REGISTER! County Registration Books Close Tomorrow at 5 p. m. REGISTER! otfje Aliening Iterato PRINTS THE NKWS WHILE IT IS NEWS KLAMATH FALLS' , OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER ttzszr -j jgntMuumimunmi "rj-ww-jg Klghlli Vmr N. tf.lWM KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 29, 1914 Price, Five Colorado Strike Causes Picket in New York by Socialist Writer and Others; Arrests ,JujuXfVurii-i- J - ...- WMWWWVMWwyVWS ,S'''lt'''t'w'ts''-W,'''''r PRICE IS PLACED AMERICANS LEFT ONHUERTA'SLIFE IN MEXICO CITY BY MADERISTS PREFER 10 STAY American Troops May Take General Scott's Old Route to Mexico City From Vera Cruz t'lt liHTATOlt'H IlKATH, VII.U 'OMMTIUNn IN Till: tiii: mxi:v tin: oriirr CAPITAL airtil).Hr III J..M ! llif IHIetr.! 11ml Tmm.. Will He l.tin.l. Amount ISwImt by HcUllr ol Hie ptrvldrnl Willi W Alrul-t I.) Ilurila MetiraH I'rUimrt At. leuipt III lH , 111 llir ll.'l.lrr, llul tie Caught. r.l "ll Mi'.II.iIiii. Xiv In lj tninl ti.lalll n ir ,f. lirlilliia l-;llliiii lli-lliriillitt1 i llrfilgrc Are llrlrel In lie ItrlliK-i IliB Ultraae. t i.l I'rro Ktlr HAN ANTONIO. April V. "Tic tajf HtiefU Mwl A WuU'Hl death III" M4rro (amity llt pay 10 tteneral Villa rS.OOO In Kt'ltJ." lti 'Irf I a 1,, I n, Urnili'ii nt a prominent llitr man marine arte ho reqileateit dial hl name be Mellto irfl fcrr "Thai may .row Man 11 Ui'tllS uifiiKtit in make, tuit I know thai It It a true un. I do n ay that OrlK-ral Villa lift agreed to LIU rl lluerts; Hint It not the p lion at all The faeu am that nlied l'rc Stervif VI5IIA CUV.. April 2. tlwirl riiiutnn nml Admiral lladger and Flelrltrr are III i ronferrtue today It l tiellrted Dial they u HI decide to tiini and withdraw the MtXIC CITY f v ' "I ' ' K ' 'I .. m - ipu( lem . sm -- piv m - (WTar est - - - kiM r 7 Ssii t. ....'V.,Vr . Yfr- Oi-(5knnM ! WtV . - E-Bm W k.'-( IHah ABIWmrVB T VI1VVX' .pka .kM f t lint DCVce.C- 1. VjLL " YOICMTAJ .. Z S T. V . '-T.TV- 3 av?a r --w a k A aa . I fuLJSto VofuARcosl?!;VsANJUAN JSrmi I 1 : a x v .wwr- ' - -: -'. r : Mattsx.os j7.-, x ' , " . I TROOPERS PASS THROUGH DENVER. ON WAY TO DUTY ItOCKKKKLI.Errrt KEFC8AL AliniTRATE ATTACKED TO t..l(jM A-. Itjtttifv tfMk Rttw rlvia Ilic Strrru in Front of tbe OMcra the Klnaaclcr BiacUIr Tula Police Judge That 'Thejr Are Mur-t iterrai at Xonber Tweaty-Stt lliundtrajr." Hliowld 11 Ik. di'itrmliinl iy fri-ni-jdi'iit WlUon to pond irooti" on to Mrv L'nltcd I'reai SrTlce . TRINIDAD. April 29. Sotod strike breaker and mine guards ond three .trlkera are rcporttd riiore nrc brldKos, curves, tunnel "ht ea level up as high as S.000 fcet rjrtin jn arruei f'r.he at Forbta tlu liitcroccanlc railway 01 me to .Mexico cuy. uniy iraus inaue v ctoay. racier. Tliorn lll bo the Mexican rnltwnr with it SC4 mil' to the city.. on or the othir, the old liiterot-eanlc;Nnt!oiiat Hallway satem; but aa it "many hundred of years of the mule. ;i on Hip day lluerln ! alatn Villa atp f t'tiitp! I'm ttortlrn City dUpattln't ludlratu that thr Ainorlrn ihiro am In no ' or the other, the old lnterot-eanlc; National Hallway satem; but aa it many hundred of yearn of tbe mule. Ei;ht strike breakers are re- dancer, and thry "arn fre in leave IMifo Cll. Iliuria'n catdtal. to take It. railroad, with Its 2!M miles. follows much the Mine route as tbe trains over the old military road ported dead at WaUenbura. they wlh to. lum tinilrtlaklitK will lie one of the Th Mexican railway, a atandard ancient hlchwny. It l supposed that can be followed, and that means aj u there report- are true. U llurrta. It t rrMrled, It tretiKth.lm dimruit. (lenernl Srott. who K.iiiKennd modern. I deerlbd aa the tne advance wouiu oe maae over mai constant narraasioR u .narjj.uuun. means mat eignwea were auiie w cnlc rout- of Ncxico. winch aioneiway. inie roan is narrow gauge, an-'in-iuc uooauiin. .-u iivijivi ' jviooay re aotani uoioraaw. w and with not enough rolling ened to the climate and altitude coma to furnish transportation to jnccompllsh the journey encumbered.) ' 4 Weighed down by Held equipment ill iy that iiurna, 11 i reiM'rieu, hviii- i ni II rnM-lni! M uoopa. and l iirgotUttnej,,, ropo.lvllh .apata. the guerilla ltartrr. ..!.. .i lit.. t.mIIh! lr.t.1 V,rn '""'""" " " , ...i,. ... ..I., . 11.1.. 1. 'l . eipiainH 11a tiinnuvauiaKi-w. nvtv ik urm, ni In Hie Mcxlrau nr. almo Uty . llfll ,...,, ., r.flfl , ,lowl. .trtek jvars ago. fouiui iiaro work. rrom'n ., canyon, It la clinging to the side more than a few regiments at most. lb gold "Moreover, )fnral tit prarllrally Villa WAHIIINfiTON. t. C. April :. kflnc lutnilnl. It la oalulo that . . ... . ... ... ...... . . ... u, ., ...1.1 t,...i.i. .!. .mi. tn rviM ritv u'm.i.l tut nhvoTrflt Ivii nnlhlHt v for!.. . ma leei ll will no ni"ceary io iukp oi n moiimaiii or uurr.umnft luiuuin 'ii'" -- uuu ... .. w. v... -.,.,... u- - ,.,.... .., .-...., '1101160 Press service i, ii.ini.i i ,nit Mttnin irAm Wrn Priir ninnntt eiiArrllln tight- thetn to do fast work. General Scott. . . . .1, ..ihv ia .h 11 (ml. nl mnr. nn lit iiVKill inn m h i, wiiiwii v...j, ....... . .v. ...- ...v r. -. ...w . . -- -- nEivin.'B - - " OB lioatage otiiiB . Mexican .llimtloii npimrrntly hi"" "' i, n,..i. .nrTn,..v r the nnwlnir for annroxlmatelv 300 miles un-' proceeded slowly, giving some of hU'. .. ". 7? Il.oul Xladera In hla ramti . - ,i.i.n- ri.' S.000 ferl. . " . . .'. . .. 1... ..,.," . .t .' .t.. .nt.. t..n. i,nv tn ..... J ,ne lwwua caTairy ' enn' iiu' i "iimuii.i"iv ... nt, iiipu up ana uowii nnu iiirougn ,ucr coniunuua m irj iuo uoi kmuu- ,-vu iuiit: -... .v. -Uirotwh here this nurmlaw front Fort "Villa has ben made rettaln u,jRlor, sr u Bmoat conatant w f the railroads can be sned by arrow pnsfs until It reaches the'ed of troops. It means taking men their strength In the rarifled atmos-f RuMe to tQ q ch- ta promUn. and ho will lnlt on thee , l(l Argnetlna legation. ..... m,hoj ,, problem will be much Mexican central plateau. 'accustomed to atmospheric conditions phere. It will be necessary now. JL'. p.L I - - -- .aamv w viaiiH -.evea. mw,j - - They prUately admit that their ammmimmmlmmmmmmammmmmmmmmmm!mmmmmmmmBSSSSS immoaated. and are arwed with the llurrta might patch Ui hit differences hut they are ink Ik n hard one. Illi .ome uf the rebel rhlefllana. but .,.., ... . .0,.i. he ,r,r can with Villa." 0ffltU ,M1I,clM utr ,al .r.M The iMi.lntMM man who made Ihe.e 30Q A,lrrC(,l, fft n Mexico ttateinenls la reputed to bo one of the (.jl Mm of ,hpM nro ,,x,,ecte,l to- i iiiiarniea men in me noum-r.., uVp R c,nfr nm remain. ana the atatement, coming from auch. America.,., tier- a aourre. carrlx aoo wlghl. KngUU , , ,,., 'n rtfugeo train lant night Mo go to tlnllnl Pre. Herrlre ji'iterto, Mexico. A llrltlah warship HAN IMKOO. April t9.-Kllty.arm ,,rot.ct tln-m until a transport tn Meflcau soldier Who have hceii(1trc held prlaonera at Fort lloaecraiu, ea Hecrelary of the Trenaury McAdoo capfd early today. ,imi naked for an appropriation of Klevcn of them have been recap. joo,OOu to bo used by the depart-; tured mt,ni f public health to prevent epl- The Mexican took'advatitnge of n'demlca from those returning. This mall guard and a blinding ralujreaulta from tho dlicovery of small lorm to sneak away, They escaped pox, typhoid and yellow fever nmoiiKj by digging a tunnel seventy feet longitho refugees at (lalveston. from the tent In which they were con- Tho Immigration Inapectors at that fined to tho quarautlno station yard. (port are ovarwhtlmed by the Influx May Fiesta at Church of refugee. Kxtra Inspectors havo been rushed there. The trauaporta and colliers ou the Went coast are reported to lie load lug refugees. Kapeclally nro they busy near Matatlan, where tbe Chi nese and Japanese colonies are seized with a panic. DEATH TOLL CLOSE TO THE 200 MARK "Soulless, Rapacious Corporations" oi This City Are Fully Exposed in All Their Iniquity by a Candidate Goes to Vaacoaver. latest model rifle and two maclhae Harry O. Benson has gone to Van- 'guns, couver. Wash., where he will accept The sccoad sq-adroat of the Fifth, ..,. .j.j hl cnvalrjr left Fort LeTmwerta this a jiosltlon tendered nlm. . ,..-., ... inoralBC for TrteMad, Major Hol- brook couia IW1 AUK HTIM, IN tXI.1 AND TIIKIIK IH XO HOI'i: OK HAVI.VC! TIIKM IIEHCUEn AIIK IIADIiV HURNK1) Series ot Entertainments Is Arranged by Ladies A unique surlea of enlortnlnmonta! and Mpnclal services has been arrnng- hy tho Ladles' Aid Hocloty of Oram M, ll rhurch for tho weok com monrlug Hunday. This aorlcs la known ii May festival, and tlcktiU for nil lio programs nro being sold on ono atrip. The oponlng nuinbor of tho aorles wll ho the Hunday services at tho rhurch. The evening aervlco will ho u platform meeting, tho thomo being "Tho Young I'eoplo'a Church," and laymen will addroaa tho cnugrogutlou " this important themo. Tuesday, from 0 to X p, in. a din ner will be torved by the Ladles' Aid, "l the famo of it "Methodist dinner" ' Ur spread. An Illustrated lecture ou "The Con struction Work ot (he Reclamation Hervlce" will be Wedgeeday'a attrac tion, Tho speaker will bo J. O. Camp, nmtiBKor of tho Klnmnth project, Mr. Camp li noen for tnnny yoar ronurctiHl with tho reclamation sor vice. Ho was ono of (ho flrst to bo engaged a an engineer, and In addi tion to being lit chnrgo of tho Mlna dokn and Klamath projocts, ho did a great ileal nt recounnlsanco and Hold work for tho sorvlco, It. I. Campbell of Ashland, who us "Dick losoy" has dollghted Chautau qua nudlences, has boon engaged to present n program eompoied of James Whltcomh Illley'a droll philosophical readings, mid this will be tho Thurs day nttrnctlou, Tho closing will bo the Mothers' Day oxorclsoa at the church Sunday, May 10th. "Ono'a Mother" Is (he morning thomo, aud In the evening the subject will be "Social Life In tbe Church." ; The following oplatle, teeming with '"Inside dope" on local conditions, is the platform of Dan Corcoran, candl MINK l,n,e for nllt)'or being circulated as a ,' lot lor. Until he entered the campaign Corcoran was in charge of the bot tling works for the Klamath Develop ment company, and prior to that was louuected with their White Pelican! bar. 2'.i. At t tu. citlteus and voters of Klam ath Falls' United Pre Service KCCI.K8, W. Vu April leant 200 minors are dead us a result ..a i... ...,.IaIih Isi tiiliifie tt fit at Now niveraCollorle. company yeser-;" candidate for the day afternoon. Tho rescue crow ast n( thl8 clty, ou!y ulr ? ?" 1"- 0ll"r ,"! l'nnd just .,, 1 should let the people lummy uu.uau. nT,,o ..u... ....... also recovorcd know what policies 1 Intend to pur- Tho entrant, to the tunnel, are all I""1'- lf ,oc,ud led with dobrls, and thoro Is much1 I lmu "'WH- ii) s taken a deep tuter- K0R nil through tho mines. All Hope ' municipal us . u. for saving tho lives of tho IRC men'atmlUul thcao conditions since I grad stlll In tho mines ha. been aban " fro, . I was appointed icnier uepuiy ns.c.sur ui . . 8t. l.ouls at the age ot 22, aud I was i In n iiimltlon to know what tho flnan- To ptovent inlauao of automobiles, cn ,,on,u,0U 0f nclt y should be aa III! donod. , in x.o juaar issBiuu.. - -.... Thm. nyadm erctTwhere that naturalist has discovered a specie of refm hm , jant that makes 1U neat In the fleshy 1, stmt 'stems of ferns that grow on tbe limbs f 'of tree, high in the air. Nfiw yQRK Apf Uptoa Sinclair and four women this mora- To add to the comfort of motorist lng establUhed a "mourning picket I on long rides leather pillows, filled ' llne.. tn jront or tno offices of the tho people to get free delivery ot ,wIU vegetable fibre, have been invent- standard Oil company. They pro mall; but this should all be done ed to be Inserted between their backs tegtCd tne refusal ot Rockefeller Jr. with economy and bo compatible with. and tbe cushions of a car. t0 arbitrate In the Colorado trouble. the nuanclal conditions of the city. .and were Immediately arrested, The places were immediately tak-s (Continued on Page 4) "Oregon Dry" Club Now 1 have had a conforence with Post- sweet potatoes are exposed to the master Ueltel! on tbe subject of free J attacks ot about a dozen serious In delivery, and ho Is heartily in accord 'gects. with my ideas and promises to do hlai utmost to accomplish this If the side-1 walks are built. Tho wet aud dry question is up to j tho voto of tho pedple. It the city, goes wet, the law shall be enforced, if the city goes dry, It shall be as dry' as the Desert of Sahara, and no blind! pigs shall flourish In this city. Now, the most painful part ot my statement comes In attacking some of my oppouents, but I am tn duty bound to retaliate, as they are con tinually attacking me before the peo ple. 1 have been accused by the At the Christian church last night It was decided by tho club that it "Nicholas faction" of being a protege jth temperance advocates of this city was better for tho intorest of the of tho Klamath Development com-.met and formed an "Oregon Dry"'movemeut that tho club proceed un- pany; while, ou tho other hand, the club with twenty-nine charter mem- (der tho direction of an executive com Prohibition (kganizatioD Breaks to City it duvlco has boon tnvuntod that prints within n locked box a record of tho time and duration ot every stop made hy u car to which It Is attached and tho dlatanco and speed between stops. regards tho assessment of revenue. Aftorwards I held tho position ot superintendent of streets for eight years, and urn thoroughly acquainted with tho construction ot streets, sewers and sidewalks. I will ondoavor to explain aa lucid ly as posslblo what tho people of Klamath Falls need In the upbuild Sclenco ns nn occasion for studying K 0f their city. Uood streets, good tho propogatlon of olectrto waves In towers, good water, free from pollu- Tho total eclipse ot tho sun in AiiKiiKt will bo used by tho British Association for the Advancement of connection with wireless telegraphy, Canada farm. has a women's Industrial tlnu, for tho protection ot the health of the chlldreu and Inhabitants ot this city, I believe In tbe Immediate construction of sidewalks to enable ''Murray faction" claims I am the candidate ot tho Water, Light and Power company. I will state for tbe Information ot the people how I stand as regards those two giant octopuses who have Invaded out fair city and fertile valloys, tainting and poisoning with their pestiferous breath what their voracious appetites cannot de vour. What has the Klamath Devel opment company done? It baa even tried to take away the very homes of the peoplo and leave them destitute. What has tbe Water, Light and Pow er company xdone? It is slowly, but surely squeeslng tbe energy, lite and blood out ot the people by its exorbl- WVMVMrrrr1rr1rrVMrrrrr1r1rrrTrr1rrl (Continued on page 4) bres.. The meeting was called to order by C. R. Wtddoes, acting as temporary chairman, while A. R. Wilson was selected as secretary. On motion of C. C. Hogue, these men were chosen, as the permanent officers of the meet ing, and the chairman stated the ob ject ot tho meeting. It was suggested that the member ship roll be opened, and that those who desired could enroll aa members ot the club. It was also decided that only members ot the club should should have a voice or vote tn the conduct of the club's affairs. Twenty-nine of those present sign ed tbe rolls, and the meeting was opened tor busUea. mil tee, Instead ot officers, and a com mittee composed of C. C. Hogue, Rev., Richards. W. H. Shaw. J. B. lfauwa and Mrs. Boyd was appointed .as ' nomination committee, After some' consideration they submitted tbe fol lowing names to tho club: F. M. Upp, chairman, Rev. Harlan, Maude A. Carlton, K. M. Chllcote and Arthur H.j Wilson. After a brief talk by the chairman' concerning the objects of the ,! during which be reviewed the wgfki of the temperance forces ot the ttwi-i ty and explained the inanelal : tlon, be stated that to him K i an -easy matter to bring tt;i .TjumrLrvvTrrif,yiH (Continued aw pact I) t.. in H il - ' M . J-i -J v, ,