m hi '& REGISTER! City Registration Closes Tomorrow; County Books Close April 30. '-V REGISTER! 44 imttttg UraUt PRINTS THB NEWS WHILE IT 18 NEWS KLAMATH FALLS' . OFFICIAL NEWSPAPBX ffr--- CUhllt Vrl Nil. U.IIIU KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, TUESDAY, APRIL 14, 1914 Pries, Frr h Uncle Sam Close to Intervention Ships and Troops Moving; Mexicans Must Salute MWW.Wly,lllll- , ,., , , , . .L.. --LV.-lmaWJLn, ADMIRAL MAYO SAYS IP SALUTE IS NO! FORCED , II IS USELESS TO KEEP WARSHIPS AT TAMPICO IMVA.V WllJtO.V AMI I.I.Mt AUK IIHI.lll.MJ A CONFEIIKSCK at the capitoi. HARRY THAW'S HABEAS CORPUS WRIT IS UPHELD i'kiikual JtiiMJi: uivr tiiiiity page opinion (MKiUU llrll. Tltnl H itlP lrUH k '( Mrrl TtiU Drutatiil imi llie I 'aM of Natal ItmrUl, Am-rtran Will It Xubjrclnl u 'imlrl. ) rtl(Miu, noil Nli"m' Prrllg U Colinl Vf tfervlc I WASHINGTON, II. M .trtl II.- Tlx Mrlt MiHrjr lwly ltM In; lb lUHir. I MeiiraM AMbe-Mdor Mint, Hllai KorrHitfr Bryan and liWra4 Wll WIH !t .liMNi,.l,,.MU.UI ioiTAl While IliiWStS To wuitnti f America war lifw tr anrlinml In llto harbor ot Vrr Cm. and HI Templco. UrIcm the Tamplro federal flrt Milut to ll.r Aiiirrlnm Itag very Mtoa there U nrrji rramn to twllevr thai the naj llur m Umt tMiftl port. I Thr officials ar very retlceut j Iti.ji.U tJrtllti IMlrr. W T lt, or the Orricou-CrtllforiiU Auto company, returned mi I 31 lo ly (rum an auto 1 r 1 1 in Illy, Mr l.o ilunn uvrr Monday, lokltie t)r. ()ry ami wife. On the return trip h hruogl'i hi Mr. nml Mrs, John WIL and Ollio I lunar J of Illy, and T. J. Smith of Central Point. Mr l- a) tlm road from Klamath Fall to the ti) of lhi mountain are Kttlitc In k"hI h., but on the otli- tr lde of the mountain they am u itfolteiJ Press Hrv:ce very ua condition. Irili Tlil lliiliiiu, I'niTiirnr jrninie f tt York Will Vin -l I'ti tin I lit Slayer of Sltiiifi.t.l Wlilu- nml l)rlnir Uf Will .tpiM-al lii i ii iiii i mini nidic. huprriiM r.mrt ac Oiiit. Major Rodolfo Fierro, Charged With Killing William S. Benton QUEENS TALLER THAN THE KING CONCOIU). .V. II.. April U.Fl- ,rl JuUe Kil-r AUrlch today, la a lilny-iiaKc opinion, uphold lh d- tinanil nt the attorney for Marry K. Tin.- for a -rli of habea. corptu. The opinion devote to a dli iiimIoii of whether Nw York took tlm propiT roura In Nklnic the re turn of Thaw by xtradltion protxu. JtldKn Atdrlch held that th0t- luiioBdi ngni to -siraait' ror crime TUB I.ITIT I.I.VI: OK HTATIMTICN ,tr, not r-aMMr PPr to to .nch I'llOVKM THIH Tl UK TMK t'AHK herf thu rlht to cxtradlto i.v knumnii. i:uM.vv. Hi-.u.v, ir"1:?'.' br ":7n?T V fll in a uwroe of custody hnxod on Itl'rtNlA AMHT.M.V -IntanHr. ,. Tho court made no formal order ,ror Thaw' llc)inric hut slveii the United Trra 8nrlc xcw York authority ample tlrao In LONDON, April H 8inrai;ollc4hlch to porfrt nn nppral to the ..... ... ....... I....!. tl... .1-1. ... -..... 1. l....w.. I... 1 t.ln.lrl rn .- "' i'.""- ' -..., ..... .. -.., ..,,...11. r..mmndlnK tho uadron at Tarn- ; nf h" '.' " " ' 1 ,- ., .. " ,.tro ,aa told ih ,.n.d,nt thai It,," h'n "f Tu, '" ' frM 8,",M alter th- arre.l of American marine n.m,.rtlvo 1 autiira of thn Mum and Ni:w voitlC, April H-willl.m T. 1-y tlm lel.ral., tb Mexican sovern- a-- f ""'l- N"' w" V"' Jrome. In apei.kln. of the dcclnlon Mtni .lor, not InaUl upon a mIuU b---rtha are .honor thun thlrinr ,h. concord judKe today, .aldt' In clrrn the Amtrlcan (lax. II will bo wh,, ' J,"B Aldrlch'a declnlon makea no nr,A for tho warahltw io rtroaln ttl, Owirn of l.'iiKland I neural Incjien, difference. 1 will go to tho supremo Tamplco a thla would only Wr ,,' Q""11 Mar' ,w 'l ,cur '" 'lUd State to flithl more otn-n contempt upon tho part of The (lerman Kuiprom l much tin matter out,. Now York atato doea iho Mexican. jtaller than her Imaband that Iho not alter Us contention that Thaw l Wllnoii and Hryan are dtermlnd. kaUer intually ha her all down whenjrrltiilnally rcupoimlblc for tho icape ir 11 1. i.nnnp.i.i Aiitn io tirevenl they nr pnoionrainiru maeiiifi. iruni .naiuuwnn, wi courae 1 win ou r K;?'Hali aK v bK TB Ml i7f "a Hi v jatfi-i 9V att:-a-r,-:--;--,-A-a- Tfti rHir r rPnfnir c1LWI---f K 'awr iiar bRbbPT?L-bb v. TfSgv'K8 HD-H V,i--';i-- kB-P4 vil&SSi.------- . B-CT " ,tj2S!tT3tav W-HLi;' lHs)lf 4WHI '&5S0r f wmns BDe uo his OUT FOR OFFICE AWIUIBIE SHIPS HIE SENT SOUTH pkomi.Vkit you.vo rwchrr WIUi OPPOSE OEOBQE HAV- IO.V FOB NOMI.VATIOX COUNTY TREASURER AS I MARINES WIU, EMBARK AT NEW ORLSANS Petitions are beinr rlrniUil . day for the candidacy of Tom Wat- ten. Walters, a welt knows young Warahlpa SaUImc North Have Been rancner, u out ror tho republican nomination as county treasurer. ' Deputy Sheriff George A. Haydon is also a candidate for this place. The race between the two promtaea to be iatrttiuT. ' HOLIDAY FOR THE CHILDREN FRIDAY Seat Sooth by TrrlTsrr WII111 Torpedo Root Fleet, Now SCaaWil at PMKMceta, la Ordered t Pntan . to San at MtmtmVu Xotiee By Secretary naalaat. , f United Praw 8!m WASHINOTOX. D. C Aprt 14 hcrretawr DmMa eC tke kmtr aefMi. meat today 1 fll.ll.IMM.lJMM El At.KAt. - t .. ...... - nuaanac aiuw, ! BTO ceeat): t.'ie lila he WILL BE DISMISSED IN ORDER ih,, 1 HWt Of hie fleet Pm at aooa r not naaiatnii TO GI VE THEM AN OPPORTU.M- Reed-. -"" TY TO CLEAN UP TBTEIK OWN; 'SimultaaeoBlye the traaaport Haa- YARDS, BIO. ,cock was ordrl to aail from New . jOrleana to Taatpiee, carrylas 800 ma- irinee. j Major Hodolfo Fiorro, accused by who know blm well, and who traveled llin rommlMlon appointed by Carrnn- eti tho National railway under paksea a, head of tho Mexican revolutionists -slrnod by Fierro. T . for tho Investigation or the murder of The report or tha Carnnra com William 8. ilenson, tho Uritlsu sub-(mission which held that Fierro waa jvet, who waa shot to death at Jauret, guilty of the crime, cleared Villa of litis at last been photographed. This part In it. Fierro la now in jail la Is tho first plcturo of him sent to tho Chihuahua. Tho report said tbo In United States. In his field costume 'vestlgatlon showed he was assassinat he looks the bandit and as savage as'ed, that thejre waa no court martial. any of the follower of Pancho Villa, w ho was a bandit for years. Fierro was the superintendent of (Murventlon. Thoy realise that to-' Tlm einrlna mak- her husband jtcl to Thaw being released on ball as j railways for Villa. Tho picture of ipiil .Tt havo Increased the dim- look llko Mr. IMp when she stnmls be- strenuously as ever, and tho only ef-JMm was taken by a photographer sent to uilly of this task. Thalr dvlr sldo lilm. 'lert the decision of Judge Aldrlch will ythaiunleMtndmlnlslratlonup-, Qi; ' "" ,,l,t,B r,,l'r, .wl" bo t0 Ma ,ho ,..,. , nilI- nrmrn nrn hold. Mnyn's demand for a salute, tholhead tall.r than Alfonso, and H n raM to u head." Ill I Qllir OLD Q II 11 .,r.i. f H....H .ill t.o lessened Victor of Italy barely reaches the Will hill airllir.1 lllll and that ho waa killed by being stab bed. Tho assassin buried him la the soft sand or Samalyuca. The bo.iy waa later disinterred by vnu ana Chihuahua. pnnllgn of the nation will bo lessened In llin oyea of the world. None deny thai the situation Is mott serious. The tension Increased father limn diminished at tho Wll Mifllryan-l.lnd conference today, Hlch in no way cleared tbo air. The only staloraant made regarding tVi wos that the prrldent backed Tho first flvo months of 1013 saw M-.o's demand for the saluto, which All pntvlous records In Texas broken li 1101 yet been fired. 0'flhntiih' for tho amount of bonds voted In tho, limy, t Is hoperi will bo nblo l. Por various ciiuiiIIoh and road precincts o'tiub ".urrta lo order the saluto 'for good roads. shoulder of Queon llolene. I Mr is In Town. Alex Davis, cattle mid stork man, I In from his ranch for a few days business In tho city. In order to give the school children a chance to participate la the clean up campaign, the schools will he die missed Friday afternoon. This will .-How the scholars to rake up all the trash, etc, around their yards. Friday and Saturday have beaa designated as cleanup days by the city council. The city will employ teams to gather the trash, etc., sad -stand by for orders preearatery to he- tea.. I I. .-. l. J '. ... M. . f aui 11 m uie soap grounds, ithiiic seal 10 TampKO. have refuse hauled away It Is neces sary that It lie placed la case, The battleship South Caroliaa. which was salting- aorta from Saato Domingo, waa Intercepted by wireless aad ordered to Taaspko. The cruiser NaahTilie, at Saato Deamlago, aad the cruiser Taeoaaa, mow at Bestea, have also been ordered to Mexican waters. The entire torpedo fleet, statleaed at Peasacola, has beaa lasftractad to walks or in the alleys, so it can be quickly thrown into the cleaa-ap wagons. Ik a eeaatry scaeol eer- Aaburn. or sacks and left In front of the side- Neb., the pupils brtac f rose heme ma teriel fross which they cook, a lmach at noontime, each papil sapplylag a part of the whole ameaL Choosing Teachers WILL GIVE SERIES (DEDICATE BRIDGE DEMOCRAT SEEKS nt inner ninpFQ m titamip ufdh Ul LUIIUL UnllULUt iu iiiniiiu iiliiu HE GURKSHP WhattheCouncilDid J. II. KVKIIKTT FILKH ANNOUNCE MKXT WITH HE I.AI' KO KAItj UK HAS NO OPPONENT IN THE PltlMAHIEH. ENTERTAINMENT COMMITTEE OF LOCAL IXHK3K WJLL OIVE SIX SATURDAY NIGHT DANCES TO IIEOIN THIS WEEK ENTIRE STATE OF GEORGIA, FORMER PRESIDENT TAFT AND OTHER NOTAIUiES HONOR THE MEMORY OF MAJOR BUTT WWW More Selections Are to Be Made by Next Monday Jut what toachsra will ho In charge "f tho grades next yr Is a matter 'hnt Is now being given serious cou "I'lorntlou at (ho hands of tho board '" uiroctorn. it is oxpected that Iho lll for tho.JuH.ifi term will ho fully 'ompletsOy Monday. At Moiiduy'a moeUng of tho school hoard su, eKort was mhda to telact no teachers, but It was fouad that " wsukl require a tw tUya of Oioiighl. Home Hi'lvclloim wero nmdo Monday, but Ihwo tho hoard would not announce, ' '.'A groat many of tho present teachers, will romalu," snld i'lwldout Fountain today. "Tiiero win uojhiiv orul posltlous'to Oil, though, lurgoly duo to resignations, and It will be Monday, at least, before the diroijtoru fully decide upon who will teach.and assign the teachers to grade land HlMltew." . i That tho olllco of county clork wilt Im contestod at tho November olutllon 1 wiih shown today when J. II. Everett, u local merchant, filed nnuouueomoul of rnndldncy for the nomination at Iho hands of the democrats. Thus fur ho Is tho only democrat listed us u candidate for this office. On the republican ticket thoro are two caudliUtea for tho nomination, County Clerk C. It. De Lap and K. 1). North. I Enitirtlis Itiuntiug. Mr. nnd Mrs. Waller Eggorth will arrive tomorrow night for a visit with Chief of l'ollco Smith and wlfo and other Klamath friends, Mr. Eggerth wan for two years connected with the Weslorn Union here, leaving to accept a polstlou in th Sau FraucUco office; Mrs. Eggorth waa Miss Bess Falrclo, a well known local young lady, muco uaucm oiu iu iw uis rai, 1 AUGUSTA, da., April II. Two or properly speaking, slnco tho dance I A .. . , .. , . . . fever has begun raging in this com- " to tho day trom tho m'M unity., overy effort seems to bo tO("n 'n,cn in Titanio carnea to tho bottom of tho Atlantic In her giant hull 1,490 souls, citlxeus of Au gusta today united to pay respect to tho memory of Major Archibald Butt, who went down in that cntoatropho to a hero's grave: An elaborate bridge In memory of in gruttfy tho dealro of those who delight In tripping tho light fantnstlc toe. Tho latest to enter lutu tho Hold of amusement turpslchorcan in tho en tertalnmeut committee of Klamath Lodge No. 137, I. O. O. F. This com mlttH Iiuh miulo all arrangomonts to give a series of six Saturday night dunces In tho west hall of tho Odd Follows building, the first to bo glvou onho ulght or April 11th, This committee has charge of all eutortalumuuta for tho benefit of tho order, and among Ita pious, it Is liuinoictl.jM iui excursion to Kirk or Chlloqulu somo Suuday during- this month or the first part of May, Tho dances to be given will be semi-public in character, and all Odd Fellows and their families are la-Mad to attend and to bring their friends. Major Archibald Butt, formerly aide to the president, was formally dedi cated, with Impressive ceremonies. Former President Tatt, to whom "Archie" waa a dear friend, as well a Heteeter, waa present, and add ed a few words ot appreciation of the Georgian's character. Huudrods ot prominent people from nil over the country attended. Temple Noyea Lodge ot Washlagtoa, D. 0., ot which orginUaUoa Major Btt waa a member, attended la a IasJNif k'sMeeOjacratrated Tabloid Fern Granted Councilman Owens thirty day leavo ot absence. Allowed an application ot CUus. McGowan tor permit to build wooden warehouse 60x80 feet near site of Ewauna box factory. Accepted tho First National bank's bid ot 117,281, with $100 premium and accrued interest at 6 per cent for certain Sixth street improvement bonds. Granted S. E. Owens permit to haug slgu over sidewalk iu front of floral store on Main street, between Eleveuth and TwolflU streets. Approved tho plans of VeghteACo. tor city hall, and ordered city record er to advertise for bids for building city hall. Disallowed claim ot J. L. Lyle tor iSK?.10 for damage allowed to have been -done by overflow; of sewer. Street Commissioner Stahlmaaf stated the overflow was the result of asglt gence ot adjoining property owners. Ordered that specifications for gas piping be Included In plans for new city hall. The council wHl take 'up later the matter ot lighting the fky hall. Accepted the ordinance providing far tt) tswnrmamt of mmwemta street by J. H. Garrett. Mr. OarrwH was ordered to give bond la the' sum of $12,500 for tho faithful perform ance ot contract. Approved the bond ot City Treas urer J. W. Siemens for I1C.000. Passed to second reading the ordi nance prohibiting driving or fid lag horses or mules shod with calks oa city pavements during the summer months. y Directed the mayor to appoint a committee to three' to WTeetlgat the sewer conditions on Prospect) aad Tenth stmts. . t g Passed a resilBtiem orderiaff- tho owners of lots 7 aad '8, In bloek 10, of Railroad addlUon, to hulldslsfd walks la front ot their property! In eaaefof faiie're oa the a"eowrs, th city, after tea days 'wilUlmsU walks and create a Um property te secure payment. Tale resolutiof ams Included lotsf) Mm f, otNfchem additloa. , . , " iXi 2 Wreeted the water and light W , mlttee to confer wKa. CHy Atjrmm ' Ruteala this week reMrdnU thtttisl of n computet with the rtilrontlmm) '$$ mawton aawmK wo res v. riiisniiii'nii-ifx " Power 'uMSi: h ' - .,?itsA 1 ' v WM i,5,vii? .; 111 m ii m p.' Wl mi m -sij Ml m , s 4$1 MJ'l .y.nn r . . ,'!(Jf 4v