WKJ)S KHAVi ArHlli IB, HI4 THE EVENING HERALD. KT.AMATH FALLS, OREGON I'AIJK TURKU Outlook Is Bright on Coast, Says the Espee (llrrnlil KnUI Mervlie) Knod If nut belter than nt the. same us 1'IIANl'IHCO. April 16 Tim lime lit ll) llnnU in tun-llmit r,' rr)llM ,.( Hi" HouiIhth rrino fimitllliiii, wuii ht-nr reoures imJ " th condition of business (Among banker, merchant mid innn t0 ,,, I'arinr Coast shOWit gel pro. 'lfrllirem a more Optimistic feelltlK ""riir pnMps! plevall (linn for some nine Lumber 'hrni '" '""'" """"' 'hroliKh- outlook better Crop proMl good i llm i recently, and ha I'"'. "California -Prospects for very d(BlfHl '"' ''" " ,,ml '"' '"l"'""'' 'nr,!,' f1'''' "f rr"l" OrrlmnlH In Ti rrlr""X storm AIM the under- splendid modlilim Mtnck ranse In mni trM-Miilr and depslld aii.llne shape, utf.ir.lliiK mi abundance of "wpt" "!' ' ' ",,,,w U,,0M 'k "'""" 'r"' '" N""' ('l,irfl Vnllfi- null., mi 'l Water for irrigation Hint poer amount of planting i. fiunn and nt u ftt'Utr'l rlrol. iiiit of ii new. other than r Tk lPrl '" tlftr" .planting 'ii ncount tif dead In en due "Or"" OulliHik U considered nMn past (wit fiin Warns Local Farmers About Russian Thistle Grand-Nephew of Napoleon I. Weds Mrs. Harold Strebeigh Villaf llrrald !"). bill invades the fields. Orchards I Ur""" to ll Miilh'ii nf ur n4 '-n (Kirnl. lirr H luijtcfiu iixinty raminlssltHIT tn HiolinrMtlly'liart'fool rhlldreu and young chick ef ukttig ome action inward ester-lth n iiee.iit-artitei leaves tattnllne noiloiis eeis 11 itl our ltd lit n hae ample law to to- w - lnv i nnnMannnsBnnnfcBJmnrnH J..- JaaHssL4avaswT4j W t ' v nmnmnmnmnmnmnmLlnmlswLw w - ." w fnwmsin 4JaL jnmnmVasAiSsmW nV ?;T Mll flHHBiial PV M i: - v . m IftlH kr m v hh. K! ' JHIHiH . aedf-- rvTrH News of Our Neighbors .- '- -' ' fioMlp mml Vmgrtm of Warty CoiumualUoa m CbroalcM In ilia I'i HmI Ihitrjmen Curtln ft Utl'ty of Ltkorlew, Ijyo mnilo conticctlniu with' the lower country 8w1mIU1Uoj, and within tli next nlxty ilnyii will be brlnflnif Into Modoc county, Calif., and Lake (onnly, Ore, noTcral hundred 8wl (Inlryni'n, Thy are buylne land In jioiuo cine, and Icaslua; In othera, and It would nt-tir an If Modoc county U 'ubout to Imto a lares Incroaco of pop ulntlon, chiefly from tn 8wIh ele incut, Alturaa Now Era. I Orchard Hold Frederick E. Morgan and W. E. thereof on fllo In Iho offlca of the county clerk of Klamath coutty, Or ogon, nnld proporty tnkon and levied 'on nnit decreed to bo sold ox the prop .orty of Ella M, Cnxtel and A. Ctutel at $170; that said applicant will offer final proof In support of hi apptlcn tlon and aworn itateraont on the 23d day of May, 1014, beforo C. II. Del.np, county clerk of Klamath county. Ore- Iton, at KUmftth Fall, Oregon. to natlufy n decree In favor of Fred Any periion Ii at liberty to protest Molhano and Gtu Melhnso ajtalnit thla purchase beforo entry, or Initiate jKlfa M. Cntel and A. Catel with In a conteet at any time before the pat- terwl thereon together with coata and ent Imum, by fllln a corroborated disbursement that hnvo or may ac affldaTlt In thla office, alleging facta 'erne. which would defeat the entry. JAS. F. nUHOESa, Reclater 3-21 h .Votlrc Inviting I'ropoaala to 1'urcliaae City of Klamath Fall Improvement liOMhl. Healed proposala will bo Received by the Police Judge of the city of Klamath Falla, Oregon, until Monday, May ltth, 1914. at 8 o'clock p. m., for the purchase of $7,291.42 city of Klamath Falla, Oregon, Improvement 'bonds. These bonda are authorized Ijtod at Klamath Falla. Oregon, thla 30th dny of March, 1914. C. C. LOW, Sheriff of Klamath County, Oregon. Ily Oeo. A. Haydon, Deputy. 31-7-14-21-28 d s x.rspi 5VPTf ! K-WN .?"j !? ' Ki Wt'vmx iriTT.M ... i. ,i;....t.., , Whin Jiom Napoliiin jionapdrlv, itu. t:y unit, lit- had a. copy of the "" I ihlnk n hao ampli lawa to ! :ri Kmiitl-iirtii or Mi.oK-on I. ileciiv of Juatlco Manning In the MW bichr. d ! " call nl'JijiiirK mid . nMrr Hip eradication of ,', Eivat graiiiUoii of Jfruiuv, broth- llrcukljn supreme court, making her tuition t our Umtrr to a rloulM and other imtlou mt, but like 'r "i in emperor, neruu'ti io wea uiorc absolute on April 3. Tho 8trr Mml confront Ihetrt ill the t,imiy of our other lawa. tlmy nr lr Haiotd Hlrebelgh the other dny .bride.el.ti swore thai she was 34 f,tw i the Itusalan thUtlp, which more reumrkuhle for their erlon i' s Vurk. the plr Just went dowuVirii old, had no occupaUon, and U futirtJ H Imicmnnt In lh H'Hllf'ilmn (or their ettforrement to the city hull mid obtnlued n llteuse, lived nt tho Vnnderblli hotel. Bbo mtrr r'1 ' ur rounty, I nmj n , Un, ijuty of our nmnty com. a'd found Alderman "Happ)" Jack una born In Newtonvlile, Maaa. 8f,fmtl jmlaslnnera to attend to the eiihirrn. Iteardou. In ten uiluiiteit ilie were They made a icry attractive look- On W trip et Ul fall, Ihrotuh'inenl of the.e la. and should the) united, uud 11 Is probable that tin Ins touple. Mr. Ilonapurte la a well UitfMileton, Idaho, Wyumhig. Ne-lneglert todnsothnrrsiillltii! loi mid Napoleon, Including the emperor, has eet-up man. tall, and worn a fancy kmlu. Ksn, t'olorado, t'tah atnlitamagi to our aKrlrtillure will hi dl-'lw" marrlinl with less fuss "cheik suit and up-to-date- hat. and J.l.j I tmd ample evldetire of the fretly through, their ftllpshle neKll- Mra htreuelgli and Mr llouaparte (cairled a cane. rninimefte of thl i-ed, MoriSeirne arrhed nt the rlt linll In a lltnoualue The bride la handsome, dark, viva- Attend to this matter! Do It NOW! car and went straight to the marriage clous and dashing. Her dreaa was Itrspeftftilly )our. license nureau in me uasement. in 'dark blue allk, and she wore a sltable nltUliy In thu Himk ltlvfr Valley. K had Utnt the alfalfa and grain tIJ, entered th hlxhwajis and rail i4 rlrhu f way. and een In the (ttb and orchards, It was plied up Ml6t lite fences III hlign rows, I.Ue IU Intoblo wed, It travels wllli Itm l6i) ihrti ripe, scattering It Jseed t H ce and Ha hardiness and pet. iJiUete slmint prevents It eradlca lla. The time to stop It U at It earliest Plcrnre when a persistent and tiafowr.li varfaro should If kept up. In O. A. ril'KAHNK. .hi altldatft Mr llouaparte said lie hat with a feather. Eton body at the was 3 years old. resided at 1 120 Ver- city hull agreed that she might be de- Humuiosts m"", BV,,U''' Washington, I. C. and scribed a "chic." She Is an accom- lh Justice Court, l.lnkvlllo tls- occupation He wa born In' pllsht-d dancer and Is cry fond of the trlct, Klamath county. Oregon.,'1 aris.rrniice, ms lamer ucuig Jerome new atep Hue was In high spirits, J. It lUrihbergcr, rialutltl, 'Napoleon llonaparte, nud his mother and the allck tllo iloor of the baae- t(i t'utherltie Appletou He has neverment tempted her. So while waiting A, J While, Defendant. (been married before for certain ceremonials she thowod Air Hireueign met nor uwer at ir, uonaparte some of the new steps. .for the lloguc Klver Valley biipj lying t.ater for CS.000 aciw near Grant's Pass became an accomplished fact with the arrival of Francis M. Fauve of Indianapolis, who will have charge of the system, with headquarters at Medford. Three mile of ditch hnve already been constructed on both Aides of the river, the project extend ing from the Oolden Drift dam to Hell Gate. The district Is well set tled now, and the water and poiver will be sold to ranchers! Mclford Sun. Oold ! Grizzly The uncovering of .what Is believed to be an extensive ledge of gold-bear ing ore on the slopes of Old Grlrtly was one of the sur prices of the past week. The And was made at rn altl- ,To A, J. While, tho above namod de fendant: In the name of Ibu Hlaio of Or- Intuit; You am hereby rtMjulrod to ap, al a strict iitiarantlim inatntalueit nar and answer the complaint Died xklnit any icratn, garden or grass 'against you In the above cntltlsd ac- Kedi from region where It grow, tliu on or brforn tin- 7lh day of May, Ktrrr farumr or laud nwner should 19 H, that being tl.' last da) of the .'C.'tl In llin ermllrAlInn tif this Ileal I ...ilillral l.m 111 Hilt - llllimotK. mill If k,fe.r .,,,1 wi. i ...w,.r. r.n ... ., .msr Mut answer, foi 'H'" ) tt "driniN array of blossom for Its .pread I ratdd mid It t.res-.want thereof the plaintiff will take " tr"' ,r Bnrth,n itt tUulty No. 132 In tho Circuit Court of tho State of Oregon, In and for tho County of Klamath. First Truat and Savings Dank, a Cor poration, rialnttff; vs. U, Fielder, Defendant. Issue; aald bonds being optional after ,To Whom It May Cencern: one year, and may be redeemed vl Notice is hereby given that under numerical order at the option of the and by virtue of an execution and or clty at any semi-annual coupon period 'der of jiale, duly Issued out or tho at or after one year from date of office of the clerk of the circuit court ,MUc- jof the state of Orcson In and for These bonds are issued to provide 'tho county of Klamath, under date funds for part payment of the cost or 'the 14th day of April, 1914, in the constructing a sewer In that part of jabovo entitled suit upon decree aside the city known as the Fourth Sewer end entered In said suit and court1 on Unit. the 5th day or March, 1913, In favor These bonds will be sold to tho of the First Trust and Savings Dank, highest and best bidder for cash, for a corporation,, plaintiff, against J. L. not less than par value and accrued Fielder, defendant above named, dl Intercst: and will bear Interest nottrcct,nK the 'sale of the premises here- a tnrtrn it Ir nt ?-ur Vntr whn ti a. vs I been the guest, or II. W. ninghaml"' M K' 323 ot w ? ;?, I will matiir,. In lAn vttftra trnm nntt nt " Itho past week, have purchased the', .... , .. , ., . .. jHunsct orchard In the Coker Butte .section from A. A. Bernard for $25, '000. Tho property comprises 44 acre. Medford Mall-Tribune. J Can Friak Ttiem " The now ordinance Is the one mak ing It unlawful for any person to re ceive or bring Into the city my Intcx llcatit except through JIih r.'Uloj.J a .id .nxprtiis companies, pnd making It p6sslblc for the local ofTcers to search 'any person suspected of violation, and 'fixing the penalties for sut'i violation of the ordinance. rtcseburc Review. i Irrigation In Itogtie A million dollar Irrigation plant exceeding 6 per cent Each proposal to purchase must be accompanied by a check for 5 per cent of the amount of the bid. certi fied by some responsible bank, pay- ablo to the city of Klamath Falls. Proposals must be sealed and en dorsed "Proposal to purchase Im lnafter described to satisfy Judgment and decree In said suit for the sum of eleven hundred nlnety-tbreo and 33 100 dollars ($1193.33. two hundred dollars attorney fees ($200.00), and twenty and 20-100 dollars ($20.20) 1 costs and disbursements, with ten (10) per cent Interest thereon from and after the said 5th day of March. dls- proicmrai ugnoi. i9,3 wlth accrunf cusU an,i The Common Council reserves the bursements. right to reject any and all bids and Novr tb9ref0re. by virtue of said proposals. execution and order of sale, and in Dated at Klamath Falls, April 10, compliance therewith, I have duly 1914. levied upon the hereinafter described A. L. LEAV1TT, "premises, and will, on tho 14th day of Police Judge of the City o.f Klamath .May. 1914. at the hour of ten o'clock Falls, Oregon. 4-10 6-11 'a. m. on said day, at tho front door of the court house in the city of Kiam Xotiee of Sheriff Sale . ath Falls, county of Klamath, state of Ootl.M.k (JimmI "Alice In Wonderland" aaw nothing ti rival the wonder and beauty of the orchard In Tin; Dalle district at thl time, of the year the eradication of thl et publication of thl. summons, mid u""'"", "trtci now rr and whunever It appear,, you fall so to appear and answer, foi the eo a womlrou ar .I.res.t Is r.,l.l ,!..! lis hr....l ibni-eof Ilia olalntlff will tako ,n,t trn' '""' ,f t"l!T0 .. wmI.1 ..ion rau.e many thou. Judgment against you for tho sum of j' rnM;' ,hp ,l,er,, "' b" ,"ch rd. of dollar loss to our agrlcul- 150.00 and cost and ,jsbursementa h "l' ' '"'It thl year na The Da o latliL, rendertttg unsalable the at- In this action, and that any property tills and entailing enorm etpetise nltaehed In this action be applied to la presenting Its overrunning overy- the payment of audi Judgment and (Idas (hat etccutlou herein. In Wyoming It has taken the range, Thla summons la served by publlca-vlt-re it is only of use for grnslngitluu In tho Heml-Weekly Herald, a Wp lu it early growth. True, II emlcekly newspaper published in U a caudr coloring to some of ll.n 'Kalmath Falls, Oregon, for six suc utlier bleak hills and worthies had-! cessUo weeks, the first publication lsa.lt. s .I,,,!, re(j almost pur-ll'l"e on tho 2flth day of March, 1914. He, In color, and form n thick, al- pursiiani to the order of the Hon. K. t lnieuetrahlo nut tinder foot.jW (luwen, Jusllco of tin. peace of I'nllse u, linger rocklebiirr, ilinl'ld court. fr mail) )er rnorvnted upon the 1'alcd March 25, 1914. fvtMIe highways of tho mat., until It ' ,:- w "OWEN. "-"ine necessary to tako stringent I . Justice of the Peace. cllio.ls to eradlcntn It, this thistle' ' Mrwer. Attorney for Plaintiff. not mil) encroaches upon tho rnmll3,JI5'B'' ,w Every Grocery Store in Klamath County Sells Crater Lake and Anchor Brand Flour Can thcSaac Be Slid of Any Other Brand of Flour? Order Crater Lake or Anchor Brand and You Will Have the Answer Klamath Falls Flour Mills t'mler Ikc, Anchor llrsmil ha never seen Chronicle. before. Tho Dalles Housekeeping rooms, near bridges EAI LESS MEAT IF BACK HURTS TAKE A OiatW OK HALTS TO I LUSH KIDNKV8 IK HLADDKR IIOTMKIUi VOU DRINK LOTS OK WATKIt cause all sorts of distress, particu larly backacho und misery In the kid ney region; rheumatic twinges, se vere headaches, add stomach, con- A trip through theltipatlon, torpid liver, sleeplessness, bring beforo - bladder and urinary Irritation. Tho moment your back hurts or kidneys aren't acting right, or It blad der bothers you, get about four ounces of Jad Salts from any good pharmacy; take a Ublespoonful tn a glass or water before breakfast for a fuv days and your kidneys will then act tine. This famous salts is made from tho acid or grapes and lemon Juice, combined with llthla, and haa I been used for generations to flush clogged kidneys and stimulate them to normal activity; also to neutral ise the acids In the urine so It no longer Irritates, thus ending bladder disorders. Jad Suits cannot Injure anyone; makes a delightful effervescent lltbla wntcr drink which millions of men and women take now and then to keep tho kldne)s and urinary organs clean, thus avoiding serious ktdney disease. (Paid advertising.) Kilting meat regularly eventually produces kidney trouble In some form or other, an) a a well known author ity, bocauso tho uric acid tn moat ex cite tho kidneys they become over worked; got sluggish; clog up and There are tint kinds of Insurance, t'tillroto writes the kind that pays. O'M .Main. If your house Is vacant dull. 033 Main -Tell Tin- IN ONE MINUTE! CLOGGED NOSTRILS OPEN-COLDS AND CATARRH VANISH HI ops Nasty Discharge, Cleare Stuffed Head, Ileal Inflamed Atr Paaaaftsi nud You llreathe Freely. Try "Kly's Cream tialm." (let n small bottle anyway, Just to try It Apply a little In tho Nostrils ind Instantly your clogged nose and Bloi'l.ed-up ulr passages of tho head will open; ymi will breuthe freely; ilulliieti uud IivaiIucIiq disappear. Uy uornluii. the cnturrh, cold-ln-head or catarrhal sore throat will dtaapper. Kud such misery now I (Jet the small bottie of "Hly'e Cream Balm" at uy drug store. This sweat, fra grant balm dissolves by the heat of the nostrils; penetrates and heals the Inllamed, swollen membrane which lines the noso, head and throat; clears air passuges; stops nasty dis charges and a feeling of cleansing soolhluk relief cornea immediately. Don't lay nwake tonight strug gling for breath, with head atutfei; nostrils closed, hawking and blowing. Catarrh or a rold, with Its running nose, foul mucous dropping Into the throat, and raw dry new la distressing but truly needless. Put your faith Juat once In "Ely'a Cream Balm" M your eel or catarrh will surely'dleapeenr. (Paid Advortln snt) By virtue of execntion issued out Oregon, offer and sell at public auc- of the circuit court of the State of -tlon or outcry, to tho highest bidder Oregon, for Klamath county, dated! for cash in hand, all of the Intercut, the 26th day of March. 1914, upon a'estate, right, title at law or in equity, tilde of 5.000 feet at the be.l of a ce"m UB"e" ol "" ; '"" - ' .IT big gulch that extends from the north dcr of ",0 to a cerUln ,ult to a,d !n?U .and ro" "unto circuit court, wnerem rrea steinase uoiuusmsur maujvusooiiijoiu.uius, and Gus Melhase, as plaintiffs, on the or the said J. I.. Fielder, defendant, 24th day of March, 1914, obtained in and to the following described real a decree against Ella M. Castel and A. 'estate, to wit.: Castel. defendants, for the sum of The east half of tho east half two thousand five hundred ninety-two (Bli of EH) of section twenty- and C6-100 (J2.592.56) dollars, vrlth, soven (27), and tho west half of costs and disbursements taxed at thirty-six and 75-100 dollars, which I Judgment and decree was duly en tered In the Judgment lien docket on the 26th day of March, 1914. wherein side of tho peak down Into the valley of Antelope Creek. The discoverers claim that the ledge Is plainly dis cernible for a distance of 3,000 feet or more, and that It Is S00 feet wide. Ashland Record. Bolivia is the world's second largest producer of tin, the main supply com ing from Malay straits. Legal Notices Notice Inviting BJda Ulds will be received by the Police Judge of the city of Klamath Falls, up to and Including Monday evening. April 27. 1914. at 8 o'clock, for the construction and laying of a sewer main on Canal street, from Tenth to Eleventh, in accordance with the plans, specifications and usUinatea of tho city engineer, on file In the office of the undersigned. Tho construction and laying of such sewor main Involves tho follewing: 80 cubic yards of excavation and back till; 294 feet of 6-inch sewer pipe. 4 doublo Tl" 1 lamp hole. All connections. Bidders are required to deposit a cor 1 1 fled check tor 5 per cent of the amount of their bids; and the success ful bidder will be required to enter Into contract and. bond for the faith ful performance of the work, within ten days of tho award. Dated at Klamath Falls, April 10, 1914. A. U IiEAVlTT, Police Judgo of tho City of Klamath Falls. Oregon. 4-10 lOt Notice for Publication (Not Coal Lands) Department of the Interior, United States Land Ofllce at Lakevtew, Oregon, March 6th, 1914. Notice la hereby given that James I), Qriniea, whose postofflce nddreaa la Klamath Falls, Oregon, did, on the 21st day of March, 1913, file la thla office Bworn Statement and Applica tion, No. 06489, to purchase the SW Vi NWU. WH SWU. See. 11, and NEVi 8BV4, Sec 10, township S9 8., range 10 E., Willamette Meridian, and the timber thereon, under the provisions of the net of June 1, 1878, and acta amendatory, known as the "Timber and Stone Law," nt such value aa might' be flge by appraise ment, and that, pursuant to aich ap plication, the land and Umber thereon hnve been npnrnlned nt n total of 400, tho timber estimated nt 119.000 board feet nt 1 per M., 400 Juniper posts at i tt .cent eaob, and the land tho northwest quarter (Wi of NWS) of Section thirty (30), Township thirty-two (33) south. Range seven and one-half (7) east, Willamette Meridian; said decree directs the sale of lots, Or so much of said premises as may ten and eleven of block four In West i bo necessary to satisfy the amounts Klamath Falls (formerly West Link-(named in said execution and order of ville). according to the duly recorded 'sale, Including the accruing, costs plat thereof on file In the office of the herein; the proceeds of said sale to bo county clerk of Klamath county. Or-j applied to tho satisfaction or said exe egon. or so much thereof as necessaryicution, docree and order of sale. In to satisfy aald sums with interest eluding Judgment, attorney tees, costs thereon and costs and accruing costs, land disbursements and accruing costs. Notice Is hereby given that In pur-'the overplus. It any, to be paid into suance to said Judgment, decree and tho court to be applied as by law re order of sale on execution. I will, on 'quired and directed. Dated at Klamath Falls, county ot Klamath, state of Oregon, on this 14th day of April, 1914. of 10 o'clock In the forenoon of said C. C. LOW. day. sell at public auction to the high-j Sheriff ot Klamath County, State ot est bidder, for cash, the following. Oregon, described property, to-wtt: GEO. A. HAYDON. Deputy. Lots ten and eleven ot block four E. L. ELLIOTT. Attorney for Piain- In West Klamath Falls (formerly tiff. 211-4 Wllllts buuaing, West Llnkvllle) state of Oregon, ac- Klamath Falls. Oregon. cording to the duly recorded plat 14-21-28-5-12 h the 2d day of May, A. D 1914, at the front door ot tho county house In Klamath Falls. Oregon, at the hour HUMOR HUBBY Give him a nice dinner, properly cooked and served. Have thedinner on time ; don't keep him waiting and fretting till his pp petite is gone and he has an attack of the "tantrums." To get up an extra swell din ner or lunch is no extra trouble or much expense. You simply add Frei's Relishes to the ordinary meal and the miracle is dene Never tried it? .Then you'd better try it tomorrow. Fret's Red Hot Relish, Frei's Horse-Radish (just horse-radish, no turnips or other sub stitutes), Frei's Fancy Sweet Midgets, Frei's Sweet and Sour Pickles. They're the. best you can get, and you get them at VAN RIPER BROS. Phone 85 sjjjjjjjjjmBmmmBBJsjsjnmtr ' p B I