i Ste PRINTS THE KLAMATH FALLS' OFFICIAL NEWIPAPEK NEWS WHILE IT IS NEWS yiiii Jfo a-nM KLAMATH PALLS, OREGON, MONDAY, APRIL 6, 1914 Fries, Vive J&raUi IEutttn Southern Pacific Awards Contract for the Construction From Westwood to This City SUBCONTRACTORS ARRIVING 10 GET PORTION OF WORK WWMMWWMMWWtMMMMMW IWWIMOMWWWWMWWWWWWMm, General Villa's Rebels Firing Before Torreon i wjBPisPJssFij rMIV 4 Pj T&sjsnP uku .sBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBmsvsnfew "t.. jBBPHBBBBSrtjiiBBsBBBMt 31 ti y x.sA.av x pwyjFPBiwwiwt w w sms" vt igr-Ammmw sol HM:V LINK IK .NOW WITHIN .Vi Mll.ltt OK KMMATH (iiBlror U 11 I" ttf I'imIi tti- ll I ihiimiij lii ftindturl l.liii' Kiimh WrlMiMxi KUtimlti I'nlU ad II l :rtt Wiitl, Will ll Itu.tiot in (NniMIt Trmk !) In Itmimnt Wrl l Vl OIIOVII.I.K. Calif., A.fll -Th. Iwiiilirm I'urinc company tin lf( n (oolriM l" Uuh C(itilriiftlfMi tnaAnr lr (Ito rt'imirutdon ol ndy, ttll? t Hiip Horn Wt'stvtMxl, m-h" louni) north t KUmnilt KmIU, )rv, iwoivllnc to n I hut ti Jul bvn smile public li U tiHitpnKKxl that It It the ttiitntlot! of th foinpangr to (omUii it lln pt '( the Klrr ffum Ih Ancrn in t'orllanit mih t tHilbln A AiMlllonal pvditirt of (til In tttiloo, It l Mid, irnck Uylni ha' brl JMUIiic-il tin thrt Plttlmlou fm Juttura, fifty milt xt of Vl, to, Ulotlr And AlturA. V mad hi jitnu'Dt U knonn nt ilif Trinli'r ml Mcn lln. If iho rwJ u built n fr u Utoknut tltlnS jrar It lll ) ttn rttajr matter to Iiap tn tntlm n- In ojwrAllim onlor !', TliU U a plrturo of nistttltiK ni Torii'on Moxlco, flmliB Uih tlrt day' ttuMiilititla of 1915. KVfiral tili-on- jrni rn ijrnK from ih (.rotation of Mitno'niiit nd brrantwiirk. trartar bavn nlrradf arrUtnl In Buwiviiin And ro rp'rlne for thrlr Ofk r W. W. SMITH OUT FOR CO. JUDGE; FILES BUNKS I ftl,V HAN HUXXINO FOR DEMO CRAT1C HONORS Son of County Judge Wlto tlallt Krt rni County Coort Hoat aal the Link Itlrcr Drlilge I Out for Xowl- UAlioii at lland of IK"niorratLo t ml llulncM linn In AUo Mratkiaed a I'iMalbfllty. PORTLAND SEES QUICK SERVICE OVER NEW ROUTE WOULD SHORTEN' THE DISTANCE .TOOODEN With KtaMtlfN'fttnw CMteff FUM and'CoMtecttoa Bctwcea Wawth Fall mmA Feraley NorthwcM Woald Be GreaUr BeMfltad Sys Con tract for BtUMtec to FtetobMl ThtoYer. h flRhtliiK nl Ooinet Talaclo, on the outskirts of Torreon. The rebel GUILD TO BUILD FINE HALL SOON KIIIIICi: WII.I, ,JM UK t'HKI) AH A CIITHCH H'llK.V KIMMCOI'Ali Si:ilICt WW. HKI.D IN KI.AM.J Al II KAMA WILSON LIKES RESERVE LIST ItnlUatlmi nml exchancu mcthoda of I iln biuikx In 1'iicli dUtrlct. I Ho indlrntfil thai ho bollovoa tho' ' fodrral nanipil I'ltrlDKNT IN'llirATIM THATTIIr: (HOICK OK TIIK COMMIMHION'i Wll.li NOT UK IN ANV MANNKIi CIIANOEI) ' 'i r honrtl when it U JiiHt wlu'ti the board will bo immisl ho U unnblo to xlnto. WlUon Indicated tlmt ho hnd no! hand In the unlistlon of tho rftiervo! cltlo. , WILL TURN IN KNIGHTS TEMPLAR WATER MAY 1st. GOING TO CHURCH Unllcil I'fpa fiorvlto WAHIIINOTON, . C, April C SAILORS CRAZY FROM EXPOSURE l(KCL.iLTION HKHVICK IS I'llK-fiHlS KAUING WATKHWAV8 FOR THKl lltKKMTlOX HKASON COX-i TltA(7TOUS KIXINHIXti I HU MKMHERS OF CAU VARV COMMANDHV WILL AT TEND SERVICh AT GR.1CK METHODIST , A second entry for the democratic!. .nomination u county Judice wan made' PORTLAND. April 8-New foUm ,. , ,. . ' " a . t Uue4 by the Soatktrm Padle - IhU afternoon, when . W. Smith, a ,how , d0Ud Um ob tt- cll known Bly rancher, died an-1 the projected extenaloa of the Hfttre nouncement of candidacy. Former t Klamath Falla entot MtthMstwartf County Judge Griffith filed his an-, Tom KkiMtaralla t" MMrVflk. nouncement Ut week. cuf- to m Smith Is a .on of ex-County Jnd.e djr ,n 0pwmUm !"" Wahr Smith, who administered county si-1 . , fairs In the 80,s. The elder Smith i,ew" ITC'"W mm ummr "l was judce when the preMnt court ! iw. had been let for,, house was built, and It was during hhiafty"U uXxtich " fm admlnlBtratlon that the bridge oer.,UUe rPri' H nMrw Link River was built. At that U,men nected actual coawtraettoa he was crltlclaed by some for hla ex- wou,d ta HtU th 1M travagance, as they believed too ex-!of Hn PwUc's Otttnl P IJensire a type-ofbrtdgews sekKted limi holBW waajaewa.. Just what his platform will bo The Utah CoutraetkHi company 1m Smith Is not ready to give out at Id to haTe been awarded this work. Iprcsenu However." he admits that he hlch la deelgaed for completion thk 'advocates the introduction of busl-'ycor. The remainder of the dlaUac nui methods into the county court's ' ray e made up aext year. The affairs, and a more economical admin-. valu ot th1 Hne to Porthtad depMls istration . (upon tho completion of the Natroo With three candidates already In cutoff, It Is agreed, the race for county Judge within thel The Susanvllle-Fernley branch is past week. It Is understood that a 106 miles long. Fernley Is 277 mtlei fourth may soon be brought out, aa east of San Francisco. With the Na friends are urging Marlon Hanks to tron line built to Klamath Falls and come out for Judge. Upon this mat- this second gap thence to SaaasTlIle. ter, though, Hanks remaina non-com- a new entrance to Portland wonM inlttal. staying he does not care to dls-'accomplished, the line being consid ers It at this time. 'arable shorter than the Oregon Short ,Llne-0. W.HtN. frem Ogesn. Pretty Easter Windows. j If the Central Pacific la reUlned by The big rabbit, the pretty flowers the Southern Pacific, railroad nten any and the tasty arrangement ot pretty the proposed line would become at clothes, make the windows of the K. once a real asset to the ft on then Pa- K. K. Store very pleasing to the eye.'clfle. Tho "nxin"' Is the handiwork oft Kaster will be objened by Calvary A lllttlilltll. In .mi i llAA Itf 111 hat I r.ru-d rr guild and church imrpo I '"'l" WlUon U unrMiwiialve to, ibo ladlM of Oraco KuUcoual. tho crltlcUm oer the makeup of thi, Church (lnlld. Property on Crescent indornt n'iKri dlitricts, llo utatcd avMim., ucnr Canuy stret, linn Mn Lml n MMes thesv selocllons wero ",'ti.M.. in . . . , ,, ,. hmiwlly mnde, nml ito drclded up-j 1Im (lnlld linn bwn at work for . -mn limn ra R tnuii fr till- I.) "' 0,,, n,u'r " r,,w,,,c, ,VM"S- various ncilvlllM. "o '"' "tl"" 'rn,,u 'OiitUonH, cnp-i In order to make It possible to turn water luto the aiulu canal May lt. the reclamation service has aJCommnndry No. 16, Knlghta Templar, 'force of men at work clcanlug outlby attendance at Graco Methodist .canals, etc.. and making necessary re-church. Tho Knlghta will assemble IlKMNAXTH OK CHEW OK HKAM:R palm. at their hall Sunday morning, and .v ...-n....... wiviiiti.iv J All of tho contractors on the Adams ,' ! tted dlvlne f VET NO TRACK IS FOUND OK MISSING VKSHEL I canal enlargement work will bo com-'v,cc' .11 ... - ... ... Tl.. BasebaHMeetToday Organization Will Be Effected Late This Afternoon Om.nl.nilni. i.f it.. Klamath Falls nkonllcn nboul Klainnth Kails buliiK -.".. TW ...w --.... -.. - I. .-.I .... . . .... . . . . .. nnriiiiu VM, W De eHSCUHl l 11 iiectliiK uf the slock holders 1,0 bu I'Hil ut 4:30 this afternoonHn the rear ST, JOHN'S, .V. V., April 8. As yet I liu hcoKt Soiill-nrn Crons has not! I con found. It It believer certain Unit aler striking the Ico rloo tlioj ieniel foutidered anil wns lost, with ' all on hoard. AddlUomil details of tliu uufforluga lot tho crow or tho Now Koundiand, lmo lieon leuniud from tho nurvlvors Home of them arc raving muulaca, and Kiunu'd their Ironeii hands uud cloth litK. Seventy-live percent wero blind jWlij'ii rencuod, "i ploted betoro that time, so that all I tho acres upder that ditch will this 'season bo Irrigable by a large supply ,or water. NN E SMOTHER A CAISSON "HAND HOGS" EMPLOYED IN IllllDGi: FOUNDATION WORK MEET A TERItlRLK DEATH UN DER WATER'S SURFACE. Tho following program has been arranged for the morning service: ' Processional "Onward Christian . Soldiers" Hymn Apostles' Creed Prayer Anthem Rosponslvo Reading 4 " Gloria New Testament Lesson Offeratory Hymn Sermon "The Easter Man" 'Hymn Benediction i "' tho Calm Cigar store, At this time directors, n manager aud oilier ofiV 'lulu will bo chosen. A mooting of Interested fans wan '"Id in the Dutch room of tho Whtto I't'llran hotel last night, and plans for Hie ueuion were discussed In an in innal way, All woro entliunlantlc, oiid (he concensus of opinion la that "Inmuth Falls will have a rattling koo.i tuam this year. There are some of ike fans who are : ft , r- i. In tl. Nnrllutrti Cnllfoilllu LuaKIIC. iw.oih They tno that hllo tho Minn' X InHorllng nu iid In tho sport should bo brought here oiico in u l'K". Kv, Hlmleton Welaser. imstor while durlni the Hoison, ihe cost of of ibo Klfth Avenue llaptlat church transportation would make tho ven- f Mi'Keeaport, Pn.. drew tho largest ti.ro a losing ono If the loam was u- Buiwlay iiudlonco for years. The con- " . . .......... IIh.i Isinltltlml lis lit fimu linuln. Inr ii rea-u ar ached II o. biw "'"" """, """i To thoso a Klanmlh County League Imll "bugs" ond dosens of nnnenrs as a good organisation. Mer-i follow era. rill, Uoimum and Kort Klnmuth aro United Press Service MEMPHIS. Tonn.,' April 0. -Trap-pod in n caisson nt the bottom ot the MUiitfMlppI Hlvor, nlno "sand hogs," employed In laying tho foundation ot W, O. T. U. Meet lug. The members of tho W. C. T. U. will hold a mothers' meeting tomor row afternoon at the home ot Mrs. Klnnear. 119 High s'trcet, to which all nre Invited. The meeting beglna at S:3o o'clock. Artist Fred Houston. All Come Rack. "Bougo" Dale arrived homo last night from California, where he has been spending the winter, to accept a position with the Palm Cigar store. He has been employed during the win ter at the Stag Cigar store In Salinas. , The ashee of the late Baron Carl Gromadslnsky, who died at New Ro chelle, N. Y., were forwarded by par cel post to his old home In Germany by his friend Robert Leasee. The package weighed eight pound, and the postage waa 11.05. The ashen were addressed to Baron Boaderaan at Samter, province of Poaen. . Gus Petterson Here Contractor's Presence Cause of Midi SpdalM Excellent Star Program. Raymond and Temple opened their three night engagement at the Star baseball. thu J. T. Harrahan brldiro across tho , . ..'i.. . . . . r. river at tins place, were smotiiorod to theater last ntgat, ana greatly pteasea death today. 'n regular Sunday night audience, ", ., ti.i. vr AirniiKomenls havo boon made by of-: When tho house ot death was brok-, many ot whom could get standing dlsrutsed nt this afternoon's meeting. with a cash capital ot 1100,066, S -II i- t...,. alMnnai Innniil tltlQ Vlar. Al ril II KHUI'M I fli uuvii ssttswu w w mvii ..- -. -. .- -, , . -. -. . '..I '. .i...,i.. 7- ftin- 4.ik.w hv ncl.ild of tho Antl-Saloon League for on opeu nnd the lifeless forms lifted room only. Their comedy work la ih. Klamalh Indiana. Ohlloquln and Mho publication of a national daily, out. the scene bmred dMerlutloa ..tood. new r '. nd their singing lllldebrand. th'cso matters will be In Wnahlngton, D. 0. They wlR start Ambulances carried the dead to the lis much better 'than la usually heard Emergency hospital. I In vaudeville. With thVnews Just received of re newed activity' In railroad work In this section, the visit ot Gust Petter son, ot Urlcksou & Petterson, who built the railroad through this city fro the Southern Pacific, is causing much agitation In certain circles. There Is much speculation aa to the reason for his visit, and some have sought to find out from Petterson. Seeklug information from Petter son regarding railroad activities has never yielded much satisfaction, for with a bland smile on his Scandlna vtan countenance, the ever ffslal Gust gives out nothing regarding plant, and adroitly steer the of conversation Into channel other than thoso concerned with track-laying, ballasting, etc This morning Pettertoa and a rep resentative of the estate ot hla late partner left for Chlloquln. From re liable source It 1 learned that thla trip I largely made to make a divi sion of the property. In order to settle the estate. However. It the coaatraeUen equip ment now at the "front" to divided. Petterson will still own some eanln went, and aa yet he ha net seat any ('machinery for sale" notice to ttie papers. To the contrary, tt i kaowi that he spent Saturday figuring on tk purchase of a reek crusher treat a loeal concern, wWeh might be takes to mean that he skua sees week h this Immediate saetlen. e at i; j ; .- (