PEGISTER! City Registration Closes Wednesday; County Books Close April 30. REGISTER! ilji? Ewnmn Herald PRINTS THE NEWS WHILE IT IS NEWS KLAMATH FALLS' OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER t;i!iili Voar No. .IWI wi k ft KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, FRIDAY, APRIL 10, 1914 Price, Fire Ceats NAME DELEGATES TO MEDFORD AT TUESDAY'S MEET IIM'IIIIH ' PtlMMI'lHT. II VH lit HV PIHIOIIAM fxIrflli'M f Htpir'wHtitH.Ml IM lliM r lUllo-llli. itlMK of nit iJiif l.lrt.l fiM' llitiMlrf lUllliill, Mill li' ,ll"i.. Cur llltf IIU'U) tl I'iiiw HM.I'ixlllr i;(ltlr An l.ill. luitilfou Will M Hrrtl. 0fe of tlm l-l llMpoilnttl mrl tut lu '" hWiury "I il' Klamath fbiwWf f IVmiiiiikicw I lflil Mr rcJar hum Ti""i "" n," ,,)r tfc It-.ttl-r lill'ltllily tlh-rlliK of (nctaUi, ana tm-iy tlufitl of KUw till 'll U rill IHlHl nil urgent Invl ltpn In il-hu, 3rr ukU0ii. M IM tltnj tb Ctimiitwr of Cpiif Kit IU lakf H' III? rllXlleiH if MttH' l MUml fiallifrltiC t'f tuft from ulhrr tounllr a( .Mmtfurd, to lotm Ati .irnliiliiu which will Uw ) aim il" adwtUlne ( ili" shot, rrhv undent (if H'Hiilirrn Oifiou, ml th- rtilne ( larger number of iourUt. At lt.U writing will hP R oti. 4r(lut tsfTecl ill hvallflK (ho brracltm tut lit irowM llFii vrhu tommunlil". tho Chawbrr of Com. J. l .l-iii..l.. JtF lialllitf Itilillk Rfd MFfllVMP VI MMVfM -1 -. tr drlr;ttun lit aUvmlAhcti i!rm Ui rh&rgr of women of lit torticw hl&UUlb .. iliti I lift l tut liziil Reporter Holding Dr. Price, on Trial for Kissing Church Women --------------. JHPP: PHMHHHI IH!riM5 !PlMPlfePi T $ BV TW4T T -m itjr fF'tt- j P,&ZwSte JT 111 7ciJwBi r jl jf t v a v $flMEH r Ibj ' a .."iwil r -.- ylll KgBwt Bar i ''- ,'".o t H A ii 'I with lllin ilifj- 1M cruci fy two UiloVfit; Uio otia on hi it rlclii tin ml iiml Ujo oilur on liU lft. Ami Ihu fcrli.iurj wan fulllll- cil, wlildi tmyttth, "anil liu was mimWi'il Hli tlm tnuimcrtotit om," Ail! Ilnir ibil (lamed hf 'nii''il m him. wukkIiiK tliolr i.nt, ml iQjinr. "Ah, Uion It'Ht itedUdjth (ln (ciiiplu ami tmllilott U In tlircii iy, nu ihiMtif, nuil rumu ilown from (he crow." f.tkl4 ala tlnj high jirlcilM muekitiK unlit oinonts tlHrWuclvc-u r with Ihu tfilhi-ii. He annul oth- fm; hlnu.lfht cannot avw, . li ClirW, Ihq King of Urntl, -, 1 ccml from (!, mom, that may no, nnil hclluvo " Ami thuy ilmt woji cruclflnl ltli him re- v vlled him. , Ami h)ich tlii Klxih hour wan tonic, iht'io vrKfe (Jrl(nwn ovtr i-TAHPICQ THOUGHT .WHITE SLAVER IS MUTUAL MILLING TO BE IN MS GIVEN LONG TERM CO. DEFENDANT IN OF VILLA FORCE A DAMAGE ACTION Humeri hTjii.;i'HJ-;s vm,it.U4 CiAltltlhO.Y J VI AIIS l.Y I'ltlSON OX .MAX COX. I(TKI 01' HI:X1IX0 MAXVj UnilJy TO IMMOUAI.ITA' O'llL'M K. KIIIIXJH AHKH AtOXEY IOII IXJUItY .fct1iiiwl 8iiK'fiil ,Vilvn(K tin the Wlini Or J. i:, I'rlff, paittir of thi' U'ohIiIiikHih llflehu Mt-tho.ll.l thuirh, who n on trial nt the M't .niwilllnti Tt?niil, Np' VttrK city, on MI:um nmiH. Tlioii tho doctor n irrtiiilt(-tl to t on. A half dotun on'ti mid tho) wt ro nftdy to (wtlfy (hl lht ifttor, ttlm I CO oar of new. did not net proi'trly toward llirm Hrrat Itulst he klated or klut'il thtiin. h trlid lit klmi Itirtii. Onn nalil h kUnpd Tudr nUhlV llKrln will l jtfr4 , ., Uu. (ihuiosrAtihorn ho lir ht-hlnd th cr. Tho trial wn held fnitod Tress Strtlco IJBUTHKN, Utrrsdar. April 10 fnt'Mitt Hfj Art? Made Uy lt Im-Ih,,'81""1 l.ubohkl. a P.usnlan, knonf . ., ,, ,m tho "King or tho VhltcSIaven.".f ami InrDuMminl , 'M uKen from bero today to cora-l Mdnii Matt; 'Hint tlir nt' l Xow (rjoiiii.1 tcrvluu a genUinco of nlaf l,.TI.0IrHttnl-Ctrtidl(loi.tMcx.(ff'( ' P"on or engaging in thej white Mate trattlc. lit.Clij N Serious. j je v,ag ajao CMtJvlctcd of oib!ns, ,. ... . the border police and or having stxiuK-; , fgled hundreds of ixroo3 acro&s the uutivu inn imn ,.,. ... .i.i.. .!... .- ...i .. . -"" "" th. whdo Ittnil until tho utnlb t VKUA. CBCZ, April 10 Temiilco.j America eU locaI men. and opraUn iw- liour. ,,.,!. I, h.. tt... of flebimt-; .. .. "... ...... ..... , .......... .... 'Ml" Chlloquln. i the defendant In AIU'kIiik That tho Company's Plaat Wit Dcfvcllvo llcaiu of Kucaptec .Stt-nni Otwcurlnjf tlic Vision; BiU r.ntl I'ullcyit Xot i'roperly Gawded, AUtH 97.SOO for the Lom of tin Ann. Tho Mutual Milling company, own- It is estimated that I.ubtlah! hai ault for T,o00 damagen, tiled to- Ami i tho nl, lb hour. Ju. -rtor ,.,, d6 , Mto to be In du.lns hi. oarwr shipped over 200 ;,, J, rrk-d I, loud rplcr, MXlns. th, hailUl! of UiJ reVeu. Tho con.ul'nuIan and girl. Ignorant of fZ.l ", ! f " "hliil. Hlol, Jun MhacbthaulT" ftt rusim ha w,rwi cbniul Canada lhclr ,nt0nded fato. to North andi f? " " "" !B whlrb I, being interpreted, "My Uod, my Ood, why han thou , fonnkprr meT" Anl lonii) or Hivni that ttood by, hcn thty liuard It, uald, llijlmld. ho calleth i:ilae," And one ran and tllli-d a ; Dponico full of vIik gar and put It on a rrvd and envu him to drink. ; aylnr. "I.t nlone; 1ft ub sco ; vhfOior Elian will como to tnko Jilm down. And Jeu cried with a loud voice, and cave up the Khot. A And (bo l! of the tumplo ttlJh Vl1t mWA ustKim lia wired Conaul Canada thcir intonded fato. to North andL. " TCI " ..t." """" " bore. dlarl that tho c, ui ap-;SonlU AroorIcan pmts or lmwora, -- - " - " noj conflnnt-d. , Althoueh tho state's attorney n-c-J .'. . ,, , ..,.. r ... . .vuu a uvv.AlJ 4UI tug IJirlkr report reved from Tarn- ommc-ndcl only six years Imprison- plaintiff. In tho complaint it 1 al- Plco tMU of auccful rebel advances, ment for Labetakl the court eonild-l, tbat tho com h mM urcn tU city. , ere.1 bU er m to be of uch a hen!- Mwt tno rellllremeDta of the Uw . It in auo reported, though not con- "" w..iu lui. UK juuS uuueu gjg proler aafCpiarda. Crmed. tbat Colonel Mayo has landed, threo ytars and J3.000 fine. CnUed State marine to prevent any further deatructlou of foreign prop-. ?rty. Sixty American women bav been Injured In tho fight. 4ld iotht?r hlfi ntaltpr, thu hmt Vlwnri ,,( trUr, ihu PrH O'Con-'ln ntcrtt by a romml(le of MuthodUt j locn and emblem for tho club nub- h(,r A rttlVT famtiiu In .SVw York'mliilltr, and after tlm rlntt day miltrd by Klamath county Kltoolfhll-'ari wnK detpriniiud that hU now, m-wlon nun of t,h complnlnliiR wlt- llt' A Prllt? wilt ttt 0llfll Ih!,,,,.., liavn ..lnir.. U'lii. i.n.a.4. rlmrviol nofililv Hint no r..rl I ttnafH pupil, and (ht wltmlu tie- t ,,Mluf rftm trml , irj,j room ttJ,g brine madf to whlltmanti tho at- ln .lll ho u-d on butloiii lo be "f O'Connor hold him whllo tin. photoe- cunnl hy hi fellow mlnUters. Ifftl by tho tintunltatliiii. , t tnrin iii ip lurinrr uiiiriiiiiwii at . ihU mrrtlne frennlliK adrortUltiK. n4 the bcl uirthod ttf ethlhltltiK at! the r.itAitia.l'Arlrit; Inlrrnadimal rx t0lltl0l, unit rent in twain from tho top to the bottom. And when tbe centurion which titnod orer ngalntt him, taw that ho o cried out ami care up tho chont, ho raid: 4 "Truly, this man was the aon of Ood." tvllark, 15:2T-IP .1. t'nlted I'ress Servico MEXICO CITV, Ailrll 10.- -Tbo sit- 'uatlnn lit Mexico City Is becoming etn moro serious. Many utilu of ! troops have been ordered to this point '-SEND CHICKENS BY PARCEL POST A llincliotm U lo bn nrrxt-it by tho ln of tho directors. CARNIVAL CO. IS FIND OUROTHY WELL SPOKEN OF ARNOLD CLUES JERRY ALLAN IS HANGED TODAY from nearby garrisons. Four thousand additional soldiers are hero today. Intensive prepara tions for tho capital's defense aro be ing tnado. It IiT reported tbat the real reason! Huert. is keeping the fall of Torrcon a secret Is to give opportunity to bring additional forces here. Iliimn riiint XnHiint. j ll (ltads I'ihiI ha returiifd 'fi'i j(.r trntliMi HI Jlnry'tt Aradvmy, Hhf U, ttSlllne t (ho homo of hrr tuiclo mull hhi, ait, nnu airs, it, n. tiriKnur. ir t'ortablo houim (hat ran l4 rar rUl In an niitninohllo and set up In a hort (line In any mnvntileiit ramplui; lbttt linvn brn fnvontdtl In Kranrc. MAItSIIAI CAI.UOItMA. 1'OM.OW SHOWS Alti: aiieviithi: avkiiaei: WILL VOTE ON ENDING STRIKE 1 There is a constant escaping ot Jsteam wben the mill is in operation. says tho complaint, which, obscure tbe vision of the men employed, sad makes their work more hazardous. Iv addition, it Is alleged that the live roller lift is unguarded, there ar not proper belt shifts at tbe edfer. and a tack of signals between the operat ing department ot the mill and the engine room, whereby the mill could be shut down with no loss ot time la esse of emergency. The accident which caused the ault occurred December 19th. The com- plainant alleges that owing to the - -1.W, fact .that thor were aot- properly. jtaui.-iu, Aprti iu. rosizuasieriequippeu ror safety, his right haad Casey 4s, not going Into tho poultry Iwas caught between the lire roller buslne&s extensively, although the Ion tbe edger, and drawn tato the saw. pttotllco resembled n poultry yard a Besides, ho alleges that he waa few days ago. The postmaster's office 'thrown violently against the machine, was turned Into a temporary chicken ! As a result of the mishap, Krelgh'a yard and small "peeps" ran at liberty yighl arm was severed below the over tho floor. elbow, in addition he alleges that Tbe mall brought 150 chicks from. bis right side is permanently lnjuredv OXK HUXDKCI) .VXD FIFTY" LIT- TLU CHICKS SHUU'KD FROM CAMFOHXIA TO -VSII1l.VXD VLV IT. S. MAIL VIIXTDItA, AI'i'AI.I.IXt WHITIX THAT PACTS llltOt'CIITOCT ItV ItAIDIXO flP A HOSI'iTAI, POIt CltlMIXAI. OI'PKATIOXS IX I'trrsiii'iu.'. i, Tim niiinlclpat niitliorlll"" of Toklo kn inked tht. KovrruiiHMil to npprovo I'livu IiiwiIyIiik (ho ttxit'mll(iiro of "I'pnuliiHittily 1 10,000,000 for itddl. tlntml ,,tcr faclllllctt. SI.'COXO OP (MI.IFOIt.M.VS AIMtll. n..;i.(;s 'ixxjk 1'L.ici: thl- Mtmxixc AT SAX QUKNTlV. .Mi'iti)i:iti:i) his wiFi: COri'iat Ml.M'.ltS WILL -pi'o.v thi: couusk to hk foi California. They arrived on the 'mornlntr train after traveling for ' twonty-four hours, duly one being idead from tho long trip. Tho fussy m-i-iiii' Uttto fellows attracted great atten- and that he lapses Into seml-uncon-sclousness and is afflicted with nerv ous headaches. ' tlon. Tho INillow Cnrnlvnl company's sldo L'nltcd I'rcss Kcr-.Ua 'hows, eic, aro well nlm-to tho avcr.j lU'lTSIlliltU, April 10. Tho polled Imsi, itto cltttn throughout, and the 'raided u uinturnlty honpltnl in llolle- niiilo)p nrontming tho mtnttrettptfi. Vih, it Hiibiu-h of this city, nnd arrest- MI to'j i"1! arllv tiUy umrshnii;" lu n' T' "n f lh ,um 'uwr ho bc wai eM'ners today announced ronllng 10 4. II. Hani), oil) tiinntuni Miitttitiitlou; .ll Lucy Orr. tho heads .. ' ...., 'ntiitiiin f brineinc ttm r . .,,,,, . iii'jwji, i uu tiiii'i liven was tiri'iseu "' -"- " United l'rvss Service SAX QUfcNTlN,Aprll 10. Alleu, aged -10, aa bunged prUon Iuto this morning. I.OWi:i) AT AX P.LKCTIOX TO HE! Iist year only twenty-three murders Here commlttod In the city ot London. IIKLH SUNDAY Tho aiiiitml production In K9, 015,(151 iotriiii of eggs, with n farm .aluti of 11,73,?00. .j United Tress Service ' t CALUMKT, Mich.. March 10. OUI- ihotmp -AnH-rnngnl 10:0S, .iud;clnls r thu We.teru Federation of uiai die coimur coun- of tmttirii. mirsu: Mnry Sintlor. ti iturso otnuloy. i,... .. . i Orii. in mi i m im mhmii. A Ifttor has Just hctm rerolcd fronted V Mvivdlth, ami II. L Luu. wlio, u . " . . ...... .. . ....t i it,., vnrious locals. ttint nUti t'liuiloyed In tho Inntltutlou. j ' Tbu balloting will tako placo on Hits coitfetoied that moro Hum aj '.rj10 cri,0 ror whlch Aien toj. Uastor. scoro of patients had boon criminally J ,,,,,, tll0 ,,eaUl penaltywas tho ntur-' optTiiu-u on in mo piaco, ana wnon ,u.r of Ma wUo nl Williams, Calif. tho oiorn,tioun proved total tho re SP.WorbWilhUs him by tho Klitiitnth Clmuilior of Com "" lincrrt', In answer lo Inquiries nbottt Tim Utest cpiisu rior(s show that , mUM,mnl coiitpnny (hut-mnV Ihtrti arc 9.067.O3B towls In Uleblgan ,,. .inrlnit tt.o Hodeo. Metcalf Shows Correspondence tor River Opewf Two-thirds of tho world'H hoot crop Is used lit sugar making. Stolen Horse Home ; Ilia eictiito for tho crlmu wan that miiliiH of tho victims wero consigned j,,,,, wUo wnil im nma(u of ft disorder, (o the funmco. 1 i,0use. und refused to leave It and Tho Indications aio (hut I'orothy'io with him. Arnold, tho missing Now York heiress j x cnmtvto hor end lit this place. cj.twou N n Candidate. Imtilct Attiinivy Jin'Ksou mild this IMPEACHMENT OF WRIGHT Method of Restoration Is Puzzling to Its Owner ...... i ... iliriiM'll tip tuio t short Unto later ono of tho stnblo l,wMtiu, country lb ora gnvu ehaso, trucking tlm homo .(0 U)U w Whllo liilogrnins nnd tho telephone r i,ciK nHott to notify tho mithorl ties in neighboring towns of tho tliuft or n horse from the Midway sta 'h lioro, the stolen animal has put n mi appearance. Ksrly this morn '"K a familiar nolgli in tho rear yard ot Uio Midway stable disclosed tho j"t that tho missing animal was located ugsln. Larly Thumday ntorulug, accord. i lug Is it mystery, It who ropot ted that liifturnoen: "I. uts come through and told ovcry- j thing. Wo lmo ovldoucu that Miss Dorothy Arnold was h patient ut tho liistltulluu, mill her movements huvo Ihot'ii trnccd right to tho door of Dr. .Murodlth'ri downtown olllro, In tho rU'hiiililt building. "Wo lutvo loariiod enough to con nIiu'o iih Hint In tlilu raid wo liavo lirokon up ono of tho worn! plncea In Is too early, however. Ill bo rovoiiled about 'noioiliy Arnold's fate." Into tho Keno country. Instond at continuing on tho Hull, tho llvurymim returned to Kliimntli . .. .. . Falls, nnd Thursday afternoon BworoJ'N' ;""v '' W,H' out u complaint charging Connolly' ll,0 w" ,,ltl '' oarly" with tho theft of a homo. So far ' ll, d",c,0 t frco Connolly hus not hinm located. 'Ufeils at tho olllcn ot County School Tho method by which tho homo 8uroriiUntloiit Frwl l'otemoi,. Tho riurnn.i to it... atablo this morn.'"''!'!'!)' I onllroly oxhmistotl. "K lo uu employe ot tbe Midway, he woku to see Ned Connolly, who ro- iji noar Spencer Creek, leave the tnhio mounted or oh of (bo Midway homo, and chapped gad spurred, A two nion woro soon n uhort dUtuueo trout tho Htalilo when tho homo wna found, utid It Is supposed by some that thoy may huvo roturnod the animal. LookN Spit tinil Kniii, Tho.l'altu Cigar Store has just ro colvod a now coat of paint and papor, and now Hhlnos like tho provurblal now dollar. JODlico of tho 1'enco K. W. Oowen 1ms tiled his announcement ot cnndl dncy for renomlnatlon as magistrate HOltsiJ Jl'DICIAHY l.lnklllo district. Ills odmlu- r for Utrtttlou of jiistlco com t matters dur-, Ing his ertu ot ottlco ha. boon in geu ; oral satisfactory to all. i Tho Southern l'acltic is using, Mr. C. H. Bates; his rejort effort to bring about tho reopening of being anything hut encouraging 'for, Sprague and Williamson rivers to log-; tho lumber Industry In the vicinity of gliig operations, aa is shown by thajKlamath Fails, following lettef, received from Olvi j "You will readily understand Uw tlon Supertnuodjnt J. W. Metcalf iy appreciating ot our interests la coa he Klamath Ci!mber ot Commtjtco tncction with yours, tho following b- "Our assistant general manager ad-ling an extract from my letter of Jaa- tlsos tho writer that jou have roccnt-uary 1, 191t, addressed to Mr. Camp- J I) written Mr. Chas. S. Feo concern- bell: COMMITTPU (ug tll0 -order from Coverument for-t " 'Wo aro vitally Interested In hav- SOUGHT A law to euitlilo women to propose! mnrrlago Is urged In Sweden. I MAKKS A FAYOltAULi: ltKlOKT bidding rafting logs down Williamson ing such order rescinded, permitting nnu &praguo rivers,- nnu m view or ot tho ttoating ot togs down, the W1I my having tho Ilia most fully cover- jllnmson Ttlver; as It means to us the Ing our ultorta to securo a modl-offerlug of a great deal ot business ficatlon of abro:it,lon ot such order, I , which wo could not otherwlat secure, t'l'OX Till: PAHICS UPSOIiUTlOX FOU THIS Uultod I'ress Service WASHINGTON, 1). C, April 10.- KnglUh womou aro wenrtug their Tho house Judiciary commltteo today htttr uuconllued as tho Itttost fad. Women school touchers iu Hussla rcrutvo tho sumo pay as tho meni lu (riiuluKou, Oormttuy, thoro Is room for only ono nowspapor, but thoro tiro two political parties. Cou- Hoqueutly tho slnglo paper printed Is In two sections, roprcsoutltig opposlug political Yluws. A Now Jersey violinist who lost his right arm lu an accident, invented an artificial limb ot stool, with which he Is able to play tho Instrument. reported favorably upon tho Parks Impeachment resolution against Jus. tlco Daniel T. Wright of tho District of Columbia supremo court. Tho matter will next bo taken up on tho Itoor ot tho house. A full In ostiKiUlou is expected. Thoro aro nearly 80,000 women laumlry workers In tho United States, are 1,127,010 automobiles tu servico in tho Uultod States. Tho forests ot Florida coutaius 17S kiuds of wood. was instructed to writo you lu con nection therewith. "Tho (jucstlou was tlrst opened up by Mr. Milburn Knnpp, addressing our then general superintendent, Mr. D. W. Camwboll. December 10, 1913, to which Mr. Campbell replied under date ot December 16th, copy to the writor, with request that I look Into and advise concerning what Informa tion I could securo as to who first' formulated tho complaint, which 1 did under dato ot December 0tb, SIuco that tlmo tho matter has been A subject ot continued consideration aud action culminating in our Mr. Luce, frolght trafflu manager, having tho subject taken up at Washington direct with Honorable Cato Sells, commissioner of Indian affaire, by our and I am 'convinced we would 'not bo running counter to the feelings of.aay other parties, as from what I cam leuru, all aro combining with a view: to lmviuK such order rescinded.' " A This morning Mr. Metcalf passed through Klamath Falls oa his way ti Chtloquln to make an Inspection, aad n delegation from tbe Chamber oC Commerce, consisting ot Preside George J. Walton, Secretary Lewis Wyldo, W. T, Lee. Kip Van Riser, jl V. Siemens and S. B. Kvaas, called a his prlvato car to discuss tbe rlrerj. ' matter with him. Mr. Metcalf gave tbe coslHe complete file ea the, sHfr,iiiAWiH proYed that the" railroad frwgfliW" arduously for tbe lumber latereete of -Klamath county. " y-v' - m fam m-i m m m ii " m V. I nii WV "t A' .