0 City Registration Closes Tonight; County Books Close April 30. REGISTER! Etttfttttuj literal PRINTS THE NEWS WHILE IT 18 NEWS KLAMATH PALLS' OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER .TiUB,BIWS"WIB,IB" xexus ,'jliitli Vri So. .! KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 15, 1914 Price, Five Cento REGISTER! (Th WILSON "THIS WILL BE NO ROSEWATER DEMONSTRATION, BUT APOLOGY OR BLOODSHED SAYS SHIVLEY mvSU tIVIIO.V OK TIIK AHMV I ItitAOV TO I.KAVKt AHM TIUNHHiItt HKAOV .llUntlr IV-i I Off for Melr Or-. ... 11.. a,. 1...... ..!..... .m.I ' 'u hi AiiK-rtrdM In Caa- of In- trnmil I I It I'Uh Arranged. I Member if ihr -ale CtMMMtlHr lUtklnK file PiraMwI. , Wellington, April 15. -Th U due at Tamtdni April 31, tin. tUievrttli annlvrraary of (tie Jrlrtliii of war agslual Hpalu, ( Mr ordering three warship oil )j l.i. I'itltlc Coaal In Meitraii w. t.r Into Uit allerniKiii, Horr-- ur lnlli makra imimIUIo Iho btoefcadtrx f nil XUllran Jort. I'blf.O i'roaa Herttra U'AMIII.VOTO.V, l. t,' Airll ia. Tlio I't-tlitrnt awMfrd u llial llil mm ll ! iMt Ij'lulrr itniloiwtralliw, lul It "III Iw a Until In rar llirre l tun an !losr," wild ntalnunu Hlilv ry ut llir rnate forrlun rrlallima tiiiiililltlrr ImlajT. Halted I'roaa ftorvlea O.VI.VKHTOV, Te Apririn.Tlie Scfon.1 iNvlatoa of the army la ItMlay la readlne for Held acrvke. Tlie army tranaporla In Hut harimr arc all l'rvllonrd, aad have ateam up, wlillo the rallroaila have arrantred for aa Im ninlUtr. removal of lrooM In Ihla rlly. United I'reM Harvtca WAHIII.S'CITON, 1). 0 April 15. U It admitted that one of the contiuK tut pomilhllltlr Im the ocriipntlou of j Vnra (,'rui a wall an Tamplcn In cnaej II,,....,. ..,... ... ....- ....... . I iiiKTin rofuaea to talute even Iho ilcimmairatlon at Tnmplro. after Tutted l'rM Barvlca MAMITON HO A 1)8, April ir,.-Tho Ailnntlc Kleet today atarted for Tarn I'lcn, nnd will reach thai harbor Mon lay night or Tueaday. A aluglu gun An Enthusiastic Meeting Last Nigk's Gathering Rampant Willi Boost Spirit ( Ouo of the moat enthualaatlc gnih crlnga In the hlitory of the Klamath t'luiinhcr of Commerce wai held Tuei Jay ovunlug, tho occkalon being tho rtKular monthly gathering of mem 1'1'i'n. in addition 'to tho mcmhor (hero wore othar booatera preaent. Tulka on mattera ot Intereat lu Klnniatli county Were inado ty Judgo. Iiuuaon, w, A. lelill and other bl'iakura, kuiI thu ueed of co-opera-Itoii, etc, wan forcibly brought out. A ilgluly lusouvtou tu sarvt during , .nrpl by llt Arksimaa w tun signal Ik mnimuwr Itiio lino. ' i Tll Delaware l Imltlt repaired, lull 'will Join Km riwft later. Tilt torpedo Hoatllln I under full J(tam, BWftllllllC ordnm. ! AM HX WIN Kh POSPONED A WEEK K.NTKRTAIXMKNT COMMlrTKI. OK Olllt KKI.MMK I I NO THAT Alt HAXOKMKNTS CAXXOT UK COM PI.NTKD KOU NKXT KATCHDAV T(B ,cmr f UO (.ii(ttMlumoni u,m,mw. jtmU Hint liter wrttm Utile .irf,u,ur i,. aniiuunritt. th flmt of ithefr frle of ilnnre for net rietnr-j .... --" - i Ittuy mnttiiE, arratiKemvnU rauuut nml n 110 round trip fnr tin been b rntntdeled In Blve tlm dance at lunljuecuretl. time. Tit wrln of ilniirp will llu-n-' .r10 nuvtlni; at Mdford U called to ,furn Iw utaried HatiiriUy, April S&Ui, ftirm nn un-unliiitloii for kIvIiik bct- nnd continued each HnttitilM nlKlit until completed, . l,eBe for California. '"I 'nery In .Southern Oreicou. The l,av Shook lri thu'mornlnK ror,.;.lencr " J" S. Sf U Antelix for , vUlt of aeverni urnk. Mr. Hltnuk linn not complete- y rerouted from mi nttatk of pneu monia he hml lt winter, and liU iliM-tor odvlaeil him In tHnd n mouth or no In Southern Cnllioruln. Ml Wreka Itecovera. MIm Marjorlo Wekii linn reauiued hor work at the court houne, follow Inn nn lllneaa of a week'a duration. .Mndaiii Oarroule. Mailnme Onrrouto will rIvo nn n numbly claaa Hnturdny ovenltiK for her pupils nud their frlemJa nt the White Pollrall ttolel. IlnurlnK from 9 to 13, Sinter I III. ll. ..,.1 Kir. Ohnrl... Mltlllrillll left Hfl, M. -... .-".-- --- nil mornlnc for Milwaukee, Or., Is reaponao to it meanngo Hint ir, mi drtim'a aleter U In a critical condition, following an operation performed Tueaday. I.nt year only twenty-throe mur der were committed In London. tho e.'eulng by the wlvoa of tho til rector. At thU turollng, th Chambor of Cnmmorco aoliicted lla offlclul embKni, wlift-h I to bo inailti Into u button. ThU la ft plow nntl ahonC ot wheat lu tho cantor, with "Kluinutli Chumber of Cninmorcu" beneath und "Woloomo to Klamath" uround tho uppor odga; Thu winning design wok mnilo by Clifford Hovltn, u high achool atudont, aud he waa awarded a f 6 prli. Thero woro eight other dealgua nud ilogana aubntlttsd by student, and many or tliiso were of exceptional merit. TALKS INTERVENTION wiSMNMMMMMMMMMMMMWMMWWMMMMMVMVMM'VVMMWMMMMVMMMMVMMMMMM SPECIAL CAR TO CARRY BOOSTERS TO ROGUE RIVER APRIL a.VTII IK TIIK TENTATIVE DATK KKT linttiTliiK 'f Jikn, Ji.-.lilno and Klamath County Ituutli-r In Work fur Mum TourUl Traffic In Crater take, tlrrniii Cat I and Oilier Koiillirril Oirmw Hrrnlr Atlincllou Will IU tare. When (hi! mclliiK of Klumulli. ijnrkaon ami Jonophttii' booster U fatl.il to order t Mcdtnrd April .Stti. lti-rv will lo present at least a car- jlunil ol tiiKulffh from Klauiath Kails. il.'niMiah nlKiilflt'd llflr lnte-ntloii lliln "Ifdriuoiiu of goliiK to luauro at lut Iciiio nvclal rnr, nud It may bo poiti- bl- that tlicro I'u two or moro etrn i rsm nllachccl to the train leaving liere llint tiuirnliiK. i, Unit ami olhir aru Interview' Dm Itimliifw. nnn ri-nardlii Hie trip. Tl.v liao rervlved anuriticip that thtTt? will bo a mounter deloRatlou, ,- tmMlclty to Crater iike. Upper Klamath Uke, the itonuo Ulvcr coun-i try, Orecon Caves and other wonder-1 "" ; . . ' " Ifonrliit trnnic itirotiRh their own town. hut the men behind the now move ment ho,, preiiter ndvantnaeH and n Inriser number of nlshtaeer by united work on the part of thn Inttrented towni. The feeling l Kenernl that Uio meellDK.Bt Med ford will do much to ceuicnt the ntrnlnod relation! between thn varloiiH counties. It It largely for thl that so many of the bualneaa men are arranging to go with their wive to Medford. Klamath county product, nnd pho logrnplia and lantern nlldeti of ncenlo attrnrtloiiH tiro to be taken to the Mr i! ford giitherlng. C. H. Miller, O. C. Applegiitw nud C. T. Oliver have been named nn n committee to securo tills collection. RAILROAD PUTS IN BELL SYSTEM ALAltM,tt'II.L IIK OIVKX AT CllOSS INtiS WIIKX TBAINH ABK AC I'ltOACHIXO MKN ANB KgUII MKNT IIKBK Tho Houthoru raclHc has com menced tho work of Installing bell slguulH at tho points whoro Main street nud Sixth streot cross the rail road tracks. This was asked sotno tlmo ago by tho couuoll. Thu now signals, eloctrlcally con trolled, will rlug u warning gong whenever thero Is u train within a fw blocks of thorn. ' IjuticN to Meet. Tho laUles ot tho Christian churoh will muet ut ii'io tomorrow afternoon at thu church, to make further ar ruugeuieuts regarding the dinner and burnar to bo given later. Tho averaia telephone exekauge In China has (ewer than 100 subacrtbers, ' MAYOR'S PROCIiAMATIO.V i Whereas, The city authorities are I drill directly reaponalble to tlie public 'for aanllary coswlillon of the cliy: ( iiti.il. I Wlier-aa, Mure or Ira rubblah haa lac-cumulated on ltu, back yard, atreeta and all? of tho city; and, Whereas, Many of the barn and nuthouse imctl an unaaaltary and naiffhtly apprerane-: and, Whrr-as, Am unclean elly lias a' i1iml JTirl nminrl.ll, .ml .,..- ... --ww ..... .. -.f , ... Where, The city anticipate tlioroiiftli rampal(n Mjraint the fly iiubancn duriait lliU "prinic and aunt- inrr; and, Wherroa, Tile entire noftnlaco of our city, aliould with one accord Join In n Kcneral morn towanl accuriiMt a rlly healltifnl aa well aa a city bean- J I If til, healUi bdnjt dependrat to a ilarice dejrree upon the aanitary con dlllona of the Hly,: Ttierefor, I, by virtue of the au thority In me veated aa mayor of the city of Klamath Fall, and actl-c la puntttaartfof an action of the common con nr 1 1 or aald city, do hereby act aaido and proclaim Friday and Satur day or Ihia wee;, April 17th aad lSth, OM, a "Cteaa-np Pay,' and hereby call iikih all men. women aad chil dren to Join la a ayalematlc cleaa up or the rlly. Tlie city council ban provided for Iteama aad men to handle tlie rubbUli. Mhlch aliould be clonely piled outalde, Mliem tlie team can reach It. I i no aio icrvy requeat ine co-op- cm I ion or I lie rhurchea, arhoola, the Women' Civic leatic, Chamber of Commerce, and all other organ! tlona l aMlat In Ihla clean movement. Hated, Klamath Fall, Oregon. April 14, 1VM. THOMAS F. NICHOLAS, Mayor. I0WANS EIGHT BLUE SKY LAW LKaSUTIO. SIMILAR TO TILT ADOITKO IX ORKOOX 18 TAKKX TO THK FKOKRAL DISTRICT COURT BY OPPONENTS United Press Sorvlce KKOKUK, low'a, April lG.Iowa's blue sky law, passed by the Inst gen erul tiimembly. to prevent tho foreign bank, land and mining promoters from taking mouey out ot tho state (or wildcat scheme, Is being tested here today In the federal court before Judges Smith, McPherson and Pol lock. Tho law demands that foreign com panies, before they can do bustnoss In tho state, must convince tho secretary of state that their scheme Is legiti mate, and they may secure a certifi cate. , District Judgo McHenry at Dos Moines, has doclared the law uncon stitutional, and the state has appealed, tho case to tho supreme court. KnomloB of tho law have attacked ll on tho same grounds In the federal court, which Is the case being heard today. Combine Is Broken. , "I guess you'll have to advertise oitr halt for rent, says Bob Alexander, Most Rested Son ot Iho local parlor, Sons of Rest. "A large percentage of our members have really gone to work, eliminating them from the ben efits ot tho order, and a few more are showing tho symptoms, so the disrup tion ot tho Indolent parlor Is feared." Tho Klomllyo Holds, which are lu Yukuo territory, Domlniou ot Canada, havo produced nearly The world's sugar crop tor this year la estimated la excess of 18,050, 000 tons, or more than 1,000,000 toaa greater ttuut last rmr. MERRILL RESIGNS FROMCQ.COIJRT; UNCLE IS NAMED .. i'1' "'.tnllu rtmi UAUUIAIB FOB OFFICK v . Change ha tlie I'en-onocl of I lie Coun ty Court Contra Ttiio Mornlcf, Vhea Comtniaaioner Suy f-rrlll IleaiKna to Ievot Ilia Kntire At tention to Iliulaeas lntert-ta Out aide of the BUtc. C. Ouy Merrill thU morning reitfn- cd as county commUstoner. Ills uncle, Nathan S. Merrill, has been choM a to ucceed him by the other memlif ra of the county court. Merrill' retlgn-tlon comri unex tectedly, an It was the coureusus of opinion that he would bo out for le- N. 8. Merrill election. , This morning, to a Herald representative, the retiring official stated that his business affairs re quire his entire attention. "For tho next few years, I do not expect to resldo permanently In Ore gon," said he. "and the greater part of my tlmo will bo spent In California. For this reason, I find It Impossible to continue In tho offlce.' Merrill and Worden were both chosen as members of the county court at tho 1910 election, and they havo worked together in the court's movements for bettering the high ways and making other Improvement upon tho county's credit. For this reason, he has also been the recipient ot both ardent praise and caustic crit icism. While no attempt was made to re call htm when Worden's stewardship was placed before the voters last spring, an effort was made to force Merrill to tender his resignation a commissioner. With assistance from others, he was able to ward off the threatened trouble It he failed to quit, and stayed In the light. He chose to quit at tho time his announcement ot candidacy for re-election was ex pected, N. 8. Merrill, the new commission er, is a pioneer resident or Kiaaaain county, aud it waa he who founded the town ot Merrill, The oSJce ot county commissioner Is not a new one to him, aa ho was a member ot the county court during Judge Bald win' administration. It waa during that term that the BBBBBBBB.l M i.BjBjBjBjBjBjB, ;" -".a.i . 185,000,000.Klamatti county high school was built, the Altamont road constructed, and other progressive measure started. The court at that time ako metre continued e pae ) WASHINGTON, D. C, April 15.HurU niut not only apologize for the variouc recent offence toward America, but he must promise to be good in the future, if he isn't to experience a consequence that may mean armed intervention. This, in effect, is what President Wilson told the senate committee on foreign relations today. He in sists that the tune has past temporizing, and char acterized Huerta's attitude as a series of studied insults to America. Wilson said a sharp lesson is necessary. He wants everything done with the consent and approval of congress, and will confer with congressmen freely and frequently. "Wo are not In possession of all the j facta leading to the naval demonstra tion," said Shlvley. "But we are sat isfied that the president took the only action poMlble." Senator Lodge urged the committee to authorize President Wilson to use force without a formal declaration ot war. He said a formal declaration Is Impossible, since the Huerta govern ment was never recognised. The com mittee showed a strong sentiment of backing the president. The next move is up to Huerta, and it Is Impossible to forecast him. Most of the government officials believe that Huerta will not salute. They be lievo he has decided be would rather be driven from the presidency by the Americans than defeated by the rebel forces. United Press Service WASHINGTON, D. C. April 15. It is asserted today that there is noth ing in the late dispatches ''from O'Shaughnessy to show that Huerta will salute. Three ot Huerta's message to the state department have not been pub lished. It has been learned that they stated in effect that Huerta insisted he had made all the amends to be expected from him. He refuses to assume the' responsibility for the acts of his subordinates. Huerta seems to welcome, rather than dread a crisis. If be is defeated by tho rebels he Is discredited; it by tho Americans, he stands a chance ot going down In Mexican history aa a hero. Tho American army Is ready tor Im mediate action. No Bidders Horsefly District Gets For the second time tho Horsefly Irrigation district has been unable to secure bidders for its 1750.000 bond Issue, tor the construction ot the pro ject. No proposals were at hand at tho time of opening bids yesterday, For the construction ot the canal and distribution system, diversion dam, etc., three bids were 'received, but no action was taken regarding these. Two ot these proposed to do tho work for cash, and the third, which waa considerably higher, agreed to take the bonds, provided be be given time to look over the bond field before signing a contract. Regarding a report that the gov eminent might help the project, the followlug statement waa aad today by Project Manager 3. 0. Oajaa; The following statement waa made, today by Senator Works ot Califernia: "The sending of the Beet to Mexico with threat ot war at this time dis closes a peculiar phase of human na ture, and exhibits a peculiar brand ot patriotism. -. "Hundreds ot American cltlsen have been slaughtered, their wive and daughters outraged, and their property destroyed, and the govern ment did not raise' a hand. Now, be cause a few bluejacket have bean ar rested, and Huerta refuses to salute the flag, we are going to war, It neces sary, to secure his humble apology." for Bonds Otters for Cotttaction "In the morning paper there waa an, article in resard to the reclamation service co-operating In the coaatruo-, tion ot the Horsefly project. It must have beea a cae of 'the wish being the father of the thought on the part of some one. there bava, been no negotiation between 'the! Horsefly people and the reclamation i service building th dam or any parti; of the project. Neither the HorseS; people nor anyone connected with thai srevlce has mad ajkyypropoUleajJ looking to such co-oporatlon." "'v "I wish to particularly contradict the statement that part of. such east might be charged to Tule I-U 14. The reclamation act reqalras ttet las bbbbSH-S' H-aa-aaHpiaHa-BaaaaaB' PlSHiisl9!'! aaBjBK n'-fe . 'SjBF3"BWlil iaB--B-SaBa-3iis9Bl-Hl!i m?fe'--eBuBi I tSxaMBBV" is-4a aSxaaaaaaMH r. I -bTbTb:''jS1 -bTbTbTbTb1 H BjBjBJBVf l SBJBBBBjrJ p j-aaaaaam JM-aaaaaBa-al R nBxaaam''-7-LBaaaaaBBaip Rwiin-Hi liEBSE The Maa of the Hour lands IrrlgaUd matt repay UeeaatX,;;- contruta." Ny.' Jl) f"'l Ajcm-P'-; mm m I 1 iwi Wi I'M i4 i'l.l SI ft $?i