fflqt Euenrng i&rcUl PRINTS THE NKWS WIIILK IT IS NKWS KLAMATH FALLS' OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER ir- & sf ipir air yrrvrrrsa I.IUltlli AVrtt' '. U.tlllrt KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, FRIDAY, MAY 8, 1914 Price, Flw Onlt MAYO WANTS TO HUERTA SAYSjNO CRYSTAL BOUND SEND TROOPS TO AMERICAN CRAFT OVER TO JURY THE OIL FIELDS CAN CLEAR PORT;- Bryan Agent Is Saved by Huerta o MIIIH up Till; I'ltOPEItrv ,HK pitori:rrio ,mi:h i;HHi:i,h ordered w.v ikom 111:111: DON t IK HEM) OV CHAIMll: or larceny nv iiah.ee. pre rwiitui nv tom love iio.vu II l.ll AT Kt.iMiii 1 Al Crystal, proprietor of the "Hoc- i,,.Iiik TtiU .liii"iiMiriii-:ii lliiilm AmriUrtii Soldier leleril to lie a mid Clans" nuloon, was this afternoon Male. Tlml He Will WlliiilmM ' IVlM.nrr In the llniuL r the IVd.!1""""1 "ur '" lll, l"Ud Jurv " ...... ., . I . lmrK of Inri by bailee. Juttlco ., II. Mediation I'liKmllng. If rnil Th..i-T Hor.-. II- ll.IJ,)f , lw IIMr ,.,, hu bonj al llir Tm)m ,tv l.uiiilril nl Tmilplnt, tun OH W'lU Wrie Hurtled Vr.. Irnbt) by Oir Melinll, I MWd Pirn Hen lew - WAHIIINtlTON, D C May '---junivd Prrtsftorvlc. eplln denials li official aurr. II' WAHIIINUTON. D. C Willi Mini Am Found Willi Mril.ll'-'.""" inn. TiU Tl.n.r, I. Adtnmnl i '' ' huree.l with withhold- line I I.O(ii) belonging to Thomas Mite, That ll W. Otnruiiir by Heal nu r,., itH)U Crystal t.aH he gave Uii- 11 iliuiti'l mortgage and borrow led iiii nidiiry, Mldle I lie prosecution rond-uiia thai tic took the money to , keep for Une while tint latter u In Ma) S. Tti toxlcj.ted. ami refused to glte It up Mini Wnllilrinl. K hit brrU learned (hat Admiral M)D. through Admiral lllgr. Iib r HUeted that Ameilrau troop occupy I It. till Held territory Till It fur protection purport onty, icrrlay Daulolt of the n dt firttiitnt ttiU nfiBriHMiii submitted to lh cabinet lone report H the oil Odd .lluatloii. the diplomat Uar learned latest order to be. lued by lluurta forblda any American -.) to b cleared Iroiu any Mcilroti pott. Mexican eae, llknwlce, ari for- b I (Id en to ilnr for Ainnrlca. All I Attonii')' W II trauV UilM-n tli rciniitrlf It or-Itlii-lr iirKiiincul 4"rr(l topiM'd. 1 ... trylin: to fir l.ott to tuki tlir lnii tcl tnoriKaKf wlirii In- nw l.oe I11-liinli-,1 to !" tlu nultiorlll. Itmli I loltlrl Altoriiii)' Irwin ami A, Itormor wnlvi-d HflHslBV WFrmrt t,-fB SBJL 1 i i jnf'MBBBV BBBCiBW F mhm V!!I!B : WOM.W HXH'KIl" IH ITtEKD II V n;V.HT.V , L'nlled I'rttt Bvrvlce. ) Vt:ilA CHVZ, May 8- "I am i for any woman with nervo ' enough to ihoot for tier coun- try." said (!cnral Fututon tliU aflornoon, nn tic ordered a -o-inari 'nlpr" rlead. Tlio woman bad bocn ncntonc- GENERAL STRIKE 'MEDIATION BOARD WILL NOT START, ' MEN ARE HARD TO SAY UNION HEADSi SELECT JUST NOW 1 wl 10 hU tnonth' ImprUonratnt .fiUXMKX AKK niTTI-niLV SCOItKD Ml'CH TIME MUHT UK KNTIKKtV by itii- court martial. IV OFFICIALS OIVEX UP KILLS FATHER TO SAVE HIS MOTHER! ' ln(mI of Calling a General Strike of 'OBclalt, Tlirouch Tamulty, Deajr the Half a Million MJser, Executive Hoard Farora the Other Men Keep-1 Injc at Work, to Provide the Siaewaj for the Capital-Labor War .Vow on! In Colorado. Report of Htralmed Condltloaa la Mexico They Say That CoadtttoM la Mexico City, Jut Reported, Ware Kaonn (kmte Time Ago Throach Oalclal Chaaaeb. MXKTf:KVK.tlt-OU 1IOV uses; ItKVOI.VEH WITH FATAL EF FECT WIIEX .MOTIIKIfH LIFE IS TIIHE.TEXEU United I'tctt Senrlca I S f,ll I UV'i MU) 9 II l IH'IIOV. I imI tlmt I'rlvatn I'nrkit, a ranlr)man ' l''Bl alio dUaparid ymlnrilay. I In tlii 1 mii oil ll rrn buried ymti-nlaj, biiiuU of Ma' fdi'raln Winn (nut IVIIiilnislM.lreKleatpirnilnB -. 'rk headlnx toward tbo th nil tni.fr.U ralltd upon llryan tol"' itmnatid jirotKtlon EAGLE TO SCREAM AT FORT ON 4TH ..., . .,.., , W. Hyau, a, Ited Crous aid juhol and Instantly killed by hlg 13-irlo- of Mexico; and ald to year-old ton, Vamey at this place to- Mrlrnn nl TJcrn worn today teen 'UudliiK on rnt two blark liorw thai, .wrr In I'arkt' ihartf. Offlrrrt arc' irtirlnln iliw arn tlir bortft, but no United I'rcM Service NOItWALK. Calif., May S. Val- ' eiitlno O'Cconnvll, aged 43 yean, waa Edward In Iht InfAftn ... ... , lj. be an uxent of Secretary of State "' .,,.., ... ... After hit arrest ibe boy claimed 'William J liran wm fiuncc-d to , , ,.,,,., , . - that be nbot Ilia father lecaus be ! nbot wboti In. wa found tomo day naU a,tacked bit mother and threaten-! aiso al .aratecat becau4 bo rc.UHcdloti ,0 WJi botu of ,hom wltb ralo, 'to trantlatc code niwwasw from Mr. o'Connell wan shot through the 1100 II 11 OTIin llryan found on him Mr. llryan nt heart, and died with th onen razor HI W II I NrMll i United Press Service INDIA.VAPOL13, May 8. The ex ecutive board of the Western Federa tion of Miners, In teuton here, has de cided not to call a general strike of the- COO. 000 members of the organlxa.- ition. Thty say It Is better for the miners outside of Colorado to remain at work In order to better finance the Colo rado strike for one year or ten years. The officials received the story off the strike today, blaming the violence I on the operators and "vicious gun-' men." 1 iiiir! l'fo rtrvlc HllltllITlV' ll I tlitv h '""", , ' ; , ' , 'omrlal rnmri m Ikvii madn rt-ard- A Ihrral by HiiBfta to ltlnlrnw '"'"(, lnrra ,U (ue,lU.lo pructllng. -; ; A'in, ,oW who wn .hl. follow uK ihr r.mmri da tm , of Admiral Mu to land ii uud . . ' , ...... ... ftuard Tamplro prinn ny lluiTla, throuh ltul. "il a note lu thn mllBiloti i omtltliM. pro- tcjtltiK III" Amrrlrin oprratlon at, Vr Criit. and Inllmatlng that hi TIIOLS4M IMtl I IIK IS Tlll'l01" ,,,"M,0, ,0 W' !"",n,n am0,u,-,Krlpped In i.ls hand. IIKUN..M ioi,i,.iiis in ntl.iM(Jor,n wnHhington . who It handllnKl .HIM HAIHEH I'Olt THE SPOItTK the affairs of Mexico In this country xlnco the Mexican ambassador has AMI I'lltEWOIIKS IIIO (HUM IIEIVO CIIEI'AIIEH I'ltO- left. The retult was that President ' I Huerta bad Four Huy Car. Four more local men have jutt been added to the ranks of auto en- HIM TO SIBERIA These are Leslie Rogers,, land later rolraurd, lM-llor that Park (In at preparations are under was nverconiit by the heal and wnn-'for one blc time at Fort Klamath on I.. i ... KH-irs. .... . iw ujhii wauiiuut-u ! ti. . .-!-- UllA tfltk ..M.I ! H1H. l.l l. .A I 1 ,"" w"" """ " "" "u,u "v ""'(Profeator W "9 tt t -I..--!.- .ka.l ftaH&tf j s luciiuuiii nun ucrij .t,juiu purchased Overlands. Ily JOH.V K. .NEVIX (United Press Sua Correspondsnt)' WASHINGTON, D. C, May 8; The selection of the American dale-. gate to the "A. B. C." aedUUoa conference la one of the moat per plexing matter that the admixd tratlon haa to deal with right bow. So far, ao solu tion ht la sight. Tb fact that the conference at Niagara fall wait be very loag nuke It Impera tive that the aiea choeea aa dele gates asnat , a atea who will; a able to abaaaeat entirely their par. BBBBBBwRapBw Baw77R3Baav e44aaaaaaBBBBBi paaaaaaaaa Mg3Jw3BBBBBBW V9gaaBM BaiPfll aBBaB aurtevin .n1 AfTalva fftv an ImAmAmtt nm4Aal rnn-1.1 r n t,AH . ." mwb w WMWWMI'V r . MMA.., W. fr. IVU-I..r,.v,T l.ldlAV iHiitnvv Heu l.. livu.iu nufnin.i 9ausr-.ia uoiwrjiiero ah nave EASTER PRETEXT TO KIS8 dored Into federal linniU, might wthilrn mediation hi acteplaucn of foiled I'rwa Htvlc VintA CHUZ, May S Itefugee nay that It it rumored In Mexico City that Querldo Mohemi. tho mlnltlw t "" merer and Industry. It dead. The rumor cannot be confirmed lly tuinn mpiirla It Is said that hej ronimltied tulcldc when lluorta ro-j Jeiled tils rnslgunlloit, white others J bae ll that he died from tome un known rauio. Tin. funeral wat rondurted very iiuletly. PHYSI0L06Y CUT FROM THEIR LIST SIXTH (Ut.UlEltS SECURE EXEMP-I I TIOX I'ltO.M ITUTIIEII STUIIV OF THIS SUIUKCT XO UlTKR EXAMIXATIOX the rourth of July. Thert will be uo strike of soft coal .Nerriy a tlioiuanu dollars nut liten miners lu Western Pennsylvania, tbutcrlbed to nuance the umusomeiita (West Virginia, Ohio, Indiana and inl and pay for the prises to be given, fnoln. According to unofficial figures Tho fun I. to Include vverylhlng lujcomtilled at the headquarters of the tho way of outdoor amusement, with) United Mine Workers of America tho pient) oi -penalties tiageti in tnet referendum ote of the minors Is i rented 290 hate arbitration agree. hallt and under tents overwhelmingly ngulntt striking. incuts with their union employes. CO-EIl HROTHER INTERFERES AXI SHOTS ARK FIRED During the twenty-eighth annual nicotinic of the American Newspaper Association at New York it was stated , that there had been no strikes "luring njnlted Pre Service year, ut 34& publishers repre- ' are very few big atea so altuat- d us" to do this. This may prevent the justices of the supreme court from senrlag. The cabinet discussed the matter to tome length today. the SOME OF MEXICO'S TROUBLES A Xiw Hoy A ton was horn Thursday to Mr, and Mrs. U-vl Ward, who now reside In this city Tln tny weighed seven pounds, I'mlur the new tytleui of xpinp-, tlont, Hlxth grade pupil al tho Con-1 trill school have tccured exemptions I from further study of phslology. Thy will nut ho examined uu this subject two yenrt hcuce, when they take the stale Eighth gnul.i uxamlna llons for certlflcatei, Tim successful onct at the Central Mrt Alice llltchoff, aged 13, died i school are Myler Calklut, Anna Hack al Ilolievuo hotpltal. New York, after' land, Esther llalne. ilattie Hall, Lu having during the pt two years llu l.lnkunbarh, Nettle Matt. Con .wallowed liundredt of halrplnt. In stance Miller. Dorothy Sanderson. 1912 the was sent to tho Malteawau Mlya Hannomya, Wllda Smllh, Iler atylum for Ihe criminal Insane. Sho thold Arnold. Jack Elliott. Calvin at ouro began to eat halrplnt, Onco Peyton. Illcbard lllgg. Arthur llob her stomach was opened and sixteen icrtson, Ted Shipley, DeWItt Smith, hairpins removed. She was operated Kenneth Thomas. John Wallan. Ches- .... . '. u.l.... It.... ln.lt LltlllfV CwVltd unon nvo imra. the last una uonig.ier mmm, it iw..,. , .-.,... ST. PETERSBURQ. May S. Siberia! will probably be the penalty of a kia for M. lvanhoff, student, who was to day indicted for attempted murder. He tuado the Russian Easter cus- llom of osculatory greeting of the (faithful the excuse for kissing pretty j Mile. Llso Allbert, a fellow student. .The girl, refusing to regard the salu tation In lu religious aspect, scream ed, and her brother rushing Into the room knocked Ivandoft down. The latter then drew a revolver and shot at the brother, but missed. In tho meantime the girl has summoned tt.A nnllMi Knl lvanhrkfP hrnHIhlMr Jtho revolver, escaped to the street. Jumped into a taxlcab and compelled the chauffeur to drive at top speed. A Little Book Learning, They Contend, Places One hvf JX!itmmSfZ --. . en j - rws r l 'exhausted the chauffeur refused to go Being a I radesman, bo They Demand r and h yun man wm I "Educated" Mexican Cause of Unrest fatal mud llermird Hacklsad. Runs Car 'Round Lake As Result, Local Autoist Is Enthusiastic for Run With the usual optimism of the bo. Kliinor, AltoriR-y K. I.. Elliott, who has boon driving his now Ford cur loss than a month, Thursday made lliu trip 'round tho Upper l.uko, bolng l ho first driver to take n car around In 1814, With him as guests on tho Initial vonturo wore Captain J. P. Ia4, Tom n. Wnttors and Warren Puhl. Tho roads wero oxoellent all the way around with tho excoptlon of a thort stretch of road botwoou Long Lake mid tho connection with lliu ruuO to Hniitid Lgko, This road haa not been dragged' since tho winter hiiowh and ralu, consoquontly thn washed out rut make tho going very bad. rrom Kort Klamath to Rocky Point, IVllcnii liny Lodge mid Long liku tho roads nru tike a boulovurd, with one or two noft plijco.t where the snow Is Just dltuppearltiK. Mr. Klllotl drove over tho exact course of tho proposed 'round the luko onduruncv contest for stock cars, and Is now an enthusiastic booster for tho contest. "If l hero Is n more aulluhlo courno for an ondurauco run, I don't know of It," said Mr. Klllntt. "While tho roads arc good, consld crltiK tho IiIIIh ntid moiiutiilns Ira versed, they iuo' ntee enough In places to keep tho best drivers busy at tho wheel. It seouia to mo tho courso Is an Ideal one for such u cou- teat." Government Positions St. Bartholomew's church, New ,York city, famed for its wealth and Ifashlon, was crowded with friends of Miss Eleanor Livingston BurrlU and William (1. Shepherd, Mexico City correspondent for the United Press, and uhoso articles are featured all Francis Oromnd French, whose wed- liter the urld as nuthoratlve on rondMloas tliens Is )tci-tiiipe the bct posted uonspaper man today ou the true idlug took place. The bride wore no stale of affairs lu that land of eternal strife. In ndditiou to treating the narrative side of the Mexican situation, (Jewels. Sho was gloveless, following ho has nude a careful survey of the social and economic conditions, and he writes only after much careful .the newest mode. study upon the cause leading up to the i mines of rlvll war. .Mr. Shepherd Is a regular contributor to the Herald f I'nlUd Preav Serrtce WA8HINQTON. D. C, May 8. - Secretary Tnmalty, after a confer ence with President Wilson, tiaued the following "statement this morn mern ing: "Reports ot an attack upon the American forces at Vera Crux, and serious crises arising there are with? out foundation. "General Funstoa's report to Secretary- Garrison of the storiea of refu gees regarding conditions In Mexico City are merely confirmatory of what was learned through official channel. There Is no Intention of sending ad ditional troops to Vera Cras." Tumulty would not comment upon the fact that the general staf of the army conferred with Garrison until this morning. $ Keller Returning. A card just received from Jt J. Kel ler state that they hare left Fre mont, Ohio, where they spent the win ter, and are on their way to Klamath Falls via Chicago, New Oryeans, El Paso and Los Angeles, expecting to reach here May 25th. The Kellers are woll and favorably known hare, where they conducted Keller' cafe for several years before selling to A. J. Wiggins last winter. lly WILLIAM G. SHEPHERD (Staff Correspondent) VERA CRUZ. May 8. Let Mexico alone. That's tho thought that lm-i presses llself upon every American j thut Is, every American who doesn't I own n mine or n concession who' knows anything about tho situation here. Ilere'u ii simile thai hIiowh tho feel ing: A lot of old folkH, father, moth er nml grandparents, are watching a baby try to walk, The baby fulls uud bumps tta head; again It tumbles, and nlmoHt every stroll the baby lakea winds up In Home dlHiiHtor. Hut what UDUtfeimc ll would bo If tho parents and griinilparonta llnally clodded that tho baby should not bo permitted to walk. It would be tho height ot folly1 n r woll us of cruelty to the child to1 say: "Every time baby IiIob to louru to walk It hurts Itself. Therefore wo'l! push him around lu his carriage and wo won't permit him to try to walk." It would be lost cruel to kill tho baby BaaiBaaaaW "CSsBBBB, ' r!lSlaaam If" vfiflBaaaaaaV fill II '-til laM VaBWlBaBr 2iaay BBflBBBT &3BBBBBBBBT ryhejaSiga to treut It lu than to go to reach manhood among Ha itians. Tho distance is bo great i countries loug that It makes you tired to consider It. But It's a Jour luey that many of the greatest nations 'of the earth have not yet completed, luflor centurion of struggle. All tho ! problems that these older nations Imvo solved ami tire solving for them selves, Mexico must solve fur herself. j If wo narrow the comparisons down to measuring Mexico with tho United i States wo discover that Mexico has I not oven started to solve her Indian problem. Her Wild West days, her Cimtor'rt last tight and charges, bor massacres, her Indian reservations, nil are before hoi't and hnven't oven been touched. Them are vast terri tories, in Mexico where a Mexican 'doesn't dure to venture, for fear of I Indians. Ot Mexico's population or lti.000, ,000, almost $,000,000 are Indians. outright fushlou. Mexico Is a baby among nations, i when wo look back In tho United Atnoricuu Intervention would bo states nt our Indian days and con- sirappina aidaivu uhu u u-tnn, i llKlo has a tremendous distauiu. WWMMWWWWWHWWWWWWWWWW (Continued on pate I) Grade Teachers Named Very Few Changes Are Made in Personnel of Staff Work of selecting the touchers for tho grades has been practically com pleted for next year by the school board. Ttivre are a few more being considered. R. H. Dunbar is retained as city superintendent, which position ho has so efficiently and xealously tilled tor several years. MIsb Gall Rosb also retains (he prlnctpalshlp of the Cen tral school. The principal of the Riverside school noxt year will be Miss Wini fred Wlnnurd, whose parents reside In Langell Valley. Miss Winnard la at present, teaching tu the Central school. T. A. Barton will be the principal of tho Shlpplngton school, and Miss Gross or the Mill school. O. C. Mor ris of the manual tralulag depart ment, and Miss Clara Elmer of the domestic science department, will again conduct this work In the grades, Tho grado teachers selected thus far are: Alloa Peel, Rachel Manae man, Claudia O'Laughlla. Mary E. Stewart, Augusta Parker, Nellie Mc Andrews, Pearl Talley, Lulu Watten burg, Mrs. T. A. Barton, Lola J. Myers and Laura Bice, Miss Wattenburg of Monmouth If a sister of Robert . Wattenburg of this city. Several kwtrticters, uw mav ployed did sot auk aMUestW lw t mother term. ''Ill w'1.. 'H y --vAas.!'t '..r'iM . - ,',.,rt H.H n ""lAta..