REGISTER! City Registration Closes Wednesday; County Books Close April 30. REGISTER! KXtttmm iteratl PRINTS THE MKWS WHILE IT IS NEWS KLAMATH FALLS' j OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER ' KLAMATH HALLS, OREGON, MONDAY, APRIL 13, 1914 Price, KItw Otmtm Eh ANTI -TRUST BILLS WILL BE ACTED ON THIS SESSION CALUMET STRIKE ISCANCELLEDBY VOTE OF UNIONS HM'it to .ri:iT Ol.ll IOMII. TIO.NH. in Mln Itiml'lr' lii IVp-r found) I iituli.riittl !'" Ill . Ago. Mt'lr ! l.llr HrtVr IWli Ia1, ml llirii' link llri II illnir anil l. miixUK" "I I'" ,Nfi-llr ill ,(t tali-! I") llic Hll-Hlilt III Wlifk. IbiImI Vtv Woftlot ' CAMMI.T. Airll U .Th Cain tart hd Herri lH,r, xlilrli alnru lol June linn pratltrall) llnl up Mkli-i ltn "H'l'iT niiinlr), ha li oft! i rlillT r.nrollmt. AllllilllliKHl Al lilt- liraiiUr I lcf of lh Wclnrti IVtleralloil n( MitT trnlay thai ill" fpfprrtiiliimi .! ol tin pirlknm yrierday a In ltir ut MAiiriiie tin iir.mitt ',,rcii(ct it ji im.i. iicnmis i,i:,vi:k klthrr fuuilliliuik mut rvroc'i Elllntl ill Itin llllloji, BHil p.llie work, lit ttin mltir witilrr iirnrttratl) tli uuw toiiilllloit a prnallf't tH(nrr Ihn itrlkn Th litHflal (tr ll rnlKitli-il t l L-t wi iii i.n"lnTirn( -.J1 Hip Iruiltitr. Hlnco I tin llllio rnmilirlicct tlii'fi' tiAtc txwn rrin-atml nklruillir niul rMi l.rl.Ti 111? trUr, ntflkn tirsV.ur. itt.imi)' iilinttiB a ml militia llm rlrllral iruCntlf ill rulillr rilllll i .Ul4 ihv .trlkr II... imiilr nt llm;'l" I-VmI""- wl U) In atl.ti.ia trr kI lli iMkflt,H.m-"tibMinrnli.Kr court, rklldrrn ..ui Im fry ot "Or.-" 5 ''"" Bt'" ,,m,'- ca,Ml on'1 for a panic iii Miicli iconi. t , rul m Um nnn'. rlillilrcn wrni tmmiml lo ilrnth AMithrr lliclitetil wo the naillt Vl-Iltili In Town. utiti I'nlilciit Moyrr o Hip WVntprn' Mr nm) Mm Initio Itoliort nml r'nli-ratlon nl Minor, rutil hU lnrcl rtillitron rini" In from tlio rnncli IihIii) ll iliiuirlntloii Irmii llonrnUm.for it lmrt imt ltli Mr ninl Mr routily Jniui CuiiiilliKlinni Fine Hat Ideal Day Easter, and All Anli. from tho Mlinwom lust nlKht. iiIIut iiiiihIiik oplthots bentinvod In KftMvr wimthor wnn nil Hint (niild liiijiliisniflrntliiu nf ImU In which ho kiit for Imro, nml llm hrlithl, warm Mould mo no material illfforoiiro n to 'iiillKlil or tho moriiliiK nml niter-, nlmpo. do., ho ttiokod nwny hU noii iinni, hriMiKht out nil llm now nprliiKlmok llh thu thuui;ht (lint tho ho loiiiuu For a muru limit to iiltviiitiwlld.iiiiont of tho landlubber regnril I" Klvo n riK'apltilliillon of tint hond line tho illfforolico hntwoon tho bark, Knriiii'iilN iiUplnyfil Is nut of tho 'lues. In Ik, frlitalo, Hclmonor and other imu Hon Iminnrnin It to say Unit tho It'll tin. I momis of trntiHportiitlon Is nc.tti m.iiInU nn, not i untitled to miy par Iiik l I ho poslllnii of n niim nttompt llrnliir HpoclllciitlniiH -thoy run thnlliiK to Kot hoiiih IIiii on tho typo of "Hiiro Kiiuiut from llm llillo Imtlet.'li.'inlKi'iir ponuliirly iiHirlhod to be which sotmivtl a cromi luitwoon n coal niliirs' tiircli-crowiii'd cup nml thu mei'l homlwonr worn hy ilghtliiK Kon 'luiiiim of tlm middle ugoii, to tho ono hlch In of n nlxo mnkliiK Km wearing nnx l'"..,io io especially strong wn ""'ii, nml trimmed Wlh nonrly overy "'liii.' In Imllutlnu ot Nnluro' Itowors otciipt a near approach lo uny concclv "Wi) color nml spoclos. It wnt found Hint tho women thorn ulvts could not ngroo upon tho viirl ""i nillllnery exhibits. Ono roportor "liirled In list tho lints, nml ho found tliut where tho word "snllor" goes u ,("iK wiiyM with tlm mon, ami covers "yililitK rmiHtrtirteil of strnw llmt In b,Ht on square-rigged linen, thorn nre M3 Kopnrnte nml distinct vitrlutlos '"Im fumlnlnu sailor lint. Thoro may bo still morn, hut nfler "' Ima heard the ''Unio," "PeUr 1 ' "NlnUUo," "ulcot," and mnny MRS. CALLAHAN DIES THIS A. M. mm i: him: I'i.i.i. o im: u u.k mimi. i nu: (i. (I. IIIIAI.IH UH l;i: l ItlS'lllllMS sun;. fiMii: Mr rmlirrlnn Callahan. lfn i IIHImnl Callahan, dtrd t titn morning, folio Im an IlllUik Hint hart lu-ti rouiiiiunil tint- tie toll tlirour-h A li'nk III a liltwlk ihit jr nr.u iciiliiiie in injuria for vthteli tin. fx-nil)- paid lirr itmu&i M r CfllUImn wa 63 )nar of nt, otnl A italUp til IVtii)hnnt.i. I'lllll l'ir daughter arilv. (.might or (o liirrw rirtillie, ln fti'irnt nrratiK" i rill a ! Im made LAKEVIEW TERM 11 MH Tl I'llVliriT ti:i.m IV U(KI nil NTV MAW t,il ON TIM. iMH'Kirr BEGINS M - tlmir Tim only ulntvini-m inndi vvai.iu....iiort Uiiiu nirfiiii Juileull'r Itumtitwrg., Jiut tinforo tin cur- illniuy I.. Ili'iiiidii m lit Irnvn fur l.ak SlnM to intuitu! the Mil) lor III ill III" rlrtult court ttioto Tin- liki- ton my ration Ix'Klnn Mny II. In oritur to itrt tin. Uoi-kei in Iiuk. iitr . J ii it K" lli'iimm n III In all irolm Weather the Churches Were Full worn by mariners, although so far ..... o,.....u i...... ....I .,....).. nn.. ponranco nu any of Undo Ham'i jncklos vvlillu they are In uniform. lloi.itr, novor lut It hn said that 1'iiHior with Klamath Falls resldunts In iiiornly n day for thu fnimnl adoi r I.., .ii toii.1. 1 ' " , " ( cites, whore lion of spring fiiMhlous unco nl tho various churches tho llosurroctlon wns praised in trl uinphnnt anthem, sormou nml roclta Hon, proven that tho true significance of tho day, nntl Its wonderful lessou wiu (loop In tho lioaitH ot nil. Kvon nl tho ovcnlng aurvlceri, tho churches woro erowdod to capacity, dcpllo tho downpours of rain. Tho fact that tho majority of tho women sot iihIiIo their (Castor linnmitH for their winter lints, ami still nppeuroil ut tho churches In grout iiumborH, disproves tho thrall dout to fashion theory which In so prttyalout Just ut thu time, GOTHAM GUNMEN mit-1 1 ELECTROCUTED THIS MORNING Mll! Ill" iiii:m mam: riiHHHi.Ns iw os. Onlj -lull III! lit la 'flirt t tl) "li)P ' IIIimmI," Win, Muki ii l, iii , mill ha) Wlliii-,..- Again! mm Uisl, Miitilcr nl liiiiiilill-r Im Willi Ii Hon Hint T.Htn), viln, , I),,. ,. ,l, I'nllif I'i.ii.'. h.iimI I'm H.-riko OHrilNINd. N. V . April i Willi Hit. lir.txiiilii which they have on i)ii ultnii ttiolr tmct on i .Uarge ! inuriirliiK u .-wilder llctumu ttos. oil I III! morning III Jul) JO I'Jii: lii tour KUtiltKii, . .uiMrtod mill I'niin. i.i.nii mini iimiIih iiick it. liii ikih await n iiou irlnl tcxln) unl to llirlr ili-ath in tiio rlKtrl'1 rlmlr. Tliu tili'M wlioiil (Im itpatti dialr rUlninl mr; llurr) llorouliz. ' "t'yt th Mood"; iiuu itonon N-r. alla l-ft) Iml"". Frank t'lr- 0cl. nlliii. "l)r.i Frank," iiml I'runk Itulli-r. nlln Whltr) !. U." Nut on ol ilm Kiiiuuoti ronfoiiMl at. llip) uit tlniicil In tin; (k-fttli rent n (unifil on lie tM: ' I want to eay n low wonU lor tt.o .iU.' u( jiiktUi' TIioup wltUKitMii who' nttorr I hoy v mo ulioul nro iorJur-l,'a"Kl''T ol n wraltliy broker of Now om I HKir by Oml tlmi I illil nnlv'k. Min roi mom of hU wealth by ulioot Hoinlhal." actiiiB for Jay Could, was Itejit necluJ- Tim mtirilrr f Horinan ltornthal. ' hur homo in New York city She tin. Kamblor, who "aquottM," proh- rormlttod to nu'd fo won. nml hht) "nu th mol cohl blooilod In It '" '') '''- t"i ")o of hor father c.incii.tlon niul llm moat cnrolcly Ono ilaiiKhler. unnblo to bear thin life nml contfiniituo.ialy carried out of had run orr and married, and the uuy In nil tin. itnr.lld and ncimatlonal fath.-r didn't forglvo hor, nl least not criminal liUtorr of Oro.itor .Vow Vork. for )iar Shortly after tho nKed man I'ollco l.loutciiant Clinrlo llocker, loiulrr of Vow York's "alronc arm Hiuad," wiih convicted, prvvloim to tlm Kuiiineii, of Hrl doRrre murder, n limtlnntor of tho crime, and dontt'iictil to doatli For oor a year ho at In a cell on tho "llfn ldo" of tho "Httlo Krocii door" which loads to the drend rlmlr nml tho hojond Thou ho was granted n now trial hy tho court of n.polH on technical grounds. Ho Is. now In Hit Tombs 1 Ilcsldon tho IHo convlclloiiH nicu- tlon.-d, four pollio luspoctors, ono po-j llfo cnptnlu, n police mid ev-( oral iMtrolnion woro sent to tho ponl-. tiiitlary, following Investigations otj grnft conditions revealed at tho mur-i dor trial. Dennis Sw coney, John J. Miirtlia. Jainos K. HiiHtjoy nml Jnmos F. Thompson, nil police Inspectors, were ronvlctoil of grnfllng. and served n' j our nl lUnckwoll's. Three dns be- foro their tonus wero up, Murtha s conviction vvna reversed by tho nppel liUn illvlsloii, which uphold the con viction of tho others. Herman Uosunthnl wns niurdero.l nl 2 n. m. on tho morning or Juiy h. 1912, Ho had bcou furnishing I Ms- t" Auornoy vvniu.i.i.i ,u. ...v... of police grnftlng which ronnectod ' will. irnmlilorR. Ho hail been sovnrnl times warned to "hold his tongue " While dining rvt tho Metro- polo, Just off llroadvvay on west For t)-Mocoml Hlreol ho wns called to the " ,,n,,,t ,,y ft '""" novm' ,'lentinod' Ah he stepped to tho curb ho was shot , . ....,,.,, llll. nihil ".' ' '" .-m... calmly walked to n waiting nutoiuo hllo, and rodo off toward Fifth nve niio. , A policeman recorded a fid It Ions number of tho car, A bystander who had wltnoHitod tho shooting, took tho license number, ami was nrrostod when ho gnvo It to the pollen of tuo,v I'orly-Hoventh street police station. Only tho fact that District Attornoy Whitman got out ot hod to assume AWV.'.".'.'!!' .....-..---... (Continued on page I) v'''''i'',' Wealthy Morosini Husband Kept many jnar died, OullU was paved b) a Now York trnlllf policeman Me was a lino i'ik n ro ot u man on bin horse. She foil in lovii with him, and later married him. Now (the has barred him from tho miiKiuflceiit homo on tho Hudson ltler loft by her father. Twenty kuanls to keep him out hae been sta ttonou on tno grounds. TEACHERS CAN DANCEJT WILL! Mi:.Miti:its ok uoAitn ok iuiii:i7r i tlllS HKNY ANY IXTKNTION OK I'ltOHIIUTI.N'C 1UNCIXO HY XI5W COXTItAOTS iBHBB9BtBtBtBtBTBt V',' BtBTBTBTBTBWI MBYBtBTBTBa 1 IK4 ' "BR," HHbbbH V!fe;$ .?& ' "'! P .vbbbB xmmmm.'vJM&AmmmmmGmmmmmmmmmmmk mmWWtM"r'vr wv 'iMmmmFr1mmmmmmmmmm mmjmtiir&fo z'mm?!W' l,.- mmmmmmmmM vsHppH-: , 4$& rP'w T-- i-vjmmmmA WHMill 1 Mkz c -''AflRirJdi-.i m 'lmmmmmmmmmm ....... immmim tt-.-Wammmm Olulla Moroslul. ilmW;iSE There Is much rejoicing on the part' Considering tho Interest that Is be- , . . ., Ing taken hi city politics, and tho of parents and pupils, as well us on . , . , i. . , strong prospects of close fights for 1m tho pnrt of tonchors, following tho an-1, ,orlnt 1U). offltVfl tho rceutrntlon nouuconient by uioinliors of the school ( board that tho board hns never sldered Introducing n clnuso in the now teacher's contracts by which tho Instructors plodgo themselves not to attend dances, A few da) it ago tho rumor that dnuclng would bo placed under tho ban hy tho school board become prev alent. At this, many of tho teachers balked, and they made up their minds to seel; positions elsowhore, much to tho chagrin of tholr pupils find tho patrons ot tho school While Klamath Falls teachers cnn-i0"rs ' e oveumg oy ro not by any moans bo termed as "dinue!co Jlu,B0 ,!v' Th'8 -0 nf" some of thorn enlov intending ford nn opportunity to register for fcw ptt,tio. They te4t that an necessary nwtialnt was to bo placed i nu thorn bv such an ordor. but thoy..I,uM'U. lllo nil others coucoruod, tiro pleased to loam that tho report was entirely without foundation. t Heiress and From Her Home CITY REGISTER OPEN JENINGS hooks wii.ii t-i.osn wcndisiiay NIfillT, AND THOSi: NOT HKOIS- ti:hki cannot yoth in city i:i.i:ction ,mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmrHmmmmmmmm mmmmmmmm-' -jmmmmmmM mmmHumm jyJijCdi. J ' ,yl:mmmm aBB-BBBBBBBBBm U BBBBBBBBBBBBI Kp AmmmmmMl mmmmmmmtLpL .mmmmmmmm mmmmmmmm mmmmmmM i for the municipal election Is compar-iat con-.atlvoly light. At noon tho city regis fmlon wns l.Uiif., divided as follows Third Ward 139 Second Wnrd 391 Third Wnrd 130 Fourth Wnrd 210 Mini vvaru !j . Tho city books will close Weduea- Fifth Ward 9C any uight. tuoso vvno are not rogis- ... .... tored hy that tlino will not bo eligible to cast a vote In tho election May -Uli. In ordor to give all nn opportunity to register, tho books will bo 'opt open at tho city hall between tho un-!1,oso wll uuot cnll during tho day W. W. Wliltlutch, tv well known rosldent ot tho Merrill country, Is here to attend to business matters. KLEPPER&MOORE iPRESiOENT SAYS nunniiinr nmnn rUKUuAut blUKtt "UlCH" Sl'.lAS HIS LVTIMIKST IN MllVi: (HUH'KIIV, ANI WITH l.l)('.lli .MAN HUl'S lir.SI.VKSM AT tiiiu)yiJi.v At noou today the final ulcnatnria uero afHxed to documents transfer- "UK the trilcresU or I. C - KIepper'In the rihhe & Klepper Brocery to Oscar ?hlvc. ' , Mr Klepper'a riason for otlllng hit in'crent in thi local store Ii on ac count of having formed a partnership! nltb V. 1. Jlooro In the purchase ot uho senoral store at Cbiloquln fonner Iy owned and operated by tho Chllo I'juln Mercantile company. Mr. Moore ,7as the Klamath county representa tive of tho Wood-Curtis company, and ' rcslcncd a few days aKO to en- i In liuln.i for himself. Mr. Thomson, t-ho has been post-(Pl,) e antl-tnmawunrw rt.ater at Chiloqnln, has made Mr. He endorsed the adopUoipJn. ft li Moore deputy postmaster until his gJegcneral blllT alt thtaeefrj'orlk commlsslon as postmaster arrives , inalladvocated, exceptlho traie from WashlnRton. comraliislon measure. Both these jodng men have proren, Tho pnwldent believes there Is fa themselves possesseC e: good business ' general disposition on the part of blc lability, and will no doubt make a sue-'business to force tho relinquishment cess of their new venture. ,of tho administration's anti-trust prp- ! Will lie Home TonlRlit. "Dick" Hannon Is expected home itonlRht from The Dalles. He wlli spend a week or so visiting home folks before going to Crater Lake 'I'ar'C for the summer .ernment force. wltlvthe gov- t . held It necessary for the trust, bills to Knt on a YNIU J pass this sessiod If the party keeps Mrs. M. F. Herring has left for her ttitb told homo In Missouri, to make an ex-I : T, ' tensive visit, HebeluU-Team to Meet. I a meeting o' the Rebeka'h Degree . UusIiicxh In Ashland. ' , team has been called for this evening A. C. GolnKfr. manager of tho Ash- ' 8 o'clock. In I. O. O. P. hall. land Fruit store. Is In Ashland on a i business trip. He Is expected bacX on tonight's train. Federal League Off i Q Third Major Opens Today Hy HAIj (Written for Ni:V YOKK. April 13They'ro off today, them there Federal Leaguers, with their mlUlon.Uri-s, hopus and players lured away from tho big tent by thu glitter ot gold :uid tho smile o' James A, (lllmure, organized base ball's pet .iNutblcm. Tho Feds cracked their season of 1914, really their first as u league that looks Ilk tv r.-al one, Halttiuoro today. Huffalo niul Uultlnioro staged the opculni; encounter, and tho rest ot tho jlcaguo will open up In fcoctlons .Brooklyn will open up ut Pittsburg to j morrow Tliursduy tho last bit of tho In. i ...m i..- ...i.i .a H.wi niitniif.. will i " "" i""-" . " "- "ot (leorge Stovall's aggregation in i.- n ,. r, m . ( hitn pb ii n n n iy- i u m nn. Kansas City, whlto Indianapolis Is on gaged at St. Louis, The Federals are breaking in on their career after ono of tho stormiest winter In the history ot baseball. After roundiug up n choice collection ot hand picked millionaires, President Ollmoro started after major league plajors with money, Dollars dropped as Hill Shakespeare, noted sport writer of other days, has eald like gontlo rain from heaven. Only, this shower grew until It becamo a down pour, and oyery baseball player who was not under contract hoisted an urn- RIG fillSIIIFSS 15 TRYING TO KILL I "I'AUTV FAITH IS IN THKJI." S.VS WILSON"' ' I - ln Intcrtlciir WlUi .Vcwpper .Mat, KiccuUt.-rwfirr 'TtNU All lie Storlc ItefcaAlJnK Postposeaiciit of Hit Anti-Trust Meatn-ct Arc Bis 1ns Circulateil In nn Attempt lo Stop tlir I'roKntm. Cnltcd Press Service WASHINGTON, J).C.r-AprU 0- Prt-sIiJenl WIIaCrTtoday approved'the 'Frcsram aaopiea ny me noiMe-wtst- i gram. tn his conversation falUf-tn'e Bows- 1 paper men today WUspa,rade.U plain that ho thinks this Is the cause of numerous stories to the effect that the administration Intend i to abandon tho rrculatlon lists until the next jgjon of xanjrreaa. Thwo- atorlaj. ihe declares, were baseless', and he W. H. Shaw Is in San Francisco, giving attention to business matters. I ' With Game at Baltimore i SHKRIDAX tho United Press) hrella upside down, and went ou to view the clouds. J Tho real turning point In the for tunes of the Federals was the signing of Joe Tinker, former Cub shortstop and manager of the Cincinnati 114s. This came after the famous deal whereby Tinker was acquired hy Charles Ebbets of Brooklyn for $16. 000. Ho quibbled, over the saliry Tinker was to receive, boweyer.f A a rosujt of his decision to refuse Jos? a few hundred dollars more a seaaon tho Feds grabbed him.-and" madftt a baseball war which has cost the Amer ican and National .leagues more tpan half a million dollars In playera wiio Jumped after Tinker, and advancetln salaries to hold others In the orsjen Izcd ranks. U Many former bis league ,Uni m tn tho Federal ranks', bnt the meat prominent men who perfdrmed In the big circuit last roar and then Jumped are Breuunn, Doolan,( Beaton, Knafe. Walsh and Flnneran of 'the Phllllfe: Wilson, Crandallt and Hartley of fae Cilanta; Moore, Brldwoll and Milleeof tho Cuba; Rarldan and Qulaa of iM Braves; Kvans and Hugo of the Osr dinala; Brown, Packard, Herbert isfd Esmond of tbeda; Wftijitijtir of tho Yankees; Hondrlx.amd.JjUoB nlo of tho Pirates; Falkenherg uA Krapp ot the CleTeliU Mafi.'-"1 m til .iLliya mt-i SSfflfl mi mta m fe5 H9 ra ii ffi mi M 1 S3 i,: