X lEuntng HeraUi PRINTS THK NEWS WHILE IT IS NEWS KLAMATH FALLS' OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER lUisliUt e.ir N, 'J,,,, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, SATURDAY, MAY ?. 1914 Price, Five f4 h WAR Earthquake Brings Death and ajiTEjy-i,,i,i,'ii " "i"i - -. II. S. OFFICIALS INSIST THAI THE MOVEMENTS BEING MADE ARE . MERELY PRECAUTIONARY STEPS Vt.WIIMiTOX HIM UK JAPAN II S Hllld'EMAIlM ANUAMML MTIO.V 1X1 m'i:itTA TrtrgMiil l Hrrlcl I'limi (irtirrnl I UhMnti, Cnitriiiiiltig M"t) "( III,. lwtMtrlit ( nil .VliMllmli Ttw'Kri mil lh hrrlng t Hurw Willi Mtlriu jlr Monitor May (in lu TaliipUu, VtMti I'foM Some YAHINimX, l. '.. May . Th war nml lint) ilrjilliirnl Hit' rrtliifi fury war. TtawjM,r r Mag rliaHMr!. anil hllili iifflilaU 1)1 bulli IrpaHmrnlo h-iiI all of lnl slftil nl Itirlr iUa. Tn" on- tiring lirlil In ir.illiti". Ih i-iil'llr altitude nf llir nilmlnU Inllun mimlii inirliaiiK"), Hr)ii iiiiI WIImhi lnfl llml llm lnirtl('ii U ilii Miur. unit llml Hit- iimumiu'hI now It prmtiiliimftry, not IhmiIIc. f Ur)Hill Imiiii Tmnplm ImlUalr llul llli' mailer la il.HltfrHMI. Iliriv. Iillli'lxl Man lilt Mil In lining lnw n( (nli-niU iirrtl' t iu. awl ni) l link rutotiiii Mil) IIHIIIKIll. .I pa 1,1 l hIm.iiI III .lllrtik. Mrliu I'niiod Pioa Srrir WArtlllNUTON, 0 I. May i Tin; monitor Osmk ha ln-n ordcrrd from Ki-y Wi-l to l.ob' Island, imar Tampicu T bin tidal In iiiilppvd llh l--Hli euim ami in iicht finoiiKii to ko up Hn 'aliuco Hhrr. If nwilrtl to proH-cl Mlr oil iltlvriMln 1 lilted I'rrim Hervlon WAHIIINOTON. I II, Ma) 9 lU-lii'riit I'liiinton has wired llm l' I'sntneiit ri'KardlnK the illsappearance i'l I'lhato I'arks Ills fate Is un siuin bill the lioisi ho had when lai tiii lia- since liiH-n dlmovereil i'i Moxleijii rlil ere. I nllnd I'icks Hervlrn WAHIIINOTON, I) (', May l" Tim Koveruineiil Is liuetlt'iitlni? n re. Mothers' Day Tomorrow W hite Flowers and Church Tomorrow lu "Mothera' Day," that now uatlnniil holiday, which Is devot 'I to llio memory of tluit teiuloioat, iiiohi loving, most forgiving mul i'oii "'ling friend of nil. If I ho Creator "'is kindly spin oil Imr in Iiit chllilrou mxl slip lives elsuwhiire lliuu U"r Ihi'in, sho Is lining Hlinwercil with !(vlng loiters; If alio him lioon calloil '"yoiiii, hlesHtiil memorliiH of Imr so. Joiirn on eitrlli urn recalled, wllh ninny a tug ut lb,, heitlUti lugs lit tho llimiglit nf little ihlngM left uuilouo, "f, perlmpH, (lono nml salil too hasllly, which might hnvo caused her sorrow DEPARTMENT -- -,-,,, TM--l--1-1-l-l - f-.Jr.-f---.-.. pott that a roii.iKiniiriii of aruu and ammunition purrhawtl from Japan wa landed TtuitmlB)' nt Hallna ('rut ami rushed (o Mexico City This U laid lei ti" tin- Anal ship 'mi ill olMin arm purchased lni l iinl"r by llurris, ami U aaltl UJmve U:i liulnd f aiII nr-r ami fleld ruu. FEATURE FILM WILL BE SHOWN TWK.NTV.KlVi: TllorSAVO WAS TIIK II 1ST Ol' MAKIXli PltOM'C- TIO.V JOHN V. HOUSTON Wll.l. , soon hki.eake Krl'lay nllit J V llouaton rlort; n rnntrafl for npnclal nim for the Hlnr thcal'T, tlm fml nrlra of which will bo llio J26.O00 premium nlm Thf IVrlU of I'nulliic" Thri plctlirfu will Im rrlia at mi , early ilalo. ami Mr lloimtoii'n con trarl call for our of llm i-arlliiit liownr on tlt I'aclrlr roant SIim-I '! lnf. One of I Im happy Incldi-uts of the Merrill candidates" ball was the accl denial liiwllliK of Miss Holla M. Mar Juwlts. tVacher of the Maltn school, nml Tom Walters, cjndldato for the tepubllrnn nomination for count) tri.iiir Alls Marjowiu and Mr Walters er classmate lu llm fill crlty of NVbrasKa, but neither know, till last nlKlit. of the otheis proii'iice lu Klamath roiinty Ilnme nl IVIIran I'll). Man) trlpHrs of the llitlit faiitastle urn plniinliU on a trip to 1'ellcan liny City this evenlnts to enjoy llio danco KUeii Hmre tonlKlil III th lK illhlUK room at DeChaln's bonrdtiiK bouse. A slx-plero orchMlrn has been 'HBiikmI (n furnish the music. Tim orchestra will bo station"! In '" rolHi'i" ' l"" room and the ilaiicera -lll circle niiiml tlm orchestra Supper will Im served nl mldulitht Observances in Klamath behind hur mulling uml ferglvliu: ox teilor. Wliothor Mother Is on eailli or be yond, hur inuiuory will bo observed tomorrow, .nml while lloweis will bo worn by nil ! ''" posslhly obtain llmin, At Home of tlm churches spe rlu) services will ho holil, At (Irnco M, K, churrli theio will lie a spoclnl Mothers Day service In llm niornliiK. Tho Hermon prepared by lltiv. H. P. Hlchiinl la "Ono'a Mot Imr." ..,, nl... ul.,1 1,.,., n.i.l lliv Mfltlt I Honor i iiy rumvi ' jumMiww .-i-.-r 1 . t (Continued on I) fcj ---- - ,iYrirTrr"Jir"iii"i"Tr'r"i"iJi IS TO HEAD POLICE? HKPOIIT TO THAT KIVIXT IS Cl'll ItE.NT. HPT MAVOK SAVH Hi: WIM. NOT NAME A U.V UNTIE NEXT MONTH Alrhotigu Maor T K Nicholas ktnlixl nm lime ago llml ho does .not luti ml to imitin n chief nl polio ,at prtcnt, and relleratid this state niriil to a Herald reporter tlil mom In, tliiro nri many rumor ndimt h to tli" iri)lilii iirgpor to Joioph (' Hmltli. ri-nlKiKHl. Tlir. man most mmkin of In Dull Corcoran, form or tmuinKT nf Whltit IVllrati .Mineral .SiirlnuOmt- llltit.-ofKi, ho wna afamlUlati' larultut Nlcliulaa forrtrtTtimy orally In I fjidyVJjrffli I'oreoran tael Vjj&L.Ui' lia li ni apjiroarlitH ri'Kiinl (ln tint matter , It U trni'rnlly ronrrilcil llml an luJ n tli ikiIIcc ili.irtini'tit. Cor jrornn woulil br on lilcnl mau. Wlictli. rr or tldl ho l In lip oPCInl will Dill ! dxfinltoly knu 'until iln Io-kIii nlnjC of Nlrliolan' nfroml Inrm, wln-fl lip will tnakn all of liin appnlnlmcnta LEWIS CLARK IS ON EXPO. BOARD ! m:via ai'I'oi.ntiih mu'iii.tahv or THK U'ASHIXUTOX hTATK I'll M M I S S I O X HAS MA.V KHIK.NUS IXTHISIITV , U'wIh W Clark, who made many friends lu this city while his father was building the Lost Ither diversion dam, has recently been chosen secre tary of the Washington state sxpot. lion commission. The Seattle and Tacoma papeis de o(o a good deal of space to the praise of Mr- Clark as a cupablo young bus! ues mau This Is not the tlrst time thai Clark linn linen rnniicoted with tho Work of the state of Washington at exposi tions. Ho was stenographer for the commission at the IawIs & Clark Cen tennial Exposition In I'oitlaud, mid I was nto 'Conneclc! with ll nt tlm 'Alaska. Yukon - I'acltlc exposition nt Seattle. Hon Ho i:nJoHl (?) Himself. Will Mciulenhall, who recently sold his ranch near town, Is at present In dulging In u short period of recrea tion and relaxation, Yesterday ho I conceived lhe lilea of spending a fow hours In fishing off tho wharf at the fool of Klamath avenue, bin Instead of pleasure, he Btumblvd Into a butch of ;rk. Tho Ilrsl trlnit ho landed he lildn't land. Ho exerted such en- ergy In taking tho tlsh from tho water that ho slammed It through a window I In tho warehouse, and tho rest of tlm 'afternoon was put In replacing the glass. Olil.Tliimr Hack. Win. lunula, now of Iluttn, Mont. Is horo to visit IiIb mother, Mrs. Drn nls, and his sister, Mrs. V). 8. Orlgsby: Ho cinm In last night nftor nn lib- senco of tweny-llvo years, nnd Is iih toundod nt the city which has sup planted the llttlo hamlet ho once 1 know, In this country the telephone In dustry employs K.2.000 people. AN CORCORAN IS Tri"!!! Jii,iiJVfcr iyi- i"ii Rebel Leader Is Gaining Territory This Is (icncrnl Ianio Villa, com tiiatidliiK the constitutlonallsta troop, ttho is wlnnuiK ilfdnlvi.' battles In N'orthi'm Mexico. Villa has discarded his nondescript garb for un olllcer's uniform, Ho Is considered one of the finest uilltr tacticians lu Mexico POST! MAKER ENDS HIS LIFE MH.MONAIIti: CKUKAI. I' O O I) .maxi'kaiitiii:i; si:xds a iicl- 1.171' TIlltoriJH HIS tlKAD KIN I'K.NTl.V HAD OI'KKATIOX (.'tilled Press Service SANTA UAUllAUA. May J. Chas, W, Post, millionaire proprietor of the cereal food manufactories at llattle Creek, Mich., committed suicide nt his homo near hero this morning. Ills self destruction caused grenl surpilfo I Ii recently underwent an operation for appendicitis, but his friends all thought he was Improving In health. To accomplish his deed, Post used a thlrty-thlrt) hunting rllle, tho end of which ho plated lu his mouth, nnd pulling tho trigger with his ton. The discharge tore off utmost the entire top of his head i Tho sulchlo occurred at an early hour this morn'ng. Post told tho nursu ho wished to bo nlono tor n few moments, and sho had hardly loft the room when sho heard tho report of tho rlllo. She Immediately rushed back to her patient, whom she found lu his death ngou). Vest onlay Post ordered n apodal car to go East, nnd It was presumed that ho Intended returning to Ilattlo CrJk, In possession of Vlnconslo Orandon Ico of Sprlugllold la n pipe with a ineorsclmum howl, brass topped, and a wooden stem, which luia been used continually for approximately 103 years. Tho pipe- was Ural owned by his grandfather, au Italian doctor, nnd has rut on it tho duto 1811. VERY ACTIVE yr Devastation to Sicily riiis'ii''''sm f HORTON PROJECT IS BEING RUSHED JOI.M s.S WITCH WIMi UK Tl'H.NKI) IX Till: KATKltAUS 11V Tin: ruisT or acolvt ihht I'LVINc; 1'Af.T ' The work on the Horton Irrleatlon project In the Vonna Valley, which waa inxen over oy uon jony. is ocingj ruined to an wty completion. Mr. I , " lu e T ' . . Jolly, who ha jutl returned from a:c'M' lh" T - Jl?m ul, , threo wceki' trip to !Und. I'ottland hb moiL dangerous nd difficult bird ...i .. ,m tr ,t.u .v '"bject to secure. Our subject 01m, and way points, will leave this even Ing for lloanaza, znd will be right on the works from now till the lat-J .Il ,l (IttMlfie? 4f riMilv ffr TlF "(the morning until 5 o'clock In the Jack Donnelly Is the contractor In nernoon. e WM ,n 8 tree ab0ut . charge of the construction work, and twcntjr feet-from the eagles' nest, and his prediction Is that the water will .,g camera had a clMr vl8on of lhe bo turned on by the Cm of August. ncJt Tbls n,m a,one ,, we worth . Many farmers under lhe project haejour trouble r coming here." lilanted crops, with tho belief that the' . , . . ' , ..,, ...,- .... .1... ....( The motion picture men have also nUli;( WUUIII UV 4IHIiauiQ UJ 1411' l.lltV of need. Mr. Jolly. onliT recent trip, dls loseI of a couple of farms In other parts of the state He sa)s he Intends to mak Klam- flth I'nnnrv ,! iif.rninfK.nf uhlillnp iiUce. and Is selling his outside rrou- eriy In order to dome his entire time " s """"v, V. ZL to. aad "ltaB f xW . - tilens. This birds nest Is across to the better dexelopment or Kiamatn cou,Ui lgil DREDGE FROmtP. . I PPEK LAKE MAII.S1I I.AN1. WV - Kit lnU'HASi:s THE 'KEAM- ATI! Qt'KE.V Wll.E KSK IT IX l!l'(l UMIVR Wni'f-; MAItSII , ...,. ......... ..... .... . McCORNACK BUYS ,, - until the brood Is leaving the, nests.",""" " E. P McCornack. who ons a largo, tm. Etna is still rumbling fearfully, unci or marsh land ulong Ppper and this has. thrown the refugees Into Klamath Lake, has purchased the, QnMn Mary of England has or-'further tear. dredge "Klamath Queen" from iho ',eroj that no lady of the royal house-' Thousands of soldiers and national Southern Pacific The dredge, which 1UIU may have any direct connection lolice aro at work removlug the dead has a threo-yard capacity, was usedi-(tb business or any sort, thereby 'w .i. w by the railroad In grndiug between Quitting an end to "graft." (Continued on page 4) Hanks and Modoc Point. i Tho "Queen'.' Is being put lu com mission, and 'will bo used In dlklug across the Wocu ranch. This is the first step In a system for reclaiming' tho land that McCornack has out-' Mined. A THRILLING JOB EDLTATIOXAli K1IUM COMPAXV OAMEHA .MAX TAKES XEsT OP HAW) EVC.I.ES KHOM A THEE mo Ki:irr high Ono of tho most highly olatod men thut has hit town In some weeks Is t. A. Salisbury, managing Ulterior of the Educational Film company, which Is engaged lu making motion pictures of educational uud nature subjects lu Klamath louuty, Just nt l.reseut, the outfit Is at work near Kuglo Itldgo, and Mr. Salisbury came In from there today on a business trip. "Wo aro getting somo of the Uuost bird life pictures that were ever caught by u camera," said Salisbury MOVIE MAN HAS fj ADDITION TO TREMBLOR, ML m S RUMBLING AND BASES ARE POURING ( today "We have Jusl secured a jtllm of n bald eagle's nesl, even to the , mother eaele feeding hcryoungr. This WM taken 0Q Eag,c Rdg): was secured after our camera min" "omnow, an" ". ri-K m im , had remained la a pine tree, l&O feet orderly )umm to Cafaala Sol- 'from the ground, from 8 o clock In discovered the nest of a golden eagle, a bird so b g that it has carried off ... . . .. ., thirty or more sheep from the McCor- nack ranch, and was In the act of car- rylngoff a ca!. from the Griffith ranch on Eagle Ridge when It was beaten off uy.a raan.w,ln clu.- . Al..ln" "e. man wttn a ctuo. At mat tne bay from RUg camera men will not sleep easy until they get motion pictures of Its nest the earth, through which ts aail ,They will be fully prepared to resist ,moke Jro enjja attacks by the bird. . prom aM parts of the tlMd Qomf) "The members or our party are atstorlea of apiiauing fatalities. 'l.'1""1!:,? Every road leading to this city U """"""" i,u" "v """ "- water a great part of the time. Owing to the splendid ornithological know- ledgo of Harry Telford, our guide, we have located the nests of bittern, mal. laril ., raI coot and ', blrd3 and build our blinds alongside of thom. The birds hae returned to'i'"' ,s """i""5" "i,-u' their nests, and do not mind these Zerbattl. Hcnnlsl, Pelpasso. Maria, suimiis, su will uv uuir iv iiiliuic them from the time the eggs are laid ' .. . . .. bllniln o w will be able to nlcture Round-Up Blancetts Stop on Way Dell and Uertha Hlnncett, two of tho best known riders, ropers, etc.. In tho West, and big stars of tho Pendle tou Round-Up, aro in Klamath KalU ! today, ou their way from Phoenix. Ariz,, to Pendleton. Although the llancetts are truo children of the I West, and have won fame and fortuuo i in the saddlo and In frontier sports, 'thoy uru now traveling In the manner tof the Now West, making tho trip in their Cadillac lourlug car., , Today thulllancetts ate couterrlng ' Vfjth the Rodo Association directors, regarding the comlug Bhow, and the) may return to participate. Thoy are much elate! to hoar that Art Acord'ls to have charge, aud they say that this lu JtseU Is a big assurance of tho show's success. "Wo have met lots of the boys who have appeared In the Klamath Rodeo," said Dlancett, "and they all boost strong for Klamath Kails. They OUT OF FISSURES SCOKEK OK VII.L.AOKS ARE Df STHOVKO AXI MAXV PEO I'LK AHK KVU.EU ,tf K.mlll Ar JUmlerrtl . illi-r ami Police Are Renoriactkr IVuil From the Village. Deacrtrri by I'oalr Stricken IahMUatm United Press Service CATA.MA, Sicily. May 0. Thoua- ,, . IMMin, . h-,, buinri ud . , . . Mores of villagea anil towas either ""' !tyl or badly ifaaiaced aa the result of n series of earthquake ,,j,ock in Uila vicinity last night. In .IdltIoB. the toIoiiio of Mt ,B fo th terroKof Ouj rfe. Kxerywhere are jpreat AMHm la -.l,l n-lfh hvatorlol rfun UMQCOWi w; s9ao shb MOkni fleeing In terror from their honiea.. Llnera, with a population of 1,000, and Venerla. with a population of 2,1 83, are reported to be completely destroyed. Cosetinu, the soldiers re- .'laugwio anil a siruie i uiuer Tiun ?- - hadly damaged by the earthejuake -n.l n Stars Here Home From Phoenix, Ariz. say the prizes aro well worth trying i.r, and that the hospitality or the 'ncoplo U something groat ' Skooter Kilt' Is a perambulating advertisement for your show," . Mrs Blaucett Is the champion wo many broncho buster or the world, aud sho has defended this title against all comers. In addition, she baa never been defeated In riding a relay nice, and she has a string that throws dust In the eyes or all the rest. Sho and hur husband aro both stars in (rick riding and roping. Hlnncett has won the roping events at tho Pendleton Round-Up for aev era! yclrs, and1 iiaV always "Been clove ,to the top In the broncho busting and other events, This year bo finished I second in buitdogglng, nnd his relay, string Is one of the fastest that 'ever was assembled. At the Toppeniak tad ' Ilotse shows he took nearly alt'tk, l-4 l . ' " glllBL MHVV. , . r r I,' Vlfl t r I f ) yvV'ti ''tsiAl r1Qp h , , m v-