I REGISTER!! County Registration Books Close Thursday at 5 p.m. REGISTER! fexttnina Mvtalh PRINTS THE NEWS WHILE IT IS NKWS KLAMATH PALLS' OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER SE nMagtfaKr'ismsmimiHKiir - . lUgMli Vmi.v. a.iwv KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, TUESDAY, APRIL 28, 1914 Pri, riT h U. S. CAVALRY IS SENT TO Mediators Are Hopeful, ii-LjryTj-VarTI" " WAR IN OUR OWN BECOME FIERCER TROUBLF HAS MACHINE IJl'XK AMI IIH'I.KM AUK BEING I'HKII WITH DKARM r.rti.i'r ia i nun - t - . . Afc- t A , 1'rr.Ulml WIlMin Onlrn. M Tn. of ('amir; Prom Wyoming Uartl- . , .,.,,. Mia in tu iu a in I rtniic mna A I tlto Mtur TIluo I If AW 1 1 if Stria, era and Other, I l IMn ThHr A row UdIU.1 I'twa ttcrrtlc WAhlllXCtTDX, "":':ri I'ulluMlitK lr'lir hrtviarf if War lUrrlxwi, I'mMml UIImik lixUjr onlri'ril all IrtB'l f caalr)r alallunrtl at 1'iirt ItuaaH l rl al onrc ! tlir INilnnul" tHk' iitw ami rrUn nlrr. Mtntlltnnniiul) llin irrailriil K'lc Kialtrl (it tVilurailo (or Iminrillatr (lutillrnHini n iirtK-lainatliin railing iiii rtrrytuKl)- to lay ilotin llirlr arllia ami rrMlr to llirlr linltxa. Ill rlTrrl, llip inx-linatlirn la tlir irattlnt; l lltr rU art lijf llio fralrral .u.rrwmrMI. TIm, raralr, I. ' rniorrc II. Ubllsd Press IWrvire TIUNIDAD, Colo, April 2K Armed rl.b, bptweon lh mlllila. ftm Torm,m, raWttVll , ,ucro inn, and mine guard, with the slrlk- MniM naobr(lnM. of l0 co. ing coal minor. hv. been reported fn)m ,,, 2o,00o,000. from a half dos.n Colorado towns. , M u,hor,r(, UpWt ,0 ,56,. Heten mltio guards wero killed "!0.0lMjrt a batllo late yesterday, In which the' ' .,.. ,i. ,., .... .... . ,, ... n .i... If thitcommlaslou npproves tho pro- uiauia cainurcu me .m,.hj ,... . in I n.ar WalMhur l,0"rJ bol,a iltUV' tU "H'Oratlon will Today U,e ml'lltlamen aro .wcep.ngl- ''r ""f.rLl"''.":;''! the position of tho .trlk.r. will. IT-'Th- ' l'ds will be knotti , a. flwl rifle tiro from machine guns, Three mine guard, and five striker. '". a" "'" ".T";'"; b. been reported killed a. a ruU' ,ru:l'1,I10r,",,fo1 '' . '-, co. f ll. fighting today, but tho report i'l" "" "f,1",,r,- n " b" n,,c"' Iscka coiirlrmallon, C"r) T hi. Hudson, clerk of tho district lourl at Walsenliurtt, t)" telephone to "'. --, - lay reported that the shooting down of the miners al tho depot nt that I Soon to Turn Water On Ditches Are Being Cleaned for Irrigation Season Employe of tho reclamation ser vile uro engaged lu cleaning out the various canal and ditches, prepara tory to tho beginning or tho Irrigation tieuson, Thursduy ovonltig Iho walor will bo turned Into tho main ciiual, so tho following dny It will bo avnllnblu fur Irrigating tho farms under the project, ThU year n total of 31,150 acres will be Irrigated by Undo Ham. Of this, i!7,00u iiciim ii ro in Iho llrst unit. For the llrst tlmo tho lundu under the socond unit, or I'oo Valley unit, will bo watered this year. There am about 0,600 acres under this uult, and water la to be furnished uuder tho aa COUNTRY HAS THAN MEXICAN EVER SEEMED TO BE - placo by iIjh mllltla uncalled lur The pcopln am terror alrlrkcn. The tMf llo which iiaried lat iiIkui at the llwla mliio near l.oulavllli Is pro-i,. ! Ktfaius today, but tho tniopnuno wires hav Ikxhi rut, anl It U impoaslbln to obtain details It U known, tiowovor. hl J00 mpr, attacked (ho stockade whlrh Wot xuarded by Sheriff Mutter and a forcn of mine guard. The train rrea cumlue from ther 'a) (l.at t atrrcla of l,OuUvllln are ,",,B ""I"1 h'mr' flrr Helmut In alio progr-islnc at thet .Vulrsti mine at Ufayrll. atitl at the Marshall Uiwliam mini RAILROAD WANTS TO INCREASE DEBT (Ml.irnitMA IUII.KOAU (.tlMMIS HKIN lb t.1.N8l!r.HI.N(i gl'li Tlt)X AM Wll.li SOON IIAXII IMIWX A UUCIMION n.a ,.eM , rtAN KllANCIHCO, April !. The i California stall railroad commission j (was uipoctrd to pass souu on an ap- 'plication of tlir Ban I'ranclsco-Oak- and refunding 3C.yenr f. per cent gold It . S It .... .1 ..III I... a aullill1 llV lliWUI . ..,.....,, n,..i In nouin part, of (lermnny niul ... , . . i..,,i .villi Hwluer and churche. uro heated llli 1 electricity. rental basis Tho water for thu null la tukou from tho ouml ueur Oluue, Auolher tract of laud to bo Irrigat ed this season for tho llrMt tlmo is the Bui) ncroa to bo watorod by tho oxton slo not tho (IrlllltliB iatorul. TIiIb wa-mru-fiv Is about four miles in length, and hns Just boon completed by Ilia Kovuruinvnt. Tho luud It waters is above tho lovel of the malu canal. Much itlttnttlon Is to be. rIvoii tu ilruluugo this season by tho roclamn' Hon service. Ono extavator Is busily engaged In excavating drains, uud an other oxcavutor is cxpoctod next week to take up this work. Tho now exca vator will start work on the main drain uoar the Dixon ranch, i-i--w-iirm-riririrM-i-iii--ii - OVER 200 MINERS ARE ENTOMBED IN I W.VA.UUAL WW in mar ) minus confirms' tiii: report ,. . . .. ... l'tl(MlUII i S ! Ui mini IjiI- TliU Afternoon, ami tin- IMrtIN An' Still t He Supplied. It-rui Yru U Hurrying t4 Oh St-rnr f the lllaaatrr fliilll Plllfc taint, UKCKI.KY. V Va.. April 2s.Two .hundred and sixty mm ate bvllrted to 1)0 rtitomlx-il III the initio of I In- Now lUifr Oollrrli' cum pan)' nt Kccloa. (ulloulne an rxiloIoti thrro nt 2 o'clock thU nfternoon. Tim i'tiloil(iri occurred In ono of lln liuivr ahn(U lill the mvn vrorr wnrlJnit I'nllt'd lrc Sertice I'lTT.SIlt'ltO, April Ss. The bu reau of inlnci thla afternoon partially ronflrmi'd the Kcclca dliaitor Tlio bureau lias been naked to ond A rraruc far there, and the car and crew loft thin aftornoon CALKED SHOES ARE UNDER BAN OltniXA.NCK A1M)PTKI PROV1DEH THAT HORKKH SHOD IX THIS WAY Mt'HT KEEP OFF OF THE PAVEMEXT Iletueou May 1 and November 1, hordes and mules shod with Ico calks, otc, tiro forbidden to travel any paved street In the city. This ordinance W adopted by the council lr.t iilntit ' ' " i no inn nns tor iia purpose iihi pro- of imvemon(t which U badly cut un by entiled shoes lln tho warm weather. A tlno Is pro Ivldeil for tho punishment of offenders LEAGUE TO GIVE FEED TO WINNER CI.IMK OF COXTKHT R)R BEST AT TEXDAXCK AT CHURCH AXD SUXDAY SCHOOL TO HE Oil SEHVED SATURDAY Tlio Intermediate l.eugue will give n bamiuet In tho basement of the M. i:. church, Saturday evening, Muy 2d, to close n contest In houor of tho momberH who have mado "6 per cent of church, Sunday Bchool and league nttoiiilnuco during tho past threu months. The loaeuo has a membership of about forty niombors. The Junior de partment has membership of nearly the same number. But They Are Remaining Quiet i-r-ii,rMin-w'inrrvvvvrrnrr-,rinr '"" FIFTEEN LEAVE FOR JACKSON CO. - - r - - SON. KI.AMATH AMI JOSEPHINE ,' HtHHTEHK FOR MOHK PUIILICI- , TV for SECTION" Klamath Palls' delegation to the Kvt-loKcther tniftlnc at Mcdford left ttilx mornliiK. It connlaU of Hon. Ilrnry l IJnon. Judtte W. a. Wor dun. U At Delti'll. K. II. Hall, Fred Hoimton, lewls Wyldo, (Jeorne jljoiilpy. I' L. Kountaln, Robert Ad am.. J. W. Blemens, C. R. Miller, Per- ' cy Krutu, I'. W, Goodman, A. A. Bell man and Frank Vannlce. Tht mating al Medford l an effort by Southern Oregon counties to bring an orK&ultatlou Into being thai will IkIvi' t-upccUl publicity to the scenic wonder of Southern Oregon, REGISTRATION TO BE ABOUT 3,000 illOOKH WILL. CLOSK THURSDAY j AT o O'CIXKJK EXPECTED I THAT llAItKLY THREE HUX l)Hi:i Wllili BK ADDED With the registration books due to close af &' o'clock Thursday afternoon, and remain closed until aftar the pri maries, registration at the court house Is becoming more brisk. The books are being kept open from 7 to 9 each evotilnK. to accommodate those who otherwise could not register. Today tho registration totals 3,773. It Is expected that this will be 3,000 or more by Thursday. lly precincts the registration fol fel fol eows: Fourth Ward 387 East Klamath Falls 313 Third Ward 391 Second Ward 349 West Klamath Falls 198 Shlpplngton 48 Mills Addition 187 Malln 79 Pine drove C4 Wood River 4 Lost River 136 Tule Lake 313 Dairy , 78 Odell 44 l'oo Valley 48 Klamath Lake 18 Plevna .T 49 Worddeu 83 Midland tllldcbraud SI Sprnguo River 87 Langell Valloy 58 Swan ... " Algoma 17 Mt. Lnkl 56 Total 8,878 Measles Cloa BckooL Owing tq tho fact that Leslie Stearns, Janitor at Riverside school, has contracted tho measles, the teach ers and pupils are enjoying a holiday while tho building I being fumigated. For the flrat six months of 1913 diamond digging areas of Southwest ern Transvaal (these having no refer ence to the diamond mines proper) produced stonea of a total vaiua oi 11,854,888. ------- ,- - - -- -,-ir-1-,J.,-,- - -,- PIRATES ATTACK BRITISH STATION ass. ; ANU SLAY MANY: THE FIGHT At tAttM. Tm Hunctm) Were KlUed or OrouiH'il During Uo Battle, Smj tlip ltexrta Prom Aalatlc Waiera, 5longollan I'lralen Outaumbered Offlcrra, and Thpy Attacked sad Dew atroyrd llu Ktatloo. United I'reaa Serrlce HOXOKONC. April 28. Two hun dred native paasengen were ilaln or drowned In a light which follow ed tut attack on a British steamship .station near Macao. The pirates attacked and burned (tho station, overpowering the officers who fought vainly to protect the. na tive passengers housed In the station. After the battle was over It was dis covered that Chief Officer Evans was tnlsstug. The other officers and about ISO natives escaped. The pirates, who made a furious at tack on the station, outnumbered the' station officers many times, and rush tho place from so many points that It was Impossible to stand them off. CLAIMS WIRELESS KILLS THE BIRDS HUMAXK OFFICER APPEALS TO GOVERNMENT FOR THE PRO TECTION OF PELICANS ENDAN GERED BY WIRELESS STATION United Press Service SAN DIEQO, Calif., April 38. Humane Officer Mutters today seat a formal appeal to the government to make Its big wireless station at Point Loma stop killing pelicans. Pelicans used to be thick in San Diego harbor. Now there are only a few of them. Mutters Is sure the powerful radio waves which the sta tion sends out do the mischief. He says he has seen scores of birds suddenly stricken In mid air fall dead Into the water. The waves might be toned down, he thinks, so as to do less damage. L BUILD SEWER CONTRACT FOR SHORT STRIP 18 AWARDED I1Y THE COUNCIL. THREE UIDS WERE RECEIVED FOR THE WORK John II. Shannon waa last night awarded the contract for the con struction of the sewer to bo laid on Canal street, between Tenth and Eleventh streets. Shannon's bid waa 8240 for labor and material. Henry Bolvln bid 8881 au3 Tomasso Ambrogetta bid $90 for the labor alone. SHANNON W COLORADO --,rr-riwYW'wvwwvWywvwAAVL TURN WATER INTO ANKENY DITCH ON HIS. UE MUNIH GOVERXMEXT CREW IH CLEAN ING WATERWAY Sever! TetUaUve Aben,e.t H,Trauport Usd WW. Tr. G. to HaveIWaSugKe.ed,AnKT.a IaB?r 1UrborAcfopllIM, c Th Fursuahta, of City Water to ltajjteIljltor. . the Ossen of Water Rlffhu Carter' Watel.tas; the SsaaUler Faiesji the Anker DRch, Bat Nothins; c, , Melfco m . " - Friday morning water will be turn ed Into the Ankeny ditch, the water way through tbe city which for years has been a menace to the health of Klamath Falls, and for tho abatement of which there hare been suggested a . myriad of plans. Workmen are en- "The sky seems to be clearing. 1st gaged In cleaning out the ditch. 'the meantime we arc getting our two- There have been several schemes Pe to safety." said Secretary- Bryaa. advanced during the put year for the' This Is the situation at frtisint closing of the ditch, but so far nonef, aIde . weed t0 K t BMiu, of them have accomplished anything.! . ,...,. In the meantime the irrigation season t,on- and ,be ra" "'" U with ua again, and the reclamation 'P"018- service Is obliged to furnish Irrigation to those holding water rights under this ditch. 4 "We are still negotiating for the closing of tbe ditch, and don't Intend to let up ou the tight until It Is con clusively shown that it Is hopeless," said Project Manager J. G. Camp of the reclamation service today. "Pend ing that time, though, we must fur nish water to those entitled to It." The latest solution offered for the closing of the ditch Is the closing of the canal and the furnishing of city water to those- using water from the ditch. Those In favor of this plan say that the cost would be Terr slight, as the city water mains are already on the property affected. Bonanza Visitor. G. P. Keller, dairyman and hog raiser ot Bonanza, drove In from hlsjwUl eliminate himself. If he refuses ranch yesterday to attend to matters I 'ww,' of business In the county seat. i . (Continued on Page 4) Will Change Names Suggested by Matthews Go Before Cooncil The changing ot names ot Klamath Falls streets waa the' text of a reso lution Introduced at lost night's meet- tug of the council by Councilman Mat thews. It was tabled for further con sideration. The object ot the resolution Is to prevent a repetition ot names In dif ferent parts of tbe city, and the con tinuing of streets under the one name, Instead of making frequent changes and Jogs from their strait route. The changes recommended follew: West Klamath Falls Pacific street to Tule street; Bridge street to Main street: West Main street to South Riverside street; Mill street to North Riverside street; High street to Canal street; Paul, Illinois and Park streets to Rogers street; Kentucky and West street to Qeorgla street. SAY PUBLICITY ! AT PRESENT MAY SPOIL THE PLAN BOTH MEXICANS AND AMERICANS CHEER FTJNBTON cm of the: United Press Senrlee WASHINGTON, D. C. April 38. "We can only say that we are hopeful. Publicity at this time might spoil alt." say the mediators. Following this comes the recoacll- 'ing or questions mat are apparently 'irreconcilable. If a strong man Is developed In Mexico, mediation may succeed. It Is admitted that Huerta, Villa sad Car ranza ate to be eliminated, yet none can command the support of the peo ple unless he has been partisan. t rur tuia reason me mediators are watching tho lessor factional leaders In the hopes that one of them may succeed. It Is learned that America Is to be magnanimous, but Wilson Insists oa the elimination of Huerta, and the guarantee of an actual constltutlomal government. It is hardly probable that he will press demands ot Indem nity for the death of the marines at Vera Crux. Tbe mediators expect that Huerta the Streets Nichols addition Canal street to .Washington street; Bush street to Jef ferson atreot; Franklin street to Grant street; Washington street to Lincoln street; Jefferson street to Me Klnley street; Teddy street to Roose velt street. ' Mills addition Front atreot r to Owens street. Buena Vista addition Alaaseakt street to Brown street; Shasta street to Front street; Park street to Haw kins street. Falrvlew addition White avMVo to Oregon arenue; Iago street to fnl , ton. street; Fulton from Ufkasa to Doty street; San Juan and Arab street to Donald street; Mitchell street to t Mt. Whitney street. " f( -,. Second Hot Springer CM) ifmA'. and Btukel street to Htm Matn stossjL''''- H('jV )rM