h ttnmg Mvtath PRINTS THE! KLAMATH PALLS' OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER NEWS WHILK IT IS NEWS - - -,JyWIBWW'WWgMi'i1li csar- tfglilli n.r N. SM KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, SATURDAY, APRIL 4, 1914 Pries, Vtr ANOTHER AVOWED CANDIDATE FOR COUNTY JUDGE lUf mm JLJVUTJ' j-ioViT I" -.,-.------.-.-.. -,.-,-,.-,.--.--- j.., j. .. J.. J.(-r-Ln- KLAMATH COUNTY Bf ASSESSED HEREAFTER AT THE FOIL CASH VALUE; CITIZENS HELP I'IMiIiik Hit1 Miim for lci nillUco in nit'llTM TIIIh WILL TE.Mi tojnittirln In h rwnt sy-n-m m;m i'i: tiii: mim-mik AMOll.NT ' I. imlrriM AL llmA.. i.. :,',"",, ''' " a"'1' """' " land arid lt) ir.'fH ar inctrntl bil of r-jMlliiKii l ArtltMisj.,, ,mla ,,llSe, H, ,Jo B,,,l0Ut ,ii i ittn "itttn Valor '.f UmU, foltlni. omroiioi t r..Ui,(. rlt- ., . ., flf of Klamath fiiunly to nutr iwi..m.m. o im.wMi.uih... nl Mhl ,.. wHttltr ln Mitli HUmnlli I"mwI T)rr l(ta and at nifli llm a li uiii uk .mnl -. .t.l.l. Ib-I,. - - " l '- '" jluitJililn rrutt tor tho ltiii"rm'iil of - rotidllloit In Kl.mui.li teunty: Htrft-r KlAtnmli I'umitj promr-' ('iair lr, lllldcbraitd, Or if Kill t n.iod for ll full -al ' iluf Tl wrihod bring lrMilU uii u Ail ot.-r h tm, itinl In ir4'l of inrtnAjiiitK lln Amount oi iir aiut irowtt, u pomp ! (.-, Oil lrlllrr llio AlttOUIll of l!m r lu r-r r, ill mllUp I fca-tl ufou a uiurtt Urjsrr amount. , A Ui lak of jtelllmt tlmo to tlio lt tAlUKlliii! of nil tot lU 'rM!Hr III tv 4 ilimmli , Uio KUmnlli todtiij' romt h Jws lt mi ortlrr iMwIWlM pUI'I irl ' ct '" " rt,,'j llnf ricllr. On of llipiw I It. N.' fUjf, ho own foiutiMt-ratila Umlx-r lit tbroanty. nl U ntm.UInnt l nJlHKtilili tl.l.MiWS I'IOhi:tHIII tsumlwr o( tint Mtlta lirollKtll HK'lH'1 ih" roiinty Tli" imli'f fiilluwn: ! T.A)t.f ot Klnliinlli County. .' Tl.c utulrntUnvil, tli coiujlr Utt n4 ilm cor of Khiimtli comity,' Mainline IhM tl.r U. of ll hm '.s.(1 , , p , I'rl.lrty ItlKtll ih Otr.t, m,ko li nm.Hltnrr mim.ii il.o ,,,, chim, , mr , ri.,ltwi u,or tlmi nil UMUI0 trtwriy fcMMu TOWIK (,r ,, urouslomi il.n mui or trron a.ii U.MrM-u nt lu tr.tB thaIi vahtf, miu tht il... hw l lumitlntory mot rom mt il. It I. uiwiiilMory ii.i com. tutor n ..trry count)' In Mid rti,' ! tlul nt Hut iu( mcHlllK of llio ...... bard of mttMlintlai. i.4 M touniy .Mtmii of Oirw.il in Hulrm It. coiitrriiitu atiititd. lmmicd a r. ululloti (tint nil ttoon. of llio Mk'1', ( Otpenn tlinll An. itld prnrtr nt It trim ranti vnlu, accorillnK to U,' stiil trllctliiK that nurh a condition! ttmild ho inucli morn untlufnctory for fVrrr iiitvri.t In Klnmntli toiiiily tlinn under tl priopnl ).i'iii, wliou th ik-.iiu-iit nf luinliln nroiicrlv lit. nr i trmlliiK in thu latt tlo rriurl prn.", llcallx GO pvr rout of lu notti nllio, inl l.ttoliiK llmt ovpry lntTft ' J k.I.I ..i..ll ft ft . a.l l.lft I miii iiniiiijr Milium no ir'nn ! nd puiilinlily phI In. lirotiortloit i neli oltnr, the UI rounly court' aihI iiMc.nor of KUnutli count', urklnK toRotticr for ttio ik.1 liitor. ! of Klnninlh county In nil ro- l'tts, lmu decided to ndonln ollcy J . .r cm, vim. Mn. .o. - , . ., , . i. ....i.iy In .uidniiMlon It may lio ald II ml ' thin nuivriiiniii will In no w Uo "to tiuntlon, but will rather tond to rrduco It; that tho valuation or " ipiiucn it; mat ino yaiunnoo ... - .,i,. , .i ., ... . .. . .. . ....i'i.p.11 unit Hindu itrt'lltirotlOIIN to 1IIU iiuicoiinty i nona it kiiouiu uo, nuu '"-"i , ; ., ..,,m,,u lu, number of mill, on tho dollar. tho iiIrI.i there, but t l,o i.u I IIUb Mrosaary lo rnUo tho needed ciuwiao.rnunil.-d llu-ni up niul the) m-enl tho l Uo. county will bo lowor, nccom-lnlKht lu llio city Jail. County Demurs in Suits DemurretiFuVdSUleWarraiitOwnersNolPartiesglQAROSPlJO -v.. --k L-'T" Ihmiuriera to the cotuilulnln filed UKuliiHt tho county court by It. N. Day '" enjoin payment of certain warrant Iiiivo been entered by llio dofeimo. Htuiui & Gale, Kmwona Vebiter and Jolm Irwin, district attorney, are uiuiuoi for tho couniy court, 'l'lto domurrers contend that, thero PROPERTY TO j 1li,rfiif', h UKuiiti to nn fittl. UM Ml All dill HtlM)r l IWCUrilllS !uu bi Hiisnii mil mitt inn iikhii 11- if" ,"-!- iwir -'. ...... !.' ,.r. iclllllftlili ntmilil llitoUr an iicrl Huffrll Mori, I'lno (lor, Oro, Jamm I'i'lioii. rit Klamath. Orr J Frank Adanm, Merrill, Ore. AM A-ty. Ml.lliilnl. ()i, I'ha SI Xlixifi', KlaiiiMli !tlU, Olr C K Wordu, KUuiAlli I'alU. Ot It X Day Portland. Or FOUR WILL GO TO URAND LODGE iii;i.i:.t)S to .iti:m vi:.t SKShlO.V til' (JltAMl i.ikik r tin:oiiiii:it At llto lllfllln: of KIaHiiiIIi I.oJ!0 a -iw ,(? ,n, (11,4 M MpM,u. 4... . Ma ,,..., ,,..,..,.. ,.,, WptIt Vlllo In Mftr. Tho ilioniu omi wpio ,,,,, Hlln t j, riIlrH, rr,.il , ... lllrrMl. d, .. ,, . , ,,. , l'r.'.h..r Slioll w. d.OM-i, lo .urr, "" '""""" ' '- '"' ' ' ciwy Mines REACH CLEVELAND .4lft'V t.' hl.XTV I'lllIIMHK TO M'KXIl XMIHT IX l'ASmi.Ntll.H nt.u'iux, i't '! AmiwTi:ii am jii.i:i Uulloil I'rcM Horvlco A 4su rt'crullH, llio niiKUrd of Lox)8, . , , . .,,.. lart nK,lU, " Tiiitv look nonitemtlou of somo omul)' pnsitoiiKur cobcIioh In tlio fiillroad , .... ...... ..i.tMitlitnu In tilii.4 Ih a want of pnrtU'rf dofomlant In tho .,.... Thov hold that tho croillloN of Klumiith county wlioso wurninU aro attacked nro not inudo party uo foiidonlH, iiml H l ntnto'l tht 'pli0 people nro necessary parties for tho determination of tl validity of tholr claims. Headquarters 7jforee - ... ....... o.r-.n. AUGUSTUS BIRR.ELL r-7r ' R.VJOMQHD. I flBftVII J2M TJti, BftWH ril 3A.T .j A" .'ftt-K 0- "SI.. II - .j .a .. 4 '.1lj ,lS4Cy. ' .r" ... H !,WililVlk'B .--f i--1 1lw BBBBl TnUS-liBW - BBBB I -dCLPr t l ? 4r' .4W"9EHtkV l. jHlrfv ,Kf$W; & l1IHV...I.irmHil Bm'1WB..oJa.Sif Et M . JW , yttHB " f jTbstBBPPLL-!! iLLI i1.3KuftAHf Bs Ml fli!C J?n'w MfllZv Hr' H A BSBBBBBHfeH W '?.",'.r jSjfw bLBBBBBMbH J' n I r1 ''-'''BhhH yliJrBj . ...BJBBBBBBBtBj( 111 OrflHBHi".BBBBBH rt4MaBntlIHVT7 KV3 CHwHH t fBrji jr M i - Hw(1WHPH $L r!-:- : ywteL CvCvvflii 1 KJ WANT HOME RULE LEFT TO PEOPLE AT ELECTION Strong Anti Demonstration Held at Hyde Park Carson and Fifty Others bpoke rourteen riatrorms for Use of the Speakers 'United I'reM Service LONDON, April L Thu moat for mliliihlo nnll-homu tulo demonstration held In KtKliuidock place today nt ,n' lb do l'arli, Four hutulrod thousand i . .i.i,. ..1 .....I ..f.k ii .til rAdO. IHUOIIIIHH Kllll.u.Vii u nvmimui-, ini'inr11"' p-.......u .iv.... ed by Lord ISoreaford. Sir Kdwnidoro held, and thoso converged at, MEETING THEME In mi effort to dotermluu upou tho vnrloly of potuto beat ddaptou to Klnmuth county, uud to have all the I f oiV. Of WfOl ici Characters of the Crisis 4c I hut bnii in luunsi nt tnc uvaa- BBKd I Uu-r hnll In UrUol I the head. juarlpn of the jno.onipnt In tlio trov Inc.. MKalniit lioino rulo. John K. lied iiiond, Icndtr of tho IrUh nilloimlUt lrai; AtiKUctHtQ lllrretl, clitof ccrc t.iry for Indund, and the ..Murtjul of tmdriuloio n chnrnttcw in tha ctll atpponil only In liiiiortnnce to I'riinlcr Asqiiuli. The homo rule hill nov lu inrll.uin.-nr, for which Ued niond has fmiRht for learn, la the ciumo of all the double In 1'Ut.T. Tho .Matijuls of l.tiudondprry 1 nt of tin. tucki'm of I ho otits!tln. alonp with Sir IMunrd Cnnuin. Mr. IHrrcll. n chlpf M-cri-lnry for IreUSnd In the HrltlHh cnbliift. 1 depended on to a Rtoal oxtonl to lu ftvo iho roblm. Rtoat extent to helj. IVctnlcr Aatilth Cnrnou and nuuy other leaders. j The Riitherlnu lso pnssod roaolu llona tiKulusl the ii. tlou of Ulster hiv I , iliniiUidliiK th.U tl'o uuwxtlon of homo I nlo for Ireland bo submitted to tho "" " - pp0plo t Rowral election. tit. . ...... t . . i .iiiocal jk urnrtAaatniia farmoru .ralno only this variety, a meeting of tho Klnmnth Chambor of Ciiiiiiiuuco members and stock hold- era lu tho Kluututh Co-oporatlvo Pro- duco comimny Is bolng held today at tho Mt. LnUl school, . There urn ninny from hero ultend- I UK', Tho adoption, of a standard po tuto. mid proper gradtug of tubers sent to tho marketaay commission men, will result ln better prices for tho Klnmnth potatoes. - -rw -rs men ufiu fr&8ffi TCWA'STS ctym JKii;S IISTO !9 &' . flTylv ftwS -ARQUI. LONDONDEeity. Hydo Park, forming tho enormous gathering. Fourteen platforms wore used, and thero were flftyspeakeni. In nddltton to tho leaders. Tho militant suffragottes, GOO In number, attempted a counter demon- ht ration, They condemned forcible feeding of tho "hungor strikers." Gillette ln Oakland J OAKLAND. April 4. Charles 011 ' lotto of Klamath Falls, la registered 'at Hotel St. Mark. Ghent, llelglum, (urulahea practic ally all of tho potted. Bpeclmeus of the aw in metrical Araucarla, or Norfolk Island pine, used as an ornamental foliage house plant, Is Europe and America, fVH9B3. !i-irpnS aycowf V3BBBB-' JLJtAf 1. i.T--ij2iS F 3SlTBBBa BB'iSPBlBBvfl BBF "M i-:& ' SBBBBm P'44Mrrr B4t-" - jigBJr ' - "lf I P r!H K I f!l 1 vHHpfe;ifdiH !LrjpB .ft4jf2ij7 HIIFPTA 1 iflWkllll. IW1lr THATTORREONIS STILL IN DOMAIN TKI.I.S O'liHAL'GIIMCSHV VIL1A Itt IHtlVKX HACK FiUral Forr- Snlil lo lie Knlrrnrhed In Hill Near Han I'r.lro 1 Ijw, nod Will Sn.n Im Cn.turcil Villa, Willi an Additional Force of Itebel TrooiK-r,, I Ciolng in Infiurv the 0urt Cnltcd I'ress Service MKX1CO C1TV. April 4. HuerU. ctdlenlly llleTine be Is facing fate, Ih sllll steadfajitly denying that Tor teon has fallen, and that General Ve lanco was defeated. The manner of the dictator Indi cates thai h! expect, hut does not fear, tho worst. Obvlounly, he la try In to keep the news of the fall of Tom-oil from tho people as long as poulble. All the wires to the north have, been cut. The newspapers hare been forbidden to publish anything regard ing the tight. "Torruon has not fallen, the federals are driving Villa back." said Huerta, ultn a smile, when be met Embassy Secretary O'Sbaughnessy in a- cat (last night. I'nlted 1'resa Serrlc , CHIHUAHUA. April 4. A message received today from Cuartel says that Ceneral Vclasco and hi federal troops are entrenched In the hills near the San I'cdro do Las colonies, and Is completely surrounded. General Herndez wired that ho could capture tho force. To make the capture certain. Gen eral Villa is leading another force, moving toward that point. DEFAULTINGCLERK IS APPREHENDED EXPECTED TO W.EAD GUILTY TO VIOLATION' OF THE I1AXK1XG li.UVS, l'lLVALTY FOR WHICH 18 FIVE Oil MOBE YEAHS United Press Service OMAHA, Neb.. April 4. A. C. Fel.ts, former cashier of the First Na tional bank of Superior. Neb., who surrendered In San Francisco, after fleeing from this state under a charge of violating tho federal banking laws. I Is expected to plead guilty this after noon before Federal Juago atanger. Tho miulmum penalty is five years, and It Is expected that this sentence will be Imposed If .the confession Is freely made, aa predicted. Subscribe for the Herald. 50 cents a month. Japanese Girl Is Winner Many Choke Numbers Mlya Sauuomoya, a young-Japanese girl, was awarded tho W. C, T, U. sil ver medul for tho best temperance recitation given at last night's con test, held at the Christian church. A largo aud appreciative audience at tended and enjoyed the program. The other contestants war Edith GRIFFITH'S HAT IN THE RIN6; IS OUT FOR JUD6E AX.VOUXCKMKXT OF CANDIDACY FILED TODAY Former Coanly Judge Cone Oat far I lie DeomcnUJc Xomlaattom, aad Htaada for the Payuift of tke JwC IMM of the Coaaty, ComfleCio of the Coort Boaae o the Pwmt Site. Etc. The latest 1b headgear to be added to the heap already la the county's political arena bears the brand of J. D. Griffith, former county Jude. This afternoon ho filed announcement of candidacy for the democratic nomina tion as county Judge. For some time Griffith's name has been mentioned as an opponent to Wordcn by those who are "fernlMt" tbe policies of the present adnUaiatra tlon. Griffith held aloof for some time, though it Is known that ho has been strongly urged to make the race. With D. B. Campbell undeniably out by reason of his refusal to coa sdler the matterit Is understood that still stronger pressure was brought to bear upon Griffith yesterday after noon and evening, causing him to f lo today. The office of county Jadco will not be a new one to Judge Griffith, an ho held the office four years preceding Judge Worden's administration. It twas in nis administration inat tao court house fight was commenced, and. his court levied the first court house assessment and accepted block 10 ln Hot Springs addition as a court house site. "If I am elected I wilt use every effort to put the county's paper at par by the application of business methods to the business of the coun ty." said Griffith today. "I am In favor of paying off the Just Indebted ness of the county if the Injunction does not hold this up. "I am also in favor of the comple tion of the court house on the Hot Springs site as economically aa Is consistent with good business policy. tho keeping up of tho county roads al ready built, and the construction of others as fast aa the resources of the county will allow." Bike to Spencer. William McMillan. Ira Orem and Maurice Graves left at midnight for Spencer Creek, where they will lea imtll tomorrow afternoon. They nude the trip on bicycles. Receives Sad Tidings. Mrs. C. V. Fisher received news of tho death of her mother, Mrs. N. J. Cbesney In Portland thu mornlBS. Mrs. Cheaney was about 70 years of age. Mrs. Fisher herself is 111, so will not be able to attend the funeral. Tho volume of the saline matter la tho ocean Is a. little mora than 4,100, 000 cubic miles, or enough to cover tho entire surface of the United Mates exclusive of Alaska l. miles i Gives in Metal Cwtest Sing-. Inex Riddle, Margaret TJsp, Elisabeth Orlgsby and BdKh woos urd. Their readings were all woUv chosen, and were gives with spleadM voice and gesture, and as a rswar Aach of th-ia was SrsSSSISS'WSSJI S . -.1 - .'-.,,.. r souwesir pis V w. r ow-w. as os-.y i , half of the. W. C, T. U. ,5 $$ SOSrJ J J u m m : m m$ WfW M kf ml tfS,JJ USi'; 'pje&m K5.a 3BS m m& r?a "