Sh fEuimfttg iteratft PRINTS THE NKWS WHILE IT IS NEWS KLAMATH FALLS' OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER Clulilli YearNo. a.llrto KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, TUESDAY, MAY 5, 1914 Price, Fire Grata MEXICAN SITUATION OVERTHROW OF HUERTA THE GOAL OF MANY REBELS nw in n:iii:iii. umv in Ml m:roim:n MIU IU. t'uiiiriflri. h. III. IU... r..r iltn Oplial, niul ill l,rtai llirt-.' I'mllim Arc Afir-r I In- I. Iff til tlif Hlitalcir lil llir I'rlillrgt of l-i'l-Ink' llin ill O'.sU.tutfliiM-.) I liUil in tlrl lUtk Hume. II) Ull.l.lAMIi. MICI'IICIUl (HufT CorrrM'oudent) VKIIA CM'., M J A new plot t. on IimjI 10 overthrow lliterln, tir cording ro(u- ttx Just aulvrd from Ml City Urnrral Jlmlun Ciro, tho Inderal trdrtal. who at llurrln command trCrnlly rlnUtcil I IV muilneoni nl l!i Irdernl bar rart nl Jojulta. I Hip leader u( llin liraf tl'Mlll Cattro, U r" portrd, pinna (o elm ih federal arm), which many CUIllctlti la rnlilr I" ilrcrl llio ittilnlur r?,o:.A.. whoiiavrr in iiHifiuiiK iiHitnrhi for ucu action corucii, Ctrn anil lilft felln conspirators liOKt lo Infctf hn city (roll) llllerta be fern llrlirml Villa and III loboU get tbrre They aro winning Hie wen to Itittlr cauo by telling KluwItlK Into nf llio poa.lhlllly for wealth by nfk Ins llio city. Too local import nro today pub Halting toil Ulmt WA8IIIKOTON, I). C May C.- Tho mediators say the withdrawal of ...... l. m a proclamation from Zapata. I. " "r:!f"n " V""- "' .l. """ 7. " Z ,M .m. 7. ne.n 1 .v. 'or the return of a bill book con- oil.wrr...rl,.rlwW wll0 hull, ,hu plant, has ju.l . ta.nlng check, on a Greek b,nk. y lo attack tho capital. This In- ' ' '''" ' H ' boutf,' lhl. bnnkrllllt ock of ,nB Mr. Cavln gets the reward, r thai ih. reported .U.llu. .;- ot Sporry Interests and tho rlghU of tbel .J ' o( " b " b T. ., . - . t Zu "T'sald he wsntod to forgot about the nro'alreiuly on band to keep the plant nnd their efforts for mediation, !-, .., .,., 1,1. , ,.L ',,.. ,i. , , , ,,, , , .. , . i nun r u ii win frnuiii iinun hi it vu.-( i.i . . n.i ii , .. . i.. ' : " :...T,:o..n:; '. i" "".. : . iiiivu in uinuio Aiuuiiiit iM-.wit,v .t- rnina stayed out Today Is tlm anniversary of ,, , tmttln of Pttvbln In 1S02, when tho Dins fnrres crutlied llio French nil miicu upon Moxlco City, it Is n na ildiitil holiday, ami sumo nutl-Ainer lean nutbreakit are feared. NKW OHI.KANS, May 6. "I'm ilauin glnd to return to America," snld Moxlrnn Kinbaasy Hecrclnry Nelson O'HhniiKliticHsy up6u his arrival to day. 'Tin. nltuntloit In Mexico City Is ncuto, lluertn held up my mull and ii'lcgrniim for two days,' O'HhaiiKhiii'ssy senium! hysterically Kind lo got back, lit. laughed like ' boy nt verylhliiK. I Tonight ho slnrtu for WiiHhlngton. "City Dads" Tonight Council, After Opening Bids, Adjourns Its Session Owing to tho illHturbnnco nltondont nt tho counting of votes In tho city bnll last night, the councllimm, after Mug called to order, decided to post Poiio their sosslon until this evening. An adjournment was tliuroforo tnlifii. Uofora ndjournlug the council for mally ouonod tho bids for tho con struction of the new city hall, but do- TRIAL OF ARSON SUSPECT STARTS IN LOCAL COURT iav nun: mmi mova.vra X'ITVIJls """ """'- '" ..,.'.n l-imliu; llir. 'ntiiDUt t I'm MIn. ulra llr-fnm llio I'lainr HroLo tint AlHitlirr TrIU Ciilllt She S,tn yU-. 'liilnii I'nllj l)i-.t VVIiiii llir lllitrl ttilnal UVlli AmtLrlli-il. I'ho prrllmiuary hearing o( Hugh t'loiim niul wlfo. charerd with ting ntu lo l ho ptmlOltlro In ikirmiita January ictti, la now in proKrot In Judeo tlownn'a court. Art tho lit raid Ro-rn lo jiic ilirri wltiiMttm Intro iturH by tint irorriillon Iimp kHi-ii tlmlr trutlmony, Thi' firm wllm-im rnlttjU wi l'. ( AukIIii, whii nt l tin tlmu of llir riru'C'rux from thla rallroml stntlon. Into railroads between Vera Crut and Mex-'aaler than General Scott found It. HOI rllli)ti In tlirt llvnry tnblr mmmimmmm,mmmmmmmmmmtmmmimmmammmmmmmammmmmmmmmmKamammmmmmmmmm ncriM tlm atrciji from tlin liotrl Aiifilln. Iii illrt-tt tentlitiiiiiy. anld liuj I'ljivnil anlii tinUt 11 o'rliM-k on tb lilolit of llio (Hi thnl lin ilit to ttln, atnbto, miilrctird, cot In licit nnd wrnt lo lr-p. thnl a bad liorn woko him up k 1 1110 limp ltcr: thnl h lookrd nl hla watch and foutul llir limp to be I IS; Hint im Klniircit ncron llio atrnet, and saw IIiikIi Clapton go Into Hit pomortire. A few minute later Auslltl ay he saw Clopton Icavn the pontonice; al 2: IS he nw a blaie ahoot fifty fret In the nlr from the roof at the post omen bulldlnc After lbt, he says, ho nv Mr Ilnrrl on (be slcp of the hotel He watched Harris look at the -. ...... .... . lire nnu aaja inirr nnriia inn mm,, - - .... --,-., the .treel and rang a bell .0 glvn the) was operated as tho Klamath Kails .,arm iTub and I'all company, and later as , uii croitn-p-taminaiinii ur juupi .. .1 ... ....... Iwant to bo mixed up with the affair t .,. .11 I.L...I wkHK I... ttM.t vvnllml nil .... a 1. a aa 1 "J - - - ,...,i.. i... miiiliik Clonloii In tho postofflco. ho HIM'.VIIiri UMl.tHIIMM .., P ...... ., i ..... i,..i. i,.i ,,,. (In Ky I'u ilonlod over having had nn) . ih..h ..e .a. mlttod being In Jail here for three i l...n...l. ... t.l.llit m fnltfitt nnllml I. iiiuiiiiin ii. i i.....i, ,. .v Tex with a stick white In a high temper. Illll Woods was tho next witness called. Ills testimony Man used to show that Clopton was too fnr nwny to hear any of tho flro nlnrms, 'nnd I that his presence tlieru Immediately nflor the lire looked suspicious. Ills testimony was hurt, though, when ad mitting Hint Clopton was not on tho sceno till after an explosion to de molish tho building before tho tiro spread. Miss Mnrlhn Yuhr testified thnl she jwiiN sleeping In the hotel adjoining tho postomro building, and wiih nwnk- (Continued on page 4) foiled diking notion on them until tonlght'H scsbIoii. . Thoro wore six bids submitted. Of theso, tliut of Cofor Droit., nmountliig to In tho neighborhood of Jllfi.OOO, was tho lowest. At tonight's session tho snlury mid other clulms against tho city will bo presented and acted upon by the council. urxnjlv'"''','''si''Ns' American Troops Whr-n 'ho tmirch lo Mcxim llty bo- kiii. if audi nhoultt be tlic ilocition of Crrsldcm U'llaim after tlio rrrorln of llio lucdlutor in the ll-xlran war, tin- Unltcil Kl.tlfii troops mtmt k-no Vera H. N. WOOD GETS BUCKET FACTORY1: t)VKIt- im.Mi:it vi:it TAKES Till". IIAMtltUIT STOCK OK Till: si'Kitnv mtos. me: hatch ok oitiiKits Aiti: now on 111,1: ia rim iiih'il mill fsctorv near the' !..... Ur P.rltlr frlrl,l wl.lrh ' .. .. i.'i.iiihiii ..'..,.,. am Mr. fntniia rv ci ......,. .."..... ...v .......-..,. .-. Klamath Development company. ... . a . a . ... . wood win commence worn minor- row with a small crow, which may I lator bu enlarged. There nro orders ,.UM.,,,in W. W.,B .....W At present Wood will uso whltoTIr In making butter packs. This, just ,,... ,. .bout the nnlv local market . .. . nor wuiio ur, BALLOT BOXES ARE GOING OUT SlIEHIKK l.KAVKS THIS MOHMNG FOR L'RIWCKNT AND FORT Kia.MATH, WITH SUPI'I.IKS l'OII THE l'HI.MAUli:S Tho work of distributing tho elec tion supplied throughout tho comity, pU'P.irntory to tho party prlmnrlos, May 15th, bus commenced, This morning Sheriff C, C, Low loft for mPIV p tfm a 4 f J 4mlLtMi j j iJii 1. 1 jni W& t& aliW'EMaBaBB9ha'- PV ii ft . Pfia aaaSSllaaaarfw'' t' ''jTSJrjS fTn'' 3MaaUJllaaaaBa3W tin. northern unit of tho county li.t,- morilUlK ho equipped his men hia uuto, Hiking with him tho ballot, ... ..,.,... ,., for wllIiinc nm0nc boxes, ballots, etc., for Wood River ...t.l tiil nfnnliinlu riMliiM.ill,iU UUU UWVH .'ivi.. ...., .vai"-v..v.j . , at Fort Klamath and Crescent. . .... ,. ... . , niu uroseeiu imp u uiu iuHhi-.i trip to bo miulo. Tho other precincts rnu bo more easily ronchod. Two .Mnirlago lilcciues, Two mnrrlugo licenses lutvo been Issued by County Clerk Do Lup, to K. I, Hold and Addln Mnxwell, and Fran cisco Rodriguez and Mary Drew, Tho former are woll known reuldouts of Ilouuiiin. The latter rosldo near Chll- oquln. to Embark atThis Depot for Mexico City . -lilc!i both roail cntcrlnic Vera Cru-t Ico City have been torn up in sport, uit (ioncriil Sroll'x troops, nearly land tbo last report was that a forco of ctventy cnr m;o, mndo ibo long 1,000 workmen as busy tearing out jouniry of nenrly 300 miles, but tbey'more rails. Dut tbo roads, even in had to climb over tbo mountains. Tbo thin condition, would make the march ! Hi:ilAI.l WANT AD SAVES I.OOO FOK TIIK l.OSEIt O Not bolns familiar with Greek chlroftrapM)-, A. E. Cavln came near throwing away $4,000. Mr, Cr.vln !s a rar rep.ilier in tbu ttmploy of the Southern l'a clflc company, and In looking over a passenger coach recently ( ho found n bill book containing ' ncveral slips of paper covered ! with letters and flKure.i that, to him, were meaningless, " 1 Impulse was to throw '"" BOOK OUl UlC IIIUOW. UUl lie ,i..... ,., ..., .,., . 1,..,,, ., mjn d a. . k ept it That cnlns. ' looking oer v ...w ..w.... , ... . -.-- ..--.. . pleased. A-a)A,4),4)-,4,a, ON UPPER LAKE laUNCH, COLLOPSIHLK CANOES AND RUmiER ROOTS WILL HK USED TO GET NEAR THE NKSTS OF THE WILD FOWL E. A. Salisbury, managing director of tho Educntiounl Film company, and four assistants left this mornlug in tho company's auto for the Uunor Klamath Lake, whoro thoy will film nests of gocsu, ducks and other laka birds. They will also make pictures ot tho nests ot eagles on Eaglo Illdge. Mr. Salisbury hno rented Inuuch, which Is now on tbo lake, which, with tho collnpslblo cauoos carried by tho compauy, will be used In getting near the nesting grounds. Uoforo leaving jtue-tulcs. . .-.., 1rt .. will ' ' l"" l Bi" " ,- r a "ii. ,ibo on Upper Lake," said Mr. Salla- ..Mhhl .hre. bury, "probably throo or four weeks. Wo can't go on the Lowor Lake pre serves till our permit arrives from Washington, and It Is likely we will put in tho waiting tlmo on Upper Lake." Money In Reef Cattle. W. E. Nicholson, a prominent cat tlomuu of Fort Klamath, sold twelvo steers to Crisler ft Stilts Monday. He received 11,109.70 for the lot. V KCia lin 11,111111, ku iiiiiii nre wen MOVIE MEN WORK AGAIN IS TENSE : FLOODS CAUSE FIVE FATALITIES HIUDGKS DKSTUOYEO, CHOI'S DAMAGED AND 11AJLIIOAD AND WIKK SEHVICE PARALYZED IX OKL.UIOMA United Press Service OKLAHOMA CITY. May 0. De la jed advices from tho flooded sec tions in the valleys ot the Canadian land Cimarron rivers report a serious state of affairs. Five fatalities are reported, while a largo number are missing and can not be accounted for at this time. Tho floods destroyed twelve rail road bridges, and all wire service to tl10 ""e'ed district is cut off. i i no uamago 10 mo growing crops cannot be estimated at this time, but It is enormous, resulting in sections to total loss. Requests for relief for the stricken have been answered nobly, but in no way can the suffering of the homeless bo entirely averted. CITY'S JUICE IS BEING MEASURED VOLTMETER IS HOOKED ON CIR CUIT TO ASCERTAIN WHETU lilt OR NOT KLALVTH FALLS IS GETTING FULL SERVICE "Is tho city ot Klamath Falls get tlug nil tho electric current it pays for?" has been a much urgued ques tion at tho council meetings ot late. Tho matter Is to bo sottled author! lively, howovor, for tho city has Just purchased a voltmeter, which was In stalled on the city bull circuit Mon day. Tho voltmetor will inter be con nected with current wires elsewhere, which Bupply tho municipality with electricity. VInIHiiii Yrekn. Ed Torwllllger left this morning ' for a short business trip to Yrokn, Tho imports of matches Into China greatly exceed In value any other wood product. Moat of tho matches come In from Japan. NICHOLAS CHOSEN i FORSECONDTERM BY LOCAL VOTERS , ij:avitt and sikmkxh akk aiso HXVXKItS I'rcnt aty EiecuUve I. Elected b,',f Fcdcnl, LcmJcr Att-cto FofCM , One llun-Jml Vot Orcr Edwanl J. i VffB c, EIcrCB xbo co(-e Slurmy, UU Strong,t Opponent, ? 0,, WU, Co 8oB,h to in a Hotly CoiiU.-ateil Election M. 1 It. IMy U Defeatetl for Klf lb Ward Councilman. J I'olllng 00 more votes than Ed-I(jnlel I 'ward J. Murray, Thomas F. Nicholas! . ., (was re-elected mayor of Klamath Falls Monday In one of the aiost spir ited elections held In recent years. Police Judge A. L. Leavitt and Clty Treasurer J. V Rlrrnn nrn .i elected by large majorities, the latter l"""1 they contlnue t0 appW V for the twenty-fifth consecutive time.! Unl8t,c- tlme Secretary Daniels of the navy de- Jn th KMf.h w,,h vt n rv,,- ... defeated by H. J. Lockwood for the" council. The vote by wards follews: First Ward Mayor T. F. Nicholas 94. E. J. X, ..- If T.T r, fl. J . . ,-!.. 17 ; . , " iu"uacuu JOUB eral Maaa la preparing to taake aa -Ausud 3. Dan Corcoran 2. ucfc Amerlcaa force, a. a 'L o ivJUdne;A-1IirCaVrtl 109' deliberate attempt to force General j W: SrWller 40. C. A. -.Edler 5. !FuMtoa to msxe aa advance. I . .lT "caurer-J' aienmns 104. Artnur u. wiuon ,. J. w Tyrrell 2. como acgre8Sive. It U thought that Second Ward tn,a wouJd set M Mexico aflaHle, and Mayor Nicholas 239. Murray 131.lJt would flght M a Blt Townsend 24. Corcoran IS. Wilklns 5. j After the mcatlng tne preil. Austad 3. 'Went and Bryan conferred for two Police Judge. Leavitt 297. Wiley !hour. Both W..B allant to J109. Edler 10. Treasurer Siemens 270. Wilson 134, Tyrrell 10. Third Ward Mayor Nicholas 205. Murray 190. Townsend 45. Corcoran 19. Austad 12. Wilklns 3. Police Judge Leavitt 175. Edler 17. Treasurer Siemens '. US. Tyrrell 26. Fourth Ward 279. Wiley 92, Wilson Mayor Murray 124. Nicholas ii Corcoran 37. Townsend 13. Austad 17 Police Judge Leavitt 195. Wiley 93. Edler 23. urui ward -Mayor Murray bo. .Menoias a, Townsend 10, Austad 7, Corcoran 7. Pollco Judge Leavitt 57. Wiley 42, Edler 11. Treasurer Siemens 64, Wilson 32, (Tyrrell 13. The report that Murray would con test the election has been emphatical ly denied by him. Today he made tho following statement: "I want to state as emphatically as possible that at no time was tho ques tion ot a contest considered by my friends or myself. If Mr. Nicholas had won by one vote, the result would! ...... have stood, so far as we were con. Moores to Portland . cerned. Hutu and Chas. Moore left this "I wish you would express my slu-tmornln8 for Portland on a mission of wwvwywwwwiiwiiww.v business. Mrs. Chas, Moore accom ( Continued on Page 4) , panted them as far as Grants Pass. - ii Skeeter Bill" Poetic Dal ton Ranch and "Psnears" Figure in Last Offense In many men, the ruling passion isl a thirst for strong beverages, la oth ers It Is a desire tor gold, while in still others, It is a voracious appetite for learning or the arts. With "Skeoter Bill" Hobbtns, slx-foot-slx Rodeo Idol, rldor and roper, who gets the crowd with him wherev er he appears, this passion Is poetry, metrical rythmic poetry, with which he Is surcharged, and which breaks iOFFICIALS THINK MAAS IS GETTING READY TO ATTACK iADJUXISTHATIOX IS SLIGHTLY WOIIUIKD Serre aa Infantry Rebel Will At tack Sereral Clttea Tonight, Say Torreoa Adrlces. ress Service WASHINGTON, D. C. May 5. Officials are somewhat nervous over 'tbo Mexican, situation today. j Privately they fear that a sensa tional break there la Imminent, but panmeui wiu ati oumm a., that the elimination ot Carraaia will not affect the situation. Other Oaa cials disagree with this, and Belief the Vera Crux situation Is menacim. Many think undoubtedly that Qa- I "- . -. - .w- j ,a AmerIca ghouW thea l....ot y,nt l f unitfratoad tha were con,tder!ng the conclusions of the generai 8taff pf tho anay regard- mg Vera Crux. If Genera MaM attocka Vera Cnw ., la beiIeved that 11.000 coast artll- I, ,-..... -.tit - . .. lorvmen. as Infantry, will go to that c,tr ; A dispatch received this afternoon from Torreon. constltutloaaltot lM j headquarters, stated that a simulta neous Domoaramem ot aaumo sou San Lula Pot08l wlu begin toaight. villa will lead the Saltlllo attack. and General Benavtdes the other. I There are 6.000 federals la the gar- iri90n at san Luis Potost. To California. Mrs. W. T. Lee left today for Los Angeles, where she will visit for a few weeks with her mother. Whea she returns she will bring her mother here to live. Oa Business Trip. J. O. Hamakor, county sealer ot weights and measures, left this morn ing for Portland to attend to business affairs. out Into jingling verse upon the least provocation. Ho also has another passion, and that Is to get Just oao more chance at "Pin Ears," the mesa llttlo outlaw which bucked, him fro his chances at first money la the finals at the Elks' Rodeo last year, , "Pin Ears' and the Daltoa reach figure prominently la SkeaUr's tatsf t vvwwwwiyWajiaalai (CaaUaued m h ,1 1 i W it s i i f "