REGISTER! County Registration Books Close April 30. REGISTER! lEu tntittg Herald PRINTS THE NKWS WHILE IT IS NEWS KLAMATH PALLS' OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER zt iwmnmtum -i - r -ZSSSSSZ j:itiiti Vrnr ,v. a.tuu KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 22, 1914 Prfc, n h DETAILS OF TODAY'S Americans of Embassy Signs War nfij-ij-ulil11"ll" l"lll . MEXICAN COMMANDER FLEES TO SAFETY, DESERTING HIS SOLDIERS; WARSHIPS BOMBARD THE FORTS litlit ttm tll), itmv llimiflinl Amir). ,.ti,iu irriiu iTtttTfit t,h '"flr " llueje?kel fonwtl IUI,1 I (' . ...- BUHItKAK MUXICANH sr.UtT CA.VNllNAM: Jtnill.r. III VrlrnU' I'lalU Itrlu. nnl li) Arrival I'miu Tamplm a, IUiIjjiV. I'lrrf KrTrtt a lauding-, and llip hill; Kri t.'p a I'lre. Matlnr. I 'of mi In llir l'll' Ionian. In llio Uterinum. W.IIA CIUV., April s: Ad- wirftl t'lvftliitr U Hi" tit H hour llo ttml itir emergency rtiur nml rffcctlvrly. TJion upon hlpliiltlntlte jMi.nlay Iin fi)iiBtt fsllrd in sUn Wilton nuiliorlly. hn ttMT hrIUIK All)(iflthl) Wpfi In uuitlla t: hi Mil right rtflur ttuou, fiillon- IDC hot Ur?l lljllllllg. TtiK tlty l BiVimlll It MaCrta ful mjiwi Hrorrt of prliir ( llrlllK rt 10 Ihp nllli. Th fmulni t ulBckid , from Hip powiter flU'iK 8o far koit no Amrrlcniin i-re killed In today's rnRit rucnt To marine ere reintrt nI Hotiiiitml, Tim Mexican limn U hard to . itllmaiK, t may rncli 300. i 4A.AAA 4,' a a a a s. a. sti . . . i i i..,!.... .i. ..i-t. i.n.i . Ul. el. nrrUo.l .ltirlnB ' 'f''' " , Unltpii l'ress Service VKIIA CHt", Alirll 1RJ- llio Amrr. Imii fiiiim HHik Vera Crtt Ihl afler -'ii. itiltliiK nil Hie MrOran '"r-,,,'l,uirloii from Tuiiiplco are nUo niihore fnim ihp tliy. inow The Aniprloan forces, which linn-mi .Maa., roniiimiidir of tlie'cunimniiced their neneral land nllaek fnlirnl., drleil I.U army and fll. ' now operating under . Hip kiiiis of Ihe warships. ,.,;;: zrzxr ;zw,a:z;:i licit uen wnt aklioro lo rvlwforve, lli'iv In th. frny, anil Ihe ship be fame n live. IMtflll utkitm ..I.IIm tlln ITtlftUil. " "" ' "" " :llaltul It iirorianinimii u rm...ui "- Il.iiii II... i.L .... rinul.. ami . --- I'rnlrli. threw flve-larh sliells over ami' O'Shaughnessy Is Not Heard of; May Be Killed United Press Bervlcn "AI.VKHTON, April . Frantic nlionipis by coramorclut houses to umflrm nr dony the reports that Nel "m O'HImuglmossy, American Charge I'nrrnires nt Mexico City, was killed, "live been of no avail. , other unconfirmed rumors stato 'but Consul 0 cmoral aiianklln hi also lod, ( Unttud Press Scrvlon WABIUMQTON, U, 0 AprU . Hucrettry Bryan today stated that Drive Mexicans Out of Vera Cruz Admiral Badger's Fleet Reaches Vera Cruz Secretary O'Shaughnessy May Be Killed Huerta Asks Japan and Germany to Aid Him President Resolution Marines Landing at Tampico Pope Pius Asks Huerta to Surrender. .. VV"iJT-n.r jnjrux ,i III lllr rrtilrr ( lllc till, and krpl ii n trtjilil flr llial cmt.iil llif ninny In Ik. routed. Til." llrcl. KOIllK't dt'litlilLlird lllf on ml Alnitrili) nmt the tiM-unl. .Noun of llif ii'iifolutuUtil urii lujiiml. lllcy rr .ifc nUlir depot i tllltnu tttr rlKttlllilC. I Otllllitf Itir diititlnu llio mn)iir oft ti'r nil) iMlrd foit.ul Canada uii'ler n (Ut: "' irtiii. (nil notlilitu nr. mmplMird, Kit. mnillii- .lallr.l it Imhimi xvirrli lor nliT," Tlir lr. , frnit it tin ir.l.lnl Hi-if f lilrfty nii mi otKnnl'fd ml'lilt of ww.. IVw upper tl. .Mrtknti" approved. Tlir rli, m .liitkni iimlrr l0Vvr ,,$, 4nd j n ,mrU or Orr llrfril.n r-illlr. of tlif OtliiuiM rnt.l i.()n fUpl, ttrc KailiR u, wak1 Kcn. rlrlr-. Tlir nMi iitllnl. 'W.r-F, movempn, for bctfrIiiK thflri lflrkni Ivfnrv Hip itutrinm. ihlKhnny. In nearly evrry cac. thU, Tim .Vim ili on fonr iiHil In kt-,4 jo tn ilon by rolunletr work on ih fttl iinlrt- niilll urtlrr lo fomi lt"'ironil llml !r. mimII MiimU nml wrtrtli Hip Imuw.i i.ma1 COUnti-'ii road. IIioiikii. ltiorli.'iirrlmiilotlimlitrt Metkai.. In tt.. sm.n.1 .n.ry of l'r'", imtnl rf.n.lrinj nml bi oiip oi inr.r uiu.1.1.. uetiii.lliii: ln timrlnr-. The nrnilrliil n. thru ildniynl by Ihe' Vdtikci. .hrlU. Amrilcmi Coiuul Canada at irn Crtif in nil., the foltoulnR report lodnyl... lo I'mlilcnl llnon , "rifliiK Marten ny urn Vied by stones rolling from the hill. Iran nt daybreak today Our ships, .,u conlcn,p,tB improving this .liiimcdlati-ly boeni) to shell the simlli- .,vf , roftll noxt yOTr uy widening .... ....v ,i li. lt l I ... u .. . s ir":. .'"";:.::", ,....-...w, .. .?. "..V. ... Y.,.. .. - U-: nr inai inra iisiki iiiiiiimi '- "ii,..uii,ii,.p inhn iaiaiH iniu htiav. i . i.imu, .- """"""- .. . i.-.i.h... m.a.. ..ti.Mi Inmleil yealerilay and were In the first attack. Mrtjor llutlor nml his command of w--. . -s. Hamp - lo put itn and I'ralrlo came In elo.c (their guns Into action "I hae caused lo bo widely clrcu- .... .. .1 I... t....l..w A- I (Continued on page ) . there linn been no rommunlcutlou with Mexico City sluce yolurdny moriiliig. The secretary also udmlts that ho Iihh hourd nothlnK from O'Shaughties uy since Monday. Tho belief that ho was assassinated Is Krowlng. Iliiltud Press Hervlte CHICAGO, April !I--The News today states that Pope Plus cablod the apostolic delegato In Mexico, ask Ign him to urgo Huerta to yield and provont further bloodshed. nro BiiiNiriiiia r ...... """iicftmK ,0 pM. , , . M.v.jnnjvtvvvvvvvvx VOLUNTEER CALL IS HEARD HERE; 500MENWANTED Wll.l. sH;MIII.I: AT COCHTHOl'KK HATI'ltliAV ('nil Tllicl l W.ilrd ,lui ,k for Au Intiiolillii Oiutrr In Vino- Tlirlr Maililitn In Srrtlrp m Trniixirl , llin Volitnlrer In nml 1'iwii the tirrnr of TliHr Arllvll)' on IIm Count) ltwtd. WAVrr.l) MM liiru. ttml nil llii nulomolillrw nerdrd lo car ry iltriu, in tiork Hatunlay mi lite MiiitiM- Point mint. Kniurriav U "liauil 11 da tin I)a" alt nr airt,.,iv fl, CBM conUltlon. o " 11 C no i red of this kind of ,,.,... Hrftllli KiHm.n, p.iu. There' .. 1. ......1 LM.....O.I. X.lld TlijkrAl r Is oi plsre that could be bettered nj by ihe'Krra, UmI thouKii. and that U Modoc) . .....,., ... .... , . ! , .,, n,,.,,-!. nnrf ihtilt Modoc I il'olnt, un (ho Tort Klamath road. (rt. Milifsv U -tl tilnMa f flA far fit 1 till Tieej - asw..n i .v -- ,..,. ... , ,.,.,.. ..rnn. in ,. 11.11. .1.1. ... W lMV( ... ...- idltlnn tu litis, the road Is often block-' na.fu"ln!.?"c ?,n"- "n,u. "rH'ua i-re.. servie. !,y J,uUP wm " W?ran "U X? I """"'""l' -v -v.-.. .-.- -...- I"00"' "Slwe there are many place. .lliere where now it is impossioic tor;.,,,,,. ,nnd.Vl, a. T.mDiC0. pi.htlng Is "As Is customary In this type of work, the expense will be large. Since OiIh will some tltnn become pari of a! Htate iiiguway, we uavo ueciucu to make n call for volunteers lo labor on I his great Good Roads Day for the bnttermonl of highways. "We therefore, as n county court, - . no voiu,eeni from ,ll0 ctty 0f Klamatu Falls, each man t mippijr hs own lunch and olth- ter pick or shovel, to repair Modoc i0nt on that day, arriving thero at 8 wwwwmwiwmiiwiwwiw (Continued on page 4) 1, . Harbor at Vera Cruz, bcene of righting i ' BsssaaaaMII Ph '. J5ii TilsaiaSi i OTBawpiKuVtt v(4 vW?5iSm . ssHsHksaaaaasD i ankW&W" ' V "G l lsaaaaaisaaaai SassssssBlslaisss ! pBmnHLBaaaaaaaaaaaaBBsBBBBBaaVs " This photograph was taken from the customs house, looking out over la harbor, which la aa lalet rroat the Gulf of CNRtueche. Vera Crua It the seaport to which Mexico City is trtaatary for Its Imports, etc., and tho blockading will have a serious effect upoa the Mexlraa capital. HAPPENINGS AT VERA CRUZ Two Views of BFxvlcipV: M fLi JB 1 1 cr nr' llio mid. of Milillcn. I'ncli' SjihN bluelackcU anil nutrliu " ' '"", " ,'l,r '" a,,c,,,r,, ,,jr tU f"cl tUnt lMr ",n,,"- "ru,r"' '""" "-""' " ' Above U n troop of Federal oavnlrj. In the lower picture I utioHT. haticry of artillery. MARINES AT TAMPICO WABIUSOTON. D. C." April 22, - . .. . Socrctary 0r Htato uryan tms aticr - uoo aiJmlMed thal mlMt b , . ,.,. mn-f,ri j, IJV'fc. IVIt J li . J. Further than this, he would not discuss tho matter. "Yes. I think thoy reached Tarn- Pico, but you had better ask tho navy department," Bryan told tho BoiiniiM Visitors. 'AM Society. Walter liroadaword, Uonania's, The Ladles' Aid Society of the hardware merchant prince, arrived In Methodist church will meet at the town Just at noon today with a load) home of Mrs. C. V. Fisher tomorrow, of Douania's society matrons Mrs. afternoon at 2:30. At this time final' in,.rt chllders, Mrs. Gone Chllders and im iri AIID II. Langoll. Ernest Hamakor;May Festival, and all members are was also In tho crowd. . tm BPSB V . Federal Troops I 3fc ""."" " . . aa " WASHINGTON. D. C, AprU 22. jlng the power advised. It la aot I won't discuss that." was hljjn0XiCsn Charge d'Affalrea Algara to- pocted that any other nation win ta a to whether there was re-J,jar announced he would demand hiajtorfere, but no chances are belag .ers. reply t . sisiance. , United Press Service WASHINGTON. D. C. ADrll 22. : ,.. ,-.. , ..- - "If the army moves to Mexico It wlllj bo to 'get Huerta dead or alive.' " according to a high army official. The army Is not expected to move until report-jlluerta formally declares war. arrangements will bo made for the I urged to be present. WAR RESOLUTION PASSES CONGRESS TODAY; IS SIGNED WIKSO.V .HK.S IULK A .MIU.IO.V POB PEOPLE llrport Ttiat Bryan I ltt-lKuln IK-uJed at WaalUagtoa CoBgrc niera Are Exluivsted by All 'lh( St-lon Tlie Mexican Ambassador at WaahlBftoa Says He Will De mand Passports Soon. I l United 1'ress Senrlce jbnlted Pre Senrlce WASHINGTON, D. C. April 22. TOKIO, AprU 2a-laaa will r The senate, at 3:20 thl morning mala aeatral la the preset Aaterteaa jiasuvd a resolution Justifying Presl- Mcilcaa troable. dent Wilson in the use of the armed forces In Mexico. The same wan passed unchanged at 11:28 by the house of representa tives. It was signed immediately by 1'resldent Wilson. This afternoon Wilson read a spe- clal messjge to congress, asking half of the ,ute aepartment, udlcatlmg a million appropriation to bring the lnat HuerU nM appealed to Oeraaay Americans home from Panama. Bn(J Japan for M The senate adjouraed as soon as, considered moat the message was read The " graTe and tnU u tn, opiB,0B of are worn out after last night, se.- slon. President Wilson hope to prevent WASHINGTON, D. C, April 22. ! general war. Other offlclata, how- Secreurv Tumulty today denied the!r, pessImUUc, and believe It report that Brvnn had resigned from " necessary for tho Ualted Statsa the cabinet over the bloodshed at lo conquer all of Mexico before tto t- Vera Crux. ! passports before midnight tomorrow. Strength of Atlantic Fleet Given in Detail Kear-Admtral Charles J. Badger, I will have under his command when the mobllixatlon of the Atlantic off Vera Crux and Tampico is com- Iplete, nineteen great battleships ln)gecondary battery, 12 S-lnch, 4 S-lnch four divisions, each consisting of geld pieces, 6 machine guaa. 900 bms; three or tour battleships of the first 'flagship of Admiral Frank A. Beatty. class and numerous auxiliaries under Captain, John C. Leonard, tho command ot aa admiral. Connecticut Twenty-four guns, The tonnage, equipment In meu.i 16,000 tons, 16,500 horsepower, 4 XI arraament and commanders are as inch; Intermediate battery, 8 8-lnch, 4 follews: 3-Inch field pieces; secondary battery, Arkansas Thirty-three guns, 26,-, 12 5-lnch, 6 machine guns; 900 bmb; 000 tons, 28,000 horsepower, four .flagship of Rear Admiral Henry T. screws, 12 12-Inch guns, secondary ( Mayo. Captain, John J, Knapp. battery, 21 5-lnch. 4 3-lnch field. Utah Twenty-six guM, 11.810 pieces, 8 machine suns, 1,100 men: 'tons. 88.000 horsepower; 10 It-tact.; temporary flagship of fleet and flag- secondary battery, 16 5-lnch, 4 3-tach ship of Rear Admiral Charles J. field pieces, 8 machine guns; 950 aen. Badger. Captulu, Roy C. Smith, 1 Captain, John H. Gibbons. Florida Twenty-six guns, 21.828 1 Michigan Twenty-four guas, II,- tons, 28,000 horsepower, four screws, jooo tons, 16,000 horse power, 1I-. 10 12-Inch; secondary battery, 16 B- inch; secondary battery, If 5-lnch, 4, 4 3.1nch Meld pieces, 8 mnchlnejs-lnch field places, 6 machine guns; tuus; 1.000 ineu. fiagshU' of Uea Admiral Fletcher, Captain. William R. Rush. Louisiana Twenty-four guns, 16,- 000 tons, 16,500 horsepower, 4 II Inch; Intermediate battery, 8 8-lnch; secondary battery, is 5-lnch, 4 3 (Inch field pieces, 8 machine guns; 900 1. SECURE AID FROM GERMANY ANO JAPS JAI'.W SENDS ".NOTHING STIR HIG" ANSU'En Is!tt I Not BelJered That UM Power s 1 Will Take Any Head la the AOslr, Hut Bryan U Seelac That AM (fee Detail Are Reported to tae Varieva Foreign Oflce WUsoa b Hopefml. TliU aaaoaacesaeat was) mad to- lay by the foreign oflke. United l'ress Servtcs WASHINGTON, D. C. April 2. IteuorU are already la the poasesaloa fair lssetuea. Secretary Bryan Is personally keea- 'taken. menr flagship of Admiral CUford J. " 2?A t lnc, intermediate battery, 8 8-Inch; 850 merf. Captain, Albert P. fU lack. New HaMhlre Twenty - four guns, 16,000 tons, 16,Boq.horaepowa)r, 8 ia-lncb; secoadary, battery, ll Inch, I I'lath MM 91mm, at Vv HUERTA SEEKS TO (Coatlaued ea 4) - ,?V i WjW I.I 83 il h 1 '1 I4-'