REGISTER! REGISTER! 1 County Registration Books Close April 30. V iatimmn llteraUl VHINTSTHK I litlilli ViMr V. U.JIHI il KLAMATH FALLS' OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON, SATURDAY, APRIL 18, 1914 Price, fire Coals "i HUERTAMUSTSALUTEU.S.FLAG ,nnjxan-n-n-ru-lAru -aaa iMMWM IF NOT DONE BY 6 p.m. SUNDAY "WAR NEWS" WILL BE IN ORDER ASSAILANT OF I MAYOR IS TO BE INDICTED uii.i. pkoiiaui,y hk skxt to mattkawax NEW DEVELOPMENTS CALL THE PRESIDENT BACK A-FLYING FROM GOLF LINKS; NO MORE PARLEYING jivrrKit initie: cos. Ilitf iii-t union! tif (lie Pulled rttale. UII,m IK ltlt,lV Tt T.Ki: till: "Tin pmldei.t U determined. If 5nl!Ml lltietla lifts Hot jlelded by C uVliwVi uii Htlilitny afternoon, he Mill illK" MO,VI.V i4i,i, it,.- mmfttr in emigre on Mon- Il wa slated Hint iiotlilnc furlhr iiuld im- Im kIwii tint fur imlillra Hon. and that l In- ndmliilntrntlnu In Onbt S-ihI NIiIm .! Murine Nitttli Pi"... Oilier .Vntttt ,Hti..l) ILl.., til Hope lur n IVttil fHlflnnil link lU-rti I'liMlloill) Ak-ilitluurtl t the ..nili.l.irliM Purthrr Nl "tt '"6 HuotlaM leply. I OVtbitMKliiKYiijr etnrled 10 deliver I Ilia tillttnnluni lit tlwiornl II tier U IliU aHi-rmwii In view of the fact, II j Hint Mated, tiu action tan bo taken tin-" til congress mitta Monday. . . IVml.kiil WlUon tonight will go t : t"ntttl t'rtk tUtvic ' White Sulphur Spring. When he re-j u i sin vnii iv ii. .t i.i il in. turn lo Washington In will bring' -- . ............ - -- --- -t - I lllr irtiiKk .i rii n I ft '4 . ........ . ....... ..i. I .. -. .. ...,. J I a.. .,.. Ia. BlKnlHir il nimi.uH. mrm. ..., v lull nuiltl mvinitfti i , Urn Hoiii IliU HlirrtiiMiii, audi Arrangement rt ,"''11 mn,, ''l.oel Wuiimu IVaiured. '"Illrd Woman." who ha done much ilto current Uuo of the Youth', tor tho feathered Inhabitants of this h.n devote, toinu attention to . n" W,1U ls a "" mo Ilntti. Klamath Falls' u- JUyor Mitchell TlUnka Thai the AU temiit on 11U Life Was lite KesuU of Dementia Wu a Cbarmcteriatic Product of Cheap WliUkejr aad Ufe In (Hiep IamIsIss Boumsn Might lie CiWen Tiieaty Years for Clime United I'res Service NKW YORK. April 18 -It baa been learned that the aged man who reater day attempted the life of Mayor John I'uroy Mitchell la William Mahoney, He will probably bo indicted by tho Brand Jury on Monday, and the J probabilities are that on account of his condition ho will be sent to Mat (tea wan, New Yorlt'a aaylum for the (criminal insane. Should it be con sidered that he U responsible, and 'realised tho gravity of hU act, how ever, bo Is liable to a twenty-year sen tence In SldgSlns. ' Mayor Mitchell thinks tho man la Insane, and he Is described by District Attorney Whitman aa "a rum-oaked ,i ii.... ih.. .Aim., lie it "" ,,,,, Mr- WH'- w,, ' fon' .,. , ,, , . . i, i. , c. . - ihobo. sodden and embittered, and In "" "M "' , ' ' ' valrsrlnR from a recent lllnma. Ile;n..e,.. !., Illai.-r,- fecllm it-isarUluK .. ,!.. e t the Unltexl State- fla ;7p obabmty ,n8ane. Except for his iiIrIiI, Aiucrlra. wI j( fMOrl (.nr)y flllllUy M, lr..uKl.t I.U c.m.l.y c1om to .,r will, a foW aonunUiat larger Ldvlftnce(1 yea ho ,B a characterUUc iPMllltwMiHMmiuilHMi. momiiiK. unit start bark for Wnnhlng-, "'"" " tymstltuilonulUt nriny. product of the lodging houses and .Mm. WIImh. a.lile.1 that If llurrt hWi.kMI' l toticti with tho president dnr- ,,, .lrcl.l.,1 I.) that lllnv, WIImhi l .e 'K ! 'r U "'M wir Mr rnmp l,mT. Dm nmU.'r i.'iiuiully In fnlij(fe. A. WIIm'H ha. iittiw retonl m,I,,u he ulll a.k r.BBr to aMllMir.' M Pr'" B I... Urn H. of the r...y a.,,1 .wvy" WA8IIIN0TW. I). '..April IS.--, again.! lluerla, IIn. aUlrmnil Iwto) Will. Cople. of the lateU 0 HhaliR i ...r. at ca.t an n..el MuckaU ' !. """ n;,,, T1"""', agalu.1 the Metlra.. H,rU. whirl., It Mp Mlrnwwin rimhwl lo Iho ;rt Uagrrr.1, Mould lm a tantaniount rtrc'lllifc- where Wilson was RoMim. W II lomil.,., ..r r ton al.tpped almost In tho middle of a , ...... , ,. nirnko and rtiahed hack to I.U office. Tim following alaleineiil wu Uaued '" " , h) the Whllo Hoime: "" llnrria U Mill IiuUIIiik l'i !' u,,Ua Vtct Borv,co UiC MMitethliiK li!i hn has been d,- TOIIHKON, April IS, Tho follow- msiuled, mid nomethliiK leas than Iiik uli.temeiit was nia.lo by tlenen.l wlmi U coiuldared would coiiullliilo Villa of the rebel form teday: mi iirliiowliiUemiiit that hla repro- "Il In n humIIoh whothor tl.n Atm-r- seittnllvoa wero entirely II. the Z. -; In the liiitlitnltlfa they have put iin ((Tonllnited on I'oku ) cheap whiskey bars. He might be Im nrlsoned for twenty years, which In thin case would mean a life sentence, li wilt b better to send him to an asylum." Mother, a "Coke" Fiend, Orders Her YoungtSon tolBeg tor Drug Escape Almost a Miracle Upper Lake Mariner Has Harrowing Experience 1 iukkIiik aiihinerueil Ihiouith tho wi.' i ul u ino of ten or twulvn mile hii hour, flltiKliiK tleipertitoly lo n I'liln r ntiiielied to n nioior lurnt, mid Just n fow liielic front lint ptopellor lilniU's. thnt would Imek bin. to piece, ''.iliiln II. II, (htlklns fif the mull hoiit Hpmy CHCiiped a unlery gruvo In I'l'linr Kliutmth l.;.l:o K.ldny after noon by almont n miracle, Thu Hprny win. mitldnc IU imui.l trip to Upper Kalttt porta, nn tftr tlin IiihI piiMiiitKor tirttl landed nt OiIkhhii, t'ltlkliiH atiirled alonn In Hid till! for llnrrlmim I.oiIko, Wlimi ho watt uovornl tnllos from OiluitHu, and hoii.o dUtitiico out In tho witler, CttlldiiM, on tho front duck or Hit) Hprny, allppod on it box In hoiiiu itutiinor, nuil wna proclpltatotl Into tho wuter. I There wim noln.ily lo tlntt off tho iiiKlno, mid M tho boat aped by hfm IfttlklttH KniHied the front tin rope Tim Mttoed of Iho boitl throtiKh th w let- pulled tho im.rlner umlei' the kiii fitfo mi.) beiieiitli tho boat, hi feut were so clotut to tho whlillnK pro i.llor blade that tlio heel va tut ijiom into hIiok. 1 With thU dttiiKer beneath hint, ' iIIiim, with thu tttretiKth that roine leittso to tho edge of denpalr. labor- ,. . ... I ..x.I'm. lilil WAV Miiiaiy into i'"ii , irss.'tjrsnirs.s:!:; . ,., ... , lln.nt'H ldo, and out of daiiKur. hold cocitlno, known to Its victims it Owliut to hi weakened conttiiiou "roko," hna on tlioin. A motitor nav- hi ....ti.. I.. .. t , I. it t tt r ii ir it I tl . . i.ii iim nan diiiauuj- in uiiiiiuuuitft mi. .. tf ijyconio it vicum or Bimuug --- EsiaiaiaiaiaW'aiaiaiaiaiaSaaaalB tV5i"'BK-'t'S' ''i 'SBVkj'lKaiaiaiaHHsiaiaH aassssssssssssssB'.'i :-l'w9WS-!Sl' irFTMSabnTAHiaiaHSWfaiawl vaV ifaBtaBtaBtaBtaBtaBtaBtaBtaBtaBtvr sBvalA . . vtu IViJiatni' hTTl BtaBvjah a VflBtaBk BBtaBtaBBtaBtaBtaBttBtaBtaBtT BtBBaHrsl akakakaB kakVakakaWSW .-1 Tr aTaTaTaTr.'v!i kaTaTakV)? ffaTaTaTaTaTaTaTaTaTaTaTaTlaTaHF )LaLaH9EilLwll ' kaVkBkBkaMkBMkSdkBkBkBkBkBkBkakn FIRE PREVENTION KIDS SEE SHOW DAY IN 'FRISCO FREE; KLAMATH i IS CLEAN, CITY FIUK I'itKVK.VTIOX MKTHOD8 TO UK CHKD OX I'AXAMA-PACIFIC; KAIHWITtOX GROUNDS DKMOR STRATF.O TO 1XSUIUXCK MKX 1. V. HOU8TOX IS MOST TO THK CIUXOREK United Press Sernc SAN FRANCISCO. April 18. To day was obserred throughout Cali fornia as "Klre Prevention Day," and more than a thousand prominent In surance men were guests of the Panama-Pacific exposition officials. Tho vUIt of the Insurance men to the exposition ground marked the re covery of San Francisco from the d bl aster of 1906, and was an "elght-year-i if the KUmath. Fall kid resuUa after" celebration. 1 lo0j always as thejr are today, the All the means of Are prevention topMSjnK of tho preseBt geaermtloa of. grownups will witness alao the paaa- la Retw for Their Work of Makbjg Klamath ValU "SpeUeM Towa," . . Yottngatera Are givlas m Movie Mat. lace Clty'a Teams Have Their Work Ahead of Them tat HaaUa Oarbace. be used on the fair grounds were ex hibited, and a demonstration of the municipal high-pressure system was also given under the direction at Fire Chief Murphy. COP DEFENDER IS LAUNCHED TODAY OXK OK THK ItOATS THAT WILL UK IX THK TKST RACKS AS A POSS1III.K DKFKXDKR AP THK AMKRU'A CUP United Press Service BRISTOL, R. I., April 13. Mother Ocean today took to her bosom one of the yachts which will battle among themselves for the honor ot repre senting America In the defense ot the America's cup against Sir Thomas Llpton'a Shamrock IV next 8epton-!iteTtedMldaBWiyitortt(l. oer. The ocean racer launched today U the Resolute, the HerreshofTa entry. It was the first ot the American de fenders to take the water. The cere monies today were elaborate. On the Sick List. Claude Alexander is confined to hU home today by Illness. Ing of penal institutions, for since John V. Houston announced a tree matinee for the good children who worked to clean up the city, the crowd ot angels has grown until the number rivals the "Just-before-Caristmas" at tendance at the Sunday schools. Long before the Temple theater opened, tbo kid were on 'Band with (notes from parents saying that they had worked. Mr. and Mrs. J. V. Houston enjoyed the children's matinee more than aay other two children at the show. Their, pleasure and enjoyment was gained by watching the little "City Beauti ful" tots bringing In their notes from parent, stating what the bearer had accomplished in the way ot clean ing up the city, and using these notes a passes into the show. As a special concession to the llttla ones. Mr. Houston put such pictures on the screen as could be easily un derstood and appreciated by the younger ones. The Temple was comfortably tiled in a few minutes after the show iy of the older ones who came to watch the tots 'had to content themselves with standing room. "ThU must be the cleanest city In the land." said. Mrs. Houston, as she fondly glanced oyer the aggregation ot youthful worker. Mrs. Jack Donnelly was a county seat vUltor today from her home In Langell Valley. JohJuoaa RetnralBC. Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Johnson are expected home this evening from Oakland, where they spent several weeks. Newspaperman Expires P.lLMcEnerr,WeufwnHere,Diesat(MMiK in tho dock of tho boat, hut he Anally ni'Con.plUhoil Milft, nml AnUhod hi dally run. tint drug I snuffed up tho nostril from tho bund bus becomu so poor that sho eanuot oven buy any more of It. Tito boy, who hud never be como ntllcted to tho drug, la old enough to seo what It ha done for hla mother. Noverthelesa, uxorclalng thu little lutreutal authority she still holds over the lad, she orders him Into the street to beg for money to buy more, Tho caso Is ono ot thousands. "Coke" nud heroin, a cheaper drug, have so many victims that those who have deeply Investigated have become alarmed at the growth ot the habit. According to a telegram received this morning by Circuit Judge Henry L. Benson. Patrick H. McEnery, for merly conuected with Klamath Falls newspapers, died of heart falluro Fri day. Death occurred at Cornelius, whew McEnery was publishing the Coruelllus Tribune. In the death of McEnnery, the. Pa cific Coast loses one ot the most gift ed men who ever wrote for tho news papers. To say that McEnery was a brilliant wrttr.r la stating it but mild ly, and he waa fighting a lone fight to "come back" stronger than ever when "thirty" was announced for his earthly labors and he was called to an ovcrlastlug assignment In the realm beyoud. A native ot Ireland, McEnery was roared on the Emerald Isle, and was m I m IP ! graduated from Trinity college at Dublin one ot the world's, leading ed ucational institutions, with highest honors. For a while he was employed on newspapers In Wexford county, but hla genius was such that he was sought out by the London Graphic, and given important assignments for that world-famous journal. After several years of work on the English paper, McEnery, like many another young I r Unman, crossed the Atlantic. After working In New York and Chicago, he came to the Pacli Coast several years ago, making San Francisco bis home. It was la the days ot tho Knot i me that McEnery wu coao'WIU,).L j the Kxamlner. tho CaH a4 jNHs'Sri wwMwwwwwwwwwwiaawawwwiaya;'' AT (CoatUwed 'k tifeJ? mmr& mm m sj i m i-n CHI J5?J M !! p m - li'.. -ft"