mh PRINTS THE NEWS WHILE IT IS NEWS IIUIilli Vent s. ilium &vKnm&wwmivimmmHtmba9amawti Exttmttg, Mvmth KLAMATH FALLS OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, MONDAY, MAY 4, 1914 I'rlcc, Fife Cents SHIPS' DECKS CLEARED FOR ACTION Mediators Will Quit If Mexicans Don't Cease Action '"""" ""v"' 'Wiwwi'Kwioiiwwkwhwwxi .i . .... ir-, , .nj-.-.-.-jLnj-j-jLnj-UT.rj-LrLrHJ--an.r.-u-r.ri.i.n IF MAAS MAKES SMITH RESIGNS FURTHER ATTACK, AS POLICE HEAD MFDIATORS QUIT AFTER ASSAULT South American Presidents Who Wish to Settle the Mexican Trouble NEARLY THE FULL VOTE WILL b'O IN THE BOXES TODAY WIltA till". ATTAt'K TAKEN Ah A , m.rri' Ills' Ntiinlx-r of MrUraii I'tilrrnI I'eU. Olirl At I'l I'riMt ,lr Mmnl In I t.fl Wligalo TinIa) V,ir l i;irt (or Sorrlnr) lt") AlurrltAii l'tltlinlll)lt III MritlAlluM llrtx-iiclt It llltrrta. Till' M''jii uri'lT" M lll'MC. .NATION Cliailr .Mnilln, a IrOUKt'i, l limit) Itoatrti lij I frail of i'olli,' lt'Ml. II rill III I'tttlil lit M.llu hlni'l Sn. limn Mat unlay nl Midnight- i ltt-.nU i.l Till Affair, I lie i,, l llmtrt Vrl. Jirh ,H tn Uli I no longer chief or tnllnd l'rp Korlr pottr uu teleutlim wu nail UAMIIMITON, l. ('.. Ma) I, from it io of the Star Ihenlri Th iiirtllAiuf. iihIa) ...iifriml ultli ! Hi" resignation tins been onrptrd by AUjor T I. Milioln. but Uli mic-tr lino twl named. Ill" mu)or. In runti'mallou ttli a llrtuli! itturni'iitnllvu till morning hrcrrlAt; llr)tt, nlm AiDtmiimtl (lint lmr(iV llrtrcntlnll In I In- Hit tort-ling tiA lint hern rlitnrM. Ihr ortlrUM) ri.tiflttnnl iimw(lUMl xUnX lio uic.por uuulU Uu ihv rrlwl of Crrw..i In n$:rrr to n llftHIC,j al jjjU time, nnltllrr. . , d.r Mivt j USiU io uU l0 " tn Uunjfih' do alil, and at ouco PntUil VtnM Hrrtlrn (lu nulijrct to a rxlul of n VAtflllNOTON", 0 l May wrl of wrou Uml ilii Hiraltt, lu tl up In lluvrU !f Ornvral Mnai aju.r and uo rdltor tanvo commit- MARINES CAN BE RELANDED WITHIN AN HOUR'S TIME MIVH iMTKLftT TAKKX I,V TIIEi3,,iCANS ARE ocarro majx CAMPAIGN- IIOCTES I'tinaiiUtM auJ Frlcml Arc HullrjCcneral opinion fa That Hnert Is Kiicnisinl in Shoulnir the Voters! When, lite Vnrlou t'olllns I'lacest An? l.iH-nin! Moraine il After-' ncMin Sair Women nt tho I'olU to Cnst ItalloU. Working Desperately to Draw the Americans to aa Attack: Upon Mex ico City, to Save Him From FalliaK into the llanili of the Hcbel Forcea t'niler Villa '. ' HKItMIS lA lt.NSi:A. I'miltlciil of llroill tonllnuM tu put I.U trewi In anion, (Ij akaIuii tliv city' oiecmlve. it raf illation olTortA lll rtnl K Hmt ho rntilil not fool nurnl ot n I'frtlilont WlUon ami hU adtUnr -fair JoaI" In tho manner lite utory think the Vera Crm itumfluntrntlon migm bo urllton up. Maturilax1 ai a til lift, hut the- nro the cauip o( the roljtiatli)lt or trjily for troublp, rimlth m lil n.nnull upon Clmrlon Thn mrulallon rommllteo a lohl Mnrtlu. u ImtKor, In Iront or tho Mc- Iiuiton lime oftcroil to meUlato hi that Aniorlfati participation In Ihlc Donalil i llutmnkcr nioon, Jul hc tt.,-n tho United 8tate nml Mexico, nltin ilopetiilii upon Uip fremiom of 'foro tM chulne hour Hatunlh)" nlgtit itIio offer vrnii teiitnthtfly riccopted by Itnrrlcnn troop ami rltlion from at- , InrK" crnd nl men nw thn nauU,'t, president through Si-crclnry or Tliene are the prenldelila r tho thrill moil iiowarful countries of Koulh America, who, through their mlnliiterii and ambaador at Wiuh- tack UnltrJ rM Brvlr MKXICO CITY, May 4Four hun dred refut Isavo today for I'utrlo, Vcilro. Admiral lladar hai iut a !il thero to Uko thorn aboard. am) a trail of blood from tho ceue of the combat to the poUofuce howi that Martin wan bleedlus profusely. Jutl what eaunvd tho trouble l not definitely known. a thero are several ilorlei lu circulation. The two men came from tho "loon toicrtlior, and HeporU that lluerta' health Is when they reached tho sidewalk the breaking Is untrue. Ilo Is actlr. tiftUer struck Martlu smeral severe alert, and In tho closest touch wlth'blows, knocking him down before I'a noslrs, UioukIi lt has not changed 'trolman Wilson and othern separated Ills habits. Ills officials are reticent regarding mnllitlon. Iluerta and tho liraslllau ti'lnlster met casually Hunday, and HtifMa assured him that he would the men Hevoral state that Smith was drink ing Saturday night. One member of the council states that earlier In the owning tho chief extended hint an .' i',ii..vvwvmv'."' 1 ln Itatlon to have a drink with him. (ConllnUAd on ni 4) which lio TefUSSd. inwm i-v.. . ...- , rr-rrrr I Titir to ckati:h uakk whkiu State Drynn. The acceptauco brougltt forth many different views lu Wash liiKton. Itepresentntho Flood, dvmo crnl, chairman of the foreign affairs committee of the house, had this to y: UAMO.N It.VKUOS I,UCO I'll l. lint or Clilll Ton. , .ii. i lioi'A not chntiKe our polk) cr niiKrcsilon lu the slightest. If 1 ltiort. realizing that he Is facing, .tanis to accopl this offer. It ill be r.lad news to uw. Hut If the icports of Auterlcani, held :u hostages arc true, then tho situation has chttiKt'd, and wo are bouud by only th1 spirit of our acceptance. But It u rta and nil tic represents must go, mid the Mexican people must come Into tl ulr own." Hut Senator Urlstow, republican find nor progressive, of Kansas, had othor lows UOQUK HAS'. 1'KXA I'n-xldent of Argentina Itepublie 'Astounding Is the mildest word I can think of to express my opinion of (ho president's action in agreeing to permit Chill, Argentina and Brazil to arbitrate our differences with Mexico. How can the United States arbitrate with a bandit whom we do not recog- nlzo to be anything more or less than a murderer? How can those threo J tin l fons use their Influence between a go eminent and something which that ROcrnment does uot recognize as any thing but an Individual? It Is the 'most absurd, the most Impossible situ ation that I ever heard ot." Nearly the full recurred strength ot the city will be voted at today's Municipal election, when a mayor, po lice Judge and city treasurer are to he selected for the ensuInE t-ao yen?. The registered striugth Is about 1 300. At 2:30 this afternoon there ere over 900 votes cast, divided as follews: First Ward 106 Second Ward . ., . .223 Third Ward 27S Fourth Ward 135 Fifth Ward 60 The voting was brisk as soon -as the polls opened, and there were many women who voted In the forenoon. After a lull at noon, the balloting be came brisk again. The polls close at S o'clock this evening. . ited Ptess Service . VKUA CHCZ, May I. The eatlre jl'iftli brigade I now landed, ready for ,duty. With the Marine. Gvaeral (Funstou lias a force, of 7,0OO wen. , The marines and sailor can be r landctl in an hour, if needed. Ttie Ucilts of the licet are cleared for action., The, bis. ttuaa are all Is readiness to shell the sandhills back of Vera Crus. United Press Service WASHINGTON. D. C. May 4. tTho general staff of the army has completed plans tor getting reinforce ments to Vera Crux. The transports at Galveston have been ordered to keep steam up. According to reports from 'Mexico City, General Maas Is being constantly reinforced. SUNSET MONTHLY SOLO BY ESPEE SNOW CAVES IN RIM HOTEL ROOF PASTOR CHOSEN M .JACK COXXOIiY HKTUHXS FUOM FOR TWO YEARS! i:i,m:u hahlax unanimously SK1.1.CTK1) TO FILI THE PULPIT or rmtisTiAX CHuncii rouj E FIRM TO GET THE i Udvertisixo maxagkr is the xew owner of the maga zineis head of a. a. a. a. BIRDS Remains of Victims Start for New York lly IIKIIXAHII UUt'KKU (Staff Correspondent ) AIIOAIUI 17. 8. S. MONTANA, (ln tlto H"o of watshlps lu tho Imrbor and wlroloss to VeiM Crux), May I Tho hemlod nnrthwinl, "II tlt HKs on VI..... . ,. . u.l A i.. I,..nt ullliw IMIIrt IllllrOll lit "'Miiiuii m Hll'UIIIIIIK uoiinwiiru i i"' ' " liiy, benrliiB I ho nimnliiH of tho nm-'linlf mast; while the murine.) mid tho HE COXFERREI) WITH RAM! Ell THE COMING TERM MOMYEH EDt'CATIOXAL FILM COMPANY'S OUTFIT ARUnTCS FROM ASH L.iND WILL SPEND TWO rliieM mid Niillors who worn killed In Hie fights iitlondlim tho lauding ot U'i Aiiiorliiin forcoH nl Voni Cru. Thn rings of tho vessel tiro tit hnlf xiiHl, n ml u special guurd of honor wtttchoH over tho twvuntuon leaden niskuta ilrupod In thu (lug, each con taining tho body of an American hero, Tho cruUo of tho vessel northward l altogether different from tho otto recently mudu south with (ho floot. Then tho moii wore flushed mid eager for war now they nro enshrouded in narrow, nd are performing their ilutles only according to routlno. As tit Moutaaa steamed through ineklos stood at rmorcnt nttenttou, paying tho Meet's last honors to tho momhers of ItM forces who roll In tho Hi'tvleo of thtilr country, Tho llags of Franco, Spain, Eng land, Culm and (lorinnny all dipped In honor of tho American vlctoms as tho Monition sped northward. WASHINGTON, 1. 0 May I. If ho cnu possibly do ho, President Wilson will go to Brooklyn Monday to personally honor tho dead from Vera Crui, Ho Is considering Issulnu a proclamation, declaring Monday a day of groat sorrow. Jack Conuoll), who wont to Ci titer Lake Friday to seo how Hurry Mo mer was making It, rotuiued to Klamath Fulls Sunday night, after walking seventeen of tho eighty miles from Crater Lake. Connolly left thn Stell houluum tera at 6 o'clock Sunday moinliiK, walked to Fort Klamath, mid lodo the rest of tho way. Ill with A. 1). Miller. ilo mid Mr. Mont) or went Io tho i tin of tho lake Saturduy to make rioniii meiisiiioliieltlH lu cotiuoctlou with tho completion of the now hotel, They found tho south end of tho roof outlroly domollBhed hy tho weight of tho winter's snow. The snow In tho park now Is about seven feet deep, mid ns hard us lee. At a business meeting of the mem bers of tho Christian church, held Just after the Hiindny morulng ser- MONTHS IX KLAMATH MBBBBBBBBKv New Auto Service. Charles I, Robertson has reslgnod his position with tho I'acltlc Tele phone and Telegraph company, to cu ter business for himself, lio has Just Inaugurated a now automobile livery service, Elder S. D. llarlmi I mini, Kliler S 1), Ilailau woh unani mously selected to till tho pulpit for I tlto coming two M'til'H. I Eldor Hnrhin has boon tho p.istor of tho Chrlstlnu church for the past your, mid during that tlmu lus been .hugely lustrumontul In securing many J needed Improvements for tho church building, besides adding ninny now I names to the membership roll. j Elder Harlan Is un nblo pf.stor, u .public spirited cltUou und likable man. Iu charge ot E A. Salisbury, man aging director, ,i camera forco from tho EducaUoual Film company ar rived this afternoon, to catch motlou (ilt-l me film bird life, scouer mid other nutter or educational wilue. They will lomaln here uhuiit two months. The party came iu from Ashland Ui their automobile, whkh Is especially arranged for this work. They will devote their efforts just to filming tho bird life lu the Lower Klamath l.ako Hlrd preserve, "In conjunction with tho state fish mid game commission of California, wo huo uoarly completed mi oxcep tloualb lino set of animal mid bird ,11ft) motion pictures," said Mr. Salts bury this afternoon. "We will finish this with tho picture wo take ou I.owor Klamath Lake, showlug tho pollcans, ducks und othor water fowl i through the muting and hatching seasons. "It Is our Intoutlon to muko a thor ough picturing of this groat bird pre JBervo mid Its bird life. Following that I wo will film Crater Lake and other i scenic points, besides fish and'' game I pictures," SAN FRANCISCO, May 4. Sunset Mugazlne, hitherto conducted by the Southern Pacific railroad company, has been sold to William Woodhcad. advertising manager ot tho publica tion, according to an announcement Just mado public by Woodhcad. The new publisher is president ot tho As sociated Advertising clubs ot Amer ica, and formerly president ot the San Francisco Press Club. United Press Service) VERA CRUZ, May 4. Five thou sand federals twenty-five miles from here are guarding both routes to the capital. Besides these, there are 5,000 jmore at Soledad, Mass' headquarters. 5,000 at Japala and 1,500 at Palms. Huerta's determlnaUon to draw the American forces toward the Mexican capital and save him from defeat and death at the bands ot the rebels Is b lieved responsible for Saturday's at- iui:n. upuu tuu wawr nuru. General Maas Is said to be prepar ing for an attack. Insiders at the capital say that the delay by America In starting for the capital Is embarrassing Huerta, Fall ing to unite the Mexicans, be hopes to provoke an engagement with Amer ica, and thus gain American protec tion for his life. Mr. Wooduead spent several weeks In Klumatu county In 1912, and ho has many friends here. Ho mado sev eral record trout catches at Harrimaii Lodge, Chopped Thumb. Harold Harlan, the little son ot Elder S. D. Harlan, had the misfor tune to chop off tho end ot his thumb (while using a hatchet last evening. Dr. Truaxr dressed the Injured mem- iuer. auu me uuie leuow is in no danger ot losing his thumb, though it is still giving him severe pain. Many Postal Exams to Be Held Here June 20 t i The poatmastershlps of six fourth class postottlced lu Klamath county are to bo determined at Klamath ! Fulls on Juno 20. That is the day tho civil service commission has set aside for these examinations, under the now ruling ot tho postotllco do pmtmont, Tho following postottlces will be awarded the successful candidates: Uly, qrescent, Dairy, Fort Klamath', Klamath Agency and Merrill. j An applicant for appointment, nt this examination must reside within thu territory supplied by the postofHc he desires. Application blanks can b obtained at the Klamath Kail nost office. 't t; -til I I .' ftl