Itunfng ItteraU. PRINTS THE NEWS WHILE IT IS NEWS KLAMATH PALLS' OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER Klgtilh Vmn-No. U.lltll, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, MAY 6, 1914 Price. rrreOasr allii """" wrymmitr ir-aiwcr a-ar ssmiijaiar L THAT HUERTA Will BE SETTLED SOON uikhia rio.VH in 111:111:1. AUK FEARED Awrtlrali t"uMUl I Awiuml Dial Mlllilit Trn l). Ilir. Itrlx-U Will lllmlt Their Hold nn Viitilirrit tlntm, Willi lulllplct. A Uo In TttWr PiMamalou .lll I'llllrlln He. lull 'I litrwlrnril In Mrtl.ali Capital I'nttrd l'r Hrvlt AMERICA HOPEFU VERA I.'IU'A M) .--llefilsr-.jr,f,r " Indicate thai the Ii , ., I. i. i . couutry l to be thm-cnler of t .ipllwl nn untMluriU mull U Int. ' , ' 4IP tiaml In i!m rHl Illiri1 U .Making Iwetlljr. frtiuilitrttt rldrni itrrlng, frariMg I'1' Villa ami 'Zapata lll rile (tin tllJT. Ttir Mrtlra Cliy poller ntt tlrii ted. Hurrta, Iliousii, ln-llnr. Itiat UU agrttta ntr In tilt cliy at tmrk, aaI he loi to ttlwtrtn Hie xillir failed I'tr-aa Worrke WASHINGTON. I. (.'. M u Tfcr American ro fllnc upuii'lhp toontltuitoualWta fariloti to tt tlm Mjfn situation It I learned that WlUon nnd llryan t''llore lhr tebrla III tutrw.l In iiTrrilirowlne lltierta before any acrrptaMe inflation u rtattwd Wlttlttl, lllMfnluri l MllnRoil If fornut nitUUiloii il"M mil up u until Msy Hib, Oenvral Villa ha nurrt Cunaiil rjwirgp C Caroihrr at Torreon thai hU tottrt will oprtipy Halllllo, Un l.ttU l'otnl ami Tatiilro within ten art, rllnchlliE the rebel liolt) nn Northern Mexico, and opening I wo toorp direct mule to (tip capital The only nbMacle l Internal ill. notion aiiiuiis din rebut Tliro ar luraom that Villa ninl ottinra aro qairrellttiK, mid It U fi-ar"l thai an "l-n Urcach w mart another revolu tion, ono faction Joining llunrla. WON HOUSE IS SOLD TODAY TIMIICU lOllMAN IWITS IN M O.W, KA VMXArt'., I'VIICIIAH. IN(I IIOMK T Till: COIINKH OK Tlllltll .XI OltANT HTIlKirrrl I.''in I, Oaghagvr, furemau nf the offlnc camp at Odessa, today pur chased the property of A. M, Clauson At tin. corner of Third and Grant ireeta Tlio deal was inado throunh the It IC Hmllh Realty rompany. The terms havo not heou inado pub He Thcro Is a houso on the property. Cloptons Are No Witnesses Introduced In tho case of tho Hlato ot Oregon . Mr and Mrs. Ilut-h Clontou. who1 vs are charged with holng responsible 'or tlm llio In lloimiUA which destroy d the poslortlco and other buildings '"t editor, the defendants wore bound over lu tlio sum of f 1,600 each lo await tho action of tho next grand Jury by Justice of tho 1'oaco K. W. Ooon this morning at tho conclu "Ion of thu hearing In his court, No witnesses wore Introduced by tbo dnfonso, attornoys dooming It mi uecossary, its tbo matter woi bound t0 go to tbo grand Jury beforo aottlo ment, Tbo profMutloD, however, dearly Mtabllahed two Vtry Important facta T IU wltataaM. One of theee facU - ' MIDLAND ES TE MUCH ACTIVITY SOON MO INDICA haskxjht.uios to in: mux: iitm order si nioN 1 t-lcrn(.li nlnl Etpiraa (till..-. In Im- 0wiid Their- () I he Soiitlirtii I'd. rllli' May I ntli nil.iii) I Aihri Iltlng fur III.W fin n Mini W'tin nn Take Cliaritr iif TliU T)w of Mm Ilmi I jik Aii.i lim. Thu IfttMl rninriiKiit In rallua) tin- Klatnalli' rliwil ftclhll)- In thr rouilrurtlan line Is llif fact thai I tin llouthrtli I'aclflr ttllt on Mar lUi. chane thr Mlillaml latlon In n I fit I ii cnlcr malton. ul tllullne Ilm profm nci-ni h) nnf who can ut tin? ("lecralih Hid. nm now akiil liy Kim South, prn I'arlflr for r n tlio can hanilli thl trim nf station An .Hro. ciftlr.., It l unilirt(MNl, lll nlao ln onnl there This aidldrn atlUily l Mlillaml U licllotrit a cihxI (iKlliJillon for ilir ! nimiirx llml ilmrr la aoon to Ih rail j roail worU lanl out of tlu-rn Thrrn ihare hfrii r"tnrla current for peral iki that work oulil aoon ln alart- Ml from Mldlauit on th Klamath rnil of I tin 1 1 in- from Hunan III ami 1-na-m Mlirti of thin wtx (iccrulonn! Iiy tin fart llut two car of rallroail ntllUliclll rn put uu Ilm alitlllC there hut tlm railroad nlDrlaU hn ntnlml that llirsifi wr to tin uaeil In liultlne In a pur track. .Midland, at. prravnt, U uacd onlv aa n ahlpplnc olni for atock, and thero la llltle tillrltif-M teldl-i thla ( ronnectril with tho utatlon not ' riiuuich, at any rale, to require, a train ' atop atatlun Tin' innwuient on the (art of the Mjutlmrn I'arlflc, tioeer. IndlcnlM that there will oon bi omnihltiK of till character, and the tenvrcl gneaa -railroad ronilrur tlon Veteran JonrnalUt Vlalu. .....,. . o.. a ..-i 1 "" " "' "' . ", nniMpapnr man, la hero from Hairy. iBtienuinK in "I"1'" iniriM i"(1(0(oril am, ,irntet!r, ttiio Inststod Ithat I... 1. In nllrlr ridded from on mooting at I.Ih men from the tops llU rheumatic trouble. Which lnfanaClliBaaawa"' - 'aa - ia - aaa - aB - Bf - Mated him for a while In a dvcreo dvlhorod ly Justlco lleydon, president of tlio Industrial Arbitration court of New South Wales the lowest wns.ii for unskilled labor Is fixed at 112 a tu-ok Australian Judges hold thai makcm must bo auffl- cleut to eiisblo laborers to renew their utrongtli with wholesome food W II Mageo of Port Clinton, Ohio, owns 2.300 acres of land, or which 200 Is tillable. The romalndor Is marsh and on It ho hunt muskrats. The winter crop consisted of 13,472 hides, worth SO cents each, Ho also Isold rarensses for food. Bound Over by Defense at Hearing In thai ton n c the city of Nonntita need a .. ...... . tlmeiiluccfl possessed uy innnoiianiH of tho thriving burg, for by their tes timony this morning tho flro was dis covered nil the way from 1 o'clock to l:4G by porsonn "uhn looked nt the clock" at tho time. Tho other Important fact nnoaled Is Hint Mrs. Olopton slept "with her hair up," for numerous witnesses for tho proHocutloa testified (toeing ber soon after tlio flro was discolored, and "her hair was up"-whatovor that means. Ah to what started tho flro, that Hoems to havo been lost sight of lu tbo earnest quest of a solution of why Mrs. Clopton's "hair wai up." Marines Atop of Bank Picking Off Mexican niperslJLIGHT AND WATER 'AMMUNITION BBjBJBjH , i4i -.M' HB o 4w'l' HbbbbLPbBmk "-" '' 4-''t (mHbW HPfiBBLBK -?-.,"- J tfPIBm Bw'S'HIKlEWHaf '.-. t '" - ."fcUjiit! - bi mxmrmr . . '-r xah ji-i BrBrBrBrarvs-ww A2?. ' i -v 1'" ap -'Av.! b"b"b"HbV"JHPP k.t" -"-' jrHHi iof the marine who landed nt Vera ... nn. iimii i u.ite ioiik u. ...... a ,, - .u - ,U) ,or tl, n-p.-.j," thoso Mexican COUNTY COURT III OrOOinil Tnn4UJ't,ioCo,umblan IH V LV Villi! IIIIbSIWI Tl, nnnl Imm Ilm Minlmllflli sill III ULUUlUll I UUn I I " " ItOAII llll. US ARE AMAAVEI), AND SKSMOX OK THE HIGH SCHOOL HOARD IS CONVENER COURT OOI.'H TO KENO I The May term or tho county court was convened this morning, and County Judge William S. Worden nnd Commllonont John llngclstcln and Nathan S. Merrill passed upon nud al lowed n number of rond clnlms. After HiIh ses'lou of tho county high Hihool board was hold. At tbo conclusion of tho meeting tho mora hers or tho court went to Keno, to In spect the bridge-being built theie. MORE RESCUES OF STEAMER VICTIMS TWK.NTY-HEVKN HAVE REEN RES-' CUED OUT OF CREW OF MORE THAN SIXTY NO PASSENGERS ON HOARD Uulted Press Service SAlll.K ISLAND, May 6. -The steamer Manhattan by wireless ent the news this morning that Captain McDouald bad picked up thirteen of th craw of tb stoamor Columbian, g)OWOtl,-.'iOD t-UKPCKCiSl. wlmlo He plucodlpoi-shoi nt the Amorlcan troopa. They atmrp-aliootlnK mnrlnes on top of . ...,. k..i..i.-. -in. i-,...,.ion. M - . .. u..u...k - "; to untch for the 'Snlpora." Tha ma rlncn found ninny of them sticking 'their hcad around chlmnoyi. for BMattraaa - aM which .as wrecked and burned as the result of an explosion Monday night The esel Is searching for u mlHsIng boat with nineteen of the llml one man was killed by the ex-' .ploslou, and ono man refused to leavo tho vessel. Thu Columbian was a freighter, and no passengers were carried. Tho crew consisted ot from sixty to so cnty, twenty-sevon of whom' havo been rescuod. NAME TWO MORE H. S.JEACHERS I COURSE IN STENOTVPY IS TO nK ADDED TO THE COMMERCIAL DEPARTMENT STEEL ERS ARE PURCHASED LOCK- At a mootlug of tho Klamath Coun- j t High School hoard this morning, George Bchiuluer or Wllkcs-Unrre, Pn was elected us head of tho com mercial department or tho high school. Earl Chandler, selected to till McCall's place as agricultural In structor, was also choson for next year. a .nn run in uttmotvnv la to be add- 0l, l0 10 commorctal department next jjoar. Tho uoaru at tins meeting wuu au thorised tho purchase of 800 steel lockers, for the keeping of tbo wraps, etc, of the students. The cost ot operating tbo Panama canal will exceed 14,000,000 annually. " t! JHf .11f rtflw MMamrirji x-a rUtu r !. j? - " ff 4Wif- j-aiyp aev-'er" Picked off one by one and In fc feJ ,Jtt8 noihlns nioro was hoard of - sner8." ThU Illustration shows sot oral marines on a largo bank build 'UKi ttth their guns ready to shoot n, "snipers' In the distance. PARLIAMENT ASKS A 1915 EXHIBIT COMMITTEE REPRESENTING THE MAJORITY CALLS ON PREMIER AND FOREIGN MINISTER OF GREAT BRITAIN ited Press Sarvlc LONDON, May 6, A committee representing 366 mombers ot parlia ment, a majority ot tho house ot commons, called upon Forolgn Min ister Grey and Premier Asquith, and urged them to reconsider their de cision not to hao Great Brltaiu par ticipate In the Panama-Pacific Inter national exposition. Asquith promised to tako tho mat ter up with his cabinet. He Intimat ed that ho did not bollevo It Is the geucral deslro ot the commercial In terests to participate. Old Timer Back. Harry Mann, an old-tlmo resident of tho Klamath country. Is hero from Chemawa, whero he Is' employed at tho Indian training school. In early das ho carried mall horseback be tweon here and Illy, and he also re sided In the Dairy country. Hy direction of the state depart ment ot labor and industry the doors ot nit hotels In Pennsylvania are be ing made to open outward. Tho original antl-rables virus first urged by Pasteur in Paris In 1886 has never been lost and has been used In the preparation ot all antl-rables vac cine since that time. RATES TOO HIGH SAYS COMPLAINT! i-OHM OP (MARGES APPROVED L.HT N1QHT iCitjr Attonier U Inttructed Ut 0wiw Ui Complaint Charging Ed Ito RaU, Prerereace. Charge for! MHer Drpoolu, Dead Maiaa, U. nlViiale Serrlrc" nnil RefoaaJ to Inatall Water Jleter. Within the next few days tho com i plaint or the city or Klamath Falls j against the California-Oregon Power company, as to rates, etc, will b for- warded to tbo State Railroad Com mission, In order to start an Investi gation. The charge to be made will be In accordance with tho following report, which was adopted by the council last night: "To the Honorable Council or the City ot Klamath Falls, Oregen: "The light and water committee to which was referred for recommenda tion the question or the city making complaint before the Railroad Com mission or the state of Oregon, re garding grounds of complaint in the light and water serrice, or either, furnished by the California-Oregon Power companr, respectfully report as follews: "We recommend that the Honor able Mayor or the city be directed In bohair or the city to sign such com plaint, to be drafted by the city at torney, charging said public service company Trlth charging excaaaire rates, both u to electricity and wa ter services; with making prefer ence concerning Its charges; Inade quate serrice caused by fluctuating voltage; requiring deposits for ma ters, which deposits are not returned nor interest paid thereon; haying dead ends In water mains, refusal to make meter rates for residences and placing meters therefor; and such other unsatisfactory details of the service at present as may occur to tho city attorney. "Respectfully submitted, O. D. Matthews. H. J. Savldge, J. H. Hamil ton and J. F. Qoeller. committee." At tho meeting It developed that the Railroad Commission will come to Klamath Falls In case It Is decided an Investigation should be made, and conduct its hearings here. The com mission has lu own reporter, who will mako a stenographic report ot the evidence, etc. and will furnish the city with a copy of this. Fifteen hundred girls working for a London provision Arm went on strike because the Arm advertised for girls under 18 years or age. For years this firm has boasted that It never em ployed girls under 18. but recently It employed girls of 16 and 14. Norway has more women employed In the textile Industry than. men. McLemore Says Mexican Cattle Are 1). M. McLemore, a well known local cattleman, who bus been pur - chasing cattle through California, Arizona aud New Mexico, la here from, Angeles, attending to local busi ness. He will remain for a few days. According to McLemore, ho is through with purchasing cattle la Old Mexico, at least until tho war Is over. He says It has ceased to be a Joke, and Is altogether too costly and too risky a proposition. ''A week ago Sunday I had my last cars,' of catUe Just Q.Yr the Hue for shipment Into the United States, when Carranza made bis warlike statements and caused' an embargo to be placed against the shipment 'of further arms IS TAKEN IN T HE ACAPONETA FIGHT jHLXTEEX HU.VDBED FEDERAL I ARE PRISONERS l ' Delayed Telegram TelU of thK011a ut Two EnglUlimca aa Woaadaac of Two Amerkaaji lalaterior Hnt Ico NaT Ue,Mtrtttt UreaUfM lag Federal Uaabeat Is Damaged by tho Rebel' Gasw. Badly United Press Service GUADALAJARA, May 4 (delayed, by Camas ceosorahie) Itnmni si fro mthe Interior say that Walter! Neal and. Patrick BalnL Aanericaaw, were wounded, and C. B. Bailey aaeV, G. K. WUHaas, EagMaantea,' ware, killed In trouble at Use El Farro mine, near IToetaUpa, Qaillo. A riot of mine workers is said to nave canned the fatalKlea. United Press Service WASHINGTON. D. C. May 6. The nary department Is investigating . the Guadslajara story. So far they will not confirm it. J w NOG AXES. Axis., May 6. Details! ot a decisive rebel victory over '"the! federal garrison at Acapeneta aavef fl.-l llU. HmIvmI . klA MKA.I.. 8 tlonallsta Junta here and la Soaora. General Obregoa wires that alt force dispersed the stroag federal command under General Soktres. oap-1 turing i.buu men. three rapid are field' pieces and a million round of ammunition. A later dlspatch'from Oereaea scat-j ed that the rebels have alatoet a. Urely surrounded Masatlaa. a stra-i teglc west coast port. Its fall, he says," Is a question ot days. Obregon wires that the rebel artil lery exchanged shots with the fed- J oral gunbcat-MoreJos In 'the harbor, ' and so badly damaged the vessel that! It grounded. The dispatches also claim that the rebels have taken the Isla da Piedra. commanding Maxatiau harbor, and art; mounting cannon there. MORE SPUDS TO SAN FRANCISCO1 ASHLAND FRUIT COMPANY. WILL. SHIP TWO CAR LOAM OF Tsttf KLAMATH TUBERS FRIDAY. SENDING TWO CARS MONTHLY 5 tj Friday the Ashland Fruit company will ship another car of Klaasath county potatoes to San Francisco They have developed a good market J there. This concern has purchased quite a quantity ot potatoes from farmers, and has shipped on an average of two cars a week for the past month. Is Disgusted; Costly Right at Presatf: land ammunition Into Mexico," says 1 McLemore, ) "There was a conslderable.uantl- ty of ammunition for the rebels at Nogales, Artxona, at that time. Be cause they could not get tbe ammunl-. tlon over the line the Mexlcaasthea held my cattle. 1 bad to go acreas there with a bunch of goldaaabuy up officials, outright Jo. order to get tne siock, wnicn i tnea saippes to Los Angeles." , -r On other occasions McLemere.aas paid revenue or duty oa shlpmeate etr cattle to two or three dlfereat fee- tlons, one after the ether, 'a i these claimed to he the gtrmamtm. and would etaerwwe have seats satsi t,a . ... wvsi-J I I ja. rl ii Jl 1