"luS M; J RpGiSTER!j 12 t City Registration Closes Wednesday; County Books Close April 30. REGISTER! ,-' 8Hf iafmng Iteralil 1RINTS THE KLAMATH FALLS' OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER ! NEws whims it is news m r1:uhii. N" ,J'1I, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, SATURDAY, APRIL 11, 1914 Trice, Fire Ceato Fresh Revolution Starts in Mexico Klamath Women Start Anti-Fly Campaign tiurjyw'tvrri .,.-. MMAAAMAAAMMAAMAMWVMMVS IS SCENE or ; NEWS HELD UP ON ACCOUNT OF LACK OF TELEGRAPHS LOWER CALIFORNIA LAIEST OUTBREAK N SSS'i iiiwwvwvMvWMysvvvwwyMwwMV 0, E. WILLEY IS OPPOSING 60WEN Bryan and Chinda Conferring Regarding Immigration Bill or.w, .trieitM: rii.iis mis an. OI'n:Mi:T i) rtMIIM.tUV i ou ji M in: or tiii: n:w;i:i on ii:Mont.Tir'iirMrr 4 Hitii ii.n- reieiu m 1'orrcmti (Jen rial Villa ! lunmuiil C'Miiiil llniiini lliii nil l"(rinrr will I protnt ted. 1ml ronlUiuM the deportation of the An "I'ln'liMil for J list Ire of tfl.aiilard and llm ronfWi-Mlun o( lv1 l: W ""' '' '" ituiMiiit mi i iii:t r.MiMi i: i,Ku i.vnr ui:VMi.Ti stKAMril MfltM:i ttfcltV l.'jrm ( I'" Wmlil At nil IUl U Arwmi't T'M,-m. .Mimlrfv) oti'l IralJ, , Tnllttilril lintl been (urorit Tuili He.1 I'.m.I i.l liii.ir,, "I l 1'fr.l.lnU WllK.n at While Hill- lln dec- their properl) ' Daniel aitmlU (hat laro' trirl n( ilif an runt offered In tli Aiilrr- linn cftnic to IIkIiI unlaj. when Ucar l: VHI) ntril urtiiutiiitt tf fit of rau Hilary fur ilm 'ilvtimrr.ti.a iiomiiui liuti Ju.iltv u( Dm i4( for Link Dili. ilUtrtit illi'r in n promti,ut local sUor- nkiur Hnrllifri tlrt itUn talit llial hi, IWMl, II. IH-,, ll, llir llm . .if m WA M)UW ,(rlr 7Mwa ,. ' ' ', HrHI.it ' .' ... .VU .. ..... ......i... i -r....... i... -i.... ..., .i .i... ... ..., ""' "l'l't-l for tin. iiominnllons In or tidl I, mini, III WASHINGTON 'i U. WINS ' VARSITY victohv or tiii: xoimii:n U. S. SECOND IN MEAT DISPOSAL L'titcd l'i Hrlt i$ MKUU. April ll -Ti" i!.isMi Itruiio Jnutvt rfl-ii In UH purl linla) Hum Iimit l.itr Cllfimu tid Wtml MPtltU lHllt, Mttint IIip nrl "" l violent rttolutlcm whlrh Ii l.n In prKe U lUt irciUiu lur l tm lwL.iorlulfitil.l.l.'V TIIOt'K.VMW VIT.Nih Till: V) M ll l"lt rncnhnl HI till" I 8ir Whip un ntmuni nl Hi" UrK r.rt,bli! rniiiliu. ''' "Vim iMi.inmxi.vs Aofillne Itt llm mrrf of ihn nt.('K 0,HHMi:V JiSfrl l Oiuim, f.Jpir luilUIro of' tb jtmitirru I'.-iiltioiilo, iBrlf4 lli" ..... .. . 'If.. I. .l !.-.. llMl rwllliMi 4 EMlirr.! nru.in.1 him' OAKLAND. April ll -Tho cmw (ofR (tfrt, m'(vll lin , , iw subhjcu I. tolns coMiaored. dMlulr liamt f followrr Tim from thn flilM-rplly of ValilnKton u,, nr n,,. Aii.lrnllriii commun.l' n:it ('AI'IT.t fONSI'MITION IX Aiii:Ti. 1 1 3HTH i;i(i:.TKit,. MANY ARE TO SUBMIT BIDS ON THE HORSEFLY M.IXKV ItllOS. AXII OUST 1'ETTEIU SOX LIKTKU jlllg OulllU I'niiu .All Ovrr the West Will .Mnke I'i dnhI) for tlie Con- , -.(ruction of Irrigation l'roject, and Hume ami Culrcrt Conipanr'n lU-p-( , m.-ii(alhe I llrri; to Figure With CIVIC LFA6UE IS ALIGNED AGAINST FLY; PRIZES SET j OVKIt TWEJiTY DOLLARS TO THE IlEST SWATTEKS Tin, iiondluK Immigration bill In Moltllt.-Toll:t'oltrHHoMi,,,,, MW,,ct of a l,umbcr of conftr- ciicii, iM'ttt ifn M-crotary ot hiato llrjnn and llnron Clilnila, tin; Japan- i-ni. nmbiuuador Just, what Jupan IIik only rmititrliii n-portvd n bin- 4IIWU i tle nay of admission for (tllllt'ri.TI'ltAI. IIIII'AltTMKXT i Tho repeated efforu of IJryan to "sod podnl" tho hearings on the bill, uben the I'aclllc Coast delegation wished to iipeak agalnt tho admis sion of Japanese, Hindus, etc.. Is be lieved to have been because of a dc- slru to have a lengthy conference with J tho Nipponese representative first. The llrst Alaska gold discoveries ltnJ Hplurnl llm Mrvlraii linmhli mm tin. bom mr ow-r thr Kutunry ,M,nllh ,, Argrntlnn. Tlieiw. ll l;titnaleU to bo In tho neighborhood J the present time. This Is much great Ikmlu nrar Cittlcnit. ronlliiralrd lb,' r.mr.o In ibU illy lly from the'ttl, inuViUt nro c,iuntrli' of Hpnnwjof 2S0 pounds per annum; It mayier than tho Ilrltlsh consumpUon. the rtto. tnltir.1 ftt 1300,000, nnil tln-n 8lanfiml and t'lilwnllr of California j,,,,,!,,,, nl nst n,.riln and (locks; possibly bo oven greater. Tho corre-. Inrgtast In Kuropo. which Is slightly kbf.l ll, Mramshlp, Tby alo'oammnn Tho tlm. wbji IP. 01. (,lti, ,,,,., , eXr.jK cheap, and jspondlng consumption for tho United I und.r 120 pounds per Inhabitant per rtlMn,l and biirnml tb arhoomr,l rhoiinamU of lutprraird iNclatiirn Hi.. ntilM coiuumpllou large nnd Slates was computed by tho United annum. urmrn, iiiu crew or wiiltli ha lll',in..,n the ran, from tho Katnary i,,r,,bnbl wasleful h-pI, and ll U frarcd titer fcrri' ,..... .. "' I The w-r capita roiiBumpiion oi im' i . i "'. i oi" ut " mariltrd. T,( nrll r((fl Wj, i,IWpt, tho ..,(. r Australia and Argentina Is 'mated to Ik about ten pounds loss al( were, made In 1896 ...q ,... .,, ,,,nl n I"k-. U.rn,nmpn croWg, ovvr i10 two mlll Mi lh lfK,t Inclndwl. among other f0lrM) ,llrl, tt,nnrr, won In 13; IB.1 ...-.u,r., i.uv.iiuo in rain. ;wh Waslilnglon Hccon.l and Calif or- Hwvrral ImitliTK hari been '",,u,i,na third. n4 Victor llmrgui'ii, leader of lli ' . .,.,,... u. ... iu.K in i . . ii.. In tli" main nwnt of t ho day, Hlnii (Million has Ikh'H cap ur,il and lmi, " , .,,,,. ,.,.n . flint f.kllllM alii VVnalhlllLff tit Ullll I illl PtlMiiird . ' "" . i ' forum HUM. felt.! I'rws Nome i "" WASIMNdTON, l. C, April U. ' Tonight tnt dale ilepariiiii'til reporla HkIiIIuk Tho Threu llrovMis, who urn now Rr Kn iVilm na iturrrr limn that appearing In n musical ail at tho .Star nlrh look plan, before Tiirrwin. 'llientiT, will furnish tho laloat music Consul Tbeodoro llauiin leporla 'for tango iiml hesitation waits at the " llm combined federal force nmutniico at tb iiniision opera nouse u- lng prartlcally (leimrnl Villa' night. In every town and city where "illrr army, but no details am given, Mliem. artists appear, they luoo bold , , isurioiisful dances on account of tho uullai) l"rCM Brlce WAHHINdTON'. I). l. Anrll II "porla from lit,, stale depnrtmenl program beforo tho dance Klamath Gets Much Attention in Pacific Coast Guide Book I At 2 o'clock Tuesday, April 14th. 'the, board of directors of the Horsefly Irrigation district will open the bids of the different contractors for the construction of tho storage dam, res Jcrvolr. diversion dam and a portion 'of the canal line and distributing sys tem of the Horsefly Irrigation project. Contractors from Nevada, Idaho, Washington and Oregon have submit ted sealed bids. Among the bidders aro Gust Pettcr- son, who, with Erlckson, graded the greater part of the railroad from Weed to Kirk; Maney Bros, of Boise. Idaho, builders ot the second unit of tho Klamath project; W. K. Baker, Whitehall. Mont.;. Chas. E. Brown. Nevada City, Nev.; the J. H. Tillman company, Portland; Chamberlain Construction company, Seattle; Mc Hugh & Co., Tacoma, and E. L. Bar ney, Fallon, Nevada. It. F. Flke, representing the Coast Cujvert and Flu mo company of Port land, Is In Klamath Falls now, and will remain for the opening of the bids next Tuesday, In order to figure with the successful bidder for the sup plying ot culverts and flumes. I'rim Are to ! Awarded la Octobw, ,,i! it.o Judge Will Distribute the M'-ney Among t!m ConteatanU Who llring in the I.trteat Xambr ot Oiiam of the lkrnuttd TyplioH J'nrejorm. , , , excellent') of tho music. An orchestra of mnenliM'ii plocitt will render a Tuesday Program Is Set Several Set Speeches Are Prepared by Celebrities Tuesday nlghl'M mooting of Uio "itnnbers of ih, Utmiuhor of Com ""'fro mid other local booslera prom 'w lo bo one of the, biggest got-lo-filler nifolliiKs hold horo. Uvnllf "K Dm Importmu'i) of choosing n ""! ilflogntloti to attend tho seen ' 'XilulHiiB iikxiIIiik nt Medford, Mcllcaly ovcry btulnesH ninn In lonimii Fall, hiw promised o bo I'fet'tiit TuosUny. Tliu following folks will bo glveu: Co-oporntlon," Judge If. h. Hen- hoii; "Loyalty," Hov. K, d, ltlclmrdM; "Aihiiiilngen of llm Co-oporatlon of Hoiithvrn Orogon Counttoa In Attract ing TourlstH," INMtiiiiiHtor W. A. Del- aolli "Tho Other flldo of tho Question," Hov, J, H. Hllibbloiieiu, in luiiiiiiou, other proiiilnent IiuhIiu'mh iiidii will iiiuka tallcR, Another feuturo of tho giithorlui; will bo ii liinchoon, served by tho wives or tho directors or ho'Chnmbor of Commerce. Tho admission In free, and thoro will bo no "charge to get out." Southern Pacific Company Issues a Beautiful New Booklet of Information for the Tourists' Who Are to Come Here in 191 5 .lust such Information nbout Ore gon. California, (bo Klamath country, and the eiitlro 1'iiclllc Coast us tho tourist and llm 1HIG exposition vis itor will most appreciate is to be. round In tho book Just publlshud by Ihu Southern I'aclllu company under the tlllo of "Cnlirornla and tho I'a clllu Const for tho. Tourist," The Klauinlli country and Crater I.aku National Park aro given espe cial mention, Iho bniik coyer being u color Idw of the lnlo. Tho book, which has striking front ami buck color covers, contains 142 pugos devoled to descriptive matter ot sceiitu attractions and tourist re sorts ot tho Pnolllo Coust,' Including H3 Illustrations, ton maps and an olght page dlroctory of Pacific Coaat (hotels, kMiik rates, plan and capac ity. As u compendium of Infornm Itlou tho book Is Intended to servo as it guide by which tourist and exposi tion Usltoi' may measure his time, money and Inclination, tho main ob ject being to point out to the tourist and exposition, visitor tho Importance of souing tho ontlro Pnclllc Coast be fore leaving tho West. Of tho Klamath country tho book sii) s; "Tho Klamath region is of unusual Interest to tourist nnd sportsmnu, and lies on and acrosi tho boundary of ho Htnto, covering tho country and neighborhood of the Klamath lakes in Siskiyou ami Modoo counties In Cal ifornia uml Klamath county In Ore gon. Government Irrigation works nd tho fertility or (he land are open f a wilderness, uuknowu, untralled, a regtuu full ot charm ot mountain and forest, clear streams and broad lakes. The huutlug grounds aud streams are tmillublo by good roads tor horse or motor. The towns uro ou thu verge ot thu wild, forests reach the margin ot tho lakes, doer, blacktall and mule, cougar aud boar, aro plentiful; llsh lend aud waterfowl gather as thoy did In tho Indian da) a before the last great battle was fought with tho Moilocs In tho lava bods, au epic ot frontier warfare; aud tho Klumath mid Modoo tribes uow dwell subdued and, controlled In their reservation." Mom space Is dovotod to Klamath Falls mid tho cities of tho Klamath mid Ci titer Luke districts, especial at tention bolug paid the scenery and other attractions the tourist would g up tho country, but most ot it Usajoy, Ten dolUrs for Klamath's best fly swatter. Seven-fifty for the second-best. Five dollars for the third In stal ling (or swatting). TiiiMA aA ihn nrlfM tn hm awarded by the Women's Civic League October 13th. The league Is commencing a campaign ot education against the .pestiferous housefly, and the cash I prizes are a stimulus to practical ap j plication ot the swatter or folded I newspaper. Those contesting for the prize are to bring their quarry in pint or quart fruit Jars to tho rest room October Il3th. Tho Judges wilt then award .the prizes. Dreaks His Arm. Bobby Ryan of the Oregon Harness compauy Is wearing his arm in a sling as the result ot a fall from a step- ladder whllo putting up an awning a few days ago. The fall to tho side walk fractured tho arm. Pennsylvania has about 7,500.000 acres of timber land, one-eighth ot which Is owned by tho state. The total value of tho state's timber Is S139.000.000. PUTTING DIAMOND INTO CONDITION TEAMS AND SCRAPERS ARE DO NATED 1Y LOCAL FAX8, AND CLim WILL FURNISH LABOR FOR THIS WORK Mistletoe thrives on the Western coasts to nn extent not approached in the East. In many places this para sitic growth is responsible, directly or Indirectly, for a considerable loss of timber. Five teams, with scrapers, fresnos, slips, drags and drivers will be at the Modoc Park ball grounds bright and early in tho morning to put the grounds In condition for playing ball. These teams and tools, by the way, are being donated by the public spir ited men ot the city who want to sea ood hall this summer, and take this method of showing their appreciation of tho effort all are putting forth to ward creating nn interest In baseball for tho city and county. Second Medal Contest W. C. T. U. to Award Another Declamation Trophy Another sllvor medal contest Is to bo1 held hero lu thp near future. An nouncement to' this effect has Just been mado by the local branch of tho Women's Christian Temperance Union, which conducts these declama tion events. rlio contests aro opou, to girls, and th!) numbers glvou uro all temporonco selections, although tho cbolco Is loft to the, contestant. Tho winner is awarded a silver medal. It Is the purpose of tho W. C, T. U. to continue these contests until six sllvor medals have bet awarded. After thut'a gold medal 'fastest la to bo held. To enter this latter contest, it la Decennary that the contestant has won due ot tho silver medals, though this j may bo elthor tho W. C. T. U. medal ' or a Domorost medal ' TUobo desiring to enter th goM medal'contejt may coannualeata wkh J Mrs. R. A. Harpold, olty. TsvatetM will be sat latar. ffiM'K my M tj'B' t!r ! iPssa i'j ES?ll im IS lSl 'hi It &?,5J SPi y'Sfc i (ew m Mti 2T2 i fml m o' i i li'i lit m ft ml mi H t , 'i , ' it n iv s i