m im literal! im : c PRINTS THE NEWS WHILE IT IS NEWS i.U KLAMATH PALLS' OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER mm II imn i.. jstisek s ;2t'iii(swBswwniMMB mm Kifllilh V'r No. H.8WT, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 8, I9H Price, Fir m Pt tmritt0 Hanks, Worden and Groesbeck for County Judge, J. B. l HMIKS m .HinRF- FILES PETITION! i US H h;:n fiuiKii to mi Hui i:Vi:tUf. WKF.KH i ftuUf) tor llix HrWMWfel .itli.( lMitu Wlilt CHNiy (Ink. Will "mwnmrc III Platform In m ' '! """' 'n in Mafc Tlmr- i.ti rmutlnn Mulon lUuk., hardura mmlwiii ,U alMfr momUr of the rlly tout.. HL U it,- Uir.t candidal for cuunty iaJic, ThU morning bv UN hU an- ' trthfrmnt of randldacy fur ih dwtftie nomination with Hin roomy tier Ik IUoU liiu brrn urgd Im nuke Km rr for iba .i (wo month, lut h uiJ(ll) rufiued. Of Utt, tlioush, till uoiuvr irrMurt was brought la br upon lilm, ami after carefully Irvine or the pronit made by iho tx-ni on lil candidacy, ha do cUkJ to run. "Although hva ben urged to ub out fnr ih unir, I ho held of until today," Mid Mr. Hank IhU ttomlnc "I will give oul my plat form In I rw day," lUnV. n careful ti(Mln- null. led Ilia rtiilornomrllt of hi fandl Ufjf by ilif.no opposed io the- Wor ta adralnUtratlon U largely duo to lhl (art Dim limy belle Vn he I lli mn iq uk up in work of getting U toaniy out of iIkUI and upon a rnfito bmliifp Hkn baila. Thrrr aro ihrv rainllilatmi for lhi Irmnrrailc nomination. Judo (Jrlf 8th ami W. VV Hmllh hitvlnu Up tiiu.ir hiihI, HiAiUtlra KllirKj r Inturanro ( Itn .(o that tnarrl4 womn and the wnnipii who lake out endowment flllr ihn lonirr than thn ob who H out utmlatit life imllrlM, lliml m- women Hvo longer than married many uiTMRetiea who lire dlall. nitn and unmarried women aunrlvo Awl with man-condutled churche, t matron. havo Inauiturnted the novel plan of a 'church to bo run by women. It will Hhahendcmontrwanaioverh' rolled "Tho Church of tho New; mcd Mock range) In the national Ideal." Tho preacher will ho women. ' 'oreata rn be brought back to use Men will ho admitted to somo of Die wnlr a ylem of regular graslng Uervlce. hut not Io nil of thorn by 'ir than If. t bey are left unused. I "' mean. Worden a County Jtadf e Files His Announcement WithClerk All doubt as to tho Intention of I'ouiiiy Judgo William H. Worden to run for u Nucoud tiirm waa dispelled 'do till iiflnrniinn. whim ha filed l'l announcement ot candidacy for iu republican nomination as county JuIko. Thus far, be la tha only re publican out for the oce, while tnrce democrats seek tbelr party'a nomination. Worden announced several day i'iu to uowMpsporasen that ha would ""on Mart Ida potltlons. Bone, how "ver, wero dUposed to give alight redunco to this. Wordon'a adBlaUtratlon policies lll b tha Issue of the campalga for 'otinty judge this yaar, a campaign t oven before 'U primaries la wailng warm. Whe tae tlaktr la- Hj THREtfEMO BY HUtRfA FORCES M lilt If A V fOIIIIIMI'ilXIIKVl. , ,MV ,. j,u,.,; ,'rtp4r ni. tiiali in Mil In 1'nlill.li Tliai VI I hi W Itinilnl l Tin mm, CnrtMlKM lln Itrlllfcrtl III Poli I i ,HHUmI Hi J (I II I V, fUtlllK lit Cunitiil Itcillnl III.' Oniric nf ei. rral VIII. Mulled I'icm tfetvice MUXIt'O ril'Y. At.rll v0lu , ,()o ,,UttM ut .rlJf, ,llrru ,a. riu,nt ,.. ..,,, rj,u., ,, , UU .,, . rto... ,c,rM, AmrfCUI tvvawr torrrK)iulciiI hrif uir In danger of nrrr.i anil miMt mrioii trcntmrnl. thv rmult of UU'icli-- lliir rnt im America. The ulliialioii hrr U vtt rt, TI10 ne'"H'i hnvn Uen furlit dell to ftrllll the r'lOMJ uf thi rt lure ot Torretui, hm havo tetm in ulriicHU t Ktto imUtlrlt)' to n tur' to the iflrcl that Villa and hi arm a roultd, WAHHINUTON, Aiirll K.Tho .Slain Department today nuuouurl thai Carraiiia ha refurd tlm un- official rvjuot mado hy tha couul at Juate thai tho rebel Kho pro ttrrtlon to Ihc Hpntilaril lu Mcdco, and rrclml Villa' ilt'iiortatlou order. Carranta. In refulnit Mated thai he could not Interfere with any orilor IHftdii by Villa. WAHHINUTON, April , Admiral Flelrher today nent ihu following aervcram to the .Navy uepurimcui; "Hharp flKhilitK coutlnuca at Tarn, plcii, Ul nlcht the Federal worn driven back Into the town. Tho Fed eral Riinboal Vera Crui U keepliiK up a huy bombardment." ' Ctiurrli for WoineM J Women In Liverpool, lucludlnit Candidate lerovta commenced suit In tho Federnl Court to Invnllato county wnrranU, Worden nnnouncod tluit ho would ....... ...i.i. .1... ui.it. mill u'nulil u'lirk uj nuii inu m.ii'i " ."-. to havo ll of tho couuly'a Indebted- ne paid off at par. The Worden adinlulstrntlou Iiuh worked to tiso tho county's credit for road Improvement, etc. This, they said waa tho only method to be fol inwe.1 under the statu laws, but oth ers brandod their policy as wanton oxtrnvsganco lu handling tho poople'a money and the county' credit, Owing to the nature at tho scrap, there aeemed uo alternative for Wor den but to come out for reelection. Uaiiv contend that this Is the case with Commissioner 0, O. Merrill, aad they expect him to announce himself within a few days. James Gordon Bennett piously m TliU I tlm lusl iiovd picture uf Jnuie (iordeii Hennetl, ouner of the New York Herald, who I bullcvvd to bu erl(iul' III In Cairo. Mr. HcuueU 'U now in hi norenty.thlrd yinr, and Im linn nhottn dnuKnrou lcn durluc the lul three week of hi trip on hi yacht About the Mediterranean. Iteixirin of hi II In en havu come, only to bo denied the next day. Dr. TRUE PUBLICITY CAMPAIGN STARTS CI.KVKiaXI) COM.MKNIKS MOVK .MK.NT TO IIAVK MKHC1IAXW SAY KOMKWIIKItF. XF.AH ItKAI. VAI.l'i: OF iMI)S Hulled l'res Service CI.KVKI.ANl), April 8,'t'rorao tloii of Truthful Advertising" Is Iho purpoo ot n distinctly nuw type ot nrgaulxntlou now being formed hero by member of tho Retail Merchant's Hoard ot tho Cleveland Chamber of Commerce. W. J. Noble, of the lltmrd explains the ovlls tho organisa tion U destined to ubollh In tho fol lowing Interview. "Ono of tho ovIU to bo eliminated in tho Intlutlou of values, telling tho people that nil article Is a $100 valuo nud iidvcrtUluK it tor salo ut $37,50. This word 'valuo I used In this connection Is ono of tho mot deceiv ing words Is advertising. You might nn well ndvortlso u loaf ot broad as a $100 valuo, with tho oxcuso that a starvliiK castaway on u desert Island would vuluti u lonf of bread at that sum. "Tho tlmo hus como to call n halt on the scramble for prefermout by muuus of ono merchant trylug to out do the other In extravagant claims." A majority of the merchants are said (o favor the movoment. Tho towers of tho Panama cath edrul uro rooted with pearl shell, which rollects tho sunlight so that (hoy can bo seen far out at sea, Thoro wero tourteeu more mod leal schools In tho United States In 18 IS thim lu 1918, about 1800 studeata aud about K00 fewer graduate!. . Alfred Ilobln. a famous ParU phy 'slclau, ha Jutt been called to e 'him. Mr. Ilcimttt, It 1 underatood, : nuffer from bronchlti. For many yours he has lived In I'arU, comliiK to the United State ocralounlly to loek: after bis xiews- papcr and other bulnea Interests. (Much of hi time haa been spent In , rarls, where he publishes the Paris edition of tho New York Herald. BALKAN BULLETS BEIN6 RECLAIMED FUF..NCH MAMJFACTL'HKK OATH i:itS l.KAOF.X PKIXKTH FltOM Til IC IUTTI.KFIKL1M1 MAKKS IIOITI.K TOIS I'AltlS. April S. Million of bul let. Ilred during the Ualkan war have Juki arrived at Marseilles and aro to bo manufactured Into bottle-tops and leud pipes. The bullets, picked up on battle ftelds, wero lu 2095 sacks of 100 iioutidy each and were sold to deal hi lu'scrap metal. KOmethliiK Uko 70 tons ot cart rldKe clielU arrived with tho bullets. SWEDISH KING IN POOR HEALTH SOANDINAVIAX MO.N'AUCH WILL 111: tll'KHATKU UPON TOMOIt HOW. IIJAKSS HKL1KVKO OUR 'IX HTOMACH. STOCKHOLM, April 8. King (lustav V. will be operated upon to morrow, In tiio hope ot Improving bin condition. His health has been much worse of late. It a believed that his Illness Is ruuscd by n tumor In the stomach. It Is estimated that a day of dark ness In London caused by tog coata tho Inhabitants $85,000 for gee. m well as a large sum for eleelrk Uf at Griffith Withdraws i II N. DAY FILES ANOTHER ACTION AGAINST COURT lltWI.VH tlFFK'i: ILV1.aHKH AUK .TTACIKI Siill AIm, w'-kk lii liiVMli.lnle Itllla of j' I lie XoHliitmrtii, l' mi Ground 'Mint Tliry ro Kxrfle. Altor ; ney Hay l'M,r Farm WarrauU Will . Ite Altai knl l.'nlll KatUrnrtory ' .H)Mrm It Adopted. J Widow's iienslons, expenditures for ! the icutity poor farm, exiieunes of the idUtrlct attorney and tho claims ot 'the Xorthwotern for printing are a lit uk the warrants attacked In the lit tiled this afternoon aKln.it the county court by II. X. Day. The suit 'tiled by Kuykendalt A Ferguson, -seeks to enjoin the payment ot a " number of warrants Issued at the 'March term ot tho county court, upon jthe ground that they were issued for unjust claims or for voluntary In debtedness. "All of tbe poor farm warrants Issued are attacked, and will continue to bo attacked until some satisfactory and economical means for tbe care ol the couqty'a poor is arrived at by tho county court," said tbe attorneys for Day today. Warrants issued to the Northwest ern for approximately $120 aro at tacked In this suit. It Is alleged that jibe prices charged for the supplies furnUhcd wero unreasonably exces sive. A warrant was Issued thoThlel De tective Service for $658.50 for "sup prKs!iig crime In Klamath County". Tlili wan also attacked, upon the ground that there are otflccrs on sal !ary who are sworn to suppress crime 'and uphold the law. I The widow's peuslon warrants tho .suit seeks to enjoin are those Issued 1 Alma reterstelner. Addle h. a rah am J aud Maggie J. Pearson. The first ttv are objected to upon the gtound (toil tho women are divorced, not widowed, and tho latter becauso Mrs. liuirsnu is n government ward. I'm. warrants wero Issued to Dis trict Attorney Joha Irwin for money advanced to ':ed Morley and W. W. Williams to j r. to Portia.: to appear as wltuesses beforo tho Federal llrand Jury In the Saxton case. Tak ing tho stand thai the government allows mileage for all witnesses, aad a per diem expense while In Portland these warrants are Included with the others the suit seeks to declare In valid. Other district attorney's office ex penses htt aro warrauts of II. M, Man ning for $100 for services aa deputy prosecuting attorney, and a warrant issued Ooorgo Dlohn for uutomobtle hire by tho district attorney. F. D, Harrows was issued a war rant lu payment for rooms used by Urn Fleahers while In tho city to at tend court recently. Day takes the stand that tho members ot this fam ily must pay tholr own room rent, as they wero all paid witness fees and mileage while here in connection with the case, and no other witness Is furnished with free lodgings ex cept those who happen to be detained In prison. New York society has received an other shock by the announcement that oyer 350 guests will be Invited to the woddlng of Vincent Astor aad Mlaa Helen Dlnsmoro Huntington on April 30th. Thoro hag been no such shock since Ward McAllister culled .New York society to "four hundred," Thero are 16 varieties ot maple treea la the United State, most of ttio-a belnr eastern species. Come , ;ATT0RNEY MAKES KNOWN DECISION THIS AFTERNOON; j i KCOXOMY IX OFFICIAL ACTION'S. I'llOMLSED 1 Hay Tlutt Conuiilealoneni Should Bliatv a Portion of the Itespoatlbll ity lu Conducting tlie County's Iltuilf. Come Out For Comple tion of Courthouse and County Library. Uollo C. Groesbeck announced this afternoon that he would be In the Democratic primaries as a candidate for tho office of County Judge. In commenting on nis announce ment Oroesbeck says he does not care for the office as such, but as a cltbten familiar with and deeply Interested In the people's affairs In Klamath County, has decided to enter the Democratic primary. Oroesbeck says he represents no Interest, clique or clan; that he stands for economy, publicity and at tention to official duty and says he has no promises to make except such as are embodied In and Inferable from the oath ot offico taken by the county Judgef. and the statutes ot Oregon. He further says that per sonally he believes that the warrants should be paid, the new court house and library speedily completed r that a liberal policy respecting the differ ent high schools and educational In terests ot the county should be pun- sued; that the probate work Involv ing valuable property rights should have close attention; also the Juven ile court duties, and women's pen sions; that the county court should be open foe the hearing ot civil and criminal business as the law declares; that ho should stand for a clean. efficient and orderly conduct of the office, dealing fairly, squarely and openly with every Individual and in terest; that the county commissioners should share more responsibility and thn people should select a strong man at tho fall election. Medford Sends Call Klamath Asked to Send The following from the Medtord Commorclnl Club has Just been re ceived by Secretary Wylde of the Klamath Chamber ot Cemmerce: Tho Medford Commercial Club wishes to arrange tor a big booster rally hero at Medford spraetlmo the last ot this month, the sole purpose ot which shall be nn effort to get tho commercial clubs aud cltltens ot Jackson. Josepheno and Klamath counties united in a strong campaign for the development, Improvement and advertising of Southern Oregon's natural attractions, we have par ticularly in mind Crater Lake, Klam ath Lake, Oregon Caves, Ashland Butte, the upper llogue River and fsuch other uatural beauty Bpota as wo cau profitably spend some time and effort on. It is thought heal to extend an- In vitation to (he civic bodies ot Ash land, Grants Pass, Klamath Falls, Talent, Central Point. Gold Hill, Eagle Point aad Rogue River to Join Out 1 tfc'WB fofep I'GAME NOT WORTH IS THE CHASE,' SAYS JUDGE GRIFFITH FIltST CANDIDATE ANNOUNCED WITHDRAWN. Former County Judge Palls Oat of Tlm Itace, Holding That la Use Present Conditio of AJTalra, the Office of County Jadge la Not Worth MaklasT Two Caaipelgae For Dy Aay Me "I cannot afford to make two fights for tbe 'office, so I quietly with draw my candidacy tor the demo- Icratlc nomination as county Jadg. I do not think that tbe game is worth such a strenuous chase at thla time, with county affairs in the condition they now are, so with malice toward none, I quit." This announcement waa made this afternoon by J. B. Griffith, former county Judge, who a few daya ago announced his candidacy. Ua to that time, there waa nobody brought for ward to oppose Wordea, aad apoa. the representation ot friends that the democrats would stand by htm as a unit, Griffith finally acceded to their urgings. and entered the race. Since Griffith came out. W. W. Smith of Bly, Marion Hanks aad Rollo C. Groesbeck have all coma lout for tbe democratic nomination. Rather than make two fights for an office he does not particularly desire. Griffith this afternoon withdrew en tirely, leaving the field to the other three aspirants. When W. W. Meredith, a farmer at Woodland, Alberta, Canada, dress ed some docks for local markets, he found the stomachs of several birds filled with flake gold, sevea of the pieces measuring from a sixteenth to an eighth ot an Inch In diameter. By a vote ot 63 to 4 the Kentucky legislature passed a law making It a felony for a man to elope with a girl whoso parents object to him. Delegates to Booster Meet Us In such a meeting, and to appoint I committees to meet with a committee ,of this club to further the purposes herein referred to. Wo would find It advisable, prob ably, to limit the discussion and act ilon at tbU meotlng to the subjeet stated so that wo may got something definite In tbe way ot actios. It would probably be best to have a good big Joint committee appointed to discuss ways and means to further thla end. and let, big meeting start off tho work. We should be glad to hear from you In this regard. Can we dlgaad upon a delegation from your club to such a meeting; and what date would you suggest? We would be glad, to have any suggestion you may offer la the matter. We have in mind now, bavin WW Stcolo'B lecture with lantern aMdee am Crater Lake, aad alee any slides of Southern Orefea'e he "v'r1 that we can get, held . Cem-m bring aay suehT ' ''"$. if! iff: m tm m fcXP-tff IfffcVl vmi pi m m ? ' 31 m w ? I I ' it-.- ,a 1 tl "Xf -il J. TI r ,-. l i