MU.MI.W, APIUI, U7, IUU vAam rotm THE EVENING HERALD. KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON Forf and Hftanws af Vera Cruz Taken by United States Battleships WANT TO ven: IN NIK I'ltlMAIIY KI.KCTION Ol MAY I ft wick in: orrv ni;v ij rwu, HOOKS I'UHi: t : - . . rftrmTi m rebrter ttrifcBBiPFZfE BY THURSDAY I "j kK?nj .ik voir Mr m 7 Z v . ssssssssW llVI lW VmLwH ssssssw fir j z a w v f""tti ' i asssssssr J IlLtJ .Lvsw. x. SH 1 "Mi B y it ssr, i,"v .rraa asss. hm ifr i V lvj t Vi" sssssH Iss sssssmt "B sssa """iB"1 ' k3sw.SBBBBTBBBB BSSpffd "f-rri mr bi kh: i .n. C'?S- " --' - fW Art? OwTSa' . fc. rr - " ". LJuJllj If Your Better Half Has Her EveOutfnrYnur fSsf Pocket Book Thursday of tttlw week will be ii lat day tor registration for the voter who wish to take part In the pritnari election to b held May I th Owing to the fact that a largo nutu br of voters In the county have failed to regutcr up to lhl tliu Omntv CUrk Do Up hM decided to hold th olflce of the county clerk open until 9 o'clock each evening until the books close The registration omclalu for the various precinct outside of Klamath Falls aro as follew: Dairy I. V. Davlcs. Fort Klamath John llesslg Nonama J. O. Hanisker, Johu 8 Horn. Gladys Horu. John Sltumonils Merrill 11. II. Anderson. I' H. Merrill. Worden II. U Velt. Midland H. O. Vincent. Keno -H. Snow(oo4c. Cmcent P. M. Clcatc Bring Her Here to Help Select Your Spring Suit You're entitled to the best that your money will buy. Don't judge by pattern alone. A garment isn't worthy unless it is sincerely tailored and crowded with down to dateness. All our suits are hand tailored, acid-tested materials, and FIT WITHOUT A FAULT, $15 to $35 FOR YOUR SPRING CROWN, select one of our snappy Straw Sailors or a good, cool Panama, 50c to $10 K. K. K. STORE, Leading Clothiers FAST WORKOUT AT U. S. POPULATION IS 109,000,000 (Continued from r l jWAtW'liiiil i' wwwo tlou thai tho IncrtUitf lu population each sr luco tb vuumeratloti U ual to tho nuuual Uicriap from LVOO to 1910. Polio lue am the cUmate4 of pop ulation for July I. till 4. for the Pa cific Coat lalr and their population accordlnc to the April 15, I9I. cm-us: Anti-Mormons Hold Big Demonstration BAIL GROUNDS 'WaahlniftOB Urrcon CAllfornla KitlmalrJ S.T5T.895 NKW YOIIK. April 3 tltaKom . a pr uLiumcbi. (.Ktf(j, hO hate prmli4 cnatlunal retoU Ntatc Hcuatur t ahi,o ( t i4j, ,k ton of lh allced eoUtlttUr! prrtk' w trt au clilci la li. u.i. IVu.m of t,ufrt w,rt amon lh Mormon church, will rmil im h ,4r, j, , 1.K1.V90 0 tho country and vpecUlli of thi tiftli nf tho Momixu t ai ,, ., STJ.705 ( I'uh. afv to addre lite AhtKVtur- ilowt 2,3.T,fi49 mo (itnontratltn planned fur l- . v io louowins iii m u rn- nIEIit at t arilKglo lill mate of (opulallon fur July I. 1911 iPlPTKK.N C.MIUATIX KOH ItWI ! TIONh OS TIIK T1HM CAVtlKT t AllOl'M) TIIK UVT I.V MAJOIt I I.K.WJUK HTVLK lKaD Pnnelaeo ami tho population ol 1910 fur cltlr Ion the I'acldc Cot hlli an ett- matrd population July I of at l.a't 100.000 Piftev'n of the applicant for pos ition on the baseball team had a tood (uorkout at the Modoc I'ark crounda Sunday, despite the. wet condition of 'the ground and the April ahower. The Ktounda are In the rim-it hape pixslhte, with level outfield and skin ned dl.tniond covered with a mitt oT rrtt'ii! and 11900, with cttlmatra of the population jt FUtlmatrd tVnu n.H.sor i.9i: Im Anitele . IJ.9II Oaklkand . IS3.003 I&0I7I I'ortland ICO.COI 307 3t Seattle 3t3.02 337.191 Hl)kane I3S.C57 10. 03 Tacoma 103. 111 S3 743 The bulletin prraenU In It interal table data for tbu Uulted Stalm anu o and each ir , j t1),.fc,,i and prmuWo ifei . ,,., ., An attack I. to be wado by anteral Bntcr uw lu prjr Mci'c'i, ( , ali.'4fe..r on Jiepli P Hniltb. had of no the ttlotht Of ihr 4 n.t!i w tbr; Mormon ehurrh, mid allcm! tfcu naiim and th' . .,i ,u prthifa f mllltlr nAltlit (he I'llltcil life aaMft III your thlMttt ,4 0 jour tatr Euterntuctit it.pif wrr prom cbildreB children ui -ic itnj ftj t.i today fourth rttrfatltt LOCALMOVIESARE DEVELOPED I00AY An Vtaetteju Srciuix ..-apj,t lu ubtaldotl a unlvt to ipii p, rciuttcl Id ta tunk itqti ftf CIUIHIII)J( "III, til a,)!,,, ,roB i Unu litc bren iaubitt)r4 la Hkci4) J4ciitatlt) unj ..ofHittt) f the ianufartur uf itrvi ni4 (o U I.OS(i TIIK lll lilt U II. I, iUat ID crurlbto Meet in JJllt b; I Tho player meet acnln tonight at the I 'aim Cigar itoro to hold a joint Ibuxlm-s meeting with the directors and manager Kvery one who would jllke to play on tho team, and every jfnn who ha th uccea of tho team I at heart should attend tonight' meet-ling. It outlying porUn lu 1910 and $,fi;M hi: show n at fiitnti: iiiM-m: "' " u,lh """"' ji sr as mhi ah niirv cav hi: ti,i. ot,iu u7vr i.4. u. oc MAIU: ItlUUV "'I ttrcanliAlluti of tbo IUUII Uiiw WANTS CITY TO GET LAKE L July 1. 1914. 1913. 1913. 1911 and 1910 Similar data I alto prnrnlmt for the different late In the I'nlon There 1 alo presented a tatem'it of the while and colored population a of July Ul of earh of the year. 1914. Tl( h(of0 ,hc MllUr 1913. 1912, 1911 and 1910 Thr.r fom(lay .(op-d nearly a hundrrd etlmate. however, have been con- ,. f nlm nt motdm r.irtu, iv 'fined to tho tate having a conntder- (, lUtl KUtuath HlVer A .ot a A 'able proportion or colored population Mirr m tt. l putiamt i us patsn araliut the ..mi who JHtk riiulu In public pUrri AN EnglUh pbj-slclans are Investigat ing the dlicoTery of an alleged cure for tuberculosis by means of the am monlated gases generated In the pro dnstlon of maggots for fish bait. To enable big automobile to run over deserts and sandy roads, a Cal lfornlan has equipped It with canvas bells which revolve around the rear wheels, prorldingg smooth tracks. The area of corn harvested In the) United 8tate In 1913 was 10S.820.-j 000 acre. In Slam old maids are unknown. Herald want ads bring remits. Only a Few Pieces of Land Yet to Rent See Us Quick 80 ACRES POTATO AND GRAIN LAND, $5.00 PER ACRE, HALF CASH, BALANCE AFTER HARVEST. HOUSE AND BARN. 5 ACRES BLACK LOAM CELERY AND GARDEN LAND, CHEAP FOR CASH. 2 ACRES FINE GARDEN SPOT; RICH SOIL, CHEAP FOR CASH. The Klamath Development Co. 1303 Main Street Klamath Falls, Ore. THIRTY-EIGHT TD PARTICIPATE LI' TO TIIK 1'JtK.SK.NT TJMB THAT MAXV STATUS UAVK KIGMFIKI) lATKVriO.Nb OP HKIMI ItKl'IlK-l hK.NTHI) I.V P.VVAMA-I'ACIFIO CO.VOIULsHMA.N HI.VVOTT 1ATIU). DUCKS A Hllili I.V TIIK IIOUHK (ilVI.VG KI.AJIATU KAI.LH IAM IOK A I'AUK (Herald Special Service) SAX KKANCISCO, April 27. Thirty-eight states of the Union have up to the present signified their Inten tion of participating In tho Panama Pacific International Exposition to be held here during 1915. Tho approprl- ntlons range from 135,000 by North Dakota, to $700,000 by the state of .Now ork. Every mate and territory Jn the Union will be represented In tome way In tho exhibit palaces. The twelve main exposition palaces which aro now either completed or in courhe of eonstructlon upon the grounds aro Tho Palace of Machin ery, tliu I'uluce of Kdutntion, the Pal ace of Food Products, tho Palace of Agriculture, the Palac of Mines and Metallurgy, tho Palace of Varied In dustries, the Palace of Liberal Arts, the Palace of Manufactures, tho Pal ace of Transportation, tho Palace of Horticulture, tho Palace of FJno Arts and Festival Hull. Congressman Hlnnott has Introduc ed u bill In the homo convoylsg to th city of Klamath Falls all of the unsuneyed lands along tho Hasteni shore of ltke Kwauna for a public park. The meander line of the govern ment survey oxtend quite a distance out from the present water line, and it Is claimed that there la about 100 A rlrtut4r plrn f fabric to It ll(hll around a nun nock n4 il irattitmrniie) or itlt!p. U mail, tbo outer i.lm iuiud.i ..r. h. Ui no ifitlmate belni: presenlrd for any ,fom lho Uevelmwd negative, (he pie- patentml lit catel. hir it , Ultt state that did not have 60.000 or , wlU ln ,huHn , ,,,,,. CB f a U(,rbcf) mure colored Inhabitant on April 15, t0(.-a pn. hour 1910. or at least 10 per cmt of It To ,ow)o, Xh ,,t,UfC:i) ,i, n(m prj,f mounng i n:J9 w population colored. ,, ou,i ttru,i tt arKP ,rum. the,b awarded In I'arU la ()notr l ,drum I lowered. 0 the lowptt .lilc ths riuicluloi of .crlr uf Co6lrU I1TIII IIICDIPI UflDICIII flC nripr1,l"l"",rE'',J '" ,,,n PMl'"r olutlnn. and to otlmutaitt i u of .renr LAIIn UlCKIbA nUrtrUl Ur riAbt u.lowly turned. uiomi.l. fuel (Continued from Page I) MMVli .w. After developing a neentlin a new .,--. , . . . film I placed with It. and the two run (loternmrnt orriclal have ettlraateJ throuKh the machine again, which that t.360.000 lioropof In iU reptance of tho mediation offer means iprnrras print the tranprency. ,funn of ea nlone lo waed ery day that ho Is seeking peace. They doj . xt the old fhlenird r.,ko ooi ef not say. though, what this hope Is A Herman phlcln ha Itivmited a the I'lilled Htalr. based on sprayer for Iodine which permits It .. , - Wilson demand In his offer thai mid for drelnK wounds without the Hticrta retire as president, and that 'danger of bad rosulu through Its vlo tho constitutional form of government lent caustic properties be restored If this Is don", and a full npology made by Hucrta, America will, For smaller citlss and towns a re withdraw cuilly devlied lire alarm employs an The mediators admit that their task enlargnl and more limn usually pow will bo Herculean. erful automobile horn, lectrlrnlly np- The mediation matter was taken up itiiImI to noutid signals with tho United Btnliii Saturday afli.r. I School teachers In Itsly retfl ! than IC0O a yrar.imlary Theater Guide arroa of unsurvoyed land lying aUiHgl"00" hy reprcenlntlvs of llrnill, Ar- A dm Ire to push a prli tin- shore of the lake between tho wra-'Kentlnit and Chile Tho nllmr South lout of tho way if tlnurr ter and lho meander line. American nations hnvn slnm There Is a question na to whether t,l,,lr aupport. the United States or the atato of Oru- gon owns this land, so In ordor to be1 Subscribe for the Herald, CO rent it'ift the city park board some, lime'" month, ago mudo an application to tho ittale! for the purchase of lho laud. If It l rhould be decided thnl lho statu does, not have title to tho land, then h bill introduced by Hlnnott will be pressed. Inter's hands When foed-! given lug n platen press has Iihui initeiit.ul ; In tliu fulled Slate and Knglsud h) an CtiKllsh Inventor HOUSTON'S OPERA HO USB DARK STAR THEATER Herald want ads bring results (Jolng to IJulld? During the next 90 days tbo nig Ilasln Lumber company will ell Klamulh fir dimensions at a lts prlca of 1 12, CO. Now Is the tlmo to build, whllo tho prlco Is low. ljt us figure your estimates on evorythJng In the building lino. Phone 107. 27tf In Northern Arlrona, Utah, Nevada. Southern Idaho and Western Wyom- Ing, the fires on national forests set by campers have decreased In four years from nearly n third to approx imately ono-flfth. Lightning flros bave Increased from less than one fourth to nearly one-half, Tho rela tively Urger proportion from light- nJng, however, Is due partly to de? crasute In other causes. 1 (lannctt Peak, Wyoming, nearly 14,000 foot In elevation, and the high est mountain In tho state, Is on the divide between tho Iionnevllle and tho Ilrldger national forests. A novel French heater for rooms consists of a carpet In which ans wov en wires to tako current from a light socket and distribute the electric hest evenly. Women act as atesnutsfp -csptsJns In Norwsy. t To The NYAL St SsMslsSS- -n , ...pssBT f (ifJlA - V m ioene $m ', , ts UJ:M ) f ' M Im on thQ right road YOU WONT GO WRONG- Take a Men In (lie right illreitlon Into our stoie. Ilesidi-s Ixtler goods at our stoie, ).... un ,,, ,,r l0 ,. , , meiit. He are always glad to liavo peopl,, ,, alj ,ok nrolUI. whether they buy or not. We wall you promplly ,ul K, vo ,! attly what you ask for. We are not I.. business for a day or week, hut for many years to come. , Underwood's Pharmacy Corner Main ami 7tli Street, Klauut li F,, Oregon Tin: i:ai,iopi:thio (.'uiiiitl)' llarmi'ii) hlngers I 'llroiicliu llllly'a hetirt," Ussanay Drain i "(Ihl Ctiuixms," I Illograpli Drama Ml. Kilter lluilieloiliiMMl," VlliiKMUh Driimo 'A I'lioiiy Aliirm," Patha Comedy AiIiiiUmIdii 10c wild T K M 1 L 12 SfSc THEATBK "lllllO llO)," Vllagrnph Two-lleol upecisi "l,ov Young Dream," Kdlson Comedy lie Delayed Special," Kalom Draips ilATI.VKIJ IiAILV ATJij AI.I lilOHNHUO lICrO,,