REGISTER! County Registration Books Close April 30. REGISTER! fEwmttg Iteralli PRINTS THK NEWS W1IILI2 IT IS NKWS KLAMATH PALLS' OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER --ar-vsmwwawwiw t "jghlli Year No, U.aVUI 'h'i KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, SATURDAY, APRIL 25, 1914 Price, Five mh REIGN Four Americans Are Reported Killed by the Federals AMERICANS TAKEN Washington's Statue Destroyed BUBO BUYS INTO Carranza Demands Withdrawal pgyR AMERICANS " J!L80 Huerta's Officers Are RTnnmg Affairs Wantonly M - -"'Villa, oTotber Hand, feys, "Go to HW llllH. WW BYTHEHUERTISTS "srrr ,3 - REPORTS STATE UKTYTilll OHDKIIK DIHAIIMIM! ((' ItMIIAHMY C.,txlllii'H of American 111 Mr.lru' 1I) . Atlntiltnlly Prrfariuu The Mrml-r nl lif Emlum) fur i Ail-1 w Hushing nf Truut In Hip " llul unit Oterttimnlng of llurrl lit, tllrutpl In He A liter Irani. It) WILLIAM O. HllKPHKIID Vi;itA ClU'", April B.1. Kery In- lime are lb.? wen who are ' irrtur liy of lrlw U fntlil Ink Amer- rlmnce tit nfTalr In Mexico Clly. ami W.h lnwut. ( lm are making Ibe lWe of Amrr- Kirrj one i.f Hip diplomatic party 'lean ami olbrr furrlxnr In prrtl Klilfli arrlrl It, itii. rltr U.l nlglil. " comluetln a veritable relcn nllfi the e.repUiKt of O'Ht.atutinejr. of terror iMir li a their nrlvute opinion iliai At the top U Oenwrat lllamjupt. lc the early arrival of Irnop. In president of Hurta' government. Mnlro Clly anil I he uirrtlitiiH of ami hi. KNtwuomo battlpriait. Ilimrta, llMfria rouhl llir nxtriKmnl Hip thwily dictator. I the man "car American.. ItiK llin Panama hat (Jrnrral Auburt Nr,y rtrrj lown In McU, wlih In Hip upper clrclit ami (Jpnpral Cnmro llir rtrrtnttn of V Cru, I hohh at Hip lioltmn. arn Hip military com InK AiurrirNit iirUoncr. utamlrrn In MrlfO City I lrartiP.1 Hit im iiipoiIiib IU Tim latput dnpcratlon roportoJ y 0'8liUKhnpMy party four mllrt from llirfl mrii U the railng of tlin Wnah Hilt rlty, wUph ihny wcr.. tramfprrpil ItiKton monumi-nt In MpxIco City. t from thp mcUI train furnUhml by , . lluerta for O'HbauKhnpiay' t'"',t mi J Jnpln, ami plcailml with trnm MpIco Clly. io-'KliMighneMy to b taken aboanl. Thrlr toitvlDK of tho Mrtlmcn rap- O'Hhauslun'x)' wan lulplra, nnd Hal on moit ilramallr. ,l10 jxlrnu Colonrl In cbariti of Hit 'flhauicbnpy, with hla wlfo and ,rnlu r,,f,p, ( rtlln a IiikI piunpn ton and otlmr tnpinbpra of Ibo m-,Irr i board th train. liiy, rft the rapltat al mldnlKht on' TlirnoMranded Amorlcaiu lind bi-oti Thtimday. Moba wrro then In front , a,n from ( rnttis bound toward Vcm nf thn rmbaaiiy bulhlliK, makliiK antl - Atnerlran iliimnnttratlona At Hip tatlon many Amnrlrana bp- lKrd thp train, pleading for per mlkn to accompany Iho party. , (.'oliinr-l Itamon Caronn. aalk"ned to ' accompany h O'Hhauithniiiay party, ti'uPd tbla purmUalon. ru.Pd tbu (wrmlMlori. , imiore inn irn n nan ih mo iivy Il,r.a had ...t 300 ..Idler, to lb. rml.ay t.. aMio lb. 37fi rifle, and the u machine Kun. whlrb wen, atorcd for Ihn dufcn.o of Iho , 0'HI,hne..y In.tructed Ihe vol- unl.r guard, to .urr.ndrr the wm - I'omi. without fNUIun. :n roul in lliU eltv Amer can irudi-d tbe .tatlon. at Orltaba, Cor-1 William Page Dies Succumbs to Cancer; Funeral to Be Tomorrow Wllllmu Page, an old resident of tlm Fort Klamath country, and until a yeur ago ougsged in mercantile Iiu.Iiicns in (Jhlloquln, died la.t night "t the American hotel. Death was due to cancer. Mr. Page and bis wife bad Just re turned from a trip to springs lu Cali fornia In a v.ln effort to chock tho OF (rl nut dctalnrd at the mnalliT town by ummbvra of lluortn'a army What their fatp lll bo nono can loll, but Hip woral U fcarod United l'rpa rtorvlco .'MMAI..'tl. Anrll 2fi. HofUlWtl aouoru ,,,, H" l 4 ' ILH t .MiaaaaaaaaaT f v , HvKvrMHM ssbbbbbbbbbbbVsI Jp O -WttiKU " taafam - ....1i,,iii.,n. ' " ',r 1 "J S" ';"'" f rln of l" r '" WI all lh,. nrina and Amr-,nl,',,",,Uon; , Tlui rpboU .aid tlu-y bad u loltc rn.n ntn. nK , ...... a. -.. ....- "" had l.ndrd near (luaynu... ( , ..... ! a ninuiiciniii m workman. dl.iuuo. III. wife wiih with him at tho oud. Page wiih U4 years of age, and Ih Biirvlved by sonic grown children, lu addition to his widow, llu was a member of tlm Myrtle Point Mnsoulc Lodge Thu funural will bo hold at J o'clock tomorrow aftornoou from tho whitlook Undertaking parlor. The service, will bo In charge of Klamath l.odg No. 77, A. K. & A, M. TERROR lliutl Tilp. Mr nnd Mr.. V. V. Klnley and Dr. and Mik Gray arrived In Klamath KiUIh al 1 o'clock this morning after a hard auto trip over the mountain, from lily. A detny In leaving Illy al lowed ilurknoBH to ovorlako tho party whllo still In the bad roads of tho mouuliilus, muklng the going both dlfllculi und daiiRorous. Rou Flnley, Hoirof V. V. Flnloy, made the trip In hi. car without mishap, as he loft illy In tlmo to pass over the moun tain, buforo dark. The Flnley. havu n blK cattle and stock ranch In the Spriiguo Hirer Valley. Mason, Attention Tlutro will bo a .poclal communica tion of Klnmuth l.adgo No. 77, A. F. ,t A. M., at the Masonic Hall, Sun day, April 20th, 1914, at 1 o'clock p. lu,, lu conduit Iho furei-al services of our Into brother, William Page, of Myrtlo I.odgo No. 78, A. F, & A. M. All Master Mnsons are requested to attend. OKO. CilABTAIN, W. M. Attention, I. O. O. F. All Odd Follows and Kobekahs uro requested to meet at tho hall on Sun day morning at 10:1G, to march In a body to tho Methodist church, where u spovlal sermon will he delivered by llov. nichards. The occasion Is the 'anniversary of tbe Ordor. 3 UI.I.L KNOWN YOUNG LOCAL llUhl.MK 5IAN WILL ASSUME I'AKIIIKItKIIIP IN NEXT FEW, DAYS Crni'.t M. liubb, a popular young budnoni man of the clly, baa erolvod from nn nbitractor and accountant Into n banker. Today h purchased a I block of Mock In the Pint National Ilnnk of Merrill, and next week be will a.. time tbe potltlon of caabler tin re l.ater be will becomo man agiir. Ilubb baa dlspo.ed of hi. Intere.t In the Klamath County Abttract com- 'pauy to hi. partner-. IJcrt Wltbrow nnd Don J. Zumwalt. That Uubb U qunllfled for the potltlon It ahown by bin high record during four years' connection with tho old Klamath County bank and the American Dank and Tru.t company. He i alio the proper kind of a mixer, and tbe town of Merrill can be" Ju.tly proud of ac quiring a npw cltlien or this di-wlrabU tyjw. WORK STARTED ON NEWCOURTHOUSE IIIIICK AUHONS AKK KIMBIIIXC lti:.M.lM.VO WOltK ON toj:i llltHT K1AXK, PREPARATORY! TO STARTING A few brick masons under Con tractor M, J. McDonough are engaged In laying brick on the new court house. "The work at present Is doing the unfinished parts of the first floor wall.," .aid McDonough this after noon. "A. soon as this is all com pleted a larger crew will be put to work." 'SAGEBRUSH LTD.' SUFFERS A WRECK KTL'PH AKK KNOCKED OFF THE PASSENGER COACHES ON CH1L ogi'lN THAIN WHEN LOG CHAIN IHIKAKK Tlio tlm passenger wreck ou tho Kliimulli-KIrk Mluu was exporleuced Friday, when the step, were knocked from tho pnsaengor coaches by rolling logs. The mishap occurred lu the cut this side of Hanks, tho chalus holding a load ot logs on a car parting, allow ing tho logs to roll off the car. Tho momentum carried the logs part way up tho sides ot the cut, and as tho train was moving, when tho logs rolled back again they struck the coaches. 1)111 Diilton and wife, Will Adams and Wlfo nud J. Frank Adams and wife wcro among the valley visitors for the double events la Hlkdom. IN VEXESTLANA I United Press Service MADRID, April 25. Carranza has sent the following wire to the Madrid Press Associatien: "I protest most energetically against tho Invasion of Mexican soil by American troops. "Tho Mexicans will unltu and tight the Invaders to the last breath and 17,000 resident Span iards will co-operato." t ulted Pres Service JAUKEZ, April 24.- -Cieuerul Villa BONANZA GAME IS CALLED OFF RELATIVE OF TWO SIKMUER8 OF THE CLOVER LIIAK CITY AG GREGATION IS IN A CRITICAL CONDITION Manager Morrow ot the local boll team received a tolephouo message from tho manager of the Uonania team, ut noon today, saying the scheduled game betweeh Klamath Falls and Douanxa would have to be postponed ou account ot the critical condition ot Jim Hilton, who Is not expected to live. Mr. Hilton's two brothers play on tho Douanxa team, and out ot respect for their brother's condition, the game Is called off. Manager Morrow Is anxious to have all the fans and players moot this evening at the club room. In the rear of the Palm Cigar store, to talk over iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiHuB9UiiiiffTV9iliiiiiiiiiiiiiip?i MEXICO CARRANA .made the following statement tor the United Press: I "My personal wish Is that America will continue the blockade of Vera Crux and other ports. It America does this, wo are sure to have the constitutlonallsta army in Mexico City soon. . "In this case, I solemnly promise i America that 1 will see to It that idrunken Huerta otters a tall aad sat isfactory apology for his various in 'suits to that great friend ot the .mosses in Mexico .the United States of America." many important subjects. Among the things to be discussed nnd acted on is the selection ot suits for the Klamath Falls team. Tomor row there will be a workout at Modoc .Park, and all who can possibly be on hand are requested to be there. ChafinTalksSunday Speaker Lectures Tomorrow Afternoon and Night Eugene W. Chatlu, twice candidate for president on the Prohibition tick et, will arrive this evening from Cal ifornia, and will deliver three lec tures here tomorrow for the prohibi tion cause. I Tbe first will be at 11 o'clock at the Christian church, In the after- 'noon and In the evening be will lec ture at the opera house. The evsn- CITY ) VERA CRUZ ZPAPER SAYS TKKY WERE MOBBED i Secretary Uijmm Ail III Thar j Ileea Received, a Wire "-"- Nlaeteea AjBericaaw oad, Os Km t gltohwaM have Been ArmUi aad It la Feared Tkej Hav ! by MiUtary Otdata United I'reai Senrtea ' VERA CRUZ, Apt Amerkaaa have kai Cfljr, accordtec te freoa ika capital ariaUd lav "EI local b The Baper slate at tte X. M. C. A. er. were . t'&ited Pies. Serrlea WASaUNGTOX, D. O, AavM Secretary Bryaa ada bum wired tkat ataa'aad oa EaaJMnoaa aav arrested la Medea City today. naJd Caaada treaMfid taa r that theas atea aaay have baaji United 1 WASH1NQTON. D. C. ArH Ml One hundred aad tweaty-lr llir 'lean smb; wow aad calMrowwarsr f taken from a traU aetwaea Trta.ta aad Sam Joaa Dal Rto, aeeerdtesT to oOlclal advice, of the state depart- I ment. t They were left there despite their appeal, to be allowed to continue to Vera Crui. WHITE HOUSE IB IN CONSULTATION United Preas Service WA3HINOTON. D. C, April M. President .Wilson. Secretary Bryan aad Postmaster Oeaeral Burlaaoa held an extended conference this af ternoon. Later Private Secretary Tumulty and Admiral Blue were sum moned to the conference. It was admitted that the conference was in relation to the Mexican policy, but no matter was given out for pub lication. ing lecture will also ba a unloa tng or several of the churches. , Chsfln has long been a leader la the dry party, aad he la oae at ta most logical as well m forcible seeak era on tbe teaiperaaoe platform. Ha , has been engaged to deliver a .few lectures In Oregoa durl.f the .wta. - wide prohlbltioa. eaaealga, Jatvi lit i appear.... fcera la Ma lit te'Orai'aa. j vf f art1"!' $ ,m ?i i sa i m m ttm 1 "vl i