-M ll rtl PF.G1STER1 County Registration Books Close April 30. REGISTER! itutfttttuj IHraUi PRINTS TUB KLAMATH PALLS' OFFICIAL NEW8PAPER NEWS WHILE IT II NKW8 jssewrc' TOs5e(BraraJwplWHl jam w iU.nr -w - 'BEfatnanscsaas Kahili Vwr No, . KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, FRIDAY, APRIL 17, 1914 Price, Fhrs Casta Lh Salute Dispute to Be Settled Soon City Is Undergoing a Thorough Cleaning " ., i. ........, , .-...-.-....--.mui. ..jiLn mmmm... ROJAS EXPECTS MEXICAN FUSS TO BE SETTLED BY SUNDOWN; CENSORED.MESSAGES ARE COMING Free Show for the Kiddies Using Rake ii.M. v,smi now ix Htt.tri; I tilt PAHKAOK OK THK nvrm:MHiiK Hie MrtcN Fnmlo Mxrtla Make Kwotc Ktatmrata lr saala fur the Method of Ktrtag 111 Hrtuiw Kalutr. Infill wtiPtrllt the nlutt ulioutd lm re turned Ton alorle nr currrul. One U that llurrln demanded tlmi I iu t,bi white fltloK, America should,' ttlta the initiative, nr at leaal respond . lmullati"tily a shui ar? flrt-d from (Meilran aunboai tint fori. Another report say llueri alande-! Term .i iiir"rei, .irrtmiiag m mandnd that the Mexican rouimamlorj HrcrrtatT. An(jrfalI uf,j,,, tlr(i:ititv4 to make' itio rpl. ho to Ui rocolvril wiiii a m- rhtP guard and other flourishes due M rank". It I atatud that llryau baa wired 'O'rihaughneaay that America would jlnaUl on llm salute being fired In Strict conformity tilth strictly naval t'altad l'rM (krfN MKXICO CITY, April l?.-(Cfwruitum. lo tx replied to only after 6nl) "We SKt lhi Tastplco af-ttie Metlran aslulo a Rr4, ..i- ... . .. . .... J.. ..I III! IU V AUJUIICU fIU UBUUaUt $M ) in iMAN FIRES SHOT i AT N. Y. MAYOR; ANOTHER IS HIT MITCHIXI, CATCH KS HIH AHSAIL ! ANT UNAHNISTKI) 1 Weak Olil Man. Apparently Suffering Krum Unbalanced Mlud, la'tlie Per mi Vln KirrU tlio Shluot Corpor al lust Coumm-I Itcrelvr a Slight Wound la tho Chin From the Poor ly Aimed llullrl. United Press Service old Yep, JAVKK IIJuiaHf United Pra Service WAHHINOTON, April 17. "The alltisllmi In encouraging, but I not nnUhrd," mlil llrjrAti thlt afternoon. "Naval men aav Ihn iltualloii la atlll m Hie- ttmtcut wado to th Unllnl I'rnM thl afternoon r Koralsn Mln litrr Kc4iury Hojaa. "'tlbkiiihur and I havi ar lantrd an acrruiMit. which he haa ' iMlmlttd to Waahlngton. Wo ari,",- ,,,,,, ,,,Bl " u "ot '"abli bow awaiting a rpna, which I b.K' '" arhlp may b utrd yet. Ilerp will rnd tha dlaacrmnt. ' .. .. . - IIimimi rrvm iiinianu. Mr, and Mr. J. Frank Adam re turned lt nleht from Portland and Wlllame tin Valley olnt. Mr. Adam went up the lake on hunlue today, and thta evenlnit ho and hU wife will return in Merrill. "A ti t"l aluti U tho baaU of thU Kreamant " h lOttrlutled. "I'leaaa uy thU it, the American nwpper," ii L'altoO I'raaa Sctvlco PANAMA, April J7. In view of the jwi blllilen of war, tho Panama ntul i.TehW declare that Amcrkan wrhl(. i.tn v iMiaoeil Ihroush tb canal any t'ltie, Kvru tho Urt can do tlin tiih. . Uoltad PrtM 8rl) WAHHINOTON, April 17. It la ftljant that a aarloua complication hu ariteu over tha Tamplco incident, William Hank, aed 87, took a Hf tecn mile walk near (Ireanwlch, Conn., the, other day, Jl lo attend aiue lluerta la hauling over the a dinner party. Clean Town Is Fly less 'Thero'a no setting around It, AJ work ntiJ no play make Jack a dull hoy,' and If theto hrlcht llttlo kid In KlaniAth Kail nre wlltlnc to get In and clean up tho town, I'm going to regard them by giving them a frefl how." Thin tuik John V. Houiton. head of Ihn clty'a the.itrlcal ayndlcatc, thU afternoon, and he look n aland for a cleaner city that will coat him good, round, Jrou dollar. At tho aanie. lime, thl wilt bring joy to tha Utile folk, and n much neater appearance lo the town, o John V In hit public aplrlted manner, feci thai thl l rcrompfiwo enough. "in the put ll haa been tho klda who did aomo work eUewhere tnat tot free ticket, moatly," aald Ilou- Waahltigton (I). C.) aoelety women tm ula "Hut thla year I'm going to work a little acheme that ought to remill In cleaner yard al tho home. There will he a apodal matinee at the Star theater tomorrow afternoon, and I will be glad to admit free of charge every child who preecnta a note from hi mother, father or guardian that anya he or aho put in the forenoon or a part of today ualng the rake or In other wii cleaning up tho yard. "ThU ttliow la for the worker, not Idler, no ll will be iicccaaary for tho children to have notea from their mother allowing that they worked." Thin In tho third year that Mr. iloiutnti haa treated tho "clean-up klda" at a. apeclal matinee. will atari a achool lu which young girl will have regular couren In bookkeeping, rooking, houaework and laundry work. SilrikUluSeWy(byacaiHipWork jj, TOWNSEND IN THE RUNNING Tl houiefly Uvea In filth; the mo..iiito thrive in ataguant wnter. Tim thorough cleaning of Klumath '"alia today and tomorrow will do a great deal toward eliminating tho fly menace, and all are urged to do their pari In anelng that the town la thor ninthly frej'd from traah, etc. Ilui city haa agreed to furnlah teaiua to haul away free of charge all ruUiuii and traah depoalted In con venient plarea for collection today and tomorrow, lu order to facilitate thla ork, thoae having rubblah to tie cart vd oft are naked to place It In aacka, tatea and barrel, so It can bo hand Ifd with no Iom of time, Glean up, pick up, rake up your mda, front and back. Dig out the wood., old cana and otker eyeaorea. famine every part of your home from cellar to garret and your entire .remltea for old rubblah, and see that It Ii taken away. AhMhI by IntereatiHK your neigh' br. A good examMe will go a long way. It your old garbage can la out' of commlMiM, let a Mw metal one with a eloM IUIm U, n astern tha gabrago ordinance, itnta and fllca re main only wher they find food. Keep nil ahM), cuna and almllnr rubblah In covered rocoplaclea, aep- arato from your garbage. Keep your atnblt ouu piace wnuro .illmr .Innu.alle alilniat ttlld fowl UTO kept, clean, and dally plarn H ma nure and other refimn In coverou, n- tight receptacle. Nlnety-llvo per cent of file breed In manure piiei, Tear down old ahed and fence that havo aorvml their time, and treat what remain to a coat of whltcnvimh. How graaa aced, plant flower and ahrubi, nnd muko your homo a place of beauty, Put your plumbing In aaulUry con dition and remove every nutiauco and germ breeder. Moaqultooa brood In alagnant water and fllo are attracted by a leaking newer, tiv vour examiile and your Infltteuco your neighbor will do llkewlao. Help to make Klamath Palla the cleanest city In Oregon, and you will make It ylees. Kvery nuisance you cannot abate vnuraair or cauM to be abated, report Ito the health department OM1TTI.MJ Or' HIH NAMK 1HOM THK MHT OK THOSK KII,K1 FOK ori'lCK WAH AN UNINTKNTION Ali KlUtOlt In kU'Iuk n Hl of the candldatoa for tho city ofllcoa In Thursday's Her ald,' W. C. Townsend'a uamo was un lulcntlonnlly omitted. As a result, tho popular Second ward councilman's friends have been looking blm up to sco why ho withdrew. 'You can toll them that far from dropping out, I'm just getting Into the ronl campaigning," said Townsend today, Do Ijip Wore Is 8oM. Tho Hotel Hall cigar and book atore that has been conducted In the Hotel Hall lobby by Perry O. IH Lap and Ralph Carter, bag been sold by ttsm to the Hotel Good Citizen's Decalogue NKW .YORK, April 17. An man tired a abot at Mayor 7oJha Pur roy Mitchell today as ho was leaving the city hall. Tho bullet missed the mayor, however, and struck Corpora lion Counsel Polk In the chin, making a alight wound. Mayor Mitchell himself caught the assailant, and took him to tbe city hall pollco atatlon, and cooly turned him oer to the officers In charge of the atatlon uud reported to the desk aergeant. Tho old man was dresaed In rags, and was vcrw wesk and emaciated, his mind apparently being unbal anced. Ho was about CO years old. When questioned at the police sta tion he said: "Everything Is all right but I won't tell my name. In hi rag ged clothes tho name of "David Rose" waa printed, lie afterwards said his name was David Saloahsln. STATE MILITIA IS READY FOR WAR IN CASK OK HOeVriLITIKH, ORE GON COUI.U PUT OVKR TWO THOl'SAM) MKN INTO IMMKM ATR ACTION PORTLAND, April 17. Oregon could put 8,400 men of all arms, fully equtpiKMl, Into the service of the Unit ed States it tho National duard were called on for duty during hostilities Willi Mexico, So far no notification of Impending war has eomo from Wash ington. ThU was snld by Adjutant General Wm, K. Fintor of the guard. Ho add ed that when about two months ago un Inquiry had come f,rom Washing ton concerning tho roadlnoss of the Oregon forces to take tho Hold, a re turn mesaago waa seut saying nil tho Icommanda wore ready. Since tnen there has been no further communica tion on that subject with the national capital. As for tho personnel, ho said, tho men arc always supposed to be ready, and no apodal orders havo been sent out In vlow of the crisis reported. Tho atato force Includes Infantry, coast artillery corps and naval mllltla. artillery, nn ambulanco company, corps and nnvnl mllltla, Thoro aro 1,000 commissioned and enlisted men In the service now. Ba llatmont to full strength would mean a total of 3,000, and 1,400 it the ar tillery command was Ailed with four more companies. The naval mllltla baa 100 men, sad is ready for duty anywhere. First. Remember thy garbage can to keep it covered lest thy garbage become a stench in the nostrils of the people and breed flies. Second. Thou shalt cuttthe weeds in thy vacant lot lest it become a hiding place for old tin cans, which catch water and breed mosquitoes; papers and divers sort of trash. Third. Thou shalt bear witness against thy neighbor's rubbish, heap, likewise his dirty back yard. Fourth. Thou shalt clean out the habita tion of thy horses and thy cow lest the stable fly flourisheth and spread infantile paralysis and the housefly breed by the thousands and millions and annoy thee and thy beast and produce much sickness in thy family. Fifth. Thou slialt prevent the breeding of the fly in the springtime that thy children unto the -third generation need not swat him later. Sixth. Remember thy back yard and alley to keep them clean. Six days shalt thou labor to keep thy premises clean, and if yet the task is not accomplished thou couldst do worse than continue on the seventh. Seventh. Thou shalt covet all the air and sunshine thou canst obtain." Eighth. Look not upon the milk when it cometh from the unclean dairy, for the doctor will not hold thee guiltless if thy infant sickeneth therefrom and die. Ninth. Remember thy cleaning up day and keep it wholly. Tenth. If thou dost hearken unto these sayings to do them thou shalt live long in the land. Exchange. "CLEAN UP" THE ORDER OF THE DAY IN KLAMATH nuunisa and trash magicai VANISHING Schools Are DUml cd, and Scholars Are Dually Plying tbe Rake aad Hoc DonArca Are TTlairntasg Much Garbagf, aatl tbe Ckjr WMJ runUsh Teams to Haal the RefmW Out oT Town. NEW YORK MEN AFTER LAKES SYNDICATK 18 JIILMNU TO PAY A MHiMON DOLLARS FOR A LBABK ON ARBKRT AND SUM MER LAKES I Mm. Uliito Returns. , Mrs. F. M. Wbtto and sou returned Thursday ulgbt after an absence of several months, spent in Portland and on Coos Bay. Her many friends will I be pleased to learn that Mrs. White's health was greatly benefitted by the operation sho underwent. This Is Clean-Up Day! In all parts of .the city, rakes, hoes and other Implement are being piled vigorously, scraps of paper, rags, tla cans, old bottles and other debris that accumulates Is being gathered; boa ft res are sending to the high hssurew tbe smoke from sacriSela! 'altars of trash, and in the treat of the houses there are being piled. a bases, bar. rreis and sacks, ladea with traah te be hauled away. Today and tomorrow were the days set asido by Mayor Nicholas' procla mation as Clean Up Days. It iraa ! deemed advisable to-devote two days to tho good cause. In order to get out every speck of rubbish and traah. This will bo no little "Hck-ead-a-promUe" clean up, either. Those who are at work today are not contenting themselves with a superficial acoar- jlng, but are delving into the hlddea , places, and almost tearing up ..the sar tface. , Besides raking up -the yards, laws mowers which have lata rusty la the sheds since last fall, are being hauled forth, given a generous oiling, aad sent whirling through the grass sad clover. Oa ton of all thla. atanr are Insuring with the painters on Improve ;ment applied with a. brush out of a can, and others are picking out shrubs vines and other plants for beaatlfylag their homes. In order to allow all the chlldrea a chance to parUdpate in the work, the schools were dismissed this afternoon. SALUM, April 17. Governor West announced today that Jason C. Moore. ropro8entlug Now York capitalists, had offered to pay the state $1,000, 000 for the lease of Summer and Ab bort lakes. Tho offer was made to tho Btate land board, nnd It will consider the matter at Its next mooting, Moore's offer calls for paying tho sum in yearly paymenta of $50,000, and also provides tor a bond. C. M. Sain now has a lease oa the lakes, but he la unable to finance the project, and la understood to be will ing to have the board eater Into a lease with the New York capitalists. The lakes are valuable for the salts la their beds, aad it la to txeract these and put them oa the market that the lease Is desired. Visit County Seat. W. W. Adams, wife snd child are la from Merrill today. Discoveries of extensive deposits of limestone and silica in the Philip pines have led, to tbe formation of a company to manufacture cement there. River Dragged for Body Klamath Falls Man With Launch Engaged by Reds (Herald Special Service) KLAMATH AGENCY, April 17. Although every posslblo effort is be Ingmado to locate tho remains of Clarence Cowen, the Indian youth drowned two weeks ago while trying to ford Williamson River, the body is not yet recovered. In addition to tho Indians who are patrolling tho banks', one of tlio Tel ford launches from Klamath Falls Is being used. The river is at a high stage, and this enables Telford to run the launch around the place where tho youth went under the swirling water. A number of barbwlre barriera are placed across William ion River to keop tho body from floating out lata Upper Klamath Lake, should It rise undiscovered. There sre several wires used In each place to prevent the force of the current frost eerrylag ,, tho body past, " CoWen, with Jesse Kirk, was at'-;-tempting to ford Williamson River. v whoro the water was very;swllCbrk A rcachod the other" baas? safely, bat ' , upon looking around fee found that I'nvinn tiail m!4 un tila hnfal'i' MM a ) J Inir thn animal tn loa Ita teattmmamAi -P , ao over backwaroa with '':'lSa":ssssa,''--'- & Cowen .was weeriasT lsif esstiaV $7 j boots aad a flaaaet shirt, whit wasAf ' weight bin dowa; "V''''- ' M Ifl $ .?ii 2 I f m