v s !; i Eu rottup l&raUl PRINTS THE KLAMATH PALLS' OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER NEWS WHIMS IT IS NKW8 mr-wmwumnimut u mil www.y ne ?,?.' gjfcj -alilli Vrm uittft7 KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, FRIDAY, MAY 1, 1914 Price, Five) ROCKEFELLER JR. REFUSES A SETTLEMENT i r-i sNVfysViiVVVVVVVVVMMMMMNMMMWMMIW AAMAA . mh i old log road is BEING TALKED OF FOR NEW HIGHWAY jiw i hi: ion old pokeoama vii.noAM nKh tun,,..) Mrr wi.i.i. u) i .. (. KUmollt I'elU U Bring Twii I'l. N ,,iiu,H,m. .,,.; Kllit of Wat, ! HciihmM l lulu A llllt) pMMfl I.IIIiM Will ljMitr llllrrlt Mil-, Tt u of tlm moidl u( I In old KliUHili I.." Lumber riMi'ii' Itlltudit tilrTit Tluall and Pot, U (. (Urli lilflli lt a llfV.' til-lta4 tg(.irn. nhlrli. l M Vey low nut. klHlMlUftliot KUttMll. I'rtlU telllt tllO Olltoimt li" IiIkIiJ Ut u leiel twltil Tar t mifulllla-OltXOtt Per ! fsiiy , utllll t!iuc (nr llil. C. T OlhTf and tiht ll irilr at h i.(cirli-it Tie tailnud Wing tor it ii U tpn !).( uillr lit length II pin Ik ortfrfiiiillr to Imul lot In Bill I'HII nl KUiimllioii, but II tll a l.ftfi.l IiiIii.-, ml prattlrally alt itf tic rsflj name ! KUmath Fill nut Ha thu tailriw.t In) in Thrall la I'oUr.altift and frw llirrc In I')' With lli learltlK U of the llf and rail the riflu nf my in Hip Mitral nnrf It U helne mttocai J lUi ilir rtelit nl way be witcil a toco at iu.ali). i) Klamath Jait.un tad XiiVitim riMihllr. it n it the null Wd, blflt I alone nti c;iy trade, be tl a a portion u( a lie highway Id fOBhrft Willi Hip t'allfmhla tatn TM rntim rlltiu with Hie ulnto Mill mi, i mmlo iy mnniiit of Itic ilrrl Lrlilfir arrOM thrt Klntllfltli ItlVrr mtltf ho low Klnmnllion. whlrli I on.l by the ilpdinrl rnllroml, Krom Ibrrt I" t'oVoiaiim Itio tluo of Hie rallroml U rock IiaIUhIoiI, nml wilt mill an ffrllnl hlnhway. Prom I'oktcMna dm rrtnt lilnliway con 6cu kith ilia (Ireon HprlitKn Moun Uln mad tiriworn Klantnlli Kalln ami Aihlamt "II llu. intuition will lakn uvr llm rlihi nf nay for the roail, our rom ry lll nrMj to tiallaitt Itio roail tti dreti It wlih rlndora front Thrall to nur jtlant IhU aldo of Pall Crok, tllniniicti of nftcon mllr," aaltl Jttntno t'liurchlll, a dlroetor of tlio Callfornln-OrrKon l'orr comimny, to. Jty. Only Seven Showery Days Precipitation for Rainy Month Was LessThanlnchj ll tho "May flowors" lu Klamath flinty list) to depend upon tho "April hoers" for their coming, thore uld not ho tho wonderful array of HHit blossoms that graces hills and liollowi today, for April showers this 'r amounted to less than nn Inch of I'rsclpliatlon, To bo perfectly exact, tbo total ralu fH during Hie month Just ended was s of an Inch, We have the word of Meteorological Hocordtr Albreoht ""tiler for this; alio for the fact that 'n April, tots, tho precipitation for tliutmmth was LOG Inches. n April, 1013, there was also IV '"clifs of mow fall, This was Just H Inches deeper than the snow fall "'' April. In tho matter of temperature, April 1813 was also a little behind the put month. Tho meau average for the April, 1014, model Is 46,7 degree, M last year It was l,7, The warm WARLIKE Congress Is Asked to Make War Down in Mexico City, Huerta Liberates All Political Prisoners, Saying That All Mexicans Are United Against - p Common roe lr ImHIBVVh AkBBh J - flu "I &t- 'Bl-i' Kf rolHBAB b Vb I fB19j99EVTL t 71t Vj iaH HB iBV JHBH MBBPBMBMfeMUiiBiMBiMA. a .Mill. .-fg a b ?b i TTTT BBI IbWVKB l 4nvQVBQIIvvliHBMHfllflUBB KrrW"BBfcBBftSBB B C ,BpbMtfBCPSrjjBxr B MMaakBJCaMMHaiaiMaiiBBaMHiHMlMMMaDiMBMMHMMaMHBM-aHi tllilled I'rios tktrvlca VI2HA fltl'.. May 1 Advices from MkxIco City ay (tint Huerta this morning rclennril all the political prU onera, Including a number of con KrwMiU'U h wure Jailed for oppos ing the dli tutor The prisoner er matched In front n( the National Palace, whern Huerta addressed them, "Wo itro now brother, facing a common ouvmy, tlio American Invad- est April day In 1013 was 73; this year It wan one dogreo warmer. Tho coldest n yoar ago was 20 degrees, which also In the minimum recorded this yoar, The only point nf ndvautago April, 1913, has over the mouth for which bills are Just being tout out, was in tho number of clear days. Thore wore .tiaht dava In Anrll. 191 8. when not a cloud appeared on tho cerulean can opy, and n year later there wore soven clear days. Tho summary for tho month of April, 11H, follews: Temperature Mean maximum, 67.9; mean minimum, 33,0; mean, 4R.7. Mnxlraum, 74, on 18th; mini mum, DO, on April 84th. Proclpltatlon Total. .80; groateat In 94 hours, .86, on April 9th. Number of days clear 7, partly cloudy 18, oloudy 7; with .01 Inch or more precipitation 7. MOVES TAKEN TODAY NATIOVAI, PALAfi: AT .MKXICO t'lTV, III IIItT.VS vrn," he mltl In concliinloii. I'oIIowIiik llil tho llberatutt men were furnished "Itli funds, nntl scat jiTtil to illtTeruut parts of tho country 'to it pi cml lluorlu iiriipiiKandn lluertn has also .seised nil tho mi looun In tbe cupltul, He Is furulslilug jlltiuor to the federalists to keep them 'to)nl. United Press Servlca WASHINGTON, D, C May I. American Consul Canada reports that then are 1,&00 Americans still In Mexico City, Instead or SOU Tho nut- IJorlty, It i reporlinl, are awaiting piiHsiiKu in Voni Crux, Canada will ask the Ilrntllliiu out Ibassy or Admiral Craddock of tbe llrltlsh navy to arrange another refti- goo train. TWO JAILED FOR ROBBING A BOAT OimiS ARRESTED AT MACDOKL YESTERDAY FOR LOOTING THE LOWER LAKH PRESERVE PA. TROL LAUNCH Charged with robbing tho Lower Klamath Lnko patrol boat of supplies and foodstuffs, Lloyd Keer and Her bert Hrown, two youths, woro arrest ed at Macdoel Thursday and brought hero last night by Constnbto John Schallock. This afternoon they pleaded guilty boforo Justice of the Poace Qowen, and wero fined 126 and costs each. In default of this they will be Imprisoned. Money Available lll.'AMVIAItTKUS I tilted Press Service WASHINGGTON, I). C. May 1. Thin pertnnnetit peaco lu Mexico Is not expected U Indicated by tho re Utteht that tho army appropriation hill, exceeding 1100,000,000, bo made Immediately nallablo. CoiiKiessmau Hit) Introduced a Joint resolution to this offect in the house. It has the approval of Presi dent Wilson. A similar rider will in all proba bility bo attached to tho naval bill. It has boon learned that Huerta Indicated to tho mediation commis sion that he Is willing to salute un conditionally If America withdraws her forces from Vera Crui. Ho was told that he has gone loo far with Ills Insults, and that Amer let Insists that ho be eliminated. HALF STATE TAX SENT TO SALEM OVER TIIIRTV-TWO THOUSAND DOLLARS FORWARDED TO THE CAPITAL TODAY BY THE COUN TY TREASURER Tho lit si hull of Klamath county's portion ot the state tax waa forward ed toduy to the state treasurer by J. W. Siemens, the county treasurer. One-halt ot the taxes slue tkf UU amounted to 33,146,47. The second half will be duo September 1st. The state treasurer has announced that by tomorrow enough tax money will lmvo boon received from the county treasurers to redeaa every out standing state warrant. : United Irp Service. 8A.V UIKC.O, Slay 1. After ItHnK Ntoncd and Iniulted and thronloncd with death by Mezl- earn at Guadalajara, Manianlllo, 250 American cltltena arrived 4 here today on board the German 4 nfnnier Muriu-. Of the rcfugeea ! alxty were women, mventy-two children. The majority of the refuse were Klvcn but forty- ) nlKhl hour to leave the country or tx-como Mexican cltUem. I A they boarded the vetiel at Manzanllto the American comu- late ihpte aa ltorrned, and a 4 doien American flasM 'tre torn to ttrlpn and burnad. TROOPS OFWORLD IN A 816 TOURNEY IVtl.HVVIIUVU. M I M T.l It V iiiii:i:i(:; ,t sax kuax. Kto wm.i. mi: um. rmsT ix 'I UK wnni.M's HISTORV (I!imI! .,.vi.ii Siitiic) HAN KltANC'ISCO, May 1. More than 30,001 troop, reprenenlatlve of all the Mat nation of the world, are tfxpt'ctnl to pattlrlpatc In tbe greatest military tournament over held, upon the Kioumla of the Panama-Pacific In U'llMllonnl l-'xposlllou. Tke. Imitation extended by tlie war Iftiartrncntof the United Stales to flu) foreldi nations to sond (rooiis to nn Intornniional military eucamiimcut I lnhiK heartily teevhed, and for the llrsi ilino In history tbo troops of tnoit than throe nations will assemble tor utauouvcra durltiR time of peace. With the exception of the time that tl.o nllled armies occupied Pekln, this will be the only iustance when the troops nf more than thrcr rlattons haw boon enramped together. WILL ADVERTISE THE PARCEL POST XHW POSTMASTER UEMEVES ItK CKIITS OK lOSTOFFICE CAN HK IXCREABED BY USE OF PRINT ERS' 1XK AND ARGUMENT R. Phil Carpenter, editor of the I Noble (lud.) Times, tbe democratic orgau of Hamilton county, became postmaster of Noblesyllle a few days aao. Mr. Carpeuter has aunounced that he Intends to buy space In all the Noblesvllle papers to boom tne Dust iness of the office, especially the parcel I post. "I expect to carry space In the news papers throughout the year," ha said, "and show the public that advertising pays. Iu my Judgment It will Increase tho receipts of the office. At least I am going to give the method a trial i for a year." TRUE DISCIPLES OF IKE WALTON TWO MEN WHO OUGHT TO KNOW BETTER ENTER INTO SCHEME TO DEFEAT THE PLANS OF A HUSTLING YOUNG MAN "Uncle Sam" Bennett and Frank Swlnglo left this morning with Holly Swingle, Frank's ion, tor the letter's horse ranch In the Silver Lake coun try, whoio they expect to spend the summer. Everybody who knows Holly Swlu- HOME Of FINANCIER IS GUARDED 10 KEEP AWAY THRONG; HEARSE FOLLOWS WHEN HE GOES ABOUT clo knowa that he If a faultier, and hucii a tning as apenaing two aayi on; the 210 mile trip necessary to reach I ibomc never entered his mind. Taht this was well known to bU .older companions was evidenced by the fact that last night friends heard 'the nacali forming a scheme to de feat ti," plans of the younger man. fl.;yi Frank: "Undo Sam, Just about now the trout will be fighting to lat the band In the Deschutes, but I don't suppose Holly will lay over In Crescent to give us a cbance at 'em. He's In such an all-Qred hur ry to got home. What will we do!" All that know "Uncle Sam" Ben nett know what he can do In a pinch, especially when the pursuit of plsca-" torlal pleasure is at stake. Says "Uncle Sam"; "I'll tell you how wp can fix that. Just before we get to Creuccnt I'll set a thundering headache, and you can get In my car with me, and we will tell Holly that ( 't ron't do for me to go on, but that ; be needn't wait, and we will come on tomorrow. Then we can get the even-j Ing fishing that night and the early, mnrnlnr flshlnr next dar. and take a mess or trout to 'em In the after- noon." Xow. what do you think of the old rascals! . j -J .- -- MOVABLESAWMILL HITS KLAMATH CO. stating that William Green, the Inter- national secretary of tho United Mine DAIRY MAN IS THE PURCHASER Workers, announced that the miners . . ... ivrere willing to waive recognition of OF PORTABLE PLANT-WILL ' fi UnI(m , , of th. CUT TIMBER NFXAR TlUTTOWNjcamp. Foster urged Rockefeller to IT ONCE negotiate and settle the strike on this tasls. Rockefeller forwarded the message A portable sawmill, which can be .to the operators here. Later he wired .quickly transported from place to Irlofo as the timber I? cut away, has 'just been purchased by P. A. Jerome nf Dairy. He purchased an outfit of the Farquhar type from the Baldwin Hardware company. The outfit Is being unloaded today. It will be taken to Pine Flat, this side or uatry, ana piaceu iu operatmu, "' - raugements having been completed to deliver the lumber to Klamath Falls concerns. Tho portable sawmltl will cut 12. - 000 feet of lumber a day. In From Merrill. Among those who are visitors In the county seat from Merrill and vicinity are Ed Terwllltger and Mr. and Mrs. J. Frank Adams. Cannot See Government Reserve Closed Until After Hatching Until the eggs are hatched and the little pelicans, shags, herons, comor ants and other birds are basking In their seml-uude state, the bird Islands in Lower Klamath Lake Bird Pre serve are closed to visitors. An order to this effect has Just been Issued by T. S. Talmer. assistant chief ot the biological survey. The order, Just received by John L. Furber, warden of the rsierve, fol low! : "In reply to your letter of April 16, I beg to lay that no season permits tor taking visitors to the reservation can be Issued; that so visitors should bo allowed to visit the nesting ground 'jjhjT41ev HTEAJLIXU FROM STOKES; REGULARS ARE ARRESTING OH EM Iln Telegram to CongreMsaaH Foster, Rockefeller Refuse to Consider Ue Offer of the Strikers to Waive Rec ognition of the Union and Unionis ing of the Mining Camp -Considered a Refusal to Arbitrate. United Press Service. THINIDAD, Colo.. May 1. Troop G. Captain C. C. Smith, went to Walsenburg today and , took charge, the militia leaving some time this afternoon. Last night citizens complained that the members of tbe militia were robbing them by force and looting the stores and-saloon. Captain Smith Immediately arrested six members of the ; militia and recovered part of the j loot. Including fifty quarts of whiskey and twenty-five boxes of clgare. , I'nlted Press Service DENVER, May 1. Congressman I Martin D. Foster, head of tbe coa ' creislonal strike probe committee, telegraphed John D. Rockefeller Jr.. Poster, refusing to "enter into nego tiations of any character with the n cera or agents of the United Miners." This declaration Is taken to mean that the operators will not arbitrate. I United Press Service I new YORK, May 1. The demon- 'tttation against John u. Rockefeller Jr. Is so violent that his home Is be ing guarded night and day. The po !ic are concerned about his safety. j Tho picketing of tho Standard Oil company's office has been resumed. Tho pickets wear badges with the legend: "Thou shall not kill." A hearse U driven back and forth ! In front of the Rockefeller home. It jln front of the Rockefeller home, follows Rockefeller to and from hH office. the Pelicans until after the eggi have hatched; that In case any launch parties visit tho reservation you should personally accompany them and see that the blrda are not .unduly disturbed. You will beheld responsible for the safety of the birds and should see that they are not unduly disturbed, even through Inadvertence. Fleas report tho nuaei, addresses and tho date on which any persons visit tbe reser vation aa a part of your monthly re ports." During the season the young Mrde are growing, tbe floating lililde J" the liower Lake are visited Tsevlr kr. thousands. i&"! fca 1 L nl