PAOKTWO THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON WMWKHHAY,..nllt w u PROFESSIONAL CARDS iTjinjannn .----. . a .. n MAXWELL M. LONG Oataefathle PkpMa Salt IS aid 18. WMU Balldlag TheEvening Herald! fiow View of the New Giantess of the Seas CITY AND COUNTY ABSTRACT COMPANY ABSTRACTS IX8CRAXCK Member Orogo Aoclatioa Title Men A. 8. LOWMAX OIlinOPIUOTOB Room 11 ud 12 Flrat National Bank DaUdiac Klamath Fell. Or. V. O. 8MITH Kdltor Published dally except Sander by The Hereld Publishing Company of; Klemeth FeUt, at 116 Fourth Street' Entered at the postofllc at Klm- ath Falls. Oregon, tor traatmlMlon through the malU aa eeond-clas . matter. Subscription term by mall to any ad dress In the United States: One year I5-00 One month ...... .o KLMUTHKAI.US, . . ORKOON Wednesday, Ai'iUL 22, 1014 ;l GEO H. HAYDK.V. OpUclaa Office. Room 219. Odd Fellows Building Phone 115 Office and Residence, NV cor. th and Main CLAYTON E. WHKKLKll Pfeysklaa awl Sargeoa Osteopath Spoadylotttcrapl (Spinal Treatment) Office heuse: 9 to 11:30 a. m; 3 to B p in.; evening. 7 to X THE KLAMATH FALLS STEAM LAUNDRY Guarantee flrst daaa work aa well aa first class servlca. tf you haTe occasion to make complaint and do not set Im mediate attention, phone D. B. CAMPBELL AND STOP AT KLAMATH FALLS Weather Condition for April Date Max. Mln. Weather 1 49 3S Cloudy r 6u 3 Pt-Cl'dy 3.. 61 40 Cloudy i -.51 44 Cloudy 6 5 M 1't.CPdy 7 5$ 3S PtCl'dy S..I.. 59 3S Pt. Cl'dy 9 . 5S 44 Cloudy 10 51 35 Pt. CIMy 11 .. 51 26 Pt, Cl'dy ,12... 61 26 Pt. CIMy (13 61 42 Pt. CIMy Jl4 68 36 Pt. CIMy 15.. ,...63 36 Cloudy 16 5029 Clear ilS 1 63 36 Cloudy 16 50 29 Clear 117 63 27 Clear IS 74 37 Clear 19 73 47 Clear Wood! Wood! BRAY BLOCK WOOD Blocks tram local mills It-lack Body Wood .... It-lack Limn Wood 4-ft. Body Wood 4-ft. Umb Wood Leave Order at gqaaiw Deal 84 Carl P. C CARLSON fBLLwTBBm. HimBHslRlmHImaHalmaalaHVH 17Mf ff PW F Let Us Pay Yottr Music Teacher For full particulars call at Hhep. luml Plant" lPl It' cumlitB Red' Hpectal. Wlml's touting? Tito Legal Notices ,t.llt IiuIUmU Propositi. t I'tmhaa Clly tif Klamath lw Improvement jiealed proptxmls will be received by Ihe Police Judge of the clly of Klamath Palls. Orrifuii, until Monday. Mhj lllh. mi. at o'clock P. i" fur the purchase ur IT.5til.tS city of Klamath Kails, Uregou, Improvement bonds, 'I bono boitiln are authorlifel by Ortllitaiteo No. 323 of said . vtlll matuttt In ton 'r from uate 01 i,4Uo, said bond Miik optional after! otui r4r, and may bo ireiued lu numettral utder at tltw optlmi t lb' elty at any wml-annual tittU itirlud . 4t or alUr un jrar from dale i I MHO. menl, and Hint, pursuuMTTrT" plltatloii, U... Unit ai.,1 mur ifc. " liavt. brit nppral.,d r . Z? MttO.iMiber!ilinMd"iil?i.,f board ft..t at 11 far M.t 400 l..i post at 6 rents rath, ft(j lh'" , H70Mhlaaldapp,rtWJJjM ilnal proof I., support of nU 'J lion ami amirn uiia,Bl .:." 4ruf Mar, IP 1 1, More ail DeiV4 wuitly dark of Klsmstli touoio ' eon, at Klamalli P,, 0f Any naraon U at llUly 0 mm llils pttrcliasp l,rlir rtttty, or UiZ. a r.ont'.U at any llinn M0fi ,,,"' em Issum, by mine a torrpUrsnj am.lavlt lu this mc, AlUstci. .!! wlllfli Htiulil itnfeat (lt entry SiJiJA ' HMa.n,tlU, Itrwiltltldii Dnlatlntt llip liitrmimt .,( Ilietlliw ... .... n , m. in initrn ij, rnllt Mfr- lii halit U i" Malit hltwi lu Ppi,i m Vh1ck Atrnup I'lmii VHai t,itit)l, mill Iti.iuM Mt,rt if, Vtlkll Atrmin lii Htigtui Mim lumls for part p4ywnl of the cot of, vuiuttutttiiK a tlin rlty Vtioan a tli r WOOD. ALL DRY WOOD 4 ft. slab wood 9JM cord lftVla. slab wood 9S.00 cord 12-ia. Slab Wood; . . . .933 cord s-ft Usnb wood MJSO cord l4a Umb wood $5.23 cord Block wood, load $3.00 Block wood, doable load . . .4-23 KLAMATH FUEL CO., OaeaMSMate. O. Peytam,MT Pboae 187. Pbeae S4SK Look at This! We are unloading; today a car or mixed fruits and vegetables. Get them fresh. Grape Fruit, Oranges. Pineapples, Tanger ines, Bananas, Strawberries, KUmath Radishes, Bermuda Onions, Celery, Asparagus, Sweet Potatoes, Lettuce, new Cabbage, new Potatoes, Green Peas, bunched Carrots, Turnips and Beets. BETTER ORDER NOW WHILE YOU THINK OP IT . VAN RIPER BROS. IhoM85 Hotel Arrivals Hotel Hall A. G. McDonald, A. P. Clublne, Wb A. VochaUer. R. C. Vochatxer, Mer-j rill; C. H. Freeman. Portland; F. Phllbrick. Dunsmulr; Ray Brown, N". Miller. Hornbrook; E. M. Hammond,' Wltlard Dyar. Malln. . White PeUcan James O'Gara, Sacramento; R. E. Hendricks. C. E. Moore, Portland; C. E. Hendricks, Grants Pass; A. K. Dee, Joseph Jacob, San Francisco; Charles Kemper, Minneapolis; J. W. -Kays, Eugene; E. N. Johnson, Helena. Tho now Curnard liner Atiuttanla btalw, the llrltannlc. no bclngsLtp v.H displace about 55,00U loin will be ono of the largest vessels built, and the Vnterland. to tie nnlh ' w" """ normal ca pd All'. u? twenty mrvo nsuia. one in, Ismil to nctoiutnodnto 4.210 nornu . . .. I .. ."!..- .--.. - .. - - . - -T- - ..-- rnc Aiuitania is vvi ivvi icng, There. ed b! year. .Uloat atul ono of the fastest may bo three others aa largo, or a little larger, tho Impcrator, now run-with a bean of 97 feel and a depth of nlng between Europe and the United C feet. When fully equipped (he Including S76 first class pasucncrrs, Sul kn'oih! class rnd 1.7U0 third data and 1 crew of r.culy 1,000. 1 U'l...... .-. .. .!irj.?.s;.-H:3B:,K: U Via U : :,t- H.l.raiac-.b.rrvl lin rouiwt noer , riuutut Cuunrll. 1 !.. 'M" . . , , . .. Ml tlJr? llio linprutewrul f la.,. The., bond. UsW lu h f Mfwrl ,ft Jj nlhi and ba.l.M4U.r for ran. r , , ,? ,(MH ....y h.,1 Im l- " ";urt from Ppbam ,t,t , SJJ lteMlJ and will hr Interest ,.. ,twM ,.Irrl ., ' " rMiv'lllie 0 pr rnt. 'ttriiuu In 8arrnt .tt..t Ik,Ij... . I.'ack PWsl to purcha.e .dust bi efet0,v, M M(J w ' McampanUU by a check for 5 5 Au Wlr Tb. Co. rut of th,. amount lh bid tarll. r fcM afeu4 Uo 4bb to the city of Msmalh I all. 1 U, fcl ,cuj)r,Uot). ,b4 ProiHwaU mu.t b sa. and .n- ,)( fptX , fH( c( .rd -liPwal t purchase wrM ,,r lllBMl4 , 4 u, ,JJ ifrotMtnmt ttwBU. city snglowr havtne dl.4 .iaiur Th Common Council rri In JtlUa ,of h- fqftlMmlkt rt .(Rhl to rejet any and all bltlt and (M,wUf, ot lllo t ,, Cwtd) iif)p4Mls. l'Uh and sinctlJt. b4 .ttiBtid IMIrd at KUmath falls. April l. , ( ho , rU,Urt At ifAVirr i'mwbu olwr Jud of the Oiy ' SrWril and .siim.lKi .rtf,l - .Ul?-l-tt' . '. 'MiUlatwry a(tr .umiaailea U "" .Nutlcp eilrartr rvuurll; K!Ud proposal will h rlJ by! Ie If HrsuUed, Thl iIiamIHUm th undcisUncd ut. to s o'clock p. w.ind vtrflratlons ar hetsb; tffHl of May 4. 1JH. for tho erection of a.aml lfl Common Counrll berefey .. city hall on lou and ID, block 75, pr-M It dcUrmlnsiloa ta iBfrttt Klamath addition to Klamath Falls.lin? "' " ""'" " . Poor House Inmate May Be Opera Star f Accurate Information about the , KlmiMll. IU.I11. Scut a.llctite, 03A Main. ; The Reds' tipsclal will get you If you don't watch out. 51-St I If your house Is racaut .Tell Tin ,.lall. 635 Main Manufacturers of artificial legs are j compelled to find a substitute for the 1 English willow, which ha been bere-i ?"" .'T n"? . lofore used on account ot lu lightness "D0. "J- ? 1 and strength. The Port Oxford cedar j ""T nature. Hula Mabel Clarke of tho Pacific Coast has many of the nl 80n ,h 0" Ua' V lh necessary qualities. fl "ata P'h". she never Imag- 'lnc-d that her voice would rnlso her Houeelceeplrjg rooms, near bridge. '' ho uninspiring vocation of , household drudge branded with the . , stigma of fho .pauper to futuro com SceTe nematode of refrigerators !t, and probably fame in the oper at the Klamath Valley Warehouse. ifUc world. Mabel b. Just 14. We purchased thU stock In order to J " parents died recently leaving accnminodate the consumers of lce. ' nr homelcas and pcnnlloss. She was and will sell same at a Bmall margin ; I IHU.ITlCAIi AWOUNCIUIK.NTH above cost. 20-Ct KLAMATH COUNTY KMFLOYMKNT OFFICE W furalah all kinds of help at hart malice. If you want work ragfeter at A. PIETOsSTWNHR C ntHm JT. W.Traaca, Auction Sale. The following will be sold at pub lic auction to the highest bidder on Saturday, April 25th, at Clear. Lake Dam: Nine head cattle; e bcaa 01 horses, 6 dozen chickens, and some' household goods. 21-3t OTTO HOPPE. Herald's Classified Ad vs. yivsssvswvvvsVsaaaaaw FOR SALE taken lu charge by the West Ham board of guardians. As usual with girls of her class she was put at housework with a view to training her as a domestic servant. Shortly afterwards some ot the guardians vhllo visiting the InOrmary heard her singing. Tho dingy walls had never echoed auch melody before. Tho guardian immediately sent fur her. They weru not expert Judges of music, hut they realized that she possessed phenomenal voice. After a consultation it was decided to send her to tho Royal Collcgo of Music to bo tested. II was found that she has a com pa2 ot throe octaves and a nolo, and has the makings of an unusual con tralto voice. I Annouucriurnt . 1 hereby auuouncu myself a candi date fur the republican nomination as sheriff ot Klamath county, subject to the will ot the voters at the party primary. C. M. KAMHUY. Fur Sheriff I huruby announce myself as a can dldato for the republican nomination for sheriff, subject to the wilt of the voters ut the primary election on May ISth. O. I.. CARTER. Oregon Encd Lr grading 0 m tt4tafni. Proposals must U for furnishing, ne lll oil mf4w pt.atlSi ii 1...... ..... ,i .ti. mi-i,iKrv'a t.lnch Water Mae4a t ul 1 and tonitructlon equipment nwesMnrh Aphalt Macadam lop. eftli r for the full construction and,nrrrta ruru na cutter s wtwt mplcllon ot such city hall lu ac-'nd p:ncalon on OK teestisf A romp tordattce llh the plan and specific.1 Uh la nr.ary drsliui, T lion prepared by Wight 6 Co.. archl- "idlit of roaay to i a twt. wcU J That the pln. spci8r4ilti il Proposals rccel?d lll be opnd 'pstlmatoa of tho city clanr and considered by the Common Coon- Ine th? proposed ork r loUwl ell of lb city of Klamath Falls. Ore-. n lal for the sl4 oik, ui ujr con. at the corner of Main and ike contract for such Improuasat un ond strel. In said clly. at their reg- h ' thereon n4 th tlaW ular meeting. Monday evening. May'tl of such work and ImproMWtai I, 1011, or at such other time as the moilliiK may be adjourned to, lUch proposal must bo accom. panled by nu uncondlllonsl certltled rhrck payable lo J. W, Hlemen. city treasurer, for S per cent of the amount of the proposal as a guaran submitted by said nelnr it Ilk 77,73, I hereby dnpt4 lk tri able COsl or 111" said work. And It 1 further rro!i4, U tho lima within which objtleM remonsiranrr may t hr4rd IJ the proptMed Improvement kU ta4s4SsjkjSstssMMAMA,MAeAASsV Subscribe for the Herald, 60 cent a month. One Weak Spot Many Klamath Fall People Have a Weak Part and Too Often It's the Back. Many people have a weak spot. Too often it' a bad back. Twinges follow every sudden tlst. Dull aching- keep up, day and night In such cases a kidney medicine la needed. Doan'a Kidney Pill are for weak kidneys. For backache and urinary Ills. Good proof of merit In the follow ing statement. John H. Baron. SO Mechanic Et A'hland. Ore.. : "1 hare used Dean Kidney P11M off and on for jenrs and I havo always found them srlendid remtd7. Lib a great many other elderly people, J bare kidney and bladder trouble. Doan'a r'W." For sal by all dealers. Price 60 cent. Foter-Mllburn Co., Batata, New York, sole agent for Ut Unlt4 States. Renumber tfce nam Doan'a and take no other, FOR SALE Work horso. Inquire Frank Ira Wblto's place. 21-6t ) . FOR SALE Quarter sawed oak but , fet, will sell cheap. Phono 109J or ) inquire corner Fifth and Pine. 21-Ct 1 T " , FOR RENT s'VvMssaaVV'MMVasBs"atsAAsIABkseAswsaa FOR RENT A largo room furnished, I or unfurnished. 726 Pine St. 15-Ct MISCELLANEOUS sSMasMMVssassswssss ! WANTED TWO ponies or small j horses, broke to drive and ride; must he perfectly gentlo to handle by children and not afraid of automo biles. S. J. Ualley, S, P. depot, lltf GARDENER WANTED Fourteen acres garden land, half rallo from town, undor ditch, city water, place for chickens, etc,, would let plnco for ono-third rent. Inquire Oregon house, 21-3t Tho esllmutcd increase in tho cost of commodities in Japan, particularly In Tohlo and Yokohama, In the last tur, ui approximately C per cent. I For Sheriff ' I hereby announce myself a caudl 'date for tho Republican nomination for Sheriff for tho sccoud term of .olllce, subject to the will of the voters Inl the primary election May 1C, 1914. CHAB. C. LOW, j Present Incumbent. The Helfclau Perclieroa Stallion "Klondyke," who made such a great record In Klamntb county last year, will mnk.) a stand ut the Midway barn this season. W. V. Pernoll, owner; W. U. Montgomery, manager. 21-21 For County Treasurer I hereby announce myself a candi date for the Republican nomination for County Treasurer of Klamath County, subject to the will ot the vot ers at tho primary election, May 1C, 1911. C1KO, A. IIAYDON, NOSTRILS AND HEAD STOPPED OP FROM COLD? TRY MY CATARRH BALM WANTED Driving team and driver for about a month. Phone 205W lC-tf Instantly Clear Air Pgei You ilrciill.u Freely; Dall Headache Ooea; Nasty Catarrhal Dtscliarg HUijis, LOST AND FOUND LOST Oregon auto license No. 11360, Finder leave at the Ford garage. 20-4t fiucrib for Tit Herald, Ifty cant a montk. Try "Ely's Cream Ualra." Ott a small bottle anyway, Just to try It Apjilyn lltllo In the Nostrils tud liiKtantly ynur clogged nose and sloi-'i''l-iii) air passages of the bead wilt open; you will breathe freely; dullnustt and headacud" disappear. By rnornliig, lh catarrh, cold-ln-hed or catarrhal sore throat will dlsapper. liinl Midi misery now,( Uet ,tb small bottio of "Ely' Cream Balm" at an drug store. Tbls swet, fra grant balm dissolves by the heat of tho nostrlU; penetrates and hculs the Inflamed, swollen membrane which lines the nose, head and throat; clears air passages; stops uasty dis charges and a feeling of cleansing sooiblufc relief comes Immediately, Don't lay awake tonight strug gllng for breath, with bead stuffed; nostril closed, hawking and blowing. Catarrh or a told, with It running nose, foul mucous dropping Into th throat, and raw dryness I distressing but truly needless. Put your faith Just one In "Ely' Cream Ilalra" and your cold or catarrh will surely disappear. ' (Paid AdvrtIBat) ten that the successful bidder wn or btforo tho ttlh dy or av. enter Into contract and execute the re- 1H quired btmd within ten days from Ihe, And It I further rol4, rm .1.... .1.- ..i Mho bouiidarlrt within which tMW UHIV W IMU H"MIHt ..... ss Proposal shall be made only on iy w 'fM0,"l7 Ihe form prepared by the architect. Plan and specifications may be ob tained nf the architect at their office lu said city an deposit of 135 guar anteeing the return of the plans and si'cciiiraiiuns 111 ut;u lunuiiiuu. --.... ...-... ... -. . i.t ,ni.,..i, ir. 1.. r-i..r...,t t,.' streets 110 fret on each ' receipt of plans and specifications. (from Worden avenue " 8f,',k Tho right I reserved by the cllyinue 160 feel on earh side. WM of Klanmlh Fall lo reject any and all Jm ' I'm street Improvsd; bid nnd proposals. J And It Is further resolved, n fly order of the Council, ih notice required by rt,r v: said Improvement U all ihsl ereptrV Ultitj adjacent lo the ssld ! from Main lo Upham wllhlnallM rath side of said streets o tot dlslatit 130 feel from Ihe shUl" said streel. from Uphsm lo Dm A. U. I.KAV1TT, Pollro Judge ot the City ofjdaraath Falls, Oregon. " 4-17-6-4 b given to tho properly CMt "" " "" . -.-.1 skin by tho proposed ImprurtmeM "" be duly given as by tho U W"K provided, Notlre for Publlcatioa (Not Coal Lands) Slate of Oregon, I County of KUmalh, ' Deparlment of ,he Interior, United jClUr YTvWl" ' Slates Land Office at Ukevlew,, , ' A- ' v,n, J-.,. 0rf Oregon, March lib. 1914. W '" ! Notice Is hereby given that Jam I), Grimes, whoso postofDc add res I Klamath Falls, Oregon, did, on thu 21st day of March, 1013, III In tbl olllce Sworn Statement and Applica tion, No. 004H9, to purchase the 8W V NWU, W',4 BW, Sec. 11, and NE SK4, Sec. 10, township SB B rango 10 K Wlllnmotl Meridian, nnd tho timber thereon, under th 0rl- do hereby allosl lh tottlfitoj n and ci.rrecily nr0"jfJ;:' of a resolution adopted by nF" fcf the memhor of the Common ill elect, and approved by IM on Ihe inth dajr of April, W" A. I "'KAVITT, Police Judgo of.11.0 Cllr 0' KUW Falls, Oregon. u,k u..i i.w 11... Maror In" " ftftMW. " '' ' ' provisions of the act of Juno a, 1878. p? of A'r"' t"4' NiCnoUA and itcls amendatory, known a the' , , tl ," ' , Kiamath r)14 "Timber and Stone Law," at such Mtyor of tho Clly of K"raj,.,H valuo us might be fluid by appraise-1 ur,"" ssjp-sjvjsanmnm! EXPERIENCE COUNTS rfllcleaf' In every line of buslaea airloaro I wliat luanr ct'' , .tin. u ...... ...Li- . .....i...n. aiMia tliNt Ihe dlasrw iJeiwtrtHirnt of our IftMiaeMeaa.pAaaged by Hiea of 0I,'T llxperlenred buyers, esperlracert batcher, esperleaccd c eerlcnrel snlesmen and einerlenretl wMrjrwen u to give you the benefit of tlieirmclenrjr. Think Ihl T " tiering your supplle for tit table. KLAMATH MEAT COMPANY - .