REGISTER! County Registration Books Close April 30. REGISTER! Ultyv fEranttta Herald PRINTS THE NEWS W1IILK IT IS NKWS KLAMATH FALLS' OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER i:utic Vrw ajwa KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, MONDAY, APRIL 27, 19M Price, F1t Carta Huerta Will Agree Anti-American Sentiment Wanes in Mexico MEXICANS TURNING ON HUERTA, ACG0RDIN6 TO REPORTS COMING NORTH; TROOPS AT VERA CRUZ ium:ii ok amkiiii'-an in tiii: CAPITAL I vi:u MITII ahatimhoda MwtxnU ml Tnin'if" Air HrpiMnl la lUtp t'raTtt ,itiulril t'lrlrhrr to jml the Marlun, Vrliitf T1il ih IIcIk-U Mlstu ()ilipmu Aiuck lNik Uir City l'iiului' ItrU dr May ltrrii Mip MnHlir. Ilr W. O, hlliM'IIKlUt (Miko Corrmiuiniltiil United 'tri VIMU CIUHK. Tlirlt 37. llrport Iroro Mrittu City ami rUp)ii;rp liull- n lb' rendition In ttio country ar loHu'luc, unit (tint tbp URtieor u( Amnion being attacked and mur iettt U abated greatly Aurii (a rtusea, uppoaltlun to llutrta It rapidly itpttiUitlne lluedrvitt In ttin capital e retly opfoliiB trim The following circular U Ulnic ccttl all mer Mnilcu "Don't Irt lluvrlA fool rou Up U rbrimraclhg lltllli outrage, "'i1' he Btipea Id bring all the Mnilcan il inter bit banner by making thorn believe ba A Mysterious Shooting Woman Is Wounded, and Two bullet bolo In one of (lporo lllrbn'a rent ran, oni thronib tb" Uft ri-ar door and ttio other tbroJKb tne kIrhh hIiiiI aIiIpIiI. bear evldtmro ol Hinly few inlniili't for l.nwrriicr nderacm, driver of ttio car The hootlnic occurred nt DorrU, about 1 1 o'tlock Haturtlay nUht. At n 30 HAttinlay ovciiluK tlvortto Hudlclnl, ttbomi homo U In Ktnmnth I'aIU, and a woman iippcuroil nt ttio Konl KaraKo to hire a car nml ilrlxer 'or a trip to Dnrrlt. Tho womun, "lio U believed to bn A. H. Ilnrbeiijb, teacher of the Ktmunth Hot HprliiK chool, xnld aim hail it little mutter of butlnvm to atlonil to In Dorrlit that otild probably Inko hor twenty ml utn Uu uruniiit of tliu hrliluu condllloun irullll llu. lihilu luitl In mi llV KI1V Ul f ' ltl llt 1" 1" " t oi Hpenrer Cri'itk, and ilia nut reucn HunlH nftor lu o'clock nt ulKht Ibi) KiiipU, K(,t out of tho car Jimt buforn eiiturliiK DorrU, nml nrrinntiul lth Hamtomou to muul thorn ut tho outnklrtM of I ho oily within half uu hour lonlnic tho wult Haiulumuti went Into town nuil was wuriiiluK hluuelf at a utova lu one of tho milooun when "r. Hiifoty, tt DorrU iiliyiilclmi, inmo in una inked him If ho waa nut Ihn fellow who drove n man and a woman vr from Kluuuth Full. Tho doctor oemoil excited, and hurried out. Utur, Jut m Htudurion and hU rttiviiKurii were MtartlBf oh their ru un trip, )r. Hofely i tho town fcmntnblo approached la mnchlno. Hudlclnl pullod a ihb m ordered Btndtrion to 90 mhtU at full speed. M the una tin tktMMtttilt and I lb falhrlaiid. ami America la tleUlll) all of M.nlcti tl.e I lulnil Htfclra U NOT (Jghtlug Mi'ilm ami Hi" AlrMialu. but U flgUl IDE HuorU Ilinrla mid liU follow -nr pimt our eiirr.nnm.iii by a (mil iimtijrr ni itmr tin not rrprpent Mnvtro " ll In reported that iIip mrrlimn of Tamplro urged Admiral Hotelier to I Mill tlm Atl)etlcll tnarllica there. (ratine that utlmiwlae tin' rebel might aik Hip city Communication ltb XUalco City bun brpu featured Another trnlti ol efugre ltl reach here tomorrow. NOUAI.KH Aiirll : -A (iipkp Ircrnnl (Him Km I'uIuip, itrpr tin) rullroiil lrp. Ry Auiorlran nmrltiM look iHMifnlon o( duayantA. on tbo (lult tit ralKoriiln. wllboul tlrltiK a MllOl 1 VIIItA CltUzTAFprTl 3" llrlsa. Jlpr ri)nral Ktintou' PIMh lirljnilp arrittil In trmuporw Ut iiIbIii Jum a iti'i'tnlli) ptp Onlabi'il to lainl, t bllrb iMfCiirrptl. ami tbn troojx urn llll Aboard It In bcllntril tbat Ihn blupjackrlk ami itirltic wilt bo withdrawn nnd IIip Arm) iilam! Ill rbarKo of lam) osmium TIip iimrlin iiulpoil n !pinl apVrrnl mllon Man Is in Jail at Dorris IIip doctor, both armed, commanded him to (top. Thu woman dropped uu the Moor of the car while the men pnrlnypd mid wit out of ulubt. While Bntidwrnon n trylliK lu de cide from whom to tuke order the conmublc enme up near the car, Jut in time to Ji'tk up lluillclal'M arm iih ho tired. The bullet miianheil throiiRli tln wind Khleld iirnir SiuiMeriton'n bend. Tho coimlnblii drKRed Itudl cIa! out of the i-nr, nml ttuiteil to tho locltup with him. ileputUInc finndrr noil to help 'Ihe dodor Hti)eil m'lir tbn cor, leukint: for womnii An Wiimli'iaon mid the romituble uiiuti In ulUhl of the cur ufter tuklng Kutllclnl lo the "JuK." ey :iw tin womun peep up oer tho nir dooi. At 11,0 iimtuut they miu the doctor , ntp biu utill umt Hie. A mieiim told Hint the bullet hail found t. mi tk, whlcii, on li .'htlnt Ion I Mivvd to bi llilouKb liolh li'KB of thu womun below the knoe. The womun wo taken to 11 limine ,tiid her wound treated, Whin oxiuulued the womiiii wim found to bo armed with u cluw ham liter nml n nun, Wliut litittlnefca the woinmi lutd with tlm doctor, or why the doctor wiu o nuxlouH to pruNont thoiii retiirnluv to Uliimiilh I'nlU, renialiw u uontory. The doctor In loportod mh huvlng ld thu woman hud boon blackmnllluK him. Tho doctor went lo Yrekn Buuday morning mid gave hlmielf up to tho ih.riir but wiw releaaed on bond Imid returned to DorrU Buuday night. ItudlcUl lit hold In the uorrw iockup penttlftg ball, which, to date, ban uot been fortecomlng. IT GETS HIS HAND IN THE COLORADO STRIKE IHIlllATKNl TO Mi:.MI IH.'Gl'I.Mt tiumh'h TiiKiii: '('Imlitnaii of III"- Chokm -loiml I'miIm- j t'iniiiiiltu-r N rw-nl ti ,.k linear ' feller In Knit Hie Strike llffnre i I'iiiIp Sam' Iiimih. Arp lllaiAlrlitl Hi III Inn Almui IVrr In Tnuiblril IH.Irlit Oiitp Morr fulled I'jpm Service WAHHINOTOX, I). V.. April ST. I'lmiilput UiUoii UiU monilttK nont t'otmrisiiiinun Kontrr, clialrmiiti of Uie conr.ri i!oiial commlttpp Iiiv.Uk.uIiik Uiv Colorado ttrlkc to N York to iv John I) Itockcfullcr, nml iK'iiiaiid illnxcll I bat bp pud thi ulrlkp lmnn dltuly. 1'iKtpr uim luntruitml lo tell Itockv fellrr, an thu iiihii KiiilrollliiK Hip Col' otailo Kul mid Iron company, thai l( iltoHpfullpr utlt pud lliw vtrlkc no action will bu (akuu, bill Umt It ha clc rlliipil to. tint icfiiilnr arm)' would bo in-lit lb(r ulih Itmlructloiu to (iri orn pi-acn and urdur I ulled l'rea 8crlcv NEW YOllK. April ST. Comae man Koater no unable to hi Hocki felter lu lrnon. but talked with bin on .S'olhitiK wn ACcomplpUluHl," he aid "1 am nut uro whuther I will return There U uotbliiK of Immedi ate prumlie lu th air, and that I about aII I have to say now- " Koater Indicated thul ho would re turn to WntliluKtou for further lu vtroctloui. All effort to got a Mnlomcnl from Hockefeller failed It I understood thftt the on llatened to Koater' de mand, but refimed to make 1111) con ceaalou Biggest Ship .1 . '-, -tsm & PRESIDED , w ; Jr y-tthi'ja'av'iagrcaaai as According to ndvlco from Washington, U10 Texas, the largest warship lu tho United States uavy, U uow under full Htoum, golug toward tho Gulf of Mexico, to Join tho other shin of tho Atlantic Ueot. nssombled there under Admiral lladger. Tho Texas, whou tho othor ships were ordered south, was undergoing repairs at the llrooklyn navy yurd. Theso wero eotuplotod Sunday, and tho ship Immediately started south when It left the way. U.S. POPULATION IS 108JI00.00U FIRST OF JULY!Manne.rdRendered2!nday ConcertJ PIa2a! Oltl'GON KSTIMAIKM 'IO II.W I' 7Ha.a pcni'i.i: ' i online I" IIip S)ltin of Ciilrulal- lut: I Mil ) the tViiMi llurruu, s'i IVhiiiIm-o lln (inmn In IIK,. WW Iti lrft I'cmr Warn, ami 1". AlKlr U AIhiUI III.OIMI IUIiIiiiI ll. I'urllnliil Osrr Qunilrr Million (lli'iulil iecial Smlce) WASHINGTON. I) C. April '.'7 The I'nltcd State U now u country of ly'.'.OUO.OoO liooplf, nrcordltlK to ibe bulli'lln ceuialnliii: the citlmnlcn of lopulatlon for the )tar aubnequcnt lu the thirteenth cwnaus, soon to be publUheil by Dtreclor "William J HarrU of the bureau of the cvniua. department of commerco It a pre parnl under the gupcrvMon of C S Hlo.Hiu-. Kt'Ographcr. Ak t.ttcd, the eiUmntoU pouplallon of thu United Slates for Jul) 1. l'JH, will bo 103,021.1'2. The population of the I'nlteil State and lu pose uloim In 1!10 wo 101,74S,2G3, so then' will have been an estimated Knlu of out 7,000,000 person lu a little more than four yoam. Tho cor retpondliiK intimated population of continental United States for July 1, 1914. I 3S,7S1.32t,a compared with the population or yi,972,2C0, a re turned by enumerator April IS, 1910 Thl bulletin also preaent tho eittlmatcH of population In 1910, 1911, 1912, 1913 and 1914, for tho state mid territories, and for cttle which had S.OOo or more Inhabitant In 1910. Kallmale of population are requir ed primarily for uho In the consu bu reau lu calcutattuK death rate and pr capita average or year other than the census year. The so-called in the Navy Sails to Mediation Vera Cruz Is Completely Pacified . . 1 ulted l'reis Sen Ice VKItA Cltt'Z. AJirll 27 The pacl huiilon of this city is now compute Mexicans crowded the city's csfes last night, a chattluK. laughing throng while the American Marine band play ed concerts In the plaza In the after 'noou and oeuluK. These were nttend o.t by entbunlaiitic audiences. While thu Me-xlcan refugees last Inlght awaited trnlns, they were fed mmtjytoifcrini.Mw arithmetical method was adopted for iromputiiiK these estimates, It Is the simplest, nnd It has been shown by xperlence to come nearer In accuracy In the majority of cases than any oth- ,er formula. It rests on the aasump- (Continued on Page 4) -. Southward . j.t: .w r -,. ,.i ;. mmm w, BPlllllHBM.i 'W.1:.( l , the Americans, and the band play ed 'Get Out and Get Under." The main work for the Americans now is administrative. Extreme meas ures are being taken to make the city In a banltary condition. Tho peons find the Americans a tourio of wonder. Accustomed to HI treatment and abuse, they cannot un derstand how the Americans can shoot and ktll one day, and feed and care for their enemies the next. Wi 2'iMViflBlB98B?9BaBaBaBaM c 1 1 C. ''iplpiWWHaaaaaWB IKBBBBBBBBBaBBBBIBBBBAaaBBBBBB Woman Burned to Death Mrs. Clara Moore Falls Lying unconscious In an open tire place for fifteen minutes or longer, while tho flro burned every portion her body aboo her knees, Mrs. Clara Moore, a pioneer resident of Klamath tounty, received Injuries Saturday nlghr that reunited In her death that night. Tbo horrible tragedy occurred at t!.o woman's much lu Toe Valley late .Saturday afternoon. All of tho details . ill never bo known, as the woman .n nloue for twonty-Qve minutes be foie ebo was discovered lu the terrible predicament by tho hired man. When rescued Mrs. Moore was lying In tho fire, her body furnishing fuel for tho tl.imes. All of the cloth inn had been burned from her body. 'and her hair and head wore all burn ed. A shoulder und arm that wero I touching an andiron wore burned crisp to tho bone. After reulng the woman from the I tiro, tho ranch hand ran tho half mile 'that separates her home from tbat of jEllnworth and Elmer Moore, her sons, nnd called them. After this a sum mons was beut hero for her daughter, Mrs. J. li. Casey, and Drs. Hamilton and Morrow. j Following their arrival at Poe Val- ley the woman, suffering Intensely, jwa brought to Klamath Falls, In the t 4 LAT(N mm : impmii nt BRINGING PEACE IIL'kKTA SAID TO BE IX RECEP TIVE MOOD Whrilirr the t'ltitnl HUtes Amy In vailrw .Mexico or tli Marlae aad Itlupjnrkrt Are Wlthdranm De pend Upon the Happeniiit of tbe .t ForiyKJitht Hour Claim OnicUl. nited Press Senrlce WASHINGTON, D. CM April 2T. .It Is intimated from two aoturceo late 1I1I afternoon that Huerta ha agreed to accept the mediation plan gives kjr Steretarr Uryaa, accordiag to the die tutor' own admlailna Itrjnn would aot dlvalce hi 1 of infoi-BiaUoa. althoocb 1m I that thr Mpaalsh ' United Press Sarrlc 4 WASHINGTON, D. C. April 111. Practically all the Latin American nations have united to force aa agree ment for the restoration of order In Mexico. According to officials, the next forty-eight hours will determine whether the army wilt Invade Mexico or the marines and troops will be re called. President Wilson and Secretary Oryan are hopeful tbat Huerta'a ac- (Continued oa page 4) Fainting Into Fireplace hope of rellovlngg her terrible suffer ings, but ten minutes after she reach 'ed here a merciful Providence placed her beyond all bodily suffering. Before she left Poe Valley Mrs. Moore regained consciousness. 8he els ted that she was undressing in the warm glow of the Are, and tbat a gar inent dropped luto the Are, Igniting. liecomlug frightened, she says, she fainted, and knew no more. 1 bat she at once fell headling Into the blazing hearth Is shown by a bad gash on her head, where she struck 'the tlreplaco during her fall. The Kteels of her corset wero found In the tire, which proved that sbe was nut entlroly undressed, and that ber cloth ing iv a burned from her body. Mrs, Moore was u native of Ohio, 'and was born in 1846. In 1888 ,ye Moore came to Klamath county, ana they settled on the ground now occu pied by Hot Springs addition to Klam ath Falls, clearing and tilling it for several years, beforo moving to Poe Valley. lu addition to Elmer and Ellsworth Moore, twin brothers, who residtd near their mother, Mrs. Moore la sur vived by the following cblldrea: Oeorge Moore of Moulton, Week,; Mrs. J. D. Casey of Klamath Falls; Charles Moore of Lake county asd G rover Moore of Chlco. The funeral arraagemeata nave net been made aa yet. m m n ll t ! "3 a: