS KLAMATH FALLS' -OFFICIAL NEWSPAPHt - TM -J xt, 5 sn.jp :liilli Vrar s, u,iniu KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, FKIDAY, MAY 15, 1914 AMATH CHAMBER WILL M OF COMMERCE NOT ENGAGE A SALARIED IN ADDITION TO SECRETARY ftiii'i "i I ( .t ui uf i in- riitiin l.i I (ill U' f1l llllllllli lull! i i'ji llnl .till IIUilMI I 111 l.l li.l'.l tin ful Ion Lieutenant Becker and Wife at His Trial for the Murder of Rosenthal Mtin mt i 'i '' in ohm or ui:iii:hii mumi'h Mi:irriu t,n llml I ! " Mukn II I'l.iln IMI I he) 01MM1 llll' MlltllH! I.i. til ,il llm "I"' it I Mm tliilii lliiMiiuii) . ItiMmtil. Mini On' Willi. 111 (ill. ItnC sii!ii i ll.rt Hint IIim,iii; ItUiiMlli Will Itn mi. Iliilmirn nlil Iiiiiii,i'iIiiim HrtH-luT)' WlalJ Oittuf initial sihI i-if iii . Nnw lllnralurn Tiual ... 18.3 U , J .2(111 ! Uiiu in. , I.OIlii I6.6i' I .1 II i 'Wo btipn to In ulitr to nlti iil.l inia in a iluoount. Till. inard nf (1linor plctcm I llH IIOl 1, , ..I.UtlJO lb nlfM'liiIt j uirn of any tnniii')' by tin. ('iiamb.r ni rtiiuiiti'Mc hoyt in) iiioiiiij ntiuull. i.Imit(Iii-i iimi iii tti m-nxir) "Wi EH'jllr iiiM'liili' iln iii. miliiii id tin- rill. it In iiur nUmi , lit fiimiii-K Dili riiiiminr of Ciiinuii-iio 1)1 hll'llii Mil II. illld A .,x 4 la Hit rinse "I Oin itlltvlllln jii imn ( oi KUtiiitiii I'lihtut.i'i nf iiiiii'Ttf vn rwllml .11 I 30 llil tli iiuM.ii fr Jim iiiirjfiMi nl piepr- lu( a ilrHlill.) Malnliioht iii (tin public U'i trallm llml a. iii U. iiniiKtMMl u- oJ Km roiiim rniuliirtliie la piil.tlr Ini.ln.' lrull ral"t by .lll.i-fl'li"ll ami Iii Hl " Public 10 tlUJW uhfil . am i,B.r.Alu niMi. Ihn iu.Muiri of tlm ltltnc nl m. nni". MV iwl m ! ( tbml"-r llml mi pan nf ihn mmnm "r bm.1 ii. ai-ram thin litttlliitton on. .,, I,, lie II. 1. 1 (or Mil) rtiillllllUal nv l" IIIH- Ml III- l)..ll'l)l nf ll.i J ,.h- Mllii-r limn ltnB "ft Um iM '"""' KLuuntli nitmlT). 10 tlio ill.' la.l.lr.liriM ut Mr Km mluHl run- " '' "'" ""t" po"'''1-' lilttatil Ihr lm. Iiihlilll III III nnlli , lioullllr. un liitti' liMi. bint r(x )' lit Hi" Oliauil'i't Tiio rrrurr ll fll"J n Wru. tf intrlllsltilr fKldit nt ttli lircll mrrtlDK fioUl UViliiMitii) t.rniiiK. U) 13, m whlili limn a motlim tMj miiliiifUliiB Itio Iiltlne nt nltlUli)r iiirfunrr nt a mnr) f lll'l munlli Kir.inm cik Khrii ! Kit uf Ihn il(rtllll iK'Hl IimIo III i,.l(nn tu all) iiti nrllnli An a pull nt llif nirrtin llil f irftiiMiu ilicin I a iniitli tiriirr (iwllne nlillue nn alt UJ - ami llli ! lrvtTlii ut itii t'l 'ti't't llnK Hlpnl out thpii I 4iinitifi nf a irMnTrn jrr alirait tr tlir I'hmul'rr nf Coin, nnfrcp Willi alt mLum!rrUimllti l-t oul ami runtlitrlir frlnr-il. Itn nrtt ftf r"l t ttafl In on n r4inmUn tar nr iMmtMmlili mt turi ulilfli lll Jitaro tin Chamber on a uiJ. ..! ll rtnaiirlnl IimiIIiik. ami fri to carry on tlm iniicli nroilml work of Momutlne tlm ilnri'lpjitnrnl of lln ro urti of ttio grrai Ktnnialh ruuiilr). Tlm follnwlnc utatumont lia liocii llv.-ti tliii prnni tor tiiitillralloii "Insmnncli llinm lian Ui-n rwii lilrraliln rrllklum ami iJIucumIoii at In Ihn iroinnl Un of III" fumU r-'rpctrj (0r rKi'hlllC Itin olrrllon rn rriitly ralnnl by nbcrliiUoii, lli,(,irim m IIh i-IkIIoh iliuim nt llir Chamlwr nf Cnminnrro ilwilriii IniiMiw hull tonlitnt. matin ihn tolowliifi latninniit . .rjn) tM,,n, from milnlilo irtclnct Tlm mattir of iiiikbkIhii a t" ivlll ln wlrtit In Jiml an fitt nn (bo llcliy inaiiaBir fnr Ihn Chatnbnr alnt( nr munliHl. nml tlio llKnnn will a nalary w illcunril nml nilfil on((,0 Cumpnlil nml mndn knon liniun- at an Informal wootliiK twin " illninly, lii:0 J WAl.TOSM'trnblnit. "W T. I.KK. Vlri. I'rnnlilnnt I. t:VIH WU.HK. H.'i-roinrv fltUt) IIOI'KTHN. uwi.ii: iKKir.iis. J V KIKMCNH. KVI) I'.VANH. riuH y m: lap. it i: HMITII. "II J DAltl.INO lilriTlotn ELECTIONRETURNS AT DANCE TONIGHT mau'i.TS nioM 'ITV .u t-oux- TV I'llHflN'ITH U'll.l. UK IHVIIX Tiuiortiiioi'T Tin: i:vi:xiv HV AX.NtH'XrKK All arraiiKnitinntii bnn Iwn mt- I iipmlay nvrnllic, May IH, at which It uhh tlm annuo nf Um mwtliiB thai inch action Im Inkon. How- Unliini Ihn voln for noinn of thn iilnnit nrn vrry cloiu. It In oxur-ctril that nory cnmllilaln to KO bnforn thn vnr, nn IhU wiih not n mwlltiB "' ! pooiiln at thn nmiernl nlcctlon will bo Hi n omri-m nml illii'Clnm. any nr- tlon nnilil not b rointlitnrixl an Inxal nml blmlliiK "W wonlil uihln.' nn Hi'it Minlnr Um cuimtlttitlon nml by-lawn llicro I no authority for thn hlrliiK f n inib Hetty inaniunr, nml thn illrwlura hn known bnforn 2 o'clock, inuiaiiit orclmHlrn will fnrnlnh immtr for Um ilnncn. l'nr tlm llrnt limn In hUlory Vnanar lolli'Kn imnlorH will wear blank nipn in i.,i I.,.. ..r lukinif iiv Mich nc'ftml koii nt tlmlr commencement. tl00i iKIncn thn rollnuo wh fonmlnil In tSfil 'Tho itlmctorH linvo nakn.l for nllin wnlor hnvo nlwny.i worn wblto. Park Engineer Is Here II i i -m il?yswl'VKw i . mlM,:j..-1!1; i iVr'.m -pH .ppppB ppppppppppppppppH pppppppppk''alpllpplHppppppppppppppppp NOTHING HEARD OE SILLIMAN; 0. S. MAY MOVE XKWSI'AI'KH 3IK.V AIJMJ AMOXO TIIK itlSSIXd .Sii.iHi-h Ik-InK Motiil lo (Jnlmton. .ilniiiiiilr.illii In (."(insliliTfiiK An older L'lllnintiiiii MpihImti of the .Mi'illiillon I'nny l.rat for Xluftam i I'hIU In Comiiii-iirc Tlielr IVaci- Xn-( Collnllnnn. i HUERTA WEEPS AT MOTION PICTURES OE LATE DEFEAT ZAIttTA TROOrS ABE TKS MILRM FBOMCITV Cnptiim of Mazatlati la n Matter of Hours ItebeU Hay Ttiat If Zapatn Takes Mrtlro City Ifon VHI Tnkrs Salllllo, He Will Be Break InK Knllli Willi the C'oMtltatbmal lt Ciovrrnment. WASHINGTON. D. C., May 15. 'Ihn nilmlnlHtratlon U alarmed ovrrj the fate of Comtul Slltmnn. Despite. ansiiranis from Iliicrta, and bla promUin n-Rardlng the Mfi-ty of tbei iiinsiil, the fear thai In- hm been! l:iln In constantly Kalnlnp. j Thn SUIlman raatlnr taken In con-i nciion V.1111 me lain 01 rnvnie rarKB and the dUappearancc of Photogra jihcr Sutton and Correspondent Dos ti r, has cmatcil extreme tension. The movement of supplies toward Galveston Is ronsldercd significant. !y some this Is taken to mean that the administration has another untl m.itnm under consideration. It Is hoped by all that tb media tion conference at Niagara Falls will start on Monday. One of tbe Instruc tions of the American mediators Is to consider nothing that does not Involve the entire elimination of Huerta. It Is reported that America will not atop the rebels from importing arm via Tamplco. and may even lift tbe bor der embargo. 'United Pre 84rrles ' WASHINGTON. D. C. Mar 16 - jThc-'JJrailllan-ambassajdora.haTe re quested tnactne mentation coniercace J at Niagara Falls bo postponed until wednesdar. tbe i Tbo state department thinks the re- .,..., II,.... niM.iMiiiin.ro.) line ktr' eind trial. Four men who both Decker and bis wife show . ..i.,i. ii.L..r wif of the did tlm shooting, bellied by tbe (.train to which they have been sub- .quest Is baaed on a desire to not rusk fanner polio lletitennnt. on trial for (prosecution to hae been ordered by Jected for nearly two years, neither Is tlm nuirdir of Herman Uosontbnl. thn llticknr. lmvn already been electro-. In poor health tocauso of it. In fact. vu- v.iri Btimtilnr. Is a constant nt- ruled. Ho won Iriulant at tho court room, This Is, of error In n new trial necnuse . uom ot innrn bttra particuiariy hl first trial. While bust. ARRESTED EOR WIFE BEATING (searching tlm ruins, ns some reports, a nnrAY OIIOnrnT 2ST ' ' h"'y "' " AKKto I dUortb I Ten of tbo men were kitimi outrigni 'and tbrcn of tho bodies wern terribly the Huerta delegates, who are not due here until after 1 o'clock Satur day. iiAiutv itA.vr.i is .i'i'itKiii:xin:i AT WmiUS. AM IS IIIKH'CIIT IIIMtr. 11V HIIKItll'l LOW HIS HKAIIIXO TOMOItUOW .mnngled. two died In u short tlmo In thn Jiolway hospital, whlle'a third vlc Ulm Is so horribly mangled Unit his rtcovery Is Impossible. Thn wreckage at onco took tiro, and It Is with' groat difficulty that thn pollen aro prosecuting thulr search. Tho caiiho of the explosion Is unknown EOR A ROBBERY United Presa Seme WASHINGTON, D. C, May 15.- Tbe members of tho mediation conference- formally bade President Wil son farewell at the White House this afternoon. The occasion was cele brated In a formal manner, with all members In full dress uniform, with a corps ot naval aids attending th( president. The merits of the mission ACTIONS OK JAY GHOOM IXDI.Iwa3 not dlgcUMed UiTK HK IS TIIK MAX VHoHome jy VWt. KOltllKI) UI.XOX'S STOHK FORT GUMSHOK WORK AT ' Mrs Claude Coseboom returned last J night from Redding, Calif., where she lias been visiting sir. ana Mrs. iesier I. Iieavltt for the past two weeks. By WH.MAM G. SHF.PHKRD (Staff Correscondent) VERA CRUZ, May If.. Zapata and his guerilla army is within ten mile of Mexico City, ac cording to advice received late this afternoon. The outlaw lead er has 5,000 men. and he has Just oc cupied Topllejo. The federal for ces have been sent to dislodge him. Fearing a reign of terror If Mex ico City fall into the hand of Za pata, many are fleet, today. If Zasat t- t.Aw. Uck, th catfUi; before Villa attack Salilllo, be wUt break a pledge made to tbe conatltu tlonallst govern t. It was learned today that Huerta recently witnessed private exhibi tion or the motion pictures) taad at Torrcon, where HuerU's troop were routed by VWa'. farce. Huerta wept copiously during the ahow. SSSSSSSSSSSBftitjffpl ssssssssbSp4 StssI SBBBBBBBBBBBBBBlkZs United Pre Seme JAUREZ. May 15. The capture of Masatlan by the rebels la expected at any hour, according to a message ent to Carranxa at Durango by General Obregon and relayed here. He says the federal gunners are unable to get the range ot the rebel aeroplane sweeping over the ""city and dropping bombs. Agent Is Hosae. Edson Watson, superintendent of the Klamath Indian reservation, cats In from Portland last night, where he ha been attending the session ot the federal district court. Charged with nssuult and battery upon tlm person of his wife. Hurry llnntii Is In tlio county Jail, awaiting u hearing before Justleo of tlm lVnen (iowen tomorrow. Ilo was brouglit In from Dorrls nt inldiilKbt by Sliorlff Low. Tho warrant for hln arrest was sworn out Thursday, but when Sliorlff Low reach his homo nt I'lno Flat. HantA luid lied. Tho olllcer learned after this that llnntit had secured itj horso at Midland and crossed tho l statu linn, ho he telephoned to llorrls unit llnntn was urrested there. WHOLE FAMILY IS i MURDERED Geo. E.G(M)dwin in From Portland. Gets Machinery Jiul uu hooii iih tlm weutlinr per tultu nml nit tbo iHiiilpmout Is ready, work on tbv romlM litlng built by tlio vnr Uiipnrtmont In f'rutcr Inko Na tliiiml Park will bo resumed, accord ing to (loo, ) Goodwin, corps of 'Uglitwirs, who nrrlvnd Inst night from I'orlland to tukii chnrgo or tho work, Ho Ih nccomiinnliHl by n Htnff of niiglniHirlng nsslHtnnls ami cler ical workers. In addition to tho steam shovel now bolng taken from tbo station at Kirk to tbe war department's camp t Wild Cat, at the southern boun- ditry of tlm pitrk, two mom hIhinoIh nro lo ho used In road coiiHtnictlon In tlm park this year. One of I bono will rimch Kirk today. "Just how much work wo do this year depend upon tlio extent of the appropriation from tho government," says Mr. Goodwin. "It Ih our Inlnn Hon to work nn tbo Fort Klamath roml to tho rim, lomplotlnK It, as well iih completing tbo route close to tbo rim, nn extension from tho Hand Crook road, which will connoct It with tbo innln Fort Klnmnth road, and nfford a different routo for re turning to the. fort." TWELVE KILLED EXPLOSION itmtiicit factory ix lurritoir III.OWS UF, KIM.IXK TWKI.VK MKX ANB WOUXBIXG MANY OTIIFRH DRTROIT, Mich., Mny in. Twolvo v,eio killed In nu exploaUm vhlcli wrecked tlio plant of tlio Mexican Itubber company, n one-story coucreto structure In tho outskirts of (his city. Ton others nro known to bo uilaa Iuk, nml police nml llroinoti nro Suspected of burglarizing the mer cantile latabllsluiiDr.t ot James Dixon nt Fort Klamath Wednesday night, and taking ISO lit cash from tbe till. Jay Groom was nrrystod early Thurs day eenlnK on tho Klamath Indian 1 1 cscrvutlon ntul brought hero by Dep- liity Sheriff George A, Ilnydou. He IU)IKS OF MOTHF.R AMI W lUbagivcnaliMrliig tomorrow. GROWN CIUI.HRKX l"OUXI) ON Groom is a gigantic young man. A..t ti..a .ft.fejiil -j-lli.l Itin 1 tflt OHIO FARM WITH SKUI.US """ ""s """" ." " - JWediiosdny. Wednesday nlgbt ho. CRUSHKB (went to a saloon nud asked for a dol- Mar bottle of whiskey, saying It was ............. . . .. i- lull tbo money bo had, and In the end I RONTON. Ohio. May InMrs.,, (loUar fof n ft bM Matilda Mnssle, uged "G years; l"0" l battle. Tho following morning, after tbo went to tbo found murdered at their home on saloon and purchased whiskey. This Givusy Hldgo, 25 miles north of this timet ho tendered a 5 pleeo, and re clty, this imirulng. .oelsod tho change. Hurley llttird, aged 21 jeara, n! Tho tracks found nt tho mar of the farm bund employed on tho placo, ia'gton, woio made by nn unusually missing, and diligent wiucli Is being huge shoe, and thu fact that Groom miido for him, wns noticeably large as to pedal ex- Tim woman's body wb found In tho tremltles, and hud suddenly acquired front yurd with her skull crushed and j money directed suspiclou to him. Dep- GoIiir to Fort. Mrs. II. 11. McLane left this morn ing for Fort Klamath, to join her husband. Mr. McLane Is connected with tbo Wood River Valley creamery at the Fort. Tbe oldest living school teacher in New York state Is said to be Nathan Perry Beers. He ts now 91; he re tired from his profession ten years ago, after having taught sixty-Are years. When he began teaching he was perhaps the youngest teacher In tbe state, tor be received his first ap pointment as teacher at the age of 14. sou, Robert, aged 15 yoars, and her daughter, Mary, aged 42 years, woro robbery, Groom again ' , .. . . An irou monument In tbe form of a stepped pyramid, surmounted by a globe, 00 feet high, has been erected at Lelpslg to symbolise the German iron and steel industry. In teuring down a building In Al ton, III., recently, a tightly closed glass jar was found containing a quart of dried corn. Although the corn Is known to be at least seventy five years old. It seems well preserved, and will be planted. Chauffeur Is Arrested Garage Employe Nearly Runs Down Local Girl throat cut; thu daughter's body was found In tho kitchen, with her skull uty Hay don ronched tho Fort at 4 o'clock, and Immediately afterwards crushed, her throat rut and her lunula Groom loft, coming toward Klamath Hed behind her back, while, tho body i Falls. He was pursued by Haydon, of Robert was found In tho bam, with Deputy Sheriff Grover Nellt mid Wal his skull crushed, Tho blows had boon Indicted with aomo blunt Instru ment. It Is believed tho crime wns com mitted aomo tlmo Weduesdny. No niotlvo can bo found for tbo deed. ter HUon ot tbo Fort, and was arrest ed on tbo reservation. With tho exception of tho 5 piece cluiiigcd In purchasing tho whiskey, Groom bad tn His possession tho mon oy missing from tho store. On u charge or exceeding the speed limit, and making reckless turnings, D. A. UeHay, an employe of tbe Wblto Pelican garage, was urrested by Sheriff Low this afternoon, after ho narrowly missed running over Miss Ada Fnrrls. The occurrence was at tbo corner ot Fourth and Main street. BeHay, driving J. F. Goeller's big car, which was undergoing repairs at the garage, camo down Main street at a fast rat of speed. i Miss Farrls was crossing the stmt, and was about In the center, whea,' , without warning or slowing up. Ds- . 1 Hay suddenly swung bis ear tats right, making a quick tura tato a Fourth atreet, just missing U,WI, ; and placing other pedestrsMM ! mentary ansr. ' I Ir DeHay was reUassd upe Us Mp. ," recognisance by Lwr, Nt wW h', before PoHc Judge LMVHt, . ,',,, moralsg. " " ,CF ' W.I ",', ..'-- . ,4i ,.