3 u?mn0 Iterallt PRINTS THE NKWS WHILE IT IS NEWS KLAMATH FALLS' OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER rMglilli Year N. U.UrtU KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, THURSDAY, MAY 7, 1914 Prtee, Fir Huerta Strength REBELS CAPTURE MAZATLAN TODAY SAY THE WIRES visa HUMIIH Itrlx-t I-tmW U All I'lrtlllllllC III Cruli llurrti li) tlte Capture uf Tm TtiiUlll I'nlrmU l Nnlllllli ) 'Attacking That rit) Willi mi IhrrMltrhiiluK F"M r John IU. -! Mixirr Mrnllimnl n MntUtor tJtilUd l'f ttcrlc mm anuki.kk, Mr : t.- rii of Vlniatlnn. mi the cofl. tirremterr lo the rosiatlfittloiinlUlna today, ac cording lu dUpAlrliot Jiui rrelet by lUtntnlllutlofinlItt filllll liri. An iierot'Uiif ued li) the rt l In thrlr BlUrU mi the iwaporl, Vim droppiM liomlm from thr Into ikr rity ih deadl) i-rwi I'nltcd I'rw Sertlr HI, PAtfO, M 7 (Mid-I Pmichu VIIU U planning iii&tr trokr., hied uiirrrmli lltrt huj- ThU MU capture of the rtillllo.grrl.o,i. tm. 10,000 f-Jr-r.l troop, arc. . U0)fl n..r.1 viii. u ...r..nri.in mmIiii. 1.11 , " " , , ll from in. ,..l larl, ,s B 'p ''''' ,b""r - United I'rcM Service I.Alti:iH), May 7 A constitution llt cmuirtictlon train riturntd l Nm l.rdo today from I Jarlln. ... r,,, -,,orai prisoners. United 1'rena Rervlce WAHIIINOTON, l f . May 7.--I It U llliilprtooil (hat John HnMrlt Moom, fnrmor ndvUor of thr statu tlosrtmptit, nnd llnnnl Taylor nrx mNilloncd as possible mediators. It l aUo report! that Wilson Is con llTlng iiiombern of the siiretn rmin for this work. Ilninii VUllur Here. Mrs II, K. Chlltlero I m Wsllor In llicrounty seat from llotinuxn, IiiivIiik I rrle( Wediiesdny evening I AiMher lcal Kale. TliroiiRh the It, I! Smith Realty "Hiipnny, it ileal was eloseit this lifter imoii for the sain of lot li, blork fi3, of NlrlinU adilltloii, with the Mix-room house thereon, Tho new owner Is MIm Miiry Weller, she having mr rlm.e.l It from I). M, Orlrllth, of Kngle IIMKe forestry experts have domonstrat 'I thai tenk timber cun bo raised on I'lnntiitlons Hint Is a strong ns that from natural forest. Local "Movies" Shown Reel at Temple Is First Tlio product or Klnmatli Falls' latest metropolitan onterprlic, a mo Hon plctiiro studio, mndo lis Initial 'il'I'Miruiii'o at tho Tmnplu theater last ttlKtit, when u short rend of pictures, uliuwlng scones on Link River, was a I'ort of tho program, The reel at irnited ho muoh Interest tbst It will run again tonight. The film Is the product of tbo Miller ART ACORD HIRED TO GET STOCK IN SHAPE FOR RODEO ,WAK A KTH ittiii: rillsT i:i.lis' MIOW Man Who I'tMilt I li.i Mimr) In Hull-lli'.-llill nml IImmmIhi UlKliliK Hi Ihr lll Itixlni I irrurrtl in 1,'ri lni. I'm 'Miriti In Ciiiiilllloil, nml IKi IMillillii.it Milling nml Ituplug W.iil. slum MluiM-lf. Alt Arord, oil" til Ilia liel known riiMtm) In I ho Writ, ami n lnr wher 'r lin iinHr In iIiIIiik. riiplug mill lillllililXKltlK, l l l" oil"' I'f Itlf fl'R ii m the Klkii' llixlro, Jul)- 3, 4 slid , At li mrvtItiK of (ho directors lii-lil lanl nlKht, Arurtt was nutnsrit u take i Initio u( arrniiKWiirtitu fur tho irtiiiitxu. Krttitix shape. te. lltr lirmirliin Into In addition. Ainu) will iln ehlM Uimi work in the ilruukfii tlili- In' lint mi nut rlut, anil lip U tijilall) soimI mi Itiimmi rlillnc unit other irlrk work An li rider of fraction sicrd, Acurtt' work U Hrll known hem, a! 0"k u" nr ''" l in burklnc- .U-,cl,"l U" n"1 " lu, m,7 All that Hum it rode "Cyclone," till' .... t i I iriiainpmti Minting iiiimo ui iiio wuriii.i Tlio Aiiirruati iroop on inu airxi- '" " "' ' "" '" W -nr rMr but',.,,, UvA ar--nJ)llllc lh-m.rfM , - T.,,.r outdoor life Ims hard- Arutd lln In .lino ilivru and HVrr III . fji tl llictii lu a llmut lIKo Ihey JjSJJV; rdrr to ..,,, , Mttro lpy aro ,JJXrSlu MrX"'" A" "' Trt'n-4Ur for lonit marcl.. The troop ACOfll UBS Ulrll III IIIO SIIO OUSI n om for sovvrnl )rar. and has starred at thu Itouiul-l'p. Kroullcr Day, and nit tlu Wild Wit contest Hi' lias nniini.,iil h fiimilmr iif tliiii. nlld thul drrCiri of. lp ,,,,, ftH., Urcd' .ml ,n mli . ,,. w prnpofly workwt out to mako tho nlmw as ocltliiK and siircciwful as K)lble. Wolf VerduKit ami Johnnie Jiultl, jrlders and ropers, lui were hero " 'mkukiix WOMAN WILL UK IIUII-lriOXKKU "OUKtJOX TRAIL" IU.AZ-"".Sir-Ji "mll't ! IK.. THK ,.RKHsT,:,Axl .U. IS ULIIKLD ,V COURT-HIS here, llotli are real riders, ami both are adopt with the lacso. Tho fact thai Arord Is connected with tho stag ing or I be Itodeo will attract many row puncher who lme won world fnmo to Klamath KnllH as contestants fur ,o big prlies. Arord Is expected here within a ,cry short time, and he will at "c start work of rounding up nil tho bad lliorsea III the Klamath llaslu. All of tho outlaw will Im tried nut. anil those that show real class as barker will bo cured for nnd put Into condi tion for real hard llglit with rider. Ily this system of elimination only tho meanest horse will ho used In the bucking riintosl, the wild horse being aed for tlio wild horse rare. Chicago has about 00 mm Ing pic tuio shows, wllli n dally nttomUnce of 500,000 persons to Be Fully Made in City Photo compmany, (atnous for Its Southern Oregon scenic picture. Tho company will tako many oilier motion film. Till Is not the llrt tlmo Hint local sconery has boon sliown lu motion pictures, but the exhibition at tlio Tomplo Is that of pictures Hint wero taken by local men and dtvoloMd and made ready for oxhlbttlou right In KUrusth Falls. American Troops on the Mexican Border Awaiting Service in Mexico A I A! wP -- r i fat Js3ffi.cx4W;t"? 9 .... . UmU'l lIIll,..IIIHn HUH IVhUHVHWI HIV BAILEY FUNERAL TOMORROW P.M. nU'HCH DIKD UAHT XKiHT IX KLAMATH KAI.UH The funeral of the late Mrs. Clara llalley, who died last night nl tho i:ra Mcokor, the old pioneer and trail i VIENNA, Muy 7. About 150 the honu5of Mr. -Mrs i: n Uamsby blaser --ed a jierdlct at Uob-' ,. lu not springs nuuiuon. win oo nei.i.v tomorrow afternoon from tho Pres.Centnilla, lu Meeker's suit to recover hytnrlnu church, Mr, llalley wn 41 oar of age. Her death wiih dun to paralysis. She loin on a husband, who hut, a homestead near Merrill, and u son lnuperiiir court rendered a Judgment Loh AuKele. 8TH GRADE EXAMS ARE BEING HELD FINAL ASSEMBLY AT THK CI'.X TRAL SCHOOL WEDNESDAY FORENOON QUESTIONS PRE PARED BY THE STATE Exumliiatlou for entniiuo Into tho high school aro being taken by tho Eighth grade pupils nt tho Central school. Thoy will continue tomorrow. Tho final assembly was hold Wed nesday forenoon, when E, L. Elliott and W. A. Dolxell spoke uiul Mrs. Zumwalt sang. Tho examination being taken by tho grado Is prepared at tbo office of tho state department of education at Salotu, nnd la tho sanio throughout tlio alaio. This makes It possible for a local student successfully passed to enter any high school in Hie stato on his certificate. WWWSMWWVSMVVVWVWVVVtfVWVVMVVyWMWWVMMMVWWWyMWWWWWW -..nitfi.k.l li... 1. w in.litl.ind All.l.l t , irm-HI MliniUI . 111. t. EZRA MEEKER IS GIVEN HIS LAND I'ltAIRIK 8CHOOXKR RKCKXTLV RKTHACKD ROUTU UKNTRAL1A, Wash., Ma 7. - .w-.v. .....-..-... property which he alleged rightfully ( belonged to liU wife at the time of her 'death. Jutlgu Kko in the Lewis county I In favor of Mr. MeeKer. j' Mrs. Waddlo and Mrs. Meeker were, .sisters. At tho death of tho former, her husband iKsumed control of hor, pioporty, but the court holds that It was hor personal property, nnd, with tho exception of a $2,000 mortgiigu held by Wnddle, should liavo boon di vided among thu husband mid other relatives I on HiilliltiiK to Mou. M It Dot leaves In the morning for Fort Klnmath, tnklng with htm tm outfit for moving tlio Hesslg building, occupied by tho store, postofllco and I hull, to n site two blocks nway. Tho! gnrngo uiul oil house will also tm moved thoro. I New Piano True-. C. F. Shephord and sou, L. K. Shepherd, arrived hero last evening f i om Ashland, bringing with tliom a now no horsepower Chalmers piano truck, which will bo used by tho local ptnno house of Shopherd & Son. L. K, Shopherd wll romalu horo during tlio Bummer to assist his brother In making dellvorte. of Instruments throughout tho interior. Guatemala's 1913 coffeo crop is es timated at 79,733,714 pounds. Failing Fast tiil I....... Iniir..! 4 ,1... 1 1 f . I.. ..! " i- i. i.i , ... march,.. The sickness and .orene hlch usually U found in the army In u. early MaKc f a war will not be llielr. because they hnvo Kon UHUUhll t'lVIIIUIHUij UlllUIUh, MOVIES TO PAY FOR AEROPLANES Al'STRI.V RESORTS TO A NOVEL METHOD IN ORDER TO ADD AN, AVIATION CORPS TO ITS FIGHT- ISC, FORCE United Press Senlce Austria nave "movio" shows today. proceeds of which are to' swell tho fund for Austria's military ilor,a, flee, 1'receded by much publicity, tho " ""' -"' " """ theaters were crowded for each film ' Enough was reallted to purchase ten aeroplanes. STEAMER FIRE ON LAKE ERIE BIG FREIGHTER BURNS IX) THE WATER'S EDGE, BUT CREW ES- CAPES BY BEACHING THE VE8- SKI LEFT PORT YESTERDAY Red Press Servioa ERIE, Pu May 7. The big freight steamer City of Rome, bound to To ledo from Buffalo, was burned to the water's edge of Ripley, N. Y this morning. Yestoiduy tho boat discharged a cargo of oats al Buffalo; and started Immediately for Toledo to load with lumber. When the tire was discovered tho vessel was headed for tbo shore and boached, the eutlro crew escaping. I CRYSTAl HEARING !HUERTA W)ll BE IS HELD Mf! cuiED III TWO SAMKiX MAX ACCUSKII OF TAK-1 lc; xi,m0 KltOM THOMAS IX) VK SAV8 HK fJAVK A IORTRAOK AS M-XXHITV i The preliminary hearing of Al, Crjstal, proprietor of the "Second, Clais" saloon, commenced In Justice , uontll court luia muruiui. ttiD this afternoon the taking of testimony' lunded, and the arguments will be glv en In the morning. Crystal Is charged with larceny by balleo. Tho charge was made by Thou. i.oe,' woo anegoi mat ruii is j withholding J 1000 belonging to Love. The evidence brought out by Dls- I trlcl Attorney John Irwin was to the, effect that Love, In an Intoxicated; condition, entrusted $1,300 Into Crys- ( tal's care. Later, when he demanded I tho moner. the prosecution held. Crys tal rafiiMf in mm th mnrmv nvr In him. giving him a check for a little j over 100, The testimony of the state was also to the effect that after Love had threatened to go to law over the mat ter, Crystal made a note and chattel mortgage In favor of Love, and en di'avored Jq get lve to take theee as security. Crystal made a sweeping denial of this. He says the money was loaned to him on a promissory note and the mortgage. He also stated that ho had advanced money to Lore for meal tickets and liquor, and he denied any attempt to take Love's money. District Attorney Irwin appears for tho state, and W. H. A. Keaner lor'ine iuPr i nr I Crystal. This afternoon, at the In-1 stance of tho state, Charles J. Pergu-laen son was engaged to make a steno graphic report of the testimony of tho defense. Tho court room a crowded all day with men. MAY BUILD U. S. BOATS ON COAST AMENDMENT ADOPTED BY THE HOUSE PROVIDES FOR CON-i I STRUCTIOX OF THREE SUBMA - 1UNE8 IX WEST, IF POSSLBLE J United Press Service YVAHHINUTUK, U. J., May i. The house today adopted uu amend- .ment to tho naval bill providing that ,hree coagt tlefcn80 submarine tor - ped0 boats be buiu on the pacific coast if possible to build them there as cheaply as in the Bast. i Omaha's 1913 manufactured out-1 put was valued at $193,385,671. " - Reclamationists Are Here Engineers Will Consider For the purpose of studying the dralnago problems under the Klamath project, and devising methods of most effect hely draining, D. W, Murphy of Washington, engineer in charge of drainage, and Consulting Engineer D. C. Henny from Portland are here. Supervising Engineer E, Q. Hopson will arrive in a few days, and these throe, with Project Manager J. O, Camp and B. E. Hayden, In charge of WEEKS.IS REPORT DICTATOR'S MtTTHODS HRCOMINO VERY LAX jl'ronilacnt Ma Just Retnraed Fi Mexico City lteUerea That Me-ta tloa Will Xot Be Xere-tarr, la Or. tier lo Eliminate Huerta Adas - istratloa Belives the CoUt-e ullit Victories Are a Help. By WILLIAM G. SHEPHERD (Staff Correspondent) VERA CRUZ. May 7. The con- plte disintegration of the HnerU governmeat wlthia ' a fortnight la ars phesled by 'for eigners just bere from the Mexican capital. The Huerta gov ernment la cettlag lax la lu BitUOl-. TtoawBoUM -avau iaiubordlaata, a arenotatteaptbsc to arrsst aay crlmlnato, saas4 ing most of their time la the sa-' loons. There la very reaaoa. to baiknre that the crumbling of Huerta'a i believe America, will get knee fa tbLs mediation nronoaltlo- " said ono prominent America, mer chant from Mexico City, "only to dis cover that Huerta haa lost entirely his power for bargaining for Mexico." , United Press Serrtce WASHINGTON, D. C. May 1. The successes of the consUUUeauUlat urmy In the north and wast of MIrn are doing much to clarify the at-Ma-phere In connection with the Mac lean muddle. The administration officials are con fident that Huerta will eliminate him self as soon as theCarransa coaquest .of the north is complete. Bf9l Watt .' "b does t1h1l8'',t ta ? j the factions will at once cement their differences. United Press Service , WASHINGTON, V. C, May 7. I Nelson O'Shaughneasy, charge d'af faires at Mexico City since Ambassa dor Llnd was stationed at Vera Crux, ' reached hero, this morning to confer lwlth Dryan this afternoon regarding tho Mexican situation. He refuses to 'discuss the matter. It Is understood that the admlaJa- tratlon is secretly antagonistic to O'Shaughneasy, and the meeting this afternoon may be stormy. the Draaage PraUeas operaUon and maintenance on the Klamath project, will conveae ae -., drainage board. The findings of this board will thes be submitted to the reclamation board in Washington, to approve er revest. After the board's decision U known. the matter will then be put up U tbVa' '; water user, for them to ratify or in ject. The coat of thla drina wilt be additional to the charges already taesJ. f i i J ' Mi. V 'r