vs Si V Cuwthttt IteraUi aU- ?iwS- Jf.r-- - tMCMKUli wjhj ii.i vat - PRINTS THE NEWS WHILE IT IS NEWS KLAMATH FALLS' OFFICIAL NEWSPAFBK Eighth Vcar -No. U.IWW KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, THURSDAY, MAY 14, 1914 OVFR $4,000 1$ RAISED FOR THE COMMERCE BODY II VI TRIM M.Ml I Till: t.Morvr rehihed llrllliiiill, Etnil. Mint Wiln Tnke t'p TimIh) Hip Work ho VVt-ll MaHnl li) Ji.tin.ou nlt'l l.'nn Yi-vtt-iiU), nnl . . ltr.Mll, Tliri IUIm-,1 I,7;UIVI Fori) In llm .(nCtiiMMiii Hour., Willi' Uiitr ill Hltflll. Tlt amount of money aiihucrlbed lor Km up)rl til lliti Klamath Cham Wr o( t'oiiiiticrc v inrrcau-d tlilt t allrHIIHill, ll(ll Preiitlt Wnllutl. Hnffrlar) Wyld atul llitur 'ian bit llclllllall look mi llin aollrllltlg, ok by hlcii Evan and Julitiniu' rtltril II.ClU pIrrita TJlf Itlrll srljr IliU afternoon bad lliflilM'ho rCUIrd iltCfl(illiii aggregating 11,133 0, valid I hey had ntln-r pro.. ' prl III night. Tli director of llin Klslllalh (.'hamlirr o( C.'uiiunrno nt romldnr Itt the ImUtllng tit a huge clock ur dial In from of ilia ClimbT of Com c&crm hnduuarlfr, ami llin murine i Of Ihn hand of thin dial lll how thr pragrc niailr In raUInc Itin hioii-J ty rjulrwl. ' Tb atibwrtptloit ntxrurrd llirc lllr llrrald wrut o prr jrttrilay fol lo I'lvtluunl) tvporlod I3.C10.UO iUldtP llrm 50.00 lilt llatlu Lumber Co &0.00 Nurml'a K. K. Hakrry . . . 85.00 Fartnna Imp. A Hup. Iliun 3&.00 V. 0, Hmllh I'rlnlliig Co . . 3&.00 W A IMlell li.U A, C OUncrr ... . . 3&.00 lw. Illphn . . .... 35.00 J Frank Aran! 58.00 Uxitul llnu 38.00 'l Market 38.00 Whllo I'ellrnu llutol . . . 35.00 llotrt Hall 38.00 Chat (IraVra 10.00 IIpi K. Ilord 10.00 0 I) Matthow 10.00 V 0 Tuwitarnit 10.00 1 V Smith 10.00 Wm A Maalfti 10.00 C W. Coaeboom 10.00 llrownn llron 10.00 Kd Hmllh 10.00 l. VaudMler 10.00 T F. Nlcholaa 10.00 K tl. Cuminlnga 1000 W II A. Kennttr . .. 10.00 WBi Kmi (irocrry . . . lo.uo Virgil Hon lo.oo Klamalh Palla Crramcry . . 10.00 W J. HtoliimeU 10.00 CakeUiili A ArdleK ... ... 10.00 John J. Furbr 1".00 eu A. Ilaydon 10,00 J C tlrorkonhrnugh ... . 10.00 (' 0 Uiw 10.00 Chun P. I)e m 10.00 A A Moharfcy 10.00 li. II. Dunbar 10.00 'ha, It. Miller 10.00 llev J. H. Stubblellold . . , 10.01) ll-ii JotiiiNint , 10.00 I' U. Cnrlaon 10.00 A A, Mitchell, M.J. II, Coffeo 10.00 (CoBtlnuad on pg ) Calif. Has OnaBasis of Population, HAN FRANCISCO, Muy 14, On a luisls of population, California loads iiny section of (ho Untied Htute In the ownership of automobiles. Tho latitat figure compiled under tlio now uiitomoblli. law ithow Unit in this Mutu one iK-rson In ovory twuty-ov- ii Is tho owner of u motor car. In Nw York statu only ono immhou In uvery elglity-nlnn Ih llio owner of 'in automobile, The figures which eslulilUh tho load of Oallfornla in auto ownership are for motor oars that sro actually in commission, with no duplications, and Wis Government sbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbt ? vlfBHk. bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbe-1v sbbbbbbbbbbJbbbbbV 4 '&'WcmS&Rr jbbbbbKK v' 5T sbbbbbbbbbbbss; J"r 1 . .- " VniMllaiia CarfuiB, iM'nld.m of folio Iiik th. fall of Tamplco, an Im- lh rouatlltilloualUt got (Turnout, i pottaut fceaporl, yeaterday. hlch (itntrvl Ihc nnrthnrn part ofj For their campaign against Mexico Mntlro. and U gradually ctnilng downcity. Iluerta'a atronghold, the conatl- lh rtirnt of lliH'Ma domain, liaa.lutloiiallulK dealro more arm and am him that hl brlllgerrncy will be for. malty rncociilird by th t'lilfd HUIm'wIII ! the name aa recognition. SENIOR PLAY IS T TOMORROW NIGH ,llarlholomew, n ahoe maker Oeorge Stankey SI'KCTAri.lX" IS Till:' Another kIkh' maker . Loula McClure A PAIR Ol VCIIIt'l.E Till: HTUIlKNTrt WILL t'Hi: Tt DIHI'L.W HIHTItONIC AIIII.ITV All la III ri'lltii'M for tlio preaeiitn, t Iciu ot "A pair of Spectacle," n three act rumrdy, by the Senior class of ttio' Klamnth county high achool, nt Iloua toii'a opera house tomorrow night. Tli ilrenfl relieamnl will b held IIiIh! vvenlng. Th play, lilvli la loimldered Sid ney tlrundy'a iiiaaterplect, was neleot I'd by MUa lleaale Appli'Kl. Inatruct or III Kugllah, who la nlao dlreclluK the work of tlio student TlieapIanH, Tin play deals with the two opposite vleWH ono run tnke of the world, brought out In thU plu by mi "I'll mUt wearing the iipectliclen of a pesal mint, thua i-oinpletly leverslng lila point of view. The rnal or eliiirnilerit follow': llelij. tldUlllliili, till iiptllillHtlu old Keiilli'iimu Itiilpli Hum .Mrs. tlnliltliirh, lila young 'lf . Mnrgticrllii Dunbar I'prcy, hi hoii Leon Holler Gregory (loldllnch, hi brother, n imaslmUi Jhn Sinnkey Mr, Lnrlmcr, friend of Benjamin Most Autos Golden State Way Ahead ure liikon fiom (he roKlHtiullon, which to dnto sIiowh 0t,71K enra in inu mate, Tho Now orlc total, llgurcil from tho mid of llia, unit milling the nor mal percentage of Incioaso ouch month, would show tho Umpire atato to huvo iibout 120,000 nmchliiKU lu iirtuul I'oiniulaulon. in H iniiin iirouaht lo nn appropri ate total In each state to dnto by iuld- hiK Uu porcontago of grnwin, it is shown Unit noxt to California tho groatest per capita ratio Is Nobraska, whore ono In thirty-seven iwrsons own automobiles, May Be Recognized munition. FermUalon to Import thene Kdwin Cox Iilck, (Jrrgory'a sou . . Walter Halea l.ury, I.orimer'a daughter ... . . Klliabeth Homton Joyc. the butler . . Kenneth Stewart ,CliArlotte, the maid j Kather McAndrewa An Eugllah Inventor baa a collapil (lie lifeboat with a rubber akin which (heals Itself when punctured. AD the Election Who Can Vote, Polling Places in the Republican, Democrat and Progressive Parties Can Ballot Tomorrow Owing to tho Interest that Is being taken In tomorrow's primary nomi nation election, Information regard ing lilts has been compiled for the llerald'H readers. Tho polls will open at 8 ti. m, and will close ut S p. m. At S o'clock the night board will com mourn tho counting of tho ballots. Only those who uro registered us members of tho republican, democrat und progressive parties can vote to morrow, "independents," "Refused to Htute," and mombora of those par ties not holding nomination primaries will not have' if vote until tho gonornl election In November".. Persona who have not boon regis tered tint voto.by being aworn In on tho Hpeclnl registration blank. This requires affidavits from cltlieim re garding oiio's residence, etc. Tho total registration for tho coun ty Is 3,142, lly parties, etc, thla la divided aa follews: Republicans 1898 Domocratn , 089 Progressives , , , 47 Socialists . . , , . 83 Phohlbltlonlata 27 Refused stato, Independents, etc, ,....,.i.,.......t t.a Following are tho various candi dates whose names appoar on the bal REPUBUCANjCANDIDATESjnCQpjTC QUnUipp Probably , -very republican voter in' UIIUflLllj Kill til lit ll I'll lift I V lifts ritrHiiv ,.M.. A ' , a a a a-, a a a. i for whom lie or she la going to voU-at HANI 1 UN K If I 111! I the election louionow, for sheriff, yol. UnllUL U II UlllUUL this In not (In case Willi Mine of tho' '(tutu oiflcvt, iiarticiiinri)-una of Kov-i i Air 1 1 iTTriinrn .ernor. There seem to I;., ho uauyi nil I A I I rN III II jKooil men running fr the ollleo that; IILLL III I LI1ULU lit In liunl for the tutor lo make a jdiolo. I I Wlill tin. Ilcfald la not personally I.VL'W KIM.V AT M'.Sti IK FORMAL- , Interested In any of iIjo mate caudl-f ... .-..,, JdatM.lt would offer the following n- mr.xt.it 'formation for the couldcratlon of (the republicans of the county. W. 0,.,t,.r .s-wiic l,y Member of County nuiiiit j In the selection of a National com jtnlttMmaii, Ihoro Ik only ono man lo Jho comldcred by ifco rciiublUaim. Me' .Id Italph K. William CharliTi Ack j urMiii. llii; other candidate, la a pro (Kronlvi;. who at the lam raotneut, 'Chanited his replication and playod traitor to liln parly on annthrr llckt. to run for office For Rovernor thrru arc many Kood;new both abovo ond b5,,ow lhb new mi'ii lo rhooto from. Tim race ap- I2G.O0O ateel bridge here thbi after- 'P"am to be between A. M, Crawford and Charloa A. Jobna. The voter who .. ... ...... ., ."-..- iit hf hIiik nr Iocai. will linvn fhn ml. ..mil III l.wtlnl tttm XI a. f.1..... .fc.,ll. Ufarllon of knowing that he voted for a clean, honett and capable bual - jneta man. Hr It making no active campaign, but It receiving atrong vol- uutary nupport from thone who know hlro. MftlirV f. Ilftnntl ulimtlrf fAMli-A mv. lery republican vole of Klamath coun - ty for Supreme Judge. You can vote .for four or for one, but if not inter - jetted In the other do not overlook Jmlgo Ilcnaon. 4 Tin. race for Attorney General jsald to be between Oeorge M. Brown anu r rant o. urtBi. r. orown nas - tho mothods of transportation in a record for law enforcement cover- Kiaraath county, and pointing out Ing eighteen year. In addition he U'uhat can be accomplished In the fu recognlxed aa one of the beat read lurc hy bringing the various commun- inwyera in me State. John H. "LewTsTi a man who has proven lila ability to handle the Im portant offlcc of State Engineer. Much work has been started for the- devel opment of the resources of the state that would suffer If a chance were made In office at this time. O. 1 Hon has made a good record ,as l.nbor Commissioner. When to Vote and Where to Vote City Are Listed-Only Members of the 0 lots to be voted at tomorrow's prl-( Stato Engineer John II. Lewis, miirles: .Marlon ceunty: L. R. Stockman. 1 Republican iBnker county. National Committeemen Charles V. . ijjbor Commissioner Fred S. Arkormnn, Ralph E. Williams; both iiynon, Marlon county; O. P. Hoff. of Multnomah county. John A. Madsen, Multnomah county; United States Senator Robert A.Mt it Miller, Columbia county. Booth, Lnuo county. nnnroilll Commissioner--Frank J. Congressman N.J. Slnuott. Wasco. ..... ,. ........... , n patton. county. Governor George A. Brownell, Mrn.i 11 nitnlnk Pllirlf All! I1B pmtlltv! ...... . ' . , no. r.i..ri. M III, . VIII II',, t. VIVV. , ,..., A. Johns, Gus U. Moser, Multnomah county; A. M. Crawford, Douglas county; J nines Wythycomb, Beutou county. Justice of tho Supremo Court (four to bo chosen) Henry L. Benson ot Klamath county; Lawrence Harris, luino county; Henry J. Bean, Uma tilla county; T. J. Cleoton, Mult liomoh county; P. 11. D'Arcy, C. D. McNary, Samuel T. Richardson, Marlon county; Thomas McBrldo, Columbia county. Attorney Goncral George M. Brown, Douglas county; George N. Fnrrlu, Frank 8, Grant, J. J. John sou, Wm. P, Lord, all ot Multnomah county. Superintendent ot Public Instruc tion J. A, Churchill, Raker county. Courl mill JihIk llaliluin, llridjce U (lirUl.niil Willi Itolllo of White IVIIc.-in Wnlcr, ami I lie (Jranil -Miirrli Kiilloito (Her Two lluu- ilr-l .Mli'iiillnii (.'errtiionlen. (Htart Correapondcnt) KKNO,.May H. There waa damp- noon, owing to constant ahowera, but!:oor U-aMnz Into th postofflc. d.-plto the weather, more than 200 ,,cr,oru -WMnbicd to attend the for wnl 0lniD ot b Wdge and luj jde,,cat,on t0 'he Lincoln National highway. J The showers did not drown out the! ardor of the dancers, either, and the! (UUUW HI IJiUglfTSa uu tuc UQH I1U lilt ueing cujoycM io iuo uimosi, an or rtiAilf. fpnin lftmtli Cnlln r..tfnU' Muk the rnualc. Practically everybody prcaent participated In the grand ! march, which was led by Hon. George! )T. Ualdwin, former county Judge, and MIsa Marjorlo McClure. J ' Shortly after 2 o'clock, County lsj,i:e Worden made the oocnlnr d- 'drt.Mi reviewing the road work and i.i-. PlDIpr torethor through th. me- dlum of Improved highways and good bridges. Ho was followed by County Com missioner N. S. Merrill, County Com- n.lsaloner John Hagelstetn and Judge torney Rutenlc and the council re Haldwlu, all of whom made appropri- 'gardlng plana for the unit, and for the ato talks. At the conclusion of these talks, Sam Evans christened the WVWWWWWWWWWWWWMM (Continued on Page 4) T7 Information ..-......, .... -- , Marlon county. Water Superintendent James T. Chlnnock, Multnomah county. Representative, 21st district (two to bo chosen) Vernon A. Forbes, Crook county; Wesley O. Smith. Klamath county. County Judge William S. Worden. Sheriff W. II. Barues. Oscar L. Carter, C. C, Low, Carey M. Ramsby. County Clerk C. H. DeLap, K. D. North. County Trcasuror George A. Hay ilon, T. B. Walters. County Surveyor F, G. Brown, E. B. Henry. Justice ot the Peace (Llnkvlllo dis trict) E. W. Gowen. Democratic National Committeeman W. H. (Continued oa page 4) STORE AT FORT IS iTHIKP VVUUnSH y.lOHXY IKt- LMIH FHOM TIIK IH.TOX ESTAU- I.IHHMKXT, AFXrM BRBAKJ.NQ A WINDOW (Herald gpccUl Serrlce) FORT KLAMATH, May H. Un locking the front door from the In side after breaking a front window, burglar laat night took f 80 In cur rency and allver from James Dixon' store. The theft wan not dlacorered 'until ibis morning, anu mere la no cluo to the robber. This morning, after the robbery waa discovered. It waa found that the thief erldently Intended entering the poatofllce, In the same building, aa be had whittled extensively at the rear SEWER DISTRICT FAVORED 8Y ALL (MILLS INDUSTRIAL AND RAIL- ROAD ADDITION PEOPLE NAME! COMMITTER TO BEE THE CITY COUNCIL MIUs, Industrial and Second Hot Springs additions need a sewer sys-j tem, and want It constructed at once. This was the sentiment expressed at last night's meeting of Interested per sons in Mills Addition hall. At this meeting Frank L. Apple gate, S. J. Bailey, Mr. C. V. Lundy, Mrs. Maud Zlnk and John Potter were named a committee, to coafer with City Engineer McLean and City At- payment of the cost of this. The committee will report next Thursday night. i 'SEAMAN GIVEN general honor i ! SOLEMN REQUIEM HIGH MASS AT CATHEDRAL IN PITTSBURG, FOLLOWED I1L MILITARY CER EMONIES ' I United Press Service PITTSBURG, May 14 Francla Do lovsery, who was one of the men (killed In the taking ot Vera Crus by (the Americans, was burled here thla morning from St. Paul's cathedral, 'requiem high mass being served. Tho remains of Deloaery were in terred with all the honors usually marking the last rites ot a brigadier general, Vice President Marshall and four thousand persons participating In tho ceremony. BURGLARIZED Publicity Man Is Named Disposal of $1200otFimdAiTaiigiforatMee Wheti Paul Johnson undertakes to accomplish a certain thing ho usually succeeds. This was demonstrated Wednesday when he and Sid Evans started out to raise $1,800 for the Chamber ot Com merce, and came in with 82,610. It was again demonstrated at the cele bration held ut the Chamber of Com merce rooms last night, when Mr. Johnson, lu an eloquent appeal to the assembled members, asked them to keep up the Interest recently aroused by following up a program he had prepared for their approval. RECOGNITION MAY BE EXTENDED THE REBELS BY U.S.A. PALL OP TAMPICO HARD BLOW TO HVKRTA Cutting Off ot Taunpko, Tuxpan aad Vena Crua WotUd Cut Off Two Third of the Federal Hoau-cc of I coaae Villi Wired That He WHI Meet Uoaxale Sooai la Mexico CU)r for Coagratalatioata JOHN E. NEVIN (Staff Correspondent) WASHINGTON. D. C, May 14 As a result of the evacuation of Tarn- plco and ita occu pation by Oeaeral OonaaJea' force of com tltntlosaliat troops last nlgkt, America aaay rec ognise the belUg ereacy ol the reb eks. it la expected that Carramse. will aooa forasaUy de mand this. The fail of Tax pax la expected la very abort tixte. To carry their caaapaiga to Mex ico City, the coa atttatlotollet tor- mam mA m AlBrf I . , , n j- v mww a mmv y.fciwvHv aauaunitloa. TJa leas the belligereacy of the rebeto Ut recognlxed, America caaaot aenalt the importation of anas and aamaai tioa by that force. The newa of the Ukiag ot Tamaleo by the rebel forces overshadow ev erything here. Taaapleo, Taxaaat aad Vera Crux furnished over two-talrse of the Hnerta Income. There la aeri- ous doubt as to the ability of Huerta to control the capital wfcea the aewa of Tamplco'a fall reaches there. It is said that Hnerta baa leas than 10,000 real soldiers available for de fending the city. i United Press Service WASHINGTON. D. C, May 14. President Wilson and Chalrmaa Stoae, of the senate foreign rehUleas com mittee today discussed whether to per- mlt the rebels to Import anas at Tact-' plco, which would practically he rec ognition of their belligerency. They also discussed methods ot preventing this. United Press 8ervlce JAUREZ, May 14 General Paacho Villa, who is leading a campaign la the vicinity of SalURo, sent the fol lowing to rebel headquarters: "My congratulations 'to Oeneral Gonxates. We will soon meet In Mex ico City." Rebel officers and soldiers are swarming the telegraph offices, clam oring for news from Tamplco. Excit ed groups on the street predict a quick march to Mexico City. It is believed that the federal forces will withdraw from Saltlllo without wwwiwwwwwwwwwaaiaiwiiaaiwiaaiiaa (ConUnued oa Pace 4) His suggestions wore about aa fol lews: That Lewis Wylde be retsfaed as secretary, to collect dues, look af ter the office end of the work, ataat prospective Investors aaa have eaarge of exhibits, while 8am Braaa he named as publicity maaaier t lack after printing ot paaaMat far Ike Chamber, and any and all work far advertising Klamath eouaty. That's ' Chamber of Commeree li move to Mala street, what " Mk&wSk&HBXBSal 'mJBBSkSBbI tiMftMs jBmaa ''bTHbbbbTbTbb' a'aBBBBBBBBT IS&iiaVHHBBBBBBBr wouia m la toaea wxa ia Meat . v MMMfiaMMMtW' . wwMMMMwwaivwwMM (CeaUaaea am .) mm i$ 44 I i i'.