HOJWAV, AVMh aVT, itM Hill THIS EVENING 1 1 ERA F f). KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON Moie Arranges for Steamship Terminals Trio's Performance Pleases jn decreo against Klla M, Castel nnd A, (court of (he county of Kbimalb, state log nude on the 16th day of AirM, cnstci, defendant, for (ho Hum or or uregon, dated tho Z4th day of 11914. . ,, 1Mb ! iii.I Muii i lii iHilrnaii jnnU in iiiiiiiisiiiiiii mu, n iioiim will in i. .in (Herald Hikn-UI Hrrlt) iiniiTl.ANI). April tt Thai , on ibe Columbia ll'"r. wihi.bm ""''i'"" "'" ,r" """' ' "" ' ' fl" , , .... ,. The site .le!n l t, ll yiiin rmln of ih memoshlii llnv which irrt (B, n UK,. , - ,,,, ,HI e put llil" PrMlini aluirtly llm (Vjliiinliln Khor. mii.i i. rmuiitrrMl ,ir Hi l,r1 "' ,,,n' "'"'" "t """ "' ,m """ "' "'" ,n"' nluaiiie ii tOUBfJ y '' W ""' "'"H ,' l'H'l"M UinliTe II .Hiitrlili ft CorlUii't tw "K" ("'' "III lel. While "" H,,l'" '"'" detnlU. Mr , Tile itneka mo t"ted In I... i.iiii IIHI inilinaltHl III at the. pinna lor Ih i!ilnd and rrmly for lli liimmia jotki t rit(ltrnUy rendr, and Hint now l,..ine tmttt lor tim Mill llm m it iruritirr. HI b of tuniiimotli Um I'riiitu. td in l'lntait-l(tnt. Hotel Arrivals Willi" IVMm Tey Htewntt tnl lf. Mllioit. ! 0t-, M I'1"1" "''' "'' ' ' """ Ut B'I "''' Omul l'. II llrou itJ, Chir. W M Williamson, line fiwnto. It W Olisfln. Tucson, Arl M '. I'l'll'l. ' J "aiilrl. J U lllll.; lUe Francisco, " V Hrldgeford i lusr t Armtlag. Portland i HulrJ Hall Saturday !' H I'bln-gsr "or III, J " Huck.ei, J W Wolf, Hah' morUro, It M Coldnugh, Harm-1 cftio, lo lUtulinrdt, Ht Louis, C U, llojl. T 0 NorrU, VHr lon cil l(e. 1'i'H Klmlh, IMaoit VaI- kb, XI m Ut AlPiicy, lUlfti dullard, ! CMIoJttltt. t K llpfidrlcka, (Until Cm. C K Moor, It i: MptidrlcVa.) K Kllirmati, Cortland Bundar-i: Klruy. OiIwm, rt li ! iliidcr, Cort KUmnlti. II luc Vlr Ztlo rtller. Ilorrl. I Macow-i ikr and wife, No York, 0o II Utrtla. tiul rlliatiaky, Han Kratiri , V A Kin. J A Crattirr. I'ort Uti, C A IVrry. HfrlBT, T V CMn. almbtm II II livcll, tUrramfiito Mrs. Leo M. Frank Sticks by Husband CMaco ) rtlitialcl to Unx tlio Urini number of tlctrlc vMcJm of jr Amnrlran city. J.i&o, No York malm wnml lth S.ooo and Mtii Utd Iblbd with 1,(00 , i ifc. HH B HB fVB aH HlK aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaai laaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaV aHEl'l aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaV (wo iliomnnd five hundred ninety-two April, 13M, In a certain actlcm In the land C6-100 (f2.C92.CC) dollar, with .circuit court for laid county and Hate, roam nnd dlahuraomonla (axed nt wherein Odd Fellow Hall Anocla- thlrty-ilx nnd 7C100 dollar, which tlon Ix plaintiff and it recovered judgment against Frod. H. Mills, de fendant, for tho aura of four hundred ninety and no one-hundredth dollar, aald decree dlrncU (he anle of lot 'and coat and d!uuromcnU (axed at JudRinunt and decreo wa duly en- (red In (he Judgment lien docket on tlie 2iUh day of March, 1914, whareln .Vo(lc IhtUIbc I'ropoMto to I City of Klamath Fall liyrofw Ikind. Sealed proposal will be received it n fnid eleven of block four In Wea( tun nnd 20 one-hundrod(h dollar, 'by tho I'ollco Judge of (he city of - . r 8TONB 4k OALB. Attornoy for Plalatlff. 2r,-2.fl.l-23-30-6h Kliuimtli Kali (formorlr Wtxt Link-'on the 15th day of Anrll. 1014 Inll'tJ, uccordlriK to tho duly recorded Notice I horeby given that I will Wat thereof on file In (he offlco of (ho on tho lit day of June, 1914, at the rounty clerk of Klamath counly. Or-. front door of the court liouto In Kon, or o much (hereof a ncowary 'Klama(h Fall. Oregon, In Klamadi I to antury n.ilil aurn with Interwt rounty, at 10 o'clock In (be forenoon i thereon nnd conta and accruing cost, of aald day, acll at public autlon (o Nodro I horeby Klvn (tint In pur- tho highest bidder, for caah, tho fol-'lisue; said bond being optional after auunco to a.ild Judgment, decree and lowing described property, to-wlt: jone year, and may be redeemed In order of aalu on execution. I will, on Lot four. flvo. alx and aeven. In numerical order at th nntlnn nt th Jthn 2d day of May, A. O. 1914, at the block nlnc(y-one; loU lx, even, cl(y at any semi-annual coupon period Klamath Fall, Oregon, until Monday, May 11th, 1914, at 8 o'clock p. m.. for (he pure baa of $7,291.43 cl(y of Klamath Fall, Oregon, Improvement bonds. Tbeso bonds are authorised by Ordlnanco No. 323 of aald city, and will mature In (en years from date of front door of (ho county houae In Klamath Fall. Oregon, nt tho hour' of 10 o'clock In the forenoon of said day, aell at public auction to the high est bidder, for caah, the following di-arrlbed proper(y, to-wlr of Klamath Falls, Oregon, (he city known as the Fourth Sewer 1 I.ota ten and eleven of block four Taken and levied upon as the proper-1 Unit, nt Weal Klamath Fall (formerly ty of the aald Fred H. Mills, defend- These bond will be sold to the Weal l.iiiktJllfi atnte of Oregon, ac- ant, or a much thereof a may bo highest and best bidder for cash, for serdini: to the duly recorded plat .necessary to satisfy (be said judg-'not less than par value and accrued thereof mi hie In the odce of the nn( In favor of the Odd Fellows' ( Interest; and will bear Interest not ,county clerk of Klamath county. Or- "all Association, a corporation, exceeding 6 per cent, vgoii, aald property taken and levied against Fred II. Mills, with Interest, iach proposal to purchase must be 1 un and decreed to be sold as the prop- jthercon, together with all costs and accompanied by a check for 5 per crl)- of Klla M. Castel nnd A. Caatcl Jj'buricments that have or may ac-'cent of the amount of the bid, certl- ,..t w..vv ... .,,. , I'lVU " --' "" W .-ffw..-.... VWMM, pH ti.. (lii,u Irlo aims thtlr hux n-w. o rend-r meal ele-ctlous Injjjolha.e and Ous Mclbase against! Dated at Klamath Falls. Oregon, lable (o the city of Klamath Fall. i Hie rood Kru ,f a rvRiilar Kun- u to lwi tliu Impreaalou (hnl day mitht uuilli'iiri- at th-lr opvnlnic (lure must be u quartette rtiKnKrment nt the Star thentor lnt Tbn thcatrr'goer of this city liavn lUKbt The Cftllopo Trio no called evlnwd a preference for good singing, mi account of their eirellcnl Imitation and It la not likely than any will wlsa of n rlrrui parade Is rompoed of the oppartuntty to hear theae young tbren mmi with aplcndld roko who men. YESTERDAY'S COAST LEAGUE RESULTS MEAT CAUSE OF Klla M. Castel and A. Castel with In terest thereon toge(ber with costs and disbursements that bavo or may ac crue. Oated at Klamath Falls. Oregon. llila 30th day of March, 1914. ' C. C. LOW. ., Sheriff of Klamath County. Oregon.1 ,ny oeo. A. Hnydon, Depu(y, 24th April, 1914. C. C. LOW, Sheriff. Uy GEO. A. HAYDON, Depuly. 25-2-9-16-23-30 h coast i.i:a;im: hii'lts 1 Wl (Hail, :.e i5jW ... v vv Tik. ? m Sntunln) KIUNFY TROUBL E !OaKlaud . . Kan Francisco It II. 13 13 w HnJmm ' llarrenknmp and Alexander. Ktuinl- rldgn nnd Hchtnldt, Hepulvedn. 1 Vetilro It K 'Cortland . . j Flobarly and rri? , A (Ivrman mulrlan ha tnvrnlrd u lrtrtcally opernln) mnrhlne itkti rrcorda ou a roll of pawr rvr. ry te of a mualral comtxMllInu bo tlari It utum a piano The Wt fufrtrl orort of ClUtia la alanchurln Tin- principal ttoo )itl(ll ara pi no, mdar, larch, tlr. , oak, aah, olui, walnut ami blrrb Furnished Rooms SO cronta a night and up Hates by wrik or month. Mod tra Strain heal. Hot and cold ler In all room. The Argraves -I. It. IIKIlHIIIIKIKiKIl I'rt.p. Herond Ht off Main Mr. Uu M man who haa II. 7 14 2 1 4 6 Ktllott. lllKHlnboih-' Martlnonl and Flatter I It. II. K. Uu Angele 3 3 1 Frank, wlfn of tha'Kacrnmeiito 2 9 I; bwu f(ii.1im-.i fern ami tirmik. neiea: Arreiiaiua T Ki: A CU)iH OK HALTS IF YOUK HACK HUHTtt Oil niiAODER ISOTIIKlUi MEAT FOIIMH UlTR? AC1U 31-7-14-21-28 h am to drath lit Atlanta fur tho murder of and Ituhrer Mary I'hagan. haa hem righting hard for hlta rv,r nine tin. day he waj nc ! Hnmln) cueJ Hh. tip.vea him Innocent j M"rnlng game The rulmlnatlon of her effort crc'Hsii Francisco . . hon thu other day In the filing of Oakland an appeal In the ra, and thereby ataylttg cierutlou, et for April Kib which had h,u!Aloxand.r It jou must have your meal every day cat It, but flush youc kidneys with sails occasionally, says a noted au thority who tells u that meat forms uric acid which almost paralyxcs the kidneys In their efforts to expel It from the blood. They become slug gish and weaken, then you suffer with a dull misery lu the kidney re gion, sharp pains In (bo back or sick headache, dullness, your stomach south, tougtio Is coaled, und when llii M .mlti.iii la tiait wmi tirkA VIA bit- Lichfield nod Beptlheda; Ueyor and !""'"V"V " " ' m. . i iuuiic iwiiiKei. i ua urius geis tiouu) , ,, i. , full of sediment, the channels often It. II. B. i 1 10 1 Let Us Pay Your Music Teacher For full particulars mil nt Shep herd I'lauo Depot Afternoon game It Han Frnnrlsro 0 Oakland I Fanning nnd Supeheda; and Mitre Morning gamo It i Los Augtilcft. 2 Sacramento 0 1 KquJty Xo. 432 In tho Circuit Court of the Stale of Oregon, lu and for the County of Klamath. First Trust and Savings Hank, a Cor poration, l'lalndff: is. J. L. Fielder, Defendant To Whom It May Concern- Notice Is horeby gen that undct and by virtue of an execution and or der of sale, duly Issued ou( of the offlco of the clerk of iho circuit court of the state of Oregon In and for the county of Klamath, under dale (ho 14(h day of April, 1914, lu (he aboe entitled gull upon decree made and entered In said suit and court on tho Sth day of March. 1913, In favor of tho First Trust and Savings Dank, a corporation, plaintiff, against J. L. Fielder, defendant above named, di recting tho sale of the premises here inafter described to satisfy Judgment and decree In said suit for iho sum of eleven hundred ninety-three and S3- 100 dollars (11193.33). two hundred I dollars attorney fees ($200 00), and (twenty and 20-100 dollars (20.20) costs and disbursements, with ten Summons Equity No. C77 the circuit court of the stale of Oregon, for ihe coun(y of I Klamath. 'Richard Melhase, FlalnUff. ' s. It. C Spink (also known as Robert C. Spink), A. L. Spink (also known as Altco U Spink), and M. L. Mayers, Trustee; and P. Lowen gart, M. Seller and Sanford i Lowengart, Defendants. To M. L. Mayers, Trustee, Defendant above named: In the name of the state of Oregon, you aro hereby required to answer the complaint filed against you, In the Proposals must be sealed and as- 'dorsed "Proposal to purchase la 'provement Bonds." ' The Common Council reserve tae 'right to reject any and all Dlde aad proposals. Dated at Klamath Falls, April 10, 1914. A. L. LEAV1TT. 1 Police Judge of the City of Klamath Fall. Oregon. 4-10 Ml KHTUAY XOTlCi: I'errlK nnd llrooks; Klawltter and Cniim to the Midland barn April 31,ltnhrcr one gray gelding, abou( 12 years old, Afternoon game li. II. K- wolgha about 1.200 pounds, branded jl.o Augelea 12 13 3 with nn anchor on left shoulder. Tho Sarrntnento 0 6 3 owner can have snmo by proving title Knko and Dolus; Kllrny nnd Lynn and paying coats, 23-tlh No name ut Portland. rt 2 , 'O scvK rttuui iwo or inree limes uur Maloney-'OK o night. To neutralise theso Irritating acids (10) ,)Cr WJU ntcres. thereon from B. to clennso the kldnejs nnd flush off onu nflcr tlle 8ald 5lh dt,y of March( t tho bod)'s urinous waste get four 1913, with accruing euats and dls 1 ounces of Jnd Salts from any phar-iburaoment. II G 4 Tim ItelgUn IVrrhen.u Stnlllon Alaska Ml bought from Russia In "Klondyko," who mndo such a great 1S70 for $7,200,000. ,rerord lu Ktamnth county Insi yonr,. Then are B6,52(,000 radio on J will make n atnnd nt tho Midway bnrnlUnlted States fnrms. iiib .(iDii.u . a ...iu.i,,. uh .in . W I. Montgomery, manager. 27-4t Herald want nds bring results PAY YOUR BILLS wltn n cluck Itislend of cash. Then you Mill havo both a rec ord of jour inymen( nnd n ro iffpt na well. Checks on tho First Trust nnd Savings Hank nro good ns gold. You can se cure a book of Ilium by opening 11 11 nrroutit thoro, You avoid loin of trouble nod dignify your business by ttiolr use. FIRST TRUST MJ5 SAVINGS BANK KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON MN J. ZUMWAIr, IVm. K. M. IIIIIIII, Vice Prrs.. and Tras. IIKIIT K. WITHHOW, BecreUry Surveyor and Irrigation Engineers Klamath County Abstract Co. ABSTRACTING Ml', I'LANH, BMJKPIUNTH, Kt. KLAMATH FAMJJ, OHKOON "TIZ" FOR TIRED SORE, ACHING FEET Ah I what relief. No more tired feet; no more burning fivt, swollen, bad smell I nt, sweaty feet. No more pain in corns rallouae or bunions. No matter what alis your feet or what under the sun you've tried without getting relief, just uao "TIZ." "TIZ" draws out all the poi sonous exuda tions which puff up the feet) "TIZ" la mag ical) "TIZ" Is grand s "TIZ" will cure your font IlHMlhiAsa tUl you'll ucr limp or draw up your fc ! in pain, lour snoes wonr. aceiu iigni and your feet will never, never hurt or gtt sore, swollen or tired. Oet a 26 cent box at any druj,' or department store, and get relief, mno hero; take a tablespoonful In a glass of water before breakfast for a lew days aud your kidneys will then net fine. This famous sails Is made trom tho add of grapes and lomon julio, combined with llthla. and has been used for generations to flush nnd stimulate tho kidneys, also to neutralize the acids In urine, so It no longer Irltntcs, thus ending bladder weakness. Jnd Salts Is Inexpensive; cannot In jure und makes n delightful efferves- cent llthla water drink. Advert! semen t. Now. therefore, by virtue of said execution and order of sale, and in rompllnnco therewith, I havo duly levied upon the hereinafter described premises, and will, on tho 14th day of May. 1914, nt the hour of (en o'clock a in. on said day. at the front door of (ho court houso In the city of Klam ath Falls, county of Klamath, state of Oregon, offer and sell nt public auc tion or outcry, to (ho highest bidder for cash In hand, all of tho Interest, estate, right, title at law or In equity, Including the tenements, heredlta- AilvvrtlMMl Mall The following unclaimed mall mat ter advertised an 2Gth day of April, will bo sent (o (ho dead totter office In Washington, D. C, rn the ih day of Mn. Harry, Mr. Furroll, A. C. Smith, Chas. C. Sheehoan, James Shrlvcr, Mrs. Lucy Turner, Mr. Wn. Wlllnrd, Master Terry A clinrgo of lc will be made on all lottors delivered from this list. In culling tor lottors ploaso say adver tised. W A. DELZELL, P. M. i Tlieio mo two Linda of Insurance. Chllcoto writes tho kind that pay. (IU.1 Mnlu. MRS. A. I'KTKIWTKINKIl'H Not much silver, Hut lou(y to eat. For a to bit meal It raa'l be beat. ISO Blxtli Btrtet Ilousokeeplug rooms, near bridge. Legal Notices Notice of SherUTa Sale Hy virtue of execution Issued out of the. circuit court of the Stato of Orogou, for Klamath county, dated the 2Cth day of March, 1914, upon a certain decroe of foreclosure and or der of snlo lu u certain suit In said circuit court, whoreln Fred Melhase aud a us Melhaio, as plaintiffs, on the 2 4 tn day of March, 1914, obtained I 1 (belonging or In anywise appertaining. !nf tho said J. L. Fielder, defendant, In and to the following described real estate, to wit: Tho east half of tho east halt (EH of EVs) of section twenty seven (27), nnd the west half of tho northwest quarter (W4 of NWK) of Section thirty (30), Township thirty-two (32) south, Rnngo seven and one-halt (7) east, Wlllamotto Meridian; Or so much of said premises as may bo necessary to satisfy the amounts named In said execution nnd order of sale, including tho accruing costs herein; tho proceeds of said sale to be applied to (he sadsfnedon of said exe cution, decreo nnd order of salo. In cluding judgment, attornoy fees, costs and disbursements and accruing costs, the overplus, It any, to bo paid Into (ho court to bo applied as by law re quired and directed. Dated at Klamath Falls, county ot Klamath, stato ot Oregon, on thts 14th day of April, 1914. C. C. LOW. Sheriff ot Klamath County, State ot Oregon. 0 CO. A. HAYDON, Deputy. E. I.. ELLIOTT. Attornoy for Plain tiff, 211-4 Wllllts building, Klamath Falls, Oregon. 14-21-28-C-12 h Notice of Sheriff's Sale. Dy virtue ot an execution to me duly Uiued by the cleric ot (he circuit the Cth day of June. 1914. that be ing the day of the last publication ot (his summons, and (he last day within which you are required to answer, as fixed by the order ot publication of this summons It you tall to appear and answer, plaintiff will take Judgment and de cree against you as prayed In bis complaint. 1 This suit Is brought to foreclose the mortgage given by the defend ants, it. u. sptnk (also known as Robert C. Spink) and A. L. Spink (nlso known as Alice L. Spink), to Richard Melhase, plaintiff, on April 2S, 1911, to secure the payment ot the two promissory notes ot said de fendants, dated on said April 28, 1911, for sixteen hundred and sixty six and sixty-seven one-hundredths dollars, each, due one and two years after said date, respectively, with in terest at S per cent per annum from date, and providing for reasonable attorney's fees, and upon the follow ing described real estate In Klamath county, Oregon, tewlt: Deglnnlng at the south-westerly corner ot lot two (2) In block eighteen (18) In the city of Klam ath Falls, Oregon, formerly Link vllle, thence northerly along the lino or lots two (2) and seven (7), two hundred forty (240) feet to Pine street; (hence easterly along the southerly line of Pine street twenty-five (25) feet; thence sou therly and parallel to the westerly lie ot lots two (2) and seven (7) two hundred forty (240) feet to the northerly line of Main street; thence westerly along the northerly line ot Main street twenty-five (35) feet to the place ot beginning, in tho city of Klamath Falls, formerly Ltnkvllle, Oregon, above described premises fronting and abutting on Main street 25 feet and Pine street 25 feet. And (0 have declared Junior, In ferior and subsequent to plaintiff's said mortgage the mortgage made, executed and delivered to you by said defendants, Robert C. and Alice L. Spink, on April 29, 1913, upon the same premises as those covered by plaintiff's mortgage as above set forth, and to have your mortgage lien and all right, title and Interest which jou, or any ot said defendants, may have in the mortgaged premises barred and foreclosed, except the right to redeem as provided by law. No personal Judgment la demanded ugalust you In said complaint. This summons Is published once a weog, for six consecutive weeas, In the Evening Herald, a dally news paper of general circulation, prlated aud published In the city ot Klamath Falls, Klamath county, Oregon, by order of Honorable Henry L. Benson, Judge ot the circuit court ot the state ot Oregon, for the county ot Klasa nth, and dated April 14, 1914, the drat publication ot tbla sumaoaa ke- .NoUee to Coatractee Sealed proposals will bo received by the undersigned up to 8 o'clock p. bb. ot May 4, 1914, for the erection of a city ball on loU 9 and 10, block 76, Klamath addition to Klamath Falls. Oregon. Proposals must be for furnishing all labor and materials, machinery and construction equlpsseat aeceav sary for the full construction aad above entitled action, on or before completion ot such city hall la ac- Notice tae Pmbllcatloa (Not Coal Lands) Department of the Interior. United States Land Office at Lakevlew. Oregon, March 6th. 1914. Notice Is hereby given that James D. Grimes, whose postofflce address la Klamath Falls. Oregon, did, oa tae 21st day ot March, 1913. HI la taut office Sworn Statement and Applica tion. No. 06489, to purchase the SW U NWU. WVs SWK. Sec. 11, aad NEU SEtt. Sec. 10, township 39 8., range 10 E.. Willamette Meridian, and the timber thereon, under the provisions ot the act ot June S, 1178, aud acts amendatory, known a the "Timber and Stone Law," at such value as might be fixed by appraise ment, and that, pursuant to aucb ap plication, the land and timber thereoa have been appraised at a total ot 1400, the timber estimated at 110,000 board feet at 81 per M., 400 Juaiper posts at 6 cents eacb, and the 'lead at 8170; that said applicant will aeTor final proof In support ot hie applica tion and sworn statement oa the Sid day of May, 1914, before C. R. DcLap, county clerk of Klamath county, Ore gon, at Klamath Falls, Oreaoa. ,Any person la at liberty, (o.preteet tbla purchase before entry, or laltlate a contest at aay time before the pat ent lsauee, by ailag a oorreberetod affidavit In tola otace, alleglaf facta which would defeat the eatry. JAB. F. BUROaM. Bealatoc 811 h .'Ight, nine and ten, In block one at or after one year from dale of hundred one; also lots one, two, Issue. three, four, five, six, seven, eight,' These bonds are Usued to provide nine and ten, In block eighty-nine, I funds for part payment ot the coat of all In Klamath Addition to (be City (constructing a sewer In that part of cordance with the plans aad specifica tions prepared by Velgbt 4k Co., archi tects. Proposals received will be opeaed and considered by the Comsaoa Coua clt of the city ot Klamath Fait,, Ore gon, at the corner of Main aad Sec ond street. In said city, at their reg ular meeting-, Monday evening. Mar 4, 1914, or at such other time aa the meeting may be adjourned to. Each proposal must be accom panied by an unconditional certified check payable to J. W. Slemetu, city treasurer, for 5 per cent of the amount ot the proposal as a guaran tee that the successful bidder wilt enter Into contract and execute the re quired bond within ten days from the date of the award. Proposals' shall be made only oa the form prepared by .the architect. Plans and specifications may be ob tained of the architect at their office In said city on deposit of $25 guar anteeing (he return of the plans and specifications tn good condition. Said deposit to be returned upon receipt ot plans and specifications. The right la reserved by the city ot Klamath Falls to reject any aad all bids and proposals. . , , Dy order of the Council. A. L. LEAVITT. . Police Judge of the City ot Klamath" Falls, Oregon. 4-17-5-4 h 1