pEGlSTERI County Registration Books Close April 30. REGISTER! PRINTS THE NjWS WHILE IT IS NKWS KLAMATH PALLS' OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER J3E3--J rr'-MI'WMW IMWWUJg ranac Klflilli Vrar M8I KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, FRIDAY, APRIL 24, 1914 Price, Five Eh r; FIGHT ON BORDER "Take Mexico City," Says Army Staff j iWASWVWMWWWWMWMWWWMWMWWWWVWWW 1 "i"i"i"t",ii" r ii i 'i i - i'JiVYvyvivvvTriinnir itaacij' -fvuaruwjwi-' ARMY in m brands Peterson AMERICANS IN MEXICO IN PERIL E xtr Am mmm WANT TO MARCH TALK AS TREASON ... ... ... Jj ARE KILLED AT TO MEXICO CITY .-.niuum-i aje fOItltVinf tmbaSSV M Wm&Z? LAREDO TOOAY i w w V vo it:i will coht i.ivi or MANV ,rw) Ctrnrml Mult KmiuitnritiU the Minrr (if llln Capital ItrfOlr III Mrtlcau l'irrr Can t.Vmcnl Tlirli IllRirlrnrra Ttutw Are Muting In All I'mu ul iIik I'tH-alry Thla .tflrtuiatu. ill W. Tl'lll'I.N TAKIM iNsl'i: WITH urririAi. lxal Man Na) IIk l Mirpril In! Think Thai at TliU tllito llritiark! I TtiU HI ml stii.ul.l lin rnprod-a-Id li) TtMwo III I'liaiKf at lite High SrhtHtl Ha) ItMurkally Sucrlu trtiilrtit I In l.'mn. Train of Refugees Reaches Vera Cruz After Some Terrible! Experiences Huerta Making No Movement to 4 Check Anti-American Demonstrations THE FOLLOWING WAS RECE1V- KIl TODAY FIUM C. L. PAHRISHJ OF COHVALLLS BV CAPTAIN J. .''" " SIEMENS: BY FEDERALS l I" tilt J I'rcM Hrir WAnlllMrTON, I. tt, April St. Itx admlnUtrwIliHi admlla Hit alter IMItor Herald It wax with astonishment that I t-oil In (III raurnlrtg's Northwestern n report of it spc-!! dellierrd to ihr .iiiitmiiK of the hleh school bt riuticr- kuun llil llio rtnIJIutloaalUa will ,,,., r Hthools l-elt-rsou Hucli yiu HurrU In fight against ""' m nlliiioliU expressed therein t Vailed Malm. should nurr hat bwtl K-rmlUed III ail mlurallnual institution of IhU or any other county in the I'nited States titer which floats (tin flag of our na tt 1 .. .11, . 4k , ,. ft fl .. ., li., it, t April . (Ion L'RtleJ (r4 aorrka II) WILLIAM G. SHEPHERD l Copyrighted, 19H, by United Iren) EDITOR'S .NOTE Tim f ollott lug tiniiMial atot-y, given Unit band fuel uf actual condition in the Mexican idpllal, l the flnl article of lite Mini in he given out. Tbe author I tlir Met Ira City correwpoadeat of the ( mini t'lrlu, anil lie I miialdTrd in Ik one of the moat accurate newspaper tit n In the world, with a remark nhli' Inalghtt tale affair In llie lurlinlriit nation to the south of u. He arrlieil llila mornlB( at Vera Cruz, after,, uu I'ultlnit I rip fnmi frlro City. VKltA CHvUZ, April SI. Kiithl the American colony conaUnll) en- ariou cmbaiulcg. On Wednesday hundivd Americana are mill In Mrx- cournKctl their huibands In their task, eenlnic sixty Americans left the city "CAVALRV KEGIMK.NT IS BEING ORGANIZED. CAN YOC ENROLL TBOOPr MeinetM was captain and Parriahi tvaa first lieulenaot of the old caralrj troop here. F.Tacuatiag Cltr bk Ordera FVoai Coiwiar, Troopa Ban AU t-a P-Wtc 1 ! kt Xmb I Mate, mmk. Fire fat the -iirim BuiH tmtML Railro-t Bilde It Saved. 0 SHAUUHNESSY and showed no signs of fear. AND HOERTA IN L0N6 POW-WOW i hh uttttl ivaa pnalld I a YaIMat f , Ico (Slty. at the mere) of Dictator --- - --. .v-.., -.-,... .-.-- I gees train. The men. women and HuerUi Mr. O'Hhauslineuy III. Mijn i, , ir, 1,.1,1-rt , hin. AiiU-AuhtIcW tlemottstrailons are Mrs. O'Shaughnessy In III from the Ins; In their home, and depending on "' I I i .- - ...m -Mr ilcu fliy nri" la lite alogati of t( u non,!,, t,rt f treaon to cnniiwilly In prbgreis. and, blind wl"h ntrvous strain which she has been un- air iaraen 10 protect mesa. lUcariii) ami nary. They think iliciv ur K0cnunrnt and our present ad- tiK-r, IhierU liaa Instructed the po- der for so long, but she sened tea In itratly to IK-fend Lire. I. r.i chance for Trc. ministration, and doubly so when It r ,H,j ,oldlcki nul to molest the ,,,r embassy to tho men and women Ti1i.s,ihv nlehi ei erv man In the W. hcl. of insurance U.m come, from the county superintendent moU Hnc w-l ,., , ,,, jf 'preparing ,0 defend them.ehes. Most . , . 'and member of the high school board ... , A , ,,. . of the time Mrs. O'Shaughnessy wa American colony, including corre late, uf the plan for llie America. . h nr the Atuerliitn CBub, and which tore r0lltrnUti but .howed the unmost spondents. went to the embassy and tu rruuln tulrt at Vera Crus. nailing ..-,,- ot ,i,p high school should ,,", ')nt r "rmV trom ,1,e Joor of braver) In oncouraglng her husband prepared 275 rifles and two machine Iwcricnii and Mexican Sit in Auto- JtroUlatt the lt quietly by and. witnoui rigorous 1 ' " mooiie ana ror tnree-vuarters or United Pre SerrUe EXTRA TaOE STATS DEPi MSXT THW AFIMUCOOK J , TED THE ARANOOKafaWV OP ALL AMERICAN CONsKJLASaW IN MEXICO. IN AIHHTJOK TO 1KB AMERICAN KafBABar. THE FRENCH OONSCLB WDVL ATTEND TO AMERICA'S aTOaKXMB THROCGROLT MEXICO. OFFICIALS HOLD AN EARNEST Unlted Pmm g,,. DEBATE LAREDO, AnrB caa. aokUen were kftlea thla after. juoon la a fight with the treeee pa until llurrta acta. The general staff of lite army rro prolM,t j,crmt Mr Peterson to sow' wuitirmU the rush lag of an espvdl tlcn to Metlrct Clly, and llie aclsure f the rapltal. Il la hetleirnl, then, last the United Slate will It In I'wllloil to dictate lerma. Il U frarrd that Ulileaa prompl ar Hun ! lakiti Cnrransa and Zapata "HI join forte, with Huerta. such treasonable doctrine in me minds of the students of that Instllu tlon Mr Peterson -hows grois Irnoraucei In his knowledico of the causes that' led up to the Mexican w ar 'f ho fill read his Iiwrencj .mil Woolsey's International Law ami thr treaty of iCuadaloiipi? Hidalgo proclaimed July Unlttd Press Hervtre 4( jK4; ,o will find out that tho IMI.VKHTON, April 31. Hecretary jen of the war was not brlgandano. of War Oarrlsou has ordered two nH , claims, hut a dispute of the w '.... i....www 1"" """ """" (Coutlnuad on page , (Contlnuad on page 4) Indian Scouts Maybe Those Interested Say Scouts Will Be in Demand 1 l m 1 VSr "JL "' ?t lrf',:;'0 ''" .4"T-? t -".'1 f;YaBBB I 1H1 '' J , ftllSBBI I T3Z "TK fo j Htir' 1 aH nnnn I rv B sil a t f'lM'i'H-"'if"'T"f 'kHBsL j '; ' M ' "aaaasaMaaaas .saa 1 aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaataaaaaaaaaaaaaaTaaTlBaaaaaaaaWaaaaBaaaVaJNa AaaBBBaaauBBBBBBBBalBBEIBaaBHBBBawaBBTawaVaBBBaaS ai aBuaBBauaaaaAwaaaaaaTSBBaaaaaaaaaBBaTaaaaaaa aaMaaaaaaaaaaaBBaaaHaaT7nSFau Vfi'ft''R'ElBffiriKHfKB aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaBaaCjMali 1 1 iiijaaaat ' 1 jW- b 3L-S The federal fired i htalMlmaaa. an Hour. Argue la the He or;ABertol, CMtUu Settling the Trouble Party of j lag ta Near' Larede, Ue American Kefuseea Reach Ve-miic,tr ' W ' cva alao aaed. Cnu After an Exciting- Trip. Aftw ti om thm t.Viuerlcaa border patrol Jaet weet ef I'ulted Press Service ,ho VERA CRUZ. Aphll 24. HuwU A thai tt eawaed; a tt Mea- .nud 0'Shaughn3y erbally fought lc' were drtTW - " out In the ttreet In full rlew of the CM kaw th i""'- public, the Tamplco Incident. Bjr k1 1 " This Is the manner in which HuerU American troop pe-eated the de- ' dealt with the question on which the ' ' -tI Brldg. trouble hinged. He left hla home' iMnwUrtf ' thla the Me. arlv in the mominB and left no word 'cas boarded three Crata aad lelt; i n uliern hn nn rnlnr 1T i,vri'or tMO "h. It U nent near the palace, nor was he to I" ! 1 be found In any of his usual haunU. ff , ii. n'Ch.imhitiujv roon-tna- ! i There la bo nHnrder la iniwinun n.njirn"i ri n nn.nj'iinjiri.n.n.i"u" nnilAAjxnj - -. COIIiptiny OI rMlgeW W IieSe US aaian. (Continued on page 4) lion to the regulars. 'Ilin luii'Ht military novelty to holutider command of Captain Applcgnlo '.' in Khtumth mil Is tho or- .---- l.TBll!1' ,'!" "r"u . , 11011 to hollnvu that although tuey uro ranlinii,,,, r -, rompany, troop t "l-l-ae,1Bntou with tuo Mexlcuu coua- lithor milt it? Ifti.-.tHili l.nlliiiia In uel ..... ii...uii. inH.iu uniiltl Ih " M"ii -......-. .- -y, l HO IVIUIIIHIM nuiiix" w...-. W'hi'iv iriunlnliiK Amen Elks Are After Elk AMiUMCW :MIUSsV AT MEXICO CI TV cans uro pivpirliiK I" defend their llvcw In case t ho Mexicans become moro hostile. u scout for the American urmy In '"ij of hostilities with (ho wholo of Motlco, H in polntmi out by tlfosu who nil .iilo the idea that tho greater por 'l(n of tho Mexican country to bo In ""lm win ho of a topography, making I- iH'Cussary for the employment of "out putties. A scout organisation, -litrnforo, would stand an uxcollout 1 Imnu, of gutting la tho front, Instead '' garrison duty, as sonm roglments will bo aslgned, during thu Modoc War. tbo Klaut th and Warm Spring Indian scouts ii'i,iiinlil to the trooDH luNndlug a strango laud, Tho only other military nolo of lu tenmt Is the fact Hint Oacur llronno man. water auparlnUndrat for the Ciillfornla-OrcRon Power company, In validated himself for uorvlro Wednes day, by placing I1I1 "trigger linger" In a cogwheel, Trod llramer- I'orcl ul flholl and othor employes of tho company, doclaro that ho dl-1 this purposely, but Hronneman maintains otherwise, According to Oscar, ho was fearful of being Impressed Into ervlce with tho COO volunteers called for by Iho county court for aervlco at Modoo Point. tlu (omnilnto and stoned ind Insulied tin Americans who iere brao 11 unoiigli to aiuwur ou the streets. The American club lhave beuu alMtidoued, und afterward! were loot tid by tho mob. Tho Aateyiean hotel nlso haa been deaerUd. C'harKe d'Affalroa O'HhVugbnessy iiiinouured that ho wan goltkg to Voru Cm, but It was his Intsnttloa to go Nociolly to Mantnnlllo, on Ubt West coast, I1 Sluco Tuesday, when Vra Crux mis taken, tho Americana Bav car ried their live in their hakiia.t A 'the men worked tirelessly hat the em- .Liimy building preparing rWea and .machine gun, tne bravt waageb of uud others at work In proparlug tho defenses, I All Ktticli Vent Crux. I urrlu'il In Vera Crux with ICO men, women and children from the American, German and English col onies tu Mexico City. Another train was duo to loave the capital at 7 o'clock this morning with many moro Americana. Others have escaped from tho city by nrIous methods. I With British AmtiaaMdor. I Those remaining are depending on Sir Lionel Garden, tho British ambas sador, for protection. Ho Is doing everything possible to protect those In peril. When our party left hi plan wa to distribute the American (till In the city around among the guns. These had been kept In tho basement, and when they were brought up they wore found to bo all ready for use and In good condition. Huerta Blind Willi Rage. Kery Interview O'ShaughuCbS) hud with Huerta only Increased the blind rage of the dictator. When 1 last saw O'Shaughuessy ho was greatly wor ried, The last report we heard was that Huerta Inteuded to strip the em bassy of tho guns lu retaliation for the taking ot Vera Crus. He had already seised the rallroada, tho cables, and refused to permit O'Shaughnessy, Shankiin or Captain Members of LodleSeekingHcrdfor Klamath (Continued on Pag 4) 1 Tho prospect of securing a dozen elk for Klamath county has created much enthusiasm among the members of tho local lodge of Elks. At tho regular session last oveulng It was decided that the matter be taken up at once in an effort to secure a many animal aa poMlbb. A committee was appointed con listing of E. B. Hall, C. M. Ramsby and W. M. Monteltui to handle the matter. Miliar ft Lux bare offered to give their 400 head of elk to tbe California Academy ot Sciences for distribution, and the committee will make application to tbe academy for twelve head for Klamath eeoaty. The Sportsmen' Association will also be asked for help. Loui Qerber la vary much later, eated la aecurlai the elk for Klamath, and haa offered to help. The matter will be takeB up by bias through Qerber Brothara of Saera- Iraeiuo. uuh - wan aw w great aid la curia cpeaUart-WaB by ith acaaeaay. ,- - ii J . 1 4 H! I i f H 11 , t I 1 a 'i "! o y ?