REGISTER! County Registration Books Close April 30. REGISTER! rW'" fcwnxttg, Iterate PRINT! THE NEWS WHILE IT IS NEW8 KLAMATH FALLS' OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER j?- --wugwwwtwjmwii8r- i'WKit r j; gi-j r;'TTTrTTr,-w-TrtFTnini-iiiij- ui-. Klglith Vrr '. KLAMATH PALLS, OREGON, THURSDAY, APRIL 16, 1914 Trice, Five Cent mh Huerta to Salute if U. S. Returns It MMOMMWVMWWWWWWWWWWW VMWWWWWVWWWVMVyyMVWVWMMMMWW MWWVWMWWWVVWMMWWVMWMWWWWMMMMMMWWW ARROGANT MEXICAN SUFFERS A CHANGE OF HEART AF1ER THE U, 8, FLEET STARTS UN ITS WAY SOUTH Some of the Ships Steaming Toward Mexico M.ntlXUtV DANIEL I'M Si most KKFMTIVK MMH'K ADK OF MKXIOO iWfrUij IIoi.r.-ll. n' Itt Kan 11 mi t !(, to late rfMllHl iharite Of (tl MUtemfttl l( li Purine Diet Aflrt 4 rttlrffnt wlih Admiral Doyle nl Msre Ulainl, Hwretiiry DaiiM or- 'defrd tll Dret (O irlliU'tWHIft at HiHI (Mrttll. Prlllr T.V"1. Fleet Lratr ,,,, ,,,, Mrilwi, drf the vullt t'ntlrr Order Fri ' .. .. 1 . 1 ' United l'fei Service IImMmimi-Hmmi rrlg HrU- WAUNMTOiVt , , A,,r ,, ll.-n ('miulllrw Unanimously Vote 'Secretary Hrymi today conferred Ulij .,, .ij,, ihr PmUm In lit. '""' von in.iorB, -r unci. jllrran ent to thr Vhlti Houm, lln Mnlrau Policy, M,j ,ll(,t ,r j von llernntorff hd hull' dlwunM-d the McilrAii situation, I i - i'" ""' v"" '''""torn" ' "W 'I'" lall.J Pre Service 'powers would continue tti, "hand- U.tHIIIMJTO, II. v., April 10. ,,.. uoiify, nlj Irnrn the matter en- HrrU U willls ! th Asjht- ,rjr (n America's nor k If Awswa agree rrium hk mIuIiv Chairman Mfclvely o Hie nwtP nxmitlllw tm forrtcm affair (wttnlur.) Hint Imm bw rtaeaUlally tttai ihi mm ami to Wh Iwifii iUy by 0KtMiMtiiMMjr, United l'rM Servlc WASHINGTON, l. C April 1C The !(( complete blockade that ha Mir been enforced by an American effort U couterapUied liul Moxlco. . ,,W1U . , il'.vory roll of ti comt will under WA8IIINOTON, I. U. Arll I. LumUhCo ,,,, futrU ,m. Tbi. .luwtlon nf whlnvr ! Unltwl) u MMd-,de4 wntncr to block- St. rould return Ida mIuI wHb-Io bi,,plnf of rery ch.r.ctcr. or et roUln lb Httrla ww,r ,ne Mlr-n ,hi,,,,nt. rncrni i inn aruie quoaiion m (iivwtai. ,ftiinr Udge hold thm rrturn lac thn Mlute would tw a "buck don ' on th ri of AnirkA. Tim lidiuo commit! on furvlnu rv Utlunt toJuy uomilmotuly ndutitrd I hi rroUulun. "Ilnolml, Ttl the arlinM of Hiv' I'rctitrtii In Um Tawplru Incldrol tw ftuaiAltinat ' l'rrrallon rp Ult wd to, ( Amnrfcaii wlihlnit to lPrli,',fr",,' )lilco. Many women and children j from Mtlco City arn now at Vcrnj I'rui, rndy to go north, . It u bllvn4t that If tho Unltrd j-LMeiBWi""-iw-'"r- "iie"""tui niui ii( "i - ji-jHM,"i-i gSS CATO SELLS WILL BE HERE IN MAY ON RIVER MATTER IIKAIJ OP VlSF. TUKE If CUH mO.M CAPlTAl . .t. J. Kroenert In Elated Orcr the ChanKc of Attitude by Indian Com missioner, and Also Places Greater 1'art of the Credit for thfcr Upon the Untiring Efforts of Coagreaa man .V. J. Slaaott. irij"--" 1 -i4sF-T zt22tz -i. A !r'-?l- J ytTrJ.T.SSPJKWgpy Four of the halllrhlM llio United Hta tea ha ilUnalrhrd to Hldpate la the naval dcmonatraUoB. or KHUlile laadinx of marine at Tamplco aad t, llliwtc Inland; A'o, 2, Nehraaka; No. 8, Admiral Fletcher, In charge of thn ahlps now at- Tmnplco; Xo. 4, AdaUral Cowles; Vera Crn. Xu. Xo. r, vintinU: Xo. fl, Xcvr Jeraey. RUEF'S PARDON IS UP SATURDAYImoN WORKERS 1 TciTY REBISTER TO GET RELICS Indian Commlwtoner Cato Sella ; will be here the latter part of May to . inspect Sprague and Williamson Rlv I era In regard to the advisability of re opening them to logging operation. This la the cheering news brought .to Klamath Falls by A. J. Kroenert, 'head of the Pine Tree Lumber com pany. Mr. Kroenert came In last night from Washington, D C, where be has been working industriously for the opening of the rivers "Ihc fact that Commissioner Sells ,ba ceclded to visit Klamath Falls " next month Is due almost entirely to the untiring efforts of your efficient congressman, Nicholas J. SInnott," said Mr. Kroenert today. "I was a PurfHt stranger to Mr. SInnott, but be interested himself la ay case at once, and since then, he has been working every minute be could to in- duce Sells to change the ruling, or at PIUHOV HOAUIl' I WII.I. tXI.NKIIIKIl CAKE Oh' THK HtltMEIt ItOKH I'AltOI.K W HE I.IKVEU CKHTA1X Mmm takra Tatnplco, Carranta will U foiced to Minmi hoatllltle toward, I'lWeu rrw wmico Aiiirrlra or loan tha sympathy of his inlloftrra. t'Qltrd I'reas genie HAN PKDKO, April 16, The Kuuth I'adfic torpedo boat flotilla cleared Hah I'fdro harbor early today for Hau IHrn Th fleet nailed under order irntu Wellington. I'ultvd Press Service WAHIIINOTON, I), 0., April 10.--Kecretnry Daniels ordered Assistant HAS KIIANCI8CO. April 1, The tale prison board on Raturday will i act on the itetlllon for a parole for Abe lluef, Han Francisco's expolltlcal boK, It U considered as certain that tint parole will l granted. Ittief has served about six years of a fourimtii year sentence. The wotklngmen's coiupctisatlon act passed by the Ontario legislature vtlll be placed In operation the rirst of ueil January. Petition Filing Ends Time for Fikvf Notice of Candidacy Has Expired At ,1 o'clock p. in. Wednesday tho time fur tilling announcements of can illiliuy (or county and product officoa ftiplred, There Is no further oppor tunity for tlioso aeeklng nominations ko on their' party ballot at tho pri maries next month. Uttr, person can run at the gsn- rsl election as an Independent ean,dl llo, provided, he geta n niloient l'r rentage of signatures to his pe tition. Tho complete list of candidate for "miiluatlon to county offices In Klam itli county felUwi: IrlinttMnnNUnnBBBV County Judge William 8, Worden ( Klamath Falls. HliorlfCw, B. Harnes, Oecar h. ('rter, Carey II. lamby and Cbarle 0. Uw, aU t KlaaaU Falls. County Clerk C. It. Uo Lap, K. D. North, both of Klamath Falls. County Treusurcr (loorgo A. Hay don, Tom Walters, both of Klamath Falls. County Hurveyor IS. II. llonry of Klamath Falls, F. Q, Ilrown, Odessa. Justice of the Peace, Llukvlllo Dis trict H. W. Uowen, Klamath Falls. Daweerat County Judge W. W. Smith of Illy, Marlon Hanks of Klamath Falls. Sheriff II. Bt. (loorge Bishop of Odessa, J. W, Hawxhurst of Klamath Falli. County Clerk J. II. Everett of Klamath Falla. Clerk Qi Circuit Court Oeorg Cbastaln, Klamath Falla. " Coroner Karl WnltUck. JusUce of the Peaer, Unkvllle Dis trict O, R. Wllley of Klamath Falls. ASK FOR STAY PltllDEXT IS HK9UEMTKII T KEEP lltO.NWOItKEHH FltOM GO IXtl TO 1'ltlHOV WHILE McltEV XOI.I1S IS WOltKI.Vti COES OVER 1,500: OF MODOC WAR Chicago Democrats Celebrate United Press Service least make an Investigation of the .conditions. "SInnott takes a hearty interest In 'all Oregon affairs, especially those of I Eastern Oregon, and he Is on the Job CM)IHN'U DAY AT THE CITV 1IAU, MAKKED IIY A HEAVY KEGIS THATIOX MST OK THE CAXDI DATES GIVEN SCIIALLOCK, RUTEXIC AND YA-J DEN WILL VISIT THE MVA UEDS XEXT MONTH PLAN TO GET OLD RIFLES rn, Ittm ,ninAA fit n!1(lnv rAlIra . . n ..ll. I... l-l.. .1.. l,..-. " v t..r-v . .. . United press uervic , i .. .- .....-,( the Mo(,oc Wftr John SchttUockf WASHINGTON, I). C. April 1. " uo" '"' V. u""...., Captain J. C. Itutenlc and A. C. Ya- UUI1H. CIIUIII .ll wifimiiuui.J w. iirlsonlng twcnty-soveti until Attorney (lonoral Mclloynolds can examine the records In tho case, and dotcrmlne whether or not the men lire entitled to pardon CALLAHAN WILL i IS, I.I..... S ! I Unn ...! . Mtrn4 f n ' W order n stay to the court order Im-(voters to make themselves eligible to Ironworkers I cnl Ulu,r u",,ul " uv ""' """" When the books closed tne total reg istration was 1,505, divided as foleows: 'First Ward ... 19 Second Ward 464- Third Ward ..., BO J Fourth Ward SSI Fifth Ward . .'. 117 Tli.. rllv election will bo held May nnnniTTn TfiniV th. A lUtof the candidates follews: rKIIHAIrll I All Wor-M. O. Vlimu, Ed I llUUn I Lit I Ulin I Lnrtl J( Murray. Thomas F. Nicholas. John Austad and Dan Corcoran. For Police Judges A. L. Leavltt, ACXtlltDINU TO THE TERMS OF w. S. Wlloy, Chris E. Edlor. tiih 4ST T1MTAMENT. Wll- For City Treasurer J. W, den will go to tho Modoc I-ava Beds cniUAUu. April io. aiayor nar- every day. calling at some deDart rlson and Mrs. Harrison will lead the mental office for conferences when be annual ball of the Cook County demo-ls not jn Congress." crau tonight at the Hotel La Salle.' Regarding the plans of the Pine Two large ball rooms have been re-)Tree company. Mr. Kroenert would served for.the event, the big affair of make no ,jennlte statement, democratic circles each year. j i prefer to await the decision of I Mr. Sells before attempting to say what we will do.' he said. . ! .1 .. I H -I . ...lit. . I . II P HI I I HWlf I . l , ., 'Western Night' Next OWEH IS GIVEN ALL OF THE ESTATE 0118, Arthur R. Wilson, J. W. I Cnnncllmnn In Fifth Ward- Doty, H. J. Lockwood, Stem Tyrell. -M. R. Tho will of the Into Catherine Cal latum was probuted tndny, Tho os tnto Is valued at f 700. nnd tint entire amount wna hoqueathod to tho do ceased' husband, Richard Cnllnhan. Catlnhan Is named as executor. Sell Ml Out of Court. Tho claims of Emanuel Englo, who sued the Algoma Lumber Company for $30,000 damages, has been settled out of court. Kngle lost a leg wulto employed by the dofondant company, and brought suit to recover. Slowly ImprwvlnK. Mrs. J. L. Cunningham, wife of the contractor, la slowly recovorlngrfrom an lllneaa that has kept her confined to bar room for the past few days. next month. N- The principal object of tho trip 1 to recover the rifles left from the de feat of Major Thomas' command, the lost Indian victory In tho West. With some of these pieces. Captain Rute nlc's collections of relics from the war will be practically complete. Prohibition Amendment Hearing United Press Service WASHINGTON. D. C, April 16. Tho resolution for a constitutional amendment for national prohibition was scheduled for a hearing today before- a senate sub-committee. On the committee aro Senators Chilton, Flotcher, Shields, Borah and Dillingham. Elks' Second Big Wild WestStagtoBeApril24 Virginia and Penay Meet United Press Service CHARLOTTE8VILLE. Va April 10. 1'i'tinsylvnnla track men Invaded tho University of Virginia today for tho dunl track meet. Tho Quaker aro plckod to carry off the honor. Orator Off. Forrest Pell and William Hegel stein,, accompanied by M, D. Coat, loft tiits morning tor Eugene, where they will debate with tho Oregon City team for tho privilege of being In the tlnnls for the state championship. Morley Goea South. Fred Morloy left on tho morning train for San Francisco, where ho will confer with tho authorities regard lug the ro-trlal of J. Grant Lyman, which will come up In Los Angelea In about thirty days. Visiting In Spokane. Mrs. W. R. Urooks left this morn ing for a vlstt with relative In Spokane. A uew torch to melt seallngwaa car rier tho wax In tonga which may be turned around to drop It when soft ond where It Is wanted without burn ing the fingers. The skeleton of what be claims lj the oldest prehistoric man yet rouna recently wns discovered 1n German East Africa by a Berlin tetenUat On the ground that gasoline cabs aro Injurious to the health, the Ber lin police bar refused to license any new vehtciea except electric ones. "Western Night," that annual 'backi'Flrst Unnatural Bull Coin Bank' ho to the wild and wooley" stag affair been increased to $10,000,000. Slven by the local Elk lodge. wlU be "' N"'eOne undertaker ...,.. ., .,. .and ten doctors will be present to at- held April 2 this year. The com-' to M de8ponilenU wno attempt mlttee In charge 1 at present busily !sutctdi on account of loss of money engaged In getting up some unlq.u 'at games. stunts to be pulled off that evening.! "Rules 1 No .-excessive betting On account of the scale on which1 " ue Permitted, and no single bet this is to be staged this year, the Elks,""1 b al'owe(I over $1,000,000. have secured Houston' opera house.1 "2 In caso ot W mo 0,nK For the evening tho theater will be " dealor win D0 allowed Ave transformed Into an old Western minutes in which to raise money on danco hall, and all the games of,"1 clothing. chance will bo in full awing, thous-' "3 " oa l080' Aoat accU8e tne ands ot dollars being bet before the mes ot DeInK ookd. They hayo eyes ot the officials. n" beon ut''l br h State Oaae , , .. . , ... land Fish Commission, aad we haye 1 Sf. ' h !L"b J..lV":tbeen assured that It I. open season Information regarding the big event is contained In the following, sent by the committee in charge to the Elk. "This will be a great annual gath ering ot all the distinguished aad wealthy lawyors, liars, horse doctors, porch climbers, sheep herders, cow puncher, hold-up men, grafters, fire men, lumbermen, no gentlemen and politicians. "The opportunity of a life time; the foremost rival ot the famous Monte Carlo. Fortunes will he won and lost; money will be aa free as w&tAr "Notice the capital stock of the for 'suckers,' "4 The house receives half of John Houtson's winnings, so it will not be as bad as If you lost all your money. f'5 All guns and ammunition must bo left with the doorkeeper; we may nocd them to raise raonoy on It the bank should go broke. - "6 Bo on the lookout for crooks. The gathering wltPHe so great, the house cannot, be responsible for nay. loss. AU surnlus cash should be X- 'J changed for 'bull coin.' yy "7 These rule1 are subjeet to alt terauoa in case anyone. awswisie f i winning front any senior." .- M Sri 1 f ' J.- I . -t. I.'l J