a- CITY ELECTION MONDAY. POLLS OPEN FROM 9 a. m. to 8 p. m. e lEwntttg Mvralb i-ti II PRINTS Tl IK NKWS WIIII.K IT IS NEWS KLAMATH FALLS OFFICIAL , NEWSPAPER i "-ffiari: . I'lclilli Vmh '. U.IWH KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, SATURDAY, MAY 2, 1914 Trice, I''Ito Cent &h HUERTA FOREIGN MINISTER QUITS Colorado Strike Zone Is to Be Disarmed by U. S. 'NMWMWAMWWMMMMNMMVMMNMMMVMMMMM MlWMyWM(WWWVVWMVVWWVWWWWVVVVVVVlVvvViVWVVW STRIKEBREAKER IS CREMATED IN EXTRA BONANZAS IS ' More Plain Facts SECRETARY ROJAS SAID TO HAVE BURNING HOUS I AND FEELING IS RUNNING HIGH ONCE MORE i.Kinilsi otiiitnt is with acci-aim ItOTII KIlMLs uti:im:o itv upcr.iltit UmIu) Vio li.ii.iuu lu lilit arm nur suarda itr J a w do not aui to Vlll anybody " 1 lie proclamation u mcellmit," tlil Hip district prculdntil of tho 5lltt r Union. ' Wn have atwa) con- t'iidd i tin t If the mine guard were I't.trlliit n( Hie HixkrMIrr Hume not Hrttlr(i, We would HOI need nrriin .,.t Mtati.Unl Oil Offlrr In .Nrw'W" '""dr Ui aurmnder kit .11 Vik t'nnllnur, anil the Financier Ate Neglecting Tlirlr I'atial ItoM- ( mir! I'rc tfrvlc , w-awm whenever Ihr guard nr- VERA CRUZ, May 2.Ute thii afternoon, 500 federals are trying to cut off the city's water supply, attacking the American troops guarding the water plant. General Funston has rush ed re-enforcements to the scene of the trouble. Al CRYSTAL IS ARRESTED TODAY ARRESTED AS AN ARSON SUSPECT About the Administration of Mayor T. F. Nicholas QUIT ON ACCOUNT OF DISCORD; FOOD SUPPLY AT VERA CRUZ SHORT WARRANT IS IHHUKIl FOR Ills WIFE ALSO lluuli ( lii'(on, Well Known Hmidrnl ol Itoiianui, U Arrrltl on Hiu.pl- (By W.O.SMITH) Tbe man who make a failure of) any undertaking Ik always proficient man is trio one with sufficient ability and nower to overcome those obsta- MEDIATORS SAY THEY ARE SOW nffr(nf vrnsfr fnr nrh fntlnfo . . . " "- " " v,ciea ana winoutocroppcraiuonTCat MAKING TANGIULE GAINS ,n ,II usually will tell ou of a dozen or U tbe kind of man Klamath Falte; more unfortunate circumstances, any needs for major, IN TIIEIK PROGRAM one of which, had they been different, While on the subject, wo would like .lo.. of S.nrUnK .!,. Fire, lu Whlcb 'ould have enabled him to make al1" ?a' ?T fb0"! iilw ?nc'a'con-'oSlmughUej WW Reach WaWag- 'dltlon of the city. The debt of Klarn-' ' ili.r HlnrUIr ) Ttir) IMrt'i Waul lit Kill Financier. ttaltad I'm Hemic WAHIIINtlTON. U C. May 3 -I'mldoM Wilton lodn) ordered ih templet dUariuaitiviit of nil civilian lu tbn Colorado lr IVo dUtrlcU. Oar- ri.on iMiirtl a proclamation rUloe,,' lo umu -vtryon having arm and am munition III Urfllilrr them In I ho iflular Tbo ntdnr touched III liiiira ilv military language Tli til III ylHK (tint their looting III certain lx-allilr aggravated lho iroubl Ni:V VOUK. M i. I'lekoUim In front of "thr Standard Oil company and ili ltckifinr home idtitlnuco. Itockofellxr Jr U now rcludcl at Tarryintttt and hU fathfr iiiImmJ koU I tic ywUnrday for tlm flri llnm In many pk, l.anl lilglll tha lirOlrli-lf BtUH-ari'd nt Itiwkffnllrr'a church and iHraonlMl ' Would Jitiun ilpliold f.WMi mas ik .w,i.i:;i:i to ii.tvi: cowiatTr.n i,hm iik- i.o.ncim; to anotiikii to his OWN fSK. n iom hi ruinimit .nau, .f t no acuona 01 somo omeriath Failg t0liny iA jual M much M ,ti .rnr to io on HU llond for H-IPerou nr always rpontlble for hls',aa two ears sgo. Alt talk about I. n.,- I-.O..I Curtml). ' f,,lure' ' fln,ncf be,ns la sood shal,e In quite a lengty pamphlet Just dts-,1 deliberate misrepresentation. Some' .tribute on .h tr uv, v-.,u. P0",e Par tneir aeuis with notes and lllihto...! t, Itk .0aiu III., .f.. imLIaI I " 4llnllntlin4rtlAtwMS.W0ilMAmlf l""' -" '" -"" ""' IoIuh romplalns that h has ben t ih ..Uuu lu. -. " charged with "having done nothing. loun, unit arretted lam night and broiiKbt to Klamath Fall. James Urlfccoll and Allen Sloan went on his the ton Thriuday to Confer With Sccrt- tarr llryan anil Prcsidcat WIlM Chaotic Conditions in MexIcaaCaV Itul ;Auvt Indicated vby 1 ihcitojM Uuertu Fuss. 1 I i nlted I'reas Serrlee f " t y-i tiA atrl Tl aa v r .-. ntimil l "A itnti i tnfTn ? . a w t T blame on oiher parties for the nn , .--. f,.v,- ,r.,va. uxlui, ay . rorc.n ae ( think they have bettered their condi tion. Tbat is all the city has done. Clopiou. a rctad resident of lbatanJ proceed, lo offer excuses and lays, U "?" to?"ed d"' Wh,C,h Wl" h" 000 of outstanding bonds against the retary Eojas today tendered his re- Thls is regarded IjiIi- ihU ullrriiiMiii ,11, Ci)tal, l.r aar .Inparliurl.l Ulanua "" mpff)y wan,,, , M I.,, iroubto to ilm Colorado mllllla. 0rf,.r rr,,rf-r, llcxrkrfvllrr'a ntlltlldn In tlto Coioraiio i.,,,rlrli.r of "Ttip Ht-i-oiKl Cln Sa- lrlko?" Imm." n rn-ll by Coii.lal.lc .Sinclair va rlra4t lodn). Hn John .Mlialloclk Utou n warrant ald llm aiirlallalii do not ) nipatlilK' rlmruliiK tt 1 114 llli Inrrrii) by balltv. lth llio woman threat en I iik to kilt Tln roniplnliiliiK oluivna Is Thomiu Itinkofi'llpr lli xnltt Hip aorlalltta l.oi kill thn ayvtem lli iiIIpki'h that lie entrusted Tailor nt hla ntlmlnliiMtlAH N-o attention nM t,.'.. .,..,. dV and no" froTislon lias ret beenngnatlon to Hnerta. bond,, and he was released, to appeari,,,, ,h .M , th .,, .. . ., mada for crea.UnBj.a slnklns fund to as a conformation of tbe stories of -T1Tsdar fra ifollmluary heurlut: b-by lh6 raayo.( nad not ho seeu flt t0 Par off these bonds. dissatisfaction In the capital. loro jusuco oi too i-eace uoweu. Ighoulder the blame for one year of re,cnuB ul lul c,lJ lrom "a03, t w unaerstooa-tnarnojas was not Tbo airt of Clopton created much hu fajIurp on to tne jIeraId and Us ls about 29.000, if all tho tases aref.n accord Kith Huerta's refusal to s kurprUe here, as It was known thatjedlt0J. W are willing to stand for a C0,Iectcd- About IU.000 of this Islute the American flag. Huerta rc n a result of the fire Clopton lot all I wl0k,' ,ot bll w feeJ that M ,g'Pald out tn salaries each jean and.( quested the resignation yestejdny. of the poatofflco furniture, which bei,mpog,n8 0'n g00d naturc the Interest on bonds will amount to' ' owned and which wn not Insured.' .,,.- v'i0i,i ,,,,' , ,,, 10,000 more, so there isn't much left L nlted Press Service " t r itin vonnlnir AvnnnAa 1t t riff ll'ort'n t v Klamath Falls that he "has ' ' ' T ..;. : "'10""" V"' "' t- nothing" during his term of "'""" '"b i.n aw .ueuiauon assuming uennue sna. llii' luriiiiure was id oo oia iuo uei .,j0 )f nil) 10 joint norn. ine new poairaas-ijpjjg To Would IW- Amrrlrniw. IWlaratluiin of luti'iitioii In U'come rltli.ii" wr (llrd Friday nt tln rlr- court clerk's oltlcp by Audrnw mid al- Culled I'rvaa Hervlcn Ii:NVI:H, May S Aihlrn Jul rp-cn fclird atalo that n utrlkobrfakpr w JMarMinuitl". it native of Crn-ci' irrtualrd nt Oak Crrrk, whfH a frttiiuUm,r, nuMcr, who forawrar bullitlnic utiol aa n atrlkcbritakpr'i(,l;tniir, to Fratu-JoiM'f IoiIkIiic hotlMt wan litirnrtl. Iturlldl-i . arlim U rlinruinl, and fcolliiK U lnjn,M f.unliiK llaik, ,pn",' . f. I'owi'll, accompanied by lita Hliirlrf t'lilVluBtnii luu Ihh'Ii ai'Ut ,roihi'r and Utr-ln-lay', left Hncra- a timunaiKi uoiiara to ur)iai ran.. ,Cr jofflfo tM adralts tna. h I'ubllc offlco should be willing to ac-m is understood that the arbitrators and U uimblK to get It returned. Wlc Ul newg ot Mi arrwi wahM m(lde a falIure of tne ,ol) d cept the full responsibility of the po-ro hopeful of Veconclllng tho dlffer- CDatal'a bond htiMv bion fixed nt Cm,nu,.,i, many local friends rushed' Ucn (r, ,0 i.im thn otli.r f'oiinu-,s!tIon- U hIs position "! nature ences concerning Huerta, but tbeyiaru I3.0I1U i.y Justice or tne l'oace uoweu. , (, llU b0ul and to assist hlra ;for . of , , mia,akM fare such as to foster opposition that'silunt regarding Carranza III I. ..... ..I .. .. I, .. rk ('i.lr.jt ... " . , Hny other way posslD. 0 sajg. ..When wp flrst ,0Qk of. prevenis In addlilon to tne arrest oi nop-.,.. tll cnuncII ..... 1H ,fh (. - . . w...0.. ...... ,-. - , tltlons for street improvements. HU lieitrlnp. In set for Wisltii'Kda) afternoon tun Mrs. Clopton U also to be ar- hlm from accomplishing those things which the people elected i nlted l'ress Son leu him to iKirform, then he should re-. VEItA CRUZ, May 2: The food lo preserve order, but llu mllllla wa not sent. CANCER TAKES -MERRILL MAN ineiiio Friday In hU mmlilno, bouud for Klaiimlli FalU, nrrnrilliiK to word i 'UarrUiin'a iiroriaiimtioii Is wel-irneed from him by local friend. urnie," said the attornay for the mlnolTlis brother Intend to locate here. K. C. H. S. Annual Next Cll.tlU.Ii WII..XKV I'AKSES AWAY IMItl.Y THUS MOIIMMJ THh FirNEHAI, Wll.li HE HKI.I) SUN-.,H" HAY AKfEHMHIX teci d. Constable John Schallock left;. And these Improvements would llro to some other CclU of labor I problem Is becoming serious. It Is toi!.i for iJiKeview wtin a warrant iav bocn ma(j0 that summer, under WI,wre " uns a c,,aul1-ul ucccsa- '"enmpoabioie to ouuun iruit, mtiK nnu lor l er. .Mrs. uiopion was posunis- ,no oIJ cjlar,er. had i. not heen for , i--i" "- "v ..ic1lcu u u -omipr ai mo uoieis. tress :it lionauta at tile time ot tno s t.ro. rnd tbo lire orlglnaleil lu tho publish postoll.ee. ,Aui:ust .... ..,.. .....i... i ' ' niif iiuvrnuuu I'niriu mw.uv, western hud been selected as tho otll- jonn irwin R'uior uonau.u auu i-iu-iCnl nowspaier of tho city. Mr, gell Valley to summon witnesses anu Smith wont Into the circuit co make InvestlgalloiiH beforo the pn."' obtained an Injunction lllmliimy hearing. tho city from entering inl um vvniit mo eviuenco is nKi"i with the Korthwoitern. This made It It brought by Mr. W. O. Smith. Cln,s fers0"al T?6'5' Tftf . I ibllsher of the Evening Herald, on,,uan ,n mce that can Mlnr th nUea Hresa iKust . the day after the North-' K0C",S- , , I WASH INC Press Service ' t INUTON. D. C; May 2.-f- In conclusion, I am forced to mlmltt Embassy Secretary Nelson O'Shaugtt- that. I ennnot yet understand why nwsy, who has been In Mexico City, Is urt and' Mayor IchoIas should go lo the j expected in Washington Thursday to Well Prepared Magazine Published by Students Work of prlutltiK tho Klanmth jahowii, with plctutes of tho orgnnUa County MIkIi Hchool Annual has Just !. team, etc. Tho sltimnl section , . .... hu the iiaiues, iidilrec8 and presont -. completed nud tho !,;;,, ,,w ol ,, fr W bound Tho number w III Ik. I , oui m 0 curcit PlRcml on sal., nt tlu. high spImkiI Iiii- (( lU() 11Jnk ,i0mrtmout," 'dlslo y aflur tho class day exer- w,llmil,cn, ,,ll nt studonls uro ilws rrlday ufternoou. u , ,,0,ovw, that ,hU yonr.H iliovoliimo, which fompnrc favor-. iml)ca0II ,, aU ,,rovouH efforlK nl'ly with any high school imbllcu Ion In thn state, contains 104 pages f bright, well prepared matter. It Is profusely Illustrated, H4 connor ImU luni'H being used, III ilddltliill lo n mimber of clover cartoons, caricatur ing IiIiiko of studiiiit life In Klniunlh HlKli. . , Fuch duparlnienl whh carefully worked out, mid thoroughly covered y tho heads or tho various depart oients. In addition to photographs ot tbo faculty, there ttro alio treatises on Hie special departments of emloavor In Hie school, such na mnnunl train ing, etc, Tho Heulora uro shown In Individ ual photographs, with a resume of I be student's record In school, Pic tures of tho other clssse. and tho "indent body officers alto appear, All phases ot school activity are erllimod. In addition to Us editorial excel lence, the book Is well filled with ad vortlnemenlH. llcsldes this, nit but llfleen copleH of the publication have been purchased In advance, so Its financial success Is assured, Ulaiid Haines Is edltor-lu-chlef, Clifford Rovlls usslslant editor, nnd Rltlnohnrilt Motuchnnbachur business manager. Tho olhor membora of tho staff follew: Hubscrlptlon manager, Oliver A plognto; Athlotles, Forrest Plot; Bo rial and Dramatic, I.oulio llonion; Jaslios, Edwin Cox;, Alumni, Ernest Nail; Faculty, Deeilo D. Applegate; Seniors, Win. Hageliteln; Juniors, Verdit Cosad; Sophomores, Austin Ctto; Froth, Hortense Hoguo; staff artists, (leorgo Btankey and Oliver Applegate, , At 2 tilt this momliiK, Charles Wilson, whoso home was neur Mer rill, was culled by thu (Irliu llcapor. Mr. Wilson hud been suffering from ennter of thu stomach for scAuial mouths, mid cer bopo for recovery was abuiidoned b) tho pli)slcluus sev eral wouks ugo. Two onerutlons moved of only totu-i porury relluf, tho operating surgeon Ica8 Cloptous Is not known locally Tho arrest, It Is understood, was made nt tho Instance of n Mr. Uo Hay, an Itinerant blacksmith, who started some sott of an Investigation at tho tliuu the. cltlzoiiH of Donauxa offered n reward of $1,000 for tbo arrent and conviction of tho person who started the lire, If of an Incendiary origin. Pe Hay Is said to ;mve threatened to restraining1 troubIe ot issulnE a statement to the confer with Secretary Flryanand P.r oa contract 1,,,e, acC"s,"B 11mo ofIbeInK P-jWent VJHson. Kr frkKff ! pi i. .. i. sIb,e 'r his failure. I am not run-! ' l a ,f!f IiodI 1 t-tl tli4 fon,fitt- ri'hu Hlvcrsido, school, vv.hich ias en closed for 'Kevcral 'liaysjowlng absolutely Impossible for the city to ' """ ",r "J,ur' u,,u "u,c "v" "u Initiate any improvement. ,wanw,l'-rt In tbo campaign. there was no ottlclal paper." Here wo havo a man, offering him .elf for re-election t offlrn nab in Tbe twirling of "Red" Lawrence' the voters to incept such a flimsy ex-lfr lll Scrubs hold the Scouts to two ,SimMi TuLv (i.Hiiie. ho the contracting of measles by tlie jauuor, i.esuu siearns, win re-open Monday morning. The building has beeJthora,u1K1b,lJy fumigated. J Circuit CbtiU Clerk George Chui- uxplalulug nt the time that no humnu skill could prolong life moro ilitiu a few du)M, Thu fuueiiil will bo held Sunday at 2 p. in. from the Merrill M, 1). church, Itev, Acheson conducting thu services, Tho deceased was u nutlvu of Cali fornia, having beou roared In (llonn county, whoro his father was u promi nent grain grower, Uesldos his wife and two small children, ho leaves a brother, (leorgo Wilson, and three sis torn, Mrs. Dan Van llrlmmer, Mrs, William Hall and Mrs, II, Hutchinson. Mi.. . ii. .,in fr,,. ii rii,,-., nr runs, while the Scrubs nlled uo five I his administration. No self-ro.ii.ctlnit'Unu?s ,hat number, lu an exciting. man. ui.iiihpr im U riinninir nn. (school ten m gauio of baseball at Mo-1 paper or not, would sit still and Por-tuuc l,arK- 4no teams nno eacu wuniuuu aim lamnj- are visumg irieuua ue for pay for the time he had put,mu himself to be buncoed out of legit- a Karao' autI third will bo played to 'In tho vicinity ot Bonanza. They wfll In while acting br n detectivei on thomm0 business that he Is honestly en-Uettle the question of supremacy. be goup untl lute Sunday. titled to. The Herald is not to blame'- because the city otllcliits tried to evade) the provisions of lite law and got caught at tt. If Mayor Nicholas had hud the nerve to demand that the I 'council follow the law In the naming ,of tho olllclal paper, there would have i been no lawsuit, and the city would I have had an olllclal paper during the BAZAAR AND EEED IS MONDAY BILL IWhere II'n u Daughter. Thu pi mid mid haughty manner uf foiled toduy by Edmund M, Chllcote, and his Inability to attend to his real estute business properly nro occasion ed by tho arrival of a daughtor at the Chllcote homo hint ulghl, Tho young ster weighs 8 14 pounds. 'year 1912. Anothor raubo for "doing notliiug" l,.Oli:s All SOC1KTV OF TUEl's filven as the "Charter Muddle." rnms-riAS CllUltCll ARE l.Hi:.ThU '" ?'.Ven Ub. ,he re?fcon U' c,tJPl vva& iiuauie 10 uo any improvement. l'.ltl.(i TO SERVE A TtKn'H-Atter the voters uro told that nothing SOMF ItEI'AST AT .NOOX could bo done on account of tho char ter mlxup and tho "obstacles" thrown ' ,ln their piuh by tho friends of to Vote Monday List oi the Candidates and the Places to Ballot To like County. I'll cult Judge Henry 1 lloiuou and Couit Reporter R. M. Richardson left this morning for L.akevlow, where tho judge will conduct tho May term of the circuit court there, An election day dluuer und a baiaar urc to bo given Monday by tho Ladies Aid Society to tho Christian church lu the White building on Main street. The dinner will bo given at the noon hour. At the baiaar needle work and household necessities will bo sold. New Hiilcsnum, II. Wolcher ot Now York city, has nccopted a position with K. Sugar man. Mr. Wolcher Is a nephew of his employer. tho commission charter, Mr, Nicholas con eludes with "these street Improve ments would have been ruado that bummer, under that old charter, had it uot been for a suit brought by W. O. Smith," If there were no problems to bo met and overcome lu tbo miiuaRcmeut of the city business, It would bo of Uttto Impnrtanco who was elected to the ofilco ot mayor. Any man, even In private life, must expect to encoun ter opposition and meet many obsta cles In his work, Tho successful' 1 The following information is Klvcn'j for tho guidance of voters who will) cast their ballots for city officials on' Menday: " Candidates for Mayor , 1 John Austad, socialist. Dan Corcoran, non-partisan. (i Edward J. Murray, non-partisan. T. F. Nicholas, non-partisan. W. C, Tovvuscnd, non-partisan , M. (1. Wllkins, uon-partisan. Candidates for Police Judge C. A, Edler, socialist, 1 A L. Leavitt, non-partisan, Wilson S. Wiley, non-partisan. Candidate for City Treasurer J. W, Siemens, non-partisan. J J W Tyrrol. socialist. Avtliur,R. Wilson. Jnon-parUSuBj Vor.Outmcliaian Fifth Wiu-tt M R Doty, non-partisan. H. J, I.ockwood, non-partisan. t'li..r.. In Vnt ', ftv" First Ward uank Excbanjeeor 1 nor Main street and Paine allef, ' Second Ward City ball; eorajr Main and Second streots. I, Third Ward Maheu building Main atre-M rc!T Plffhfli. ' S 'Fourth Ward Bath house, 1 uade. Fifti) Ward;--Falrview stoTMi urd VP'1"1 streets. x f -pj Polls open, at 9 a.n. saa etose ((8p.m'. " -"- v,frj V.H-ii- j -4j. -xi, d j-m I J-". . -, v.j v . i " v j '?'&( KA m s 'VI f n & .13 vr t l ?' 4