REGISTER! County Registration Books Close Tonight at 5 p. m. REGISTER! turning lliimtlit .wtl aa PRINTS TI 1 1 NKWS WHIMS IT IS NiiWS KLAMATH PALLS' OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER 4 Ui.1 J m t lUinii vHir ' u.two KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, THURSDAY, APRIL 30, 1914 Price, Fire CcaU eh Marines Are Withdrawn and Troops i Placed in Vera Cruz; Mediators at MFDIATORS SAY FORCES MUST BE KEPI IN MEXICO : INITIAL PHOPOaALH hhaftkii wii.i. hi: Scctrtj llrgaHllg The I Hrlng Maintained -Mrliurt if Vrr t'nti Ma) Make Amrvira l( (ur Hit. l')ntrnl nl AhkikI lnfml on Mnliu'a National IMM ii WIiih.i. ine mi iUitnllli, 1 14 .J 1 loa tkMlcv UAHlllNuTON. I. Apill 30. Te mrillalil are ready (O draft lite Initial poHual, Tim priiMHllnti arr iu4( cAtvrully guarded Soiiiitr sldn U 7ipi"l lo (ft Ik all i.l lli UCKrtl()i, tiUt tllP IllcdU- lot llHpB solu. of thaw lll be ! prturd however. iWutary llryan lu noihlu; in ay no ir tiujtrt nn approacnm, The mediators are considering th i(u(Kttou of working ui an pUillon llan fur giving all Maxlrant an equal tlilr l lltP jmlla, II la t.ellcVrtl IliU ill rMulro tb support of all far llfitit in make It nurrr-nful In llin llirnllmp Ainrrlra llllul Vr llir nrutrtl forcra iuanl Tliv rnr. fnrtt-a rniint lo wllliJruwn mi Mm umrr irntnlQ lu malulaln or Jrr Tlit-rr tuual to inc ort ol aillf lAtiiiai Kunmnlcc, nm lli Iroopt -ill atrorU tbtaV. In liU talk to tlio meillmura, rirc iriarj llrynii I ml lent nl Hint Amrrlra ! inrllimil to n ncnrrnua falrnr, lint irilsln ailtuUtloiit liitul ti followpil I'rhntp Hrrrlar)- Tumulty nltlrl all trnliil tlir roport Ihnt Ami'rlrnu futi liaii tiombardod Mtntaolllo, mini l'rM Hrlr VKItA t'llUB,, April 30-Tlm Mx Irnti niri'pnisnt to iikmIUIo carried mti ii)- rirvlloiia. Iliiorln l not derided jll.t how far ho will go. hut It U ibidem that ho doe. not consider 11-alKlintlUII. Ihe situation In the Mexican cap ital Is Indicated by the following mvs 'iKi from Foreign Minister llejas: Up to this lima mediation Is ac ii'iiinhln Ifl Matlco In principle only. As anon as tho proposition liavo been miluiiltted lo Mexico and have been derided upon I will be in n better po- (Coattaued on page 4) May Assess All Land ill . ii tit... ir . Water Users Will Vote m ahuuld the water users uuiler the Klamath project whose land are not vi Irrigated, pay aiseonunt charged i" the Klamath Water User Asso vlttlonT Thl Is u question that hat bon mooted for years by the association. In one case' it was taken to the cir cuit court by a water user, who no cured an Injunction agalnit the levy ing of assessments against hi land, which wai not undtr irritation. At last year'g annual meeting of the Water Uff ANOclaMoii, an niuendment wa 4cipttd, raltMlng iIimu people from th payment of MAMAMAMMySAAAWVMWVVVWVWWWWV I'llltrd l'rr lirnlii Ni:V VOHK. April So ulo. in-1 Theodore Kooaitvcli today Pablml lilt W(i) Hint tin ami Ills on, Krruill. r film, and that their tin mil American liunilnic trip llM bteil moil UCCeflll Hip lUin n( tilo rturit to America hti nut eitim by Mr ItllOaaVlIt !( llladp U rf("T- nr 10 I tto frequent prn ills- atrtii- n( arfldi-ntit to Itir par I) xlillo i-ourlliC Hid Itrallllaii JuiiKlr. tt starch ol rare sped meita "1 animal llf? for the inu teiuni E SHOOTING COSTS HIM $25 . O. Wll.m'H In I'M IH1 J I r Tin, ttriir iM'ov ii.tiuu: or lit mimi initio on or si:.i--o ii nvi'o - - r O Wilbur Wn ui-(fil I Ilia af- unioon b Deputy flame Warden iienry Mtnui. coarsen iwi uuimnr. KPr out of iaxm. rurriil Wednradav from town riiti-riM il' of unlit)- li- liirr Jtmllrn of the Print' K 0i rti tin wan flncil ISC unit col MOORE Will IS PROBATED TODAY ni iii.i w. kn)iii: w x.i.MKit as KXIXTTOU KHTATi: Pi IWTL , FII-TEE.N ' il.VTKO AS iVOHTH lll'MHi:i IK)l.l,AIIH Thr will f the lati Mrn . ...1... I...r I .. .I.mfli UnflinluVi "'""' w,,u ""'""' ",",,",; .,7. '''" mUtml to iirotalo tl.Ul lllllTIIOOn HIT on, Vllii " Mooip, Is named as executor. The estaie I valued at $1,.'00. A ilollnr ench la betjueathed Elinor and Ellsworth Moore. ITOO la bequeathed lo tlrovur Moore, and tho remainder Is left to be divided between Charles W Moore, tlcorgo Moore and Mr. Ethel Casoy. Kuykemlnll & Ferguson are at torney for the administrator. II r al:-:ill7-a on Use of Original form charges toward maliituliilug the asio ctntlon. This year tho question It to bo submitted again, Tho annual meeting will be hold Juno Rib In Klamath Kail. Thoe championing the now amendment, which would cancel that of last year, say thoso whoso lamia uro alguod un der the project are being bonellttcd because the association la working for speedy delivery of , water to their land. Tliny nUo claim that tho voto last year was not a majority vote, as the greater number or stockholders bad .left before tho balloting wa atarted. GO Three Americans First of the Mexicans at aaaOi'2Sf aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaUTaaafCsaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaV '" "Jw HOvlEaaSaHaKaaaaaaaaaaaaaaKaaPM 'Sj"'"'l4C'iPiB Jnliii Hminarlier Inn aptalil W It ItuMi f tin l.nltloliip Florida Ihtulfl mnniiiii nt Wra Chit, under Major Smcdlpy llUU . tl, . .i,.;niit. Til shooting OOjHT.. tiUFU -nil" -"IV down the river A HaKorty of CarolirMK". Mat. George Polnett of Philadelphia. John Hrhuinarlipr of lirunklyu nnJ Ssmuel Martin of Olilrago They were tli firm to Rive up tliMr live for their country In what may he long wnr with Mi-xlco. or a mere temporary oc cupation or ti-rrltory. n Prenldent Wilson wishes. To tin parent of each man .Krl in oil for Ills country. Secrnlnry of the Navy Daniels wrote, nt the direction of the president, thl Mler ' fon' dolencp- -This morulni;' dlspntche from Wra Cru couvcyliiK the dlstrcssliiK I.. il. tr n.a Hint our son a m .... , K,w, ,, , f0 for his country HAdileus all American as the tragedy hrlngs Kloom Into jour home, . . . .ii.... i !... ..)!.. ur iim II V ICCIII1K HU" io i" i II me leeniis. ., UUhirealHnt to you lu this ud hour was SAVIOGE BROS. IN DAMAGE SUIT LOSS OK THREE KIXEIW HV YOl'Nd MAX l4 HASIS FOR TVO( ,CTII)VS, AOMRl-MJATIXfl TEX TIKH'MAXO IN)I.I.ARM Two mills for damages, aggregat-1 lug 1 10.00U, wore commencedfagiiinst Snvldgo llrothora' Lumber company tl,rM of l0rc,t flres In the Northwest , this morning through Attomoy W. 11. woodj ftml ,ho metn0dg employed In A. Hcnner. Ilolh are based upon the, photographs and tree 1 i.i .. m'niHvn 1.. Hnivmsn. aged ,iiia hj. i I K. who lost three fingers from his models from several cltlea i of t he M ,u,d . . u- .-. 'rsi. lu the tint action tho youth. r,0"tt ,llrry II. Stowmim. lite no-l friend, tai;;,". mfntclpi.l foretlry In' ..ii.,.ih' Aii.iitiiiir naalleouce and .".." ..." T.....ii.... i. .i. men i iui. ...-i..." - mand $7,600. ,.,.,.. in(.iUdfld street '' way ' reaching here from other llrryU.8townau,aafgthorofiho '"' "t '" D c wh!r.,P0tati Tha aporUnuofa paradl.e. mjurcHad, is plaintiff In tho "co-IJ-J; " ioTmany scenic Joint, of Intere.t. the action. Ho alleges that by reason of, '" ."';.' in Western cities par-1 metropolitan accommodation of the tl,, which I. blamed to tho J'61 'npJj5j CM 'white Pelican hotel, the .ummer rt- Inmber company, tho boy's earning ic "c ""' '-.. Uorta and fishing of Upper Klamath capacity ..Impaired. A Judgment fori ,8.B00 is demanded. , To Visit Friend. Mia. Claude Coseboom left this morning for Heddlng, Calif., whore ho will be the guest of Mr, and Mr. Lester Lewis Leavltt. AMNM0MWSVWV'VVMMMVMVVMMW'VMWVMMWMMa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaff iaaaataaaaaaaf aaaaaaaaaaaaaal K5.1iL aaaaaaaaaaaaaaV aaaaaaaaaaaaH V-4 BaillK:BIRvvj tieoige PolllM'tt ,d b) President Lincoln, when evpiesse .. .... ... icfi I..-, nmta in --"- ; ,nnA on .oveinuei .i, , . - sua ihnov o! ""'. ""-, FOREST FIRES IN THE MOVIES V MimiOlM OV FIGHT1XO K1KI- IX THE XORTIIWEST VOODS 18 MIOWX TO CHICAOO'S CITI ZENS TODAY 1'ulted Press SorvKe CHICAGO, April au. .moiu hv- -Moving pic- 1klu" this country, opeue- it ,... nil vforeater - - llalM Nw beg,nnlng Ma). 81,t Ooea Home Mrs. Harry nichard.on Is .pending a few day with relatives near Mon- tajjue. Victims Vera Cruz Haggert) their llv,- fighting under the. American Rac: American na. ! feel how weak and frultlesj i in. rhiph mu at lie any words of mine wntcn should attempt to beguile you from a to no overwhelming. Hut I cannot refrain from tendering to you the consolation that may be found In the thanks of the republic that they died tO-B.1C. I Pray Uiai our nramw Father may assuage the anguish of . . f..A . nnlr your uereavenieni niiu iv..r juu the cherished memory of the. loved nnd lost and the holemn pride that usi be onrs to have laid so costly a uacrlilce upon free- ilom.' " At the homes of these men elab-A..n..-v,pniliiiB worn made for funerals. Request were made to thc". a radical soclalUt . .. . fnr II, h!n. socreiar ui ..! ..... ...-. i mont oi mo u.,.c. "" burials will take ou "mothing of " mont of tho bodies tmi hi If function in eac 1 Cliy wnerr a ,,, ,. , hB honored. NEW PAMPHLH BOOSTS KLAMATH COVKIl OF TOUR 1IOOKLKT SHOWS MOUXT PITT AXD THER EARE MAXY ILLUSTRATION'S OF KIUMATH 1HHXTS "California Automobile Tours" Is, 1 the title of an attractive aim vaiuaoie . k , prepared by Worth- jUgton Gates, and being distributed .locally by tho White Pelican hotel. The folder contains a large slied map .,,, ,. x....i n...i nr... outlined routes for six or - ? rA: Klamath Falls Is one of the prlncl- d In charge of J. pal places uesigimeu on mo pwn r of Chicago. '' tour," and the map show oth- Lake, nnd much other Information regarding the Klamath country I given In the pamphlet. This la Juat such a folder a has beeu needed here, and the malllug of thla to friend el.ewhera will prove a great Incentive to cause them to see Klamath. : palca of Qanaral Villa to weep the Huertlntaj from Northern Moxlco will not halt because of mediation. Carrania does not : conilder the proposal of an ar- mlitlc between his troops and thoso of Ilucrta. v Tlila sUtemtot u siven the I'nlted Pra in anawtr to as Iriulry regardlna; dispatches fro.t Wa.hlngton. with a plan to hnlt firing In Northern Met- Iro. rending mediation. MEDf ORDITES TO VISIT KLAMATH .MKtTIXG JUST CLOSED TUEHK UEVKLOPED MUCH CLOSE ll.i:i.l.G UKTiVKEX COMilUXI- 'I IKs. . THE UKI.KOATKH A f . of, the delc8at5 to the KUin- ath-Jacknon-Josephlne meeting at Madford returned hut nUht. aUttag that the meeting there was a great' st-sslou of harmony, and work to ' bring the three counties more closely' together. Steps j ere taken toward ' organixation to attract more touruts i ..-t,i--. to this ectlon of matchlssa BtUarftl acssaarr aoesurj. ' Some time In June the organlia- hlon Is to be effocted at a meeting to f be held here. Already plans for the' 'entertainment of the many visitor am lielng discussed. nrinU TH WOMAN READY TO SHOOT JNO. D. Jr. NEW YORK. April 30. atari ..i- .,.. and boya to svw V ! Ublted. Pre 8rtlce JAUnUZ. April 30 The cam- . ., ,,,.'tho office of the Standard Oil com- They rushed by tfie police and P - ,,, tw .. t0 the fourteenth Hoor. They demuuded to see Rockefeller Jr., but were told that he was absent. 'You tell that dog what I gay," cried tho woman. "If he don't Alex Mcltae, of the western racinc arbitrate. I'll shoot him like a dog." Land and Timber company. Is here Upton Slnclalre refused to pay a S from Rhllandcr, Wis., looking after flue, so was sentenced to six days In 'the company's Klamath county Inter Jall. Ho threatens a hunger strike, testa. Mr, Mc Rae visits Klamath Misses Freeman and Leltner alto re- every year, and has a wide circle of fused to pay fines. I friends here. Remands Supreme Court Reverses Local Action in Suit Tho action of George Reed against the Western Union Telegraph com - pany to recover $3,000 damages has been remanded to the local circuit court tor trial. The supreme court jpared the opinion, the others con has Just made Its ruling In the mat-(urrlnR. ten Reed, through W. H. A. Renner and J. C. Rutenlc, brought suit to re cover damages, alleging that a bucket of paint, being used by a company employe, dropped from the top of a pole and struck Reed, causing per manent Injury. Stone ft Gale moved for a non-suit in the circuit court upon the ground that the plaintiff did not Introduce testimony to ahow how the bucket waa faatened, or how It fell, and that the company waa not Are Work MARINES LEAVE VERA CRUZ; GEN. FUNSTONOIRECTS KOItMAL CEREMONY A N D rARADE OX PROGRAM Infantry and Artillery Are ReHerhaji the Martaea aa Fast m Possible. SrUpen Are Holdlag Up the Out lying Kann Country and Deaaad Ing Food Funaton May Eztead Ills Line to Protect Supplies. tailed Pieaa Serrlc VEKA CUUZ, April 30.- -The for- maI transfer of control of this city from the naval officers and marines to General Funaton and the Fifth ,,-,, nf 1M armr -., .,,. . , o'clock this afternoon. Wh the colors unfurled and the bands playing, the marines, bluejack- fta nd trooDa marched In narade to ne pfhcy passed ln-re- , , view before Admiral Fletcher and General Funston and their staffs, The bluejacket then went aboard their ahips, while the troops cheered and fireda salute, General Fuuston is occupying the quarters formerly used by General jiku, lira huiuioi ivuimauuti. Tne Infantry and artillery began relieving the navy forces from theic positions as soon as possible after .landing this morning. The "snipers" driven from the city are now terrorising the farmers and .gardeners, threatening them with Mfe they furnish food to the Americans. As a result there Is a shortage of farni producta-here. To meet this It Is reported thai General Funston will ask peratta- sion to extend hU lines twenty mile further beyong the city. Mcltae la Here. Reed Case lldblo in this case fpr the carelessness "1' lts employe. i lie non-sun wim aruuieu u mn sen. The case was then taken to the ,upreme courl. ju.tlco Bakln ore- In the decision, the supreme court holdB that the employers' disability net of 1910 "make the owner re- sponsible tor Injury resulting to the workman 'in the repair of It telu graph lines, whether occasioned by the negligence of the owner or of a fellow workman. A defense where the Injury I contributed to by the, act of a fellow workman, performed lu obedience to Instructions or artier given by the employer or any one In (Continued on page) ) A i m