t $ i W - REGISTER! City Registration Closes Wednesday; County Books Close April 30. REGISTER! lEraitftuj Iteratfi PRINTS THE NEWS WHILE IT 18 NEWS KLAMATH PALLS' OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER tjjnc P fr&IWi r 1 j I'AfMU Vi-' W.WJIH KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, THURSDAY, APRIL 9, 1914 ifflEB Price, Vive OUt MEXICANS BURN UP FOREIGN PROPERTY AT TAMPICO "Newspaper Lobby" for Shipping Trust i i ..a I wwMnMii - MILLION DOLLAR LOSS SUFFERED FROM Blti BLAZE MIIV.UT.M I'lllKKT N tVI.X lllft i.iiiliitx .tnwil.oli nl iJrrvwaH Pii'prflle-.. " 'n Mirllrr l) IMr IW, fWl. I'll I'n.wi lr MirlU I'mmh l'rtrwl UuiiInmU. MpHltg (I"' t'll) IWrtiM IUmIIiiji Ttirrf U , .M-tilllM. t'tiliot I'irH HMk Mexico itv, April ir iuiMit ('nitv kImiih m 'jH hum r- luir.! .,it ilimirunl lit trtirlft ihi C...I 'iM uuf- U wt niHMiMrtfFullli'4ii nomination a Jtlnllre o( by l)U l.l.t, lm Imvw trim-!. lti nUlil-Jltl.' roun, Writ with Heo irl.(-t the iiimn f IguaU u.Uy. 'friary ( Hutu Hen Olroil. Atii.lh lit tlr l'Uln', Hie llirral rii? UetiK'U trillion U prhi thr t( rictllt" naaiMtit m l "', laigrnl llml ha eur heeii Illctt for illtuie KiTlrrr In tlie KmiM milk. Uiu office, t( rontalurd Ulr- a Wdrn lhe rrir of ! Urmrmtiiu 'moi,j name aa ibo In require. TliU Icvllng tluiotiiiul lltr n.MMlry rtrli ihto (n III" request fur blank poll" nl him, AiMtlii ..MerrO ilin hUho',nt twnt 111 h admirer of llcumn lrlmr. wn-tllln) (if ilm tiitmllrt t Uh" l't:ll.l I'ruM rlc WArilllNilTON, l, (', Arll -CrjKiri nf (h riMiiilto Urlf uciloii of ih Wairrn.i'icrfp trotMy ni Tarn- I'lco by (lit- relxili.. wllh a Iim f fSOO.OOO, rrrtl Ilm atnln ilcwrl- H ItHLr Th following wa rV- '.!..' , .,..,., , .,' -ttirlrM i0wu Indole Ul the. tltimiloii at Tamplro, na ruicatd for- ln iirnimrllm I awrloiix and very rcmiiralid. The rennwry "f the Uf..M-l. ... ..M...kU UJ.. M..tl.lM.l two day by the rbl, .nwuMly,iirri..l to lira Herald that UIiourI. Jnn.nPl(u flH.uU,. ,,f wlnuluK respect ,f,led ,0 ,0r' "n M rw-lcd It . iindr flroof the fedcrl (tun- Jtt.Uo llen.on ha been a revereal-l,,,,,, admiration .even from those.1"" ,",.";.,.,, ,. .. , ,. ,r boU. and ratislit fire. .Metit of (hi city for mauy year, niWu,m ln !,- sense of Justice, ho la pcit was ttout 3 or 3& The om of the rnllre prftperly I I knoit iK-rsonally to nearly every-;t.om(,u, ,0 rulo , ,hp wronit, there,0"8 "' " l,a1a ,Dn ' ' ;noun rrt. In addition, lhe warehouses. body In Houihern Uu-koii, rleflu ,mr,,r a republican In tho otaloj"", V0?' ""' refuMJ to nc" t the Anla Commercial, n (lerinaiiUkclrh of Hnulherii Oregon's only can-. wh0 ,,w 110t ,nc,,e,i t, name of c "J e' J, " " Dwm, ha burned, Uio Iom beliiK dl.lato for llu. upr.ei.i benrl, would ...j,,.,. ,,. , Klamath county." J ' ,tr!J J; ' AndXhnv ,r i... .. '..... i... ...!. .....i umiiii in. n ureat,.... t ... r... .......ti.ii. ii,i" ix'lo Indicate a mind sllshtly ar- "hi, i. Hllllinn. I- Wr I.W0..00 volumes wU.nrV. for Mcusou IhrouKh ho me- foiled for and aoimlle.l l,v lhe llrltlxh mniintiiii, part of tho state. I Tho fact thai ho I tho only candl- UiimIa In It treatment of women ldato lor tho olflce In Houthorn Oregon fr behind many other nations, only 'I duo to the fart that a oon a It one woman having been admitted tojwas aniitmiu-ed that ho would bo In the bsr thui far. h raco oernl of tlio most brilliant mid able attorney in thl part of the Itereni rorreetlon in map of firm-niiind have added about 160,000 .... ... ... "inro miles in it area. 'urcgoju .i ..... ..v ..-. .... . lion, wroto ht-tirty letter of iissur- Womon are now accepted on the nnee mid offer of assistance to our itiiu, ii.rm. .... i.u ....,.i r tiiiiuiliieiilshed townsman, and linvo Mg liiHiiranro companies. Young Pettus Is Freed Youth to Lure State; Cat Is Only Jail Resident Tlio only occupant of tho county )"ll at present Is the mascot cat, tho lllt of tho prlsoiior hnvlng beon ro l'od thU morning. The last to go wai Hobert I'ottua, (harged with aorta atMllai, whose re l('u wai ordered this morning by "'"Prosecuting attorney, I'ettui waa accused of itaaHug (wo Big Benson Petition Ffled ,; Over Two Thousand Persons Signed (he Paper tWO-tlllllllH l Till: tH'.NTIIW, in tut: sr.ui: tti:iitit:,N ri:i. MU'llfCII.S OHUIluVh PA.Mil had: ami i:ji:,m: max ahi: tmi; i'iiihtto rn.i: niehioi vr.vn: i.mmhim: i;i.am.tii XI. x.v (llrinlil Kpc-riat rirrii'r) MALUM, April 3. StRlied by ovef J,o repnentAilv OtrKnn cltl.u, (Itf petition asking lor the nomliu- linn of Ifnrt Henry I.. Unison if Klamath tall a candidate (or lln pIIp. Ill BUillllim lt Iioiiik uio mrj:- . . .iril,.,r nl. Ili llrtinuti llHIotl In "I" itilowtrihjr Inmiiiurli n wvrry ilgnn lur w koriircil tjr otutiinry work oil ln I'srl oi iii'iiotin iri-iiu, in ,,,, of lluic i-lrculMcd hy I'alil (,rj,.-,, ! rn with munit rBmj,ij,P. Ju J(1(.a ,,, , KKunu. nro tl.o nrt to ni. thi-lr ptl. rnlldldn., for II., m.rtta " ' ' I.. ...llilnir II... fiireMuliiK ilUiutcli. Ilif.i-. r ..... i...im. .,,it.r win. 1,1- .... .....--..- . tl'fi v ""', " .-.-.. - - -- -.-- I,...., who are xoluiitarlly 'aid to lhoo "l ","t,r" '" mo " """' statu (which I equivalent to Bayinm 1 1 hoso high In standing In tho bar of ... v .... ........ .K. ilt ,.uf,i nunlri..' Hlnco been working loaloiisly' to lirlng - bones from a resident of Kangoll Valley, und had been In Jnll for oiuu tlmo awaiting tho action of the grand Jur. He wai taken buforo tho prosecut ing attorney Wodneaday and closely quoslloued, After the youth agreed to leavo the Htato, never to return, tlio ottorney ordered tint he be glvou hi freedom thl morning. 1 about hU rholcn at (tit hnnda of tin- votor. The prr of tlio tlnto 1m !) n ait- I . . , . . ti i.ll 'iiilirr imimrfiit fnrtnr In Ik'tiaouA ; i" ... .. . .. i I JfA iffR ii.nMi" favor. f..r ovory puu iraiian, from im Wfll.UMiiw.... ).tiWu aui, rnlwU lhe mattre8g 1U UIO paper pnuiisnru m lurt'nu ,. ...,, . i- . i .i .. . .i .....I..! found n imre coutalnln:. 5. A cuitKrit. mid Um Irudo and cK-I.iatlcal .,,. ; , . . .i ........noarcli of the cabin developed lhe fact JoiirnnU liaxn endorned the Klamath i man'arandldarylnthehUheHtterm! f ',u 1M7f' ,d ,ttken h" to their reader, mid have paid Rlow- b,akcl " ,bo0 i"' .. . I..R trlbu.,- to hi hi... Integrity and r' " returned, to thU cl y ...'., .......... ... ,. -.. -nl reported tho matter to Sheriff fl.R 'MM.IIM JII1II-.IW, H.HIH.H, .f.v-M. u by nearly n score of yrorn ou the . . .. .. , .i . ..i, ..., heiirli, At ii remilt of t to work of the .... .... ....... ... t ...viiiin 111 .IIU ,MMI. .". ...... .. ... -n, iiiiii in .ii.r ,. vt,,iiiuMi .v. niv tBlllli,iin nomlnallon ho would have . lw ,mrl , llw Wl ... l"K ' Krare tno noncn or in...- mf ,. ,tlat' highest tribunal after olec- Hon. JiuIro llenson I n natlvo otCallfor- nin.of Scotch-Irish nnrestry.hl father ,CIK iiV, nry 0. llenson, one of lna pinuccr Methodist minister on mwwmwvw) (Contlnued'on page 4) - - - ,., - ri mirk TA nnplllQ CI flP Tll II 11 If II I A I UUIl lU "" ww w BE SENT IN HERE 'lU'TTi: VAIil.KV PltOIIUUT WIWi hi: iia.mh.ki iiv tiik ahhi.anu ritlllT WTtmi: MANAdKH VIS ITS KLAMATH FAMJ4 ('. l. Sohuylor. owner of the Uutte Valley Flour mills at Uorrls, com polled urrungoments today with tho Ashland Kruit store for tho handling of llutto Vulley Hour lu this city. The Dorrls mills have been in oper ation for u littlo more thau u year, and In tlmt time they have establish ed n good market In llutto Valley for their product. They linudle nil the grain crowu In tho llutto Valley, and expect to handlo a portlou of the Kluumth county wheat thU fall. .--i.-n.-j . ..-. iruTnn.-Lan.gr wooochopper is MISSIN6; LEAVES fjy DATED 328 MICIIIIF TIII.NKS III.KITK.MIACH l)KMKTM .Midi Vrt l.liiilojrl (it Aruolil'H W'ckmI ('iihi, mill When Amolit X'ltJlpd Cmili TiH'o'lii)' Hi" I'oUBil M .Vole' TnrKul lo I lie Door Inillmllnic Tltat' III Kltiloyr llml r-ulrliUI ln(rn lion Wlun Hr lll. i After Icjvlne u npio for hi employ oi, II. Ilrcltenbuch, a uoixJchoppcr vmiiloyttl ni C. A. Arnold' wood ramp, dlitni!'arVl, and tile ircenl wl.rfiliuuiji In vhrouilctl in uiystcry. Aa far us Mr. Arnold know, the Micklm; man has not been wren alnce tltu 3&th of Marco. When Arnold1 UUtd tlio woo'J cmuiTueJa)- ho! , fiuiiU thu rb)n locked with a pad lark, and a not muirby addreased lo hlmlf, rcadlnx follew: "C. A. Arnold Don't look for me, ii ml dou't muko any fu llko o many havit done. Am sinking fant and eaay. - ok nndi-r maltrwa. 11. Jlreltcn- . . . ...... I The sherlrf wa Informed that the i ... u .1 '' llocd to have worked at Kt ,a'" er. " Inquiries there ,vct' nml that lhe mUsti.K blanket J . r JJ ea wou u ,na cute no an- will bo received soon of too mans presence In somo neighboring town. FROST IN TEXAS KILLS PEACH CROP HUI)l)i:X CIIII.I.Y WAVE IS HK MKVK1) TO HAVE RESULTED IN A MILLION HOLLAR DAMAGE TO Fit HIT GROXVERS United 1'iess Service DALLAS, Tex., April 9. Aa tho ro hull of a 8mldou drop In the temper ature throughout this roglou, It U estimated tlmt more than a million dollar lu damage has boon caused to tho poach crop and small fruits. The temperature li the lowest that has been known here at thta time of the year lu moro thau twenty yean. At Abellno the thermometer regis tered 2C degrees. ' There. I less public auoklng among the women of Spain thau among the wpmenof -Loado. ' West Vtrglula employ more than 80,000 wen lu the nlatac laduitry. Alleged by President Wilson rfiiannrvnfminriwi jT.n.n.rj-ir-n.T. i Rodman Wanamaker to Build an Airship Hodman Wanamaker of Philadel phia Is the chief backer lu the project to build an airship which will attempt to fly acrobi the Atlantic ocean. Mr. Wanamaker has heard much specula- tlon aboul lhls ft.at. and he ha be- come Interested lu the subject suffi ciently to put up bis money. He now has experts studying the question to tctfrn deflultely whether or not tho plan l's practicable. RAILROAD STRIKE NOT SANCTIONED I'K.VNSYI.X'AN.IA KMI'LOYKS AKK .MKUKI.Y tjlUTTlNa TI1KIK JOBS ON ACttH'.VT OK HKTitKXOH .XIKXT lt)MOV i United i'ress Service IMTTSBUKG, April 9. -According to the otttctutH of the Brotherhood of Itatlw-ny Trainmen, tho strike of the employe of the Pennsylvania railroad la not aitctioned by the organization. The men are quitting in bunches on account of the retrenchment policy tlio road has adopted. Six huudrcd men are out here, and probably that many moro will quit on the division oast of Pittsburg. Tho places of tho btrlkers ure being rapid ly tilled by tho road. WEYERHAEUSER IS BURIED TODAY MOTION' PICTURE MEN ATTEMPT TO VMM THE LAST SAD RITES OVER TIMBER BARO.V, BUT ARE FRUSTRATED United Press Service MOLINB, HI., April 0. Frederick W. Woyerhaeuser waa buried here this morning. There waa some delay BaaaaHKaHHEraaaSaaH aBBBBBBHBBBBBBBBBBfl aBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBKBBBBBlBBBBBBBBBVSml".aBBBBBBl amBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBal'JS BLLLLLLLLLLLaLLH''LH Bal ' BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBmmRaiBBBBBBBBBBl ' aBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBml BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBmBBmmHI&i9 BBBBBBBBBBBLl,rf,r--';;-Bl A STRIKEBACK AT NEWSPAPERS IS CARD PRESIDENT IS RESERVING r , ben camera men attempted to take moving pictures of the ceremony, and ,for a time trouble w&s Imminent. The picture men, however, were finally Induced to abandon the Idea. FISHERMEN CATCH THE LIMIT TODAY I KXTRAORDI.VARV HVS OF F1XXY BEAUTIISS IX SPKXCKR CREEK' RIGHT XOXX', SAY RETCRXED AXGLERS "A quartet of KUraatTr Falls" Usher men returned from Spencer Creek this afternoon with their automobile load ed with about 200 pounds of rainbow trout. The oartr Included Harry Peltz, O. D. Matthews, Lee Bean and ' Oscar Peyton. j They report that the flsh are run ning In large quantities, and the sport was so exciting that they had reached ' the limit before they reallred It. and were compelled to come home. Girl Is Dora A daughter arrived this morning to Mr. and Mrs. Glen Steemaa. To California E. Ii. Elliott leaves ln the morning for a visit in Los Angeles. Plea for Abatement. A pica for abatement ln the suit of Albert E. Elder against J. W. and N. E. Arnold for money alleged due as rent of a farm, is being heard before Circuit Judge Benson today. Hay & Merryman appear for Elder( and W. II. A. Renner for the defense. Meaner Return. XV. II. A. Renner, attorney for George Reed Inhls S 10,000 damage suit against the Wcstecn Union Tele graph company, returned last night from Salem, where he went to make his argument against the supreme court. AUthe recent election in Finland twenty-two women were elected to the parliament. Chinese bought 1,000,000 Bible the first six months of last year. Groesbeck Attorney Says Field Too i? Holding that there is not room lu the field for three candidates for the democratic nomination as county judge, Hollo C. Oroeebeck, who an nounced his candidacy Wednesday, has "withdrawn. This leavea the race to Marlon Hanks and W, XV, Smith. "When I announced myself I did not know that Hanks was a candidate, and bad I kuowu tkta I' would not THE 0PP0SIN6 THE BI6 TRUMP IWHtAII HAYS OmiKR KKPKAb DESIIIKD I1V EXGLAND WILL UK AHKKD fVnate CoBmattte on larferocouaic Oa naU Today Corsauwced I't tfimrit on Uie Kepeal KeaolaUoii Tuaoiii. row tfae Coasaalttoe W8I Hear Ike 4 ' i J? -9 4 Tttimtmr of TfaoM WavvBre Aaked for AtUace. I United Prcaa OarrlM WASHINGTON. D. C. April . The Sims repeal bill la today feefaro the senate committee oa lataraeeaalo VHMnlli m The senators who have latrodaeed tolU'bUU"indfresoIutloaa coaeefalag the same, are expected to appear be fore the-coBimittee, aad It la taoaght the day will be taken up with hearlag testimony. Tomorrow the committee hopes to begin the hearing of Individuate aad organizations who have applied to present their views on the tolls ques tion. United Press Service WASHINGTON. D. C, April 9. -That the administration plana to strike back In the campaign waged against the president ln the tolls re peal controversy by certain newspa pers waa indicated today. It has jwt been learned that a court attatek upon ' an alleged subsidised newspaper lob by." back of the shipping trust, la the big card that the administration la holding back for Its coup. Representative Barabart la authors Ity for the statement that such pro ceedings Is contemplated'. "Postmaster General Burleson kaa been Informed that certain newspa- ' pen, Including some of the largest , and most Influential in the country, are printing paid articles for the shipping trust," said Barnhart today. "These are In agitation against the repeal of the free tolls clause, t "According to tho Information at the hands of the department, these articles are printed as bona tide aews stories, and are not labeled aa paid advertisements, aa the law require." United Press Service - " WASHINGTON, D. C, April . I A repeal of the clause excluding rail (Continued ou page 4) Withdraws Crowded fir Three Mea m have come out," laid Groebeek.v"It waa when I believed there wmMba u no strong candidate who couMvmkaJf, i a race against Wordeu next fall tlwr; 1 came out. "H W" "I withdraw without any m-fiHsiatV toward aaybedy aiiiid,vae)VI ' do my utmoet for the eUeH f MiJ.'- -candidate ikuasVay tka lamtWti tH ' ' the oce of eauutf itt.H" M11 ' , i! mw' sgi ffcj fi mi mn T?fi v & i'' X