Be Sure to Attend the Mass Meeting at the Chamber of Commerce Tonight i h imtatg iterato PRINTS THE NKVVS WHILE IT IS NEWS KLAMATH PALLS' OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER Cllililli w '" -MM'T KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON, WEDNESDAY, MAY 13, 1914 Price, FIt Oeata LOCAL MEN SUBSCRIBE $2,600 TODAY Far From Dying, Chamber of Commerce Bigger Than Ever MAMMAMMMWVWWVVVWWWWWWWWWWWWWWM l'!! 00j0lm JOHNSON AND EVANS GREETED WITH ENTHUSIASM BY BUSINESS MEN: MORE DONATIONS TO COME 'J mo iMKiHTKtt Mi:i7ti win. " 1"u',"', cootl CfUlrr HtllU . . CO 00 III IIHI.D 10MOIIT TO ,: I, lun, M.UaKiT .... fiu.ou WHOOP 'Kit HARD ' M M.mlelliw 30.00 Win H Wnrdeli . . . 30.00 """""" hui-rior laundry . .. so. oo rtl.irn. HulMu III" Aid of llir Organ Darling Hard are Co. ... 30.00 (' M Rnimby 3A.O0 iMltuM Which l Working ir Mir w Wj. 30.00 unit t'ftiuitilltiK of llir WlUI.Jnh.lon. Co 30.00 Jaltir M Mnlonn 30 00 Count) IUict.iirriiinii Put r niirU . Whltmore. 30.00 Urn Into All Who Arr Cnn tnt l-rUii.rri'- lMu.prnent Co. 30.00 VnimlCK Bros. . 30.00 Willi lit llmniU-r oi Coinitirrn, I. (I Arernxre 30.00 (left W llraicr 30.00 J II WLo . 30.011 Proof ft tiir (nllli l llio people t .(nj,.r,wl I'lmrinnf) 30.00 Klamath Fall. hm In Hip efflcleney ; J. I., Cunningham 30.00 ot the Klmnntli Cliamlr ( Coni.j'H l' 30.00 .,. l I.,. work of upbuilding th-. J '. l.lnd,ul.l 30.00 J K Swnn.on 30.00 irmirounlly ami rotmty, mul Urn nnr.'.. 'j (.hmj)pr 30.00 illy ut tint only mitliitnliiliig utich nu ' ItttttV Schneider 30.00 laMllullnn. lnil PM'iulliiK money In H I' locry 30 00 aihrrtMtiK as well, . deiuoti.lrmed Vmt Itlpor Bros 30.00 ., ,w ,M, Jjj;' ;',, ; HZ Kiau. in a ( liiiuf' limn ral-ed j, A Hmllli 30.00 o.rt I3.60U (tir llm ttinllileumic.. of ' ( -p . ... 30.00 the organisation. 'Roberta Hank 30.00 The ut..rrlptlnii. thus far follow W. Ilawxhurat . 30.00 Klnmnlli FupI Co 30.00 k K K Store .. .1130.00 (. i:, Atkinson 30.00 A A IMImmi . . 130.00 'K Kugarmaii . 30.00 W. P Johi.-oii Company 1 30.00 I A. V. Tlndslt 30.00 Th Hiinaet Grocery . 1 30.00, M. J McDoiinugh 30.00 Klamath Development Cu . 110.00t.Rl nrocery . . 30.oo Hrl Tru.l mul Having Hank IJO.OO1 Klamath Iron Works . . 30.00 r'ln.1 National Hank 1 30.00 1 All Bodge . . .... . . 30.00 Callfurnla-Oregoi, Por Co 120.00 jfliy nnd County Abstract Co 30.00 Martin tlroit . 12Q0Q i wfcM',,'11"1 Houiborn OroiiAuto Cck . 60.00, (Continued on patft I) Irish and English First REBELS READY TO ATTACK TAMPICO I VMII.IKS M MlN-niMIHTIVfi AIIK III.IMi si:T AIIOAItll Till Mill's is tiii: ii.utiioit riir.iu. i on s.irirrv Bluejackets Enjoying Themselves Swimming at Vera Cruz tA It Ul rnKlVu WILL BE LOOKED INTO BY U. S. A. Ctillpi) Pre Scrwcr JAl'ltl'.'., May I3.-Tli. tiniilu llonntltt liradtjuarUTi i-c?Imm1 u iiicu aKt (roni (IrnTal Oontnlm todny ii)lnK hi cipectn to order the fliml amnull iiKn lhi fedtTiil (orrew nt Tainplco wlthmit dclny. He na ttml I In' iroot nrr rrequi'iiil) nklrinlnlilni: ullli llllle or no Ion. (lontAli- 4) lie linn lin It'd the friltrnl roninuuder to laki- liU Iron ii. out of tin rlty 10 IIkIiI, thus protect ing the (iirlsuri nnd non-conihnt i ntn, but he hm n-cclvej no repl. The fmlllm ot tho forclK!iern ami many Mexican non-combatnutu arc neeklliK refuse on the eol III the harbor ' Pi " (vafeHi n m . m aiB,u, d. .. .mm . . w. x .-. Bra mPT ilTr t ' FlaliBlriMiinW IX'XSTO.V BKUKVK8 (DCECUTED HE WAH Amerlcnn .Vcwapaper M Arrested fat Mexico City la Rdeaacd Btjtm UUcoanMce tbe Aaarricaa Gem KpondfBU From Goiac latotke Caplul Americaa Vice Coaaul SUllmao'. Wbcrcaboau la Doabt. Therv Is junt n much time for piny nmonR tlio JcKle 01 tin- oniuesnip. ufaviiy on urn manors mai i" jone of thp battleships, with the other off Vera Cruz us ihcre U for fighting. no time for a swim In the cool saltjjulps of tho fleet In tbe distance. NEW SEWER UNIT TO BE DISCUSSED MKirriM; ok thk ixtkiuxtko niOI'KIITV OWNKItH WIM, 1IK HKI.n TOXKillT IN MILM AUDI. TIO.V HAM, CLUB HOUSE EOR STRIKEBREAKERS THE H00 HOOSI DEPORTED TODAY l.'nlted irM Serrlce WASHINQTON. D. C. Mar 13. Secretary Garrison has wired Oeneral 'F'unston to jet full Information from re-an American trooper who baa beeaatlaa- Ins several days from tbe Verm Cru BB?"M""S'g?,"e"e" 'camp, (drunken husbands who mistreat their i Secretary Bryan has also Instructed ...... .... ........ w.w ". ... J M. MtM.tMU tU4UUW U W.UtV K- the Federated Women's Societies or liar information from the Huerta or Cermany. At a meeting today of tbe 'eroment. Tho burden of war does not hang soiwa,cr Tnls photograph shows a hun- General Maas, federal commander heivlrr on tho nallors that they have.dr,1 r more of ,bem swtmm'nK 'rorn gardlng the fate of Private Parka. iH'nwrr on mo manors mai inej uaTo. . ,.,i1, ..,,, tik ntt,' VSHiVK OIlllKIl OP IX'.MIIKHMKX WIM. I1AVK UXIOCK UUILDING AT THK I'A.VAMA.PACIKIC l.V TKHXATIOXA1. BXPOSITIOX organization it was decided to petition tbe government to legalize such fprm of punishment. , Numerous speakers agreed that there was no other way of combatting UKGUI.AU THOOl'S Hl'STLK OUT the constantly growing danger to tbe GUXMKX WHO DID XOT WOHK THKIIK, THOUGH OX THK PAY HOI.LS OV COMPAXIKS Census Shows That Teutons Are Second in Oregon ( Herald Hcial Hrrviro) WAHIIINOTON, D, C, May 13. llio KiiKlIdh- nnd Celtlr (IncliulliiK Irlih, Hrolch nnd WeUli) Kroup wh Hi" Indent nmoiiK the 238,339 pur lm iif (ornlKH while Hlock In Ort'K'Hi In 1!)10. Thin rnpreHolitod 3fl per relll of the tutnl while populnllon uf thiil ll''. irciirillng to the mother toiiKUO liulle III), which bus been Issuod recunlly t-y Director William J. HnrrlH of tho bureau of tho retinui, depart niout of iiiiiiiuiirtv, II)' Ihn inolher InliKUii In litl'itlit tho imUvit Ikiikuukk, or that Hpnkon be fre luiiiilRrullon. Tim report eovern 'ill white pomoiu of foreign mock, In eluding the foreign born nnd also tho unlives, one or both of whom pnrenU weru foreign born. An thus reported, llio totnl foreign white stock, whoso mother (ouiuo w ICnglUh null Celtlo (Including rlih, Hcotch and Weill), nuinborod 1,308, This numbor represented 12 lr cent of tho totnl white population K Oregon, which was 066,090. The Uerman group numbered 70, 47, or U per cent; the Swedish, 30,874, or 3 per cent; tbe Norwegian, 13,y30, or - per tout, iho Daulsh, 7,430, or 1.1 per cent; the. Kreurh, 7,188, or 1 1 per cent: tho Itnllnn, 7.0U8, or I.I por eeni, nnd tho Flu ulrili, ti.ilyo, or I 1 per cent. Tho number of persons lu Om'ieou jof (orelKii wlilto Mtock reporting other 'prliielpnl mother lonKUes were: Oreok '3,1100, Polish 2,Cfi3, Yiddish and Ho 'brow 2,36, Dutch and Frisian 1,972, lloliemlau mid Moravian 1.70U, Huruo U'rimtliiu 1,4H, Hlovunlan 1.08U. I In tho city ot Porttaud tho ICngllsh mill Cellle gioup of foreign white stuck, numbered 32,816, or 10.6 per cent of the total while population, which was 188,1162. Those reporting (lormun us their mother tongue numbered 28,781, or H per cent; Swedish, 8,039, or 4.6 per cent; "Norwegian, 6,077, or 2.0 per com; Italian, 3,690, or 1.8 per eent; Freucb, 2,749, or 1.4 por eout; Danish, 2,416, or 1.8 per cont; Yid dish and llobrow, 2,041, or 1 per cent; Polish, 1,729, nnd Finnish 1,108. Tho total white slock of Portland nuinbsrod 94,780, aid represented 48 por cent of tho total while population of that city. Hleps by tho Interested property owners toward the soworlng of the Mills Addition and tho Second Hot Springs Addition, will bo taken at a meeting of all concerned this ovcnlng. This will be held nt tho Mills Addition Hall. This district comprises what Is knonn as the Fifth sewer unit, and although tho matter has been taken up nt times by the city, nothing defi nite has been done This evening the advisability or the district bonding It self (or tho rost of the sewer unit will be threshed out. I United Press Service 13. That! THINIUAD. Colo., .May 13. The! I ... i.. ......... ..,.... .,,. lives and morals of drunkards' fami lies. It is proposed that offenders shall be kept In prison so long as there is tho slightest probability that they would abuse, their liberty by commit ting further excesses. There Is much stir as a result of reports that the missing trooper was tqrtnred. Genera Funston believe that Parks was executed by th fed erals, but Garrison wishes to grre tbe Federals the benefit of the dosM. He has indicated, however, tkat drastic measures wUl be resorted to if tbe report Is confirmed. United Press Service SAN' FRANCISCO. May ih., r.iiu-ntennted Order of Hoo Hoo.iiuen f tuo regular army today de-, The electrical equipment of a mod .nmurLiiiL- if. ooo members In suven-'ported six of the strike breakers from.em hotel requires about twenty mo- teen counties of California alone, will 'the llojal mlno at Asullar after es- 'conxent In Sau Francisco lu 191C, und tabllshjng the fact that they had not Ibulld a 60,000 club house on the worked there prior to the recent vlo ! Panama-Pacific International oxposl-'lcnce. Many of these gunmen are on tlon grounds, wuh the announcement here today of James E. Uurr. man ager of the exposition bureau of con wntlons andfsoclettes. Tho order Is composed of men Interested In tho lumber busluesn, MEMORIAL DAY PLANS FORMING nald. will bo an artistic structure tors, aggregating 165 horsepower. United Preos Serrleo VERA CRUZ. Mar 13. HuerU to day notified Consnl Canada that be has released A. J. SatUr, a Washlag- . (Continued on Page 4) the pay rolls of the different mines, and It Is the Intention of the officers ! of tho regular troops to deport them nil, laying the blamo of much of tho J trouble to their presence. , The surrender of arms continues ' Getting Ready to Work j Tho house of tho Hoo Hoos, It wns jslowly, and forcible search' for wea- ' . . .... ...... . ......... I..mii3 will hni'lti .it T. n'Mftpl.' till., nffor. pons will begin at 6 o'clock this nfter- Great trunks of trees will ho used as .noon, whon tho tlmo limit expires. . .. ...... i...i..i.u ..til i.n Vn Irnnltln lo nnflp!nntiil hv fht, eonhtructed lu such n way as to glvolnriny officers, the only question to be, thu impression of a huge forest. Camps Are Being Established in Crater Lake Park MKMIIKIttt OF THK GUAM) AHMY AHK MAKING PHKMMINAHY PUKPAIUTIOXH KH AX OH SKHVANCK HKHK AMUNDSON MAY ABANDON TRIP nettled la in the antironrlatlon of the' (Herald Special Service) rllles, etc.. owned by private Individ- ( FORT KLAMATH, May 13. Tho uals for general use, .war department is now establishing a Tho rebuilding of tho Ludlow tent rond clun" at wild Cat- near tho colony, which was fired by tho KUU. soutnern oouuaary ot waujr uaxo -a men and m iof so many I lost, hits already been started initio guards, whon tho lives a Park. from whlch t0 carr' on v women nnd children were the building of roads In tho park this I tlitiiittii mi Mhv !4. mill hi..ttwi lul Diiv nra hath lis ha fib- served with patriotic exercises by F. II, aprUgUO I'osi, uruuu aihi ui iiiu i,......,.iin n.l QitrnBitn Plinivlnr. Wo men's Relief Corps. A commlttoo from tho post Is now at work upon deciding what church tho memorial Sunday ex ercises will beheld. A committee from tho post is also considering tho arrangements for Memorial Day aorvlcos. This will bo . i . ... miido a general ou&crvauce in imm ath Falls, with a suspension ot busi ness for tho day and participation by tho schools, lodgei and city and coun ty officials. $l!Oo,mH XI.I'.IM.H- FOR POLAR I.X PKIUTIO.V HAS XOT HKKX AH HAXGICD rOH, AXD GOVKHX-, SIKXT SlUrtT ACT m PUNISHMENT FOR gala days In Fort Klamath. A big celebration will bo pulled off. which will Include every conceivable sport, from tho prlmltlvo war dances lot the Klamath Indians to tbe twen tieth century pastime of motorcycle racing. Thore will be horse races, foot races, bronk riding, bulldogging and roping contests, a street carnival, and no end of fun. A dance every night has been arrangod for, BRUTALHUSBANDS summer. Foreman Sparrows is in charge of tho work. By the tlrst of June thoro will bo about sixty men at work. Supplies 'are now being moved from Kirk Into, ... ....,.. ... ----- ;-"", yesterday from Beswlck. Collf, last year. A twenty-ton steam shovoi ' ' ' " V ,. ," i ... i-i.i, ...i i.l will make Fort Klamath tbeli uns ueen umuuucu a. ., mm now on Its way Into tho park. Joe Hessig and wife reaclved here They tbelr hoasei i this summer. Uullod Press Service CII1U8TIANIA, May 13. Unless he. should receive a further govern ment grant, Captulu Amundsen an nounced today that he would ho' forced to abandou his forthcoming' GF.HMAXY WOULD I.MPOKK IXDEK IXITi: SKXTKNCKS OX DRUNK. i:x llHUTr.S WHO haiutually M1STHK.T THEIR WIVES lUultcd Press Service J polar expedition. To carry out his plaus, ho says, he I1ERL1N, May 13. Indennlte sen will need 200,000 altogether. tences of Imprisonment for habitually John Hessig was lu Klamath Falls Tuesday attending to business mat ters. He drovo down on the west sldo of tho lake to look after his telephone lluo, and ho reports the road In good condition, being free from Snow and mud. Mr. Hessig Is moving his store building from tbe south end of town , to tbe center ot tbti burg. Mrs. Frank Denton and ton bare Just recently returned from Crystal Point. Bill Hosson drove Into tbe Fort on Monday evening, with a two-to ca pacity Reo autotruck, He brought It from The Dalles. June 29-July 2 will be four big days I matters . Dr. A, A. Soul was la XaMtk I Falls Tuesday. attea-Hag to titte,. m .x f.