flb lEumtm l&rali. PRINTS THE KLAMATH FALLS' OFFICIAL NEWIPAMUt jjjjWS WHILE IT 18 NEWS m II mi - sHf" TTWR V3SOC" JL. t Piglillt Vm X'. tf.'K KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, TUESDAY, APRIL 7, 1914 hi" t; Pries, Ftrei mm i" CITY TO CLEAN PLANS TO FIGHT UP AND WAR ON DUMMY OFFICERS THE HOUSE FLY niMutiiMiov.u. -o m m i tt i: i: PIMW THAT HI.ADh III' CoMIM. MKH AND VMVUiVHH AIW TOO r.n apart ViZa's Troops lsing Rapid-Fire Gun From Flat Car Against Torreon jU-RW imi h.t .ihiiii: MV TIIKI " ''hilled I'll-. St, Hire IKlul t'1l 4rvafMi,li4M i1 MI. ' WAHUINU'ION'.'U. C, Airll " ..,,.,, ., ... . 'lsUlnlliMi aealiui -Mummy" illrrrl rt in " V( Mmjf j, umiituiiriuttil lit oiiKrtfit (liy Will I'nroUli Tmhm In HhmI by lti nii.irt, tii prnblug llt Coin tn.r Tta.I.. l.lr. High .! dram. -"-" '"'"'f '""I "" ' ,,wr i- iimilmony of ll. teller urfUlt'H.I t..nrriii Work MW. , M,pnvie f ,,P umirt Repr-, Iw Hr "trst My Pr tPuttiir niAihe Filter ld " Itru-kfelter ,tmllimii)r taw nie mi U- t Itlcli I """ (AU( hl Itlllllllt? uwt III m Mllllil I Clwollrir., In uiltllilon In rankinc think Hint lhet ehotilil tut mime IreU tKvfcd onlr i irui of godll- Ullon Aalimi duium) dtretlur. ami U bis Mr la It. ieeanri - --'- ICrkWlrr a. uch dlrrrL.r . , . . ., ., floumeliltiK I iiwiiui to brine into ef ill, II also tlluilnal, (bo fly puwir iMjjr f()(t w Wp( qf 1((i 4 oiUIU, t ! corr MutUri,.,,,,,,,,, Blj ,, w,,jyr,. vml ilk diuii( l.i-nlihlne- roiiefr inn do in the iniiir I Thrwtemrk At leading up in ah rather nili-l up with uurrMAlntle, H-lnltilt l&at Klamath Fail I Mum lii bill I lliltik Hint lliM-tcf.'11-r'i. talk toreii and lirltttil Hint il rlnim iiUluljr lm.r.l Dial IU U emat UiIom l'll ! r' 'r ff I' nn tl of m rline." tttlirm kill m trttll to itm llrnl -.- .i. - (lr li) iUaOi lnHi mclilftii or U mv. i;iiiiti I'aIU, ut fill It lulriir, hioU.fl nl ui Hit iiiiiniti. f"IJ) I1 t'aiimla), AtTil IT mul tt, Mix '' ""l ltl A ttoikn-Ut ik l llir tll fiillllfll, A triH-l- atilott lll wmn lw Imuc1( the fily lll fltrtlUll lll 10 hUl llifiti ritim In front of ifiirly to ' tie rllf ilumt fill. TI10 wrhiMil rlHMuill.i: t . I. IHKH i: T.liiJ t'.illl. 4rt1i fill w KKrll a hulila)r lu llo PAYS TAXES M ANOTHER'S LOT llwm ( narllflfoi" In ilia urk i In aJJIlli.n o rlrmilnt Uf, llm cll'j till furitirr work for linalitifulnr. If vr m-m Mr. HouwHy. Tuv kMual tialnlntt rU t lhr On ml fji Mt m-IjooU r At ork ctkliK rt) train, which will l iia t( tw tu I tin illy. KlftUHtt to (Ml, rlr, atu to tm (t4nl'4 At ttto witroyncll mpotliiK by HcIiimI tfucr Itttfidtni II, It, Dunbar. lrofpMor Duittr hrouithl tlio drtft.un mailer to the Mirntlon of Ibo rouncll. tin no UKItPlr4 A pjjrwnl fur Allrt fllr In iutnl or quart lol, ami IhU wan tnlcii umlrr ELEVATOR DROPS; THREE. ARE DEAD OfKIMTtlH MMKH CO.VTHOIs ANI TIKm: KIM.KD I.KAIKI VUOU Till' I.MtIK WHK.N INMIM) TNK I'MNIIIM OWN I'UOI'iIltTi' I.N M'.W'I'OItT H Mll.lt t'011 ,NO.lMVMi:,NT liultMil of aiinualty ruutrlhutluK lo i.lnroln count) lc for toprty u.iil y him, U. C. llouu. notl aeml lor l Iip trvlnmnllun vrtlct, hn Jul fouml that h lm been payiuc iar ni anuther mn' tiroiwrty for tiral yvunt. In Ihn inoaiillititi, hl own irutt) n olU for nou-iiay-motil of I ai-. I'rior to iouilnis lo Klamath KalU. I Intuit ourrtiaatf! iirolHirl)' In Noh lort for a mmtiirr home. A mUiako wa iimilv in aurluR tho iiroi'orly, a nil iltKU wn aimrMcil with auolic r' itoH-riy, on wlilrlt ho kopl up tho tAiro. Tho nUtAkf UUcoort Uil yar, wliptt tlio trc(irer took up tho Iai rolled Ion, Mr. Iloisue wilt Uko rllon tor n reluml of axv aud a rriornilon of hi properly. Unlud I'reM Horvlcii NKW VOHK, April 7. Tho mon And a Homan wort killed and auvornl IiiJuim n an j.ovAlor Accliluni IhU W'trnliiK. Tli oK.rator loal control "f Hip rlovator, and tho co drop I'vd to (ha bottom of Hut iltnfl. 11 llir killed lout tlmlr Uvea ui Iiiiiiik to jump from Iho dn-cend-iK r.i. am It pmm4 nM)ra. Arnolii (ieta CNmlrarl. Al a iiXM-liiiK of tho achool bOArd held ll nlciil l connldcr bid for wood dollutrxd nt tho different public achool bnlldlnita, Ibo contrncl for dc lUcrluit SIS roida wna AWnnled to C. a Ariinlit. Tho Amount of wood, IplAiu of delivery And prlro per cord followa. 100 cord dellvsrd al C'en Irnl hont bulldluR At K' lr cord; I on rord delivered nt Wont Hide aehool hulldln at $6.Ui for cord; 12 Corda delivered it Mllla Addition nt ffi per cord, h.lorCe Hhoulder, IMwiird Hwniiaeu, yoiiUKmt aou of Mr. niul Mra. J, K, ftWAnttn," Monday dUlorulvd hU ahoulder u Iho rcault f fnll front a imiw, Tho llttlo Mlow U rillni eaay today. Women Muat Talk lm .i.iM....f.' l.i.nijl i.f nyd,Hinra Iiah li in. lit,". ... .- - - until nn order Hint unlwa tbo women depuly uiuicHiiora Inlk len lliey will bo dlachnrKod. Women nNeorii In tho fAMhtoiiAblo aertlont or Chlc-iK" nro u.i.i ... i...t... .lluMiia..il tin fr,.il ivhilt Ilmy Imve found In tlio home of tho wealthy. Home Rule Next June BdievedGovaNMt HuNowMide lis Last Otter United lrH larvle LONDON, April 7,ThB flnul en nctinont of tho hll glvlui Irelaud ll(nii ruld U in bo Mad by Juno, ue fordlnu to thu prediction of tho lib iraiut louden. It appeari ctrUla that ! gorrn mu hai tna tu Uit oKar In ordr to brim about courlltAtlon with the tllater antli. Tho unlouUU, It Ih undvniluod, muat either Accept thu menauru lu IU proietit form, or coununt tu uu mnond inont which wilt oxcluda UUtur for U year. Tho bill will 1u all probabllltlM paaa tho hoiino of commoniand reaoli tho houio of lord! early next mouth. Bl H b'M&UfvSB ViHhWb BVT!H MRS. WILSON AIDS CHURCH FAIR HERE FIIWT I.ADV OP THE LAXU" SK.NDH ri.NK I'UXCH WORK HAXDKKRCHIHF FOR PRESBY TERIAN BAZAAR A contribution of more than ordi nary note to the article being fath ered for tho l'rtibyterlan Bazaar la a finely flnUbed punch work linen handkerchief, aent to Mm. J. 8. Stab- blefleld for tbe fair by Mra. Woodrow iWIUon. An autograph card accon 'panics It, and tbe donation will be I plact-d en exhibition today in tbe White building. The baiaar wilt be held Thurtday al the White building, and a pros and handkerchiefs will be dlaposed of. In addition, a, dinner will be aenred at noon, popular price being charged. HEAVY FI6HTINB NEAR MAZATLAN HI-TV THOUSAND RKREM AT- TACK KKDKKAL GARRISON OF AllOL'T KQt'AL 8TRKNOTW XO ADVA.NTAOK AS YET CHANGE IN BONDS COSTS THIS CITY CLOSE TO $7,000 REQUEST FOR MIXKS PROVES TO BE A UTTLE COSTXY Iam of (tie Moaejr Win Tea4 1 1 di'c the RfwllaaUea o the ! aad the Ear! j I of Work oat the City aU"Ie Mm Speed Worth Nerem Urr U tbe gmwatioa. Till picture ho" Villa' rial rnr run I nplked o tbe car t the foro has lxn daahlng suddenly nt tho ene- rt tilery mvlnR by rail toward Tor-'end of a train of twenty-two flat car, icon, Captain (lullrre rommandlns.ttll puhed by an armomred locomo Th plcnire ik unnppvd the Cirjllo. DiirlnR the Torreon alege.Cap a movliiK toward Torreon on thu tain (iutlrrct ha mnde sudden dahc nut dny of the bsltle, Thv machine i-lth thU train, doing deadly work. He my with this train, and when the re- urn lire became too hot be signals the engineer to make a hasty retreat, tbe capttln and his men taking refuge behind sandbags piled up on some of the rear flat cars. LICENSE GOES ' TO DR. SOULE .Arthur D. Hay, Joseph II. McAllister, M. J, McDoiioukIi, Rhlnehardt Mot isrhrnbneher; violin, Mra. Jule Ilar- l-. nlnnUl Mm1 A. Y. Tlmlall. j For Holy Week services mass will beKln nl 7:15 Thursday, FrUlay and! Hiituntny uiorulncs. The Way of the' 'Cross wilt bo observed Friday even ting. WOMEN JURORS United I'ress Service AOUA rniETA, Sonora. April 7. -Hermosillo advices report heavy lighting at Maxatlan. saying that 60, 000 rebels under Generals Obregon and Carrasco have attacked the fed era! garrison of about equal strength. Little advantage has as yet been gained by either side. IN A KENti TRIAL itll'tiait I'OIIT KliAMATH I'lUU-i TltlO.NKIl IH ISSI1KI) MAUIUAtilij l.lt;KNSr. T1IDAY HY TIIK COU.V' TV CI.KItK I Wedding bell will soon bo hoard In' tint Wood lllver Valley, for today Dr. A. A. Soule, thu Fort Kluiiutth physi cian was Issued a license to wed Miss' r.vn V.. MoIIiuko, Hie popular daugh ter of Mr. and Mr, lllchnrd Mclhaso,j pioneer residents of Fort Klamath. , riie popular young medico would not dlvulgo the exact dnt of tho 1iap-i ..... ... .... ,- ...... .. .i- ... I py evelil, mil ah iiu 11 u mi ib luiiiii. to Fort KlAiUAtli After a so- FIFTH STREET MEN BALK AT THIRD iJL'STICK SNOWtiOOSrTS COURT IS ' TIIK FIRST TIUItU.VAli IN THE COUNTY TO IT.SK Tlin MLXRD JURY HC.MONSTHAXCK TO TIIK IMI'ltOVKMKNT SAYS NOT IIKNKFITKB ASSI-;S8KD (lfernhl SpceUI Service) lCUNO, April 7. The distinction of being tho first Klamath couuty court use & mixed Jury falls upon Jus- Home n mu iii.iiii... ...... i - - , Joum lu Montague, lit friends look 1 bird street Is lu no way a beneOOtl HILh to I'KOl'I.K t,co Snowgooso of this precinct. Mrs, H. Clement and Mra. Alice ARh TO Hh McCormIcl. woro empanelled on the jury trial of lien Qay, charged with M . pointing n gun on C. A. Stlffler. The I jury returned a verdict of acquittal. Homing tiiAt tue improvement on io property owuera on Fourth audi fill II 1 fl 1 11 1 II riHl 'Fifth streets between Main and Waah- II 1 1 1 Ull All AITI MlK Inaton. a protest against tho Improve- U I L. IlinUllUnill I Ull !meut district waa made at last night's" in out I hk of tlio council by Albert E.J Klder. t 1 eupio MS iurMii mo mil an i u- , lugton, between Fourth and Fifth Btreota. nro not reached by Tn,rd,;HT,MATK1 HlrCOl, IIUU win ill uu mj inruuiih uj II Iniprovomeut," Bald Elder. "We I don't want to seo Third street lm- ll.'i . i.n.vml niul In lm rhurited with n nor-' for nn early announcement. SPECIAL EASTER MASS ARRANGED MIMiAIID'H Ctl.MI'OHITION Will HH UII.NDIHU:!! HY CHOIR AT Hon of t unless wo have aomo as-. ......... .......... ,iui!it..ii,,,u"tto Hint Third street proiwrly Till! SACRKH IIKAItT CHURCH jownoM w aUo he. )Ay for thJ ELEVENTH STREET COST OK THAT IM PROVEMENT IS CLOSE TO NINE TEEN THOUSAND RESOLU TION IH STAHTT.R Sl'NDAV FORENOON tlreii preparations nro being made ; VLiWittitii otr-ant frnm sVfiitn rt ITiv. improveuient of Fourth and Fifth streets. If thla a benefit to all the , ' . ... , .:.... .- a... hill, why doesn't ull the hill help pay for ItT Wo nro willing lo pay own for the Knsler services at Snored jBmro under thnt Arrangement." Heart church. High mass will bo Kldor preseulod n remonstrance properly owners colehrntod nt 10;30, and In addition 8Knoa by fHtoon to n special Bormon oi the Uesurreo tiou by tho pastor, Rev. Win, J. Mc Millan, 8. 3.t thu choir will xuuder Millard's Mas. Tho member of tho choir follew: Soprano, Mr. Matthew Smith, Mrs, William II. Bhuw, Miss i'ourl Holvlu; ultort, Miss Dorothy Darling, MUs MarJorlu Weeks, Miss Mary Shubertj tenors. Miss Dorothy Weeks, Harry The best marksmen uro usually Qnllagher, Martin Lavenlk; baasos, those with gray or blue eyea. along Fourth and Fifth street and along First street. The objections woro practically as he outlined In his talk. After somu of the property owners ujoug, Third and some ot the others In favor of tho Improvement talked, the council overruled tho lemonitraaoe. i and Donald from Worden to Sargent, nro to be Improved by oiled macadam pavement, according to a resolution brought bofore tho council last night. Tho estimated cost of this is 118, 799.76. ' Owing to tho fact tbat some of the property benefited lu thla Improve ment Is In blocka ot Irregular dimen sions, tho question ot equitable as sessment was not decided last Bigot. Instead, the street committee will In vestigate and report Monday evening. Seville, Spain, regulates meat mar kets and slaughter housea. LOCAL OPTION IN MICHIGAN TOWNS SEVEN OUT OF TWELVE COUN TIES AKK PLACED L THS DRY LIST CAPITAL NOW IN ARID D1S.1 RICT United Press Service LaS'SING, April 7. The drya ot the stato are Jubilant, as the returns of yesterday's elections show that ot tho twelve Michigan counties voting on locul option, seven went Into the dry column. The most notable victory waa the voting dry ot Ingham county, in which this city la located. Court Wants Bridges. A request for a wagon bridge across the government canal at High street, and a foot bridge over the same waters near the convergence ot Pine and Esplanade waa made in be half of the county court by Judge Worden at last night's meeting of tho council. This would give ac cess to the new court house and libra ry. Tho matter waa referred to the city attorney and street committee. Approximately 17.000 has lost to tbe -city by tbe refusal of Grsnt A Co. to stay by their original bid on 6 per cent city hall bends. By accepting tho C per cent bonds tbe city will lose this amount. Practically all of tbe members of the city council are ot tho opinion that It would be s big saving to the city could they readveruse. How ever, this would mean n delay In tbe building of the city hall, and in order to get the money and begin eenatrue tlon ot the building this spring. It was decided to dispose of tbe bonds to Grant A Co, at per cant. While it Is admitted thnt th early J construction of the city hall would be a great beaent to- n number of tbe Jworklngmen of tho cRy, In that tt would furnish employment nt n Unw when it Is much needed, yet wb ether the benefit to worth 7.te to tb tax payers Is a question en which Uses In a conflict of opinion. '' It is to be regretted that nneb a serious blunder has bean mane) ha hsadUng Ue city hall bends. Under the circumstances there weM be enlr one course that would be eoamMered by the ordinary business man, but members of tho coancU probably have good reason to feel tbat the cRy hall proposition Is a hoodoo, and tt la prob ably on this account that they decided to settle the matter anally, oven If it costs the city the sum ot $7,006. It looks aa if Grant A Co. had taken advantage ot the situation. Inasmuch as all other blda bad been rejected, and the city either had to accept their terms or else lose all hope of n now, home this year. SUFFRAGE GETS SENATE FAVORS COMMITTEE MAKES A FAVOaV ABLE REPORT .UPON THS BRJaV TOW RESOLUTION ASKDtO FOR AN AMENDMENT Unltsd Prssa Service WASHINGTON, D. 0 April 7. Tho Suffrage committee ot the senate today reported favorably upon the Brlstow suffrage resolution, whieh proposes an amendment to the con stitution to allow women to vote. Thla Is Identical with the resolu tion which two months ago tailed to receive a two-thirds majority. ToO Hearing on Thursday Committee Expects to (takfe Wife 15 Day Unltsd Press Service WASHINGTON, D. O., April 7. Hearings on the Panama canal tolls repeal bill will be begun Thursday by tho senato committee on lateroceaalo canals, aud will be concluded within fifteen days. This was agreed upon today. Brandegee dissented upon the ground that all phases of the ques tion had been discussed exbansUvelr, la previous hearings. Ha oppasad any hearings at all. - The senate thla afternoon adopted a resolution Introduced by Bran a requeatlon that the sonata be gdvof the letters, correspondence and ataalr, information at the sUtn dejartmeO having n bearing ustha lm-fs-, cetote treaty hatwaan tswVswe States and BmgUnd. ' - ' " ;' . : m 14& !SS &m.w S? Ull I'! AK JH FTI T?K ".a m ml im m. m 4 f BC-J M 111 I 1 1 im S WPA, I i,S c. arnfr Kj ii a .i if m M m M'i fm an ITR-Jj MS mm it, . "i yiiri . a, y i