County Registration Books Close April 30. REGISTER! u iming HraUi PRINTS THE NEWS WHILE IT IS NEWS KLAMATH FALLS' OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER Jjmft)HHlMiWMlfcfa'a . Esa-i- Mgtilh rr N. iW KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, TUESDAY, APRIL 21, 1914 Price, KUe Cemto PRGISTERI h MARINES LAND AT VERA CRUZ Badger's Ships Ordered to Blockade Harbor of Vera Cruz mti-WMSW m .-.---. .- .--nnrtnnj-lJJ-J-LJr-u-u-J-Jr VWWMWWMmWWWWMVMVWWVVWW BRYAN TELLS THE e Battleships Which Will Participate in Blockade POWERS BOTTLINU OF PORTS STARTS Till: MIIIS AUK M'K TOMOItllOW MllllMNU j MiywsaBgcsiUwaatfMWWwii vf-ij't- "' "j- "M T- PjWf '1? .tcTutillni; In Washington Athiicr. Itip lllotkAtlx Witt It Comtutlnl In llin Ili.( 11it llrri Will Mflki Awnul -If ftiU I .Nn IMt Hip .Win) nml Marine Will All He Ijni.lnl a) Wtrt Cruf and Tniii'lit, t'diltj fr tier vice NAiiltlMJTON, l C , April 2 tl Imrbttr of Vifa ClU I be llocUuni ur Admiral IUilrr' li1f ThU it Um ttuilncad'tu llryan si" lh pom r ili afternoon, After I ln tiotirtralltin l thru Ad lrl t'trirlifir lntilU itio blmlt Jliit rl tin noon an Itif llttic tin ' mt l in limn, it l tiollctol. "Ill (if ililu twenty-dmr hour. lUHril I lira bcrthe AUOAIIM llATTl.KJllllP AltUAN KK. Arll Jt.Ailmlral lladgrr -u io rraeh Melraa waiem at ui lock tomorrow IIHIMllllK. The tilt m tunning at h higher aptcd liivt tin hP of Hip blockade was rrcflw J. All of ttio bin gun are iinlliu Urn! Hnllorn and murine are ke.n fumumly t small unit ilrlll. Vailed lr Ben tee WASHINGTON, l, C, April 31 it a announced tlmi n soon n (tin UocksJn established, V?rn Cnuj lll ha occupied by tlin marines. Tliu administration will (licit halt to m.o It thin force lluerta to term. If tlilt doesn't, the division or tlio army now tit Texas City Mill bo rushed to Vera Cru. Simultaneously n dlvl ilon of murine will bo landed. Iiimral Wood will command th olJIcrn Ami General Harnett the inn-tlne. mmmmmmatmmmmmm I II P I v- t j - - S V P i U p? 1 I P' ' . Mill f if Pi--'cjI ' IHHHMKMiwvlSE ' i Ira I Miotic i 1 NO TROUBLE MET IN 6ETTIN6 MEN INTO THE CITY. OWIXG TO CENSORSHIP, DETAILS WITHHELD HHhI Wl Following InformatioB That Hoert Was HecflttaK Arms aad Annul tltu Aiimlra! Fletcber W Told to Prevent the Loading of These, and to C the )Ur!ae If He Thought It Would lie Xeceaaarx. United Press Service . XKW YORK, April SI.- The American marlncti 'from Admiral Fletcher's Beet hare entered Mexico by UndUuc at Vera Cnu. V roill dluitclt from W. J. Sliep ieril, the 1'iilted Prrus correpoadeBt it Mexico City first told of the laud lut;. tin account of Uie strict censor--thlp maintained there is contulned no defalH. .,i Ailmlriil t'lmrlr J. lUdtfer, Hiiiiliiandrfllftlllef of the Atlantic lit el. litter HlghtAditilml llriir) T. Miu. hum at Tautplco. f'W,'hU . IV- .Ata.'&.AW. Slni'li'Mi of tlm InrKi'vt Aiuorlciin t)ltlelili, romprUInK tlio Atlantic tt7L?r ir,0.,mbn.u nnuTwrnliw .co. t,y Prcl.lH.1 W.Uon h re.ut of inalmo tho American flaK I!:;" "en Si Z ZZTtU, tinm or ...e Mlc. there uollh.lrmUUIWUi In recognl arresting n plco. These t.Uips will reach Tarapico tomorrow morulas. In this, array of men-of-war there Is sumclent strength to blockabe every Mexican port seternl limes or. Ad miral Charles J. Badgor. commander-In-chlct of the Atlantic fleet, will be In charge of the great fleet when it as sembles at Tamplco. His temporary ilnKihlp Is the Arkansas. Admiral Henry T. Mayo, whose flagship is the Connecticut, Is now at Tamplco. It was Ills demand on the Mexican gov ernment tor a salute to the flag after tho arrest of the sailors and officers number of sailors and officers from 'from hl fleet which brought on the tho battleships now stationed at Tam-.crisis. nfti'il Press Senlro WASHINGTON. D. C. April SI. .Srimtor Mihely, chairman of the sen ate committee on foreign relations, thit afternoon confirmed the United Prvw dispatch. He said that be had just lieen informed of the lauding, but refaed to state bia iwurre of Infor mation. Although reticent to discuss the d-' Oil l, Milvely declared that no trouelei was euioutiteretl in tlio landing of the bluejackets and marines. I'nlted Pretvs Service HOUSTON, April SI. General Kunston, coiuiuandant at Texas City, lias heen orderetl to embark with the Fifth brigade of the army at once for Tamplco. MENDENHALLEARM Wilson Is Impatient SOLD ON MONDAY IHIV lAltMKH TllAr WHICH HAH 'AITUIIF.D TIIIIKH AWAIMW IOU HINOI.H i'AHM KXHIHITH, !OI:h TO CALIFOHNIAN at Delay ot Congress Tim v, W. Mundunlmll farm, tlvo iuIUh from Klamath , Kails toward I'lim (Irova, Iikm Nen inlU. Tho pur clumor l Klmer Curfruan, rucently from California, and tho dual was "'mitt through Kdmund Chllcoto. Tim ranch consists of 80 acres, all ot'uvu (lis ditch. At the last ttirne county falrt tho ttrit honors (or mIu Klu farm exhibits have been won by tho MondenhaU ranch dlaplay, jUultnd Pre Strvlre WA8IUN0T0N, D. 0., April 21. I Wilson declares that no formal uctlon .will be taltcn by lilm until congress Justine hU net. Ho la at bU o"c"' Itlvv office, chaflui at tho delay. This Is tho first tlmo lit American ,i.i,.n,rv that conitrcsH tins not onlhusl- 'nallcnlly uphold tho president In ask ing for authority to uao armed tore.. fin... m.miulilnn. and even HOniO Of 111 rlosu admirers, hint that ho blundered In the message. Tuoy y be ow umphnsltod Hueita and umtor-eraphi'-J ImItoiI tho outrages, aud said that had jtbo Vercara Incident boon used there) , on Id hnvu uoon no tiuiouiiug. It la reported that Wilson la con Hlilerlng aecond message to cou gross. This, however, haa not been continued. It is considered certain that by to night congress will paaa the measure 'giving Wilton unlimited power Jn thla niiattor. AMERICAN LIVES EEARED IN PERIL WAIl DKI'AHTMKNT WIKF.S TWO i CITIES TO 1XQUIKB UUYAx; UIU1F.H AMK1UCAX8 TO COMK NOUTU I Warlike Preparations Near California line United Press Service CHIHUAHUA. April J 1. Ameri can Consul Fletcher today notified the Amorlcans that Secretary Bryan urgeB till Amerlcuua to leave Mexico. Norway haa 144 tree planting aocW idea. The first waa founded In 1900, und since (ben 10,000,000 treea have Lteu planted, more than 1,000,000 having bM Mi out lut year, .. .. .... it.. ..,...ii in maiiv tiarta of the west anow i in tin lituoraiory oi mo ihi-i canror commlsalou at Cambrldgo, an i ieulna the mountalna earner man Forettera aay that thla may . . l egg renting on a eak of ico w lu,i, cooked by tho uao of ultra violet raya, ilccordlug to Dr. W. i. ifovio, wno mad the experiment. i.unu n bad llio aeaaon, and they are milking plana lor a hard campaign, WASHINOTON, D. O., April . It Is feared that the Uvea ot Amerl funs in Northern Mexican towns are In danger, Secretary of War Oarrlaon today admitted that two of tbeao cltlea have been wired, fearing that murder and j ranlaa mvf bava hM connaltted. Qeuoral nilaa haa been Instructed to detail troopa It neceaaary to protwt American la theaa towas. United Preaa Service SAN D1EC10, April 3 1. Anticipat ing that one of America's Drat move ments would be an attempt to slate tho customs houae at Tla Juana, the federal garrlaon at Tla Juana today started strengthening the town'a for tifications. They aro making elabor ate preparations for a fight. Tho preparation, however, la not only on the part of the Mexicans. In th,o,centcr ot the Little Landers .Colony, on American soil, a short dis tance over the line from Tla Juana, soldiers from Fort Uoaecrans have 'machine guns trained upon the Mex ican village. , Orders for a forward move are 'waited Impatiently by the troops. I Hundreds ot tourists and citizens tare flocking from San Diego to the heights above Tla Juana to wltneaa I the clash. Tla Juana Is fourteen miles south of San Diego. .jUnlted Press Service WASHINGTON. D. C. April Jl. -The landing of marines and blue-' Jackets at Vera Cruz was at the In stance of Admiral Fletcher, following an order from Washington directing him to "uso his own Judgment." in tho morning Information waa se- cured that a big shipment ot arms and ammunition was known to have 'reached Vera Crux harbor. An order was Issued to see that Huerta did not get this shipment, even if the marlnea had to bo used. United Press Service WASHINGTON, D. C. April 21, Seven foreign diplomats were request ed this afternoon to confer with Sec-' iretary of State Bryan. It is assumed that at this tine Bryan will outline to them America's, policy, Tho heavy storma In Southern Call-'great use to tourhUs, campera and forula during the put rainy season prospectors. u.ina.1 nut mnttv miias or trans m inn i national foreata ot that part of the The highest mountain In Montana, atato. They are uow betas rebuilt Granite Peak, with an altitude ot for the comlug summer, tor uae in fire protection. They are also of nearly 13,000 feet, la in the Bear tooth National forest. Teachers Mast Not Court Miss Helen Whitney of Chisago land Miss Mabel Smith of Urbana hate , (instituted ault for salary because they t (were dismissed from the Areola high school or Champaign, hi. 'ine oaiy ground for dismissal was that1 ta , youug women bad received attaatlaas t from puplU. Thsjr will also aak far j " ,-uW 3 ' V f I t" S.J.1 !' I Ml l;l