'V ' W imtot0 Iterate PRINTS THE NKWS WHILIS IT IS NEWS KLAMATH FALLS' -OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER wir awmr . r M i m "i - zsxiGZ' zL-mtKzz . - ""Tr-iFyrr" eighth Vr-ar No, U.tWlft KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, MONDAY, MAY 11, 1914 Price, fre m MASS MEETING AT ffltCIUHUr. COMMERCE VITAL mo in: M it) in;" will in: DECIDED Mrtilllg "' AH ltltrtrll Will llr llrlil Tumurrwtt Etrnlin., Wln-n Ilie I'ului- of llir IMMwIrr Orgmilmliu Will IW. IMtttllrl) Ftelttnl Mmii) iuHiriiC Mallrr Vrrtl I ! Mil nl mull mi r.nWlliiti. Shall Din Klamath Chamber nf I'tiMUirurr lOtltltltln mid at Ulirn rcii. wciicn in riiulrUh, or I. It In Im ill. Landed' Tlila l Hi jueHMi 'i.ih ton itinuie Hi" dlrrctnr. stint u i.-r in hlntnl In the nrg.inHallnn I In I I- ijiirotlnil olilrli Mill In nettled In Norm night nl n mreiliig of Din eimbrr and friend, of ill" iirgnuiia l'i The prcen nf aII inifriiil i ulM III Mil) II will lr mi. ' r ibe otlUrt In llr!lll-i i-all i; I th rIIpMUHi nl llir t,uinirl Hut HM t nrriinlcil I In- tnl-r l.mli uml t-rllllrn. tabellirr lhl lll lin iclllt1 I ill lit Jllntlt) (lie lllllll"lltlf ll t-t tiltMrirrii, tlli n paid .rrteinrr In 'it nn the work ILLER-TEIFORD T WEDDING OUIE U I.I.I. LXnWV YOUNG PEOPLE (ill oi urri, married at tiii: iiejmi: tic thi: imhde's I'UU'.NTS A wi.lilliiK that tiititrn an a ur prur. in tlielr lit mi) (rli'iul m not luimiml Haturilat nlklit. when Itev. J K .Stuhtilenelil unltrd liar T.-lford mid Mit Mary Weller lit tho bondu n( Hltlnji, Iip Is loiikltig nt llie grounds matrimony The crrinouy was xr. '"ul maklne "thT prpllmlnary ar- formed at the horn of tho bride", raiigetnent. Karnits Mr. nn.t Mr.. J V Writer. In' Already Acord I. enthusiastic over tlic prvrliro of only Hie reUtlveii, tlieitlu) iromeU for the success of the . ... ..'.... . I . ' brlil.'s .Inter, Mr. J. II lluiiiphrrys of 84ii Diego being from out of town, Hip only guest 110th of thn young people lm a long have b i gheu to understand that i w" ainipson. " accompanies resided In Klamath Falls, and hata.iey nil will gel n fair deal. If the,A,or'1' ' '',,,0 "" accomplished tiorso- wide clreln nf friend. Tho bride was for some time connected with dm llulilwlii Hardware company, and the groom I. as.orlnted with hi' July," said Acord this morning, father. II. (J. Telford, In the boat ron-, Acor, lm , rw ,rng nu0ut ilriirtlnn and rental business, ,, ,irrnngetnetit of Rodeo grounds, "" " .which would niako the show more In I'mhii IIU limn Ii. spectacular, mid allow It lo bo pulled Ki-Henator Abner Wood motored .town today from his limueuso stork'thos. Is the reducing of tho area of."'1 "Ui from San Francisco, to ranch Wood In the southern end of thelihe bucking arena, and tho arrange- River Valley. He will leae 'luesday morning ror n week's trip to :altrornla. Labor Generals Win Conviction of Gompers and Others Set Aside Today Dulled Press Service WABIIINOTON, P. 0 May II. The Hiipreine court today set iimIiIo the conviction of Siiiuuel Hompors, presldutit of Hie American Federation of ijilior, Former Vice President John Mitchell mid Hocretnry John Morrison of Hut samo orgnnlsnllnn, on charges f contempt nf court In connection with tho Buck Htovo and Range In junction suit, Tho court held that tbo statue of limitation barred pros ecution, Tho supremo coiiiI'h decision today In the celebrated contempt charge was the second It has given In the litiga tion begun seven years ago between tho labor leaders aud tho Buck Htovo "ml Range company of 8t. louli. Art Acord Is on Famous All-Round Cowboy Here to Manage Rodeo Aitr Attomputiled by Mr; Acord and by Carl HlmpiMiii. who Mill amIhI him. Alt Arnrd nrrhi-1 Itit lilclil from llfllernnelil. Cntlf, to lnki rharcc of !lhn nrrnneeiiients for thn Ktks llo.leo Jul) 3. I nl " Todny. lth ttio dl- rector of Hie Hodeo Ainimetiieiil As- show. -.vu h, row ho) are Interested In the raining Rmlen here, and they all GEt F C ffflH H vvAl r VI&AHiUIVBH " 'fMP-V' v 'tfF:HR? r,i VB m 'A) w&l.W' rirr' ,UB - liI18SEi jhhh W- "V ; jflU Hk jm km lCl(sHB?HI M&' iBV v HH9iH IIMfc ' v1i9lM KPPMHIb!v vf i-kH lirlirs offered this year are of any."""- ,,m' " carr,ru, lie. I l.mk ror rl.lors. rot.rs and bull- doggers galoru on tho entry lists In Ion with snap and ginger. Among mi'iit of eucloiiures for inouutH for) coming events, for contestantx when! i.ol In action, etc. Ho iilsu favors i Right of "free speech" and "fiuo pii'SH" was tho principle for which thu Inhor lenders have fought nil these )ear. They wero once before con victed for contempt, (lonipeni being souk'iircd to ouo year In Jail, Mitchell lo nine mouths and Morrison to alx moutliH imprisonment, In mil their convictions were set imlilo by thu United Htntc supremo court, Tho decision today resulted from now contempt charges Instituted on (ho day following tho tllmiilssul of the i original prosecutions, Contempt for alleged violation of uu injunction ngutiisl boycotting by orguuliud labor or the productns or the Buck Stove mid Range company was the gist of (Continued on page 4) the Job MAKING AND QUEEN MAY PERSONALLY JiBE H 7VVInBV. H Anmi InrreiiMil ceutliiK tapaclty by build It k extra lilenrhern. Acord lieC.-ime n rnxorlte with Klamath llodeo run by his excellent nork nl the Hi 1 2 Rodcn. Thut year lie on tli.i ImrkltiK rhamplonshtp by rlilltii; Cvrlime, mid lie nUo won the liiilldnKRltiK, lienlile RlvltiR onte cl ver exhibitions of Roman and trick riding Ho bus starred at many other big nho, mid Just before coming :"' t"' rlp ho won first In tho bull- OK Ring "' socotid ,l.ll.. ., II.. !.... 1,1 In the broncho besides getting riding nt Itukersrlpld, In on the money In trick and Roman r,J'"K' ,., " " " """ """- a"'T. '.'.." I l.i Is good In Roman and trick riding mill In relay work Is one of the fnstest men In tho business. Ho will compete In many of tho uvents. finning for Visit, Miss IM nu Houston Uh expected imil lll'l mtiiii, .ii, (urn .ii mw.iw V. Houston. Miss Houston Is well known In Klamath Falls, where alio was raised. 8he was connected with I the management of the. Templo thea ter until two years ago, wucn suo oe Kbii the training for a nurse's profes- bIoii nt Fablul.i hospital. Xexv Auto Service, An arrangement has Just bocn completed whereby tho rout service of the Central garage has been put In ehnrge of Jimmy Thompson and Ray mond (Ifnppo) Bridges, I.eo & Hen ry, proprietors of tho Central garage, will devote their time to the selling end of Iho nutomnbllo business, leav ing the rent car business to Thomp son & RrlducH, who, besides tho reg ular Central gnrugo cars, will use their own machines. Oil lice BIk Success. The dance in tho DoChnln dining room at Pelican Bay City Saturday night proved u vory enjoyablo occa sion, Tho music, furnished by Do Chain's orchestra of five pieces, was vory good, and each number received henrty encores. Several auto londs went up from Klamath Falls to partt cljmto In (ho festivities, , To Sun Francisco, Rov. William McMillan, 8. J., left this morning for San Francisco to at tend to business matters, - -------.-.--- DIRECT RESCUES PViUltTKKN TOVSh AIIK TOTAM.Y DKHTItOVKD I'imiiI Kmtiljr 'in Mrltktii lain ml I Heart-.' llelic; U lining Kuklitil From All ParU of Kutojht KIiik l.'ininanucl Hubwrllx-o n Sum ljual In 20,(MH From IIU I'rlmlf l'r l ii ii i' in Altl. I'nllcil l'rf 8rv!ce UOMi:, Mar 1 -At leant fourteen vlllnKm nn- totally (lctro)Ml, and tlioiititiil lllliil unit Injured, ad a r ftl t or llir- i.iriliiuiaki shock Friday nl lit n ml Salilnln)- on tli'.1 Inlnnil of 8I.II Kltifi I'.mmt quel tenia)- ulcrjb-d n u n cqulvak-nf to $20,000 from liU lt atc ftimt fur !- relief of tli vie tlni He and lie queen may go por noiinlly In Klfll - and illtt tltc relief work Tlii-ti' Ik a nattily of food In tlic ill trld Itellcf In the nliai.' or rood, tli thine nml mfiney ure Im-Iiik nulu-d from nil part or l.'urope OTHER PUPILS GET EXEMPTION SIXTH, SEVENTH AND EIGHTH i GRADERS MAKE SHOWING DUR ING YrlVll WHICH CUTS OKI SOME TESTS The Sixth grade of thu Central school was not the only class to gain exemptions from certain subjects In eighth grade examinations for admis sion to the high school. A complete list of all tho scholars who made ex emption, In one or more studies fol fel fol eows: Sixth Grade Allen McCarter, Ber tha Nltschclm, Sally Owens, Pearl Lundy, Ah In llonhnm. Berttm Owens, Charles Douvlson, Elisabeth Lusk, Theodore Murkwardt, Clelus Lock wood, Anna Hucklaud, Bernard Hack land Mlya Sannomlya, Jack Elliott, Kdlth Sing, Esther Haines. Richard Klggx, Myler Calkins. John Wnllen. Onirics Ynden, Hattle Halt. Nettle Matt, Arthur Robertson, Kenneth Thomas, Wilson Smith, Edith Wood ward, Constancy Miller, Ted Shipley. Ilerthold Arnold, Calvin Peyton, Der Witt Smith, Dee Moody, Emory Sevlts, Dorothy Sanderson, Lulu Llnkenback, Paul Franklin, May Roberts, Garrett Koiioji, Stuart Frakes. Wllford Henry Mragaret Upp, Miriam Martin. Seventh Urado Metu Chastalu. Feme Hoagland, Ruth Miller, Flor ence Daw ling, Dorothy Miller, Iuet Bell, Bcatrlco McAndrows, Charles Swift, Waneu Bennett, Dorothy Mar tin, Kenneth Wallen, Veva Martin, Ruth Blttlugur. Higlit 0 radc Violet Hulse, Ernest Nltsehclm, lleisto Ogle, Uleu Parker, Lloyd Thomas, Pearl Lcavltt. Mabello l.ouvltt. lua Graham, Floyd Sparks, John McAndrewa, Qoorgo Rlggs. Earl Humphrey, Edwin Cain, Maude Tur ner, Clarence Wight, Botty Colvin. Ella lloencn, Frank Turpln, Henry HaJIcek, Amliey Roberts, Bernlce Wnllen. Tom DeUoll and Edwin Drlscoll earned exemptions In. Eighth grade, but on account of their youth the ex emptions wero not nllowed. FlnUhex School, 11. P. Aluxnmler has returned to Klamath Falls from Malin country. Ho has Just closed a successful term of school In the Shasta View district. Only u Fishing TrtB. "What's tho make-up fort" was asked Thnd Mcllatton this afternoon, when ho appeared on tho street en cased In a long Unen duster and sport ing n Utile "0-T-H" lint. VNo make up ut nil," said Thad. "This Is my fishing outfit, Alex 8hlve, Qua Mel haso and. I aro going to 8pencer Creok to flali." I Vera Cruz Victims' Remains Home , i President Pays Honor 1 lly JOHN i:. .VKVI.V (Staff Corrcn)ondont United Prcs) NKW YORK, May 11. The battlc- 'nhlp Montana arrlred today, with tbo remains of tb American marines and sailors who lost their lives In the occupation of Vera Cruz. Presi dent Wilson was present as the rep rescutatrre or a mourning nation. Over a million people- participat ed In tbo ceremo ny The entire lln of march was t.ctueen sidewalks packed Ith a rev vfent throug, The presence or President Wilson In the procession It wan expected that 'XE.NfeViM. ws a iurprls. MILLER IS OFF TO TAKE MOVIES MMWIi PHOTOGRAPHIC CO.VCKIt.V WILL MAKE MOTION PICTUHKS' OK SISKIYOU COIXTY FOR THE i '" l-.quipped wit li ttuera and aim enough to corral several towns, C. R. Miller, of the Miller Photo company, ilett Sunday for Siskiyou county, Cat., to make motion pictures of the scenic uttructlon and lncustrlal enterprises 'uf that county. These have been or dered by tbe supervisors, and will be e.Hcd for advertising the county at the Panama-Pacific International exposi tion. Miller will visit all parts of the county, lie expects to be gone at 'least a month. Good Xtnelty Act. The not el musical act staged at the Star theater by DeFoy and Moore pleased a large audience Sunday night at their initial appearance. Miss Mooro sings a song of her own com position about "Frisco Town." which mado a great hit with the entire house. Her imitations were especial- ,ly good. The musical disk spinning 'came In for its share of deserved ap jpluusc, but the feature of the act was a musical boxing stunt, In which chimes adorn wrists, ankles and el bows, and which. In the process of upper cuts, right swings, left hooks and short arm jabs are Jingled in such a manner as to produce splendid (harmony. They will appear three imore nights, and their act alone should till the house at each perform ance. Going Full llla-st. The last of tho new machluery for, the Superior laundry has been In-j stalled nml the concern is now run- nltiK In full awing. Mr. Bettlnger ex perluuced much trouble lu the begin-1 ntuK on the account of nou-arrtval of machinery, but now that everything Is lu place he Is making up for lost time. Among many uew appliances the Superior has placed n patent wa ter softener, which Is said to prolong tho life of garments. Tho laundry Is using city water, Instead ot mluerul spring water. Hack Fioiii Emit. r John Stioyau, who has extensive 'ptoperty interests here, has returned 1 from tho East, where he spent tho iwlntor mouths. W. C. T. U. to Meet. The Women's Christian Temper mire Union will hold a meeting Tues day afternoon nt 2:30 at tho Baptist church. All those Interested aro urged to be present at this meeting. George W. Offleld, Justice of tho peace mid an extensive cattle buyer In the vicinity ot Merrill, Is paying Klamath Falls a business visit today. r dgSfff to the Nation's Heroes; ---. .---.-.-. -- w . he would appear only at tbo navy yard. A naval tux brought th caskets to tho plor from ths Montana, and four Jackles stood at attaotlon at taeh sldo of each casket as It was placed In lino on the pier. Fifty mounted police led the pro cession, followed by naval officers. flags of battleships, marines, sailors, 'massed bands from the Montana and Wyoming;, and after tho cassons, Pres I Ident Wilson's auto and other officials 'In machines and carriages. The procession stopped at the city I hall, where Mayor Mitchell, much movea, maae a nrtci aoaress. ue laid a giant wreath of orchids and hay leaves on the caisson bearing the remains of the one New York man dead. The official services wero held at the Brooklyn navy yard. President WlUon and Secretary Daniels of the navy department were the principal speakers. LOTS OF STOCK GOES TO MARKET IIKKF. HCKi AND SHEEP SHIP MKXTS TO .PORTLAND TJ.NIOX STOCKYARDS ARE HEA-Y AT PRESENT (Herald Special Serrlee) , PORTLAND. May 11. There were ,heavy receipts of cattle at the yards , last week, about 55 cars on the mar- jket Monday. There were few good cows and heifers in the lot, and the tame found ready ssla at stvly i prices.; 1 Prime grain fed steers brought S to 1S.25; hay fed 7..0 O S7.7S. Strong demand was noted for heavy bulls. Prices oelnjr fully as high as the preceding week A liberal supplly uf hogs came In daring the week. One losd sold at SS.CO Thursday evening, but the mar iket closed Friday around fS.r.O to ISS. 55 tor extreme top on best light 'elected swine. Grass sheep are beginning to show up In good numbers. The best grass wethers command $5.25 to 15.50; 'owes 4.25 to 14.50; spring lambs ,$7 to $7.35. Culled by lUaesK. Attorney Charles F. Stone leaves for Portland tomorrow, lu response to a telegram received from his wife, stating that her mother, Mrs. Skelton, 1.4 not expected to live. , Dr. and Mrs. Roy Jones, well known residents 'of Yreka, were Sun day ulght visitors In Klamath Falls, 'attending to business matters. They left this morning. To Display Manual ajHll)(miestJcTnuReloBeSlaiwi ( I "Just what ban the grade bchool pupil learned of vnluo, through tho institution of tho courses In domestic science aud manual training?" Is a query that these departments will en deavor to answer tomorrow after noon. This answer will be in the form of 'an industrial exposition, and tho work of both departments will be on dis play at the Central school. A general Invitation has been Issued tho public, and especially to the parents ot chil dren lu the grammar grades. Manual, tjraln(ng for boys and do mestic science tor girls wore intro duced In tbo Seventh and Eighth grades this year, largely as an experi ment, to test their usefulness, espe cially for those boys and girls who OCCUPATION OF ! LOBES ISLAND A CAUSE OF KICK MKDIATOItH IIHIXG THIH UP TOR IIUKRTA gllryaa Tells the Mediators Ttu This I is JnaUfled by laterutloMl Rale. ! Admiral Badger Move Istto Us Ofl Country, ajsd m ItaeaM, taw Mtssv tloa AgaJai Gets a, Utile Mere Te Iss the Mexican Matter. J United Press Service ' WASHIKOTON. D. C, May 11. On behalf of HuerU. the saedtatora today formally called Bryaa's aUteo tlon to the reported oceapaacr of Lobes Island, on the Panuco River, near Tuxpam, by some of Adaalral Badger's forces. Bryan said he baa not answered It yet, because be was jisuable to obtain Information as te tbe fall extent of the occupancy, if such exists. 1 Late this afternoon officials stated 'that tbe occupation of the Island was 'justified by the rules of International (procedure, and Bryan will answer to 'this.'effect the mediators transmitting Jlluerta's protest. The lighthouse on the Islaadrwalch Is one of tbe navigation marks be 'tween Tuxpam and Tamplco, was selx- ed by Badger after a report that the 'Mexicans planned to destroy IL t AUSTRALIA WILL ; COMMENCE PALACE PACIFIC'S BIGGEST ISLAND WILL BUILD A LARGE BTRVOTORK AT THE PAXAMA-PACIrTC EX POSITION I United Press Serrlee I SAN FRANCISCO. May 11. C. J. Cakshottr official architect for the British colonies. Is In San Francisco to begin arrangements for the ceaf structlon of the Australian building on the grounds of the Panama-PaclfJc International exposition. "Because Australia," said Oakshatt. "has ambitious pinna for participation it is possible that an application will be made for a larger building site than that which has been alloted to us. It Is possible that a little delay will occur In carrying out-our pinna. It the end, however, it will give us n chance to make n better showing." Oaksbott promised, however, F to have the building completed several months before tbe scheduted opening of the exposition. Wireless connects the six state can 't tals of Australia and will shortly glg- uie i lie cum menu School Work t leave school as soon as they finish grammar school, aud who are nosje too well equipped for life's struggle lu any but a laborer's or doaaatlc role, '? The course met with Instant favor from tho pupils, and In addition to tbe work for tbe grades, there has also been Instituted a class In manual training for tbe youths of. the city who are willing to give a few ol their evonlng hours to tbe betterment e( their future by the learning of the use of tools. Miss Clara Elmer Is in cetvarge. the domestic science work;!ad V morris of the manual trawinc M ntent. Both .were m sgemesftat'j year that they were retained fer.i ac year. V ' 't coming year, . ,.'; f mn I ! twA5K4W-M " I .. ' -VVi . r, 1 , -